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Vol. XX No. 2 "You Don't Make Friends With Salad!

" September 23, 1998

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By Cat Hui options are denoted with a little vegetable symbol. hours. Past nine p.m. on any given evening, vege-
This lets the consumer realize quite quickly the tarian residents are faced with an even more limit-
Being a vegetarian isn't easy, and it doesn't rather limited selection he or she has to choose ed selection of food for dinner. Veggie Whoppers
seem like it will be getting any easier on the Stony from. On most days, the consumer has several (a.k.a. a bun, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and
Brook campus. With the end of the Aramark era, it meal options: Pasta with sauce, pizza, stir fry, sand- ketchup), Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and a few other ill-
seemed hopeful that the new campus food wiches, veggie burgers, and a rice and bean dish. suited fast foods are offered. Many vegetarians
provider, Chartwells, might actually offer credible Pasta and pizza are both high in carbohydrates find themselves consuming the same foods for din-
vegetarian options for the stu- hich when ner that they had eaten at lunch due to the sheer
dents. At least on paper it )t utilized will lack of options.
seemed so. be converted Some students have found the only satis-
The Chartwell's cam- by the body factory way to eat on campus is to supplement their
pus dining service proposal into fat. diet with their own cooking. This is an action that
appeared to be a vast Sandwiches should not be necessary for residents who have
improvement to the previous are limited to already spent $1200 a semester on the meal plan.
conditions. In particular, the either egg Kosher meals have also been suggested as a viable
plan for Humanities seemed salad or option. But at almost $9.00 for the dinner and $6.00
especially promising. cheese. Both for the lunch, going Kosher seems a bit pricey.
Humanities Cafe was slated to the stir fry For vegans, the situation seems even more
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,- hopeless. In the Chartwell's proposal, the H Cycle
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ner' with a weekly rotating menu. This menu gie burgers are prepared on surfaces that are also Menu (presumably the menu for the H-Quad din-
would consist of a different soup, bean casserole used to cook hunks of lovely meat, and they absorb ing area) incorporates one and only one vegan
and two entrees every weekday. Steamed rice and the juices and drippings of beef and chicken. The option per day. That in itself limits those who opt
vegetables would also be offered daily. Vegetarian stereotypical vegetarian salads are nice but over- to cut all animal and animal derived products from
alternatives and even vegan selections were priced, not filling, non-nutritious and tend to be on their diet. However for vegans, even this one lim-
planned as meals in other dining facilities. But the the verge of spoilage. For most people, lettuce is a ited option is not available. Veggie burgers, even if
proposal and what is really available are two major component in a salad. Although popular they were cooked without the contamination of
extremely different things. and generally favored by the salad-eating contin- meat, would still be off limits to vegans. The ones
There is a serious lack of vegetarian gent of students, iceberg lettuce has no nutritional sold on campus contain traces of egg whites and
options on campus for both residents and com- value since it is comprised mainly of water. cheese.
muters. The so-called Humanities Vegetarian Romaine lettuce is a healthier and more nutritious On any given day, one can find food items
Corner is non-existent. In fact, Humanities is one of alternative. Unfortunately, along with the addition- that do not contain meat. Of course these foods
the places that offers the least number of vegetarian al vitamins and nutrients comes a heftier price tag include chips, cereals, sweets, and salads. A great
alternatives. There appear neither to be plans to and therefore a no-show at the salad bar. Bean deal of food can be considered vegetarian in a gen-
modify the existing cafe, nor to change the menu to sprouts and tofu, when actually offered at the eral sense; that is, it does not contain any meat or
correlate to the proposal. The standard daily fare at Garden Emporium, the fancy name for the salad meat by-products. But for the campus bound resi-
this eatery is essentially the same as it was under bar, lean toward the rancid side, which can consti- dent as well as the daily visiting commuter, these
the rule of Aramark: Greasy pizzas, do-it-yourself tute an unnecessary venture into the world of food foods do not constitute a healthy diet. For all the
deli sandwiches, potato bar and so on. poisoning. promises made by Chartwells, this is just another
Campus dining areas attempt to be helpful For vegetarians residing on campus, addi- complaint to add to a growing list.
and vegetarian friendly on their menus. Vegetarian tional hassles come forth in the evening and night

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By Michael Yeh and after handling raw foods. In addition, soning, which is caused by marine plankton
cooked food should not be kept at room temper- known as dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates of
Food poisoning is just like the common ature for more than one hour. the genus Gonyaulax produce substances that
cold: it's usually a minor annoyance, and almost Bacteria that cause food poisoning are interfere with transmission of impulses along
everyone has experienced it in the past. often associated with certain foods that may nerves and muscles. Ciguatera fish poisoning,
But despite its ubiquity, identifying the provide clues to the cause of an outbreak. caused by eating tropical marine fish from
cause of food poisoning is a hairy problem. More Bacillus cereus outbreaks, for example, are most areas with certain types of plankton blooms, is
than twenty different microorganisms can cause often associated with rice that has been cooked characterized by general malaise and nervous
the familiar diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, and and kept warm for long periods. Salmonella is system disturbances. These toxins remain
headaches. The worst part is, it's impossible to notorious for contaminating poultry and egg active even after cooking, and are almost
tell if your food is tainted until the first disap- products. Staphylococcus and Shigella are often impossible to detect without chemical tests.
pointing trip to the potty, linked to moist, high-protein foods such as egg Much media attention has recently been
Fortunately, bacterial food poisoning and potato salads, cold cuts, and cream-filled focused on a phenomenon known as "Chinese
can be easily prevented with the proper han- pastries. restaurant syndrome," which is characterized by
dling and cooking of foods. All foods, particu- Although most cases of food poisoning burning sensations, cramps, nausea, and weak-
larly those of animal origin, contain bacteria and are not particularly serious, some virulent ness. These symptoms appear to be caused by
other microbes. Bacteria can be killed if the food organisms can cause life-threatening illness in large amounts of monosodium L-glutamate, a
is cooked quickly and thoroughly, to over 60 people. Escherichia coli are normally harmless commonly used flavor enhancer.
degrees Celsius. bacteria that live in the intestines of humans Many food poisoning cases can be pre-
Even if food is properly prepared, cont- and other mammals. But one particular strain, vented with proper food handling and kitchen
amination may still occur if it comes in contact 0157:H7, can cause permanent damage to the hygiene. But it is usually impossible for con-
with raw food. Under ideal conditions, usually kidneys and blood vessels and lead to death. E. sumers to tell what happens behind closed doors
between 5 and 60 degrees Celsius, a single bac- coli are often found in poorly cooked red meat, in restaurants. If you suspect food poisoning due
terium can give rise to more than two million especially hamburgers. to improper preparation, do not hesitate to noti-
offspring within seven hours. Knives, cutting Not all types of food poisoning are fy the Suffolk County Health Services
boards, and other utensils can easily transfer caused by microbial toxins. Tingling sensations Department's Food Complaint Hotline at
germs throughout the kitchen. Therefore, it is and weakness of the face and extremities may (516)854-0410 or (516)852-2067.
important to wash hands and equipment before suggest paralytic or neurotoxic shellfish poi-


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Deng Lee's Food Prompts Questions
and, Say Students, "Explosive Vomiting"
By Joanna Wegielnik Bruce Williamson of the Suffolk County The students who ate Deng Lee's on
Health Department, said that the results from the September 11 and became ill the same night, did so
Several Stony Brook students who have first investigation on September 3 indicate that after The Press was assured by Ginger Ferraro, the
recently become ill after eating Deng Lee's take out Deng Lee's was operating according to Board of Roth cafeteria manager on duty on September 8,
food are blaming the campus Chinese food eatery Health standards. that the food being served was not contaminated.
for their sicknesses, despite assurances to the con- "Based on their temperature logs, based Ferraro also said that the Health Department con-
trary from officials. 1Ih-\
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At least four students were hospitalized were handling the food, day, and that
and released from University Hospital, and others and based on what we "tests were done,
were sickened, after eating food purchased at found there, the food on but were incon-
Deng Lee's during the past two weeks. the premises should not clusive." Three
Ayodele Joy Callisto, who was hospital- have been contaminat- days later, Tammy
ized on Sept. 2, said she ordered white rice and ed," he said. When asked Gunther and Shi
green beans from Deng Lee's. Approximately an to comment about the Jing ordered take
hour later, Callisto said she started to experience large number of students out at Deng Lee's.
severe abdominal cramping. Immediately there- who became ill immedi- -Approximately
after, she began vomiting. The vomiting continued lA
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for the next two hours, Callisto said, prompting a Lee's food, Williamson responded, "we are unable eating, both became violently ill.
concerned friend to call an ambulance. A four hour to link the food to that, therefore [the illnesses] Odelle Daniel, who was with Shi Jing the
stay at the University Hospital ended at 6 am, probably were not food related." night she was hospitalized, said, "The first thing
when she was released after being diagnosed by According to Willamson, "There are two the [emergency room] nurse asked us when we
hospital physicians with food poisoning. types of food poisoning, intoxication and infection. arrived was, 'food poisoning?', and then 'Deng
But, despite the fact that all the sick stu- Intoxication includes upper [gastro-intestinal] Lee's?' There were at least five other people in
dents ate at Deng symptoms. [Intoxication] is usual- there for the same thing."
Lee's and experi- ly a short-lived illness which Daniels said he ordered shrimp and rice
enced symptoms includes nausea, diarrhea, and and Jing ordered pork ribs, white rice, and string
similar to those explosive vomiting." He added beans. Although Daniels did not have the same
exhibited during that the students who became ill, symptoms as Jing, he did experience an upset
food poisoning, had symptoms similar to those of stomach and other digestive complications.
Campus Dining intoxication, and that Deng Lee's Tammy Gunther, a senior residing in
officials say no con- could not be ruled out as the Greeley College, is required to be on the meal plan.
nection can be source of t(he students' illnesses. " fecel like our hands are tied. \\ ' re s-
, limited in
drawn'l between the TanmmyiGunther said she hol we can use our campus dollars, "s-he said.
eatery and the ill became ill after eating DengILete's "I wish someone would take responsibili-
students. the following Friday night, ty when things like this happen. I always feel like I
T h e September 11. She ordered a veg- get the run-around in this place," she said.
Director of Dining etable egg roll, pork fried rice and Callisto, an international student from
Services for green beans around nine pm Two Nigeria, was hospitalized after eating Deng Lee's
Chartwells, Dennis What goes down 0 Shours later, around eleven-thirty two weeks ago. "There is no other place I call
LeStrange, said he pm, she started to feel nauseated home. I am an international student. I'm here 365
notified The Suffolk County Health Department and dizzy. Shortly thereafter, she started to vomit. days a year. I'm paying an incredible amount of
about the incidents. According to LeStrange, "the The vomiting continued for the next three hours. money to attend this school and I have to eat here.
results of the Suffolk County Health Department Gunther didn't call SBVAC or the University I have no choice in the matter." Callisto, who is a
investigation last week showed that Deng Lee's is Hospital because she has no egetarian,
meeting the required operating standards and as of health insurance coverage, but lives in
this point, there was no food-borne illness." she did call Deng Lee's the fol- Greele y
Dawn Villacci, Customer Advocate for the lowing morning to make a for- College is
Faculty Student Association, had a similar take: mal complaint. Gunther spoke a 1 s o
"Two days this semester, a couple of students have to Suzanne Cottingham, a required to
allegedly had food poisoning. The Board of Health manager who promised to get be on the
(Suffolk County Health Department) has been on back to her immediately. meal plan.
campus three times. As of this point in time, based Gunther said no one from "I want
on their investigation, there was no food-borne ill- Roth contacted her after the ini to add that
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Kevin Kelly, Executive Director of FSA, Odelle Daniel and Shi Jing also ate at said. "It really comes down to abuse. If this hap-
insisted there is no threat to students' health. "Is Deng Lee's around eight-thirty Friday night on pened off-campus, I'd be filing a lawsuit right now,
there an ongoing health hazard? Based on the September 11. Two hours later, Daniel's girlfriend, " Callisto said.
results of the Board of Health investigation, the Shi Jing began to experience severe abdominal "I thought I was going to die," Callisto
indication is that there isn't," Kelly said. cramping. Soon after that, she began to vomit. said. "Deng Lee's should be shut down, based on
According to both Villacci and LeStrange, After two hours of chronic vomiting, Daniels what I went through. I will never eat there again.
the administration was going to release an official called SBVAC. Jing arrived at the University As a matter of fact, I actively discourage everyone
statement about the incidents by the end of this Hospital around one am. After an hour of waiting, I know from eating there."
week (9/13-9/19). At the time of publication, no Jing was hooked up to an IV. She was discharged
statements were made available. from the hospital around five-thirty pm


EDITORIALS ~--C-3~C--1 -- aa~----sll -~--~----···PL-~II


With election time coming up, one issue between the Senate and Assembly Conference
that should be on every SUNY student's mind as Committee agreed on a better-than-nothing $68
he or she prepares to vote is tuition costs. Or book credit per student. Our dishonorable Gov.
rather, how ridiculous these costs have become in vetoed this measure after students tirelessly lob-
the recent past. It has become much more expen- bied, begged and pleaded for some sort of finan-
sive to attend SUNY in the past few years, while cial relief.
financial aid has consistently been cut. Besides hitting us with increases in
From the 1989-90 academic year to the tuition and decreases in state financial aid pro-
1996-97 one, New York's rate of tuition and fees grams, Pataki once again hammered us in the
has increased a staggering 160%, far faster than wallet, his time in our role as consumers. He lift-
the Consumer Price Index (national inflation ed the ban on ATM surcharges starting in 1997,
rate) of 26.5%, faster than the national tuition and since then New York's banks have been
increase average of 68%, and faster than any rolling in the profits. The number of banks suck-
other state's turion increase. To put it more sim- ing students dry each time they withdraw money
ply, SUNY went from being the 34th most expen- from a foreign ATM has increased from 33% to
sive public college system in the US to being the 45% in the past year and the average ATM sur-
12th in less than ten years. And this was with no charge has gone up from $1.05 to $1.12. Banks
further increases between 1995 to 1997. were making a 13% profit in 1996, before these
Now that you're hopefully irate, you'll be surcharges were legal. Imagine what they're
looking for someone to blame. May we suggest making now.
the Governor? He has been screwing the poorest So if you're upset, and we hope you are,
of the poor (us) since he took office, and still has just follow these easy steps to feeling better: 1)
not laid off. Will you be able to afford the next Every time you get charged a dollar to take out
few years of school if the tuition increases and twenty, flip the ATM security camera the bird and
financial aid cuts continue? Will you be able to thank your governor 2) When you get your
graduate on time, or will you have to work more tuition bill and feel like you've just donated two
and only go to school part time? pints of blood thank your governor and 3) Really
An approximately $1.5 billion budgetary thank your governor on November 3rd by voting
surplus from last year has all been spent by The for Al (Grandpa Munster) Lewis or Peter (friend
Man, but none of it has gone to tuition reduction of SUNY and CUNY students) Vallone.
or to help the average student offset the high cost While having a former TV grandfather in
of a college education. office would be great, Vallone has a wonderful
Last year the State Assembly proposed a idea for half price state and city college tuition if
$250 tuition decrease. The State Senate, which is you keep a B or better average. Talk about an
republican controlled, struck that down and incentive to study, and to vote.




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Hey. . ----..-- EDITORIALS'

Hey Shirl! How does your garden grow?

Let's face it; Shirley Strum Kenny, our beloved queen the money in the first place?
of public relations, has done a lot to brighten up our drab When the gravel field in front of the Student Activities
campus. But when it comes to landscaping, our administra- Center was replaced with grass, we had a lush green carpet
tion just doesn't have a green thumb. that stretched from end to end. Today, ugly brown spots and
Consider the plants that were recently added to adorn "nerd trails" are everywhere, most likely created by heavy
the North entrance to the campus. It doesn't take a botanist to pedestrian traffic. Although one of the largest foot paths was
tell that all the shrubs, grasses, and flowers were planted so replaced with a paved concrete path last summer, new paths
densely that there is little room for growth. Were administra- are emerging. It seems to be a waste of money to pay garden-
tors so impatient to get the illusion of a well-established gar- ers to reseed the lawns without trying to prevent these eye-
den that they decided to cram the plants to make the growth sores from appearing in the first place.
look lusher? Or were we just gipped by landscapers whose Perhaps the university can save a few bucks in
mission was to milk as much money out of the school as pos- groundskeeping costs if we start limiting access to the lawns
sible by selling us more plants than we needed? Regardless of at certain times of the year. At Columbia University, for exam-
the reason, it should be only a matter of time before the plants ple, pedestrians are only allowed to walk on lawns specifical-
intertwine into a chaotic brush pile. ly designated with green flags. The flags are rotated periodi-
After the new Paul Simons Memorial Bike Path was cally to allow each patch of grass to recover from the tram-
paved, the university wasted no time spreading grass seeds pling. As a result, their campus looks well maintained.
in the areas surrounding the asphalt. Unfortunately, nobody It is no secret that President Kenny is planning to add
realized how difficult it is to seed a lawn in the porous, sandy, a body of water and a clock tower smack in the middle of the
and pebble-ridden soil of Long Island without proper prepa- campus. If we continue to construct things that we don't want
ration. Without proper irrigation or addition of extra organic to maintain, it wouldn't be surprising if we end up with a
material, the seeds simply dried up or were washed away smelly open sewer. So before we get too excited about new
with the rain. If the university is not prepared to maintain construction projects, perhaps we should learn to clean up
these areas properly, why should we even bother to throw out what we already have.

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iTechnology Fee Up 233% This Semester

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By James Polichak that fees were raised because "they felt it was nec- The administration at Stony Brook has
essary," without naming who they were. She sug- raised student fees by a ridiculous amount over the
Students received a shock this semester gested that the billing office might be able to tell past twelve years, and they refuse to talk about it.
when they opened their fall term bills: Student fees me more. I'm not sure why we have one office to Low-level administration employees seem to have
have increased an incredible amount since last send bills and another to collect them, but I'm not no idea of the reasoning or process behind the bills
semester, and apparently no one who knows why an administrator. The person at the billing office they mail out and collect, and high-level adminis-
is willing to speak about it.
St ud en t
fees at Stony Brook
------- said that they too didn't know why the fees were
....... . .....
trators seem to be keeping this information from
them and from the students. It is unacceptable that
students were not warned of the fee increases last
have been on an STUDENT FEE LISTING FOR FULL TIME GRADUATE semester and that they were not consulted at all
amazing upward FOR SEMESTERS FALL 1986 TO FALL 1998 during the decision-making process. This was
spiral for the past most likely done because, if consulted, students
twelve years. Fees | Tuition (NY) College AcdvityFT (Activity PT) Health Transport Technology TOTALFEES would not have been in favor of the increases. Last
for graduate stu- FALL 1986 1,07500 12.50 16,10 4.00 $ 28,60 year, graduate students voted down a fifty cent
dents were around s G.
w 1,075.00 12.50 16.0 4.0028.60
4.00 28.60 increase in activity fees, but the administration has,
FALL 1987 1,075.00 12.50 16.10 1
$30 from 1986 to SPRING 19e 1,075.00 12.50 16.10 4.00 22860 in their infinite wisdom, decided that they can
4.00 28.60
1991 and have risen
1,075.00 12.50
12.50 16.10
16.10 4.o0 28.6 afford $85 more in other fees. Graduate student
in spurts to the sum FAL 1989 1,075.0 12.50o .00 4.80 o30.o fees, which are not covered by scholarships, now
n r Rn t O0 4.800,
4 30.50
of $246 this semes- SRor uew
1,075.00 12.50 18.00 4.80 30.50 make up almost a month's pay for some students.
ter, an increase of SPRING 1991 1,075.00 12.50 18.00 4.60 __ . --30.50 Many undergraduates will face equal hardship
12.50 18.00 4.80 45.00 75.50
over 700% in little
1,600.00 12.50 18.00 4.80 45.00 75.50 paying for the new fees.
more than a decade. ALL 1992 2.000.00 12.50 18.50 5.00 5000 81.00
As things currently stand, students at
SPRING 1993 2,000.00 12.50 18.50 4.85 50.00
This semester's fees FALL 1993 2,000.00 12.50 18.50 5.00 50.00 81.00 Stony Brook are expected to just pay whatever
represent an SPRING 1994 2,000.00 12.50 18.50 4.85 .....
50.00 . 81.00
they're told to pay, without even the ability to find
FALL 1994 2,000.00 12.50 18.50 5.00 60.00
increase of $85 from SPRING 1995 2,000.00 12.50 1850 4.85 60.00 91.00 out what exactly they're getting for they're money
last spring, from FALL 1995 2,550.00 12.50 18.50 5.00 60.00 91.00
or who is responsible for making them pay. The
SPRING 1996 2,550.00 12.50 18.50 4.85 60.00
$ 1 6 1 . 0 0 FALL 1996 2,550.00 12.50 18.50 .2000 20.00
5.00 70.00 141.00 administration needs to become far more account-
Undergraduate fees SPRING 1997 2,550.00 12.50
70.00 161.00
able for their decisions, involving students in the
FALL 1997 2,550.00
tell a similar tale of SPRING 1998 12.50
2,550,00 18.50 30.00 30.00
4.85 70.00 161.00 decision-making process, and allowing for easy
40.00 100.00
5.00 246.00
ridiculous inflation, FALL 1998 12.50
2,550.00 18.50 7500
access to information that directly affects them.
except that they are However, administrators would rather act in secre-
forced to pay an cy, and students must pressure the administration
additional exorbi- C(·:·:8(I~:Q~b~P~Y~:~:SQ[·~·~QOOWO(~D~.: to open their meetings and records to the student
tant athletic fee (currently $60 a semester, but prob- increased, and added that they "don't get privi- body. To that end, the GSO is meeting with depart-
ably not for long). leged information." I'm not sure, once again, why ment heads to discuss the fee increases and what
The main reasoln for the large increase in the reasons for increasing bills at a public universi- can be done, has issued a petition protesting the
fees this semester is the $70 hike in technology ty would be considered "privileged information" fee increase, and will continue to try to obtain
fees. Transportation fees also went up $10 (33%). by anyone, much less the people who send out the detailed information about spending from the
Neither of these fees existed before Fall of 1996, bills, but someone thinks it's a good idea. In any administration. I suggest that other students con-
when they were given their controversial introduc- case, they told me to call the Office of Information tact various administrative departments and ask
tion. They now stand at $100 and $40 per semester Technology (they actually gave me a rough questions about the increases until they are given
respectively, and account for approximately 56% of approximation of that name) to find out about the satisfying responses. We've already learned that
graduate student fees and about half of under- technology fee at least. However, the Office of remaining quiet only encourages the administra-
graduate fees each year. Information Technology claimed to have no infor- tion to increase cost and reduce services, lowering
The administration has been extremely mation about why the technology fee went up, and the quality of your education and life.
careful to maintain a wall of ignorance concerning suggested I call Student Accounts to find out. Of
the fee increases. New to student bills this year is course, Student Accounts is just another name for
the notion of a comprehensive fee, which sums up the billing office, who are, of course, not privy to
all of the individual fees. The beauty of this system the reasons for which they work.
V ,..1.,---------.,.,·,uu·.·~·-·.·.·ruuz. -- ·.-. · rrruz.·~.-.·.Urr~H·z.·A;·;r~Huz.·
is that fees are no longer itemized on student's 6s·~QP:c~gooao~Pb:·:·~p(·:·:~pglgag·~,:
bills, making it more difficult to determine which
of the fees were raised. Students were not notified tuition and fees for full time graduate student at SUNYSB
of the impending fee increases until they received
their bills, and those who have made special efforts l300
to contact the administration about the fees have
failed to obtain any information.
The members of the Graduate Student Z51 z SOO
Union discussed the fee increases at a GSO Senate
meeting on September 17. They reported that they
had heard rumors of a fee increase last spring and
asked Lawrence Martin, Dean of the Graduate
School, to keep them informed of any actual fee
increases. They were given no response, finding
--- tuition (NY)
out about the fee increase when billed. The GSO 1000
also reported that they have been thus far unable
to learn from administration what exactly the new
fee money will be spent on, or even what proce-
dures are followed in order to increase student 0

fees. soo
My brief attempt to find out why the fees
increased was entirely unsuccessful, but in an
amusing Kafkaesque manner. I first called the
Bursar's Office, reasoning that since they're the So fo
to SO t to M O tO - tN tN M
t t (r t to
) to to tr ofo co

ones collecting our money, they might know what 5 at.. of ;I

a I i V = ICiS I0
it's being used for, or at least know who does %- Ci c a CRr
know. The person at the Bursar's Office told me K.:..• » .:·M99
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,•,:-:.: : . :.:. : . : : : : : . - :


ry14 11 18 ý ISSUES

By Joanna Wegielnik The Homeless Outreach Project, the Small as well as local level." Conforti spent her summer
Claims Court Action Center, higher education fundraising for NYPIRG in the New York metro
Did you know that the SAC ATM machine funding lobbying, the Consumer Banking Project, area.
charges a $1.00 surcharge on each transaction you and the annual "Get Out the Vote" registration Simonette David, a senior, has been with
make? Did you know that the Student Union ATM drive are just a few of the numerous projects NYPIRG since last year. "As the state board repre-
charges $0.25 while the ATM in the Administration NYPIRG is involved in this semester. sentative, I'm delegated a considerable amount of
Building charges nothing? Do you know what The NYPIRG Small Claims Court Action responsibility. Some of my duties include making
accounts for the discrepancy? Did you know that Center, at campuses across New York State, is an business and financial decisions effecting the
tuition has risen, on average, by 160% in New York inexpensive, informal legal forum where trained [NYPIRG] corporation," David said. "Since my
State since 1990, making New York's public col- student counselors provide procedural assistance involvement with NYPIRG, I realized that there is
leges the 12th most expensive in the nation? In the free of charge. It is staffed by student volunteers an organization out there doing work that benefits
1989-90 academic school year, tuition and fees for and interns and is advised by a NYPIRG attorney. the students as well as the citizens of New York. So
the entire year amounted to $1460. That's $730 per The grassroots approach the organization takes far, it's been a great experience."
semester. The tuition and fees for the Fall '98 accounts for its success in the past twenty plus One of NYPIRG's more recent and hard
semester total $2070.25 and $4140.50 for the entire years. NYPIRG has been instrumental in fighting won battles has been the acquisition of a polling
academic year. for more than 100 pieces of consumer and environ- site on the Stony Brook campus. According to
If you don't like paying exorbitant fees mental legislation and executive orders. In 1973, Stebbins, the polling site was brought here because
every time you make a withdrawal from your bank one of three NYPIRG government reform bills of student demand. "Now that the site is on cam-
account or find it disturbing that New York's passed including the Freedom of Information Law, pus, it's up to the students to make their voices
arguably most valuable asset, investment in higher which opens official records for public access. In heard. Only then will politicians in Albany listen to
education, is constantly under legislative attack, 1992, NYPIRG helped in the passing of legislation our needs." The polling site is available to all reg-
you should seriously consider joining NYPIRG. that included protection for "high risk" individu- istered voters and is located in the Fireside Lounge
The New York Public Interest Research Group, has als from discrimination by private health insurers in the Student Union. "It's amazing how many
been on the forefront of these and a host of other and a law that requires free lead screening for people on this campus aren't registered to vote yet
issues since 1973. NYPIRG is the largest consumer pregnant women and children under six. continue to complain about the status quo."
advocacy, student rights, environmental and gov- Student participation is essential to the Stebbins added. NYPRIG registered over 100 stu-
ernment reform organization in the state. It is a present and future success of NYPIRG. According dents in the past week (out of an undergraduate
non-partisan, not-for-profit group, composed to Stebbins, "Grassroots lobbying only goes as far population of at least 18,000).
mainly of student volunteers who actively lobby as students want to take it. NYPIRG is run for the NYPIRG will be hosting its first general
for student and consumer rights. students by the students. Student involvement is interest meeting this Wednesday, September 23 at
Todd Stebbins is NYPRIG's project coordi- vital to our success." seven pm in room 302 of the SAC. Make this
nator. "There is a lot of dissension, separation, and Trina Conforti, one of the student volun- semester the one you finally get off your duff and
individualism among the various groups on cam- teers, has been with NYPIRG since last Spring. get involved in something worthwhile. Free pizza
pus. NYPIRG is a non-partisan organization," he "Since working for NYPIRG over the summer in will be served. If you need more information about
said. "Everyone can and should get involved. the NYC office, I was able to get a good under- NYPIRG, call 632-6457.
We're not about politics, just issues." standing of how the organization works on a state

A~3iv Dom.

By Terry McLaren SASU has a long and notable history of stu- going on, and making this information available to
dent advocacy. Since its creation in 1970, SASU has schools and students.
Sari Krosinsky, vice president of SASU, played an instrumental role in the development of During 1997-98, SASU launched a major
the Student Association of the State University of TAP (Tuition Assistance Program for those of you postcard writing and call-in campaign to the gov-
New York, visited our campus recently. She met too "rich" to get it) a state grant that aids students. ernor's office asking for a $750 tuition roll-back
with student leaders, and addressed the Graduate Over the years, SASU has fought to make TAP the and restorations to the SUNY budget, TAP, and
Student Organization. SASU is a student run and country's largest state financial aid program. EOP. This campaign netted positive results. For the
financed grassroots organization. Its purpose is to SASU also been a great supporter and first time since Governor Pataki took office, there
advocate and further the interests and welfare of advocate for graduate students. It worked for the were no cuts to SUNY. The legislature responded
SUNY students. SASU also works to preserve and right of the grad student to collectively bargain as well with a $65 book credit for students in four
expand SUNY's mission, which is "to provide an and in 1991, the GSEU (Graduate Student year schools, $2 million added to the budget for
education of the highest quality, with the broadest Employees Union) finally gained legal recognition child care, $8.8 million for additional full-time fac-
possible access to the citizens of New York." after seventeen years of struggle. ulty, a $150 per student increase in community col-
Grassroots advocacy for SASU means not Over the past two years, SASU has lege funding and $3.8 million restored to EOP. The
speaking for voiceless students but empowering blocked proposed tuition increases of $1,500, a Governor responded by vetoing all Legislative
and educating them to use the voices they do have. $127 million cut to TAP, the elimination of EOP restorations.
SASU is a member of the Higher (Educational Opportunities Program) and a 33% Recently, SASU's main focus has been the
Education Services Corporation (HESC) Board of cut to the SUNY Operating Budget. In 1997, SASU upcoming gubernatorial and senatorial elections
Trustees. HESC is the state agency that supervises won language under welfare reform that will, in (November 3). The group is working to ensure that
the delivery of state and federal financial aid. It is some cases, allow work study to count as work- there will be no further cuts to SUNY and to
also involved with USSA, the United States fare. In fall 1997, SASU began a campaign to gain request restorations of SUNY funding. With the
Student Association, which is an active student restorations to SUNY which resulted in in the State slogan of "Students strike back to unleash access,"
voice in the nation's capital, citizen action, and Legislature restoring funds to the SUNY operating SASU is in the midst of an election information
preservation of SUNY. budget and EOP. blitz. The group is attempting to make students
Furthermore, SASU works with the coali- SASU is certified with the New York State aware of the reasons they can't afford school any-
tion to eliminate RAM (Resources Allocation Legislature as a lobbyist, and its teams of officers, more. It also continues to tirelessly lobby the
Methodology), the SUNY trustee's new, oversim- staff and interns are always lobbying our elected Governor to restore the SUNY budget and will
plified system for fund distribution. Instead of officials to remind them to consider student con- begin lobbying the Legislature next semester on
sixty different factors being taken into considera- cerns while in office. behalf of SUNY's students.
tion when funds are doled out, twelve are. In addition to intensive educating and When asked for her predictions of SUNY's
Nineteen campuses have lost money under this lobbying, SASU also publishes an annual fate after the gubernatorial elections, Ms.
new method, which has led to increases in their Response to the Governor's Budget, legislative Krosinsky said, "Most likely, if Pataki loses, there
student-paid fees to cover the difference. Small updates, fact sheets, and other writings on the will probably be a more pro-SUNY governor." She
campuses have been hit the hardest by this tight- issues that affect students. SASU's main office is also said that if Pataki wins by a small margin he
ening of state purse strings, but SUNY Buffalo has also constantly researching and following many might be more responsive to the needs of SUNY
been affected as well. educational access issues and the legislation that is students.

SErTE ER 23, 18 PAGE 7

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COMMUNITY FORUM For Your Information

Press Release By Aaron W. Godfrey ferent colleges and have no time for advising, let-
ters of recommendation, or other things that full-
State Assemblyman and Stony Brook fac- It is unfortunate that many students do time faculty can do. Another means of generating
ulty member Steve Englebright will be hosting a not understand the real workings and financing of revenue is the imposition of student fees. At one of
community forum titled "Managed Care and the university. The state tax levy funding of the the SUNY campuses the fees are in excess of
Consumers: The Next Steps on the Road to HMO university over the last several years has decreased $1,000. At Stony Brook it is about half that. On
Reform" on Thursday, October 1. The forum will substantially. Ten years ago this funding was over Thursday, October 1st, Assemblyman Ed Sullivan,
take place from 11 am to 2 pm at the Long Island 80% statewide. Now it is less than 50%, and at chair of the Higher Education Committee, will be
State Veterans Home, 100 Patriots Rd. Stony Brook it is about 25%. The funding formula having a discussion on the Resource Allocation
The forum will include State always depends on the number of undergraduate Method (RAM) proposed by SUNY and modified
Assemblyman Richard Gottfried, Chairman of the students who are enrolled. by the trustees. It seems possible that the legisla-
Assembly Health Committee and State SUNY Central and the trustees have ture will place a moratorium on the implementa-
Assemblyman Pete Grannis, Chairman of the proposed a new formula for funding the uni- tion of the RAM. If it does not, we can expect a
Assembly Insurance Committee. versity which will hurt Stony Brook. It is a nasty competion for students among various units
For the past six years, New York State has complicated formula but one which will seri- of SUNY combined with an increase in fees and
led the nation in pioneering health care reforms. ously damage many other units of the universi- adjuncts and a decrease in the number of majors.
From the landmark Community Rating/ Opening ty and is likely to set up a competition among The concept behind RAM is the fiscal bot-
Enrollment law in 1992, which outlawed discrimi- SUNY units for students. tom line. Science, art, music and other expensive
nation in health insurance based on age, sex, or The trustees are sending a double mes- majors will be scrutinized and urged either to
medical status, to the enactment this year of a new sage. On one hand they insist that standards be increase class size or reduce course offerings.
law guaranteeing patients the right to appeal raised, but on the other hand say that enroll- The university is not a business. There
medical treatment denials by HMOs to an inde- ments need to increase. If a unit of the universi- should be accountability, and to a large extent it
pendent panel of experts. Assembly Democrats ty does not meet its enrollment target, it may be already exists. But it is important to maintain the
have consistently fought to protect health care forced to lower standards to meet that target. If it intellectual integrity of the university.
consumers. does not, it is quite likely to lose funding which Undergraduate students need to stay
At the' fortn, part icipants will have the will make it even more difficult for it to meet the involved, contact their legislators, and let their
opportunity to help shape the managed care educational goals. vote be heard. The legislature has historically been
reform agenda for the upcoming 1999 Legislative The SUNY colleges have two ways of sav- a strong supporter of SUNY and intends to contin-
Session. ing or making money. The first is to hire adjuncts ue to be so. But it needs to hear from you. It is also
Two key state lawmakers, Assembly who are not paid very much and who have only a important that you be a registered voter because
Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried slight connection to the place at which they teach. they listen to registered voters even more. It is not
and Assembly Insurance Committee Chairman In some cases, adjuncts teach at three or four dif- too late to register.
Pete Grannis, will be on hand to field questions
and respond to comments.
This forum is open to the public.
Questions will be accepted,-and the presenters ask
that statements made be kept to five minutes.
For additional information contact:
Assemblyman Englebright's Office at (516)
To get to the Veteran's Home from main
campus take Nichol's Rd. south to the first
entrance onto campus. Make a left onto Loop Rd.
Proceed 6/10 of a mile and make the first right
onto Patriot's Rd. Proceed down Patriot's Rd. to
the Long Island Veterans Home Visitor parking lot
on your right.

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C fo nr ciir
"A rr .9ir


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...... ISSUES


By Jill Baron married. Since much or all sexual sensation is lost UN trying to get FGM abolished. Her appearance
with the removal of the clitoris, it is believed that struck me not only because of her touching first-
Women in this country still have plenty the loss will prevent women from engaging in pre- hand recollection of the torture that is FGM, but
of ground to cover on the road to equality. We marital sex. In many cultures, it is also believed also because it was the first time that I have seen
still don't make as much money for doing the that the removal of the clitoris deters masturbation anyone openly discuss this subject in such a wide
same jobs; we are still pressured by the media to and lesbianism. When the vulva is sewn shut, sex- arena.. . ..
starve ourselves, anhl we still have to fear walk- ual intercourse is impossible. FGM is usually per- Sadly enough, FGM is also performed by
ing alone at night. Well, at least no one sews our formed by an older women within the community, immigrant groups in this country. Researchers and
vaginas shut. and is sometimes performed on girls as young as doctors in Denver report that at least 6,000 immi-
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a three. In the rural Mossi areas of Burkina Faso, grants from countries that perform FGM have
reality for millions of girls and women around group FGM is scheduled every three years. Girls moved to the area. Dr. Terry Dunn, director of a
the world, primarily in Africa, and parts of Asia aged 5-8 are assembled by their mothers into women's clinic in Denver, said "I know of one
and the Middle East. During FGM, all or part of groups of up to twenty. The procedure is often per- patient where it was clear it was performed in this
the clitoris and labia is removed, often using formed on all the girls using the same razor blade country." Dunn sees FGM cases approximately
crude instruments (usually a rusty, broken razor or knife. once every three months. This continues despite
blade) and no anesthesia. The procedure often Several weeks ago, supermodel and the bill passed in September 1996, introduced by
leads to shock, hemorrhage, infection, urinary Somalian native Warris Dirie appeared on ABC's Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada), which provides
incontinence, painful intercourse, infertility, "The View" to discuss FGM. Prodded by the can- for prison sentences of up to 5 years for anyone
childbirth complications, and (last but not least) did Barbara Walters, Dirie opened up and spoke of who "circumcises, excises, or infibulates the whole
death. The removal of the clitoris is often fol- her own encounter with FGM. When she was five or any part of the labia majora or labia minora or
lowed by the sewing up of the vulva, leaving a years old, she said, an old woman came to her vil- clitoris of another person who has not attained the
small opening for urine and menstrual blood. In lage early one morning to perform the procedure age of 18." Representative Patricia Schroeder (D-
some cultures, a woman is cut open by her hus- on her and several other girls. She recounted being Colorado) had pushed the bill for twenty years
band on their wedding night with a double- terrified and said the pain was excruciating once and remains active on the issue. FGM is also crim-
edged dagger. She may be sewn up again if her the procedure began. She said the woman who inalized on a state level in California, Minnesota,
husband leaves on a long trip. performed the procedure did so with an old, bro- North Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee,
FGM has been practiced for thousands of ken razor blade, and did not clean it after each use, Wisconsin, and Delaware. In 1996, a 19-year-old
years and continues today. The Feminist Majority although she used the same one on each girl. She Togo woman who fled her country to escape FGM
Foundation estimates that 128 million women said she passed out in the middle of the procedure was granted asylum by the US Board of
have been mutilated throughout the world. FGM is from the shock and terror. After emigrating to the Immigrations Appeals. FGM has also been banned
often mistakenly labeled as a religious practice United States, she had several operations to in Ghana, Egypt, the Ivory Coast, and many vil-
often associated with Islam, but it is actually a reverse the damages of the procedure, and has lages in Senegal.
social custom. FGM predates Islam, and is also since been able to give birth to several children Most of the information for this article was
performed by Christians, Jews, and African without complications. Her book Desert Flower found on the Feminist Majority Foundation website.
Animists. The primary purpose of FGM is to chronicles her experience with FGM, and her life For updated information on FGM, please see www.fem-

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ensure that a woman remains "pure" until she is

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thereafter. She said she has been working with the

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By Norman Solomon broken the law by diverting funds to the while making the usual exception for the
Nicaraguan Contra army. The documentation was Pentagon. And he helped to stigmatize people on
The calendar says that autumn has clear: In the White House and elsewhere in the welfare as lacking "personal responsibility"-an
arrived, but what's more apparent is that executive branch, high officials conspired to vio- ironic rhetorical obsession, given his own personal
Americans are up to their eyeballs in a deluge of late federal statutes. behavior.
media cliches. Ever since the Starr report became "The American people have been shaken to "Everybody lies about sex."
an instant classic of political pornography, news learn that Clinton lied to them. He shattered the long- Commentators often deliver this line with
watchers have been wading through an endless standing bond of trust between the public and the pres- some kind of smirk. But in the real world, a lot of
flood of dubious truisms and easy platitudes. ident." people lie about sex and a lot of people don't. Let's
This media tempest won't be receding any Presidential lying is hardly new. A decade not further normalize deceit by claiming that
time soon, so we may as well scrutinize the popu- ago, President Reagan lied when he denied trading "everybody" is deceitful.
lar notions that keep emerging from the spin cycle. arms for hostages. As vice president and then pres- "Whether Clinton serves out hisfull term will
For instance: ident, George Bush lied when he kept claiming depend on public opinion."
"No one likes this sordid, demeaning story." that he'd been "out of the loop" during Iran-Contra It might be more accurate to say that
Actually, no one admits to liking this story. decisions. whether Clinton stays in office will depend on elite
But when their ratings go through the roof, top But neither Reagan nor Bush admitted to opinion. The public's response to the Clinton-
executives at cable TV news networks are apt to be their deceptions, which enabled US-backed "free- Lewinsky scandal will probably remain mixed. If
more cheerful than tearful. And quite a few print dom fighters" to function as terrorists. And no Clinton makes an early departure from the White
journalists have become regulars on national tele- DNA tests could provide scientific proof that the House, it is likely to come shortly after powerful
vision, boosting their careers with prurient stories blood of innocent Nicaraguan peasants was on the people in the realm of high finance decide that he
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. hands of men in the Oval Office. has become too much of a problem.
"Newspapers did a public service by printing "Newt Gingrich has become a statesman, "This is the biggest presidentialscandal since
the full text of Kenneth Starr's report." putting the good of the country above partisan con- Watergate."
If so, it was a very selective public service. cerns. As measured by media fascination,
In sharp contrast, none of the same newspapers Sure. And a tiger who walks around qui- maybe. But the statement is accurate only to the
bothered to publish the full text of the final report etly has become a vegetarian. extent that the news media have done a lousy job
by Iran-Contra independent counsel Lawrence "What's tragic is that Clinton could have done during the last quarter of a century.
Walsh--even though it was far more substantive. so much good in his second term."
"Ours was a constitutional question, and it Often voiced by liberals, this is an odd
dealt directly with the powers and duties of the presi- idea, considering the harm that Clinton did in his Norman Solomon is co-author of "Wizards of Media
dency," Walsh told me in a recent interview." first term. He went all out for NAFTA and the Oz: Behind the Curtain of Mainstream News" and
Walsh's final report, released in January GATT treaty that set up the World Trade author of "The Trouble With Dilbert: How Corporate
1993, showed exactly how the Reagan administra- Organization. He proclaimed that "the era of big Culture Gets the Last Laugh."
tion had illegally sold arms to Iran-and had also government is over," undermining social programs


ISSUES ~_-Cbl*---·~~-~·s~-~D··-- '--d --- -·drC---PL~·P·~Cd~·I~9~-sC~~IPb lsl I- I~

By Nancy B. Regula A White House volunteer, Willey had been assault- ing in or causing "contact with the genitalia, anus,
ed by the president in the vicinity of the Oval groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person
Its hardly possible lately to turn on the TV Office when she went to see him about a job. If that with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire
or read a newspaper without hearing about wasn't bad enough, just imagine the measures that of any person." Since admitting to the affair,
President Clinton. The media seems to be grasping must have been behind the scenes to dissuade her including oral sex, the president has come up with
at every opportunity to inform the public of the lat- from testifying. Clinton thought that he could alter flimsy reasoning why he was legally accurate con-
est news to hit Capitol Hill. Poll after poll shows the outcome of the case with the end result being cerning this point. By receiving oral sex, the
that the American public is tired of hearing about an exemption from penalty for himself. The Jones President reasons, he did not "engage in" or
the president's sex scandal, although one would legal team pleaded with the judge, asserting that "cause" contact with the genitalia, anus, groin,
not know it by the extensive airtime the story gets. there had been methodical attempts to obstruct breast, inner thigh, or buttocks, of "any person"
I feel as though too much time has been justice, suborn perjury, and modify witness testi- because "any person" really means "any other per-
wasted. For instance, the seven months Clinton mony. The judge, though was a former pupil of son." To clarify for those who may have gotten lost
refused to testify. I find myself utterly disappoint- Clinton's at the Arkansas law school. The chief in the legalese, the president believes that in an
ed with the way in which the media has chosen to official of the US Justice Department in Little Rock, oral sex encounter, one person is engaged in sexu-
portray the story. The bottom line is that though U.S. Attorney Paula Casey, was also a former al relations. Remember though, that before testi-
partisan debate remains heated, many people can pupil of Clinton and a volunteer in his 1992 cam- mony, an individual places their hand on the Bible
agree on something. That immoral actions are dis- paign. Jones's team had nowhere to turn. Clinton and agrees to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and
agreeable to any >uld flout the law, nothing but the truth." Perhaps Clinton was not
respectable person. or so it seemed. listening that early in the morning.
Clinton has even gone L e g a l Ken Starr
so far as to acknowl- Technicalities- What is all the fuss about Starr? What is
edge the inappropriate There is much the reasoning behind criticizing an individual who
nature of his relation- being made of the is carrying out the duties of his position? Many
ship with the former legal technicali- Democrats feel the sordid details of the sexual
White House intern ties regarding encounter were revealed only to embarrass the
Monica Lewinsky, an Clinton's testimo- president. It should be evident however that the
admission that certainly ny. The now details are absolutely necessary. Simply recall the
mitf hnx'Cp been
1ILL1L, ILW V L,.-It
IU 1It 1 · -Jt.1
. ..... . .7 nhrase
r A... 4. . way in which Clinton tried to weave his way out of
The prevalentl\iew\po(int (if arbitrary uttered by Clinton and his lawyers could hardly perjury by playing on the words. Clinton attempt-
CNN polls are any indication), is that the actions of have escaped most people. "Although legally ed to bury his affair under technicalities, and it waý
the president are of no one's concern. The presi- accurate, my testimony may have been mislead- equally necessary for Starr to include the details Ih
dent began his rally for lenience when he spoke to ing," Clinton uttered in his address to the nation did to ensure the president could not attempt tha
the American public immediately following his following his August grand jury testimony. A few again. It is worth noting that house judiciary mem
grand jury testimony. He considered the affair a short examples will show the ridiculousness of the bers have confirmed that as harsh as the languag(
matter between his wife, his family, and God. statements made by Clinton, as well as the contra- may be, it is nothing compared to the testimon)
Apologies appealed to the error in all human dictions. not released. Those who think Starr is responsibl(
.ortne p.res1e
nature, claiming that everybody makes mistakes, In his civil tor the presidentr,
so there is no need to reproach him any further. It case the president infidelities beinr
became obvious that the issue at hand for such made five different revealed need tc
advocates was the president's infidelity. But when false statements, four examine the law. I
was that any point of debate? I mean, the president of which he asserts the is Starr's job tc
admitted that he had sinned, but that was obvious. semantic defense that submit the report
At this point, it became brutally obvious that the the terms used in the to the House. The
issue was lost. I would now like to do the service Jones deposition to report's fate is then
of saving the real issue from the wreckage of a cover sexual activity decided on by
media avalanche. What Clinton and the media did not cover the sexu- majority vote. An
have conveniently left out is that the issue is not al activity in which he overwhelming
the sordid sexual tales of our Commander-in- was engaged with majority voted to
Chief. The issue is that of perjury, obstruction of Lewinsky. The presi- release all received
justice, witness tampering, and abuse of power. It dent denied a "sexual materials (includ-
is necessary to examine the story very carefully to affair" and a "sexual ing the videotaped
get an idea of what really is at stake here. relationship" with grand jury testimo-
The Apology Lewinsky. Both terms ny) by September
Clinton first apologized to the country for were undefined. The 28th. Starr had no
his dishonesty regarding his relationship with president's defense is say in its release.
Lewinsky immediately following his grand jury that he assumed these Starr is also being
testimony. He apologized to his wife, his daughter, terms to be indicative touted by
those who he misled personally, and those he mis- of sexual intercourse. Democrats as
led publicly. To believe that Clinton is sorry for his According to the presi- being vindictive
actions is a bit difficult. One need only consider a dent, a man could reg- towards the
few instances to free his or her mind of that ularly engage in oral President, and
thought. First of all, by his own admission, he car- sex and fondling of politically motivat-
ried on a sexual affair with Gennifer Flowers for breasts and genitals ed. It is worth not-
twelve years during his marriage. As with Paula with a woman and not have a sexual relationship mg tnat starr is requirec Dy law not to discuss any-
Jones, Clinton attempted to cover up his affair. The with her. This defense is destroyed by Clinton's thing regarding the case. If able to do so, it would
conversation relating to this was recorded on cas- own lawyer who in the same civil deposition seem clear that many of the media attempt to
sette tapes where Clinton could be heard, quite equated the term "sexual relationship" with "sex delude and influence the public would be to no
clearly, telling her to deny their 12-year affair, and of any kind in any manner, shape, or form." avail. Perhaps the most essential reason why any
moreover, telling her to lie under oath in a court Perhaps the pinnacle of deceitful legalisms on the comments towards Starr are unfounded revolve
proceeding. part of Clinton comes when asked if he had ever around the circumstances regarding the position
If that does not create enough reason to engaged in "sexual relations" with Lewinsky. That he holds. The Starr job is perhaps not understood.
doubt Clinton's sincerity, consider Kathleen Willey. term was defined as the person knowingly engag- Starr is an independent counselor. He proceeds in


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his career with the interest of Congress, the three How could the President attempt to reconcile two Why are the American people so reluctant
judge panel, and the Attorney General. Certain statements if he was aware that his was false? to acknowledge the wrongs done by the president?
allegations arise that require investigation and so The second argument for obstruction of When Clinton took his oath of office he swore
the Attorney General informs the panel of judges justice rests in Clinton's lies to senior aides. During before the country to uphold, defend, and protect
to appoint someone to investigate. Starr was that the seven months of investigation in which the the principles of the Constitution. If recent occur-
person. As required by law he must proceed forth President refused six invitations to testify, he lied rences show that Clinton has chosen to renege on
simply by virtue of political position. If Starr soft- to White House aides who then unknowingly gave that promise, why can't we, as a country recognize
ened his report and treated the president different- false accounts to the grand jury. The president this fact? Would this be tolerated elsewhere? If a
ly than any other person under investigation, then admits that he was aware his aides were likely to doctor took the Hippocratic Oath and then decid-
he would be compromising his investigation as convey his lies to the grand jury. Perhaps the most ed to reject its very principles, would that be toler-
well as the integrity of the legal system. significant false ated? What about the
Each individual should take this opportu- account was given to idea of a moral leader
nity to stop and think about what it means to give current senior aide for our -country? Do
the president leniency in this matter. Is the presi- Podesta. Podesta has people look to politi-
dent above the law? Certainly not according to the testified that the presi- cians for such leader-
law. In 1974, then-president Nixon was under dent told him he had ship? I don't think so,
examination for his false statements to the public not engaged in sex in but perhaps they could
and the courts, which were part of a plan to any way, "including if a stand were taken
obstruct justice. The abuse of power is described as oral sex," with against such hypocrisy
the "corrupt use of the office for personal gain or Lewinsky. Both the and illegality. Why do
some other improper purpose" in the Federalist president's silence for many people regard
Papers. It was agreed upon then to go forth with seven months and his government individu-
impeachment proceedings. Nixon had the integri- false accounts to his als as dishonest and
ty to step aside and not waste the tax payer's aides caused the pre- out for personal gain?
money. He admitted to his wrong and left his posi- sentation of a false It would seem that that
tion. Why can Bill Clinton not do the same? Why view of events to the kind of opinion would
does he feel the need to drag this on any further grand jury. lead an individual to
than it has already gone? This brings me to anoth- General Lies desire an avenue for
er point. This section the cleansing of leader-
The Tax-payers Money is done with the pur- ship. This is an oppor-
I have heard the sentiment expressed by pose of relaying some tunity for the people to
Clinton that he wants to move forward and not of the excluded, but demand more from
waste the tax payer's money with a perceived none the less, amusing events surrounding the their leaders than that which they have sheepishly
"smear campaign." What he conveniently leaves president. On Monday, January 26"' the president accepted in the past. This is a chance to demand a
out is that for seven months he refused to come stated "I want to say one thing to the American moral leader and to hold the president to a higher
forth and admit the truth and that is the reason people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say standard than other people. Those who claim that
Starr has spent as much money as he has. It is also this again: I did not have sexual relations with that the president made an error in judgement that any-
worth considering how much more money would woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to body could have made must have been referring to
have gone into this investigation had the president lie, not a single time. Never. These allegations are the affair itself. One could not be referring to the
not been forced into admission by the glaring evi- false." charges of perjury and obstruction of justice
dence. Did the dress cause Bill to confess? In grand jury testimony, the president because I cannot believe that would be considered
Obstruction of Justice acknowledged that he and Lewinsky "might have an error anybody could make. It would take a cal-
The Starr report delivered to the House talked about what to do in a nonlegal context" to lous individual to lie to the country, and lie under
cites two instances regarding this, namely that of hide their relationship, and that he "might well oath, undermining the entire system of law that
1 .) , elLurca vor
Ing 6
it. yIuOp csaiA" thrat each individual is required to live by. If you still
influence the testi- winsky should tell don't believe that each individual is allotted
mony of Betty the people that she degrees of morality according to position, consider
Currie and 2.) was bringing letters for a moment a priest. If it was found out that a
lying to potential to him or coming to priest had an affair with a church-goer, would he
grand jury witness- visit Currie. have made a mistake in the same way Democrats
es knowing they Let us consider claim Clinton did? I think not. What about the
would relay the what the President idea of a professor carrying on with a student in a
falsehoods to the initially stated sexual manner? Would it just be over looked if in
grand jury. The day regarding his rela- each instance the individuals were over the age of
after his deposition tionship with Ms. eighteen? And the issue is not simply an affair
and a few days Lewinsky in the civil when it comes to Clinton, it is the deeply abusive
IZ .II t
a D%--F/ IaL.fZL
4 dencit0ioin He actions taken by a person who is supposed to stand
conversation, Clinton made statements to Currie, remembered seeing her "on two or three occa- as a safeguard to our entire system of government.
his secretary, that he knew were false. In his testi- sions" during the government shutdown. He And he has a law degree, he is aware of the grave
mony, Clinton referred to Currie a great deal and recalled one occasion where she brought pizza to consequences of perjury. Is it so contrary to reason
could foresee her being questioned in the near him and another when she delivered documents. that one would want a strong moral leader. In con-
future. The conversations included the president's He could not recall whether they had been alone sideration of the deceptions and unlawful actions
assertions such as "We (Lewinsky and I) were on such occasions, although he acknowledged the done by the president there is enough to desire his
never alone, right?" and "Monica came onto me possibility. The president further testified that he removal from office. But on a personal note, do you
and I never touched her, right?" The president could not remember the subject of any conversa- really want a leader who has zero credibility?. Do
claimed in his deposition that he was never alone tions with Ms. Lewinsky. you want a leader you consider to be without
with Lewinsky and that Currie could always hear In grand jury proceedings the President moral foundation? Would you really trust him to
or see them, and that he never touched Lewinsky. maintained that there could be no sexual relation- keep the country's best interest in mind? I can
He retold these tales to Currie , knowing at the ship without sexual intercourse, regardless of think of nothing more pitiful than to teach the les-
time that they were lies, in an attempt to reconcile other sexual activities that transpire. He stated that son that a person can lie, cheat and deceive and
the two statements as best he could, or so he said "most ordinary Americans" would embrace this then receive our sympathy.
later. This should jump out as contrary to reason. distinction.

SEPTEMBER 23, 1998 PAGE 11



By Chris Sorochin events .to draw attention to the ongoing threat of ter. The first "inspector" I met looked like a Down
nuclear destruction was sponsored by the Under surfer dude: long blond hair, shorts, bare
Just a few weeks before the latest round of Fellowship Of Reconciliation, out of Nyack, NY feet, and a jade medallion around his neck on a
terror bombings (the US embassies in Kenya and (914-358-4603). The FOR was founded during leather string. But appearances can be deceiving.
Tanzania, the illegal US retaliation in Sudan and World War I by British and German clergymen He was Alyn Ware, executive director of the
Afghanistan and the ongoing carnage in Northern seeking to counteract the jingoistic hatred gripping Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy (212-674-
Ireland), I went to an international inspection of a their two countries. They've been opposing wars 7790) and before ambling off to change into attor-
facility that is known to produce "delivery sys- ever since. During the Cold War, they published ney drag for the inspection, he informed me that
tems" for weapons of mass destruction. No, it was- "Forbidden Faces," photos of everyday people in Madeleine Albright had been working her thug-
n't among the dying children of Iraq, but right the Soviet Union, to show people here the faces of gish magic in the South Pacific. Ware's native
across the Sound in Connecticut. those our leaders were talking about obliterating. country of New Zealand has taken the lead in ban-
The Nutmeg State produces none of that On Hiroshima Day itself, FOR led a citizens' ning all nuclear weapons from its territory. The
spice, but it does lead the nation in dependence on inspection of the Groton Submarine Base, just U.S. is trying to end this dangerous precedent by
weapons manufacturing. Groton, a pleasant little upriver from EB, and also a lair for "Death from threatening to cut New Zealand out of the defense
seaside town of Victorian houses at the mouth of Below." pact both countries share with Australia.
the Thames River, is dominated both economically I hitched a ride to the event with Mark The other participants were from Canada.
and spiritually by Electric Boat, a subsidiary of the Colville, of the New Haven Catholic Worker. Mark, Libby Davies, a member of Parliament from
General Dynamics corporation. The plant his wife Luz, who had just returned from a relief Vancouver, headed the delegation, along with
employed some 25,000 workers in the gravy train mission to Iraq, and several others run a "house of Peter Coombes, president of End the Arms Race
days of the Reagan militarization orgy, but today hospitality," working among the poor. He told me ( The third member was an
only about 5,000 local residents secure an increas- that Connecticut has the highest per-capita income older gentleman with a rakish red beret and
ingly precarious living at EB. The rest have been in the country, yet "boasts" three of the poorest Canadian flags on his lapels. This was David
*.« T
K, T T

aownsized into low-paying cities-N ew Haven, Morgan, president of Veterans Against Nuclear
service jobs, mainly at the two Bridgeport, and Arms (, the Great White
nearby casinos which look to Hartford. The inequali- North equivalent of our own Veterans for Peace.
be Connecticut's new cash ties are most glaring in One of the goals of these groups is getting Canada
cow. New Haven, where the out of NATO, which Morgan characterized as a
The gravy train hasn't elegant towers of Yale nuclear weapons organization. I mentioned a
stopped running for the big- rise mere blocks from Polish acquaintance who thought it would be great
time owners and shareholders abject poverty. if his country had nuclear weapons ("No one mess-
of the weapons trade, however, By the way, our es with you," he said, conveniently forgetting that
now that the US is Numero own beloved state now the U.S., Britain, Russia, France, and Israel are
Uno in sales of these question- has the widest income messed with despite possession of the Holy Bomb)
able goods and NATO expan- gap in the U.S. (Pataki and Morgan replied, "You know, some people just
sion is set to bleed the fragile must go, I tell you.) have primitive mentalities."
r, T,-1 .
economies of Eastern Europe Lame His i re?ally Charlie Brown.
On the drive, 1 Representing the United States were
and, eventually, the US taxpay- I lrne
learned tha
that Mrk
Mark was Vincent Romano and Clayton Ramey of FOR.
er (whom they've been bleeding for years already). one of the activists who symbolically disarmed an We all piled into cars to drive down to EB.
And with Africa and Albania exploding, and Aegis destroyer in Bath, Maine on Ash Wednesday, As we strode purposefully towards the gates,
Mexico and Colombia waging some heavy coun- 1997. His account of the trial was most interesting. someone unfurled the azure flag of the United
terinsurgency warfare against their rural popula- As is common practice in these prefabricated judi- Nations. We were met by Mr. Cassidy, a public
tions, things are looking bright indeed for those cial charades, the defense was forbidden to discuss relations spokesman for EB. Surreally, he was
who profit from the assembly and sale of imple- international court decisions outlawing first-strike wearing a flags-of-all-nations tie, I guess in honor
ments of terror. nuclear weapons, or employ the "necessity of the inspection.
EB is the unholy birthing ditch of the defense"-that they had acted to prevent a greater Just as surreally, plant employees finish-
Trident submarine. Each of these monstrosities crime-or even the esoteric defense that the gov- ing their shift shuffled out and towards the park-
costs around $2 billion and is capable of carrying ernment was interfering with religious freedom by ing lot without even a second glance or the cus-
sufficient nuclear missiles to wipe out an entire establishing an idolatrous religion that venerates tomary extended middle finger. Among the securi-
continent. For some porkbarrel reason, they saw fit the might of deadly gods of metal. In short, they ty force, I espied a jowly Buford T. Justice type I'd
to make and launch 14 of them, in case, one sup- were allowed to present no defense. "dialogued" with at a previous action. There'd
poses, new continents in need of annihilation are Then something unexpected happened. been arrests for civil disobedience and he'd told a
discovered. The jury sent a note to the judge asking if they fellow protester he didn't mind us as long as we
Now, EB is making another equally lethal could take into account the fairness of the proceed- didn't break the law. I broke in and informed him
craft called the Seawolf (Boo! Hiss!). So far two ings. All such notes must be read before the court, that the submarines and the weapons they carried
have rolled off the assembly dock and joined the so it was a matter of public record. His Honor were violations of international law. His beady
Tridents as very loaded guns pointed at the collec- (Ha!!!), obviously a man of sterling character, eyes narrowed to a squint and he asked me with a
tive cranium of life on earth as we know and love replied, "No." At that point, the defendants rose snarl, "What do you know about the law?"
it. and turned their backs to the judge, refusing to I was rather taken aback by this sentiment
Iraq is denied the import of chlorine for participate further in what was obviously a rigged coming from a law-enforcement professional, the
water purification, most pharmaceuticals and game. idea that as a mere citizen I was supposed to be
machine parts, and even pencils, because any of The jury, being good, obedient and ignorant of the law. I informed him of the World
these could conceivably be put to military use. unquestioning subjects of the realm, felt bound to Court's 1996 opinion declaring the threat or use of
Arrogant UNSCOM officials have gone so far as to return a verdict of guilty. What these good folks nuclear weapons illegal. He didn't like that. "Well,
insist on disinterring corpses at a convent ceme- were tragically unaware of is that they could have maybe they didn't read the same thing you did,"
tery, all in search of Iraq's elusive stockpile of acquitted the defendants and there was nothing he growled dismissively.
doom. So some clever troublemakers got the idea the judge could have done about it. Under the So last Christmas, I sent him a thick ream
of applying this standard across the board to make sacred principle of jury nullification, the ultimate of photocopies of relevant portions of the Geneva
a point of inspecting all apocalyptic arsenals. authority rests with the citizens themselves (sub- Conventions, the Nuremberg Protocols, and the
These inspections began in February, when it versive, subversive) and they are free to follow World Court decision. 'Twas a joyful thing to see
looked like another genocidal assault on Iraq was their consciences and that takes precedence over him again and telepathically rub it in, but he did-
imminent. any orders from the bench. REMEMBER: if you're n't seem to recognize me. Oh, well.
The Groton inspection on August 3, was ever on a jury, you have the right to vote your con- Ms. Davies began by informing Mr.
part of the annual commemorations (not reported science. It's the American way. Cassidy that the plant was complicit in producing
in the media) of the grim dawn of the nuclear age The protests in Groton convened at Fort weapons of mass destruction, making the US pop-
that began with the atom-splitting erasure of two Griswold Park, the obelisk-crowned site of a ulation complicit in war crimes. Mr. Ramey com-
Japanese cities 53 years ago. A week-long series of Revolutionary War siege which ended in a slaugh- pared the situation to that of the citizens of
Icontinued on page 16
A night so Funny
that you'll soil your underpants
By Glenn "Squirrel" Given The night started with me arriving to the plaints and stolen jokes I'd go to my family
closing witticisms of comedian Joe Curry. I reunion. At least there, someone is bound to get
, -l, t4 T
t.-h..A tintA-- t, dA i n-,
~, h mirlIAl nf an hurt (a ain wp find humor in one another's
Long Island is a wasteland for comics. lsenseU LLLdt 1 an sLeppe LCV olt

The otherwise lively Friday night comedy scene involved series of jokes that I pain).
that thrives in New York city seems to have left just didn't understand. T he
its unacknowledged little brother, Long Island, Extremely animated and not in night wasn't
the least dis- r u i n e d
out to rot.
There's three, heartened at though. My
count ' em the scant salvation came
three, comedy number of at the hands of
clubs on the audience one of the fun-
entire Island. members, he niest people I
Well, Stony plowed on have ever
Brook's own and closed seen. Her
Spot aims to his set. nd she let the
help this little The audience began to jokes fly. Imitations, and culturally biting com-
brother get up swell as the MC, Tim mentary made her the lady of the evening. She
and walk Homeyoon, warmed the got the audience on their feet after Darren's lack-
again. crowd with a few lines of his luster performance, and once they were standing,
.... T. Tim Asbcq r
haC she knocked
T h e
The UVVII. I1111 vvwa:) - M

between each comic to their asses to

idea is so sim-
rile the spectators and the floor.
ple it's genius:
-I- l . hli- introduce the next come- Energetic and
dian; a role he handled sympathetic,
wee kly
with great skill. His form of self-deprecat- she worked the
Comedy Night. Get some of the Island's best
ing humor played well with the crowd, crowd like a
comics (including a few of the campus' own up
who, being Stony Brook' students enjoy pro. It's a pity
and coming humorists) and put them on stage for
nothing more than someone's personal mis- that she could-
an entire university to laugh at. The Spot's man-
ery. n't have been
ager Godfrey Palaia describes it simply as
Saad himself stepped up to the mic the closing act
"diversifying our entertainment," but I think it's
next. I greatly appreciated his performance, (an honor left to
much more. It's bringing the comedy to the peo-
it showed that he not only had the skill to the profoundly
ple, those who can't trek to the city each Friday,
get all of the comedians together, but that unfunny Gary).
the ones stuck on the east end-stuck in a land
he had the balls to defend his judgement of A night to
where comedy has no name.
what was funny in the first place. And remember?
When asked why he did this, Comedy
damn, he was good. He rolled smoothly Most definitely.
Night's coordinator Saad Sarwana replied, "We
through cracks about his cultural experi- Will I be going
wanted to open a new venue for the comedians.
ences in America and the innate idiocy of back? Sure, but
There are only so many places they can play on
.-I T -1 _ 1 flh Cohroolr itfplf Saad is I'll be more
the Island, knowledgeable
and pretty a physics student by
trade, but a joker at of the comics
soon each one performing.
beco m es heart.
But on all good Their jokes
stale." He das1 iite rai bti
o lnd
started this days, a little rain Positively, Not Funny the audience
shindig last must fall. That rain
came in two forms on was a little
year, and is there will be regu-
Friday, Darren Dylan, and tough. Soon enough though,
overjoyed by
its growing Gary Colon. Maybe it's just lars, and with a little work, Comedy Night will
popularity. me, but when a comic gain that extra bit of professionalism it needs. A
"The atten- (Darren) plainly rewrites good start, and if we're lucky, a long stretch to
-L lPro --W
X the material of a famous follow. Keep it going people; they need our sup-
ing steadily (this Friday there were about 80-90 comic (Dennis Leary), he basically labels himself port. It's 18+ to go and cheap as all get out. So
people), but we're gonna need more people to "Sans Talent." Or when your entertainer for the remember: when all your doing on the 1st and
justify more comedians." As good as the six evening (Gary) is so pissed because one is laugh- 3rd Friday of each month is sitting around in
comics I saw on Friday were, they can't keep ing at his stale, lame humor, that he complains your skivvies power chugging, there is some-
bringing back the same people. Not that I would- over and over about how much "this sucks," thing more to do on this campus.
n't enjoy seeing them again-far from it. well, it's just not funny. Listen, if I wanted com-
SEPTEMBER 23, 1998 PAGE 13
FEATURES L ·- I~ I II I ,, I - II I I III · · I · , · I

By Dave Wiernicki nesses on North Loop Road out behind the Roth As you can see, the above administrator
cafeteria. Here we see some entrepreneurs adver- was uncooperative and evasive, only adding to
Of course, the hot topic this week is Deng tising their wares. suspicions of a coverup. Later, I spoke with Sal
Lee's Cuisine. This story interested me so much that. in Monella, a senior SBVAC official, who said that
First off, I would like to suggest to the while an hourly ambulance run from Roth was
administration that they change the name of this being considered, no plans were yet finalized. "It
particular eatery; I hear that the government is makes sense from a medical point of view. We save
cracking down on misleading titles. Of course, time and gas money, and the EMTs can grab some
they will want to keep the overall feel and meter of chinese on the way back. But no, we haven't decid-
the name, to attain a sense of continuity. In this ed on anything yet."
vein, I suggest the following new name: A Deng Lee's representative who had ear-
lier eaten a plate of fried rice to prove that all was
"IF YOU EAT HERE, YOU WILL PROBABLY DIE" well was unable to comment, because he was dead.
The Campus Crusade for Christ saw the
Now I have to admit, after this somewhat incident in a positive light. "God has shown his
negative comment, that I actually haven't eaten at contrast to my usual diatribe, and in an effort to do infinite love by only sending twelve people to the
DLC. I once saw some suitemates of mine eating some serious journalism relating to this debacle, I hospital bleeding from both ends," said member
something they claimed was from Deng's, but interviewed some local campus officials. Imina Kolt. "We all give thanks to Lord Jesus in his
from the overall appearance I judged it more like- infinite wisdom and forgiveness every day that he
ly that they, drunk, had accidentally walked over DW: The rumors of food poisoning at Deng Lee's only took out a dozen or so completely innocent
to the bio labs and picked something out of a waste are making some students understandably ner- people. He was almost as kind this time as he was
container. Recent word from experts, though, is vous about eating there. What are you doing to during that tornado that only leveled 40 houses
that it was Won Ton soup. ease the concerns of the student body? and killed 29."
After that little incident, I wasn't inclined Even campus residences, recently strug-
to eat at DLC, and my observations of the steadily OFFICIAL: Look, you little weasel, if you don't gling with lack of space and tripping up unsus-
diminishing population of Roth Quad cats cement- take these cuffs off I'm going to wipe the floor with pecting dorm residents, had reason to celebrate:
ed the decision. I put the whole thing behind me, your sorry ass. "Hell, if this keeps up, we might get everybody
seeing Deng Lee's only out of the corner of my eye down to doubles," said a campus administrator for
as I sped to the wholesome Burger King next door, DW: I see. Are there any other preventative mea- Q quad. "If only students would start drinking and
I hadn't really thought about them again until this sures being considered in the interim? driving again, we'd be in business."
story broke a week or so ago. I'll end with a disclaimer: this shit ain't
In fact, the recent uproar over conditions OFFICIAL: I said take the cuffs off, bitch! true; "They do but poison in jest!"
at Deng Lee's has resulted in some booming busi-



--- Xlqx
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By Jen Hobin told me that they did indeed have the book and if n't they have checked the fucking list over the
I'd wait another moment he would make sure it phone? Because they are inefficient and they
Did you ever notice how business estab- was on the shelf. Back again, this delightful don't have to.
lishments on and around campus do not operate salesperson asked if I would like him to put it on These are just a couple of the problems I
like those on the rest of Long Island...New reserve. Note: I don't ask him to put it on have encountered at the bookstores. The ineffi-
York...the world? If you haven't then you are reserve-he asked me. ency of the rest of
either blind or seriously lacking in anything bet- The above campus is
ter to do with your life than wait on lines, and encounter was a pleasant enough to make
make repeated trips to various stores so they can business interaction, one someone just
tell you to come back for the third time. Perhaps that proved successful slightly more
you like being in a perpetual state of rage. I do for me and for Borders. I unstable than
not. got the book, they got my me open fire on
Here are a few examples: I needed to money-everyone was the 37 idiots
buy a book for one of my classes, and figured I happy. standing on line
could pick it up from Stony Books during the Things are not so at the SAC. It
weekend before the first meeting of my Tuesday simple at Wallaces. should not take
class. I couldn't because Stony Books closes at 5 friend of mine, who lives off campus, needed a someone more than seven or eight minutes to
pm on Friday afternoon and stays closed until book from the book store and decided to call butter a bagel, get a cup of much-needed-coffee,
Monday morning. It's true that I should have before making the trip. He makes the call, and is and pay for those two items at any establishment.
checked this out beforehand, but silly me, I just undoubtedly greeted by a voice less friendly than On campus, this is simply not possible. I stood on
assumed that the book store that earns half of the that of the Borders salesperson. His request line for at least ten minutes at the Union Deli and
university's book-buying business would be ("Are you carrying this book?") is met with some when I got to the register the cashier told me she
open on the weekend of the busiest book buying variation of "I'm sorry, we don't check the could not take cash. What kind of world is this
week. Stony Books has every right to close, they shelves. You will have to come down and see for when good old American green will not buy you
are under no obligation to serve their customers yourself." You see, Borders most likely doesn't a cup of coffee? Between my friend and I, we
at convenient hours, but isn't this the way most carry books on Meta-analysis, so my friend's were told three times to come back to Solutions
businesses operate? If you are convenient, they options are limited, and the books store is cer- to pick up a course packet. On the third trip, I
will come. Fortunately for Stony Books even if tainly aware of this. stood on line for 15 minutes and the people
they are not convenient students will come- Now I am not saying that the salesper- behind the counter had the audacity to tell peo-
their options are limited. Well, there is the uni- son was just being an asshole. On the contrary, ple that they needed exact changie.
versity book store, but this establishment is even he was probably just following book store proce- I write these words, not because I want a
more incendiary than Stony tBooks... dure, but read on and you will see why this is so place to bitch, but becatuse these tlings need to be
Unable to get the aforementioned book irritating. Immediately afterward, my friend brought to everyone's attention. Bad things don't
from Stony Books I decided to check Borders. called me and asked me to check the bookstore get better with silence. If you are dissatisfied,
Here's how this endeavor went: I called for him. After a couple minutes of searching the and you should be, fill out the comment cards in
Border's on Sunday afternoon (they are open shelf I asked the guy behind the information desk the SAC, talk to the book store managers. If you
because they know that people can shop else- if they carry the book, not telling him I had don't have to eat on campus (i.e. you don't have
where if they are not satisfied) and I asked if they already checked the shelf. He checked the shelf a meal plan contract) then avoid doing so. In
had the book. The salesperson told me in a for me, and came to the same conclusion I had, most places prices, reflect the quality and effi-
rather pleasant manner, that if I would just hold and comes back to the desk to check the "book ciency of the establishment. Demand the same
on a moment he would check the computer for list." Nope they didn't have it, apparently the on campus.
me. Approximately 30 seconds passed before he professor did not order it there. Now why could-

SEPTEMBER 23o,1998 PAGE 15

FEATURES L--- sl -- 1 - -- P P----s~ia I -·I~ g p9·r - --D--PI~--·~-·s~-·-----i~-~----·I_---. - - II~IR· ~ - C- *--·-- - C--91 lql I L1~-qr _ -_-~CF-~- -- u C-

provide information about

By Tim Connors
becoming a RA. We don't tell
nPeonlt ahbout thp activities
So what's the difference between a cult study the KA manual, and our KHU leads the
group activities while setting expectations about planned, but I'll let you in on it. There will be
and a religion? To clear it up a little, I'm going to
behavior. He encourages us to get other people to games run by JJ Manely, and Dallas will inspire
describe being a Resident Assistant as if it were a
become RAs, so they can hear the wisdom of the you with his divine teachings. The RA manual will
cult. If this example reminds you of a group you
Manual and experience the guidance of Dallas. be studied after meditating for ten hours silently.
are involved with it may be a cult. Not everything
Families can become worried by the join- You'll lose weight since almost no food will be pro-
in the example has to be present for the group to be
ing of a group like the RAs, and concern from fam- vided, and there will be nothing with protein.
exhibiting cult like behavior.
ilies is normal with a major life change. But if they I hope you will become an RA, all you
The first indicator is a very strong or pow-
don't support your choice and new found wisdom have to do is "Come Join Us." Sure we may use
erful central leader who may be alleged to have
it would be better if contact with your family was guilt if you don't get involved, but once you
"Divine" characteristics. As an RA my omnipotent
kept to a minimum. That way you will not have to believe, we will use threats. They will be real or
leader is Dallas Bauman, who guides our daily
deal with their negativity. theological, like god will strike you down, or you'll
study of the RA manual and miraculously edu-
Ed, my RHD and leader, suggests that we be eternally damned to hell.
cates his following about AIDS. Through his apos-
tle Al Devries he creates room openings. get new members by giving instantaneous love
and acceptance before getting to know the person. Hopefully you will be a little more careful
The RA manual contains deep philosoph-
Some haters call this love bombing, but we know when meeting people who are just too friendly, or
ical answers to all of life's most penetrating ques-
it's a good thing because it brings more people into joining any group activity if you don't know who
tions. For example the reason for life and my pur-
the Campus Residence Church of Christ. It is jus- they are. You have to protect yourself, because
pose here on earth is clearly defined by interpret-
tified to lie about our purpose in order to get peo- what these groups are doing is legal, so they can't
ing the section on party intervention and the alco-
ple to hear the teachings of Dallas Bauman. be barred from campus. Cults imitate legitimate
hol policy.
Since people get scared if you tell them organizations to try to get new members. One
Quick and easy answers to many difficult
you are a RA, we do not tell them right away who group in particular poses as a fraternity.
challenges that face most people are provided by
we are. This usually isn't a problem since most I know members of the some of these
RA training, and all of life's problems are solved.
people don't think about whether or not a new groups, and they are very normal people. Anyone
When people come to RAs because they are having
acquaintance, or people holding an activity, are can get involved in groups that exhibit cult like
a problem, studying the RA manual for answers is
part of some group with a view point they want to behavior. These groups can be religious, political,
always a good idea, as well as meditation while
impose on you. business, or environmental in nature. Cults are not
performing the ritual of doing rounds of the build-
As RAs, there are practices we use to get always religious, but they almost always try to run
your life through subtle manipulation.
As an RA, the Residence Hall Director people to join us. We call at odd hours of the day
and night, and leave voice mail messages. There are resident, commuter, and gradu-
provides direction in my life. They make major
Sometimes I sound like a used car salesman ate school members of these groups here at Stony
decisions in my life, like where I should live and
because of the haranguing, harassing, high pres- Brook. Many people on this campus have been
work. All smaller decisions must be brought to the
sure, hard sell, and fast talk techniques I use to get approached by a cult and never realized it. College
RHD for their consultation and approval.
people to join us. campus' attract cult groups because students are:
There is a required style of dressing,
At the beginning of every semester we in a new environment which may be confusing at
lifestyle, observance, and behavior. Every Tuesday
have a retreat/gathering/convention/training to times, away form their families, open to new ideas
O'Neill RA's meet for our worship meeting. We and experiences, and may not be set in their beliefs.

Germany being complicit with the crimes of the and peace activist, has been holding a one-man also resigned his position in disgust, saying that
Nazi leadership. He said that Article 6 of the US vigil outside the base every day for the past eleven- the severity of the sanctions had made any attempt
Constitution binds the U.S. to observe internation- and-a-half years. Though recently sustaining seri- to bring in supplies ineffective.
al law. Also, in 1970, the U.S. Senate ratified a ous injuries after being struck by an auto, he is Ms. Kelly related a surprising and heart-
treaty to abolish nuclear weapons by negotiating undeterred and back at the gates of Electric Boat warming anecdote: one day, one of the NYPD offi-
them out of existence. But the U.S. currently leads every day. cers assigned to the area came up to them, very
the world in nuclear development, testing them I also got a lead for a related event from a surreptitiously, and told them he was fasting for
(unlike wannabes India and Pakistan, in the Chicago activist named (I kid you not) Charlie the day, in solidarity with their efforts.
desert) with sophisticated computer simulations at Brown. Charlie's experiences in the Army, at Fort So the sanctions remain, carrying off one
the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in Jackson, South Carolina, during the Gulf War child every ten minutes. Voices in the Wilderness
California. And the Clinton Administration's helped radicalize him, and he now works with plans still more life-saving missions. They can be
recent directive allowing for the use of nuclear Voices in the Wilderness. He told me of a 20-day reached at 773-784-8065 (
weapons against non-nuclear states is in direct vio- fast and vigil that Voices was holding outside the There's also an ongoing peace vigil in front of the
lation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. United Nations itself through August 13. Voices, White House. They're urging us to urge our repre-
I don't have to tell you that entry to the EB under the leadership of Kathy Kelly, has been mak- sentatives to support Proposition One, which will
premises was refused to our merry band of ing relief trips to Iraq and trying valiantly to pub- ban all nuclear weapons. (
peaceniks. Nor were EB officials willing in any licize the plight of Iraq's people, especially its chil- chita/).
way to discuss the charges brought before them. dren, under the sanctions. By coincidence the sanc- Similar inspections have taken place
Bruce Martin of the American Friends Service tions were imposed on the August 6 th anniversary across the U.S. and in Britain, Belgium, Russia,
Committed, a Quaker organization that was of Hiroshima, and are condemned by Voices and Israel, and Sweden, and many other places. A great
protesting at EB in the 1950s (long before it was other peace groups as a new, and silent, weapon of source of antinuke activism news is The Nuclear
fashionable) quoted General Lee Butler, who used mass murder. Resister (P.O. Box 43383, Tuscon, AZ 85733), sub-
to be the guy with his finger literally on the button. Thirteen of the participants actually fasted scriptions are $25 a year.
Butler said in a recent statement, shared by other the entire 10 days. When I located them, they were On September 30, Mordechai Vanunu, an
retired generals from around the world, that any safely removed from the UN premises proper, clear Israeli technician who worked at the Dimona facil-
use of nuclear weapons would be unconscionable. across First Avenue. They said Bill Richardson of ity, will have been in prison for telling the world
All in all, it was a fine media opportunity, UNSCOM had failed to return their calls asking to about his country's covert nuclear arms program.
at least for those media that cared to cover it. I did- meet with them, but they had reason to believe He had been in solitary confinement until March of
n't see any of the big boys there, not that I found that he was personally troubled by the death toll this year. Phone the Israeli consulate and demand
that much of a surprise. (to say nothing of the growing worldwide aware- that he be released. The receptionists are usually
Going back to New Haven, we were ness of it). Dennis Halliday of Ireland, the UN offi- nice when I call, but if you're shy, you can call after
joined by Cal Robertson. Mr. Robertson, a veteran cial who had been in charge of relief for Iraq, had hours and vent into a machine.

PA^ 16 THE
~-LL~ I II- I- -· II II- - ,-~ ~-~pa~- ----x -Ls ~C-~ I~Llb-·C~C L~- 1II _ ~_~ _ - I FEATURES

Whe HMaeAll T4e 44osots4 close equivalents), and yet we still ignore all of
By April Nicole Glass bing off the residue from last night's lovefest,
you are nevertheless one more casualty of Stony this information because we are too self-absorbed
Bloody Tampons, doody-corroded toilet Brook's waste facilities. with our own bodily needs.
seats, toilet-paper-balled ceilings: These are the If you are going to have to waste away so Now that you have been thoroughly
bathrooms most people would rather forget. much of your miserable existence in the john, educated on the glorious prospects of bathroom
Let's face it: when a person goes off to college, then why not make it somewhat more interest- recreation (I purposely failed to mention the
the last thing on that person's mind are the ing? Why just pee when you can read all the fas- obvious to discourage excessive moaning, as it is
drowned moths in the dirt speckled sinks, or the cinating tidbits of decade-old gossip? Why just somewhat disruptive for those of us dweebs who
brown-ringed bathtub everyone is too embar- squeeze and squeeze in thralls of constipation actually feel compelled to study on occasion),
rassed to use. However, one forgets that you eas- when you can look over the oh-so-carefully scrib- let's move on to bathroom ethics. If everyone is
ily waste at least a semester in the restroom, if not bled prose on the paint peeling stall? In the past, talking about recycling this, and recycling that,
two or more (for individuals with highly com- people have proposed marriage, declared love then where the hell is all the toilet paper going?
plex bladder systems). Whether you are carefully affairs with their roommate(s), and admitted It's there in the morning (if you're lucky) and
shaving away your hair follicles, or simply scrub- UFO abductions on these very walls (if not the gone by mid-afternoon. People take long sheets
at a time, more than they're ever really going to
use, and never give a thought to the environmen-
tal impact their careless actions may cause, just
because they
need to swipe
their asses.
While I'm ranti-
ng, where the
fuck is the soap?!
Normally after I
pee, I ideally like
to wash my deli-
cate hands rid of
all traces of bac-
teria and the like.
Much to my utter
dismay, the resi-
dence halls fail to
provide any form
"You are the only one who understands' or a cleansing
substance other
than drain cleaner. I hate to sound cheap, but if I
am going to spend half of my adult life paying off
student loans, shouldn't that include a few com-
plimentary containers of unscented molten
cleansing store-brand product?
Often times I feel as though this is the
Twilight Zone, because it's high school all over
again. Forest Hills High had five floors, all with
bathrooms. Only the basement and first floor
ones were ever open, and only during classes,
never between. Even worse was that to discour-
age frequent use of contaminated facilities, teach-
ers would embarrass students by forcing us to
carry worn down toilet seats that were meant as
hall passes. Now in this hierarchy of education at
Stony Brook, the toilet-seat passes are nowhere to
be seen, but the same problem remains. The bath-
rooms are mysteriously nowhere to be found, or
at least I haven't found them yet. With all the
floors to the Melville Library, I have found only
one unlocked bathroom, and it is on the first
floor. This is extremely annoying to people with
classes way upstairs. At least the students who
possess penises can pee over the balcony. But
unfortunately females tend to not be able to man-
age that. In order to relieve our aching bladders
without a major expedition around the fourth
floor, we have to trudge all the way down to the
first floor. Not only is it a pain in the ass, but with
every minute wasted searching for potty, our
money is literally going the same way as our
bodily wastes, down the toilet.
After you finish reading this little compi-
lation, and you get up, stretch your legs, and
flush the toilet, I hope you think long and hard.
Ponder not what Stony Brook can do for you, but
what you can do for Stony Brook's bathrooms,
because without your voice, peeing will no
longer be a pleasurable experience, at least not on

.. SEPTEMBER 23,.1998 PAGE 17


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Adventu es \n Car Hun/ng

By Marlo Allison Del Toro Take it for a Test Drive she could find anything wrong with the engine.
My sister then suggested we take it for Try to Pop the Hood
I'm in the market for a car. So I've been a test drive. I gave her the key. When my sister tried to pop the hood
checking the classifieds, circling ads that interest me. As we got into the car, we noticed that nothing happened, so she had me pull the
Ford 95 Escort red 4dr auto a/c all pwr it was sparkling clean, with only a few ashes in hood release while she opened the hood from
30k mi $5500 555-1234. I called and left a mes- the ashtray. the out side. She had to push down on the
sage. Two days later, I spoke with the owner. I Check the Mileage hood to get it to open.
told him that I could come by the next day to My sister checked the mileage, to see if Look at the Engine
look at the car, and he said that was fine. it matched the ad. But, like my sister's When my sister began looking at the
The next day, my sister and I went to boyfriend later said, a dealer could have engine, she asked me to come out and look.
his apartment. (She wanted her tall, construc- changed the mileage if he wanted to make the The engine was squeaky clean; the dealer must
tion worker boyfriend to come with us, car more saleable. have cleaned it, so it was hard to tell if there
because he fixes cars on the side, but he was Look at the Steering Wheel were any leaks.
too tired from working.) As I looked at the mileage with my sis- Check the Frame
I rang the bell. When the man ter, I noticed that the steering wheel looked Next, my sister told me to look at the frame
answered the door, I went to shake his hand weird. My friend has an Escort with a driver's around the car's hood. On our right, two holes met
and introduce myself. He put the key into my side airbag, like the one I was looking at. Her up, but on our left the parallel holes didn't.
hand, said "The car is that way. Go look at it, steering wheel's front plate is flush with the Then she had me look at a bar that ran
take it for a test drive, whatever," and then rest of the wheel, but on this car the front plate down the middle of the front of the car. The bar
closed the door. So, we walked. didn't look like it was on right; it looked was red except at one point on the lower end;
The car looked good. No dents, no rust, pushed out. there it was brownish and looked bent.
all shiny and new looking. It passed initial My sister thought it looked fine, but I Check the Wrap-Around Front Lights
inspection, so we began to scrutinize it carefully. was still suspicious. Finally, my sister checked the front
Check the Plates and Registration Look at the Shifter lights. On our right she could fit her fingers
I noticed that the car had dealer plates. When my sister went to shift the car, she under the lights, but on our left she could only
Dealer plate, actually. One rear plate and no reg- noticed a hole in the plate over the shifter. I don't fit her finger-tips.
istration. I know that in New York regular cars know why it had a hole in it. We decided that the car must have
have to be registered and have front and rear Accelerate, Stop, Accelerate, Stop been in a front-end collision. My sister and I
plates, but I don't pretend to know about dealer My sister drove the car to a near-empty got back into the car and drove back to the
requirements. Anyway, It was questionable. parking lot. There she started-and-stopped, lis- dealer's apartment.
Check the Wheels tening for unusual sounds and making sure the When we returned the key, my sister
Next, we looked at the wheels. They brakes worked alright. All seemed well. asked if the car had been in a collision. The man
were going bald. Drive in Circles was quiet, then asked why we were asking, and
Check the Bumpers Then, my sister decided to drive in finally denied knowing anything about it.
We both started walking around the car, tight circles. First right. "Shh," she said. "Do This week's ad for the same car has it
hunting for defects. I noticed that the front you hear that." listed for $5100.
bumper was scratched, like it had been rubbed I did, so she tried driving left. No
against something. sound. She decided to pop the hood and see if



70 c Of -. i ! !
By Rishad Jonuschat gate Quinlan's past files. He gains the help of two floating in a sewage-infested river. All the evidence
of Quinlan's workers, who have faith in him. Al is compiled on the tape, but with Quinlan dead
Acclaimed as one of the greatest and most Schwartz assists Vargas with the file searching, but there seems no chance for justice.
memorable films of the century, Orson Welles' clas- is told by Vargas that this investigation could. ruin Thefilm has an ironic twist to it: The high-
sic, Touch of Evil, lives again, 40 years after the orig- his reputation with Quinlan. The most memorable est ranked police officer in the county is found to
inal 1958 production. The film has an outstanding scene occurs toward the end of the film when. have committed numerous serious crimes. I feel
cast, with Quinlan (Orson Welles), a corrupt, but Vargas works with a close companion of Quinlan's, that certain stylistic traits of A Touch of Evil bear
charismatic and influential American cop, Vargas in order to frame him. Vargas attaches a micro- r.esemblance to Tennessee Williams' play A
(Charlie Heston), an honest, down-to-earth, phone to Quinlan's friend, monitoring every StreetcarNamed Desire, starring Marlon Brando and
Mexican policeman, Vargas' on-screen wife, Susan response from: a distance, and afterwards asks him+ Vivian Leigh.
| .....| ... are set and produced during
(Janet Leigh), and a madam (Marlene Dietrich),
with whom Quinlan builds an everlasting friend-
to extract the truth out of Quinlan as to who mur- similar|.|.l.
dered Grandi. Eventually, when Quinlan knows tones of music were
periods, h_0 ...
..... ...when
the I., g
variations in light
only ways of
ship. Naturally, there are other characters who that the game is over, he takes a shot at his friend, ing between different moods during the black and
play important roles, but have less of an influence partially wounding him, and is then killed, and left white productions.
on the overall structure and plot of the film, name-
ly Menzies, Quinlan's sidekick; Al Schwarz, a
police officer under Quinlan; and a confused and .........................

vulnerable motel owner in the midst of the

Mexican desert.
The film's: cinematography reaches per-
fection in every aspect, even with a 40-year void
between the original and the remastered version.
....... .......... .............
A trailer is meant to inform the viewer
By Frankie "The Movie Guy" Fusaro
The camera work, variation in lighting, and style about the up coming films. Instead of giving us a
of music set the dramatic and sometimes humor- general over view of the film without giving away
Normally there would be movie reviews here
ous tone. Above all, the attention to detail and tim- plot points it, on many occasions, gives us the
but, because of many factors there are not, so I have
ing, make Touch of Evil stand apart from any other whole story and important scenes (Dusk till Dawn
decided to do something I've wanted to do for a while:
film of its time. The New York Tites wrote, "It was and A Perfect Murder). For instance, once we heard
talk about movie trailers.
a decade or so ahead of its time." The film contains "Now you have to negotiate with the both of us,"
50 changes which had been noted in Welles' 58 A trailer, or preview, is an important thing we pretty much knew Kevin Spacey was going to
Iage memo at the time of the first production.. One side with Samuel L. Jackson in The Negotiator.
in the film industry. It brings to light the soon to be
:of the smaller alterations made, but one with the Now I believe if they had cut that trailer different-
released films, and on occasion, starts a buzz. But
greatest consequence, was the elimination of a ly, perhaps giving it a more paranoid look, maybe
it can be a fun thing for the fan. To quote a former
close up of Menzies. The necessity of removing this even made it seem like Spacey didn't care about
Stony Brook Press Editor, "Ain't nothin' better then
!image is to conceal the fear on Menzies' face when Jackson at all, it would have been a more com-
an R-rated preview." And while I might not agree
he is confronted by Vargas, who gives him evi- with that all the time, he's essentially right about pelling movie. The film brought us to such a cool
dence of Quinlan's double-dealing nature. the fun a preview can be-it's always cool to hear place with the "I don't care if you did it or not"
However, as Welles was not allowed back into the of an awesome sounding flick with your favorite stuff and it might have been compelling if only we
editing room during the six months before the film hadn't known the whole time about the plot twist.
stars. I can't wait to see the first Star Wars prequel
was completed, he felt it crucial to jot down any A good trailer that should be noted here
previews (it's rumored to be making it's first
points that could enhance Touch of Evil if it were to would have to be Godzilla. Now the movie might
appearance before the new Star Trek movie). Yet, I
be remade. not have been gold, but the trailers sure were.
fear the industry may overplay it like the special
Touch ofEvil has a shocking, but eye-catch- They never gave us too much, but rather hit us
edition trailers were (which ruined my whole
ing introduction. Precisely three minutes and 20 enough times that made it almost a quest to see
"Oh, new footage!" mind set because we saw most
seconds into the film, after the honeymooners what Godzilla looked like. Another of the good
of the good stuff a million times on TV).
(Heston and Leigh) have crossed the Mexican bor- trailers that we'll all be seeing in December would
I've seen previews for films once which
der into California, a time-bombed car, which they be the Star Wars trailer. It is supposed to be intelli-
made me want to see them, and on occasion they
walked dangerously close to just minutes before,.
were long and tell-all trailers, but since I only saw gently simple. Starting with a star field we jump
explodes, ferociously igniting objects in its imme- into hyper-space followed by the clash of the clas-
them once, and they seemed pretty cool (such as In
diate vicinity. This unfortunate incident sets the
the Company of Men, Last Days of Disco and The sic red and green lightsabers, then it flashes "May
film rolling. Vargas is dragged into the detective
House of Yes) I still wanted to see them. The key 19th 1999" and finally "May the Force be with
case, thereby having :to leave his wife to honey-
point here is the fact I saw them once and was not you" comes up. Now that's pure and simple class.
moon- .on her own. :Throughout the whole movie But the long tell-all trailers are not the
overloaded with all the plot-twists, as with Wild
neither Leigh's hotel scenes nor Hleston's los Things (OK maybe not all the plot twists, but only things that might just ruin your experience at
Robles (a trashy border town) scenes, are given dif-
most). Another case in point would be Nightwatch the theater. There's also the good old over-satura-
ferent amounts of attention. The film alternates
with Ewan MacGregor. I know quite a lot of the tion of plugs, or the "hype-monster" as some have
between the main plot and subplot in order to keep film because I've seen the trailer over a dozen called it. We saw it with Armageddon, Godzilla, and
the viewer up to date with the overall plot of the times (they keep pushing this release date back, The Truman Show. All bombarded us with com-
film. Vargas' genuine purpose is to find the person
probably to coincide with all the Star Wars hype mercials, radio-spots, movie theater previews, and
who planted the dynamite in the trunk of the car. more.. .You almost get sick of 'em no matter if they
MacGregor will be getting soon), and yet I'm still
On the. other hand, Quinlan puts on an honest and
interested in seeing it (mostly to see if who I give it away or not.
sincereIface, when in fact he is committing several In the tell-all previews you will definant-
picked as the killer in the preview is the right one.
crimes himself. Not only is he lured towards a ly remember all the plot points if they get played
I've got five riding on this).
manipulative crime boss, Grandi (Akim Tamiroff) enough. You can do what I do and avoid seeing
Unfortunately, some people just don't
who tries to harm Vargas and his wife, but addi- seem to understand what the purpose of the trail- too much or many replays of a trailer (though this
tionally Quinlan sets up an innocent Mexican man sometimes involves purposely missing the movie
er is. Now in times past, it had to be long and
in connection with the explosion, thus ruining
informative only because movie-goers were not as previews at a theater).

Vargas' credibility. Finally, in a drunken mood,
Quilan murders his so-called companion, Grandij
leaving him hanging precariously and grotesquely
over a bed in which Susan has been placed.
o. prevalent as today. The trailer had to make people
want to come back. They had yet to tap into broad-
cast media, as they do now. The trailer had to be
memorable, for in some cases it would come out
So what was the point of seeing Titanic if
you know the ship sinks and they don't get togeth-
er in the end??? I don't know. I do it for the fun of
the medium and its escapist qualities. Others do it
Naturally, upon awakening, Susan screams with many months before the film. Times have to see nude actors.
fright at this horrific sight. Unfortunately, by this changed, but like so many dinosaurs going about
time, Quinlan is well out of sight. Consequently', their business as the sun disappears, they move on
Susan is suspected and put into jail, with little idea without giving thought to their changing environ-
as to what she has done wrong. With everything ment.
falling apart around Vargas, he decides to investi-


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Music Non-Stop, Mocha Non-Stop

By Ed Ballard The curtain closed and everyone demanded
them back, engaging in that silly encore ritual that we
It all began simply enough, but by the end of are all too familiar with. After about seven minutes of
the experience, I had learned something significant clapping, the music started again. The tune, "Pocket
about human generosity, true musical and showman- Calculator," is another one of their bizarre homages to
ship genius, and damn good luck. In the middle of the technology. The only lyric to the song are, "I'm the
summer when, even the lowly slurpee forced me to operator w/ my pocket calculator/ and by pressing
scour cushions for change, I was dealt a horrible blow. down a little key it plays a special melody," really took
The legendary Kraftwerk announced that they were on extra joy and surprise when Kraftwerk appeared at
putting on a show. Sadly, in my destitute state there the lip of the stage armed with palmed sized wired
was no hope that I would ever bask in the synthetic remotes. The childlike glee on their surprisingly human
glow that is Kraftwerk. I told no one of my plight, faces was a treat for everyone. Judging from the gasps
which is why I was shocked when I was hooked up in in the audience the stunt was more than adequate for
the following manner. I received a phone call. An indis- the desired response. Once again though, the wave of
tinguishable electronic voice left on my answering velvet overcame them at the song's end and the audi-
machine foretold of a surprise coming for me in the ence was left to beg for a repeat.
mail. I couldn't decide whether or not I should have At this point, another act of kindness was vis-
been disturbed, and so writhed in my bed for the next ited upon me. For some bizare reason a lesbian couple
few days with visions of lost loves and Ted Kazcynski asked me to dance with them. Their intent, as I later
dancing in my head. Imagine my shock and surprise discovered, was to piss off a nearby stalker/ ex-
when I eventually received a ticket to see Kraftwerk in boyfriend. When I explained that recent knee surgery
my letterbox. If you don't know anything about prevented me from gettin' down properly they took
Kraftwerk let me break it down for you. pity on me. While people chanted for a second encore
Kraftwerk is a reclusive German uberband. one of them (the cute bi-sexual one), led me by the hand
Created in the early seventies, the members of this to the venders and bought two T-shirts for me!!
innovative band are often considered to be the grand- Needless to say I was flabbergasted, and when I tried to
fathers of electronic music. Their widespread influence refuse she would have none of it. Then her friend
can be detected in the music of Depeche Mode, the joined us as we snuck onto the floor for the final
Cure, New Order ,and countless old school rap and hip moments of the concert. I didn't think I could be hap-
hop beats. To my knowledge their last performance pier until several notes seeped under the curtain and
was at least two or three eons ago, so you can only across the floor.
imagine my elation when I received this stamped- next- When the music started again it belonged to a
day delivered-anonymous heart attack in the mail. song called "We Are the Robots." As the curtains
Whoa momma! I forgot that the tickets where super opened I could plainly see that there were no people on
expensive, only someone with a heart of platinum stage. Only the flashing keyboards and entrancing
could have been so intuitive and thoughtful. I figured screens were left. Robotic faces proclaiming the use-
that when I got there that my benefactor would be in lessness of humanoids spoke for the keyboards, until
the adjoining seat, or at least seek me out. Of course the screens dropped away and behind them dancing
then I would confer my endless gratitude, and of mechanized representations of Kraftwerk took over.
course then we could have a good laugh about it and of Awesome, to say the least! As the androids whirred and
course it didn't happen that way. clicked, they did a peculiar pantomime that, ironically
When I got to the show (a tad late to the most enough, gave the impression of a human dancer doing
important show of my life thanks to our mutual good the 'Robot'. When it was all over many began to grab
time charlie, the LIRR), the place was incredibly their coats but were stopped dead in their tracks when
packed. I hugged the buildings close and crossed the final encore exploded on the stage.
against the light dodging speeding lumps of metal.As I Everything was outlined in neon: the key-
got nearer it became evident that The Hammerstein boards, the screens, and even Kraftwerk themselves.
Ballroom would be filled to capacity (and almost cer- The band was outfitted in black with a green grid pat-
tainly beyond).The variety of the people in attendance tern outlining their entire bodies ( a iaTron ). Each one
was a tribute in and of itself to the Kraftwerk legacy. of them played a synthesized solo before hopping off-
There were jungle enthusiasts, old school rap fans (circa stage. The tune, "Music Nonstop," consisted of those
Grandmaster Flash and Newcleus, many Asian people, two words. The first is said by a June Cleaver-like
a lot of mods (?), and certainly a huge gay population. voice, the second by a booming and darkly unnerving
It was such a party! There were, of course no seats to be voice that only a synthesizer and a major sound system
had and since everyone was dancing anyway, I gave could create and handle. True to its title, even as I left
up the search for my secret buddy and just enjoyed the the building and floated across the black top to the
show. LIRR the building shook and rattled as the chorus
The group true to form remained hidden repeated itself until every last audience member had
behind their monstrously sized keyboards. Behind each left the building. How incredibly surreal!
band member there were gigantic screens that dis- I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank my
played computer generated graphics and stock footage. benefactor who surprised me once more over the sum-
The whole building throbbed under the gargantuan mer, (an entirely different story), and still remains
weight of euphoria, phat electronic beats (that even unknown. Also, I have never again encountered the
today are ahead of their time), futuristic seventies style, lovely young ladies who bought me the Kraftwerk
and eerie unnerving synthesized voices. With each wears. All I can say is that the experience reaffirmed my
song the throng would proclaim, "Alright, the last song faith in people, music, and the idea that what goes
was simply amazing but this one here...this is my around comes around. Perhaps the ticket was compen-
absolute favorite!!" And so it went into the night, bust- sation for some good deed that I had done for someone,
ing out jam after jam, Kraftwerk entranced us with or maybe it was just a kind gesture. At any rate, I need
songs like "Europe Endless" and then used songs like to keep my karma headed in this direction. Maybe I'll
"Home Computer" to us make sling our bootays run out and give away a few Kraftwerk CDs.
around like hot sauce on barbecue. But then came the
onslaught of the encores.

By John "Positive Credibility" Giuffo

Mr. I
Like Pataki getting re-elected. Like Phil say-
ing something stupid. Like love handles. Like the sun
burning out. Like fate. Like shrinkage for the Polar
Bear Club. Like the grave. It's inevitable: Dave Ewalt
will let you down.
Don't save him a seat at the theater. Don't
say "Table for four, we're expecting another person."
Don't wait by the phone for his call. And whatever
you do, never, ever, set your watch by him. Dave
works on a different level. Above. Away. Beyond the
confines of mortal concerns.
His unreliability is really a side-effect of his
state of hyper-evolution. Dave - like Phil Russo in
his own, separate way - is that rare gift from God: a
shining glimpse at man's future.
Dave is us after the great war; after wisdom
has spread far and wide, after humanity has learned
from its mistakes; after the Coming of the Great
White Hankie. Dave represents what we can achieve
if we really apply ourselves and realize our potential.
Homo Superior; good people.
So we're forced to forgive him when he lets
us down, for if we can truly understand anything
about Dave, it's that he has more to worry about than
making sure he lives up to our expectations. Perhaps
it is we who should endeavor to live up to his.

The WUSS Top 30: September 21, 1998

1. Bis: Intendo (Grand Royal)
2. Swirlies: Strictly...(Taang!)
NKLE: Psyence Fiction (London)
)R: World Beaters (Digital Hardcore)
larvey: A Perfect Day Elise (Island)
6. The Bell: Bootleg (Yikes)

honic: Blue Wonder Power Milk (Epic)

ums Big Band: s/t (You Gotta ProbleNi Wit


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f l ;::::::.:::::
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By Ed Ballard

There is, quite honestly, no simple way to

describe Mikey & the Merry Pranksters' new
album The Electric Circus, without constant and Th
absurd metaphor. Wedne
What would you say to a description of a me at Ihe Spot, my wnere it seemea you g. -
ska-funk band with no horn section? Or perhaps a local watering hole, were going. In any case, eyes
groovaliscious collaboration between Seal and to see the two and ears must be wide open.
Living Colour? bands that were Unfortunately, the best moment Push
Mikey & the Merry Pranksters have man- playing there that Button had to offer was that suspense built up
aged to successfully coral their manic energy and night. On the bill by not knowing what they could do. Devl, on
socio-political sensibilities into granola-feel-good wAPrP Melangcr• and the other hand, were intense. A collection of
IL Ka I -1 *g V.. ..1 I•- • • • • C41

rock that...well, rocks. All of these influences can Devl. Melange, a purported lndustr]
at times clash and every once in a while the politi- band, were supposed to be the headline
cal message can get a little heavy, but like my Now, I use the word 'purporte
Grammy's oatmeal cookies, you don't notice until because I have still not seen them. 0
you've downed a whole batch. half of the band got stuck up state, forci]
The variety of styles present are to be seri- the other half, keyboardist Kenyon,
ously appreciated. On two of the tracks, "Josies come up with something on the fly.
F@#cking You Again" and "Valerie in the Trash," This is exactly what Kenyon di
The Merry Pranksters rip through some pseudo With a bass player he met only two hot
grunge tunes. Both are entertaining, but it is hard earlier, he played under the moniker
to fully comprehend where they are coming from his other band, Push Button. They we
on this angle (perhaps that's their intention). In the on first, making Devl the headliners.
first tune they mention this conflict twice: Josie Devl is what remains after t
says lets cop out and crank up a funny band/then band Tin River Junction substituted
dwell among the meek to angst ridden drum machine for a flakey drummi
freaks/thank you for the party/but we could Drum machines always do as they are
never stay. Later still, Mikey sings: Its a pranksters told and don't cancel gigs to go and see a lame moments in which you couldn't help but say
mix/don't go grunge it Josie says. "Valerie in the seventies band, in this case the Eagles, at Jones 'WOW' or simply shake your head saying, 'I
Trash" is done in the same genre, but is not at all Beach. The drum machine doesn't even have to can't believe they just did that.'
self reflective on how its style is different from the come to the gig since its tracks are pro- It seemed that Push Button was deal-
rest of the album. grammed onto a cd and this is all that is need- ing in the construction of sounds by notes and
In fact, the rest of the album is chock full ed at the gig. This, of course, doesn' chords. Devl, on the otherl haid,
of uplifting messages and biting social commen- lend itself to any improvising. It were more interested in the feel-
tary. One might think that, in a sci-fi manner of would seem, then, that this would ings behind the sounds, what the
speaking, this is like mixing matter and anti-mat- not lend itself to any surprises. sound means. Whereas the for-
ter together. But once again, it would be a mistake Push Button. on the othei mer was interested in what
to overlook tunes like "Soul Ryder" and "It's a hand, were a blank slate. It was unknown what sounds good, Devl seemed more interested in
Beautiful Day" without recognizing that both they would do. It was even unknown what asking what it sounds like, and then going
Geordi and Picard could get their respective they could do. All they had to work with was a with it.
grooves on. keyboardist and bassist that had only just met The first kind of music might be
In short, Mikey & the Merry Pranksters each other. That, and the suspense built up by described as nice, pretty, sweet, moody, sad,
have put together an eclectic and thoughtful mix not knowing whether they could deliver any- sentimental or bittersweet. The second reaches
of music that should be seen and heard to be truly thing. for adjectives like gut-wrenching, powerful,
appreciated. This can be accomplished on Friday, I've read of Rock-and-Roll described as expressive, intense, emotional, passionate,
Oct 2nd at the Spot. Indulge your curiosity and your a collection of moments. These moments are alive, striking, violent, furious and fervent.
i r-- i * _ -i _-
- points at which something happens that was Besides both bands having only two
members (Devl, having ditched the
drummer, consist of only the guitar
player and bass player,) the only other
similarity is in a certain lyrical tech-
nique. Both bands seem to be using
the idea of singing the same words
over ard over again.
Push Button would sing its
same words in the same tone each
time. With Push Button, these words,
and all of the vocals, were way below
the music, always. Devl, on the other
hand, would constantly change the
pitch and volume of the words. Devl
wasn't just using the lyrics as words
to convey an emotion, but using the
d..... VVs
With c,It ii-n r diffor-

unexpected and often even unplanned, or ent or changing emotions.

points when a certain subtext reveals itself for Even though Push Button was the
a brief moment. In both cases, you must be band forced to play in the arena of the
paying full attention, with your eyes and ears unknown, it was Devl which was the truly
wide open, or you just might miss it. Other unpredictable band. Therefore, it was Devl that
moments are when a band leads you along to a was the more exciting band.
certain point and you feel you know exactly
where they are going with it and they either go (D-Kline hosts a radio show on WUSB 90.1 FM
there and execute it perfectly and passionately, every other Tuesday Night at midnight)
or they don't even go there but, rather, take

SEPTEMBER 23, 1998 PAGE 23


69,AP( 661pAsq

I Iello!! You, yes you,

Mcl ly!! can join the
I low cone most
you haven't illustrious,
joined The notorious,
Press? We for- infous band
give you this of rapscallions
time, but you this side of the
better make it Mason-Dixon
up to us.!! Line!!
And what bet- Come and feel
ter way than the joy of
to come to the sticking it to
Open House!! the man on a
Be there!! Get Bi-weekly
funky wit da basis!!


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