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Magnifico is a Filipino movie that touches the heart of every viewers.A movie that you will
cry and smile because of the beautiful flow of the story.It is a movie that will arouse not only
your heart but also your mind.
The main character in the story named Magnifico, he is tolerant,helpful,lovable and
assiduous son to his family.His kindness had been proven by other people like the old lady that
live at the cemetery.Magnifico is a child but the way he talks and think it seems like he is
matured enough that he knows what is right for the sake of his family.He is a child that you will
really admire because of his kindness and painstaking .
The setting is in the Philippines wherein it is a peaceful and beautiful province.It is a
province where Magnifico and his family lives.It is a place where his kindness had been seen
and proven by people.A place that witnesses his love and respect not only for his family but
also for the others.
The movie of Magnifico is a sad story.It is all about the love of son to his family especially to
his grandmother where in he give all of his effort .He create a reusable coffin, he save money to
buy his grandmother a burial clothes and he also found sepulcher for her.But what happened is
that, the sepulcher he found for his grandmother is the burial place for his death.Magnifico
died because of his love to his family especially to his grandmother.
This movie are interesting and inspiring.The choice of words are excellent.Every scene in the
movie will touch your heart and unexpectedly it will happen that the tears will flow at your
This movie gived me an inspiration not only as an individual but also as a part of society and
its basic unit which is the family.I will recommend this movie for every human because this
movie tackles a responsibility of individual to his/her family and to his/her society.It is better if
there will be a second part of this story.

Book Using: BOOK

This book is all about informations and related terms about living phenomenon.It helps us
to understand the life and different aspects in terms of human,animal,plant and other living
This book tackles;Biology as study of life,chemical composition of living things,cells,the
difference between plant and animal tissues,some system like human integumentary
system,human muscular sytem,human skeletal system,human digestive system,human
circulatory sytem,human respiratory system,human excretory sytem and all other related topic
about the body structure of human,plant and animal.
In terms of technical aspects of this book, the choice of color is good, the contents is concise
so that is easy to understand by the readers, the design of its cover are presentable and good
enough but a negative side is that it is easy to tear.

BSA 1A2-1

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