Power Words: Words That Will Win Your Ex Back

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Legal Reminder

All lmages and LexL are copyrlghLs of Lhelr respecLlve owners.
1hls book ls free and may noL be modlfled, alLered, and/or redlsLrlbuLed under a dlfferenL brand
or name. ?ou are allowed Lo use and share Lhls book wlLh whomever you please, however, you may noL
sell Lhls book.
We act|ve|y and aggress|ve|y pursue |ega| act|on aga|nst any and a|| persons who |||ega||y
d|str|bute th|s book.
1he lnformaLlon conLalned ln or made avallable Lhrough Lhls roducL cannoL replace or
subsLlLuLe for Lhe servlces of Lralned professlonals ln any fleld, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo,
psychologlcal, flnanclal, medlcal, or legal maLLers. ln parLlcular, you should regularly consulL a docLor ln
all maLLers relaLlng Lo physlcal or menLal healLh, parLlcularly concernlng any sympLoms LhaL may requlre
dlagnosls or medlcal aLLenLlon.

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Table of Contents
Lega| kem|nder ............................................................................................................................... 2
Get our Lx 8ack W|th ower Words ...................................................................................... 4
1ext Messages & hone Conversat|ons ........................................................................................... 4
What 1o Do I|rst ............................................................................................................................. 6
Is 1ext|ng 1he k|ght 1h|ng 1o Do? .................................................................................................... 6
Let 1he 1ext|ng 8eg|n! ............................................................................................................ 7
Don't Send 1he Io||ow|ng 8or|ng 1ext Messages. .......................................................................... 8
1he I|rst 1ext 1o Send ..................................................................................................................... 9
What nappens If our Lx Doesn't kep|y ........................................................................................ 11
What If ou Get A Neutra| Cr "o|nt|ess" kep|y ............................................................................ 12
More Lmot|ona| 1ext Messages. ......................................................................................... 13
1|me 1o Ask Some uest|ons. ............................................................................................. 14
hone Game ......................................................................................................................... 16
When to hone our Lx. .............................................................................................................. 16
now 1o 1a|k 1o our Lx Cn 1he hone .......................................................................................... 17
What ou Shou|d 1a|k About. ...................................................................................................... 18

2014 www.LxIactorGu|de.com

Get Your Ex Back With Power Words
Text Messages & Phone Conversations

Pl, lL's 8rad 8rownlng here. l'm Lhe auLhor of Lhls book. l'm also Lhe auLhor
of Lhe besL-selllng "1he Lx Iactor Gu|de" program - a full, sLep-by-sLep program
dedlcaLed Lo geLLlng your ex boyfrlend or glrlfrlend back lnLo your arms for good.
ln Lhls mlnl e-book, l'll be Lalklng abouL how you can sLarL communlcaLlng
wlLh your ex agaln. 1here are cerLaln key phrases LhaL you can use LhaL wlll
compel your ex Lo wanL Lo Lalk Lo you agaln. Powever, Lhere are a few Lhlngs LhaL
you need Lo know flrsL before you acLually do lL. l'll go over Lhls sLep-by-sLep
process very soon.
1he Lwo very besL ways Lo conLacL your ex afLer a breakup ls by LexL
message or phone call. l prefer LexLlng, and ln mosL cases, LexLlng wlll be a far
more successful meLhod of geLLlng your ex back. 1he beauLy abouL LexLlng ls LhaL
lL's compleLely lmpersonal on Lhe surface, yeL exLremely lnLlmaLe. lL's so easy Lo
LexL someone, LhaL's why lL lsn'L really a blg deal Lo people.
Calllng ls a blg deal because you have Lo Lalk Lo someone and dedlcaLe a
cerLaln amounL of Llme Lo LhaL phone call. Lmall ls much more personal Lhese
days. 8uL wlLh LexLlng? ?ou can LexL anywhere and almosL anyLlme. lL only Lakes a
few seconds and messages have Lo be shorL and brlef. lus, you don'L have Lo slL
Lhere and have a full conversaLlon rlghL Lhere and Lhen. ?ou can Lake your Llme

2014 www.LxIactorGu|de.com
wlLh LexLlng. ?ou can Lhlnk abouL a reply before sendlng lL. And, mosL
lmporLanLly, you can say Lhlngs Lhrough LexL LhaL you can'L say anywhere else.
1haL belng sald, Lhere are Llmes ln whlch you have Lo call your ex. Was
calllng Lhe maln form of communlcaLlon beLween you and your ex? lf so, Lhen
LexLlng your ex wlll be klnd of welrd. ?ou don'L wanL Lo make your ex feel
uncomforLable. ln Lhls book, l'll Lalk abouL how you can phone your ex as well.
MosL people Lhese days can'L
leave Lhelr cell phones alone anyways. l
know l'm Lhe Lype of person LhaL slmply
can'L puL Lhelr phones wlLhouL looklng aL
lL every 13 mlnuLes or so. And
remember, LexLlng ls exLremely prlvaLe
and exLremely lnLlmaLe. ?ou can convey
a loL ln [usL a few words. So use Lhls Lo
your advanLage.
keep ln mlnd LhaL wlLh Lhls
program, your goal here lsn'L [usL Lo
have anoLher one nlghL sLand wlLh your
ex. 1o be honesL, geLLlng a one nlghL sLand |s rea||y easy to do wlLh your ex, whaL
you wanL ls Lo bulld someLhlng beLLer and longer lasLlng. 8emember, lL's a good
Lhlng LhaL you and your ex ended Lhlngs for now. PonesLly, your old relaLlonshlp
needed Lo d|e anyways because lf lL ended, lL [usL slmply means LhaL lL wasn'L

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worklng ouL. ?ou needed Lo end lL so LhaL you Lwo can bulld a beLLer relaLlonshlp
from Lhe beglnnlng.
?ou need Lo slowly remove Lhe reasons you and your ex broke up and
remlnd hlm or her why Lhls person was aLLracLed Lo you ln Lhe flrsL place. 1hls
mlnl e8ook wlll help you focus on maklng Lhls a reallLy!

What To Do First

8efore you geL lnLo Lhls e8ook, please conslder waLchlng Lhe full
presenLaLlon on my webslLe (www.LxlacLorCulde.com).1hls mlnl e8ook, afLer all,
doesn'L cover everyth|ng you need Lo know Lo geL your ex back, buL Lhe free
vldeo presenLaLlon on my webslLe uCLS. Whlle Lhese are exLremely powerful LexL
messages, Lhere are a loL of Lhlngs you need Lo do ll8S1 lf you wanL Lhe besL
chance of geLLlng your ex back.
lor example, Lhe no conLacL" phase should be ln full effecL for Lhe flrsL
monLh or so. uon'L even Lhlnk abouL sendlng your ex a slngle LexL message unLll
you've fully lnlLlaLed Lhls no conLacL" phase. 1hls vldeo wlll Leach you everyLhlng
you need Lo know abouL Lhls, plus much, much more.so waLch lL now!

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Is Texting The Right Thing To Do?

We musL Lake Lhls lnLo conslderaLlon before we even plckup Lhe phone
afLer Lhe flrsL 30 days. ls your ex an avld LexLer? Was he/she known for LexLlng
you ever? Was LhaL Lhe maln mode of communlcaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo of you? lf
Lhe answer ls no, Lhen LexLlng probably lsn'L Lhe besL way Lo go abouL ln
communlcaLlng. lf you're LexLlng your ex rlghL now and he/she lsn'L a LexLer,
chances are Lhls person wlll geL susplclous LhaL you're all of a sudden LexLlng ouL
of Lhe blue for absoluLely no reason aL all.
8emember, lf you've read Lhe e8ook Lhen you'll know LhaL geLLlng your ex
glrlfrlend or ex boyfrlend back requlres you Lo drop Lhe desperate and needy
lmage LhaL you probably have rlghL now.
Let The Texting Begin!

Ckay. So Lhe 30+ days of no conLacL ls flnlshed and you are abouL Lo LexL
your ex. ?our hearL ls raclng! WhaL do you say? Wlll he or she answer back? WhaL
lf your ex doesn'L? WhaL lf your ex has a new parLner already?

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All of Lhls wlll be
addressed once we geL lnLo lL.
LeL's [usL be really clear of
whaL breaklng Lhe lce wlLh
Lhe flrsL LexL wlll do. llrsL of
all, you're noL golng Lo Lalk
abouL your relaLlonshlp. A1
ALL. uo noL brlng up any
relaLlonshlp problems. Second, agaln, do noL sound llke you are depressed!
8emember, you're a very happy lndlvldual rlghL now and you've been llvlng llfe Lo
Lhe fullesL. 1hlrd, Lhls ls noL a booLy call Lype of LexL. ?ou don'L wanL Lo break Lhe
lce wlLh someLhlng compleLely over-Lhe-Lop sexual.
llnally, don'L worry lf you don'L geL a response Lo your flrsL LexL. !usL leL lL
go. Men and women wlll freak ouL abouL Lhls, buL really, someLlmes your ex won'L
LexL you back because he or she ls busy. lL doesn'L mean LhaL lf he or she doesn'L
LexL Loday, Lhey won'L LexL you agaln ln Lhe fuLure.

Dont Send The Following Boring Text Messages

1hls ls someLhlng LhaL you musL absoluLely avold dolng lf you wanL your ex
Lo LexL you ever agaln. 1he followlng LexLs are downrlghL polnLless. ?ou know
exacLly whaL l'm Lalklng abouL when l say Lhls, and yes, you probably haLe lL as
much as l do.

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uo you ever geL LexL messages from your frlends and famlly [usL saylng one
word? Llke hl" or 'sup"? lL absoluLely aggravaLes me. 8uL even someLhlng as
slmple as Pey, how are you dolng?" or Pey, whaL's up?" can be [usL as bad.
Why are Lhese so bad? Well, flrsL of all, Lhey're polnLless because Lhey
don'L r||e up emoLlons aL all. ln facL, Lhey almosL wlll glve your ex a negaLlve
lmage of you. ?ou sound bored, unlnLeresLed, and frankly, noL llke a happy person
aL all. 8y sendlng a LexL llke Lhls, you are sub communlcaLlng Lo your ex LhaL you
are [usL unhappy wlLh llfe and LhaL you need her lnLeracLlon aL LhaL very momenL
Lo be happy. So don'L do Lhls.

The First Text To Send

1hls ls one of Lhe flrsL LexLs you should be sendlng your ex. LssenLlally, whaL
you wanL Lo convey Lo your ex rlghL now ls LhaL you are LoLally over hlm or her,
buL you are sLlll Lhlnklng abouL Lhls person from Llme Lo Llme. lL ls deslgned Lo
make you look LhoughLful, happy, and lL makes lL looks llke as Lhough your LexL
message has a polnL Lo lL.
Pere are a couple examples.
"#$%& '()* +$**,-. %/( 0-/1 *23* %/(4 536/(4,*$ )2/$ )*/4$ ,) 236,-. 3 789
/55 $6$4%*2,-. )3+$: ;()* *2/(.2* %/(<= >4/?3?+% 13-* */ .$* /- *23*@ ABC

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"F/(4 536/(4,*$ 6,=$/.3G$ )*/4$ '()* 4$+$3)$= *2$ -$1 6,=$/.3G$ 5/4
H+3%)*3*,/-I: J2$ /-$ %/( 4$3++% 13-*@ ;()* *2/(.2* K<= +$* %/( 0-/1@ LMLC
1here are several reasons why Lhese LexLs are good flrsL messages. Cne,
Lhese LexL messages don'L convey any needlness. ?ou aren'L begglng Lo be ln a
relaLlonshlp wlLh hlm or
her agaln. ?ou don'L
convey any sadness. ?ou
don'L sound llke you're
desperaLe. ln facL, you [usL
sound happy and
ln a recenL survey
done by avld LexL
messagers, researchers
found LhaL Lhe use of exclamaLlon marks lncreased Lhe llkellhood of recelvlng LexL
messages back by 20. 1haL ls a loL. So use exclamaLlon marks lf you wanL your ex
Lo LexL you back!
Second, check ouL my emoLlcon aL Lhe end of Lhe second LexL message.
1hlnk lL doesn'L make a dlfference? Well, Lhlnk agaln. LeL's say you ask your frlend
Lhrough LexL whaL Lhey're dolng LonlghL. Pere are Lwo posslble responses your
frlend could come up wlLh.

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"N/*2,-.: OPC
See Lhe dlfference here? lf you recelved Lhe flrsL LexL message, chances are
you'll probably Lhlnk your frlend ls [usL really bored and depressed. 1haL, or he or
she ls [usL Loo lazy Lo LexL anyLhlng more slgnlflcanL. 8uL how does Lhe second LexL
message make you feel? robably compleLely dlfferenL, rlghL? 1he second LexL
conveys LhaL your frlend ls dolng noLhlng, buL as a resulL, probably wanLs Lo hang
ouL wlLh you LonlghL.
AnoLher greaL Lhlng abouL Lhls LexL ls LhaL lL doesn'L force your ex Lo do
anyLhlng abouL Lhls LexL. 1hls ls a good Lhlng rlghL now. ?ou essenLlally wanL Lo leL
your ex know LhaL you're Lhlnklng abouL hlm or her, buL you don'L wanL Lo convey
needlness. ?ou don'L even ask a quesLlon ln Lhe LexL message.

What Happens If Your Ex Doesnt Reply

8emember, lf she doesn'L reply, lL
doesn'L mean Lhls ls a bad Lhlng. noL
hearlng from your ex mlghL happen for a
number of reasons. Maybe Lhls person ls
busy. Maybe he or she ls hanglng ouL wlLh a
frlend. Maybe he or she ls drlvlng.

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1here are a Lon of reasons why a person doesn'L reply Lo a LexL message.
1he boLLom of Lhe llne ls. lf Lhls happens, do nC1 freak ouL. uon'L go crazy. uon'L
leL lL geL Lo you. Llke l sald, ln all llkellhood, he or she ls probably [usL busy. lf you
do freak ouL and sLarL LexLlng Lhls person lncessanLly, you wlll only look psychoLlc.
1hls ls a masslve aLLracLlon klller. ?ou are Lrylng Lo pro[ecL LhaL you are a new and
|mproved person, full of confldence and happlness.
Agaln, lf you're looklng Lo flnd ouL more deLalls abouL how Lo conLacL your
ex agaln, check ouL my free, full-lengLh vldeo presenLaLlon on my webslLe
(www.LxlacLorCulde.com).1hls vldeo ls far more comprehenslve Lhan Lhls
mlnlaLure e-book.

What If You Get A Neutral Or Pointless Reply

Say you LexL hlm or her and you geL someLhlng really bland and borlng
back. Chances are, once you hear from Lhls person, you're golng Lo [ump on Lhls
opporLunlLy llke crazy and sLarL LexLlng back repeaLedly. uon'L do Lhls, lnsLead,

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whaL you'll wanL Lo do ls keep up Lhe same Lone wlLh hlm or her. Say you used Lhe
LexL message used ln Lhe prevlous secLlon and you geL someLhlng llke.
"Q//+& *23-0)@C
?ou'll wanL Lo reply wlLh.
"N,R$@ S& 1$++ K<G 2$3=,-. /(* 5/4 3 2,0$ 1,*2 3 54,$-=E ?(* -,R$ */ 2$34 54/G
%/(@ T3*$4@C
Lasy, huh? WhaL you need Lo remember ls LhaL you need Lo be Lhe one
LhaL ends Lhe conversaLlon so Lhls person wlll wanL Lo sLarL chaslng you agaln. ln
facL, no maLLer how your ex replles, you should always respond wlLh someLhlng
qulLe happy and you should be Lhe one endlng Lhe lnLeracLlon. Always.

More Emotional Text Messages

A few days afLer you
lnLeracL wlLh your ex, you're
golng Lo wanL Lo use one of
Lhese LexL messages. lL's preLLy
slmllar Lo Lhe flrsL LexL, buL lL
Lakes lL a sLep furLher.
8aslcally, you'll wanL Lo

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recollecL a momenL ln your relaLlonshlp LhaL was exLremely powerful and poslLlve.
1hen, you'll wanL Lo remlnd your ex abouL LhaL momenL agaln. 8uL you'll have Lo
descrlbe lL fully and greaL deal ln order Lo evoke a really blg emoLlonal response
from your ex.
Pere are a couple examples:
"U$G$G?$4 2/1 .//= ,* 5$+* 12$- 1$ )36$= *23* +,**+$ R3* 54/G *23* *4$$V K
'()* 4$G$G?$4$= 2/1 .//= *23* 13) 2/+=,-. %/(4 23-= 35*$4 1$ )36$= 2$4@ #/>$
3++ ,) 1$++ 1,*2 %/(@C
"K '()* 4$G$G?$4$= *23* *,G$ 1$ 1$4$ )*(R0 ,- *23* 43,- )*/4G 3* /(4
>34$-*<) >+3R$& 2/G$ 3+/-$E 3-= 2/1 .4$3* ,* 5$+* 2/+=,-. %/( ,- G% 34G) ,- 54/-*
/5 *23* 5,4$>+3R$@ #/>$ *2,-.) 34$ .4$3*@C
Time To Ask Some Questions

A few days afLer your lasL
LexL, you should be sLarLlng Lo
escalaLe Lhe lnLeracLlon a llLLle
blL. ?ou'll wanL Lo sLarL asklng
quesLlons and expecLlng
answers. ?ou'll wanL Lo acLually
have a conversaLlon wlLh your

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ex. 1hls ls Lhe only way you'll ever geL her Lo agree on a meeL up.
All Lhe old rules sLlll apply here - you wanL Lo remaln calm, happy, and you
wanL Lo avold all negaLlvlLy. ?ou also wanL Lo avold Lalklng abouL your pasL
relaLlonshlp. 1hls LexL message shares many quallLles of Lhe oLher LexL message
LacLlcs l've Lold you abouL, buL lL Lakes Lhlngs a sLep furLher. LeL's [ump rlghL lnLo
an example and Lhen laLer analyze Lhem.
CU: "#$%@ W23* 13) *23* )*/4$ R3++$= 12$4$ 1$ ?/(.2* *2/)$ .4$3* )/R0)V
K 13-* */ .$* 3 R/(>+$ 5/4 G% -,$R$<) ?,4*2=3%@C
nLk: "K* 13) ;(+,3-3<)@C
CU: "D2 4,.2*& K 4$G$G?$4 2/1 .//= ,* 13) */ 5,-3++% 5,-= *2/)$ >3,4 /5
)/R0)E 1$ 1/4$ *2$G 3++ *2$ *,G$: J2$% 1$4$ '()* )/ R/G5%@ W$ 23= 3 +/* /5 5(- ,-
So. WhaL happened here? Ckay, so you asked a quesLlon. So whaL's so good
abouL Lhls quesLlon? ?ou're asklng lL because you acLually need someLhlng from
your ex. ?ou're noL LexLlng hlm or her because you mlss Lhls person or because
you're depressed and you're plnlng over Lhem, you acLually have a leglLlmaLe
excuse Lo conLacL Lhls person and geL lnformaLlon. 1hls way, he or she won'L look
llke you're really Lrylng Lo conLacL Lhem for no reason aL all. 1here ls very good
Second, check ouL how Lhere's a back-sLory Lo Lhls quesLlon. And noLlce
how LhaL Lhls back-sLory was acLually a really good one. a really poslLlve one. ?ou

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wanL Lo brlng up a memory LhaL you know wlll draw a poslLlve response from hlm
or her.

(Cr v|s|t http:]]www.LxIactorGu|de.com)

Phone Game
When to Phone Your Ex

As l sald, lf you were ex was never an avld LexLer, you should probably be
phonlng your ex lnsLead. ?ou always wanL Lo communlcaLe wlLh your ex Lhe same
way as you normally dld when you Lwo were LogeLher. Why? Well you don'L wanL

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Lo appear llke you're Lrylng Loo hard" Lo geL ln conLacL wlLh your ex. ?ou wanL lL
Lo feel naLural and organlc - noL forced.
Second, all Lhe rules for
LexLlng also apply for phone
conversaLlons. 1haL ls, you should
always be happy. ?ou should
always porLray yourself ln Lhe mosL
poslLlve llghL posslble. ?ou should
never Lalk abouL anyLhlng negaLlve.
?ou should never Lalk abouL drama
or Lhe pasL relaLlonshlp. ?ou should always be keeplng everyLhlng llghL, frlendly,
and fun. Powever, here's Lhe blg problem.
unllke LexLlng (whlch ls much easler), calllng lnvolves a falr blL of acLlng. lf
you should nervous, exclLed, or emoLlonal, your ex wlll mosL deflnlLely sense Lhls.
And lf Lhey do sense Lhls, Lhen lL's over. lL'll blow your cover and he or she wlll
deflnlLely Lhlnk you're up Lo someLhlng.

How To Talk To Your Ex On The Phone

volce LonallLy, lnflecLlon, and pace of how you speak wlll be lmporLanL
here. WhaL you say ls [usL as lmporLanL as how you speak, so keep Lhese Llps ln

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1.) Speak s|ow|y - eople who Lalk fasL are usually nervous. lf you slow Lhe
pace of how you speak down, you'll come across as more calm, sLeady, and
relaxed. 1hls ls deflnlLely lmporLanL.
2.) Speak qu|et|y - uon'L yell lnLo Lhe phone. 1hls lsn'L very aLLracLlve. lnsLead,
Lry and speak a llLLle quleLer Lhan you usually would. Agaln, you'll come
across as more calm and relaxed.
3.) Laugh! - uon'L laugh Loo much because Lhls wlll come across as a nervous
gesLure, however, you'll wanL Lo en[oy your phone conversaLlon wlLh your
ex. Laughlng ls a greaL way Lo porLray Lo your ex LhaL you're havlng a good
Llme Lalklng Lo Lhem. 8lghL now, you're only concerned wlLh befrlendlng
your ex boyfrlend or glrlfrlend, and laughlng ls one of Lhe besL ways LhaL
you can rebulld Lhls frlendshlp.
4.) Cut the nervous |anguage out. - 1hls wlll be a llLLle dlfflculL, buL don'L say
Lhe words um" and llke" Loo much. l know some of you wlll naLurally say
Lhese words, buL Lhese Lhlnklng" words come across as nervous cues.
3.) Sound "happy" - 1here are ways Lo sound happy. eople who sound
upbeaL and happy Lalk wlLh a cerLaln Lone" ln Lhelr volce and everyone ls a
llLLle dlfferenL.

What You Should Talk About

ln Lerms of Loplcs for conversaLlon, use Lhe LexL message examples LhaL l've
used as an example. ?ou should always be calllng for a cerLaln purpose - you

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should never call [usL Lo say hello or Lo see how you're dolng." 1hese are very
hollow excuses Lo make a phone call, and lf you glve any clue LhaL you mlss your
ex boyfrlend or glrlfrlend, lL wlll be over.
?ou'll wanL Lo menLlon someLhlng LhaL your ex acLually wanLs Lo hear.
Agaln, llke ln Lhe example earller, Lalk abouL a sale LhaL's golng on aL your ex's
favourlLe shoe sLore. 1alk abouL one of Lhelr passlons and someLhlng golng on.
1alk abouL hls or her favourlLe band and how Lhey're playlng ln your clLy ln a few
Pere ls a brlef llsL of Loplcs LhaL you can Lalk abouL.
1.) Goss|p - 1alk abouL lnnocuous gosslp beLween frlends. 1hls ls always [ulcy
and lnLeresLlng and lL's always fun Lo geL a good laugh!
2.) Sports]mus|c]enterta|nment - Agaln, Lalk abouL blg news regardlng your
favourlLe sporLs Leam (assumlng you shared LhaL passlon). 1alk abouL
concerLs LhaL are happenlng. 1alk abouL LhaL lncredlble eplsode of Came of
1hrones Lhe oLher nlghL.
3.) 1rave| - Pas your ex been somewhere you haven'L? lelgn lnLeresL ln lL. Call
hlm or her up and ask quesLlons abouL Lhelr Lrlp agaln (ask quesLlons LhaL
you dldn'L ask before).
4.) Anyth|ng to do w|th the|r expert|se - Was your ex really good aL palnLlng?
laylng Lhe gulLar? hoLography? Cr [usL really good wlLh compuLers? 1hls
ls a perfecL excuse Lo call Lhem up and hammer some quesLlons ouL. !usL
don'L pesLer your ex consLanLly. 1hls should only serve as Lhe lce breaker".

2014 www.LxIactorGu|de.com
Wrapping it All Up

Cbvlously Lhls mlnl e-book ls far from compleLe and Lhere ls a mulLlLude of
Lhlngs LhaL you need Lo know and apply ln order for Lhese sLraLegles Lo be
effecLlve. Agaln, lf you wanL Lo learn Lhe besL meLhod Lo geL your ex back, Lhen
you absoluLely musL waLch Lhe fu||-|ength presentat|on on my webs|te
(www.LxIactorGu|de.com). ln lL, l expose Lhree Lhlngs LhaL you musL sLop dolng
rlghL ln order for your ex Lo love you agaln.
l'll Leach you Lhe 6 Maglc Words LhaL you can say Lo your ex rlghL now Lo
make hlm or her lnfaLuaLed wlLh you.
And once you geL your ex back lnLo your arms, l'll Leach you how Lo creaLe
an aLLracLlon so powerful LhaL your ex wlll never Lhlnk abouL leavlng you ever

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