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Business Objects Interview Questions - Part 1

1. What is a repository?
Business objects repository is a set of database tables where the metadata of yo
ur application is stored.
2. When is the repository created?
In 5i/6i versions, the repository is created after installing the software. In X
i version a repository is created at the time of installation.
3. What is a domain?
A domain is nothing but a logical grouping of system tables.
4. How many domains are there in the basic setup and what are they?
There are three domains in the business objects. They are:
Security domain: Contains the information about user/groups/access privileges et
Universe domain: Contains the information about joins, loops, classes, objects a
nd hierarchies.
Document domain: Contains the output of reports.
5. Can we have multiple domains in business objects?
Yes. Security domain cannot be multiple.
6. What is a universe?
Universe is a semantic layer between database and the designer used to create ob
jects and classes. It maps to data in the database.
7. What is a category?
A category is a grouping of certain entities.
8. What is an object?
An object is an instance of a class. It is nothing but an entity.
9. How you will link two universes?
In the BO designer, go to links option in the edit menu. Then universe parameter
dialog box opens. Click add link button to select the universe from the list of
available universes.
10. What are the different types of objects available in the universe class of b
usiness objects?
The different types of objects are:
Dimension object: Provides the parameters which are mainly focus for analysis. E
xample: customer name, country name
Detail object: Provides the description of a dimension object but is not the foc
us for analysis. Example: customer address, phone number.
Measure object: Provides the numerical quantities. Example: sales, revenue.
Business Objects Interview Questions - Part 2
1. What is BOMain.Key?
BoMain.Key file contains the information about the repository site i.e. it conta
ins the address of the repository security domain.
2. What is a metric?
Metrics are a system of parameters or ways of quantitative and periodic assessme
nt of a process that is to be measured; these are used to track trends, producti
3. What is the source for metrics?
Measure objects.
4. What is a Set?
A set is grouping of users.
5. Why do we need metrics and sets?
Metrics are used for analysis and Sets are used for grouping.
6. What is a section in Business objects report?
When you apply section on a block it divides the report into smaller sections an
d the columns on which you apply section will appear as the heading out of the b
lock. When you apply a chart on this block every section have an individual char
t for its own section.
7. What are the different sections available in Business objects?
The different sections are:
Report Header
Page Header
Report Footer
Page Footer
8. What is a local filter?
A filter which applies to a one single block in the report is called a local fil
ter. Local filters are applicable to a specific data provider.
9. What is a global filter?
A filter which applies to all blocks in the report is called a global filter. Gl
obal filters are applicable to all data providers in a given report.
10. What is a Microcube?
Microcube is the bulk of data retrieved when you run the query. The BO server ge
ts the result of the query from the database and makes all possible combinations
of the query in the microcube. Finally you can see the report and can perform s
licing and dicing.
Business Objects Interview Questions - Part 3
1. What are Linked Universes?
If the data provided is from two different data providers then we can link those
two universes, such type of universe is called Linked Universe.
2. What is an alerter?
Alters are used to draw attention to a block of data by highlighting.
3. What is a break?
Break is used to group the data without any change in the format. Break is appli
ed on the whole block. It gives the row at the bottom of block for subtotal. It
breaks a whole report into the smaller groups according to the selected column.
When you apply a chart on this block, it gives you one chart as it is only a sin
gle block.
4. What is a condition and filter?
A condition forces a query to retrieve only the data that meets the criteria. Co
ndition is not reusable.
A filter is applied on a report and allows you to view the required data. Filter
restricts the number of rows displayed in the report.
5. What is the difference between master-detail and Breaks?
In break common fields are deleted and the table format is not changed. In maste
r-detail, we declare certain entity as a master to get the detailed information
or report. In this case the table format is changed.
6. What is the use of AFD? Where it can be stored?
AFD is used to create dashboards. It can be stored in repository, corporate or p
7. What is the use of BO SDK?
Bo SDK's main use is to suppress no data to fetch using Macros.
8. How can you hide data using an alerter?
Build an alerter with a formula that changes the font color to the background co
9. How can you activate data tracking?
Select the Track button on the toolbar.
10. What is the use of BCA?
BCA is used to refresh and schedule and export and save as .html, .rtf, .xls , .
Business Objects Interview Questions - Part 4
1. What are the different types of Universes?
Simple universe and Complex universe.
2. What are Universe parameters?
The universe parameters are Name of the universe, Description, RDBMS connection,
size and rights.
3. Explain detail objects?
Detail objects are attached to dimensions; one cannot drill on details or link o
n details when linking multiple data providers. While Customer ID would be a dim
ension, customer name, address, phone and so on should be details.
4. What is a loop? How can we overcome?
Loop is nothing but a closed circular flow; it can be overcome by making use of
Alias and Context.
5. What is fan trap?
Fan trap is a type of join path between three tables where a one-to-many links a
table which in turn is linked to another table by one-to-many join.
6. What is Chasm trap?
Chasm trap is a type of join path between three tables where two many-to-one joi
n converges to a single table and there is no context in place to separate the c
onverging paths.
7. What is a context in business objects?
Context is used to resolve loops in the universe. Context is a rule by which the
designer can decide which path to choose when more than one join path exists fr
om one table to another table.
8. What is detect alias in business objects?
Detect alias is used to resolve the loops in universe because of the joins. Alia
s is created on a table which will have the same columns as of the original tabl
9. What do you mean by Object qualification?
Object qualification represents what kind of object it is. we have three types o
f object qualifiers they are measure, dimension and detail.
10. What is the default behavior when creating a report from two queries from th
e same universe?
Dimension objects are automatically merged.

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