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Teacher: Andy Class: EP3 Toadstool Week: 8 Dates: 07/07/14-11/07/14

Anuban Weekly utl!ne

Sitapatr School
Th!s "eek "e are learn!n#:
Locations The Rainforest
C!rcle T!$e %e&!e"
In circle time we spend some time reviewing
the vocabulary and grammar for the Town
and Country unit since it is several weeks
since we studied this now and I would like to
check that all the students understand and
remember. We can review using the songs,
flashcards and games that we introduced in
this unit, including Cat and ouse,
!lashcard "ather, and vocabulary games
like !eed the #uppet or the $umo "ame. I
am confident the students will remember
these games and activities clearly and en%oy
playing them again.
Act!&!ty T!$e
Rainforest vowel worksheet.
Colouring insect images.
Rainforest hunt outdoor activity. Students have to respond to commands in
groups in order to find their way around and out of the rainforest.
Watching videos of the rainforest and naming what we see.
Eploring the animals of the rainforest and how they interlink with each other.
Students can practise singing the !n "he #ungle song that can $e found at this
&lay the Snake Races game students have to crawl to an o$'ective on their
&lay the (onkey Chases )ruit game students should understand this easily as
it is an adaptation of a popular "hai game.
Similarly to the last unit* "he Rainforest has a long set of voca$ulary words that
we will need to review regularly so that the students memori+e them all. !t is
important that the students can differentiate $etween the different types of
animals like mammals* $irds and insects* and if there is time ! will teach them the
specific voca$ulary words for these groups as well. "he grammar this week is a
simple adaptation of last week,s grammar and should $e easy for them to
'e" (letters/sounds/&ocabulary)

!n the rainforest* ! can see-
Rainforest* ant* $at* $utterfly* caterpillar* crocodile* dragonfly* frog* li+ard*
monkey* mos.uito* mouse* owl* parrot* scorpion* snake* spider* tiger* tree*
tropical* wet.
(T* +!ke)
This week we will continue with &nit '
(pin, win, bin, fin, big, wig, fig, dig, mi), si),
pit, hit* in +)ford #honics World ,. We will
review all of the words and sounds using
the flashcards. We will again practice the
difference between -b,. -p. and -d. as some
students still have trouble with these
letters. We will also practice pronouncing
-). as some students are finding this letter
difficult. We are going to complete pages
'/ and '0 in the big workbook which are a
summary of the unit which includes a
reading e)ercise. We will do this as a
group so immediate corrections and
feedback can be given. We will also do
pages ,,1,' (&nit '* in the small
workbook while I supervise them.
Wr!t!n# Pract!ce
We have nearly finished the first alphabet
writing practice book, and will try to
complete it this week. I have been
reviewing this work as we go and making
sure that all students are forming their
letters correctly and neatly. We will also
continue to practice our vowels in Activity
Time this week, which will help with both
spelling and writing.
Parent ,ollo" -. / -se/ul
Webs!tes / 0o$e"ork:
/ou can watch the In the Jungle
video at this link%
"his week in phonics we will $e
reviewing units 9 and : in ;ford
&honics World. "he students can
practice using the <=< and will
also $e $ringing home their
Work$ook at times for homework.

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