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InformGhana (www.informghana.

org )

Inform Ghana is a data sharing platform, focused on four thematic areas: Health, Education,
Governance and Agriculture. With partnership with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
engaged in activities in these thematic areas and help them to get their data/information
(research and observation) to the general public through media partners.
The CSOs and media partners are trained in social media, effective report writing, graphical
and visual presentation to improve their ability to create and transmit information to the public
in several forms.

Inform Ghana also monitors the social environment and public mood with a focus on our
thematic areas in order to alert our information providers to meet the information needs of the
populace on the topics generating the most discussion.

Overall Goals:
to improve media reporting and citizens access to quality research through an online
information exchange and collaborative platform between Media and CSO;
to promote informed citizen engagement, advocacy and citizens ability to hold
government and duty bearers accountable.
(1) Collaborate with CSOs, Media, Policy makers and duty bearers and establish an online
platform for information exchange amongst various stakeholders.
(2) Building Capacity of data producers and data consumers to share, access and utilize
quality information on socio-economic and governance issues.
(3) Monitor social atmosphere and public mood for focus thematic areas and alert data
producers and data consumers to meet their needs.
Goals for citizens:
Better informed and educated
engaged and empowered

Goals for Media and Civil Society Organisations:
Build capacity
Enhance data storage retrieval, summary/visualisation capabilities

Relevance and Benefits:

The commitment of the media and civil society ensures that the plight of the citizen does
not go unnoticed. The Media in Ghana has become a strong and important part of our
development and democratic process and was described as a dynamic force in the
countrys social, economic and political life (USAID 2012). Traditional media often
struggles to find information to disseminate. Often local occurrences are covered in
articles pulled off international news websites on the Internet, the voice of the socially
excluded is not heard and at the same time, civil society is sitting on rich information
based on local observations, but unable to communicate them or communicate
information in a form media and other information consumers find difficult to engage
with. There is a need to bridge the gap between available yet inaccessible information
and those who will use it best to inform the Ghanaian public. Ultimately, we seek to
promote the use appropriate and rich information using tools that will promote the use
of the information and thereby better inform Ghanaians about our development and
governance issues.

Promote and enhance collaboration between and Policy makers around specific thematic
areas of Ghanas development.

Quality Skills
Improved use of skills such as data visualization, graphical presentation, effective
writing, social media amongst CSOs and Traditional media to enhance their work,
publicize their results, inform the public and create networks. To ultimately improve
reporting, information/data creation, publishing and evaluation.

Resource sharing
Information can easily be shared and therefore is available to everybody, as opposed to
conventional information materials which require expensive duplication of material in
order to meet the needs of many users.

Increased accessibility
Parliamentary information will be available on a 24 hour basis from anywhere in the
world, offering flexible arrangements for media, policy makers researchers, scholars and
the community.

Information retrieval
The user is able to use any search information by the thematic area segmentation.

Information Engagement
Online and Offline engagement with citizens on issues relating to socio-economic and
governance in collaboration with the media, CSOs and appropriate duty bearers
(parliamentarians and public officials)

Data Retention
Digitization is a long term preservation solution for physical collections and succeeds in
providing access to copies for materials that would otherwise fall into degradation from
repeated use.

Information Relevance
Promote targeted information and reporting to address citizen concerns and issues by
providing an avenue for youth voices and their concerns to be heard through the media
space in Ghana. Visibility for every Ghanaian in media

Remote access
Trained traditional Media (Print, Radio and TV) can make it possible to provide
everybody, even those in the remotest parts of the country, with information in its most
up-to date form. This will also bridge the urban-rural and digital divide

Target groups:
Media Organizations
Civil Society Organizations
The Ghanaian Citizen
Online community

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