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1.What are the common problems with software automation?

2. What is the role of QA in a project development?

3. What is the value of a testing group? How do you justify your work and
4. What are the key challenges of software testing?
5. What are the roles of glass-box and black-box testing tools?
6. What is the difference in writing the test cases for Integration testing and
system testing?
7. What is "bug leakage?" and what is "bug release?"
8. How do you develop a test plan and schedule? Describe bottom-up and top-
down approaches.
9. What's the role of CMM Level in Testing?
10. What is the difference between build and release?
11. What is risk analysis? What does it have to do with Severity and Priority?
12. How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project
13. Explain Software Testing. Why is it important to conduct the testing of a
14. Explain a.) Quality Assurance b.) Quality Control c.) Test Case d.) Test
Condition e.) Test Script f.) Test Data g.) Test Bed

15. Differentiate between a.) Testing and Debugging b.) Two tier and Three tier
architecture c.) Alpha testing and Beta testing d.) Static testing and dynamic
16. Explain a.)Recovery Testing b.)Integration Testing c.)Incremental Testing
d.)Architecture based software testing e.)Disaster Recovery Testing
17. What is a software project test plan?
18. When do you choose automated testing over manual testing?
19. Differentiate between a.) Software Quality Assurance and Software Quality
Control b.) Severity and Priority c.) Clear box testing and Ad-hoc Testing
20. What is Software Quality and Software Configuration Management?
21. Explain a.)Upward Compression testing b.)Usability Testing c.)Gray box
testing d.)Structural Testing e.) Reliability Testing
22. Differentiate between smoke testing and sanity testing.
23. Exlpain a.) Test Methodology b.) Test Scenario c.) Test Case d.) Requirement
traceability matrix
24. What is STLC?
25. What would you do if you see a functionality in the software which was not
there in the requirements?
26. What is automation testing? Can automating a test improve the effectiveness of
27. What are the various automation tools availble in testing? How will you decide
on a tool for test automation?
28. How would you plan test automation?
29. Can automation testing replace manual testing? Explain your answer.
30. What are the benefits of test automation?
31. What type of problems can arise due to test automation?
32. What are the various testing activities that you may want to automate?
33. What are the scripting techniques available for test automation?
34. Explain data-driven automation.
35. Is it possible to automate the activities of test case design? Explain.
36. What can be the limitations of automating software testing?
37. What are principles of good testing scripts for automation?
38. What testing activities would you automate in a testing project?
39. What skills would you look for in an automation tester?
40. Explain a.) Stress testing b.)Load testing
41. Explain a.) Verify mode b.) Debug mode c.) Update mode
42. Situation: You want to perform backend testing with the help of SQL scripts
for verification of data integrity. How would you do that?
43. Situation: You want to verify the font size and program in a program. You do
not have access to the code. How would you approach this?
44. What naming conventions do you use while naming the automated test scripts?
45. Differentiate between GUI checkpoint and synchronization.
46. Explain a.) Memory leaks b.) Configuration management c.) Buffer overflows
d.) Automation test framework
47. Situation: You are required to find someone's password using winrunner. How
would you do that?
48. What is the difference between versions 7.6, 8.0, 8.2 of winrunner?
49.Explain the PDCA cycle.
49.What are white-box, black-box and gray-box testing?
50.Explain the difference between Latent and Masked Defect.
51.What is Big-bang waterfall model?
52.What is configuration Management?
53.Difference between Verification and Validation
54.Explain different types of Verification.
56.What is Requirement Traceability? Explain its importance.
57.Difference between Pilot and Beta Testing
58.Describe how to perform Risk Analysis during software testing.
59.Difference between Inspections and Walkthroughs.
60.What is the different test plan documents prepared during a project?
61.Explain the Phased Waterfall Model.
62.Explain the Iterative Model.
63.Explain the Incremental Model.
64.Explain the Spiral Model.
65.Explain the Evolutionary Model.
66.Explain the V-Model.
67.What is Equivalence Partitioning?
68.Explain the concept of Decision Tables
69.Explain how to define Severity Rating in your project.

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