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Sara Mowrey
1) Chants d'Auvergne (Canteloube) 3 or 4 songs
2) Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (Shubert) !ith Clarinet 3 songs
3) " #ue di $uest'anima (Doni%etti)
4) &' Dear &ar(uis (Strauss)
)) S!eeter than *oses (+urell)
,) Har- the .hoing Air (+urell)
/) &usi for a 0hile (+urell)
1) Stri22ed of their 3reen (+urell)
4) Sound the 5rum2et (Duet)
16) 7oalise (*ahmaninoff)
Audition Package
5ornami 7aggeghiar (Handel)
" #ue di $uest'anima (Doni%etti)
3avotte from Manon (&assenet) htt2899!!!:'outube:om9!ath;v<b/-$o1=77g&>feature<related
S2iel ih (Strauss)
Har- the .hoing Air (+urell)
#aurie's Song (Co2land)
II. Adam Moyer
?ion 0all Co2land
Sim2le 3ifts
"n the Street 0here @ou #ive #erner and #o!e
From the 24 Atalian Art Songs
Dan%a Dan%a Faniulla
+er #a 3loria
Che fiero Costume
Recital Rep
Das 0andernB (B0andering &illerBC D flat maEor)
0ohin;B (B0here to;BC 3 maEor)
BHaltFB (BSto2FBC C maEor)
BDan-sagung an den DahB (BA Song of 5han-s to the Droo-BC 3 maEor)
BAm FeierabendB (B*est at the .nd of the Da'BC A minor)
Do!land Set !ith 3uitar
Come Again
A Sa! &' #ad' 0ee2
Flo! &' 5ears
Op.17 G , &Hlodies (11),) #alo
1: 3uitare II
2: +uis(uJii bas
3: #Jaube naKt II
4: Dieu (ui sourit et (ui donne
): "hF (uand Ee dors
,: Chanson L boire II
Do!n b' the Salle' 3ardens
"liver Crom!ell
Fogg' Fogg' De!
III. Elise Cummings
#ahen und 0einen Shubert
Sulei-a 1
#et the Dright Sera2him Handel
Mon dis2erar Handel
+ie Nesu Faure
*eital !ith 3uitar
.l Moi de la &are htt2899!!!:'outube:om9!ath;v<DO4CP#D57FA>feature<related
Dahianas htt2899!!!:'outube:om9!ath;v<%i64ddH"v0@>feature<related
+ara Minar htt2899!!!:'outube:om9!ath;v<t"2141ogf7s
Audition Package
&io Sti%%oso La Serva Pedrona +ergolesi
Sa22er 7orreste Un Ballo in Maschera 7erdi
S2iel ih (Strauss)
=ommt ein Shlan-er 0eber
Des2ina's Aria &o%art
&onia's 0alt% (&enotti)
I. Sara! "onser
#a regata 7ene%iana (*ossin)
Stornello (Cimara)
" Cessate di +iagarmi (Sar-atti)
FaiteGlui mes aveuQ (&assenet)
#aurie's Song (Co2land)
Ond ob die 0ol-e (0eber)
&usi 0hen Soft 7oies Die ($uilter)
#ove's +hiloso2h'
Maht und 5raume Shubert
. #immy Mitc!ell
0ee2 'ou no &ore Sad Fountains ($uilter)
@ounger than S2ringtime (*odgers)
.in &adhen oder 0eibhen
Star 7iino (*osa)
*enontre (Faure)
I. S!el$y %irrim &1''(
Als #uiseR die Driefe (&o%art)
DattiR Datti
3reen Finh and #innet Dird (Sondheim)
II. )rianna "am$le
Deh 7ieni non 5ardar (&o%art)
Ave &aria from "tello (7erdi) htt2899!!!:'outube:om9!ath;v<6?D2!1)A)7A
5!o #ittle Flo!ers (Aves)
Care S2eme (Handel)
*eital Nunior or Senior
Ariettes "ubliees (Debuss')
SiR &i Chiamano &imi
Molly )ock
Furibondo s2ira il vento (Handel) htt2899!!!:'outube:om9!ath;v<Q1SO2a4@.'&>feature<related
)o$$y Rue
Dess of Dedlam (+urell)
S!eeter than *oses
Seven +o2ular Songs De Falla

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