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APRIL, 2014
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................
SECTION ONE................................................................................................................... 1
1.0O&#"&#$ !' ()# *!+,-........................................................................................................1
1.1 C!.(#/( !' ()# *!+,-..........................................................................................................1
1.2 Unique challenges facing Marginalised groups in Vihiga Count.............................1
1.! Strategies to address these pro"le#s........................................................................2
1.$ %ustification for the esta"lish#ent of the &und.............................................................2
1.' (eneral require#ents............................................................................................... $
1.) Vision and Mission....................................................................................................... $
1.* Core Values of the &und............................................................................................. $
SECTION TWO.......................................................................................................................0
2.0. THE FUND AND BANK ACCOUNTS..........................................................................0
2.* M+N,+TE O& T-E &UN,........................................................................................... *
2.. ST/+TE(IC O0%ECTIVES O& T-E &UN,................................................................*
SECTION THREE ..................................................................................................................1
!.1 2O3IC4 IM23EMENT+TION.........................................................................................
!.2 +,MINIST/+TO/ O& T-E &UN, 5CEO6....................................................................7
3.2.2 Responsibilities.........................................................................................................9
!.! COMMUNIT4 EM2O8E/MENT 8+/, &UN, COMMITTEE 5CE8+&CO6..............7
3.3.1 Guidelines for nomination of the Community Empowerment Ward
Fund ........................................................................................................................10
!.$ 9UO/UM &O/ +33 MEETIN(S ...............................................................................11
!.' /ES2ONSI0I3ITIES O& T-E SU0:COUNT4 +,MINIST/+TO/ ...........................11
!.) &UN, O&&ICE/S 58ard +d#inistrators6.................................................................11
!.* 8+/, SU22O/T CENT/ES &O/ T-E COMMUNIT4 EM2O8E/MENT &UN, ....11
$.1 3O+N ,IS0U/SEMENT (UI,E3INES......................................................................12
$.2 Source of &und......................................................................................................... 1!
.2.1 !ther sour"es of funds.........................................................................................13
$.! Non 3oan 2roducts..................................................................................................... 1!
$.$ 3oan products ............................................................................................................ 1!
..1 Community Empowerment Enterprise Fund #Group Fundin$% &'u(iinue).....13
..2 Fa"ilities*E+uipment fundin$ &,ifaa).............................................................13
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page i
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
..3 'op up loans &-a.ia).........................................................................................1
.. /0! Finan"in$ ..................................................................................................11
..1 2pe"ial /oans & 0epea).....................................................................................11
$.'. 2O3IC4 INCENTIVES; 0ENE&ITS; /EME,I+3 +CTION +N, S+NCTIONS...........1'
.1.2 3enefits............................................................................................................14
.1.3 Remedial a"tion. .............................................................................................14
.1. 2an"tions..........................................................................................................14
$.) 2re<3oan dis"urse#ent ser=ices.................................................................................1)
$.* 2ost loan dis"urse#ent ser=ices.................................................................................1*
$.. 3oan reco=er strategies............................................................................................. 1*
SECTION FIVE.....................................................................................................................11
2.0 R#*!"(.3 "#45"#6#.(7...................................................................................................11
'.1 /eporting structures.................................................................................................... 1.
1.1.1 County le5el............................................................................................................16
1.1.2 2ub 7 County le5el............................................................................................16
1.1.3 Ward le5el ............................................................................................................19
SECTION SI8........................................................................................................................19
0.0 MONITORING & EVALUATION..............................................................................19
SECTION ELEVEN..............................................................................................................22
11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................................22
VICOCEF FUND STRUCTURE........................................24
THE SCHEDULE:::::::::::::::::::::::::::22
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page ii
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
'his poli"y is a first step towards the establishment of a Community Empowerment Fund for
,ihi$a County to benefit both e8istin$ and potential traders Women9 youths9 men and the
physi"ally "hallen$ed persons in ,ihi$a County%. 2o"ial and E"onomi" "hallen$es ha5e
dri5en our men9women and :ouths into deep po5erty and in"reasin$ their 5ulnerability to
so"ial ills su"h as prostitution9 early pre$nan"ies*early marria$es9 dru$ abuse and theft.
,ihi$a County has a responsibility to $i5e these mar$inali.ed $roups means to li5elihoods
and wealth "reation be"ause doin$ so has $reater so"ietal benefits.
;n empowered Community is able to "ontribute to so"io<e"onomi" stability at both the
family and "ommunity le5els. 'hey "an ma=e de"isions on proper utili.ation of family
in"ome9 "ommunity and "ounty resour"es. >t is therefore9 prudent to empower our
men9women9 youths and the physi"ally "hallen$ed persons to reali.e shared so"io<e"onomi"
E/#,5(#% ;-< E/#,5(#% ;-<
H!.. :::::::::.. H!.:::::::::::.
C!5.(- E/#,5(&# M#6;#" C!5.(- E/#,5(&# M#6;#",
I.%57("=+>=(!., T"=%# & T!5"76 C!5.(- T"#=75"-,
C!5.(- G!&#".6#.( !' V)3= C!5.(- G!&#".6#.( !' V)3=
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page iii
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
;.>.; 7 ;ppropriation in ;id
;.>.E 7 ;uthority to >n"ur E8penditure
;>?2 7 ;"+uired >mmune ?efi"ien"y 2yndrome
,>C!CEF 7 ,ihi$a County Community Empowerment Fund
C.E.! 7 Chief E8e"uti5e !ffi"er
CCR3< County Credit Referen"e 3ureau
CEC 7 County E8e"uti5e Committee
CCEF3< County Community Empowerment Fund 3oard
E2F 7 E"onomi" 2timulus Funds
@.>., 7 @uman >mmunodefi"ien"y ,irus
>C' 7 >nformation Communi"ation 'e"hnolo$y
-/3 7 -oint /oans 3oard
AR; < Aenya Re5enue ;uthority
/0! 7 /o"al 0ur"hase !rder
BC; 7 Bember of County ;ssembly
B?G 7 Billennium ?e5elopment Goal
0EF 7 0o5erty Eradi"ation Fund
0>C < 0ersonal >dentifi"ation Cumber
2;CC! 7 2a5in$ and Credit Cooperati5es
,>C!CEFWC< ,ihi$a County Empowerment Fund Ward Committees.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page i=
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
1.0 O&#"&#$ !' ()# *!+,-
'he poli"y has been formulated in response to the uni+ue "hallen$es and $ender<related
"onstraints fa"in$ the small s"ale traders #men9 women9 :ouths and the 0hysi"ally Challen$ed
0ersons% of ,ihi$a County. 0opulation in"rease has led to sub di5ision of land leadin$ to
diminishin$ 5alue of a$rarian systems in the County. >n this respe"t9 alternati5e methods to
sustain the Bar$inalised $roup)s initiati5es in the County ha5e to be e8plored. Empowerin$ the
"ommunity is a sure way to $uarantee prosperity and sustainability in "ommunity de5elopment.
1.1 C!.(#/( !' ()# *!+,-
'he Aenyan e"onomy is liberal9 whi"h supports $rowth resultin$ from a better allo"ation of
resour"es in the e"onomy9 e8"han$e of =nowled$e9 transfer of te"hnolo$ies and a "onse+uent
in"rease in produ"ti5ity9 as well as the de5elopment of human and physi"al "apital.
>t is within this "onte8t that the County Go5ernment of ,ihi$a formulated this spe"ifi" poli"y9
tar$etin$ Community empowerment and promotin$ them in de"ision ma=in$. >n addition9 it
addresses uni+ue "hallen$es affe"tin$ men9 women9 youths and the physi"ally "hallen$ed in
,ihi$a County9 as well as pro5idin$ a road map to shared prosperity for all in the County9
irrespe"ti5e of reli$ion9 "ulture9 so"ial status9 disability or marital status.
'he fund aims at $i5in$ the mar$inalised $roups an opportunity to apply their entrepreneurial
s=ills to initiate and de5elop su""essful and sustainable a"ti5ities that help in addressin$ wealth
"reation $i5in$ them power to ma=e de"isions.

1.2 U.45# ,)=++#.3#7 '=,.3 M="3.=+7#% 3"!5*7 . V)3= C!5.(-
Women are e"onomi"ally mar$inali.ed in property ownership and leadership.
@i$h illitera"y amon$ Ben9 Women9 :ouths and 0hysi"ally "hallen$ed persons
Ce$ati5e attitude towards entrepreneurship
@i$h rate of s"hool drop outs.
/ow a""ess to information.
>nade+uate mar=et lin=a$es for traders due to poor infrastru"ture.
/ess men9 women9 youths and disabled friendly trainin$ institutions in some sub7
/ow entrepreneurial "ulture amon$ men9 women and youths due to low self<esteem and
ne$ati5e attitude
Risin$ "ases of "ommer"ial se8 in 5illa$es9 urban areas and alon$ the hi$hway.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
Dntapped talents in sports and performin$ arts.
?ru$ abuse amon$ men9 women and youths.
/ower per"enta$e a""ess to "redit fa"ility by youth and women.
Early pre$nan"ies.
1.? S("=(#3#7 (! =%%"#77 ()#7# *"!;+#67
'o introdu"e a re5ol5in$ fund to empower the mar$inali.ed $roups e"onomi"ally.
Capa"ity buildin$ pro$rammes should in5ol5eE
< /ife and 5o"ational s=ills.
< >C' mana$ement.
< Finan"ial mana$ement s=ills.
< Entrepreneurship.
< ,alue addition in a$ri"ultural produ"e.
< Reprodu"ti5e health on family plannin$ and @>,*;>?s.
0ro5ide "i5i" edu"ation to enli$hten Bar$inali.ed Groups on their "onstitutional ri$hts.
>n"ubation 0ro$rammes.
Create awareness on adult edu"ation.
!r$ani.e mar=et trade fairs9 produ"er 5alue "hains9 e8hibitions and enhan"e mar=et
lin=a$es throu$h or$ani.ed "hannels.
Establish information "enters at ward le5el.
!r$ani.e ben"hmar=in$ e8"han$e pro$rammes lo"ally9 nationally and internationally.
?esi$n modalities to enable persons with disabilities a""ess mar=et and other amenities
Establish rehabilitation "enters for dru$ addi"ts at "ounty le5el.
Establish talent a"ademies to nurture sports and performin$ arts.
1.4 @57(',=(!. '!" ()# #7(=;+7)6#.( !' ()# F5.%
1.4.1 D#&!+&#% F5.%7
'he poli"y is premised on se"tion 114 of the 0ubli" Finan"e and Bana$ement ;"t9
2e"tion 241 to 246 of the 0ubli" Finan"e Bana$ement Re$ulations 2013 and the ,ihi$a
County Community Empowerment ;"t of 201.
;ll the reforms "ontained in this poli"y are an"hored in the 3ill of Ri$hts "ontained in the
Constitution of Aenya. 'he Constitution ma=es pro5ision for the Aenyan people on
More specifically:-
;rti"le 10. #1% 'he national 5alues and prin"iples of $o5ernan"e are bindin$ on all 2tate
or$ans9 2tate offi"ers9 publi" offi"ers and all persons.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 2
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
Whene5er any of them77
#a% applies or interprets this ConstitutionE
#b% ena"ts9 applies or interprets any lawE or
#"% ma=es or implements publi" poli"y de"isions.
'he state or the County Go5ernment shall $i5e priority to fa"torin$ in a""ess to
5ulnerable $roups or indi5iduals #women9 persons with disabilities9 Children9 :outh9
members of mar$inali.ed and minority $roups%.
;rti"les 201 #a%9 d and # e% 224 and 22F ha5e pro5isions on publi" Finan"e relatin$ to
transparen"y 9 a""ountability9 and appropriate $o5ernan"e of publi" monies.
1.4.2 E''#,(&# =.% E'',#.( 5(+>=(!. !' %#&!+&#% '5.%7
'o ensure effe"ti5e and effi"ient utili.ation of de5ol5ed funds9 prudent implementation
stru"tures and harmoni.ed efforts9 "lear tar$etin$ of "ommunity a"ti5ities* initiati5es is
=ey in enhan"in$ ownership and sustainability of a"ti5ities.
@owe5er9 ma(ority of Bar$inali.ed $roups in the "ounty ha5e been unable to a""ess these
funds due to limited "apa"ity buildin$ pro$rammes9 len$thy pro"essin$ pro"edures9
insuffi"ient men9 women and youth friendly produ"ts and la"= of entrepreneurial "ulture
amon$ the mar$inali.ed $roups.
1.4.? E7(=;+7)6#.(
a.% Re5ol5in$ Fund
'here is need for establishment of a re5ol5in$ fund to support lo"al Community
de5elopment initiati5es. >t has a "omponent of "apa"ity buildin$ to enable the lo"al
Community in5est and $row the fund.
b.% ?isbursement of Funds
Funds will be disbursed sub(e"t to the terms and "onditions of the fund.
1.4.4 M=.%=(#
'he mandate of the fund will be to in"rease a""ess to "apital by e8istin$ and potential
entrepreneurs9 to pro5ide business de5elopment ser5i"es9 fa"ilitate lin=a$es and supply
"hains9 "reate mar=et opportunities lo"ally and abroad for produ"ts and ser5i"es of /o"al
Communities enterprises and fa"ilitate "reation of "ommer"ial infrastru"ture to support
$rowth of Community businesses. >t will fo"us on e8pandin$ opportunities for men9
youth and women to "ontribute to so"io<e"onomi" de5elopment of the "ounty.
>t is a$ainst this ba"=$round that T)# C!5.(- G!&#".6#.( !' V)3= formulates a
poli"y on V)3= C!5.(- C!665.(- E6*!$#"6#.( F5.% #,>C!CEF%.
'he fund will also partner with other finan"ial institutions for loan pro$ression.
'he fund will help in formin$ loan re"o5erin$ $roups from benefi"iaries.
'he loan benefi"iaries shall form loan re"o5ery teams amon$st themsel5es throu$h
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page !
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
1.2 G#.#"=+ "#45"#6#.(7
'he ;#.#',="#7 will be re+uired to meet the followin$ "onditionsE
2hould be residents of ,ihi$a County9
;$ed abo5e 16 years doin$ small s"ale business in the County9
:ouths a$ed between 16yrs and 31years9
Aenyan physi"ally "hallen$ed persons9
2mall s"ale traders
0otential entrepreneurs with 5iable business proposals.
Bust be re$istered by a $o5ernment re"o$ni.ed re$istration body.
Groups must ha5e been in e8isten"e for at least 2 months from time of re$istration.
!perate within the ward in whi"h they are applyin$.
2hould under$o pre< disbursement trainin$.
@a5e $ood "redit history and 5iable business ideas.
>ndi5idual women and youths to be $uaranteed by at least $roup members.
Bust be appraised.
3enefi"iaries to ha5e ban= a""ounts.
'he "ounty Go5ernment shall issue "ertifi"ate of re$istration to benefi"iaries.
'hey must be en$a$in$ themsel5es in le$al business.
1.0 V7!. =.% M77!.
'o be a model fund in empowerin$ "ommunities in ,ihi$a to "reate wealth.
!ffer a""essible and affordable "redit fa"ilities that promote appropriate entrepreneurship and
sustainable enterprises.
1.A C!"# V=+5#7 !' ()# F5.%
'he fund will be $o5erned by the followin$ 5aluesE
'ransparen"y and a""ountability
Continuous impro5ements
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page $
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page '
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
'his poli"y see=s to establish a fund for ,ihi$a County Go5ernment whi"h shall be
named ,ihi$a County Community Empowerment Fund BVICOCEF%E
'he fund shall9 unless de"ided otherwise by the County E8e"uti5e Committee Bembers9
be mana$ed from the department of the County Go5ernment responsible for matters of
>ndustriali.ation9 'rade and 'ourismE
'he fund shall be re5ol5in$E
'he Fund shall ha5e an offi"e with a prominent label in "apital letters on the door or the
BVICOCEFE. A( ()# C!5.(- H#=%45="(#"7.
;t the fund offi"e shall permanently be =ept a metal bo8 suffi"ient to re"ei5e and hold a
reasonable +uantity of written su$$estions labeled in "apital letters with the words G
'he 2u$$estion 3o8 shall be opened on e5ery date of the County meetin$s and
"omplaints re"ei5ed throu$h the bo8 be dealt with as disputes in a""ordan"e with the
pro5isions of this poli"y.
2.2 T)# '5.% A,,!5.(
'here shall be opened a ban= a""ount to whi"h there shall be deposited in the fund
a. Bonies allo"ated to the fund throu$h the annual County Go5ernment bud$et as
appro5ed by the County ;ssembly9
b. Bonies paid to the fund by partners and other interested persons or well wishers9
". /oans re"o5eries to$ether with administrati5e "osts9
d. ;ll other monies lawfully due to the a""ount9
e. ;ny other monies a"+uired for the purpose of this Fund.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page )
Establishment of
the fund
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
2.3 ;ll monies paid to or re"ei5ed on behalf of the fund shall be deposited in a sa5in$s
a""ount to be opened with the appro5al of the County E8e"uti5e Committee Bembers in
the name of the fund in a reputable ban=in$ institution operatin$ within the County
2. Co monies shall be withdrawn from or paid dire"tly out of the fund a""ount e8"ept by
way of transfer to a "urrent operation a""ount to be opened with the appro5al of the
County E8e"uti5e Committee Bember in Char$e >ndustriali.ation9 'rade and 'ourism in
the name of the fund.
2.1 'he Committee shall re"ommend to the County E8e"uti5e the ban=in$ institutions with
whi"h to operate the a""ounts and the si$natories to the a""ountsE
2.4 'he fund and the ban= a""ounts shall be mana$ed by the Committee in a""ordan"e with
the pro5isions of the 0ubli" Finan"e Bana$ement ;"t.
;ll 'he a""ounts shall be mana$ed at the County le5elE
'he mandate of ,>C!CEF fund will be toH<
0ro5ide loans and non<loan produ"ts
0romote entrepreneurship amon$ the mar$inali.ed $roups
2our"e finan"es from the County Go5ernment of ,ihi$a9 de5elopment partners and other
2hare =nowled$e and resour"es within the "ommunities in the "ounty and outside.
2ee= to "reate awareness on a5ailable mar=ets for surplus produ"e and lin=a$es to these
Enhan"e de5elopment of business supply "hains and mar=et lin=a$es.
'he strate$i" ob(e"ti5es of the fund will be toE
Establish a re5ol5in$ fund that will be a""essed by the Bar$inali.ed $roups.
?e5elop an entrepreneurial "apa"ity for the ,ihi$a County Community 9
0ro5ide loan and non<loan produ"ts to +ualified $roups for in"ome $eneratin$ a"ti5ities.
Establish an intera"ti5e web site where rele5ant information "an be shared.
2upport e8hibitions and pro5ision of spa"e where the benefi"iaries "an mar=et their
produ"ts lo"ally re$ionally and internationally.
Enhan"e "ondu"i5e business en5ironment for small< s"ale entrepreneurs) in5estments.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page *
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
0romote (oint 5entures and "onsortia amon$ men9 women9 youths and physi"ally
"hallen$ed persons owned enterprises.
Fa"ilitate men9 women and youths enterprises to a""ess $o5ernment pro"urement
Establishment of ward support resour"e Centers for the mar$inali.ed $roups.
'he poli"y will be implemented throu$h a transparent and a""ountable system "omposed of
"ommittees "omprisin$ people of inte$rity as stipulated in "hapter si8 of the "onstitution of
Aenya. 'he membership to the "ommittees will be broad and widely representati5e of
"ommunities within the "ounty.

'here shall be established a board to be in "har$e of the fund operations at the "ounty le5el. >t
shall be mana$ed and implemented by a Chief !ffi"er answerable to the C!5.(- E/#,5(&#
C!66((## M#6;#" in "har$e of I.%57("=+>=(!.9 T"=%# =.% T!5"76.
'he board shall ha5e a Chairman. 'he Chief !ffi"er of the >ndustriali.ation9 'rade and 'ourism
will be the se"retary and the ;dministrator of the Fund.
'he members will ser5e for two "onse"uti5e terms of 'wo years ea"h and they shall be holdin$
their meetin$s +uarterly in a year.
'he board shall "omprise of se5en members from the followin$ se"tors within the CountyH
1. ; womanE
2. Faith 3ased !r$ani.ations 1E
3. Community Representati5e 1 E
. ; Representati5e of 3usiness Community 1E
1. :outh Representati5e 19
4. 0ersons with disability 1.
F. Chief !ffi"er in "har$e of >ndustriali.ation9 'rade and 'ourism.
'he board shall be appointed by the County E8e"uti5e Bember in "har$e of >ndustriali.ation9
'rade and 'ourism.
3.1.1 'he mandate of the ,ihi$a County Community Empowerment Fund 3oard.
'he County Community Empowerment Fund 3oard willE
Fa"ilitate administration of the fund and "arry out e8e"uti5e fun"tions in
"onne"tion with the fund.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page .
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
;d5ise the loan authorities in a""ordan"e with the poli"y $uidelines issued by the
County E8e"uti5e Committee Bember in "har$e of >ndustriali.ation9 'rade and
;d5i"e and report to the County E8e"uti5e Bember of >ndustriali.ation9 'rade
and 'ourism on matters relatin$ to the fund.
Baintain loan status re"ord presented for appro5al.
Enter into a$reement with other "orporate bodies.
Ensure e+uity and fairness in allo"ation of loan and non<loan produ"ts to $roups
in the "ounty.
3e in5ol5ed in re5iewin$ performan"e of the fund.
Establish a reward system for $roups that are payin$ promptly.
;ppro5e all disbursement of the fund.
@andlin$ human resour"e issues su"h as hirin$9 remuneration and dis"ipline in
"ase of non performan"e.
'he Fund ;dministrator 2hall be the Chief !ffi"er in "har$e of >ndustriali.ation9 'rade
and 'ourism.
?.2.2 R#7*!.7;+(#7
'hey will in"ludeH
Custodian of the fund9 assets and liabilities.
'he a""ountin$ offi"er.
>mplement the fund poli"y.
Carry out administrati5e and mana$erial roles.
0ubli"$ the fund.
0repare "ounty loans status report.
2e"retary to the board.
'here shall be Community Empowerment Ward Fund Committee "omprisin$ F members as
1. 2ub 7 County ;dministrator <2e"retary
2. Ward ;dministrator 7 # Fund !ffi"er%
3. Women Representati5e 7 1 Bember
. Community Representati5e < 1 Bember
1. 0hysi"ally Challen$ed 0ersons Representati5e 7 1 member
4. :outh Representati5e 7 1 member
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 7
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
F. Faith 3ased !r$ani.ation 7 1 member.
?.?.1 G5%#+.#7 '!" .!6.=(!. !' ()# C!665.(- E6*!$#"6#.( W="% F5.%
'he Committee members shall be identified by the ward administrator in "onsultation
with the Ele"ted County ;ssembly Bember for the respe"ti5e wards.
'he nominated names shall be forwarded to the Chief !ffi"er for >ndustriali.ation9
'rade and 'ourism for appro5al to be appointed by the County E8e"uti5e Bember in
"har$e of >ndustriali.ation9 'rade and 'ourism.
?urin$ the first sittin$9 the "ommittee shall ele"t the "hairperson from amon$ the
"ommittee members.
'he se"retary shall be the 2ub< County administrator.
'he fund 2hall ha5e a F5.% !'',#" who shall be the ward administratorE
?.?.2 T)# 6=.%=(# !' ()# C!665.(- E6*!$#"6#.( W="% F5.% C!66((##
'o populari.e the fund.
Re"ei5e appli"ations from interested $roups and indi5iduals
,isit9 $uide and 5et appli"ations of $roups and indi5idual enterprises.
Bonitorin$ and e5aluation of the pro$ress of the fund and report to the "ounty board.
Dse proposal appraisal format that lends transparen"y and ob(e"ti5ity
Enfor"in$ repayment of loans from the benefi"iaries.
Reinfor"e throu$h their a"tions the "on"ept of (oint and indi5idual responsibility
amon$ $roup members.
@old +uarterly meetin$s or as need arises.
?e5elop tools to $uide $roup transformation.
'he +uorum shall be two thirds membership in all board and ward "ommittee meetin$s.
'here shall be a 2ub< County ;dministrator responsible forE
0reparin$ sub7"ounty reports on loan status
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 11
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
;ppraisin$ performan"e of the fund.
;d5ise on fair and e+uitable distribution of the fund.
Bonitorin$ of the fund offi"ers.
?.0 FUND OFFICERS BW="% A%6.7("=(!"7E
'he fund will en$a$e persons of hi$h inte$rity who are "ommitted to the "ommunity
empowerment fund and ser5e as Fund !ffi"ers at the ward le5el. @e* she will be answerable to
the 2ub7County ;dministrators.
?.0.1 R#7*!.7;+(#7 !' F5.% O'',#"7
Ensure "ontinuous and uninterrupted thrift of loan repayments.
Fa"ilitate "apa"ity buildin$ of the $roups*indi5iduals and a"tuali.e the fund.
Re"ei5e loan appli"ation forms.
'ra"=in$ performan"e and preparin$ reports and loan re"o5ery.
0ro5ide ad5isory opinions and re"ommendation to the Ward Empowerment Fund
'he offi"e of the Ward ;dministrator will a""ommodate the support "entres for the Fund. >t will
be manned by Fund offi"ers. 'he offi"es shall pro5ide support to "lients see=in$ information
about the fund and business related information.
'he settin$ up of the "entre in the ward shall be 5ested in the hands of the sta=eholders and
manned by the County Go5ernment.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 11
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
4.1 L!=. I775=.,#
1. 'he loan shall only be issued with appro5al of the County Community Empowerment
2. 20I of the fund will be used as an administrati5e "ost. 'his is meant to "ater forE
a. ;llowan"es for 3oard and Committee BembersE
b. 0romote 3est 0ra"ti"es E
". Capa"ity 3uildin$ and E8"han$e 0ro$rammesE
d. Group Ratin$ and Bonitorin$
e. Fa"ilitatin$ !ffi"e Finan"ial !perations
f. >nstitutional buildin$ and impro5ement
3. 'here shall be a $ra"e period of two #2% months to the benefi"iary $roups.
. 'he loan shall not attra"t interest but administrati5e "osts of 1I9 e8"ept in /0! finan"in$
1. 0hased fundin$ will be introdu"ed where appli"able
4. 'he fund may from time to time and in response to "han$es in so"io<e"onomi" dynami"s
affe"tin$ Community and the mar$inali.ed $roups re5iew the $uidelines.
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Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
4.2 S!5",# !' F5.%
'he main sour"e of the fund for ,ihi$a County Community Empowerment Fund
#,>C!CEF% will be the County Go5ernment of ,ihi$a.
4.2.1 O()#" 7!5",#7 !' '5.%7
2ta=eholders should be en"oura$ed to $row the fund throu$h 5arious a5enuesE
1. >nterest from the /0! Finan"in$ at 1IE
2. Fines and penalties
3. Fund raisin$s9
. ?onors 9
1. 3an=s and other mi"rofinan"e institutions
4. /easin$ of County >n"ubation E+uipment.
4.? N!. L!=. P"!%5,(7
Con loan produ"ts pro5ided will in"lude but not limited toE
0re<and post loan disbursement trainin$s
'ools and E+uipment that men9youths 9women and physi"ally Challen$ed persons "an
use to $enerate wealth
;$ri" business produ"ts
'alent de5elopment
'rade fair and e8"han$e pro$ramme
4.4 L!=. *"!%5,(7
/oan produ"ts pro5ided will in"ludeE
4.4.1 C!665.(- E6*!$#"6#.( E.(#"*"7# F5.% BG"!5* F5.%.3E HT5I.5#J
Binimum loan of Ash 109000 to Ba8imum loan limit of Ashs 1009000.
Gra"e period shall be 2 months.
Ba8imum repayment period shall be 11 months.
1I administrati5e fee dedu"ted upfront.
Bust be re$istered and ha5e a 5alid "ertifi"ate.
Fundin$ will be done to le$al and 5iable pro(e"ts.
4.4.2 F=,+(#7KE45*6#.( '5.%.3 HV'==J
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1!
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities

Ba8imum amount of the loan is Ash.2009 000 upon the fulfillment of the set out "riteria.
Gra"e period shall be 2 months.
Repayment period shall be 12 months.
1I administrati5e fee dedu"ted upfront.
>n"lude pro5ision of e+uipments and tools $reen houses9 saloon e+uipment9 in"ubators9
sewin$ ma"hine9 farm inputs amon$ others.
>t is meant for business e8pansion.
Women owned pro(e"ts.
Bust ha5e business li"ense*ta8 "omplian"e where appli"able.
0ayment will be made to reputable suppliers dependin$ on pre5ailin$ mar=et pri"es.
4.4.? T!* 5* +!=.7 H@=>=J
Ba8imum of 0I of the initial loan to be repaid within the initial loan a$reement period.
Bust ha5e repaid up to 40I of 'u(iinue /oan.
Gi5en to indi5iduals and $roups for e8pansion purposes.
1I ;dministrati5e fee dedu"ted upfront.

Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1$
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
4.4.4 LPO F.=.,.3
Ba8imum amount of the loan is Ash. 2009 000 upon the dis"retion of the "ommittee.
Fund re$istered enterprises.
Fund Women and :ouths owned enterprises9 $roups and "ompanies.
;n interest of 1I le5ied on the /0!.
'he "ommittee will 5et and appraise all /0! to ensure they "ome from reputable
'he fund should assist to meet 30I pro"urement rule
Repayment period will be within a period of 3 months with the dis"retion of the
4.4.2 S*#,=+ L!=.7 H P#*#=J
Binimum loan amount is Ashs 109000 and ma8imum of Ash. 3009000
Ba8imum loan amount sub(e"t to appraisal of the business idea by the "ommittee.
With a $ra"e period of 2 months.
Finan"e indi5iduals and $roups for asset a"+uisition and table ban=in$.
Bust ha5e a re$istered business permit* li"ense and 0>C "ertifi"ate.
@as 1I administrati5e fees dedu"ted upfront.
Finan"e indi5iduals9 re$istered $roups and li"ensed youths9 established traders and
women owned enterprises
Finan"e inno5ati5e9 s=ill<based and talent<based business ideas su"h as wea5in$9
bas=etry9 and musi" re"ordin$*performin$ art9 e5ents de"oration9 ba=in$9 outside "aterin$
fa"ilities9 fireless "oo=ers9 and ener$y sa5in$ sto5es alternati5e ener$y systems amon$
Ba8imum Repayment period 11 months.
'his will assist to stren$then the impa"t and ensure sustainability of the fund to reali.e
meanin$ful prosperity of the $roup)s a"ti5ities.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1'
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
'he fund will pro5ide for in"enti5es9 benefits san"tions and remedial a"tion as followsE
4.2.1 I.,#.(&#7
'hese will attra"t indi5iduals and re$istered $roups to the fund produ"ts and in"ludeE
Community >nformation and Edu"ation initiati5es.
>ssuan"e of fliers posters9 bro"hures and newsletters
@i$hli$ht on small s"ale traders su""ess stories
'raders e8"han$e pro$rammes
4.2.2 B#.#'(7
'hese will a""rue to "ompliant benefi"iaries who ha5e no default history and shall in"ludeE
Certifi"ates of /oan "ompletion.
Re"ommendation letters.
Certifi"ate of e8"ellen"e in "ommunity de5elopment from the County Go5ernment9
0remiums will be $i5en to best performin$ benefi"iaries.
4.2.? R#6#%=+ =,(!..
'hese will be ta=en to pre5ent erosion of the loan portfolio and "ontinuous "ontamination. 'he
board shall allow the followin$ remedial a"tionsE
Re<s"hedule the loan
3usiness de5elopment ser5i"es
Re 7 finan"in$ ser5i"es
4.2.4 S=.,(!.7
For the fund to su""eed and benefit as many people as possible9 the followin$ san"tions will be
ta=en a$ainst defaulters and "onfirmed brief"ased $roupsE
Re"ommendation from the 3oard for possible prose"ution9 bla"=listin$9 payin$ stipulated
fines or both.
;sset re"o5ery
Certifi"ate of poor "redit ratin$ "ir"ulated to the Credit Referen"e 3ureau #CR3%
4.0 P"#LL!=. %7;5"7#6#.( 7#"&,#7
'he appli"ants of the fund will be re+uired to satisfy the followin$ "onditions to +ualify for the
,ettin$ of appli"ants usin$ the standard 5ettin$ forms
;ppraisal of proposed a"ti5ities
,isits to appli"ants business sites or homes to 5erify information
'rainin$ of su""essful appli"ants.
;ppraisal of /0! and suppliers.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1)
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
4.A P!7( +!=. %7;5"7#6#.( 7#"&,#7
>t is a follow<up of pre<loan disbursement for su""essful benefi"iaries and will entail the
Establishin$ a data base of all benefi"iaries
?e5elopin$ a "ommuni"ation networ= amon$ the loanees
Field 5isits to benefi"iaries to "he"= on their pro$ress9 moti5ate and ad5ise
0ost<loan trainin$s based on needs assessment
@i$hli$ht on $roup su""ess stories as moti5ation to other $roup owned enterprises
?o"umentin$ and sharin$ best pra"ti"es
0ro5ide mar=etin$ support
4.1 L!=. "#,!&#"- 7("=(#3#7
'he poli"y proposes that 5arious a$en"ies be used in this e8er"ise these in"ludeH
finan"ial institutions9 ban=s9 post !ffi"e9 B<pesa #/ipa na B<pesa ;""ount%9 ;irtel
Boney and Bobi 3an=. ; "opy of the ori$inal ban= in slips will be surrendered to the
County !ffi"er for issuan"e of an offi"ial re"eipt.
2eriali.ed loan appli"ation forms shall be re"ommended by the County 3oard.
Establishment of a data base of all loaned $roups from this fund and other loanin$
;ll "he+ues shall be issued by the board.
'he benefi"iaries must si$n an underta=in$ to repay the loan.
0artner with reputable finan"ial institutions*intermediaries to aid in loan re"o5ery.
>ssue "ertifi"ates of "ompletion to $roups and indi5iduals that ha5e "ompleted
repayment of their loans.
0enalties will be applied to defaulters as appropriate.
Juarterly loan performan"e status will be prepared and a5ailed by the "ounty
Empowerment fund board to all Ward ;dministrators.
Certifi"ate of e8"ellen"e in "ommunity de5elopment from the County Go5ernment
will be issued to best performin$ benefi"iaries.
4.9 C=*=,(- D#&#+!*6#.(
Capa"ity de5elopment is a =ey feature of the ,ihi$a County Community Empowerment Fund.
Re$ular trainin$ needs assessments will be "ondu"ted to help the 3oard to desi$n tailor made
"ourses that suit the needs of the Bar$inalised Groups in the County. E8"han$e pro$rammes be
or$anised to enable the benefi"iaries in the County to ben"h<mar= and learn best pra"ti"es from
other Counties and institutions ha5in$ similar pro$rammes.
'he fund will endea5our to instil sense of ownership of funded a"ti5ities amon$ the mar$inalised

Role models and mentors will re$ularly be used to "oa"h $roup entrepreneurs.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1*
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
2.0 R#*!"(.3 "#45"#6#.(7
Reportin$ a"ti5ities will be to inform the publi" and sta=eholders about the pro$ress of fund. >n
this re$ard prompt reportin$ will be e8pe"ted at County and ward le5el.
2.1 R#*!"(.3 7("5,(5"#7
'he County Community Empowerment Fund 3oard and the Community Empowerment Ward
Fund Committees will ensure that reports are $enerated and shared at their respe"ti5e le5els.
2.1.1 C!5.(- +#&#+
'he E8e"uti5e member in "har$e of >ndustriali.ation9 'rade K 'ourism to be preparin$ and
submittin$ +uarterly reports to the County E8e"uti5e.
'he reports will "o5er amon$ othersE
0reliminary pa$es
E8e"uti5e summary
3a"=$round information
;nalysis of /oans and Con 7loan produ"ts issued
;nalysis of repayment patterns
2ummary of priority produ"ts in all wards
/ist of all defaulters
Re"ommendations and way forward
2.1.2 S5; G C!5.(- +#&#+
'he se"retary of the Community Empowerment Ward Committee report will in"ludeE
/oans issued.
;ppli"ation forms re"ei5ed and pro"essed.
3enefi"iaries trained.
/oan repayment status.
3enefi"iaries $raduatin$ to hi$her loan produ"ts.
Bost preferred loan produ"ts.
?efaultin$ $roups or indi5iduals.
Beasures to impro5e loan re"o5ery and upta=e.
Challen$es and proposed solutions.
'he se"retary of the ward "ommittee will prepare re"ommendation on defaulters to the board.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 1.
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
2.1.? W="% +#&#+
Reportin$ at the Ward le5el will be done by the Fund !ffi"ers9
'he Fund !ffi"ers) report will in"ludeE
?ay<to day operations of the fund
Field 5isits9
3enefi"iaries trained per wee=9
/oan forms re"ei5ed9
/oan forms forwarded for pro"essin$ per month
Challen$es if any and possible solutions
Bonthly reports to be "opied to the offi"e of the 2ub County ;dministrator.
Bonitorin$ and e5aluation is a 5ital pro"ess to 5arious sta=eholders in a pro(e"t "y"le as it tra"=s
the fund from in"eption to implementation towards the desired ob(e"ti5es.
Bonitorin$ in the "onte8t of ,>C!CEF will in5ol5e re$ular obser5ation9 routine information
$atherin$ and sharin$ with sta=eholders. 'he monitorin$ and e5aluation will be "arried out by
the 3oard9 'he Fund !ffi"ers and the Committee Bembers in "ollaboration with other rele5ant
'he 3oard will prepare $uidelines for Bonitorin$ and E5aluation of the Fund. 'he reports will
fo"us on inputs9 pro"esses9 outputs9 out"omes and impa"t of the fund.
0.1. P!+,- R#&#$
'he poli"y will be re5iewed on"e e5ery two years. @owe5er9 spe"ial re5iews "an be made as
need arises.
;uditin$ will be done on the fund)s re"ords and boo=s of a""ounts
0.2.1 'he re$isters to be maintained shall "ontain suffi"ient details of the /oan appli"ants9 all
the "onta"t persons and $uarantors of the appli"ants9 the amount of /oan applied for by e5ery
appli"ant9 the amounts awarded by the Committee to ea"h benefi"iary and the e8pe"ted year of
"ompletion of repayment of the /oan.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 17
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
0.2.2 'here shall be =ept for the fund a proper and "lear finan"ial and a""ountin$9 mana$ement
system e5ery finan"ial year that shall refle"t<
#a% ;ll monies 5oted to the fund by the County Go5ernment in its bud$et.
#b% ;ll monies re"ei5ed by the fund from other partners.
#"% /oan re"o5eries made and the interests thereon.
#d% ;ny other monies re"ei5ed by the fund from any other sour"e.
#e% ;ll monies appro5ed by the Committee for /oan disbursement to the appli"ants.
#f% ;ll monies transferred from the fund to the !peration ;""ount.
#$% 'he total number of benefi"iaries and the amount paid to ea"h from the Fund
#h% ;ll other e8penditures from the !peration ;""ount.
0.2.? Cot later than thirty days after the end of e5ery finan"ial year9 the County E8e"uti5e
Committee Bember responsible for the County 'reasury9 shall "ause the boo=s of a""ounts of
the Fund to be audited.
A.1 'he ;dministrator of the Fund shall in e5ery three months9 prepare and submit to the
3oard +uarterly reports "on"ernin$ the operation and the status of the fund.
A.1.2 Cot later than fifteen days after re"eipt of the +uarterly reports from the Fund
Bana$er9 the 3oard shall9 at a sittin$ to be "on5ened9 deliberate on the report and
adopt it with or without amendments.
A.1.? ;tleast thirty days before the "lose of e5ery finan"ial year9 the 3oard shall "ause to
be prepared a "onsolidated report of the operations of the fund and submit the same
to the Go5ernor throu$h the respe"ti5e County E8e"uti5e Committee Bember.
A.1.4 'he Go5ernor shall9 after "onsideration of the report by the County E8e"uti5e
Committee and not later than 'hirty days after the "lose of the finan"ial year9
submit the report to the County ;ssembly.
A.1.2 'he re"ords held by the fund shall be a""essible to the publi" and "opies may be
pro5ided on payment of reasonable fee to be determined by the 3oard.
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1.1 Where a dispute arises between the benefi"iaries to the Fund and the Fund or
$enerally "on"ernin$ the administration of the Fund9 not bein$ a dispute in5ol5in$
third parties o5er ser5i"es rendered to the fund<
#a% ; report shall be made of the dispute in writin$ by the a$$rie5ed party to the
County E8e"uti5e Committee meetin$ on the first day the "ommittee meets after
re"eipt of the report.
#b% 'he County E8e"uti5e shall on re"eipt of the report9 pro"eed to hear and
determine the dispute or disputes in "ase of se5eral e8peditiously.
1.2 'he County E8e"uti5e may form a dispute resolution sub"ommittee for purposes of
2ettlin$ disputes arisin$ under this 0oli"y and any de"ision made by the disputes
2ub Committees shall be bindin$.
1.? ;ny dispute in5ol5in$ the fund whi"h does not fall under the me"hanism of resolution
pro5ided in this poli"y shall be resol5ed throu$h arbitration PROVIDED that the fund
shall ha5e the ri$ht to appoint one member to the panel "har$ed with the arbitration of
the dispute.
1.4 ; resolution of any dispute under this 2e"tion shall be "ommuni"ated in writin$ to the
affe"ted persons not later than se5en days from the date of the de"ision.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 21
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
'he 3oard may9 in Consultation with the County E8e"uti5e Committee amend any instrument
under this 0oli"y or ma=e rules and re$ulations for the implementation of this poli"y.
10.1 'he fund may be wound up by a resolution of the County E8e"uti5e Committee.
10.2 >n e5ery "ase where windin$ up of the Fund is sou$ht9 a noti"e shall be sent to the publi"
atleast si8ty days prior to a County E8e"uti5e Committee meetin$ for windin$ up and any
person with an interest in the Fund who is opposed or is li=ely to be ad5ersely affe"ted by
the de"ision to wind up the fund may petition the 3oard.
10.3 ; petition to the 3oard under this poli"y shall be in the same manner as a petition for
redress under the Constitution.
10. ;ll assets and liabilities of the fund shall upon windin$ up9 be ta=en o5er by the ,ihi$a
County Go5ernment.

;fter re"ei5in$ information on the "hallen$es fa"ed by residents of ,ihi$a County9 the County
Cabinet 2ub<Committee feels "ompelled to ma=e the followin$ re"ommendationsH
1. 'he Cabinet adopts and implements the proposed ,>@>G; C!DC': C!BBDC>':
EB0!WERBEC' FDC? #,>C!CEF% poli"y.
2. County Go5ernment should re$ister $roups and re5iew the membership.
3. ,ihi$a County Go5ernment should annually allo"ate at least 1I of its bud$et towards the
. 2ome resour"es to be set aside for publi"ity and mar=et fairs.
1. 'he fund in future should transform into a ban=.
4. 'he implementation of the poli"y shall adhere to bud$etary allo"ation.
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 22
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
FORM 1 G ;00/>C;'>!C F!RB F!R >C?>,>?D;/ /!;C.
FORM 2 G ;00/>C;'>!C F!RB F!R GR!D0 /!;C2.
FORM ? G ;00/>C;'>!C F!RB F!R /!;C '!0 D02.
FORM 4 < ;00/>C;'>!C F!RB F!R 20EC>;/ /!;C2
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 2!
Empowered Men, Women, Youths and the Physically Challenged Persons, for sustainable communities
Policy on Vihiga County Community Empowerment Fund Page 2$
CE!<County Community Empowerment Fund 3oard<
Chief !ffi"er
County E8e"uti5e Committee Bember in Char$e of
>ndustriali.ation9 'rade and 'ourism
2ub 7 County ;dministrators
Community Empowerment Ward Fund
Committee< Fund !ffi"ers

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