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Jai Guru

(The Blue font - Gurujis commentary as it appears in the East West

The Black font - edited version as it appears in God Talks with
Arjunas Second Edition, 1!"
Please note that the editor has almost entirely changed
this stanza up to the above paragraph. For that please
refer verse 8 in God Talks ith !r"una# page $% to %&.
The editor has shifted the description of 'amadhi from
Guru"i#s 8th stanza to the (&th stanza of edited version.
)s the editor more knoledgeable than Guru"i*
Please +ote,
Please compare and note the difference in original lucid
teaching of our Great Guru and the edited version.
The editor has used long sentences and uncommon
ords. The language is so chosen as to confuse the
-hen reading Guru"i#s commentary. e feel that e are
listening to our Guru because he uses ords like e. you
etc. -hile the editor uses third person.
April! "#$$ %ol. &'(
The Bhagavad Gita
Different States of Samadhi
Chapter I, Stanza VIII
Gurujis Origina!
Bha)an Bheesmascha *ripascha samitrinjyah
As+athama )i,arnascha auma-attir-jaya-rathah.
$itera Gossar%#
Bheesmascha (Bishma an-./ Bha)an you./ an- *arna! an- *ripa! amitinjaya!
the 0ictors in +ar. As+athama! Bi,arna an- 1aya-ratha! auma-atti (the son of
$itera Transation#
2ou Bhisma! *arna! an- *ripa! the 0ictors in )attles! As+atthama! Bi,arna! an-
1aya-ratha! the son of oma-atti! all )elong to our party.
Spiritua Gossar% of Stanza VIII#
". *ripa'Bastunyanyat+am *alpayati eti *ripa'A)i-ya'3elusion.
4. Bhisma'1asmat panchatat+ani )i)hati sa Bhisma (Bhees-ma. chi-a)hasas
1i)anamantarjotih! jana 1i)ah )isayan pra,hsanta! tasma-a)aishi-a')ha0asa
--arsanasha,tir)ha)ati chaitanyat+at
-rastris+arupashecha. Ata-u0ayaguna Bi-yamant+a-yam'Asmita'5nner
seeing Ego.
63ri,-arshan sha,tyora,atma tai)asmita.6 7atanjali yogasutra sa-hanpa- (the
consciousness in +hich )oth the seer Ego an- its -iscriminating po+er are
$. *arna'8agah'Attachment'*aransheelah eti *arna (*rina. *ata)yah
asmin 1i)anamasha,tit+at 8agah. 6u,hanushaee 8agah!6 7atanjali 2ogasutra
sa-hanta- (that inclination +hich see,s happiness..
9. Bi,arna'3+asa'8epulsion'A,aransheelah eti Bi,arna (Bi-,i-an.
63u,hanushee 3+asa6'7atanjali 2ogasutra'a-hanapa- (that +hich )rings
&. 1aya-ratha'A)hini)asha'Bo-y-)oun- inclination'8amit+a anura,to
Bhut+a jayati ut,ristrupana tisthati. +arasha)ahee Bi-ushopi
t+ananu)an-ho0ini)ashah'(e0en as the long-cage- )ir-! fin-ing free-om! is
afrai- of it an- loo,s )ac, at the cage reluctant to lea0e it! so also! e0en great
+ise men +hose ,no+le-ge flo+s li,e a continuous stream! are infatuate- +ith
the )o-y +hen forsa,ing it at -eath..
(. auma-atti or Bhurisra)a'*arma'Action'Bhurim )ahulam sra)ah
,sharanam jasha eti. 1a)anna *hisyata *arma shu)hancha an- shu)ha ma)a)a
Ta)anna jayata Mo,hsa nrinam *alpasatairapi (as long as past *arma -oes not
fa-e a+ay! so long is it impossi)le to attain final emancipation in se0eral
:. Bha)an'3rona'mas,ar'7ast ten-ency'*armanam -ra)ee)ha)am
)ipa,am eti -rona (-ru-na. y ati mula ta-)ipa,o jatyayur)hogah'7atanjali
2oga-sutra sa-hanpa-.
;. As+athama'Basana'3esire'Asnu)an sanchayan tishati eti (ash-)a!
shtha-man. -aha nastopi na nasto)ha)ati.
Tasamana-it+anchashisonit+at'2ogasutra ,ai)alyapa-a.
Spiritua Interpretation#
*ing Material 3esire is 0ery an<ious to +in the )o-ily *ing-om! )ut as soon as
he tries to -o so he is confronte- +ith the +ar )et+een its sense-sol-iers an- the
metaphysical sol-iers.
*ing Material 3esire realize- that the 7receptor 7ast =a)it Ten-ency! though
principally on the si-e of his +ic,e- sense sol-iers! +as also the preceptor of
the goo-! metaphysical sol-iers of self-control! an- therefore he +as afrai- that
the s,illful metaphysical sol-iers +oul- -efeat his strong e0il sol-iers.
The i-ea is! that as soon as the soul -escen-s into the )o-y! its entire
consciousness )egins to flo+ to+ar- the )o-y. =ence! the material ha)it is
pre-ominant in almost all in-i0i-uals. Material 3esire! )eing )orn of material
ha)it! is also pre-ominant in the early stages of life. >or that reason! on the e0e
of a psychological )attle! +hen the soul an- its metaphysical sol-iers )ecame
a+a,ene- an- try to reclaim the lost! the 7ast Ten-ency is especially lia)le to
si-e +ith the e0il sol-iers of the senses. That is +hy +e hear *ing Material
3esire spea,ing of 7receptor 7ast Ten-ency as fighting for him.
till! *ing Material 3esire ,no+s that 7receptor 7ast Ten-ency +as also the
tutor of the follo+ing metaphysical sol-iers?
@ne! -e0otion/ 4! 0ital celi)acy/ $! spiritual memory/ 9! ama-hi (@neness./ &!
-iscriminati0e intelligence/ (! e<treme -ispassion/ :! po+er to resist e0il! or
negati0e goo- po+er/ ;! po+er to follo+ positi0e rules or positi0e goo- po+er/
#! proper )o-ily posture! helpful in min- control/ "A! in+ar-ly controlle- Bife-
>orce re0erse- to+ar- Go-/ ""! faculty of +ith-ra+ing consciousness from the
senses. (3hyana! or me-itation..
Therefore! *ing Material 3esire +ishes the e0il 7ast =a)it Ten-ency to ,no+
first a)out the error-resisting opposing metaphysical sol-iers! their
principalities! an- their strength. This +as -one to sho+ E0il =a)it the strength
of Goo- =a)it! an- ho+ E0il =a)it coul- )e o0erpo+ere-.
After -oing this! *ing Material 3esire tells his 7receptor 7ast E0il =a)it a)out
the follo+ing sense sol-iers?
@ne! -elusion/ 4! only see,ing Ego/ $! attachment/ 9! repulsion/ &! flesh
infatuation/ (! *arma! action/ :! past e0il ten-ency/ ;! -esire! an- so forth
*ing Material 3esire is afrai- that the metaphysical sol-iers an- the 7receptor
Goo- =a)it Ten-ency +ill )e a)le to -efeat the sense sol-iers plus the
preceptor of the )a- ha)it ten-encies.
E0il =a)it Ten-ency! along +ith *ing Material 3esire an- his sol-iers! coul-
not possi)ly rule the )o-y +ithout ha0ing a serious clash +ith goo- ha)it an-
its metaphysical sol-iers.
tanzas 5%! %! an- %5 in Chapter 5 of the Bhaga0a- Gita -escri)e the
metaphysical sol-iers +hich +ere arraye- against the sense sol-iers mentione-
in tanzas %555 an- 5D. Eo+! it +ill )e seen that the t+o si-es are a)out eFual
in strength.
Birat! or ama-hi! is the lea-ing general of the metaphysical sol-iers! as
Bhisura! Asmita! or 3elusion-Born Ego Consciousness! is the most famous
general of the sense sol-iers. The Ego consciousness in man is al+ays rea-y to
resist ama-hi! or the consciousness of @neness +ith Go-.
The &go and the Sou
The Ego consciousness in man tries to ,eep the soul attache- to matter in the
form of in-i0i-ual traits an- mortal -esires )orn out of them. The oul! )eing a
reflection of the @mnipresent pirit! ought to reflect its omnipresent! all-
,no+ing character. 5t is the pure! perfect reflection of the pirit! )ut +hen it
forgets its o+n real nature an- )ecomes i-entifie- +ith the )o-y an- its
attachments! it loses its consciousness of @mnipresence an- )ecomes
conscious only of the limitations of the )o-y. This )o-y-)oun- soul is calle-
Ego. The soul in the Ego state is a prisoner of the flesh an- its limitations.
The soul! through me-itation! can reach the state of ama-hi an- thus can -o
a+ay +ith its Ego or matter consciousness. 8eaching ama-hi! or @neness
+ith Go-! is the only metho- )y +hich the Ego consciousness can )e
completely -efeate-.
ama-hi is the great general of the metaphysical army +hich lea-s the
sol-iers of -e0otion! 0ital celi)acy! spiritual memory! -iscriminati0e
intelligence! e<treme -ispassion! negati0e goo- po+er! positi0e goo-
po+er!proper )o-ily posture! re0erse- Bife->orce! an- +ith-ra+n
consciousness from the senses to )attle the sol-iers of Ego! Bhisura! or
*ing Material 3esire.
Please note that the editor has almost entirely
changed this stanza up to the above paragraph. For
that please refer verse 8 in God Talks ith !r"una#
page $% to %&.
The editor has shifted the description of 'amadhi from
Guru"i#s 8
stanza to the (&
stanza of edited version.
)s the editor more knoledgeable than Guru"i*
Gurujis Origina!
There are -ifferent stages in the realization of @neness. There is the realization of
@neness of the Ego an- the soul! an- that of @neness of the oul an- pirit.
There are really three ,in-s of ama-hi? 1ara! or unconscious trance/ +a)i,alpa!
or perception of pirit +ithout the Wa0es of Creation/ an- the thir- an- highest
state is that of perception of the @cean of pirit +ith the Wa0es of Creation.
&dited version '% S() Chur*h after gurujis departure
(Page 100 Para 4 & 5- stanza 10)
T#E$E A$E %A$&'(G )EG$EES of reali*ation or oneness with
God! +irst there is the reali*ation of the oneness of the e,o and
the soul in super consciousness! Then there is the reali*ation of
the oneness of the soul and Spirit in the states of -hrist
consciousness ./utastha -haitan0a" and cos1ic consciousness!
As there are pro,ressive e2pansive states of reali*ation, so are
there different states of sa1adhi in which these e2periences
occur! Broadl0 classified, there are three kinds of sa1adhi3 jada
or unconscious trance4 savikalpa or perception of Spirit, without
the waves of creation4 and nirvikalpa, the hi,hest state- that of
si1ultaneous perception of the ocean of Spirit and all its waves of
Gurujis Origina!
The unconscious state is useless for the most part )ecause it is pro-uce- )y a
physical control! or )y the mental anaesthetic of ,eeping the min- )lan,. 5n
this state a sense-)oun- soul can only )e ,ept from increasing its attachments.
5t can ne0er acFuire +is-om or roast the see-s of pre-natal or post-natal )a-
ha)its. 5n this state! the min- is unconscious +ithin an- +ithout.
&dited version '% S() Chur*h after gurujis departure
(Page 100 Para 6 & page 101 Para 1 - stanza 10)
5ada sa1adhi, or the unconscious cataleptic state4 is spirituall0
useless 6ecause it onl0 te1poraril0 suspends the consciousness and
actions of the e,o4 it cannot transfor1 1aterial consciousness in
to spiritual consciousness! 5ada sa1adhi, or unconscious trance, is
produced 60 1ethods of ph0sical control, or 60 the 1ental
anesthetic of keepin, the 1ind 6lank, or 60 pressin, on certain
,lands! 'n this state a sense-6ound 1an can do no 1ore than
te1poraril0 refrain fro1 increasin, his desires, attach1ents, and
kar1ic inde6tedness- he can never ac7uire wisdo1 nor eli1inate
the seeds of prenatal or postnatal kar1a and 6ad ha6its!
Gurujis Origina!
5t is relate- in the =in-u criptures that a +ic,e- sna,e charmer +ent into a trance
an- fell into a +ell. The +ell -rie- up an- )ecame full of -irt an- the man remaine-
)urie- there for a hun-re- years +ith his )o-y perfectly preser0e- in a state of
suspen-e- animation. At the en- of a hun-re- years some people +ho +ere -igging
out the ol- +ell foun- him an- re0i0e- him )y the application of hot +ater. As
soon as he regaine- consciousness! he )egan to scol- an- curse the people for
stealing the musical instruments +ith +hich he charme- the sna,es. =is hun-re-
years of unconscious trance ha- not roaste- the see-s of )a- thought ha)its or
cure- him of his +ic,e-ness.
&dited version '% S() Chur*h after gurujis departure
(Page 101 Para 2- stanza 10)
A stor0 fro1 the ancient reli,ious lore of 'ndia relates that a wicked
snake char1er put hi1self into a trance, and in doin, so fell into a well!
'n ti1e the well dried up and 6eca1e filled with dirt! The 1an re1ained
6uried there, his 6od0 perfectl0 preserved in a state of suspended
ani1ation! A hundred 0ears later, a ,roup of villa,ers who were di,,in,
out the old well found the 1an and revived hi1 60 the application of hot
water! As soon as he re,ained consciousness he 6e,an to scold ever0one
within earshot, accusin, the ,roup of havin, stolen the 1usical
instru1ents with which he char1ed his snakes! The hundred 0ears of
unconscious trance had no salutar0 effect on the snake char1ers
6ehavior, nor did it destro0 the seeds of evil ha6its lod,ed in his 6rain!
5ada sa1adhi had in no wa0 i1proved the 1ans wicked nature!
Gurujis Origina!
5n the +a)i,alpa ama-hi state the attention an- the Bife->orce are s+itche- off
from the senses an- are ,ept consciously i-entifie- +ith the e0er-joyous! e0er-+ise
pirit. 5n this state! the soul is release- from the Ego consciousness an- )ecomes
conscious of pirit )eyon- Creation. By repetition of this state of ama-hi! the soul
a)sor)s the fire of pirit Wis-om! +hich roasts out the see-s of mortal -esires. 5n
this state! the soul! as the me-itater! its me-itation on the pirit! an- the pirit as the
o)ject of me-itation! )ecome one. The Wa0e of oul me-itating in the @cean of
pirit )ecomes merge- +ith the pirit. 5t -oes not lose its i-entity! )ut only e<pan-s
into pirit. 5n this state! the min- is conscious of the pirit +ithin only. 5t is not
conscious of Creation +ithout.
&dited version '% S() Chur*h after gurujis departure
(Page 101 Para 3- stanza 10)
'n the state of savikalpa sa1adhi, the attention and the life force are
switched off fro1 the senses and are consciousl0 kept identified with
the ever jo0ous Spirit! 'n this state the soul is released fro1 the e,o
consciousness and 6eco1es aware of Spirit 6e0ond creation! The soul is
then a6le to a6sor6 the fire of Spirit-8isdo1 that 9roasts: or destro0s
the seed of 6od0 6ound inclinations! The soul as the 1editator, its state
of 1editation, and the Spirit as the o6ject of 1editation- all 6eco1e
one! The separate wave of the soul 1editatin, in the ocean of Spirit
6eco1es 1er,ed with the Spirit! The soul does not lose its identit0, 6ut
onl0 e2pands into Spirit! 'n savikalpa sa1adhi the 1ind is conscious onl0
of the Spirit within4 it is not conscious of creation without .the e2terior
world"! The 6od0 is in a trancelike state, 6ut the consciousness is full0
perceptive of its 6lissful e2perience within!
Gurujis Origina!
5n the most a-0ance-! or Eir)i,alpa ama-hi state! the soul -oes not e<pan- itself
into the )ig pirit! )ut realizes itself an- pirit as e<isting together. This is the highest
an- most enjoya)le state in +hich the Ego consciousness! the soul consciousness! an-
the @cean of pirit are seen all e<isting together.5t is the state of +atching the @cean
of pirit an- the Wa0es of Creation at the same time. 5n this state! the in-i0i-ual -oes
not see himself any longer as 1ohn mith relate- to his )o-y an- his outer
en0ironment! )ut he sees that the @cean of pirit has )ecome not only the Wa0e of
1ohn mith! )ut also all the +a0es of all li0es an- of all things. 5n this state! the soul is
conscious simultaneously of pirit +ithin an- of all Creation +ithout.
&dited version '% S() Chur*h after gurujis departure
(Page 101 Para 4- stanza 10)
'n the 1ost advanced state, nirvikalpa sa1adhi, the soul reali*es itself
and Spirit as one! The e,o consciousness, the soul consciousness, and the
ocean of Spirit are seen all e2istin, to,ether! 't is the state of
si1ultaneousl0 watchin, the ocean of Spirit and the waves of creation!
The individual no lon,er sees hi1self as a 95ohn S1ith: related to a
particular environ1ent4 he reali*es that the ocean of Spirit has 6eco1e
not onl0 the wave of 5ohn S1ith 6ut also the waves of all other lives! 'n
nirvikalpa the soul is si1ultaneousl0 conscious of Spirit within and
creation without! The divine 1an in the nirvikalpa state 1a0 even en,a,e
in perfor1ance of his 1aterial duties with no loss of inner God-union!
Gurujis Origina!
The +a)i,alph ama-hi an- Eir)i,alpa ama-hi states are -escri)e- int he
follo+ing ancient =in-u song?
65n the +a)i,alpa ama-hi 2oga (union.
2ou +ill -ro+n (melt. yourself (Ego. in yourself (pirit..
5n the Eir)i,alpa ama-hi 2oga
2ou +ill fin- (see. yourself (Ego. in yourself (in pirit..6
(Page 102 Para 3- stanza 10)
The e,o consciousness in 1an keeps the soul attached to the 1atter 60
presentin, a series of 1ortal desires, and 60 e1phasi*in, the
9individualit0: or peculiarities of each 1an, re1indin, hi1 of the li1ited
ph0sical relations of countr0, race, nation, fa1il0, possessions, individual
characteristics, and so forth! The soul, a reflection of Spirit, should
1anifest its o1nipresent, all-knowin, character! Sa1adhi re1inds the
soul of its o1nipresence! Stru,,lin, for the state of sa1adhi throu,h
1editation is thus the wa0 to overco1e the e,o consciousness!
Gurujis Origina!
Before General ama-hi can -efeat the )o-y-)oun- Ego! it is necessary forthe oul to
call out its other metaphysical sol-iers to -efeat the army of the senses. This )attle
+ill )e -escri)e- in the ne<t issue of East-West.
&dited version '% S() Chur*h after gurujis departure
(Page 102 Para 1 & 2- stanza 10)
The savikalpa and nirvikalpa states of sa1adhi are descri6ed in the
followin, ancient #indu son,3
;'n the Savikalpa Sa1adhi &o,a .union"
&ou will drown 0ourself .E,o" in 0ourself .Spirit"4
'n the (irvikalpa Sa1adhi &o,a
&ou will find 0ourself .E,o" in 0ourself .in Spirit"!
Gurujis Origina!
The Ego consciousness tries to ,eep the )o-y un-er its control )y remin-ing it of the
limite- physical relations of country! race! nation! family! possessions! characteristics!
an- so forth. The soul is hel- to the )o-y )y the Ego consciousness. truggling of the
state of ama-hi through me-itation is the +ay to o0ercome the Ego consciousness.
5n the highest Eir)i,alpa ama-hi state the soul unites its Ego consciousness of race!
country! family! )o-y! possessions! an- characteristics +ith the omnipresent!
omniscient! all-)lesse- pirit. The Ego remin-s the oul of its limitations! +hile
ama-hi remin-s the oul of its omnipresence.

Please Note:
Please compare and note the difference in original lucid
teaching of our Great Guru and the edited version.
The editor has used long sentences and uncommon ords.
The language is so chosen as to confuse the reader.
-hen reading Guru"i#s commentary. e feel that e are
listening to our Guru because he uses ords like e. you
etc. -hile the editor uses third person.

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