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Does it look like it's going to rain?

Does the way she walks remind you of anything?

Does the way I stomp my feet look like a sign of happiness to you?
Does the way I cover my ears look like I'm listening to you?
The related rule is that in a question the verb is split up into two components an inflected form of
"do" + the infinitive of the verb !o" if you want to change the person or the tense in a question" all
you have to change is the "do" part" the rest of the verb #ust stays as it is
Do you like chocolate?
Does he like chocolate?
Did they like the movie?
The sentences are more complicated because they have a relative clause inserted
Does the way she walks remind you of anything?
!o" does+remind belong together" and "she walks" is an e$tra clause modifying the word "way"
The Verb To Do
The verb to do is another common verb in English. It can be used as an auxiliary and a
main verb. It is often used in questions.
Forms of To Do
Present Past
I / you / we / they do did have / had done are / were doing
he / she / it does did has / had done is / was doing
As an auxiliary verb do is used with a main verb when forming interrogative or negative
sentences, or for adding emphasis. It is also called the dummy operator or dummy

Question Positive Statement (spoken !e"ative Statement (spoken
o I! I do I do not "I don#t$
o you! %ou do %ou do not "%ou don#t$
oes he/she/it! &e/she/it does &e/she/it does not "&e/she/it doesn#t$
o we! 'e do 'e do not "'e don#t$
o you! %ou do %ou do not "%ou don#t$
o they! They do They do not "They don#t$
Do Does
Question & '
(Do you always ta)e the bus to
(Does she ever do her homewor) on
Positive (nswer &
(%es, I do.( (%es, she does.(
!e"ative (nswer &
(*o, I don't.( (*o, she doesn't.(
The most common question using ()o( that you will probably hear whilst learning
English is ('hat )o you )o!( The person as)ing simply wants to )now what you do for a
Question Possib#e answers
'hat do you do! I#m a student.
I#m an architect. I#m a trainee architect.
I#m loo)ing for wor).
I#m on a career brea).
I#m a volunteer.
I#m a housewife. / I#m a househusband.
I#m a pensioner. / I#m retired.

'hat does he / she do! &e / +he#s a student.
&e / +he#s an architect. &e / +he#s a trainee architect.
&e / +he#s loo)ing for wor).
&e / +he#s on a career brea).
&e / +he#s a volunteer.
&e / +he#s a housewife. / &e / +he#s a househusband.
&e / +he#s a pensioner. / &e / +he#s retired.

'hat do we / they do! 'e / They are students.
'e / They are architects. 'e / They are trainee architects.
'e / They are loo)ing for wor).
'e / They areon a career brea).
'e / They are volunteers.
'e / They are housewives. / 'e / They are househusbands.
'e / They are pensioners. / 'e / They are retired.
'hen using the continuous tense do becomes )oin" and it doesn#t change.
Question & ' (What are you doing? Are you doing your homewor)!(
Positive (nswer & Yes (%es, I am .(
!e"ative (nswer & No (*o, I'm not.(
'hen using the simple past tense do becomes )i) and it doesn#t change.
Question & ' (Did you always ta)e the bus to school!(
Positive (nswer & Yes (%es, I did .(
!e"ative (nswer & No (*o, I didn't .(
'hen using the perfect tense do becomes )one and it doesn#t change.
Question & ' (Have you done your homewor)!(
Positive (nswer & Yes (%es I have .(
!e"ative (nswer & No (*o I haven't.(
*ore functions for the verb +to do,
The verb ,to do- wor)s as a main verb.
.or example/0
%T 0 1y husband )oes the dishes.
+T 0 2osh3 Di) he )o them yesterday!
%T 0 %es he )i).
Do is used as an auxiliary verb "dummy auxiliary$ in the question form.
.or example/ I )now the way. Do you )now the way!
Do is used for emphasis in positive statements.
.or example/ I do li)e this beer3
3*ote 0 As an auxiliary verb 'do' is a#ways followed by the base form of the main verb
0 +ee more at/

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