Publicaciones Hall

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Section 2

A Chronological Listing of Publications (1964-)

Editorial Universities & Left Review issue 1, , Stuart Hall, Gabriel
Pearson, Ralph Sauel and !harles "a#lor $eds%&, '(ford%
"he ,ew !onservatis-, ULR 1,
brea/0throu1h, !obined Universities !apai1n for ,u.lear 2isaraent, '(ford,
,%3%"%'% and the, London Re1ional ! 2is.ussion Paphlet, London,
"he deep sleep of En1land-, Universities & Left Review, issue 4 London, 5inter 1)*+%
6nside the 5hale 31ain-, Universities & Left Review, issue 7, Stuart Hall, Gabriel
Pearson, Ralph Sauel and !harles "a#lor $eds%&, London, Suer 1)*+%
89i1 Sir and the 'ran1es and Leons, Universities and Left Review, 7,
8:r Ra#ond and the 2ead Souls Universities and Left Review 7,
3 Sense of !lassnessness-, Universities & Left Review, issue *%,
Editorial; ULR to ,ew Left Review-, Universities & Left Review issue <,
83bsolute 9e1innin1s-, Universities & Left Review, issue <, Stuart
Hall, Gabriel Pearson, Ralph Sauel, !harles "a#lor :i.hael 9arratt09rown, ,oran
9irnbau, 3lan Hall, :i.hael =ullan, 3lan Lovell, 3lasdair and :a.6nt#re $eds%&,
London, 3utun 1)*)%
"he 9i1 Swipe-, Universities & Left Review issue <,
"he Suppl# of 2eand-, in 'ut of 3path#, E P "hopson $ed%&, ,ew Left 9oo/s,
Stevens and Sons Ltd%, London, 1)>?%
Editorial-, ,ew Left Review issue 1% Stuart Hall $ed&% London, 1)>?
Ser@eant :us1rave-s 2an.e-, ,ew Left Review, issue 1, Stuart Hall $ed%&, London
!rosland "erritor#-, ,ew Left Review, issue A, Stuart Hall $ed%&, London
Lad# !hatterle#-s Lover-, ,ew Left Review, issue >, Stuart Hall $ed%&, London
Student Bournals-, ,ew Left Review, issue <, Stuart Hall $ed%&, London
,otes on the !uban 2ilea- with ,or Cru.hter, ,ew Left Review, issue ), Stuart Hall
$ed%&, London, 1)>1%
"he Politi.s of "he !oon :ar/et- with Perr# 3nderson, ,ew Left Review issue 1?,
Stuart Hall $ed&, 1)>1
!oitent 2ilea- ,ew Left Review, issue 1?, Stuart Hall $ed%&, London
8"he !uban !risis; "rial0run or Steps "owards Pea.eD in 5ar and Pea.e, vol%1, no%1, Ban0
:ar.h% "he !,2 Euarterl#, !apai1n for ,u.lear 2isaraent, London
"he Popular 3rts, S%Hall and P%5hannel, London; Hut.hinsonF and 9oston; 9ea.on Press,
G"he foration of .ons.iousnessG, "he !oitted !hur.h, Sion !leents and
Lawren.e 9ri1ht $eds%&% 2arton, Lon1an and "odd, 1)>>%
G-!lass and the ass ediaG, in !lass; 3 S#posiu, Ri.hard :abe# $ed%&, London; 9lond,
1)><, ,ew Left :a# 2a# :anifesto, edited b# Stuart Hall, Ra#ond 5illias, Edward
"hopson% London 1)><%
G-!ultural anal#sisG, !abrid1e Review, +), 1)><%
G"he world of the 1ossip .olunG, Hour Sunda# Paper, R% Ho11art $ed%&, London Universit#
Press, >+, 1?), 1)><%
GPeople, personalities, and personalisationG, 5riters and their 5or/ , R% Ho11art $ed%&,
London Universit# Press, >+, 1?), 1)><%
"he Houn1 En1landers, ,ational !oittee of !oonwealth 6i1rants, London,
"he :a# 2a# :anifesto 1)>+, Ra#ond 5illias $ed&%, Pen1uin Spe.ial, Pen1uin 9oo/s,
Harondsworth, :iddlese(%
"he ,ew Revolutionaries-, in Cro !ulture to Revolution, "err# Ea1leton and 9rian
5i./er $eds%&, Sheed and 5ard, London, S#dne#, 1)>+%
G"he Hippies, an :oentG in Student Power, B%,a1el $ed%&,London; :erlin Press,
GPopular Press and So.ial !han1eG, Rowntree Report, 1)>)%
G9la./ 9ritonsG, !ounit#, 1, ,oGs A and 4, 1)<?%
GRiflessioni sullGinforaIione in Gran 9rera1naG, 6nforaIione Radio "J, Roe; R36,
,o%1A $translated reprint&, 1)<?%
G3 5orld at 'ne with 6tselfG, ,ew So.iet#, no%7?4, 1)<?%
GLeisure, Entertainent and :ass !ouni.ationG, So.iet# and Leisure, no%A, 1)<?%
G6ntrodu.tionG, GResponse to People and !ultureG, 5or/in1 Papers in !ultural Studies, no%1,
GLife and 2eath of Pi.ture PostG, !abrid1e Review, vol%)A, no%AA?1, 1)<1%
G6nnovation and 2e.line in !ultural Pro1rain1 on "elevisionG, U,ES!' Report; !!!S,
GLe role des pro1raes .ulturels dans la television britanniKueG, in Essais sur les ass
edia et la .ulture, Paris; U,ES!', 1)<1%
GPeople and .ulture; a .ritiKueG, 5or/in1 Papers in !ultural Studies, 1, 9irin1ha; !!!S,
G2evian.#, Politi.s and the :ediaG, in 2evian.# and So.ial !ontrol, :% :.6ntosh and P%
Ro./ $eds%&, London, "avisto./%, 1)<1%
G"he So.ial E#e of Pi.ture PostG, 5or/in1 Papers in !ultural Studies, no%A, 1)<A%
G"he 2eterination of ,ews Photo1raphsG, 5or/in1 Papers in !ultural Studies, no%4%
Reprinted in "he :anufa.ture of ,ews $1)<4&, S%!ohen and B%Houn1, London; !onstable,
G"he Liitations of 9road.astin1G, Listener, vol%1>, 1)<A%
GE(ternalL6nternal 2iale.ti. in 9road.astin1G, in Courth S#posiu on 9road.astin1, 2ept%
of E(tra0:ural Studies, Universit# of :an.hester, 1)<A%
G"he Hippies; dissent in 3eri.aG, in P%5orsle# $ed%&, Probles of :odern So.iet#%
Harondsworth; Pen1uin, 1)<A%
G9la./ 9ritonsG, in E%9utterworth and 2%5eir, $eds%&, So.ial probles of odern 9ritain%,
London; Contana, 1)<A%
Situatin1 :ar(, S%Hall and P%5alton, 1)<4%
G6ntrodu.tionG, in P%5alton and S%Hall $eds%&, Situatin1 :ar(, London; Huan !onte(t
9oo/s, 1)<4%
G"he Stru.tured !ouni.ation of EventsG, in 'bsta.les to !ouni.ation S#posiu,
U,ES!', Paris, 1)<4%
G2evian.#, Politi.s and the :ediaG, in :%:a.6ntosh and P%Ro./ $eds%&, 2evian.# and So.ial
!ontrol, London; "avisto./, 1)<4%
GEn.odin1 and 2e.odin1 in the :edia 2is.ourseG, sten.illed paper no%<, 9riin1ha,
!!!S, 1)<4%
G"he Liitations of 9road.astin1G, "he Se.ond Listener 3ntholo1#, 1)<4%
G"he television dis.ourseG, in !riteria and fun.tions of television $Pri( 6taliaF
pro.eedin1s&, "urin; EdiIioni Radiotelevisione 6taliana, 1)<4%
G:ar(Gs ,otes on :ethod; 3 GReadin1G of the G1+*< 6ntrodu.tionGG, 5or/in1 papers in
!ultural Studies, no%>, 1)<7%
GEdu.ation and the !risis of the Urban S.hoolG, in B%Ra#nor $ed%&, 6ssues in Urban
Edu.ation, :ilton =e#nes; 'pen Universit# Press, 1?<7%
GEn.odin1 and 2e.odin1 in the "elevision 2is.ourseG, !ulture and Edu.ation, no%A*,
! of Europe, Strassbur1, 1)<7%
G:edia Power; the 2ouble 9indG, Bournal of !ouni.ation, vol%A7, no%7, 1)<7%
G"elevision Jiolen.e; !rie, 2raa and the 3nal#sis of !ontentG, S%Hall, 3%Shuttleworth,
!%He./ and 3%Llo#d, 9riin1ha, !!!S, 1)<7%
GEn.odin1 and 2e.odin1G, 9road.asters and the 3udien.e, Jeni.e, 1)<7%
G9etween two worldsG, in "%9ar/er $ed%&, "he Lon1 :ar.h of Ever#an, London; 3ndre
2eut.h, 1)<7%
G"he GStru.tured !ouni.ationG of EventsG, in Gettin1 the :essa1e 3.ross, U,ES!',
Paris, 1)<*%
G3fri.a is 3live and 5ell and Livin1 in the 2iasporaG, U,ES!', Paris, 1)<*%
G"elevision as a :ediu and 6ts Relation to !ultureG, 9irin1ha, !!!S, 1)<*%
G,ewsa/in1 and !rieG, S%Hall, !%!rit.her, B%!lar/e, "%Befferson and 9%Roberts,
sten.illed paper no%A<, 9irin1ha, !!!S, 1)<*%
G6ntrodu.tionG, to 3%!%Sith, Paper; the Popular Press and So.ial !han1e, 1)4*0
1)>*, London; !hatto and 5indus, 1)<*%
G"elevision, violen.e and .rieG, in Resear.h :ethods and Results !on.ernin1 the
Relationship between Jiolen.e, "elevision, and !riinalit#% Cloren.e; Pri( 6talia, 1)<*%
G,ewsa/in1 and .rieG, in Bournalis, broad.astin1 and urban .rie, London; ,3!R',
G,ews and .urrent affairs televisionG, in Pro.eedin1s of the MMJ66 Pri( 6talia, :edia
Resear.h !onferen.e, Cloren.e; Editiones Radio0"elevision 6taliana, 1)<*%
:u11in1 and Law Gn 'rder, S%Hall and "%Befferson, 9irin1ha;!!!S ,o%4>, 1)<*%
GSub.ultures, !ultures and !lass; 3 " overviewG, S%Hall, B%!lar/e, "%Befferson and
9%Roberts, 5or/in1 Papers in !ultural Studies, no%<L+, 1)<>%
G6ntrodu.tionG, to 2%Selbourne, 3n E#e on !hina, London; 9la./ Liberation Press, 1)<>%
Resistan.e throu1h Rituals; Houth Sub.ultures in Post05ar 9ritain, S%Hall and "%Befferson,
London; Hut.hinson, 1)<>%
G"elevision and !ultureG, Si1ht and Sound, vol%7*, no%7, London, 1)<>%
GJiolen.e and the ass ediaG, in ,%"utt $ed%&, Jiolen.e, London; H:S', 1)<>%
GLiterature, So.iet# and the So.iolo1# of Literature; 3 ! Surve#G, in Literature,
So.iet#, the So.iolo1# of Literature; Pro.eedin1s of the !onferen.e, Esse(, Bul# 1)<>,
C%9ar/er, P%Hule et al $eds%&, "he Universit# of Esse(, 1)<>%
GE.onoi. deterinations on television fi.tion produ.tionG, in Pro.eedin1s of the MMJ666
Pri( 6talia Resear.h Seinar on 'r1aniIation and Stru.ture of Ci.tion in "elevision
Produ.tion%, 9olo1na;ER6LRadiotelevisione 6taliana, 1)<>%
G9road.astin1, Politi.s and the State; the 6ndependent 0 ipartialit# .oupletG, Paper to 1?th
6nternational 3sso.iation for :ass !ouni.ation Resear.h, Universit# of Lei.ester,
3 surve#- in literature, so.iet# and the so.iolo1# of literature, Universit# of Esse(,
G"he GUnit#G of !urrent 3ffairs "elevisionG, S%Hall, 6%!onnell and L%!arti, 5or/in1 papers in
!ultural Studies, no%), 1)<<%
G"he Hinterland of S.ien.e; 6deolo1# and the NSo.iolo1# of =nowled1eNG, 5or/in1 Papers
in !ultural Studies, no%1?, 1)<<%
GPoliti.s and 6deolo1#; Gras.iG, S%Hall, 9%Lule# and G%:.Lennan, 5or/in1 Papers in
!ultural Studies, no%1?, 1)<<%
G!ulture, the :edia, and the Effe.tNG, in B !urran et al% $eds%&, :ass
!ouni.ation and So.iet#, London; Edward 3rnold, 1)<<%
GRethin/in1 the N9ase and Superstru.tureN :etaphor,G in B 9loofield et al% $eds%&, !lass,
He1eon# and Part#, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart, 1)<<%
GBournalis of the 3ir under ReviewG, Bournalis Studies Review, vol%1, no%1, 1)<<%
G"he NPoliti.alN and the NE.onoi.N in :ar(ist "heor# of !lassesG, in 3%Hunt $ed%& !lass
and !lass Stru.ture, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart, 1)<<%
G3 ! Surve# of the " and 3.hieveents of the Last "en HearsG, in
C%9ar/er et al% $eds%& Literature, So.iet# and the So.iolo1# of Literature, Universit# of
Esse(, 1)<<%
G2evelopents in 9ritish #outh .ultureG, "ea.hin1 London =ids, 1?, 1)<<%
GUber die arbeit das .entre for !onteporar# !ultural StudiesG, Gulliver ,o% A% 2euts.h0
En1lish.he Bahrbu.her A, 9erlin;3r1uent Jerla1, 1)<<%
S.hoolin1 and So.iet#; 3 Review of "heories, :ilton =e#nes; 'pen Universit# Press,
'n 6deolo1#, S%Hall, 9%Lule# and G%:.Lennan $eds%&, London; Hut.hinson,1)<+%
GPoliti.s and 6deolo1#; Gras.iG, S%Hall, 9 Lule# and G%:.Lennan, in 'n 6deolo1#, 1)<+%
G"he Politi.alG and G"he E.onoi.G in :ar(Gs "heor# of !lassesG, in $ed%& 3%Hunt, !lass and
!lass Stru.ture, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart% Reprinted $1)+?& in $eds%& R%9o.o./ et al,
3n 6ntrodu.tion to So.iolo1#, Contana, 1)<+%
Poli.in1 the !risis; N:u11in1N the State and Law and 'rder, S%Hall, !%!rit.her,
"%Befferson, B%!lar/e and 9%Roberts, London; :a.illan, 1)<+%
GResponse to Rosalind !owardG, S%Hall, 6%!onnell, B%!urti, 6%!habers and "%Befferson,
S.reen, no%7, 1)<+%
G:ar(is and !ultureG, Histor# Review, no%1+, 1)<+%
G"he "reatent of NCootball Hooli1anisN in the PressG, in R%6n1ra $ed%&, Cootball
Hooli1anis; the 5ider !onte(t, London; 6nter03.tion, 1)<+%
G,ewspapers, Politi.s and !lassesG, in B%!urran $ed%&, "he 9ritish Press, London;
:a.illan, 1)<+%
G"he "elevision Ceuilleon and the 2oesti.ation of the 5orldG, in "he Ceuilleon in
"elevision, Pro.eedin1s of the Pri06talia !onferen.e, Jeni.e; ER6, 1)<+%
GPluralis, ra.e and .lass in !aribbean so.iet#G, in Ra.e and !lass in Post0!olonial So.iet#,
Paris;U,ES!', 1)<+% and rea.tionG, in Cive Jiews of :ulti0Ra.ial 9ritain, London; !oission on
Ra.ial EKualit#, 1)<+%
GRa.e and povert#G, in "%9lair $ed%&, "he 6nner !ities, London; !entral London Pol#te.hni.
papers on the environent, 1)<+%
G2evelopents in 9ritish Houth !ulturesG, Hard "ies, ,os%4L7% 9erlin; 2euts.h09ritishen
Gesells.haft, 1)<+%
G2ie soIiale opti/ der NPi.ture PostNG, in E%,ierli.h $ed%&, Credspra.hli.he
Literaturwissens.haft und :assenedien, :eisenhei a Glan;Jerla1 3nton Hain, 1)<+%
G"he 5ithinG, "he Listener, A?L<L<+%
G"he Great :ovin1 Ri1ht ShowG, :ar(is "oda#, Banuar#, 1)<)%
GSoe Probles with the 6deolo1#LSub@e.t !oupletG, 6deolo1# and !ons.iousness, no%4,
G!ultures of Resistan.e and N:oral Pani.sNG, 3fras Review, Universit# of Susse(, 3utun,
Reforis and the Le1islation of !onsent- in $eds& B% !lar/e, :% CitI1erals et%al%,
Reissiveness and .ontrol% :a.illans and the ,ational 2evian.# !onferen.e% 1)+?
G!ultural Studies; "wo Paradi1sG, :edia, !ulture and So.iet#, no%A, 1)+?%
GPopular02eo.rati. vs% 3uthoritarian0Populis; "wo 5a#s of G"a/in1 2eo.ra.#
Seriousl#GG, in 3%Hunt $ed%&, :ar(is and 2eo.ra.#, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart,
!ulture, :edia, Lan1ua1e, S%Hall, 2%2obson, 3%Lowe and P%5illis $eds%&, London;
Hut.hinson, 1)+?%
G!ultural Studies and the !entre; Soe Probleati.s and ProblesG, G6ntrodu.tion to :edia
Studies at the !enterG, GEn.odin1L2e.odin1G, and GRe.ent 2evelopents in "heories of
Lan1ua1e and 6deolo1#G, !ulture, :edia, Lan1ua1e, London; Hut.hinson, 1)+?%
G,i.os PoulantIas; State, Power, So.ialisG, ,ew Left Review, no%11), 1)+?%
2riftin1 into a Law and 'rder So.iet#, "he 1)+? !obden "rust Le.ture, !obden "rust,
London, 1)+?%
G"hat.heris03 ,ew Sta1eDG, :ar(is "oda#, Cebruar#, 1)+?%
GRa.e, 3rti.ulation, and So.ieties Stru.tured in 2oinan.eG, in "heories; Ra.e
and !olonialis, U,ES!'; Paris, 1)+?%
G"he Ra#ond 5illias 6nterviewsG, S.reen Edu.ation, no%47, 1)+?%
GRa.e, !lass and 6deolo1#G, 2as 3r1urent, Bul# 1)+?%
G,otes on 2e.onstru.tin1 Nthe PopularNG, in R%Sauel $ed%&, PeopleGs Histor# and So.ialist
"heor#, London; Routled1e and =e1an Paul, 1)+1%
G6n 2efense of "heor#G, in R%Sauel $ed%&, PeopleGs Histor# and So.ialist "heor#, London,
Routled1e and =e1an Paul, 1)+1%
G"he NLittle !aesarsN of So.ial 2eo.ra.#G, :ar(is "oda#, 3pril, 1)+1%
G:ovin1 Ri1htG, So.ialist Review, no%**% 1)+1%
GRepresentations of Ra.e in the :edia; Jiewpoint AG, :ulti0Ra.ial Edu.ation, Jol%), ,o%A,
GLaw, !lass and !ontrolG, with P%S.raton in !rie and So.iet# $ed%& :%CitI1erald et al,
Routled1e and =e1an Paul, London, 1)+1%
G"he Redis.over# of N6deolo1#NF Return of the Repressed in :edia StudiesG, in
:%Gurevit.h, "%9ennett, B%!urran and $eds%&, !ulture, So.iet# and the :edia,
London; :ethuen, 1)+A%
G3 Lon1 HaulG, :ar(is "oda#, ,oveber, 1)+A%
GRedrawin1 the :apG, :ar(is "oda#, 2e.eber, 1)+A%
G"he Epire Stri/es 9a./G, ,ew So.ialist, Bul#L3u1ust, 1)+A%
G!ulture and the StateG, in Popular !ulture, 'pen Universit#, 1)+A%
G"he 9attle for So.ialist 6deas in the 1)+?sG, So.ialist Re1ister, 1)+A%
G"he Proble of 6deolo1# 0 :ar(is without GuaranteesG, in 9%:atthews $ed%&, :ar( 1??
#ears 'n, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart, 1)+4%
"he Politi.s of "hat.heris, S%Hall and :%Ba.Kues, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart, 1)+4%
G5histlin1 in the JoidG, ,ew So.ialist, :a#LBune, London, 1)+4%
G"ea.hin1 Ra.eG, Earl# !hild 2evelopent, Jol%1?, ,o%7, London, 1)+4%
G!onstru.tion of Ra.e in the :ediaG, 2as 3r1uent, ,o%147, 9erlin, 1)+4%
GRe.onstru.tion 5or/G, "en +, no%1>, 9irin1ha, 1)+7%
G"he !ulture GapG, :ar(is "oda#, Banuar#, 1)+7%
G"he ,arrative !onstru.tion of Realit#, Southern Review, vol%1<, no%1, 1)+7%
"he 6dea of the :odern State, G%:.Lennan, 2%Held and S%Hall $eds%&, :ilton =e#nes;
'pen Universit# Press, 1)+7%
State and So.iet# in !onteporar# 9ritain, G%:.Lennan, S%Hall and 2%Held $eds%&,
!abrid1e; Polit# Press% 1)+7%
G"he State in EuestionG, in "he 6dea of the :odern State,, :ilton =e#nes; 'pen
Universit# Press, 1)+7%
G"he Rise of the RepresentativeL6nterventionist StateG, in State and So.iet# in !onteporar#
9ritain,, ,ew Hor/; Polit# Press, 1)+7%
GLabourGs Love Still LostG, ,ew So.ialist , Banuar#LCebruar#, 1)+7%
GCa.e the CutureG, ,ew So.ialist, Septeber, 1)+7%
G"he !risis of LabourisG, in B%!urran $ed%&, "he Cuture of the Left, !abrid1e; Polit#
Press, 1)+7%
G!on@urin1 Leviathan; 'rwell on the StateG, in !%,orris $ed%&, 6nside the :#th0'rwell;
Jiews fro the Left, London; Lawren.e and 5ishart, 1)+7%
G"he State 0 So.ialisGs 'ld !areta/erG, :ar(is "oda#, Banuar#, 1)+7%
GEdu.ation in !risisG, in 6s "here 3n#one Here fro Edu.ationD, 2onald and 5olpe $eds%&,
Pluto Press, 1)+7%
GSi1nifi.ation, Representation, 6deolo1#; 3lthusser and the Post0Stru.turalist 2ebatesG,
! Studies in :ass !ouni.ation, vol%A, no%A, 1)+*%
GCaith, Hope and !larit#G, :ar(is "oda#, Banuar#, 1)+*%
G3uthoritarian Populis; 3 Repl# to Bessop et al%G, ,ew Left Review, no%1*1, 1)+*%
GReali1nent 0 Cor 5hatDG, :ar(is "oda#, 2e.eber, 1)+*%
G"he Role of 6ntelle.tual is to Produ.e !risis; 3 !onversation with Uberto E.oG, Listener,
:a# 1>, 1)+*%
G!old, !ofort, CarG ,ew So.ialist, ,oveber, 1)+*%
GState and So.iet#, 1++?01)4?G, S%Hall and 9%S.hwartI in :%Lan1an and 9%S.hwartI $eds%&,
!rises in the 9ritish State, 1++?01)4?, London; Hut.hinson, 1)+*%
GReli1ious 6deolo1# and So.ial :oveents in Baai.aG, in R%9o.o./ and =%"hopson
$eds%&, Reli1ion and 6deolo1#, :an.hester Universit# Press, 1)+*%
G:edia Power and !lass PowerG in 9endin1 Realit#, $ed%& B%!urran et al, Pluto, 1)+>%
GGras.iGs Relevan.e for the Stud# of Ra.e and, Bournal of !ouni.ation
6nKuir#, vol% 1?, no%A, 1)+>%
G"he Proble of 6deolo1#; :ar(is without GuaranteesG in Bournal of !ouni.ation
6nKuir#, op .it% 1)+>%
G'n Postodernis and 3rti.ulation; 3n 6nterview with Stuart HallG, Bournal of
!ouni.ation 6nKuir#, vol%1?, no%A, 1)+>%
Politi.s and 6deolo1#, S%Hall and B%2onald $eds%&, :ilton =e#nes; "he 'pen Universit#,
GJariants of LiberalisG, in Politi.s and 6deolo1#,, :ilton =e#nes; 'pen Universit#
Press, 1)+>%
G6ntrodu.tionG to 5%C%Hau1, !oodit# 3estheti.s, 6deolo1# and !ulture, ,ew Hor/;
6nternational General, 1)+>%
GPopular !ulture and the StateG in "%9ennett, ! and $eds%&, Popular
!ulture and So.ial Relations, :ilton =e#nes; 'pen Universit# Press, 1)+>%
GPeople 3id; 3 ,ew Politi.s Sweeps the LandG, S%Hall and :%Ba.Kues, :ar(is "oda#,
Bul#, 1)+>%
G!ultural Studies; "wo Paradi1sG in :edia, !ulture and So.iet#, $ed%& R%!ollins et al,
Sa1e, 1)+>%
G3bsolutis 3nd 'ther 3n.estorsG, with B%3nderson $ed%& in 3nderson, "he Rise of the
:odern State, Harvester, 9ri1hton, 1)+>%
G"he "oad in the Garden; "hat.heris aon1st the "heoristsG, and GStuart Hall; Euestion
and 3nswerG, in !%,elson and L%Grossber1 $eds%&, :ar(is and the 6nterpretation of
!ulture, Urbana; Universit# of 6llinois Press and London; :a.illan, 1)+<%
G6ntrodu.tionG to B%Har1reaves, Sports and Power, ,ew Hor/; 6nternational General, 1)+<%
GPopular !ulture as a Ca.tor of 6nter.ultural Understandin1G in Huan Ri1hts "ea.hin1,
vol%vi, U,ES!', Paris, 1)+<%
Pi.tures of Ever#da# Life, S%Hall and ,oelle Goldan, !aeliaL:ethuen; London, 1)+<%
GGras.i and UsG, :ar(is "oda#, 1)+<%
=odowanie i de/oduanie-, PrIe/aI# 6 'pinie, 1LA, $7<L7+&% $p%*+0<A&
G:i1ration fro the En1lish0Spea/in1 !aribbean to the U=, 1)*?0+?G in Re1inald
3pple#ard $ed%&, 6nternational :i1ration "oda#, vol%1; "rends and Prospe.ts, U,ES!'
$Paris& Universit# of 5estern 3ustalia, 1)++%
G,ew Ethni.itiesG in 9la./ Cil, 9ritish !inea, 9ritish Cil 6nstituteL6nstitute for
!onteporar# 3rts, 2o.uent <, 1)++%
G:inial SelvesG in 6dentit#; "he Real :e, 6!3 2o.uent >, 1)++%
"he Hard Road "o Renewal; "hat.heris and the !risis of the Left, Jerso, 1)++%
G"he 5or/ of 3rt in the Ele.troni. 31eG, in 9lo./, no%17, 3utun, 1)++%
G6ntrodu.tionG to Cort# Hears 'n; :eories of 9ritainGs Postwar !aribbean 6i1rants,
Labeth !, 1)++%
G9rave ,ew 5orldG, the ,ew "ies issue of :ar(is "oda#, '.tober, 1)++%
G2eath of "he 5elfare StateG, ,ew 6nternationalist, no%1++, '.tober, 1)++%
=ultteuntai0stelu Bo, Jastorinta-, in :aailan/ulturin 3urella $!ulture, GlobaliIation&,
E%3llaratt, S%Hall and L%5allerstein, Universit# of B#vOs/#la, Cinland, p%>+P+>, 1)++%
3us1ewOhle S.hri1ten $Sele.ted Essa#s on 6deolo1#, !ulture, :edia, "he ,ew Ri1ht and "ranslated ,ora RathIel, 3r1uent $9erlin&, pp%1PA4), 1)+)%
G!ultural 6dentit# and !ineati. RepresentationG, in Craewor/, 4>, pp%>+P+A, 1)+)
G6deolo1# and !ouni.ation "heor#G, in Rethin/in1 !ouni.ation, vol%1 Paradi1
6ssues, 9%2ervin, L%Grossber1, 9%'G=eefe and E%5artella $eds%&, Sa1e, pp%7?P*A, 1)+)%
G3uthoritarian PopulisG in "hat.heris, 9%Bessop, =%9onnett, S%9role# and "%Lin1
$eds%&, Polit# Press, pp%))P1?<, 1)+)%
G!%L%R% Baes; "he Life of a !arribean HistorianG, in ,ew Statesan and So.iet#, pp%A1P
A<, ) Bune 1)+)%
Rassisus als ideolo1isher 2is/urs-, 2as 3r1uont, ,o%1<+% $p%)14P)AA&%
' postodern0i1u i arri/ula@.i@i-, ,ose "ee, vol% (((iii, ,o%), pp%A4?1PA41>
Sons and 2au1hters of the 2iaspora-% Ruler of 3ret !hildren of the 9la./
"rian1le, 3rtra1e $Sprin1& p%7>P7<%
"he Joluntar# Se.tor Under 3tta./, "he Joluntar# 3.tion ! Paphlets, London,
G"he 5hites of "heir E#esG $revised& in "he :edia Reader, :%3lvarado and B%'%"hopson
$eds%&, pp%<PA4, 1))?%
!ultural identit# and 2iaspora-, in 6dentit#, B%Rutherford $ed%&, Lawren.e and 5ishart,
pp%AAAPA4<, 1))?%
,ew "ies, S%Hall and :%Ba.Kues, Lawren.e and 5ishart, 1))?%
GPost0odernis; 3 !onversation with Crederi./ BaesonG, :ar(is "oda#, 3u1ust 1))?%
:ar.h 5ithout Jision; "he End of "hat.heris-, with :artin Ba.Kues% :ar(is "oda#,
2e.eber, 1))?%
"he Eer1en.e of !ultural Studies and the !risis of the Huanities- in '.tober, ,o%*4%
Suer, pp%11PA7, 1))?%
Readin1 Gras.i- in Gras.i-s "hou1ht, Ro1er Sion, Lawren.e and 5ishart,
pp%<P1?, 1))1%
Het :iniale Qelf en 3ndere 'pstallen $"he :inial Self and 'ther Essa#s&, Sele.ted
Essa#s, leit1ever@i Sua, 3sterda, pp%1PA11, 1))1%
Re.onstru.tion 5or/; 6a1es of Post0war 9la./ Settleent- in Cail# Snaps; "he
:eanin1 of 2oesti. Photo1raph#, Bo Spen.e and Patri.ia Holland $eds& Jira1o, pp%1*AP
1>7, 1))1%
9rave ,ew 5orld; "he 2ebate 3bout Post0Cordis-, in So.ialist Review, Jol% A1 ,o%1,
Ban0:ar.h, San, pp%*<P>7, 1))1%
Hou !an-t Go Hoe 31ain-, $Review of Rushdie-s 6a1inar# Hoelands& in Si1ht and
Sound, Bul#, 1))1%
"he and the Global; GlobaliIation and, in !ulture GlobaliIation and the
5orld S#ste, 3nthon# =in1 $ed&, :a.illan, pp%1)P7?, 1))1%
'ld and ,ew 6dentities, 'ld and ,ew Ethni.ities-, in !ulture, GlobaliIation and the 5orld
S#ste- 3nthon# =in1 $ed& :a.illan, pp%71P>+, 1))1%
Europe-s 'ther Self-% 6n :ar(is "oda#, 3u1ust, 1))1%
2as R/olo1ie 0 Proble ud die ,otwendi1/eiten lin/er Politi/-, 2as 3r1uent, ,o 1+),
Sept0'.t 1))1, pp%>>*P><7, 9erlin%
!hoppin1 Lo1i.; Baeson-s Post0odernis or the !ultural Lo1i. of Late !aptialis-, in
:ar(is "oda#; Review of 9oo/s, 3pril, 1))1%
6deol1ie und '/onoie 0 :ar(isus ohne GewOhr-, European Bournal for Seioti.
Studies, vol%4, $1PA&, pp%AA)0A*7
Gas.i o.h ir-, in Seit, ,o%407, Universit# of Cund, Sweden, pp%>10>)%
!ultural 6dentit# and !ineati. Representation-, in E(iles; Essa#s on !aribbean !inea,
:b#e !ha $ed&, 3fri.a 5orld Press, pp%AA?PA4>, 1))A%
3nd ,ot 3 Shot Cired; "he End of "hat.herisD- :ar(is "oda#, Banuar#, 1))A%
!ultural Studies and 6ts " Le1a.ies- in !ultural Studies $eds& Grossber1, ,elson
and "rei.hler, Routled1e, pp%A<<PA)7, 1))A%
Corations of :odernit#, $ed% Hall and Gieben&% Polit# Press, p%1P44*, 1))A%
"he Rest and the 5est; 2is.ourse and Power-, in Corations of :odernit#, $eds& Hall and
Gieben, Polit# Press, pp%A<*P44A, 1))A%
,ew Ethni.ities- in Ra.e-, !ulture and 2ifferen.e $ed& B% 2onald and 3% Rattansi, Sa1e,
pp%A*APA>?, 1))A%
!rossin1 9oundaries; Stit.hin1 "he Self in Pla.e- in ,othin1 Stands Still, "he !rossin1
9oundaries Seinar, European ,etwor/ for !ultural and :edia Studies, 3sterda, pp%7P
14, 1))A%
"he Ele.tion; ,o ,ew Jision, ,o ,ew Jotes-, ,ew Statesan and So.iet#, 1< 3pril
=ulttuurin Ba Politii/an :urro/sia $Sele.ted Essa#s on !ulture and Politi.s&, Jastapainoi,
"apara, Cinland, pp%1P4+?, 1))A
"he ! 2e.ade; 9la./ Photo1raph# in the 1)+?-s 2avid 9aile# and Stuart Hall $eds&,
JolD no%4 of "en + , 9irin1ha, pp%1P1*)%
"he Jerti1o of 2ispla.eent; Shifs within 9lea/ 2o.uentar#, in !
2e.ade, 9aile# and Hall $eds%&, pp%17PA4%
Re.onstru.tion 5or/-, reprinted with ia1es b# Jin.ent Sto/es, in "he ! 2e.ade, pp%1?>P114%
6dentit# and the 9la./ Photo1raphi. ia1e-, in ! 2e.ade, pp%A7P41%
'ur :on1rel Selves-, "he Ra#ond 5illias :eorial Le.ture, 6n the 9orderlands
Suppleent, "he ,ew Statesan, 1) Bune 1))A%
Ra.e, !ulture and !ouni.ations-, in Rethin/in1 :ar(is, Jol% *, ,o% 1, Sprin1 1))A,
"he 5illias 6nterviews-, in "he S.reen Edu.ation Reader $ed%& 3lverado, 9us.obe and
!ollins, :a.illan
5hat 6s the 9la./- in 9la./ Popular !ultureD- 9la./ Popular !ulture, $ed%& Gina 2e./,
2ia !entre for the 3rts, ,Hand "he 9a# Press, Seattle% $p%A1P4>&%
2evian.#, Politi.s and the :edia-, reprinted in "he Lesbian and Ga# Studies Reader,
$eds%& H% 3belove, :% 9orale and 2% Halperin, Routle1e, London and ,ew Hor/%
5hi.h Publi., 5hose Servi.e-D in 3ll 'ur Cutures; "he !han1in1 Role 3nd Purpose of
the 99!, "he 99! !harter Review Series, ,o%1 $ed%& 5% Stevenson% "he 9ritish Cil
6nstitute, London%
"he "elevision 2is.ourse; En.odin1 and 2e.odin1-, Reprinted in Stud#in1 !ulture, 3nn
Gra# and Bi :.Gui1an $eds%&F Edward 3rnold, London% $pp%A+P47&%
:inial Selves-, reprinted in Stud#in1 !ulture, $, $pp%147P)&%
Janle# 9ur/e and "he 2esire Cor 9la./ness-, in Janle# 9ur/e; 3 Retrospe.tive $ed%&
:ar/ Seal#, Lauren.e and 5ishart $pp%1AP1*&%
5hat is this 9la./- in 9la./ Popular !ulture-D $reprinted& in the Spe.ial 6ssue on
Rethin/in1 Ra.e-, So.ial Busti.e vol A?, ,os% 1PA%
European !inea on the Jer1e of a ,ervous 9rea/down- in S.reenin1 Europe; 6a1e and
6dentit# in European !inea $ed& Petrie, 9C6 5or/in1 Papers, 9ritish Cil
6nstitute% $p%7*P*4&%
!ulture, !ounit#, ,ation-, !ultural Studies, vol%< no%4 $pp%47)P4>4&%
:etaphors of "ransforation-, in !arnival, H#steria, 5ritin1, Cor 3llon 5hite,
!abrid1e Universit# Press%
"he ,ew Europe-, in 2isrupted 9orders, $ed& Suil Gupta%
Baai.a in En1land- Standpoints $"he Spee.h 6ssue&, no%4?, ,ovP2e. 1))4%
!entre ,ational de 2o.uentation Peda1o1ue, Paris $pp%A+P4*&%
!ultural Studies; "wo Paradi1s-, re0printed in !onteporar# Literar# !; Literar#
and !ultural Studies, Robert 2avis and Ronald S.hleafer $eds%&% Lon1an $,% H and
London&% pp%>?)P>A*
En.odin1L2e.odin1-, in reprinted in :edia "e(ts; 3uthors and Readers, ed 2% Graddel
and '% 9o#d 9arrett% the 'pen Universit# and :ulti0Lin1ual :atters, Ltd% 1))7%
!ultural Studies; "wo Paradi1s-, reprinted in !ulture, Power, He1eon#; 3 Reader in
!onteporar# So.ial "heor#, $eds& , 2ir/s, E Ele# and S% 'rtner% Prin.eton Universit#
Press, $pp%*A?P*4+&%
!ultural 6dentit# and 2iaspora-, reprinted in !olonial 2is.ourse and Post0!olonial "heor#
3 Reader, $eds& P% 5illias and L%, !hrisan, Harvester 5heatsheaf, London $P4)AP7?1&%
Refle.tions on the En.odin1L2e.odin1 :odel; 3n 6nterview-, in Jiewin1, Readin1,
Listenin1; and !ultural Re.eption, $eds& B% !ruI and B% Lewis, 5estview Press,
9oulder, !olarado% $pp%A*4PA<7&
5hose En1lish-D, in 9alan.in1 Literature, Lan1ua1e and :edia in the ,ational
!urri.ulu; Report of !oission of 6nKuir# 6nto En1lish, $ed& !ar# 9aIal1ette, "he
9ritish Cil 6nstitute%
Soe 6n.orre.t Paths "hrou1h !orre.tness-, in "he 5ar of 5ords, $ed& Sarah
2unant, Jira1o%
En.odin1 and 2e.odin1-% Reprinted, in "he !ultural Studies Reader, $ed& Sion 2unin1,
"he 5hites of "heir E#es; 6deolo1ies and the :edia- in Gender, Ra.e and !lass in
:edia, $eds& G% 2ines and B% HueI, Sa1e, London% $pp% 1+PA4&%
:#ths of !aribbean 6dentit#-, $"he 5alter Rodne# :eorial Le.ture&, ,ew Left Review%
Cantas#, 6dentit#, Politi.s-, in !ultural Rei(; "heories of Politi.s and the Popular, $ed%&
E% !arter, B% 2onald and B% SKuires, ,ew Corations and Lawren.e and 5ishart, London,
!ulture, !ounit# and ,ation-, in 6dentit#, 3uthorit# and 2eo.ra.#, Resear.h Papers
in :edia and !ultural Studies, Universit# of Susse(, $pp%4)P*>&%
Si( essa#s, in.ludin1 5hat 6s this 9la./ in 9la./ Popular !ulture- and :etaphors of
"ransforation-, in Stuart Hall; ! 2ialo1ues in !ultural Studies, with essa#s b# 6ain
!habers, 3n1ela :.Robbie, 6saa. Bulien, !harlotte 9runsdon, 2i./ Hebdi1e % $Ed& 2ave
:orle# and =wan Hsin1 !hen% Routled1e
9la./ and 5hite in "elevision-, in Reote !ontrol; 2ileas of 9la./ 6ntervention in
9ritish Cil and "J $ed%& Bune Givanni, 9ritish Cil 6nstitute, London% pp%14PA+%
,ot 3 Postodern ,oad; 3 !onversation with Stuart Hall $ed%& Les "err#, 3rena ,ew
Series, ,p%*% pp%*1P<?% ,orth !arlton, 3ustralia%
!ultural Studies; "wo paradi1s- reprinted in 3 !ultural Studies Reader; Histor#, "heor#,
Pra.ti.e, $eds& B% :unns, and E% Ra1an, Lon1an, London% pp%1)7PA?>%
6nterview with Ro1er 9role#-, in a !ultural Studies Reader, $eds& B% :unn and G% Ra1an,
op .it pp%>*)P><4%
Response to Saba :ahood- in !ultural Studies, Jol% 1? ,o%1, Banuar#, pp%1AP1*%
Si1nifi.ation, Representation and 6deolo1#-; 3lthusser and the Post0stru.tural 2ebates- in
!ultural Studies and !ouni.ations, $eds& B% !urran, 2% :orle# and J% 5al/erdine%
Edward 3rnold, London% pp%11P47%
2riftin1 6nto 3 Law and 'rder So.iet#-, the 1)+? !obden So.iet# Le.ture, reprinted in
! Perspe.tives, $eds& B, E% :.Lau1hlin and :% Lan1an, Sa1e,
London% pp%A*<PA<?%
Essa#s reprinted in Stuart Hall; ! 2ialo1ues in !ultural Studies, $eds%& 2% :orle# and
=wan0Hsin1 !hen, Routled1e, London and ,ew Hor/%
5hen 5as "he Post0!olonial-, in "he Post !olonial Euestion $ed& L% !urti and 6%
!habers, Routled1e, London and ,ew Hor/%
"hree 6nterviews with :artin Ba.Kues, "he ,ew Statesan
Politi.s, !ontinen.#, Strate1#-; 6nterview with 2avid; Sall 3.ts vol 1%
Representation; !ultural Representations and Si1nif#in1, $ed&% Sa1e and the 'pen
2oin1 !ultural Studies; "he Son# 5al/an Stor#, with P%2uGa#% Sa1e and "he 'pen
"he 5or/ of Representation-, in Representation,
"he Spe.ta.le of the 'ther--, in Representation,
"he !entralit# 'f !ulture; ,otes 'n "he !ultural Revolution 'f 'ur "ies-, in :edia
and !ultural Re1ulation $ed& =%"hopson% Sa1e and "he '%U%
!ultural Studies o.h dess teoretis/a arv , in Qenit ,o14*L> 1))<, Sto./hol
!ulture and Power-, 6nterview in Philosoph#
Cour 6nterviews, ,ew Statesan, with :artin Ba.Kues
Rivers of; Eno.h Powell "hirt# Hears 'n-% ,ew Statesan,1<th 3pril
3spiration and 3ttitude; Refle.tions on 9la./ 9ritain 6n "he ,ineties-% ,ew Corations,
,o 44, Sprin1%-
!ulture and Power-, Philosoph#
Sub@e.ts in Histor#; :a/in1 2iaspori. 6dentities-, in "he House "hat Ra.e 9uilt, ed
5ahneea Lubiana% Jinta1e, ,H%
"here-s ,o Pla.e Li/e Hoe-, $5indrush review&% Cinan.ial "ies% 14L17 Bune
"he Great :ovin1 ,owhere Show-, :ar(is "oda# spe.ial issue% ,ovL2e.%
"he 5indrush 6ssue; Posts.ript-, in Soundin1s, 6ssue ,o 1?% 3utun
6dentitadas :inias-, in ,uestra 3eri.a, ,o 14% 9raIil
El Problea de la 6deolo1ia; ar(iso sin 1arantias-, 2o(a, 3no i( ,o1+, 1))+, Jerano,
9rea/in1 9read 5ith Histor#; !%L%R%Baes and "he 9la./ Ba.obins-, Histor# 5or/shop
Bournal, 3utun, 1))+%
Eviden.e on 8Ra.ial Stereot#pin1 6n "he Poli.e to "he Lawren.e 6nKuir#, with Gail Lewis
and Eu1ene :.Lau1hlin
Sele.ted Essa#s, translated, in Stuart Hall, issue of !onteporar# "hou1ht, vol A> no%7,
devoted to wor/ of S,Hall% "o/#o%
8!ultural 6dentit# and in Resssisus in der 2is/ussion% Ed% !hristopher 9ur1er,
Elefanten Press, 9erlin
EthniIitat; 6dentitat und 2ifferenI-, $sele.ted essa#s& in 2ie =leinen Unters.hiede, $ed& Ban
En1elan, !apus Jerla1, Geran#
Re0inventin1 9ritain-, 'penin1 and !losin1 Stateents, in 5asifiri, ,o%A), Sprin1
Jisual !ulture; "he Reader, with Bessi.a Evans $eds&, Sa1e and "he 'pen Universit#
8Have !ultural Studies, 5ill "ravel; Soe !onditions of E(isten.e of "rans0national
2ialo1ue-, in 3 2ialo1ue 5ith !ultural Studies, $eds& "%Hanada, S%Hoshii and !%Spar/s%
Shin0#o0sha, "o/#o%
Cro S.aran to Stephen Lawren.e-, Histor# 5or/shop Bournal, ,o 7+%
5hose Herita1eD- "he 3rts ! of En1land, London
5hose Herita1eD Unsettlin1 "he Herita1e, Re0ia1inin1 the Post0,ation, "hird "e(t, 7),
5inter0Sprin1% =ala Press, London
6dentiteeti, $ sele.ted essa#s&% Jastapaino, "epere, Cinland
8"he :ulti0!ultural :oent in UnLSettled :ulti.ulturaliss, ed% 9arnor Hesse% Qed
9oo/s, London
Jisual !ulture% Bessi.a Evans and Stuart Hall% Sa1e and '%U%%% London
8Cro S.aran to Stephen Lawren.e, reprinted, in !onne.tions% !oission on Ra.ial
8:ulti0.ultural .itiIens, ono.ultural .itiIenshipD 6n "oorrow-s !itiIens% 6PPR, London
85hose Herita1eD, reprinted, 3nnual Report, 1))+0), 2anish :inistr# of !ultural 3ffairs%
,#bro1ade, 2enar/
83 European Perspe.tive on H#bridit#, in Heres% ,o A+% 6ssue on Latin 3eri.a;
!ulture and !ouni.ation% !HRS% Editions, Paris%
8"he 3nti03parthied :oveent and the Ra.e0in1 of 9ritain% S#posiu Report, "he
33:; 3 7? Hear Perspe.tive% Sout 3fri.a House, London
8'n "he " Le1a.# of !ultural Studies Reprinted in Revista de ! e
Lin1ua1ens% Lisbon%
83 6dentidade !ultural na Post0odernidade, 2P&3 Editora, Rio de Banairo, 9raIil%
8Crontlines, 9a./#ards; "he "ers of !han1e, and $reprinted& 8"he foration of a
2iaspori. 6ntelle.tual-, in 9la./ 9ritish !ulture and So.iet#; 3 Reader, ed% =wesi 'wusu%
8!onstitutin1 3n 3r.hive fro "he Livin1 3r.hive Papers-% "hird "e(t, ,o *7% Sprin1
8:useus of :odern 3rt 3nd "he End 'f Histor# in 3nnotations >; :odernit# and
2ifferen.e% 6nstitute for the 6nternational Jisual 3rts $in6J3&, London
8:odernit# and 2ifferen.e with Sarat :ahara@, in 3nnotations >, in6J3, London%
8Cro S.aran to Stephen ;Lawren.e% Reprinted in 3rbeith/reis 2euts.he En1land0
Cors.hun1, vol%7> $eds& =%S.honwalder and 6%Stru0:artin% Philo Press, Bahrundert,
8Cou.ault; Power, =nowled1e and 2is.ourse repr% in 2is.ourse, "heor# and Pra.ti.e; 3
Reader, $eds& :%5etherell, S%"a#lor, S%Hates% Sa1eL'U, London%
8"he Spe.ta.le 'f "he 'ther, repr% in 2is.ourse, "heor# and Pra.ti.e; 3 Reader, ibid%
2ifferen.e; !onteporar# Photo1raphers and 9la./ 6dentit#, with :ar/ Seal#% Phaidon
Press, London
A??A 9elon1in1 in a 5orld of :ultiple 6dentities in !on.eivin1 !osopolitanis,
$eds& Steven Jertove. and Robin !ohin% '(ford Universit# Press
8Cro S.aran to Stephen Lawren.e reprinted in !riinolo1#; 3 Reader, $eds& Hvonne
Bew/es and Ga#le Letherb#% S3GE Publi.ations, London
8!rSolitS and the Pro.ess of !reoliIation in !rSolitS and !reoliIation, 2o.uenta
11TPlatfor 4, $eds& '/wui EnweIor, !arlos 9asualdo, Ute :eta 9auer, Susanne GheI,
Sarat :ahara@, :ar/ ,ash, '.tavia Qa#a% Hat@e !antI Publishers, Geran#
!reoliIation, 2iaspora and H#bridit#-, in !reolite and !reoliIation, 2o.uenta 11, $eds&
'/wui Enwesor, et%a3l%,
8!hris 'fili in Paradise; 2reain1 of 3fro in !hris 'fili within rea.h, !hris 'fili and
"hela Golden% Ji.toria :iro Galler#, London
8!al#pso =in1s in "he 3uditor# !ulture Reader, $eds& :i.hael 9ull and Les 9a./% 9er1,
8:aps of Eer1en.#; Cault Lines and "e.toni. Plates in Cault Lines, !onteporar# 3rt and Shiftin1 Lands.apes, $eds& Gilane "awadros and Sarah !apbell% 6nstitute
of 6nternational Jisual 3rts $in6J3&L Coru for 3rtsL Prin.e =laus Cund, London
8"he Jerti1o of 2ispla.eent with 2avid 3% 9aile#, reprinted in "he Photo1raph#
Reader, $ed& LiI 5ells, Routled1e, London
2a 2iUspora; 6dentidades e :ediaVWes !ulturais, Editora UC:G, U,ES!', 9rasil
8Labour-s 2ouble0Shuffle, Soundin1s, 6ssue A7, 3utun, A??4
8"he 5a# 5e Live ,ow in :itra "abriIian, 9e#ond the Liits, SteidlLbb/XL:useu
Col/wan1, Essen, Geran#

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