Discussion of Strength of Material

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1. The value of d and L must be accurate as possible because it may affect to the value of:
I. Even small changes will greatly affect the Moment of inertia, I
II. Whenever Moment of inertia is affected, the Modulus of elasticity, E will also
III. Indirectly, the theoretical slope will also be affected.
IV. The value is used in various formulas and must be accurate to calculate the effect
it may cause.
V. The result by calculating using formula can be used to estimate the cost of the

2. The deflection must be as small as possible because:
I. To prevent the beam from broken.
II. The large deflection may be dangerous if we applied to the real life situation.
III. For example, if we applied this case on a house or a bridge, this accident may
cause serious damage to the structure of building and may collapse and caused
death to people.

3. The suggestions for solutions to prevent from large deflection:
I. Increase the depth of the beam
II. Decrease the value of x

4. Approximate Young's modulus for various materials
Material GPa lbf/in (psi)
69 10,000,000


Based on the result that we found, there are some errors that caused the result of
experimental differ compared to the theoretical result. Based on our result, the young
modulus of aluminum is 57.33 N/mm
or 57.33 GPa. Meanwhile the Youngs Modulus of
aluminum from theory is 69 GPa. For bronze beam, the theoretical value of Youngs
Modulus is 96-140 GPa. But from our experiment, Youngs Modulus of bronze is 67.396
or 67.396 GPa. It seems like our experiment has too much error occurred during

Based on our observation, there are few errors occurred that might be the factors
that affected our result. First of all, the error may be occurred is parallax error. The
position of eyes may be not perpendicular to the reading when the reading is taken.
Besides that, the error that may be occurred is zero error. The dial gauge reading may be
not in zero when the initial reading is taken. Besides that, maybe the bar is already bent
because it is used by many students before us. Lastly, the defects of measuring apparatus
also may be the factors that affected our result.

After all, we can conclude that the young modulus of bronze is larger than
aluminum. As what we gained from the result of experiment, the deflection occurred in
aluminum is larger than at the bronze beam. Hence, we achieved the objective of the

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