Group Structure: Milestones of Kotak Mahindra Group

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Group Structure

Milestones of Kotak Mahindra Group:

-2010 Launch of Amhedabad Commodity Exchange (ACE)
Treasury Management:

Foreign Exchange
!e ha"e a tate-of-the-art dea#ing room ituated at $ariman Point% &umbai' (he dea#ing
room hand#e inter-ban) tranaction and cor*orate foreign exchange f#o+ generated by
the "ariou branche'

,*ot foreign exchange tranaction (for "a#ue u* to t+o buine day)
-or+ard foreign exchange tranaction (for "a#ue greater than t+o buine day)
.n+ard/out+ard remittance
0eri"ati"e uch a 1*tion% Currency ,+a*% etc'
Acti"e dea#ing in the inter-ban) mar)et for ma2or currencie *ot and for+ard
3uic) and com*etiti"e dea#ing in *rice in ma2or currencie
Cutomi4ed o#ution for *ecific c#ient ex*oure
(rading recommendation baed on technica# ana#yi
5egu#ar fundamenta# ana#yi
Etab#ihed corre*ondent ban)ing re#ationhi*
Agri Business Group
Agriculture is still the backbone of Indian economy, contributing to one
fourth of the countrys gross domestic product (GDP). About !" of the
population is estimated to be directly or indirectly dependant on
agriculture for deri#ing their li#elihood. $hey are engaged in agriculture
and allied sectors in #arious capacities. %o&e#er due to decline in
agricultural producti#ity there is a dire need for infusion of critical
inputs and one such is 'nancial ser#ices.
(otak )ahindra *anks Agri *usiness Group (A*G) came into being in
+!!, to speci'cally address the 'nancial re-uirements of Agri .ector
and achie#e the priority sector lending targets for the *ank. $hrough a
dedicated team of e/perts &ith deep Agri sectoral kno&ledge and
understanding, &e o0er suite of products and ser#ices customi1ed to
the di#erse needs of Agri #alue chain, ranging from farmers,
aggregators, processors, traders 2 e/porters located in non3metro
locations across the country.
6aed on the *rofi#e of the cutomer 7 their -unding need A68 ha been categori4ed
under t+o buine "ertica#:
1' Agri- ,&E (Agri Pro2ect -inance% !or)ing Ca*ita# -unding
againt !arehoue 5ecei*t'
2' Agri Cor*orate -inance'

Agri Projects Finance
4unding to land based 2
Allied Agri pro5ects
Funding against Warehouse eceipts -!or)ing ca*ita# funding againt *#edge of
+arehoue recei*t
Agri !orporate Finance- .ophisticated 'nancial ser#ice
$o Agri 6orporates as &ell as their back&ard 2 for&ard

Retail Assets

9ota) &ahindra 6an) tarted the Perona# -inance buine in the year 200:'
9ota) &ahindra 6an) Perona# -inance i the ing#e ex*ert ource for cutomer
financia# need' 6uine Loan to he#* cutomer gro+ and di"erify cutomer
buine' Cutomer can a"ai# of a 6uine Loan to fund +or)ing ca*ita# re;uirement<
ex*and buine +ithout diturbing in"etment or ta)ing mu#ti*#e #oan'
!hen a cutomer i *#anning to gro+ hi buine% it ma)e ene to ta#) to the ex*ert'
9ota) &ahindra 6an) *reent 6uine Loan ,o#ution - the ing#e ex*ert ource for a##
financia# need' !e are +e## uited and ex*erienced in undertanding the cutomer
buine re;uirement a +e ha"e he#*ed a #ot of our c#ient gro+ their buinee% acro
"ariou indutrie' !ith *erona#i4ed o#ution and er"ice% +e enure it i a## a cutomer
need to ma)e hi buine dream come true' 9ota) &ahindra 6an)= Perona# -inance
can a#o ta)e care of any unex*ected ex*ene% choo# fee% +edding in the fami#y% home
im*ro"ement or that #ong a+aited "acation'
The products under the Personal Finance um"rella :
6uine Loan
1"erdraft -aci#ity
-aci#ity againt Credit Card 5ecei"ab#e
Perona# Loan

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