Toastmasters Meeting Roles

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Also called the Master of Ceremonies (MC/Emcee) or Anchor in non-Toastmaster settings

1. Facilitates the meeting.
2. or! "egins "efore the meeting# $here he m%st assign the roles to cl%" mem"ers "& loo!ing %' their
re(%ests on the $e"site htt')//$$$.meet%'.com/h&dera"adtoastmasters/messages/"oards/
*. Tmo+ $ill %'date $e"site message "oards $ith latest role stat%s# and also circ%late it to mem"ers.
,. ill coordinate $ith -.-Ed in assigning roles. -.-Ed allots s'eech slots# "%t Tmo+ is res'onsi"le for
allocating other roles. /o$e0er# if there1s no Tmo+ role has not "een ta!en earl&# the -.-Ed might
assign some roles till s%ch time as Tmo+ and 2E roles are ta!en.
3. The idea is that the meeting is 0er& $ell organised# and all roles are assigned $ell in time and also
"ac!ed %' in case of a no-sho$.
4. The Tmo+ 're'ares# 'rints and "rings along the agenda sheet for the meeting. This sheet is a0aila"le
on o%r $e"site in files.
5. The agenda sheet sho%ld "e caref%ll& chec!ed and cross-chec!ed "& another Toastmaster# since a
min%te here and there co%ld ma!e a difference.
6. Tmo+ selects a theme of the da&# $hich he $ill tal! a"o%t d%ring the co%rse of the meeting. This
theme $ill in a $a& lin! the entire meeting together. 7o he $ill de0elo' the theme as the meeting
'rogresses# introd%cing it in the earl& 'art# tal!ing a "it more 8 'erha's in0iting o'inions# and then
finall& gi0ing some g&aan to concl%de (as his 'ersonal o'inion).
9. Tmo+ m%st also $or! closel& $ith 2eneral e0al%ator# and see that the role 'la&ers are 'ro'erl&
"riefed# es' if the& are ne$ (or g%ests).
1:. Tmo+ as!s for information from s'ea!ers and role 'la&ers he $ill "e introd%cing# so that he can do it
in an interesting manner. This is done m%ch "efore the da& of the meeting. ;ased on the information
he o"tains# he $ill rehearse the scri't.
11. <oles are assigned a''ro'riatel& 8 for e=am'le# a s'eech >1: $ill "e e0al%ated "& someone $ho has at
least com'leted 'ro?ect >4. +%e tho%ght m%st "e gi0en to ho$ res'onsi"le the role 'la&er is etc. hile
ta!ing mem"ers1 re(%ests into consideration# the Tmo+ m%st remem"er that his main d%t& is to see
that the meeting is s%ccessf%l. A mem"er $ell !no$n for al$a&s "eing late to meetings sho%ld ideall&
not "e the Timer 8 or he sho%ld "e strongl& %rged to "e on time.
12. An& first time Tmo+ m%st as a r%le s'ea! to his mentor (or -.-Ed) and go thro%gh the role and theme
and see that nothing is left to chance.
1. Tmo+ arri0es at meeting $ell in time 8 at least 13-2: mins earl&.
2. The agenda sheet m%st "e read& (and circ%lated if 'ossi"le) 2 da&s "efore# and 'rinted at least the
e0ening "efore. A"o%t ,: co'ies are %s%all& eno%gh# and the "ill for =ero= co'ies m%st "e retained and
gi0en to treas%rer for ref%nd.
*. Chec! $ith 2E that all role 'la&ers are "riefed# and in case there are an& last min%te changes# ens%res
that roles are reassigned to com'etent 'eo'le. Th%s# if a Ta"le-to'ics master or 7'eech e0al%ator does
not arri0e on time for an& reason# and an e='erienced Toastmaster is doing the Ah-co%nter role on that
da&# &o% can gi0e a g%est the Ah-co%nter role# and assign this im'ortant role to the Toastmaster.
,. ;e seated 1-2 mins "efore the meeting 8 the 7AA sho%ld not ha0e to $orr& a"o%t $hether &o% are
3. hen the .resident in0ites &o%# than! him or her# greet the toastmasters and g%ests# then !ic! off the
meeting $ith &o%r theme.
4. Al$a&s !ee' an e&e on time 8 as TM@+# &o%r 'rimar& res'onsi"ilit& is time management.
5. hen &o% do the TM@+ role# $hich is a CA role# first go thro%gh the o"?ecti0es in &o%r CA man%al#
and tr& to meet all the o"?ecti0es. /a0e the 'ro?ect e0al%ated "& a cl%" mem"er $ho can offer good
6. Call the 2E $ith a good introd%ction (see e=am'le "elo$) and in0ite him to introd%ce his team.
9. hen &o% introd%ce role 'la&ers or s'ea!ers# tr& to "e interestingB.not ?%st mentioning their name#
"%t 'ossi"l& gi0ing them a good "%ild-%'# creating some s%s'ense in the 'rocess. The first s'ea!er
for toda& is a 'erson $ho has entered the 2%inness "oo! of $orld records - not once# "%t thriceC An e=-
Air force 7(%adron Aeader and fo%nder of -ision Toastmasters# $e are 'leased to $elcome CTM
Da&asimha toda& at o%r cl%" to 'resent his Ad0anced s'eech 'ro?ect AC;-2 from the 7tor& telling
man%al. E re(%est his e0al%ator TM 7%re!ha to read the o"?ecti0es of his s'eech.
1:. @nce the e0al%ator has read the o"?ecti0es# anno%nce the s'ea!er1s name once again# follo$ed "& the
Title of the s'eech (%nless he doesn1t $ant &o% to re0eal it)# sha!e hands $ith s'ea!er# and ta!e &o%r
11. Congrat%late# 'raise or than! the s'ea!er $hen he has finished# and introd%ce the ne=t s'ea!er. En case
of a s'ea!er "eing too ner0o%s and going "ac! $itho%t s'ea!ing# sa& something enco%raging# "%t don1t
d$ell on it.
12. Follo$ the agenda $.r.t se(%ence of roles 8 !ee' the agenda $ith &o% at all times# so &o% !no$ $ho is
ne=t etc.
1*. Fo% m%st !no$ all role-'la&ers and s'ea!ers "& sight.
1,. At 0ario%s 'oints# in0ite a''la%se for the role-'la&ers# if it is not s'ontaneo%s from cl%" mem"ers.
13. Ef &o% ha0e some s'ecial o"ser0ations regarding the meeting# &o% ma& ma!e them# "%t this is not a
e0al%ation 8 $hich $ill "e left to the 2E. For e=am'le# &o% might comment that Tho%gh it is raining
so hea0il&# E see that $e ha0e a f%ll ho%se. This sho$s the s'irit of o%r cl%"# and also ho$ committed
o%r mem"ers are.
14. At the end of the meeting# than! the 'resident# and in0ite him to ta!e o0er. For e=am'le) As $e come
to the end of this meeting# E $o%ld li!e to sa& it has "een a real 'leas%re to "e the Toastmaster of the
da&. E ho'e &o% $ill contin%e to thin! of the theme Fo% don1t need a reason to "e ha''& and share
this message $ith others. Than! &o%C Mr. .residentB.
General Evaluator (GE)
The 2eneral E0al%ator is res'onsi"le for maintaining and im'ro0ing the (%alit& of cl%" meetings. The
feed"ac! 'ro0ided is critical to indi0id%al cl%" mem"ers as $ell as to the cl%"1s E=ec%ti0e committee in
ta!ing the cl%" for$ard# seeing 'atterns of e=cellence or fail%re and acting %'on these.
The 2E role is ta!en onl& "& an e='erienced toastmaster $ho has alread& 'erformed all other roles and has
so%nd !no$ledge of all roles# a"o%t Toastmasters as a for%m# a"o%t right cond%ct and 'arliamentar&
"eha0ior# etc.
Edeall&# the 2E sho%ld also !no$ the cond%ct of 'ast meetings# and the direction the cl%" $ishes to ta!e# so
that comments ma& "e made 0is-G-0is the same. For e=am'le# the 2E sho%ld "e in a 'osition to o"ser0e that
meetings ha0e "een ending late since the last two months# 'erha's in 're'aration for the contest# $ith
man& anno%ncements "eing made.
/e m%st !no$ $hat is acce'ta"le# $hat is commenda"le# and $hat is %nacce'ta"le 8 "oth in terms of
(%alit& (as in a role 'oorl& 'la&ed/e=ec%ted) and eti(%ette (coarse or cas%al "eha0ior 8 and $orse). The 2E
sho%ld ta!e a call on $hen to ste' in and sto' a mem"er# e0en at the ris! of em"arrassment to the cl%" and
the mem"er.
2E comments are $ritten in the log "oo! 'ro0ided# and also '%t %' on o%r $e"site in a s'ecial thread# since
this e0al%ation is the most im'ortant 'art of o%r cl%" meetings 8 the to%chstone of o%r 'rogress.
2E comments incl%de constr%cti0e s%ggestions# caref%ll& $orded re'rimands $hich do not offend# and
mention of incorrect 'ractices# so that g%ests !no$ that there has "een a 0iolation of the Cl%"1s or
Toastmasters1 'rinci'le. Th%s# if someone s'ea!s a"o%t <eligion# 7e= or .olitics at o%r cl%"# the 2E ma&
sto' the s'ea!er and inform the a%dience that these to'ics are not to%ched %'on at most TM cl%"s# and
'artic%larl& in o%rs.
The GEs script could be:
Than! &o% Mr. ToastmasterC
As 2eneral E0al%ator# E ha0e the tas! of !ee'ing a close $atch on the 'roceedings of this entire meeting#
from "eginning to end. E $ill see if the meeting "egan and ended on time. E $ill note if g%ests $ere
$elcomed# seated# introd%cedC E $ill chec! ho$ $ell the role 'la&ers 'erformed their roles# and $hat the&
co%ld do "etter. E $ill also see ho$ the entire cl%" $or!s as one team d%ring this meeting. To hel' me in
this tas!# E ha0e a team of role 'la&ers to hel' me e0al%ate the meeting. First# E $o%ld li!e to call)
Call ordmaster/2rammarian 8 ?%st name of the 'erson. The 'erson $ill sa& E am the M/2 and
introd%ce the role.
There is no 'oint in introd%cing the role &o%rself and then as!ing the role 'la&er to introd%ce his/her role.
/o$e0er# if the e='lanation/descri'tion of the role 'la&er is incom'lete# &o% ma& com'lete it. For e=am'le#
the Timer ma& forget to mention the grace 'eriod allo$ed. Fo% can add this information. @r if the 0ote
co%nter forgets to sho$ the "allot sheet 8 &o% can mention $here the "allots are a0aila"le.
@nce the role 'la&ers are introd%ced# &o% $ill sa&)
M& team and E $ill "e "ac! $ith o%r e0al%ation in the latter 'art of the meeting. E ho'e to see a great
meetingC Mr. ToastmasterC
hen the Tmo+ calls the 2E "ac! for the re'ort# first call the 0ario%s role 'la&ers (M/2# Timer# Ah-
co%nter# 7'eech e0al%ators 8 in res'ecti0e order as per the agenda sheet) and as! them to 'resent their
re'ort. At the end# &o% ma& 'resent &o%r re'ort.
The 2E1s comments sho%ld al$a&s "e enco%raging and constr%cti0e# e0en if the meeting has "een 0er&
"adl& cond%cted. A harsh 2eneral E0al%ation is al$a&s an %nsatisfactor& one. ;& all means mention $hat
needs to "e changed# "%t do so in the most 'alata"le manner. Ef there is something 'artic%larl& dist%r"ing#
and &o% feel li!e s'ea!ing %' strongl&# &o% ma& sa& E feel one role 'la&er set a 0er& 'oor e=am'le d%ring
this meeting# $hich is com'letel& %nacce'ta"le. E $ill ma!e m& recommendations to the cl%" 'resident.
;%t 'lease remem"er that at a Toastmasters1 meeting# %se of coarse lang%age# or ma!ing 'ersonal
comments is sim'l& not done. E $ill no$ mo0e on to the other 'oints in the e0al%ationB.
Some specific points for the GE to bear in mind:
1. Come to the meeting $ell in time# so that &o% can o"ser0e ho$ 'eo'le are 'erforming their role.
2. Aoo! for things done well, so &o% can a''reciate those $ho deser0e 'raise and enco%rage s%ch
*. Ef 'ossi"le# sit at the "ac! of the room# so as to "e a"le to o"ser0e all 'arts of the room.
,. Carr& &o%r o$n 'en and "oo!# ?%st in case.
3. ;e $illing to interr%'t an& role 'la&er/s'ea!er if he or she seems to "e doing or sa&ing something
4. Ma!e clear and s'ecific recommendations that can "e im'lemented# rather than 0ag%e s%ggestions. For
e.g.# instead of sa&ing The meetings are ending late# &o% co%ld 'oint o%t that E feel if the
anno%ncements are limited to t$o or three# and non-%rgent ones sent "& email# meetings $o%ld end on
5. Ma!e notes $hile the meeting is in 'rogress. Aoo! for $hat a role-'la&er has done differentl&# "etter
than others. Hee' thin!ing a"o%t ho$ a role 'la&er co%ld ha0e done "etter. Thin! of ideas that co%ld
"e made ro%tine "est 'ractices for the cl%".
6. .%t %' 2E comments on the $e"site on the same da&# and circ%late a co'& to cl%" mem"ers 0ia email.
9. 7hare an& detailed s%ggestions $ith cl%" EC mem"ers if &o% feel it is re(%ired.
Table Topics Master
The ta"le to'ics session is intended to hel' mem"ers de0elo' (%ic! refle=es and thin!ing s!ills. Et also
"rings a"o%t a lighter# more rela=ed mood and for g%ests to 'artici'ate in the cl%" meeting. -er& often#
g%ests are con0erted into mem"ers after the& 'artici'ate in ta"le to'ics.
The ta"le to'ics master sho%ld remem"er that the cl%" is 'rimaril& for mem"ers 8 and therefore mem"ers
sho%ld al$a&s ha0e an o''ort%nit& to s'ea! at ta"le to'ics. Endeed# e0en if no mem"er 0ol%nteers to s'ea!#
the TTM sho%ld call one or t$o mem"ers 8 how else can members develop these skills? For a cl%" to "e of
high (%alit&/ $ell-ro%nded# it is not eno%gh to ha0e one or t$o 'o$erf%l 're'ared s'eech s'ea!ers.
The TTM sho%ld stri0e to 'ro0ide some 0ariet& in the to'ics and cond%ct of the meeting. /o$e0er# he or
she sho%ld also see that the classic ta"le to'ics format is not neglected. Th%s# &o% ma& choose to call
more that one or t$o 'eo'le on stage at the same time 8 ho$e0er# that co%ld "e for one or t$o to'ics. At
least one or t$o to'ics sho%ld ha0e the classic format 8 $hich is descri"ed "elo$)
The Ta"le to'ics master chooses interesting# tho%ght-'ro0o!ing to'ics on $hich most 'eo'le can tal! for 1-
2 min%tes. The to'ics can "e am%sing. h& are "eards coming "ac! in fashionI or h& did &o% sell
&o%r $rist $atch 8 or $ell-!no$n 'ro0er"s hen &o% don1t s%cceed# tr&# tr& again# Ma!e ha& $hile
the s%n shines. @r things li!e hat $e can learn from $estern co%ntries.
T&'icall&# the TTM as!s for a Toastmaster mem"er 0ol%nteer first (so that g%ests %nderstand the format)#
then 'erha's a g%est# then an&"od& 8 mem"er or g%est for t$o more to'ics# then finall& ends $ith a
mem"er again 8 so that the session ends 'ro'erl&. This is not a fi=ed format. Ta"le to'ics is a 0er& int%iti0e
setting# and the TTM needs to "e e='erienced to mani'%late to'ics and time to get the desired F%n Jn
Aearning effect "& the end of his session. Hee' in mind the time a0aila"le# and 're'are a"o%t 3-6 to'ics.
+on1t forget that e0en if the session is a "rilliant hit# 'rolonging it ma& not "e a great idea. Aea0e them
$anting moreC
@nce the 0ol%nteer comes on to the stage# as! for his or her name# 'rono%nce it clearl&. Then read o%t the
to'ic clearl& for all in the room to hear. Ef the TT s'ea!er $ants &o% to read it again# do so. Edeall&# the
to'ic sho%ld not "e a long one or one that needs e='lanation. A short# clear to'ic is "est. 7ometimes the
ta"le to'ics master gets carried a$a& and creates scenarios 8 often $asting time. @ne can %se a scenario#
"%t it m%st "e 0er& short Emagine that &o% are on a godforsa!en island and co%ld ma!e onl& one 'hone call
8 $ho $o%ld &o% call and $h&I
Kote do$n the names of the s'ea!ers and the to'ic the& $ere gi0en. Fo% ma& $rite them on the "oard for
all to see# or at the end of the session# as! the s'ea!ers to raise their hands as &o% read their names $ith
to'ic. This $ill hel' 'eo'le choose $hom to 0ote for.
Ta"le to'ics is sometimes called the f%n session# tho%gh E sometimes $onder $h&. Et gets more 'eo'le
s$eating than an& other 'art of the meetingC En this session# &o% $ill "e called to the stage and gi0en a to'ic
8 something E10e got $ritten in these sli's of 'a'er 8 and &o% ha0e to start tal!ing a"o%t the to'ic for 1-2
min%tes. .lease a0oid tal!ing a"o%t se=# religion and 'olitics. ell fol!s# are &o% read& to thin! on &o%r
feetI Can E ha0e a cl%" mem"er 0ol%nteer# 'leaseI
Wordaster ! Graarian
The M/2 hel's mem"ers im'ro0e their grammar# and also learn a ne$ $ord.
A good ordmaster/2rammarian $ill 'oint o%t e=cellent $ording/'hrases and 'oint o%t ho$ the
s'eech $as that m%ch "etter "eca%se of the s'ecific $ords/'hrases %sed. Too often# the
grammarian1s re'ort is a d%ll recital of - &o% said "linding s%nlight $hich is good. Fo% also
%sed silent# sad sadh% $hich is alliteration. Enstead# the M/2 sho%ld sa& 8 &o%r descri'tion
of the "linding s%nlight hel'ed %s see the terrain as &o% m%st ha0e seen it. @f co%rse# time is an
im'ortant consideration# and the M/2 cannot afford to $a= elo(%ent. 7tri!e a "alance.
As ordmaster# introd%ce a $ord that is not commonl& %sed# s%ch as 'hlegmatic or
D%ggerna%t or %nco%th or '%rloin. E='lain the meaning of the $ord clearl& $ith ill%strati0e
e=am'les s%ch that 'eo'le can %se the $ord in the co%rse of the meeting. The $ord sho%ld "e
%ncommon and therefore interesting# "%t it sho%ld also "e %sa"le. @"ser0e $ho %ses the $ord
d%ring the co%rse of the meeting (and ho$ man& times# and $hether correctl&).
Than! &o% Mr. 2E
E ha0e t$o distinct roles toda&. As ordmaster# it is m& 'leas%re firstl& to introd%ce the $ord of
the da&# $hich is ta"ooC The $ord has its origins in co%ld# for e=am'le# sa&
7e=-religion-'olitics are ta"oo at Toastmasters meetings. .lease %se this $ord as often as &o%
can toda& 8 E $ill "e !ee'ing ta"s on those $ho %se it 8 and also those $ho do notC
As grammarian# E $ill listen caref%ll& and ma!e a note of an& grammatical errors s'ea!ers co%ld
correct 8 $itho%t mentioning their names. E $ill also comment on good %sage and 0i0id# 'o$erf%l
'hrases and $ords %sed "& the s'ea!ers.
hen called %'on "& 2E# E $ill 'resent m& re'ort.
Mr. 2E
1. The timer is a 0er& res'onsi"le role# since a s'ea!er can lose the 'riMe sim'l& d%e to an error made "& the
timer. E0en sho$ing a flag late and then sho$ing the ne=t flag on time can desta"iliMe the s'ea!erNs flo$.
2. The timer sho%ld ens%re that he or she is familiar $ith %se of the timer de0ice# confirm that it is $or!ing
fine and has charged "atteries etc. 7it in a 'lace $here it is eas& for the s'ea!er to see the flags/ lights. ;e at
the 0en%e $ell in time &o%rselfC
*. Timings sho%ld "e immediatel& recorded against the names - mins and seconds.
,. En 'resenting the re'ort# the timer sho%ld "e acc%rate and "rief. At the 0er& most# he or she ma& s'ea!
t$o or three sentences regarding the im'ortance of time. Fo%# as timer# can shine "& doing the ?o" $ell
rather than ma!ing s'eeches.
3. hen sho$ing the flags to the a%dience# sho$ T/EM - man& first-timers loo! at the flags themsel0es
$hile tal!ing to the a%dience. .ractice $ith a senior mem"er "efore the meeting. Hno$ the timingsC
4. At /TM# $e ha0e a timerNs "oo! log# $here &o% can note do$n the timings.
The following script may be used when the timer is introduced by the General Evaluator:
Than! &o% Mr 2E. Fello$ TMNs and g%ests)
As Timer# m& role is to !ee' a $atch and hel' &o% manage the time for &o%r roles.
E shall "e doing so "& sho$ing the 2reen# &ello$ and red cards to indicate the minim%m to ma=im%m time
allo$ed for &o%r s'eeches as follo$s)
.re'ared 7'eeches - 3 / 4 and 5 min%tes (7'eech 1 and 7'eech 1: timings - if sched%led# ha0e different
timings# and need to "e read o%t - ,-4 mins for first s'eech and 6-1: for 1:th s'eech. Find o%t from the
Ta"le to'ic 7'eeches - 1/1.3 and 2 min%tes for each s'ea!er
E0al%ation - 2 / 2.3 and * min%tes.
There is a grace 'eriod of 'l%s or min%s *: seconds for .re'ared s'eeches O e0al%ations. Ta"le to'ics ha0e
a grace 'eriod of P / - 13 seconds.
Ef &o%r s'eech is not $ithin these time limits# &o% $ill not "e eligi"le for 0oting. E $ill 'resent m& re'ort
$hen called %'on to do so "& the 2E.
Mr 2E
The role of the ah-co%nter is to listen caref%ll& to s'ea!ers and record the red%ndant/distracting
filler $ords the& %se# s%ch as er# %m# &o% !no$# "asicall& and so on. -er& often 'eo'le
are not a$are the& %se a 'artic%lar $ord a lot# %nnecessaril&. The& co%ld "e m%ch more effecti0e
comm%nicators if the& sto''ed %sing these fillers# and it is the ?o" of the ah-co%nter to "ring these
to their notice. The Ah-co%nter also notes the long 'a%ses and an& so%nd that is not deli"eratel&
"eing %sed "& the s'ea!er.
The Ah-co%nter1s re'ort m%st "e cris' and s'ecific. Speaker TM Prasad used ah 4 times,
repeated the words I mean twice and had one long pause
The Ah-co%nter sho%ld not ma!e the mista!e of tr&ing to teach the s'ea!er ho$ to a0oid the filler
$ords etc. D%st re'ort and "e done $ith it.
A good ah-co%nter1s re'ort is a treat to listen to. A failed Ah-co%nter1s re'ort is e0er&one1s
nightmare. Firstl&# the& %se h%ndreds of fillers themsel0es# then the& are 0ag%e 8 one of the
s'ea!ers had three %msCC En a disaster recentl&# the ah-co%nter decided to cl%" e0er&one1s fillers
8 and re'orted the meeting has 15 ahs# 9 long 'a%ses# the $ord E mean $as %sed "& *
hat %se is s%ch a re'ortI hom does it "enefitI .eo'le sho%ld %nderstand the need for the role#
!no$ ho$ to 'erform it to 'erfection# and ho$ to e='lain the role (scri't) so that all in the room
%nderstand $hat is "eing done.
Than! &o% Mr. B.aaaahnB2E
Fello$ TMs and g%ests# E am the Ah Co%nter for the da&C E1m s%re the 2E $ill e=c%se m&
r%deness for the long aaanh "efore E remem"ered $ho he $as. This is the !ind of filler $e
commonl& %se# $ith disastro%s dail& effect. As Ah-co%nter# E $ill o"ser0e the filler $ords
s'ea!ers %se# s%ch as ah# %m# er and also $ords that don1t add to the message# s%ch as
"asicall&# &o% !no$# E mean. E $ill also note long 'a%ses 8 in short 8 if &o% didn1t intend to sa&
it# don1tC
Mr. 2E
The listener is an en?o&a"le# 'la&f%l role. Fo% listen caref%ll& to e0er&thing s'o!en d%ring the
meeting# and choose some congr%o%s or incongr%o%s detail and as! the a%dience (%estions 8
testing ho$ attenti0e the& $ere d%ring the session.
Q%estions that sho$ ho$ attenti0e the a%dience has "een co%ld range from)
TM A?it (%oted Mar! T$ain in his s'eech. hat $as the (%ote.
hat fo%r things# according to s'ea!er 1# are essential for a ha''&# married lifeI
hat comment did the 2E ma!e a"o%t the timing of the ta"le to'icsI
/o$ man& s'ea!ers# according to the ordmaster1s re'ort# %sed the $ord of the da&I
ho $as ins'ired "& Adolf /itler in his childhoodI
hat is the height of giraffe# according to s'ea!er ,I
ho interr%'ted the ta"le to'ics master and c%t a ?o!eI
@ne of the g%ests heard a"o%t Toastmasters from her co%sin in Horea. ho is itI
Speec' Evaluator
There is a lot of reading material on ho$ to e0al%ate s'eeches. The s'eech e0al%ator m%st ha0e a
so%nd !no$ledge of ho$ to go a"o%t e0al%ating s'eeches. @ne m%st read the e0al%ation man%al
$hich comes $ith the Toastmasters !it. This is not a s%"stit%te for that man%al# and does not
co0er all those details.
The s'eech e0al%ator sho%ld ha0e made at least * s'eeches and ta!en on other roles "efore ta!ing
%' e0al%ations. +isc%ss $ith the s'ea!er# the 2eneral e0al%ator and &o%r mentor "efore &o% do
&o%r first s'eech e0al%ation.
A bad evaluation can hurt a speaker and make him/her lose confidence
The '%r'ose of s'eech e0al%ation sho%ld al$a&s "e to moti0ate and enco%rage the s'ea!er to do
"etter going for$ard. At toastmasters# $e follo$ the sand$ich a''roach or C<C 8 commend#
recommend# coend. This r%le m%st al$a&s "e !e't in mind. ;egin and end $ith a 'ositi0e
commentB and in "et$een# ma!e some hel'f%l s%ggestionsB.not instr%ctions# not r%les.
Ma!e it clear that $hat &o% sa& is onl& &o%r o'inion# and that &o% might "e mista!en. Follo$ the
man%al $hen e0al%ating# i.e.# e0al%ate 'artic%larl& $ith reference to the s'eech 'ro?ect o"?ecti0es.
Et is a good idea to as! the s'ea!er be!orehand if there1s an&thing s'ecific he $o%ld li!e &o% to
loo! o%t for and e0al%ate him on.
+on1t ma!e &o%r e0al%ation a s'eech in itself. E ha0e seen 7'eech e0al%ators $in "est e0al%ator
'riMe "eca%se of their elo(%ent e0al%ation 8 "%t the s'ea!er himself (or herself) $as not in the
least "enefited "& the e0al%ation. The" learnt nothing# Far "etter that &o% gi0e one good
s%ggestion to the s'ea!er and not $in the 'riMeCC
Thank you !r Toastmaster
TM RRRR# &o% are deli0ering &o%r s'eech 'ro?ect , from the com'etent comm%nicator man%al.
The o"?ecti0es of &o%r s'eech areB.Fo% ha0e 3-5 mins. 2ood l%c!.
Aater 8$hen called "& 2E to e0al%ateB.sam'le e0al%ation) Than! &o%# Mr. 2E.
TM RRRR ) The Aast Tem'ationC hat an intrig%ing s'eech titleC E ha0e heard &o% s'ea! on a
0ariet& of to'ics# and once again# &o% ha0e chosen to s'ea! on something %ni(%e# &et so rele0ant.
Fo%r s'eech on to"acco $as an e&e-o'ener for man& of %s# E1m s%re. Fo% o'ened the s'eech $ith
a 0i0id scene of a &o%ng "o& $anting to "e 'art of his 'eer gro%'Band 0er& soon# &o% too! %s
thro%gh all his str%ggles# ending in a 'ainf%l disease. The $ords &o% %sed $ere 0i0id and
a''ro'riate# and &o%r deli0er& $as 'o$erf%l# aided "& strong gest%res (sho$ the gest%re %sed "&
the s'ea!er). E feel &o% co%ld a0oid %sing some slang $ords# e0en tho%gh the& ma& re'resent the
real $orld o%tside. Fo% transmitted the star! realit& $ell eno%gh $itho%t needing to ma!e it
e='licit. Fo%r strong 'oint seems to "e the a"ilit& to con0e& images thro%gh $ords. /o$e0er#
sometimes it $as diffic%lt for %s to connect his childhood fears $ith his later dreams 8 ma&"e &o%
co%ld ha0e e='lained that a little "etter. Et is a good idea to disc%ss &o%r s'eech $ith someone so
that an&thing that is not clear to others $ill "e "ro%ght %' and disc%ssed. E feel $ith s%ch a strong
message and s%ch 0i0id descri'tions# this s'eech $ill ma!e a difference to the $a& $e thin!
a"o%t the e0ils of to"acco. Fo% introd%ced %s to so man& new dangers of to"acco. A most
informati0e# $ell-researched s'eech indeedC E loo! for$ard to &o%r ne=t s'eech.
BBB..congrat%lationsC (sha!e hands). Mr. 2eneral E0al.
(ote #ounter) Tall* counter
The ?o" of the 0ote co%nter is to collect and co%nt the "allot and 'resent the $inners of the
're'ared s'eech# the ta"le to'ics and the s'eech e0al%ation.
The 0ote co%nter m%st !no$ $ho has (%alified and $ho has not.
The 0ote co%nter at contests is also !no$s as the tall& co%nter.
Co%nt the tall& %sing a sim'le method.
s'ea!er 1 //// /// S 6
hen reading o%t the $inners# mention onl& the name of the $inner 8 not $ho came second etc.
Also# do not mention the difference in 0otes 8 the $inner $on "& a h%ge margin etc. Ef there $as
a 0er& close tie# this ma& "e mentioned 8 tho%gh not necessar&.
Ef there is a tie# the 0ote-co%nter ma& cast his or her o$n 0ote to "rea! the tie. En a contest# the
Tie-"rea!er ?%dge1s 0ote is ta!en into consideration in this sit%ation.
The 7AA is sometimes the defa%lt 0ote-co%nter.
-otes m%st "e collected $ith the least 'ossi"le dist%r"ance. As! mem"ers to 'ass the 0otes
across# or mo0e aro%nd $itho%t dist%r"ing an&one and collect the 0ote.
+on1t disc%ss the 0otes $ith mem"ers e0en after the meeting. Hee' n%m"er of 0otes etc
Thank you !r "resident
As an enco%ragement to mem"ers# $e choose a $inner for the 0ario%s s'eech and e0al%ation
categories. As 0ote-co%nter# E $o%ld first li!e to ens%re that e0er&one has their "allot 8 it is on the
"ac! of the sheet (dis'la& it to the a%dience). Es there an&one $ho does not ha0e a "allotI
.lease tear the sli' and 0ote for $ho &o% feel is the "est s'ea!er/ ta"le to'ic s'ea!er or e0al%ator.
hen called "& the .resident# E $ill 'resent the $inners.

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