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Media Release

For Immediate Release

Youth MPs vote to restore Right to Silence in

8 July 2014: Following the NSW Government amending of the Evidence Act in August last
year, the YMCA NSW Youth Parliament overwhelmingly voted to restore the right to
silence for both summary and indictable offences.
The Restoration of the Right to Silence Bill, presented to the Youth Parliament aims
repeal section 89a of the Evidence Act which allowed the courts to take an unfavourable
and unacceptable inference from a person who remained silent.
By restoring the right to silence in the criminal justice system, we are protecting
societys most vulnerable, especially from those who come from a non-English speaking
background, said Youth Member for Newcastle Cameron Allen.
The proposed Bill follows the results of an investigation by the Justice and Law Reform
Committee that the Evidence Act infringed on key legal and human rights principles and
placed enormous pressure on the person being questioned.
During police interviews, situations of stress, fatigue or fear can propel individuals to an
unacceptable risk of self incrimination as one cannot recall with complete reliance
reaffirmed Youth Member for East Hills Montana Sedman.
The Justice and Law Reform Bill is one of 20 different pieces of legislation going before
the Youth Parliament.
These pieces of legislation have been developed following six months of hard work and
consultation by Members of the Youth Parliament from around New South Wales.
Following this emphatic result, the NSW Government and Opposition will receive a copy
of the Committees recommendations and be able to consider the thoughts of young
people from around NSW on the matter.
Over the past thirteen years more than half a dozen pieces of Youth Legislation passed
by the young people of NSW have been passed into NSW law.
The YMCA NSW Youth Parliament continues to sit for the remainder of the week.

Media Release
For Immediate Release
Media contact:
Robert Barrie
Media and Public Relations Manager
YMCA NSW Youth Parliament
P: 0439605736

About the YMCA:
The YMCA is a vibrant, self-funding, not-for-profit charity delivering contemporary
programs focused on family, healthy living, developing young people and those less
fortunate. The Y's ability to positively impact people's lives, strengthen communities and
respond proactively to many of today's biggest social challenges is significant, with its
diverse programs and services delivered to over 40 communities across NSW in more
than 110 locations, generating in excess of four million visits per year.

About the YMCA NSW Youth Parliament:
The YMCA NSW Youth Parliament gives young people a voice in the running of NSW.
The apolitical program, as all programs within the broader YMCA Youth and Government
division, aims to promote youth-led advocacy, active community leadership and legal and
parliamentary education.

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