DMRC Report

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D. M. R. C.


D. M. R. C. is an active face of multy mode Mass Rapid Transport System
[MRTS] for Delhi, which is launched with a view to reduce the traffic
congestion and to make the transportation easy and comfortable for Delhis

Such a system for Delhi had long been under consideration. The first concrete step
in this direction was however, taken when a feasible study for developing such a
multy modal MRTS system was commissioned by Govt. of National Capital
Territory of Delhi [GNCTD] with support from Govt. of India [GOI] in 1989 and
completed by rites in 1991. It was recommended predominantly a200 km rail based
network, report was completed by RITES during 1995.

A company under the name DELHI MERTRO RAIL CORPORATION was
registered on 30
may 1995 under the companies act for construction and
operation of metro project. DMRC has equal equality participation of GOI and
GNCTD. It started functioning in 1997.It appointed General Consultants in 1998 to
assist them for implementation of the project. This is a consortium five
international consaltancy companies led by Pacific Consultants International [PCI],

The whole project of approx 200km is to be completed in three phases up to 2021.
The first phase of the project comprsing of 62.06kms [in three lines including
elevated {RC}, at grade and under ground {MC}] has been completed in 2005
under he guidance and supervision of Mr. E. Shridharan, MD- DMRC. Second
phase is in progress.

Details of Phase-I

Line U/G Elevated At Grade Total

L-1 Nill 17.5kms 10.5k 21kms 18

L-2 11.0kms Nill Nill 11.0kms 10
V. Vidyalaya-
C. Secretariate

L-3 1.32kms 20.72kms 1.12kms 23.16kms 28

TOTAL 12.32kms 38.22kms 11.62kms 62.06kms 56

COST -------------------------------------12000 crore approx

Three stations Mandi House, Pragati Maidan and Indraprasth of line 3
are still under contruction and are to be completed in Oct. 2006.

Benefits of Delhi METRO on completion

On the completion of the first phase of the Delhi Metro, it
would be catering to around 2.18 million commuters per
day resulting in decongestion of the roads. This would
also mean that there would be less number of buses on the
roads. It has also reduced the travel time. Also the
pollution level is reduced to about 50%.

Since the first phase of the Delhi Metro is operational a
large number of commuters are having a lot of
convenience in reaching their desired destination in the
required time.

Advantage of Rail-based Transit System

Can achieve carrying capacity as high as 60000-80000.
Required 1/5th energy per passenger compared to
Road-based system.

Causes no air pollution in the city.

Causes lesser noise level.

Occupies no road space if underground and only
about of 2-meter width of the road if elevated.

Carries same amount of bus traffic or 33 lanes of
private motorcar.

Is more reliable, comfortable and safer than road

Reduces journey time (about 50% to 75%)

Awards won

The Delhi Metro has been awarded OHSAS (Occupational
Health and Safety Assessment Sequence 18001) by RINA
(Registro Italiano Navale India Pvt. Ltd.), Genova.

It may be the only operational metro to receive
this certificate in such a short span of time.

The clock system is designed to provide accurate time
information for the public and operating personnel and reference
time signal for all other systems in the whole DMRC system.

In order to assure uniform time information, a GPS (Global
Position System) synchronized Master Clock distributes correct
time to sub master clocks and other systems requiring time. The
master clock manages the analog and the digital clocks. The
master clock is placed in the OCC and the correct time is
provided via Ethernet LAN using NTP (Network Time

A sub master clock is placed at each station. The sub master
clock distributes the time to the analog and the digital clocks on
the platforms through Ethernet LAN and to some particular
equipment at the stations, like EBTS.
Power supply units, fed from the mains operate the master and
sub master clocks.

System Design

The essential parts of the clock systems are:
1. Master clock
2. Sub Master clock
3. Digital clocks, Analog clocks and equipments (like PIDS
and PAS)

Master Clock

It is installed in the OCC. Its characteristics are:

1. It is equipped with an internal oscillator that gives an
accuracy of 0.1seconds per day as well as GPS satellite receiver
module, which will give long term accuracy.

2. Changing of time and date can be done at the master clock
with the help of a program function.

3. The actual time and date are shown on display

4. It controls all related digital and analog clocks.

5. It works at 230V 50 Hz AC.

6. To achieve a high level of reliability, a triple security system is used according to
which Dual Time Base Module, PL-TB; create a digital time code, which is automatically
transmitted from the master PL-TB to the standby PL-TB. This code also synchronizes
the impulse amplifiers, PL-TC. The digital time code is controlled by the supervision
module, PL-SUPERV, and in the case of failure of master PL-TB standby PL-TB takes
over. If the operation of both the Time Base Module (PL-TB) is disturbed, each amplifier
automatically takes over the operation of connected Time code (TC) clock.

Master Clock Components

The Time Base Module is controlled by the microprocessor and
features the serial code output for control of the amplifier PL-
TC, Built in calendar along with built in time keeper memory
with LITHIUM battery. The actual date and time is shown on
the 16-character LCD display. This display is also used during
programming to give instructions. A quartz crystal is the time
base. The time base has an output, which emits serial code for
controlling the time code modules and in case of power failure a
special time keeper memory with built in Lithium battery keep
programmed values up to ten years. The unit is provided with a
cold start option that gives the information that the
microprocessor has been reset and the time is not valid. Also,
there is a GPS synchronization alarm incorporated in it.

Ethernet serial communication module PL-ETHERNET, it is
intended for serial communication between master clocks and
sub-master clocks and to act as NTP primary server. The module
is equipped with a RJ45 connector.

Synchronization unit for receipt of the time signals from GPS
satellite (PL-GPS) has been incorporated in the master clock, to
have an increased level of accuracy. The time signals are
received via an antenna receiver, which is to be installed

Sub Master Clock

Each sub master clock will control related clocks at the station.
It is possible to adjust clocks via the sub master clock and the
actual time and date is shown. Changing of time and data can be
done from the master clock, or locally from sub master clocks
To achieve a high degree of reliability, a double security system
is used in which the Time base module create a digital time
clock, which synchronizes the impulse amplifier. If the
operation of Time base module is disturbed, each amplifier
automatically takes over the operation of the connected clocks.
In the case of power failures the time of connected clocks will
be saved in the memory. When the power returns, the connected
clocks will automatically, and with no loss of time are connected
with rapid impulses. In case no impulse is received from the
master clock, the sub master clocks automatically takes over the
operation of the connected clocks.

Digital Time Code Clocks for outdoor

This clock is installed at the head and the tail of the platforms
for the viewing of the train operator. It has the following

1. The digital clock LUMEX-19 are digital and indicate time in hours and minutes
by 190mmhigh digit of red LEDs. Time is displayed in 12 or 24-hour format, via
display switch setting. These clocks are intended for the operation by hard-wired
time code (TC).

2. They also require mains power supply 230V, 50HZ AC.

3. Adjustable light intensity with automatic dimmer function.

4. All clocks shall be connected via pair cables to sub master clocks

5. In case of power failures the display is turned OFF. The internal clock continues to
keep correct time for at least 48 hours with the help of built-in rechargeable
battery. After the power failure, the display is turned on and correct time is shown.

Time Synchronization

1. GPS-Master Clock

The GPS receives correct UTC time from the GPS satellite. The time information is
sent to the master clock once a minute. The master clock receives the time information,
performs some checks and then synchronizes the internal clocks. It takes about ten
minutes for the master clock to synchronize.

2. Master Clock Sub Master Clock

The sub master clocks are synchronized over the Ethernet LAN using NTP. The Master
Clock acts as the NTP server. The sub master clocks will automatically query the
primary server to synchronize their internal clocks. The time request can be set by a
parameter .The interval can be set up from 1min to 9999min.

3. Sub Master Clocks Slave Clocks

The sub master clock transmits correct time to the slave clocks using a Time Code (TC).
The time code contains, correct time as well as date information. The message is
repeated once a minute. At start up conditions it will take minimum 3 minutes before
the slave clock is synchronized.

Operational Reliability

To ensure a dependable and stable function of the master clock
system and to make the availability as high as possible, even
during break down conditions, several fault tolerant functions
are used. They are as follows:

1. In case of interruption of the GPS continue to operate
autonomously and as so on as the synchronization signal is
restored, master clock synchronization signal, the master clock
will read just itself fully.

2. Dual time base module in the master clock: If the operation
of one of the module are disturbed the standby PL-TB takes

3. In case of interruption of the synchronization signal, the sub
master clock will continue automatically and as soon as the
synchronization signal is restored, the sub master clock will
readjust itself automatically.

4. Analog and digital clock are equipped with free running

5. The time code amplifiers are equipped with overload and
short circuit protection.

Why is GPS used?

GPS stands for Global Positioning system, in which three
satellites are required to locate a particular position in 2D, while
in order to locate the height as well we require another satellite.
After locating the position, the corresponding longitude and
latitude is calculated and as per the distance from the GMT
(Greenwich Mean Time) in terms of longitudes and latitudes the
time is assigned based upon the principle that it takes 4 minutes
for each longitude. Hence, we get the exact time.



The enhanced base transceiver system provides the RF interface from the master site
to the mobile subscribers in a Dimetra system. The EBTS consists of several equipment
BR: Base Radio , each handles one RF 25 KHz channel with four time slots.
TSC: TETRA Site controller.
EAS: Environmental Alarm system provides an electrical interface for internal
and external site alarms and controlling functions.
RFDS: RF Distribution system provides transmitter combining and receives
signal distribution.

The remote site equipment also includes transmit and receive antennas, GPS
antenna, -48v power supply and the telephone company supplied x.21 line
termination equipment.
Various EBTS configurations are available to meet the channel requirements for
each site and provide from 4 to 28 logical channels.
The EBTS can be configured with up to seven base Radios (BRs), each of which
provides four logical channels.

The EBTS can be configured with up to seven Base Radios (BRs), each of which
provides four logical channels. An EBTS with up to four BRs is supplied in a single
2m 19'' cabinet and an EBTS with 5-7 BRs is supplied in two 2m19" cabinets.

The EBTS has remote software download capabilities and is remotely managed via
the Zone manager. Local configuration and programming of the EBTS is
accomplished using the TETRA EBTS service software (TESS).

EBTS components

The EBTS is comprised of one or two equipment cabinets, depending on how many
BRs are required. Each equipment cabinet contains base radio and RF distribution
equipment. There is one site controller and one EAS per EBTS and these are
contained in the prime cabinet. The equipment cabinet is a self contained 1.9metre
cabinet that e contains the various equipment modules.

Breaker panel
Junction panel(top of cabinet )
Cavity combiner
Receiver multicoupler (RMC) and preselector trays
Environmental Alarm system (EAS)
Site Controller
Base Radio (1 to 4)

Only one site controller may be used in the 1.9m cabinet.

The site controller and Base Radio are interconnected via an Ethernet local
Area Network (LAN).the site controller also provides the communication interface
between the master site and the EBTS via a .21 link.


The Breaker Panel is mounted in the upper most location of the equipment
cabinet. This is the central location for power distribution and overload protection
of the equipment cabinet.
Each circuit breaker is dedicated to a single module within the equipment
cabinet. The circuit breakers provide manual on\off control for the modules, as
well as providing automatic disconnect in the event of an electrical overload.


The junction panel provides a central location for cabinet grounding and
intercabling . Access to the junction panel is gained from the top to the
equipment cabinet. The junction panel is mounted at the top of the equipment
cabinet toward the rear, as shown in the fig.


The cavity combiner operates over the 380-433 MHz frequency range and is
available in either manual tune or automatic tuning versions. The cavity combiner
is mounted below the breaker panel in the equipment cabinet. It has a power
monitor that is used to detect antenna system failure. A transmit post filter is
present in the 3.4MHz sub-band configuration. This filter is not present on the
5MHz configuration.


The filter tray contains the receiver preselector filters. There is one preselector
filter per receive diversity branch. The output of the filters is fed into the RMC
.Preselectors are required for both the 3.4 MHz and 5MHz configurations.


The receiver multicoupler (RMC) is an active receive multicoupler assembly that
provides multiple receive signal ports. Each diversity branch antenna is
connected via a preslector filter to module in the receiver multicoupler. Each
RMC module is then correspondingly connected to one receiver in each of the
BRs . The receiver multicouplers are mounted below the combiner.


The environmental alarm system (EAS) provides a common interface for alarm
signals from within the EBTScabinet and form external sources. Examples of
environmental conditions that could be monitored are site power, smoke
detectors and intrusion (burglar) detectors. Only one EAS is used per EBTS/

The EAS accepts 48 alarm inputs and provides eight control outputs. The EAS
interfaces with the site controller via an IEEE 1284 interface.


The TETRA Site Controller (TSC) provides the X.21 remote interface to the
Master Site and controls the BR operation over a local Ethernet link. The TSC is
capable of controlling up to seven BRs and consists of the following modules:
Power PC motherboard
Front panel swithces,indicators, and test connectors
Internal power supply
Site reference ISA(SRI) card
X.21 interface card
Ethernet LAN PCI(ELP) card
Flash memory card
Transient protection card

Site controller front panel switches, indicators, and test connectors

The site controller front panel is equipped with several switches, indicators, and test
connectors as follows:
Power switch
Pushbutton CPU reset
Red and green LEDs to indicate the status of the EBTS
Trunking status LED indicators
BNC port for monitoring time/frequency standard signals
DB9 service access connector for Man Machine interface(MMI)

Site controller power supplies
The internal power supply converts the rack -48v to -60v power (-44 to -60vdc).

Site controller site reference card

This card provides a time /frequency reference for the EBTS. It uses the GPS signal
to ensure that the reference is accurate and that EBTS is synchronized with its
adjacent sites.

Site controller x.21 interface card

This card is a two port serial card that interfaces there PCI bus used by the site
controller to the X.21 link used to communicate with the master site.

Site controller Ethernet LAN PCI (ELP) card

This card provides the Ethernet interface between the site controller and the base

Site controller flash memory card

This card interfaces to the CPU via the ISA bus. The card provides permanent
storage for EBTS executable, configuration, and log files.

Site controller Transient protection card

This card provides transient protection for the IEEE 1284 parallel I/O data between
the motherboard and the EAS.


The base radio (BR) provides reliable digital communications capabilities by
incorporating compact software controlled design. Increase channel capacity is
achieved through voice compression techniques and time division multiplexing. Each
BR is made up of the following FRUs:

Base radio controller(BRC)
Power supply
Power amplifier

Base radio controller

The base radio controller (BRC) serves as the main controller of the base radio.
The BRC provides signal processing and operational control of the other base
radio modules.

Base radio dc power supply

The receiver provides the receive the functions for the base radio. The receiver
module contains there separate receivers to allow receive diversity using multiple
receive antennas.

Base radio exciter

The exciter, in conjunction with the power amplifier (PA), provides the modulation
and transmitter functions for the base radio.

Base radio power amplifier

The PA, in conjunction with the exciter, provides the transmitter functions for the
base radio. The PA accepts the low-level modulated RF signal from the Exciter
and amplifies the signal for transmission via the RF output connector.

Radio frequency distribution system

The radio frequency distribution system (RFDS) accepts inputs from the
transmitters in the EBTS, and combines these to allow the transmitters to feed
into a single antenna. The RFDS uses cavity combining for minimum insertion
loss, maximum RF power dissipation and increased channel capacity. Minimum
frequency separation for the cavity combiner is 150 KHz for EBTS platform
release 2(250 KHz for platform release 1).

The receiver multicoupler (RMC) is logically considered part of the RFDS, but is
physically contained in a separate FRU below the RFDS. The RMC is an active
receive multicoupler assembly that provides multiple receive signal ports from a
single antenna. Each diversity branch antenna is connected to a receiver
multicoupler . As standard the EBTS is equipped with two RMCs to support dual
branch diversity. Each RMC is then correspondingly connected to one receiver in
each of the BRs. A receiver amplifier and splitter are provided to support receiver
diversity for multiple BR operation.


To establish a telephone system one requires instruments, exchange and a transmission channel.

TX mission


An instrument is connected to other via local exchange. If two users are to be connected which
are in range of two diff. exchanges, a reliable transmission channel is required over which voice
signal can easily travel.

# EXCHANGE-Electronic exchange is a block comprising of a CPU and controlling and
interfacing cards. CPU processes the signal and data while the other cards interface with the
#INSTRUMENT-Is a transducer which converts voice signals into electrical and vice versa.

#TRANSMISSION CHANNEL-This is a media which provides path for data transmission.


To establish a communication link among the staff members, DMRC has installed a Telephone
System comprising of Instruments, EPABX [Exchange] and FOTS [SDH].

There are two types of exchange used:
1. M2-14 cards can be feeded (in 0 shelf)
2. M3-28 cards can be feeded (divided in two shelfs 0 and 1).
At every station either M2type or M3 type exchange is there.
Power supply given to exchange is -48V dc from SMPS.


Different cards used in exchange:

1. CPU card or RMA card-
This is the main card out of all cards used. This is connected to VT100 terminal on
which programming is done for the desired work. It contains a Hard disc, RAM
and a Hard key.

In M2 type system-
number slot is for main CPU card.
number slot is for redundant CPU card.

In M3 type system-
number slot is for main CPU card.
number slot is for redundant CPU card.

2. Z-12 or Z-24 card-
This card is instrument-interfacing card used for Direct lines, Analog EPABX etc.
12 and 24 indicates the number of ports. These are analog cards.

3. UA-16 or UA-32 [UA-Universal Addressing card]
This card is used for Direct line consoles (for 600 series station). 16 and 32 indicates
the number of ports. These are digital cards.

4. PRA card (Primary Rate Access card)
This is used for exchange-to-exchange connectivity.

5. VGA card (Voice Guide Address card)
This is used for announcements and other special features.

6. GPA card (General Purpose Address card)
This is used for conferencing.

7. NDDI card (NonDigital Dialing Invert)
This is used for line interface with MTNL. One NDDI card can connect to 8 lines of
another [MTNL] telephone service.

8. INTOF card
This is used in only M3 system for connecting two shelves 0 and 1.

9. MMSFD card (Mask Memory Storage Floppy Drive)
This is used to take configuration back up. This is a storage device that keeps the recrd
of configuration of the system.

10. EMTL card
This is used for interfacing with 6 line private exchange.

11. ATR2 card
This is used for interfacing 8 line analog phones.

Stations connectivity:

DDF-Digital Distribution Frame
SDH-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
ODF-Optical distribution Frame

Types of instrument used:

1. Digital: (work on 48-54V DC)
a) Digital phone
b) Direct line console

2. Analog: (work on 38-40V DC)
a) Direct line phone










Station 1 Station 2
b) Analog EPABX
c) Analog feature phone

Numbering plan:

1. EPABX (Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange)
Two digit station code + three digit specific
room no.

E.g.: For 10500 number,

10 500

2. Direct line

6 + two digit station code + two digit specific room no.

E.g.: For 61050 number,

6 10 50


Phones at a station :

Station code
Specific room no.
Station code
Specific room no.




Connectivity of Exchanges in the entire
EPABX exchanges are installed at each stations, OCC and wherever
required. All the exchanges are connected to each other through FOTS
[fibre optics transmission system] at PRA cards in such a manner that a
large no. of rings are formed. This ring configuration keeps the
connectivity even if any intermediate connection breaks. The system is
equipped with automatic route selection provision and rout is selected
such to provide the shortest path for the link.

RMA-Remote maintainance Access

It is a monitor used for maintainance of local area telephone network. It is
situated at OCC.


Network: It consists of two or more computers that
communicates and share their resources.
Three types of network are:

1. LAN: A LAN connects network devices over a
relatively short distance. A networked office building,
school, or home usually contains a single LAN,
though sometimes one building will contain few
small LANs, and occasionally a LAN will span a
group of nearby buildings. In IP networking, one can
conceive of a LAN as a single IP subnet.
LAN are typically owned, controlled and managed by
a single person or organization. They also use certain
specific connectivity technologies, primarily Ethernet
and Token ring.

2. WAN: As the term implies wide area network spans a
large physical distance. A WAN like the internet
spans most of the world .WAN is geographically
dispersed collection of LANs. A network device is
called a router connects LAN and WAN. In IP
networking, router maintains both a LAN address
and a WAN address.
WAN differs from LAN in most of the ways. Like the
internet, most WAN are not owned by one
organization but rather exist under collective or
distributed ownership and management. WANs use
technology like ATM, frame relay X.25 for

3. MAN: It implies Metropolitan area network. It is used
to encompass larger areas, usually that of entire city.

Advantages of network:

1. Resource sharing
2. Management is easy
3. Cost reduction
4. Fast communication

Disadvantage of network:

1. Server dependent sometimes. If server fails whole data
2. As size of network increases, it becomes complex to
handle it.

OSI Layers

Open System Interconnection is the name for the set of
standards for communicating among computers. The
primary purpose of OSI standards is to serve the
structural guideline for exchanging information between
computers, workstations and networks.

ISO layer & Name Function
User networking applications and
interfacing to the network.
Layer 6_
Encoding language used in transmission.
Layer 5
Job management tracking.
Layer 4
Data tracking as it moves through a
Layer 3
Network addressing and packet
transmission on the network.
Layer 2-
Data link
Frame networking for transmitting data
across a physical communication link.
Layer 1-
Transmission method used to propagate
bits through a network.

Hardware required for networks:

1. Routers: A router is a physical device that joins
multiple wired or wireless networks together.
Technically a wired or wireless router is a Layer 3
gateway, meaning that it connects network (as
gateway do).And it operates at the network layer of
OSI model.
Home networks often use an Internet Protocol (IP) wired
or wireless router, IP being the most common OSI
network Layer Protocol. An IP router such as DSL or cable
modern broadband router joins the home local area
network to the wide area network of the Internet.

2. Hub: A Hub is a small, simple and inexpensive
network device that joins multiple computers
Hub operates as a Layer 2 of the OSI model. To join a
group of computers with Ethernet Hub, one connects an
Ethernet cable (that is RJ-45 connector attached) into the
Hub, and then connects the other end of the each cable to
computer interface card (NIC).

3. Network Gateway: A network gateway is an
interconnecting system, a system that joins two networks
together. A network can be implemented completely in
software, completely in hardware, or as a combination of
two. Depending on their implementation, network
gateways can operate at any level of the OSI model from
application protocols to level signaling.
Because network gateway by definition appears at the
edge of the network, related functionality like firewalling
tends to be installed on the network gateway.

4. Switches: A network switch is a small device that joins
multiple computers together at a low level network
protocol layer .Technically, network switches operate
at a Layer 2(Data link layer) of the OSI model.
Network switches look nearly identical to hubs, but a
switch generally contains more intelligence (and a
slightly higher price tag) than a hub. Unlike hubs, network
switches are capable of inspecting the data packets as they
are received, determining the source and destination
device of the packet, and forwarding the packet
appropriately, thereby conserving the network

5. Network repeaters: Network repeaters regenerate
incoming signals. On physical media like Ethernet,
data transmissions can only span a limited distance
before the quality of the signal degrades. Repeaters
attempt to preserve the signal integrity and extend
the distance over which data can safely travel.
The actual network devices that serve as repeaters are
usually referred to by another name. Active Hubs, for
example, are sometimes called Multiport repeaters but
usually these are simply referred to as hubs. Not all hubs
are repeaters, though, so-called passive hubs retransmit
signals but do not regenerate them, and thus they do not
perform the service of the repeater. High-level devices in
the OSI model, like switches and routers, generally not
incorporate the functions of the repeater. Technically a
repeater is a physical layer device.

Network topologies

In networking, the term topology refers to the layout of
the connected devices on a network. This article
introduces the standard topologies of the computer
One can think topology as a networks shape. This
shape does not necessarily correspond to the actual
physical layout of the device on the network. For example,
the computers on the home LAN may be arranged in a
circle, but it would be highly unlikely to find an actual
ring topology there.

Network topologies are classified into the following basic

1. Bus: Bus networks use a common backbone to connect
all devices. A single cable, the backbone functions as
shared communication medium, those devices attach
or tap into with the interface connector. A device
wanting to communicate with another device see, but
only the intended recipient actually accepts and
processed the message.
Ethernet bus topologies are easy to install and do not
require much cabling compare to alternatives.

2. Ring: In a ring network, an easy device has exactly
two neighbors for communication purposes. All
messages travel through ring in a same direction
(effectively either clockwise or counterclockwise).
A failure in any cable or devices breaks the loop and
can take down the entire network.

3. Star: Many home networks use star topology. A star
network features the central connection point called
the Hub that may be an actual hub or switch. Device
is typically connected to the hub with Unshielded
Twisted Pair (UTP) Ethernet. Compared to the bus
topology, a star network generally requires more
cable, but a failure in a star network cable will only
take down one computers network access and not the
entire LAN. (If the hub fails, the entire network also

4. Tree: Tree topologies integrate star topologies together
onto a bus. In its simplest form, only hub devices
connect directly to the tree bus and each hub
functions as the rot of the tree of the devices. This
bus/star hybrid approach supports future
expandability of the network much better then the
bus or star alone.

5. Mesh: Mesh technologies involve the concept of the
routes. Unlike each of the previous topologies
message sent on the mesh network an take any of the
several possible paths from source to destination.
(Recall that in a ring, although two cables paths exist,
messages can travel in one direction). Some WANs,
like the Internet employ mesh routing.

Complex topologies can be built as hybrids of two or more
of the basic topologies.
Topologies remain an important part of the network
design theory. You can probably build a home or small
business network without understanding the difference
between a bus and a star design, but understanding the
concepts behind these gives you a deeper understanding
of important elements like hubs, broadcasts, port and
In DMRC, hybrid topology of star and ring connection is

LAN Protocols

1. Ethernet It uses CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access/ Collision Detection). This is the system
where each computer listens to the cable before
sending anything to the network. If the network is
clear, it will transmit otherwise it will not transmit.
Sometimes collision occurs then randomly data is
called by system. The delay caused due to these
collisions occurs is very small and does not cause
effect on the transmission. Ethernet uses star, bus and
tree topologies. Data is transferred through coaxial
cables and fiber cables. Speed of data transfer is
10/100 Mbps.
Ethernet with gigabytes speed of data transfer (GB-Ethernet)
is used for backbone and critical server interconnection. It
can use either fiber cable or copper cable (CAT5, CAT7,
Twisted pair) for data transfer.

2. Token Ring It is used to pass information in a ring. A
single token is passed through a network
sequentially. It requires either twisted pair or fiber
optics for data transfer. Speed of data transfer is 4-16

3. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) It is a network
protocol which is primarily connects two or more
LAN connections. FDDI uses dual ring physical
topology. The major advantage of FDDI is speed. It
can transfer terabits of information.

4. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Module) It can transfer
155 bits or higher. ATM works by transferring data in
small packets. ATM applies star topology and can be
connected through optical fiber or twisted fiber. It is
used by internet service providers to utilize high
speed access of the internet for their customers.

Network Operating System (NOS)

NOS is software which co-ordinates multiple computers
across the network. The NOS acts as director to keep the
network running smoothly.

The major two types of NOS are:

1. Peer to peer- This operating system allows users to share
resources and files located on these computers and to
access shared resources found on the other computers.
They dont have file server or central management source.
They are assigned for small networks. They are also called
work groups. They are easy to implement, have low cost
and are easy to configure. Its disadvantage of that there is
no security and no central control is there.

2. Client-Server-It allows the network to centralize functions
and applications in one or more dedicated servers. The
server becomes the heart of the system providing access to
resource and providing security. The client shares the
resources available on the server. It provides the
mechanism to integrate all components of network and
allows multiple uses to simultaneously share the same
resources irrespective of physical location. It gives
security, centralization, management and data can be
accessed across multiple platforms remotely. The
disadvantage of the system is that there is dependency
on the central server and cost is high.


The Synchronous Optical Network standard for the optical
fiber networks was developed in the mid 1980s.It remains
in widespread use today. In a nutshell, SONET allows
multiple technologies and vendor products to interpolate
by defining standard physical network interfaces.


SONET was originally designed for the public telephone
network. In the early 1980s the forced breakup of AT& T
in the United States created numerous regional telephone
companies, and these companies quickly encountered
difficulties in networking with each other. Fiber optic
cabling already prevailed for the long distance voice
transmissions, but the existing networks proved
unnecessarily expensive to build and difficult to extend
for so long haul data and/or video traffic.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
successfully devised SONET as the new standard for these
applications. Like Ethernet, SONET provides a Layer 1
or interface layer technology (also referred physical layer
in OSI model) .As such, SONET acts as carrier of multiple
higher-level application protocols. For example Internet
Protocol (IP) packets can be configured to flow over


SONET commonly transmits data at speeds between 155
megabits per second (Mbps) and 2.5gigabits per second
(Gbps). To build these high bandwidth data streams,
SONET multiplexes together channels having bandwidth
as low as 64 kilobits per second (Kbps) into data frames
sent at fixed intervals.
Compared to Ethernet cabling that spans distance up to
100 meters (328 feet) SONET fiber typically runs much
further. Even short links cover dozens of Kilometers.

Ethernet Cabling and Connectors
1. Twisted Pair Cabling
Twisted pair cables are so named because pairs of wires are twisted around one
another. Each pair consists of two insulated copper wires twisted together. The wire
pairs are twisted because it helps reduce crosstalk and noise susceptibility. High quality
twisted pair cables have about 1 to 3 twists per inch. For best results, the twist rate
should vary significantly between pairs in a cable.
Twisted pair cables are used with the following Ethernet physical layers: 10Base-T,
100Base-TX, 100Base-T2, 100Base-T4, and 1000Base-T. The following sections describe
the various types of twisted pair cabling.

a) Unshielded Twisted Pair Cabling (UTP)

As the name implies, "unshielded twisted pair" (UTP) cabling is twisted pair cabling
that contains no shielding. For networking applications, the term UTP generally refers
to the 100 ohm, Category 3, 4, & 5 cables specified in the TIA/EIA 568-A standard.
Category 5e, 6, & 7 standards have also been proposed to support higher speed
transmission. UTP cabling most commonly includes 4 pairs of wires enclosed in a
common sheath. 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, and 100Base-T2 use only 2 of the twisted pairs,
while 100Base-T4 and 1000Base-T require all 4 twisted pairs.
The following is a summary of the UTP cable Categories:

Category 1 & Category 2 - Not suitable for use with
Category 3 - Unshielded twisted pair with 100 ohm
impedance and electrical characteristics supporting
transmission at frequencies up to 16 MHz. Defined by
the TIA/EIA 568-A specification. May be used with
10Base-T, 100Base-T4, and 100Base-T2.
Category 4 - Unshielded twisted pair with 100 ohm
impedance and electrical characteristics supporting
transmission at frequencies up to 20 MHz. Defined by
the TIA/EIA 568-A specification. May be used with
10Base-T, 100Base-T4, and 100Base-T2.
Category 5 - Unshielded twisted pair with 100 ohm
impedance and electrical characteristics supporting
transmission at frequencies up to 100 MHz. Defined
by the TIA/EIA 568-A specification. May be used
with 10Base-T, 100Base-T4, 100Base-T2, and 100Base-
TX. May support 1000Base-T, but cable should be
tested to make sure it meets 100Base-T specifications.
Category 5e - Category 5e (or "Enhanced Cat 5") is a
new standard that will specify transmission
performance that exceeds Cat 5. Like Cat 5, it consists
of unshielded twisted pair with 100 ohm impedance
and electrical characteristics supporting transmission
at frequencies up to 100 MHz. However, it has
improved specifications for NEXT (Near End Cross
Talk), PSELFEXT (Power Sum Equal Level Far End
Cross Talk), and Attenuation. To be defined in an
update to the TIA/EIA 568-A standard. Targeted for
1000Base-T, but also supports 10Base-T, 100Base-T4,
100Base-T2, and 100BaseTX.
Category 6 - Category 6 is a proposed standard that
aims to support transmission at frequencies up to 250
MHz over 100 ohm twisted pair.
Category 7 - Category 7 is a proposed standard that
aims to support transmission at frequencies up to 600
MHz over 100 ohm twisted pair.

b) Screened Twisted Pair (ScTP)
Screened Twisted Pair (ScTP) is 4-pair 100 ohm UTP, with
a single foil or braided screen surrounding all four pairs in
order to minimize EMI radiation and susceptibility to
outside noise. Screened twisted pair is also called Foil
Twisted Pair (FTP), or Screened UTP (ScUTP). ScTP can be
thought of as a shielded version of the Category 3, 4, & 5
UTP cables. It may be used in Ethernet applications in the
same manner as the equivalent Category of UTP cabling.

c) Shielded Twisted Pair Cabling (STP)
Although screened twisted pair (ScTP) is technically a form of shielded twisted pair, the
term "shielded twisted pair" (STP) most often refers to the 150 ohm twisted pair cabling
defined by the IBM Cabling System specifications for use with Token-Ring networks.
The twisted pairs in 150 ohm STP are individually wrapped in a foil shield and enclosed
in an overall outer braided wire shield. The shielding is designed to minimize EMI
radiation and susceptibility to crosstalk. 150 ohm STP is not generally intended for use
with Ethernet. However, the Ethernet standard does describe how it can be adapted for
use with 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, and 100Base-T2 Ethernet by installing special
impedance matching transformers, or "baluns", that convert the 100 ohm impedance of
the Ethernet transceivers to the 150 ohm impedance of the STP cable. These baluns are
available from companies such as AMP, IBM, and Cambridge Connectors.
The various versions of 150 ohm STP cable are identified by a "Type" number. The
original IBM Cabling System specifications defined STP cable Types 1, 2, 6, 8, & 9 for
support of Token-Ring frequencies up to 16 MHz. Later, an enhanced IBM Cabling
System defined STP-A cable Types 1A, 2A, 6A, & 9A for support of FDDI frequencies
up to 100 MHz. The "A" suffix denotes the enhanced IBM Cabling System. Type 1 is the
heavy black cable that is most commonly associated with the IBM Cabling System. It
contains only 2 twisted pairs as compared to UTP and ScTP which typically contain 4
twisted pairs. Note that 100Base-T4 and 1000Base-T cannot be adapted to use STP
because they require a cable with 4 twisted pairs.

2. Coaxial Cabling
Coaxial cable is a type of communication transmission cable in which a solid center
conductor is surrounded by an insulating spacer which in turn is surrounded by a
tubular outer conductor (usually a braid, foil or both). The entire assembly is then
covered with an insulating and protective outer layer. Coaxial cables have a wide
bandwidth and are capable of carrying many data, voice, and video conversations
The following sections describe the various types of coaxial cabling used with Ethernet.
a) Thicknet
Thicknet is the 50-ohm "thick" (10mm) coaxial cable used
with Ethernet 10Base5 networks. 10Base5 is the original
Ethernet system that supports a 10 Mb/s transmission rate
over a 500 meter maximum supported segment length.
Thick Ethernet coaxial cabling includes a "mark" every 2.5 meters to indicate proper
placement of the 10Base5 transceivers (or MAUs) used to connect stations to the
network. Transceivers may be placed at any multiple of 2.5-meter intervals. This
minimizes signal reflections that may degrade the transmission quality of the cable
segment. The outer jacket of Thick Ethernet cables is typically a bright color (often
yellow) with black bands at 2.5-meter intervals to mark valid transceiver placement
10Base5 transceivers are attached through a clamp that makes physical and electrical
contact with the cable. They are also called "transceiver taps" because they are
connected through a process known as "tapping" that drills a hole in the cable to allow
electrical contact to be made. The transceivers are called "non-intrusive" taps because
the connection can be made on an active network without disrupting traffic flow.
The standard allows a 10Base5 coaxial cable segment to be up to 500 meters in length.
Up to 100 transceivers may be connected to a single segment at any multiple of 2.5
meters apart. A 10Base5 segment may consist of a single continuous section of cable, or
be assembled from multiple cable sections that are attached end to end. If multiple cable
sections are used, it can result in "impedance mismatches" that are caused by slight
differences in the impedance of each cable section. When excessive, these mismatches
can cause signal reflections that result in bit errors and discarded frames. Segments with
multiple sections are often built with cable that comes from a single spool. This ensures
each section of the cable segment will have consistent impedance since it was built by
one manufacturer, at one time, using the same equipment. Cable segments can be joined
at any point along their length and are not restricted to 2.5 meter intervals like
10Base5 coaxial cable segments are built using "N-type" connectors. Each end of a
segment must have an N-type coaxial connector with N-type 50-ohm terminators
installed. Two sections of a segment are interconnected using two N-type coaxial
connectors that are mated together through an N-type barrel connector. Long 10Base5
segments typically have one or more barrel connectors to allow the segment to be split
for purposes of problem isolation. For safety reasons, the standard specifies that a cable
segment should be connected to earth ground at one and only one point. This may be
done at the terminator at the end of the cable, or at a barrel connector where two
segments are joined.
b) Thinnet
Thinnet is the 50-ohm "thin" (5mm) coaxial cable used
with Ethernet 10Base2 networks. 10Base2, also known as
"Thin Ethernet", or "cheapernet", supports a 10 Mb/s
transmission rate over a 185 meter maximum supported
segment length.
The Thinnet cable used by 10Base2 has the advantages of being cheaper, lighter, more
flexible, and easier to install than the Thicknet cable used by 10Base5. However the thin
cable has the disadvantage that its transmission characteristics are not as good. It
supports only a 185 meter maximum segment length (vs. 500 meters for 10Base5) and a
maximum of 30 stations per cable segment (vs. 100 for 10Base5).
10Base2 transceivers (MAUs) are connected to the Thinnet cable segment through a
"BNC Tee" connector, and not through "tapping" as with 10Base5. As the name implies,
the BNC Tee connector is shaped like the letter "T". The horizontal part of the "T"
includes female connectors that mate with the male BNC coaxial connectors on each
end of the attaching cable sections. The vertical part of the "T" includes a male BNC
connector that either plugs directly into the Ethernet network interface card (NIC) in the
computer station, or to an external thin Ethernet transceiver that is then attached to the
NIC through a standard AUI cable. If stations are removed from the network, the "T"
connector is removed and replaced with a "BNC Barrel" connector that provides a
straight through connection.
Each end of a 10Base2 coaxial segment must be terminated with a BNC 50-ohm
terminator. For safety reasons, a ground wire should connect the segment to earth
ground at one point, typically at the terminator on the end of the segment.
The 10Base2 standard states that the coaxial cable types known as RG58A/U and
RG58C/U can meet the cable specifications in the standard. However the specifications
for these cable designations are not precise and the construction of RG58A/U and
RG58C/U cables may vary from one manufacturer to another. To make sure you are
getting the right cable, you should specifically request cable that is guaranteed to meet
the IEEE 10Base2 thin Ethernet specifications.
CATV cabling is the 75 ohm coaxial cabling commonly
known for its use in transmission of Cable TV signals, but
is also used with Ethernet 10Broad36 networks. CATV
stands for "community antenna television".
CATV cabling is used for "broadband" transmission as opposed to the "baseband"
transmission used by all other Ethernet physical layers. A broadband cabling system
supports transmission of multiple services over a single cable by dividing the
bandwidth into separate frequencies, with each frequency assigned to a different
service. This technique is used in cable TV transmission systems to transmit multiple
channels over a single cable. Each channel uses a different frequency range. This
capability can allow 10Broad36 share a single cable with other services such as video.

d) Twinax
Twinax, or twinaxial, is a type of communication
transmission cable consisting of two center conductors
surrounded by an insulating spacer who in turn is
surrounded by a tubular outer conductor (usually a braid,
foil or both). The entire assembly is then covered with an
insulating and protective outer layer. Twinax is
constructed much like coaxial cable, except it has two
center conductors instead of one. However, it is similar to
twisted pair cabling in that it uses differential, or
"balanced", transmission. 150-ohm twinax is specified as a
"short haul" cable that can be used with the 1000Base-CX
media system. Although twinax has better transmission
characteristics than twisted pair media, it supports
segment lengths of only 25 meters for 1000Base-CX due to
the very high 1.25 Gbaud signal transmission rate.

3. Fiber Optic Cabling
Fiber optic cabling is a technology where electrical signals are converted into optical
signals, transmitted through a thin glass fiber, and re-converted into electrical signals. It
is used as transmission medium for the following Ethernet media systems: FOIRL,
10Base-FL, 10Base-FB, 10Base-FP, 100Base-FX, 1000Base-LX, and 1000Base-SX.
Fiber optic cabling is constructed of three concentric layers: The "core" is the central
region of an optical fiber through which light is transmitted. The "cladding" is the
material in the middle layer. It has a lower index of refraction than the core which
serves to confine the light to the core. An outer "protective layer", or "buffer", serves to
protect the core and cladding from damage.
The following sections describe the two primary types of fiber optic cabling: "multi-
mode fiber" and "single-mode fiber".
a) Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF)
Multi-mode fiber allows many "modes", or paths, of light to propagate down the fiber
optic path. The relatively large core of a multi-mode fiber allows good coupling from
inexpensive LEDs light sources, and the use of inexpensive couplers and connectors.
Multi-mode fiber typically has a core diameter of 50 to 100 microns.
Two types of multi-mode fiber exist with a refractive index that may be "graded" or
"stepped". With graded index fiber the index of refraction of the core is lower toward
the outside of the core and progressively increases toward the center of the core,
thereby reducing modal dispersion of the signal. With stepped index fiber the core is of
uniform refractive index with a sharp decrease in the index of refraction at the core-
cladding interface. Stepped index multi-mode fibers generally have lower bandwidths
than graded index multi-mode fibers.
The most popular fiber for networking is the 62.5/125 micron multi-mode fiber. These
numbers mean that the core diameter is 62.5 microns and the cladding is 125 microns.
Other common sizes are 50/125 and 100/140.
The primary advantage of multi-mode fiber over twisted pair cabling is that it supports
longer segment lengths. Multi-mode fiber can support segment lengths as long as 2000
meters for 10 and 100 Mbps Ethernet, and 550 meters for 1 Gbps Ethernet.
b) Single-Mode Fiber (SMF)
Single-mode fiber has a core diameter that is so small (on the order of 10 microns) that
only a single mode of light is propagated. This eliminates the main limitation to
bandwidth, modal dispersion. However, the small core of a single-mode fiber makes
coupling light into the fiber more difficult, and thus expensive lasers must be used as
light sources. The main limitation to the bandwidth of a single-mode fiber is material
(chromatic) dispersion. Laser sources must also be used to attain high bandwidth,
because LEDs emit a large range of frequencies, and thus material dispersion becomes
Single-mode fiber is capable of supporting much longer segment lengths than multi-
mode fiber. Segment lengths of 5000 meters and beyond are supported at all Ethernet
data rates through 1 Gbps. However, single-mode fiber has the disadvantage of being
significantly more expensive to deploy than multi-mode fiber.

4. Ethernet Connectors
a) RJ-45
An "RJ-45" connector is used on Ethernet twisted pair
links. This includes the 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 100Base-T4,
100Base-T2, and 1000Base-T physical layer types. An RJ-45
connector has 8-pins, and may also be referred to as an "8-
pin Modular Connector". A male RJ-45 "plug" is mounted
on each end of the twisted pair cable. A female RJ-45 "jack"
or "receptacle" is integrated into the Ethernet hub or NIC.
b) AUI (Attachment Interface Unit)
c) MII (Media Independent Interface)


CAT5 is an Ethernet cable standard defined by Electronics
Industries Association and Telecommunication Industry
Association (commonly known as EIA/TIA). CAT5 is a
5th generation of twisted pair Ethernet cabling and most
popular of all twisted pair cables in use today.
CAT5 cable contains four pair of copper wires. CAT5
support Fast Etherneta (100 Mbps) and comparable
alternatives such as ATM as with all other types of twisted
pair EIA/TIA cabling. CAT5 cable runs are limited to a
maximum recommended run rate of 100m (328 feet).
Although CAT5 cable usually contains four pair of copper
wire, fast Ethernet communications only utilize two pairs
and are backward compatible with ordinarily CAT5.
Twisted pair cables like CAT5 comes in two main
varieties, solenoid and stranded.
Solid CAT5 cable supports longer runs and works best in
the fixed wiring configurations like office buildings.
Standard CAT5 cable, on the other hand, is more reliable
and better suited for shorter distance, movable cabling
such as on the fly patch cabling.
Though newer cable technologies like CAT6 and CAT7 are
being developed, CAT5 cable remains the popular choice,
because it is the both affordable and plenty fast enough for
todays LAN.

(Closed Circuit Television)

This is used to monitor the station and the platforms along with the metro corridors
where it is very difficult to keep a view on the corridors. Mostly it is used for security
reasons and help train operators in the curved station platforms.

Locations at which CCTV is placed:

1. Curved platforms

2. Originating stations

3. Concourse area

Parts of CCTV system

1. Camera

This is the main part, which captures the screen. It captures light, which falls on the
CCD chip inside the camera. This chip converts the light into electrical signal. Generally
they are equipped with many kinds of signal conditioning systems, which raise the
voltage of signal so that it can be fed into multiplexer, or switch. A lens is used to focus
on the screen and is also used to control the light entering the camera, since the
lightening conditions keep varying during the day. Multiplexers or switches are used to
change to different cameras. There are two types of cameras used in metro:

a) Fixed Camera

They are used at fixed positions and controller cannot change its view. It is
positioned at platforms, stairs, entry and exit.

b) P-T-Z Cameras[ Motor driven & Dome cameras]

This is used in the concourse area. It has most of the advanced facilities installed
and can be controlled and directed from the station control room. This camera has
PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) facility. It is also used at OCC.
The cameras operates at 12 V DC or 24V

2. Serge Arrester

This is used to protect the interference caused in the signal of the camera towards the
QUAD. It suppresses the extra noise signals and limits the fluctuations in voltage. It is
used at monitors end, one each for every monitor.


Here the four inputs are used to insert camera outputs and one output goes to video
amplifier. For recording mechanisms the four outputs again form QUAD (which is
interlinked to camera) goes to DVR. It has option of viewing one camera output or
QUAD in the monitor.

4. CDF (Coaxial Distribution Frame)

It acts as a termination between camera and QUAD.

5. Video Amplifier

This amplifies the signal and transfers it towards the serge arrester of the monitor.

6. Monitor

This is used to view all camera movements. Two monitors are situated at one point at
the platforms via provisions of viewing all the eight camera outputs (view of coaches).
There are four such points at the platforms, having two each such points.

7. DVR (Digital Versatile Recorder)

This has 16 inputs from QUAD and it transfers signals to MATRIX and records the
outputs as well. It has got hard disk of 160 GB or 320 GB and can record for seven days
and then overwriting is done on the hard disk. Recording is done at the speed of 1
image/sec. It is supported by TCP/IP protocol. All the 16 cameras are controlled

8. DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division
This is used to send the video data on the optical fibers to OCC by combining the data
of different wavelength at each station so that fewer fibers are used in sending the data.
At OCC, there is an optical switch, for separating video data of different
Theoretically, DWDM can combine up to 160 different wavelengths.
When optical information is transmitted, then less wavelengths are combined together.
In DMRC, five stations video data are combined on one optical fiber.








Keyboard Keyboard





CCTV connectivity


Dome Cameras


Fixed Cameras









Central Computers





Station Computers
Ticket Reader
Station LAN
Excess Fare Office
(Transient Link) S


Booking Office Ticket
Office Machine
Production Server
Portable Ticket
Emergency Push Button
Initialisation Machine
Token Counting

AFC-Automatic Fare Collection System

In this we have studied about fare collection system of the DMRC. The
AFC is composed of:
1. One central computer for all the system
2. One station computer for a particular station
3. Several equipments of different types (TOM, BIM, GATE, PTD, TR)
General System Architecture
Central computer (CC)

The central computer is the central level for the AFC of DMRC. Its main features are:
To communicate with all station computers.
To collect all the details of the CSC and CST usage, accounting, operational and
auditing data.
To store the transaction and audit data in order to assume the central functions
based on collected transactions.
To transmit the equipment keys defined on CC.
To perform equipment management.
To inform operator about equipment alarms, events.
To monitor the communication channels between itself and station computer.
To provide reports on transport activity.
To provide time synchronization.
To provide multiple security access level.
To perform daily and monthly data back-up and housekeeping functions.

Server 1 Server 2
DC: Data Center
Report Laser
Line printer

SC :
Switch HP
16 port 10/100
AS :
Ethernet 100BaseT
Console &
OCC: Operations Control Center
LW : 5 Local
LW_A to LW_E
BIM : 2 Bulk Initialisation Machines
Master Clock
MS :
Available for
NMC: Network
PS: Production
AFC Technology - Central architecture

The central computer is composed of Data Centre (DC), Middle Ware Server (MS),
Archiving Server (AS), Administration Console & Certificate Authority (ACCA),
Network Management Console (NMC) and Local workstation. The CC is able to
communicate with SCs and PIS via the WAN.

Composition of Central Computer

* Data centre (DC)

The data centre is the main component of the central computer and is able to operate on
a stand alone basis. The data centre is composed of two servers clustered in order to
provide back-up for each other. The data centre store the entire data of the system.

The data centre does the following functions:

Configures the entire AFC system.
Store data sent by station computers.
Give detailed analysis of passenger traffic and system performance.
Provides facilities for entire AFC system supervision.
Provides final data storage and archiving facilities for transaction and
operational data.
Maintain and update system software.
Transmit operating parameters, blacklist, and agent list to the AFC equipment
via the stations computers.

It is used to: Provide facilities for generation, version control and download of
parameter files configuration data and software updates to the AFC equipment.
Enquiry transaction history for a specific CSC.

* Middleware Server (MS)

Relay the Master Clock System and broadcast the time synchronization via NTP
over the LAN.
Communicate with an external system.
Manage business report execution.
Compute detached processing allowing Data center to be fully available for the
current data transactions flow processing.

* Archiving Server (AS)

The archiving server is dedicated to archive the data using the data using AFC Serve
Archive Software in order to save a DLT tape partial or global data from the central
system and particularly concerning data centre server SQL data base (transactions data,
financial data, client data, statistic data etc).

*Administration Console and Certificate Authority

Central administration functions are done on ACCA console via the Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) which is Standard administration MMI in windows. The
main features in the administration function are:

1) Computers management

Administrator can manage remotely computers with windows2000 computer
management tool, which provides management tasks.

Monitor System events such as logon time and application errors.
View a list of users connected to a computer.
Start and stop system services.
Manage service applications.

2) Database management

Administration of SQL server is done with SQL Server Enterprise Manager which
provides scheduling engine administrator alert capability and built in replication
management interface. SQL Server Enterprise Manager is used to:

Manage SQL server logins, permissions and users.
Manage back-up devices and databases.

3) Users management

The Users management is based on the standard
windows 2000 principle (domain/group/users
management and Active Directory).

The Certificate Authority (CA) is the trust centre of a Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) and it manages public key certificates for their whole life cycle.

This certificate authority will:

Ensure certificates are revoked when necessary by publishing Certificate
Revocation List (CRL).
A security read/write module is used to I initialize the ISO memory card or SIM
card (DSM) of others AFC equipment: on Metro site installation stage, besides
public keys, the private keys remain securely stored in ISO memory card or DSM
attached with the equipment unit.
Issue digital certificates by binding the identity of the user or system to a public
key with a digital signature.
Manage Security Access Modules (for the DSM Cryptographic Data Security
Modules attached to each computer defined as included in the security shell
within the metro stations (PSs, Scs, TOMs, and GATEs).

* Network Management Console (NMC)

The NMC is provided in order to manage the central LAN
active network equipment and the LAN stations active network equipment via the

* Local Workstation (LW)

Operators workstation is for applications Man Machine Interface (MMI) such as fare
configuration, financial and statistic query or middleware processing. The LWs are
located within central environment associated with one report printer and communicate
with data centre via the LAN.

* Report Laser Printer

The report laser printer is dedicated for every paper report established by the
predefined MMI on operators local workstations. It is the network laser printer shared
between every user workstations and is based on commercially available product.

* Line printer (LP)

The line printer is dedicated for predefined events & alarms trailing (or logs) if
necessary. It is a network printer connected on central LAN.

These central subsystems are interconnected within the central DMRC OCC building on
the redundant Local Area Network (LAN). The central computer is able to
communicate with the Stations Computers (SC) and the Production Server (PS) via the
DMRC communication Wide Area Network (WAN).

AFC Technology - Station architecture

Station Computer
These are the computers located at the basic station and perform the different functions.


1. Account Sales

a) Data Flow Collection

i) Collate ticket usage transaction and update audit registers from the station
equipments for
transmission to the CC.

ii) Maintain a local database of equipment activity to
enable local reports to be compiled.

Lan/Wan Router
Report & Log Printer
SC : Station
PTD Communication Unit
PTD for Ticket
1 Switch
1 switch
1 switch
SE(b) SW SM(a) SM(c) SM(b) SE(a) SE(b) SM(a) SM(b) SM(c) SE(c)
Excess Fare
Office Room
Ticket Office Room
Station Control Room
Automatic Gate Equipments Barrier
To Central System
Token Capture Module
CSC Coupler & Antenna
Passenger Display
AGE Legend
X: Exit
(Laptop Maintenance Tool)
(Ticket Reader)
b) Data Flow Distribution

Distribution to the CC of the ticket transactions, audit transactions, registers and
event/alarm data.

2. Provide passenger information on actual service (periodic revenue and passenger
traffic information to the CC)

3. Manage incidents (Status and alarming, monitoring and maintenance operations)

a) AFC equipment supervision

Control, monitoring and event logging of all the connected AFC equipment
in the station

4. Issue Activity Report

This function provides station staff

a) A readily understood graphical representation of the status of the AFC system.

b) The means to obtain a detailed analysis of patron traffic and system performance.

5. Manage equipment operations

a) It receives operating and configuring date from the central computer and
distributes these to the AFC station equipment.

b) Housekeeping

Software self-test, end of day, security, back-up command scheduling, date and
time management, Ups management, purge, start-up and shut-down.

c) Distribute these to AFC station equipment:

i) EOD management: Reception of the EOD, distribution to the AFC equipment,
version processing.

ii) Key management: Reception of the different keys, distribution to the AFC
equipment, Version processing.

Sub-Assembly List

1. Station Computer (SC): The functions of the station computer are wide and locked
up as done lastly.

2. Report and Log Printer (RP): It is dedicated for every paper report established via the
predefined MMI on Sc and for predefined events and alarm trailing.

3. Portable and Ticket Decoder Communication Unit (PTDCU): Communication with
the SC and battery re-charger is carried out through the Communication and
charging unit installed in the SC.

Equipment List

These are the equipments which are attached to the station computer and are employed
to different functionalities. The list of these equipments is as follows:

Excess fare office and booking office ticket office machines.
Bulk initialization machine.
Portable Ticket Decoder.
Ticket Reader.

Booking Office Ticket Office Machine (BO TOM)

The Ticket Office Machine provides the AFC system with all services involved by the
transport ticket delivery to the
Users. The point of sale terminal is the semi-automatic machine manually operated by
dedicated employees of the DMRC Company. The machine is a Standard Personal
Computer connected to different appropriate peripherals.
The agent MMI is basically completed through a screen and a keyboard connected with
the personal computer.



Available functions enable agents of DMRC Company to answer to the transport
passengers request and provide with the transaction services. The current transactions
can be:

A ticket sale
A ticket reloading
A ticket consultant
A ticket data analysis and solving of conflicts and error
A ticket refund
A ticket cancel
A replacement of the damaged cards
EFO TOM is similar to BO TOM with extra capabilities
of zero adjustments and issue exit tokens [free/paid]. It
is located in customer care Centre.

Bulk Initialization Machine (BIM)
The Bulk Initialization Machine provides the AFC system with all services involved in
the transport ticket initialization. This machine is a semi-automatic machine manually
operated by dedicated employees of the DMRC Company.
The machine is the standard personal computer to the production server (PS). The agent
MMI is basically completed through the screen and the keyboard with the personal
computer. The current transactions can be:

A ticket initialization
A agent card creation

The access to the Delhi Railway lines is controlled by the Gate equipment. The gate
equipment is made of stainless steel housing which is elegantly styled with the flowing
curves that guide the passenger into the aisle. Presenting the passenger with the
modern smart card and the token validation target whilst a high-tech colour graphics
display provides passenger information.

A sophisticated passenger sensing system detects passenger movement through the
aisle helping to prevent fraud and to ensure passenger safety from flap closure.

The Gate equipment is a computer based automatic machine that consists of stainless
steel cabinet managing central retractable barrier leaf also called flap in this document.

The Gate allows to:
Check the entrance into the paid area.
Check the exit from the paid area in accordance with the business rules.

The Gate is operated by:
The passengers
The operation staff (Station operators)
The maintenance staff (Maintenance Operator and Maintenance Supervisor)

The Gate is linked to the Station network in order to dialog with the Station Computer.

Portable Ticket Decoder

The aim of the Portable Ticket Decoder (PTD) is to be a small portable used by roving
ticket Inspectors in order to perform the routing day-to-day inspection of both CSC and
CST and facilitate the passenger surveys.

Its main functions consist in Patrons ticket Checks Tickets data are read and
displayed. Then the agent consults this data. No automatic intervention and no
modification are possible at the tickets level. Only the agent is capable to indicate the
result of the consultation (fault to fault) to the customer.

When PTDs are used for checking by operator, interval batteries provide for power

When PTDs are not used agents, this equipment is stored in the SC room for at least
three reasons.

To communicate with dedicated station computer (SC)
To be in a secured room
To allow the batteries of the PTD to be recharged.

Ticket Reader

The Ticket reader (TR) is free standing self-service equipment installed in the station
concourses. The TR is used for rapid and user-friendly display. In English and in Hindi
of information stored in Contactless Smart Cards (CSC) or Contactless Smart Tokens
(CST). It enables to check the validity of the ticket.

It is stand-alone equipment in the way that it is not
connected with the station Local Area Network (LAN). A
Ticket Reader does the following functions:

Ticket checking
Manage incidents (status and alarm monitoring)
and maintenance operations
Manage equipment operation


1. Contactless smart card [csc]

CSC- a chip with a processor and read/ write memory and additional
circuitry activated on RF 13.56MHz frq.
CSC technical details


CST-It is contining a read/write memory that gets initialized through RF frq of

CST technical details


CSC Card

CSC Card
Patron Speakers
Ethernet TCP/IP
TFT Screen 1
TFT Screen 2
1 2 3 F1
4 5 6 F2
7 8 9 F3
* 0 # F4
In Sensors
Passage Ack
Msg. Available
Out Passage Auth
AC Fail Sabordage
Valid Your card
or Token
Valid Your card
or insezrt Token
Presentation of media to SMA/SMV.
Reader reads it.
PID informs passenger.
Validation or error tone from LS.
Flap opens and passenger passes through
Passenger detection sensors.
UCM records the transaction and upload it SC.

Presentation of media to SMA/SMV.

Reader reads it.

Authorization by UCM.

PID informs passenger.

Validation or error tone from LS.

If valid UCM gives command to PLC.

PLC to variator to operate motor.

Flap opens and passenger passes through
sensors(16).Passenger detection.

Sensors give status to PLC through interface

PLC sends passage completion to UCM.

UCM records the transaction and upload it to





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