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When Do You Know If He's

by Amy Waterman, Relationship Expert
FREE! "How to Be Irresistible to Men" 6-Part
MiniCorse! "et it here ##
How many $ates $oes it ta%e to ma%e a $e&ision abot whether or not yo want to prse a relationship'
I()e always been &rios abot this aspe&t o* $atin+, be&ase )ery *ew women ha)e &omparable
experien&es, With some $ates, the %nowle$+e is imme$iate an$ instin&tal, With other $ates, months may
pass be*ore the en$earin+ natre o* his la+h, his smile, his &hara&ter be&omes apparent,
I %now that I am a slow warmer, I am wary when I meet a man *or the *irst time, I am $bios o* his
intentions, I rea$ innen$o where none was inten$e$, It ta%es me time to let $own my +ar$,
It(s not be&ase I(m natrally a sspi&ios person, It(s be&ase, in the realm o* relationships, I()e been
brne$ eno+h by ba$ apples,
I(m representati)e o* most women my a+e, By one(s thirties, one has experien&e$ eno+h ba$
relationships to asso&iate the $alities o* pain an$ pleasre with a man, -ne is ne)er sre how m&h to
Bt this isn(t natral,
.wenty years a+o, I lo)e$ all boys, I playe$ with them inno&ently an$ *ll-hearte$ly, Boys were my
playmates, my &ohorts in &rime, an$ my teammates *or +ames, I &ol$ thin% no e)il o* boys, .heir stran+e
pre*eren&es *or $irt, bo$y o$or, &ars, an$ &onstri&ti)e n$erpants were simply i$iosyn&rasies o* *as&inatin+
As I +rew ol$er, I reali/e$ that boys &ol$ no lon+er be trste$ to play inno&ently with me, My *irst
two male *rien$s in &olle+e were &ool--a 0a// msi&ian an$ an Apple Ma& +amer--ntil I reali/e$ they
"li%e$" me, I 1i&%ly $issol)e$ the *rien$ships, I wante$ the inno&ent &ompanionship an$ *rien$ship o* my
&hil$hoo$ male s&hoolmates, I $i$n(t reali/e that matrin+ wol$ erase that possibility &ompletely,
When $o we women lose or inno&en&e with men' An$ &an we e)er re+ain it'
In my line o* wor%, one +reat $an+er is to ta%e relationships an$ attra&tion too seriosly, Many women *eel
that the potential o* the man they are seein+ is a matter o* li*e or $eath, Instea$ o* ha)in+ *n playin+
with him 2li%e a &hil$ with a *a)orite playmate3, they e)alate his potential as a *ather, .hey sitate any
*tre relationship s1arely in the realm o* a$lthoo$, .he rest o* their li)es is at sta%e,
My *latmate tells me that the $e*inition o* &ompatibility as a &ople is when his or her isses are
&ompatible with yor isses,
.hat(s a pretty a$lt )iew o* the sitation,
I ha)e a $i**erent )iew, I belie)e that yo %now a man is &ompatible with yo i* he li%es to play the same
"+ames" yo li%e to play, Maybe yo li%e to tease in a &ertain way4 maybe there(s a &ertain +ame in be$
that yo li%e to play, Maybe yo li%e to +o ot4 maybe yo li%e to montain bi%e, I* he li%es to en0oy
himsel* an$ ha)e *n an$ la+h in the same ways as yo, yo()e *on$ a potential solmate,
We all %new ba&% in &hil$hoo$ that there were some &hil$ren that we &ol$ play with *or a+es, an$ there
were others who li%e$ +ames that $i$n(t interest s, It(s the same with men an$ women,
5et in or attempt to *in$ a sitable man, we o*ten *or+et to loo% *or one that we ha)e *n with, -ne that
ma%es the %in$s o* 0o%es we *in$ *nny 2an$ la+hs at or 0o%es3, -ne that is p *or any &ra/y s&heme we
propose, -ne that will ma%e or li*e happy an$ li+ht-hearte$, not 0st important an$ s&&ess*l,
6i*e is serios an$ $ry eno+h, We $on(t nee$ relationships to repli&ate those patterns,
Relationships shol$ be a ha)en *rom li*e(s $ry seriosness, 5o shol$ be able to *eel li%e a &hil$ with
yor partner, nembarrasse$ at the silliest o* +ames, .o+ether, yo will be responsible *or *ormin+ a li*e,
raisin+ &hil$ren, ma%in+ a home ,,, bt all this will only be en0oyable i* yo &an la+h to+ether,
I ha)e been ot on $ates with many s&&ess*l, intense, hi+hly attra&ti)e men, I a$mire them,
appre&iate them, an$ learn m&h *rom &on)ersations with them, .hese are the men who will shape the
worl$, 7o woman &an *ail to respon$ to their power,
Bt as *or mysel* ,,, in my little, hmble worl$ ,,, I en)ision my i$eal *tre as one in whi&h there is always
la+hter, in whi&h I &an retrn to &hil$hoo$ with my spose an$ play those +ames that I $i$n(t +et to play
eno+h be*ore I +rew "ol$," I want s to be able to &hase one another aron$ the room, ha)e pillow
*i+hts, an$ wrestle, I want s to tease one another, share silly 0o%es, an$ $issol)e the seriosness o* a
wor%in+ $ay with the ma+i&al spell o* hmor,
8o, I sppose, the answer to my 1estion is that it ta%es exa&tly the nmber o* $ates yo nee$ to $e&i$e
whether yo()e *on$ a &ompanion yo &an play with, 8ome %i$s *in$ a +ame they &an play with ea&h
other ri+ht o** the bat, -ther %i$s en$ p tryin+ lopsi$e$ +ames that one bt not the other li%es ntil they
either *in$ a +ame they li%e in &ommon or +i)e p,
.rst yor &hil$-heart(s instin&t, As% yorsel* ,,, i* yo were a %i$, wol$ yo play with this +y' -r wol$
he be one o* those %i$s who tries to &ontrol the +ame, or &han+e the rles, or &heat'
A partner who ma%es li*e more *n is a treasre in$ee$,
All the best in li*e an$ lo)e,
Amy Waterman
Host o* 9::6 E$ition o* "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
6earn More Here ###
Abot the athor; Amy Waterman is a pro*essional writer spe&iali/in+ in attra&tion, $atin+, an$
relationships, 8he has extensi)e experien&e in helpin+ women *in$ lo)e with her insi+ht*l an$ power*l
se&rets into attra&tin+ lo)e an$ ma%in+ relationships wor%, 8he is &rrently the host o* the latest e$ition o*
How .o Be Irresistible .o Men, whi&h is part o* the :::Relationships 7etwor%,
Her inno)ati)e pro+ram is a power*l 9-hor mltime$ia &orse with a &omprehensi)e spportin+
wor%boo%, A$$itionally, members re&ei)e a&&ess to her Surviving a Breakup a$io series, ori+inal e-
boo%, ex&lsi)e members-only *orm an$ personal email &onsltations, .he "How .o Be Irresistible .o
Men" &orse o**ers all women - sin+le or not - a $ynami& an$ &omprehensi)e tool%it to attra&t lo)e into
their li)es an$ establish stron+ an$ spporti)e relationships,
5o &an learn more abot how to attra&t the man o* yor $reams an$ +et the relationship yo always
wante$ at; http;<<www,:::relationships,&om<tomen

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