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CS378 Assignment 4 - Alpha Version of App 1

CS378, Mobile Computing Assignment 4 - Alpha Version

Team Assignment: Complete this assignment with the members of the team you have
formed for the app project. This is a major release and milestone.
Due date: Wednesday, March 26, by 11 pm.
Value: This assignment is worth 100 points.
Submissions: A zip of your project, the apk for the project, and a read me for the app.
Submit files via the CS department Linux based turnin.
The assignment name on turnin is 'alpha'
2 - 3pm section 54005 your grader is tansey
Turn in the following:
1. a zip file with the Alpha version of your app project. (Source code, resources, etc.)
If you have 2 or 3 team members you only need to turn in one file. Turn in a file
named <uteid> Use the uteid for the person turning in the project. If you
have two or three team members then include a readme.txt file in the root folder
of the project which lists all the names and uteids of the other team members.

2. Turn in a separate .apk for your app. This apk must work on either a dev phone or
an emulator. The name of the apk must match the project name you submitted.

I strongly recommend exporting your app as an apk and not using the debug
version of the apk from Eclipse. See this page on how to create an apk for release
via Eclipse:

If you use Eclipse (File->Export->Android->Export Android Application). The
wizard will help you create a key to sign your application. (Note, you need to
change the debug option in the manifest from true to false to export. Change it
back to true after creating the apk to continue development of the app.)
CS378 Assignment 4 - Alpha Version of App 2

I strongly recommend testing the apk on an emulator or actual device before
turning it in. Install the apk via the adb (android debug bridge) not Eclipse. You
can install an apk file on an emulator or a device set up for development /
debugging by using the adb. (The android debug bridge.)

This page has details on how to install an apk on an emulator or a device:

Here are another set of instructions:

3. If your app has any special requirements (for example, works best on a certain
device due to using maps and gps OR the app requires a certain API level on the
emulators) then turn in a a4_apk_readme_<appname>.txt file as well. If your app
has no special requirements this file is not required. (This is different than the
readme from the project.) Include in this readme any login instructions we may
need. For example a webserver you set up that the app accesses, but requires a

If we (the TA and myself) cannot get your app to install and run we will contact you to
meet with us during office hours so you can demonstrate the app to us.

CS378 Assignment 4 - Alpha Version of App 3

Turn in an apk that we can run with the current version of your app.
The alpha version must be functional. Most, if not all, of the features you spelled out in
assignment 3 (application prototype) should be working, but not necessarily without
error or defect. Functionality includes menu options if applicable.
Include a readme.txt at the root of your project directory.

The readme.txt must include
1. the team members' names and uteids

2. Brief instructions on how to use the app. After working hours and hours on the
app it will be obvious to you how it works, but imagine a new user, who has no

3. a list of features / use cases you have completed

4. a list of features / use cases from your application prototype (assignment 3) that
you have not completed

5. a list of features / use cases you added that were not part of the application

6. a list of the classes and major chunks of code you obtained from other sources/
Include a reference. (URL and title okay)

7. a list of the classes and major chunks of code you completed yourself

Your project will be graded by the teaching staff and provided to several classmates for
an evaluation.

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