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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (Tiki 9.x) Tiki for Dummies Smarties (http: twbasi!s.tiki"ors#arties.!o#) is by Rick Sapir (based on content originally published by (and licensed under a Creati e Commons !ttribution" Share !like #.$ %nited States &icense. Some rights reser ed. 'ermissions beyond the scope of this license may be a ailable at http: twbasi!s.tiki"ors#arties.!o# Cop$right%&n"or#ation. The complete guide( in additional languages and co ering multiple ersions of Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are is a ailable online at http: twbasi!s.tiki"ors#arties.!o#. This guide is designed to be an easy"to"read book that ,ill get ne, Tiki administrators up and running. -or complete information about Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are( please isit http: -or the official Tiki documentation( please isit http: do! To take your site to the ne.t le el( try Tiki /ssentials( http: tikiessentia's.tiki"ors#arties.!o#.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties is a collaborati ely ,ritten guide. 0ou are encouraged to contribute. 'lease see http: twbasi!s.tiki"ors#arties.!o# Contributors for more information.

This edition was automatically generated from the Tiki for Dummies Smarties web site on Oct 15, 2012. Be aware that there may be formatting errors or inconsistencies with this automatically generated documentation. To urchase the com lete Tiki for Dummies Smarties as a a erback or ebook, lease !isit

Image by Marc Garrido !ttp:""www#garridos#com$ Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 1

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

#iki for $%mmies Smarties

What all Smarties need to know about Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 1e sure to re ie, the /ssential 2uestions (-!2s) for ans,ers to common 3uestions about this guide.

Table of Contents
&e'come to #iki......................................................................................................1( Disclaimers..........................................................................................................................................45 Copyright.............................................................................................................................................46 Contributions.......................................................................................................................................46 !bout the !uthor.................................................................................................................................47 %sing this +uide..................................................................................................................................47 8a igation.......................................................................................................................................49 'rinting...........................................................................................................................................4: Con entions....................................................................................................................................;$ Translations.....................................................................................................................................;4 Rating 'ages...................................................................................................................................;; *ultiple <ersions............................................................................................................................;# +et Smart.............................................................................................................................................;5 -acebook.............................................................................................................................................;5 T,itter.................................................................................................................................................;6 Tiki for Smarties.............................................................................................................................;6 Scribd...................................................................................................................................................;: +oogle= 'age......................................................................................................................................;> The Tiki Daily 'aper...........................................................................................................................;> )etting Started *ith #iki.........................................................................................+1 ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico............................................................................................................#4 ?nstalling Tiki *anually......................................................................................................................## Do,nloading Tiki...........................................................................................................................## Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost..............................................................................................#7 Creating the Database.....................................................................................................................#: Running the ?nstaller.......................................................................................................................54 %pgrading 0our Tiki............................................................................................................................64 %pdate the Tiki -iles.......................................................................................................................64 %pdate your Database.....................................................................................................................64 ?nitial <ie, of Tiki..............................................................................................................................66 'arts of Tiki....................................................................................................................................69 0our -irst &ogin..............................................................................................................................6> Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

,sing the -dministrator Pages.................................................................................+ Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions..................................................................................................76 Configuring %ser &ogins.....................................................................................................................9# Registering as a 8e, %ser..............................................................................................................97 %nderstanding +roups....................................................................................................................:$ Configuring Tiki -eatures...................................................................................................................:> %sing Tiki )ebmail.............................................................................................................................>5 Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions..................................................................................................>5 !dding *odules.............................................................................................................................>9 Config%ring the /eat%res.......................................................................................1!+ Configuring )iki Aptions.................................................................................................................4$5 Creating a )iki 'age....................................................................................................................4$> %nderstanding )iki Synta...........................................................................................................449 -irst le el heading.........................................................................................................................44: !dding 'ictures............................................................................................................................4;5 !dding &inks................................................................................................................................4;: Configuring the 1logs.......................................................................................................................4## &isting the 1logs...........................................................................................................................4#6 Create a 8e, 1log........................................................................................................................4#7 Creating a 1log 'ost.....................................................................................................................4#: Displaying 1logs in *odules.......................................................................................................45$ Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages...................................................................................................45# Configuring the -orums....................................................................................................................457 Create a 8e, -orum.....................................................................................................................45> Creating a -orum Thread..............................................................................................................46# *oderating -orums......................................................................................................................47$ Displaying -orums in *odules....................................................................................................47; Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages................................................................................................475 Configuring the !rticles....................................................................................................................479 Creating !rticle Topics.................................................................................................................49$ Creating !rticle Types..................................................................................................................494 Creating an !rticle........................................................................................................................495 Configuring -ile +alleries.................................................................................................................4:# Creating a -ile +allery..................................................................................................................4:: %ploading a -ile...........................................................................................................................4>$ 1ro,sing -ile +alleries................................................................................................................4>; Configuring ?mage +alleries.............................................................................................................4>6 Creating an ?mage +allery............................................................................................................4>9 %ploading ?mages.........................................................................................................................4>: 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries............................................................................................................;$$ Displaying an ?mage in a *odule.................................................................................................;$4 Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age.............................................................................................;$; Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page + Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring 'olls..............................................................................................................................;$5 Creating a 'oll..............................................................................................................................;$6 Configuring +roup 'ermissions........................................................................................................;;# %nderstanding 'ermissions..........................................................................................................;;5 !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions.............................................................................................;;6 !ssigning Registered 'ermissions................................................................................................;#4 +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions.....................................................................................;#6 Configuring *enus............................................................................................................................;#6 Creating a *enu...........................................................................................................................;#7 Creating *enu Aptions.................................................................................................................;#> !dding a *enu to a *odule.........................................................................................................;59 #aking Stock......................................................................................................... 5 ,sing the /eat%res................................................................................................ 5( %sing the )iki...................................................................................................................................;65 &isting )iki 'ages........................................................................................................................;66 <ie,ing 'age @istory...................................................................................................................;74 !dding Comments........................................................................................................................;7# %sing !ttachments........................................................................................................................;7: )atching 'ages.............................................................................................................................;94 %sing the Sandbo.........................................................................................................................;95 &inking to )iki 'ages..................................................................................................................;96 %sing 1logs.......................................................................................................................................;97 Reading a 1log.............................................................................................................................;9: !dding Comments........................................................................................................................;:; %sing Trackbacks and 'ings.........................................................................................................;:# &inking to 1logs...........................................................................................................................;:# %sing the -orums..............................................................................................................................;:5 !dding 8e, Topics Types............................................................................................................;:5 *oderating Topics........................................................................................................................;:7 &inking to -orums........................................................................................................................;>5 %sing 'olls........................................................................................................................................;>5 <ie,ing 'oll Results.....................................................................................................................;>6 %sing 'olls as Ratings..................................................................................................................;>9 %sing ?mage +alleries.......................................................................................................................#$; Creating Subgalleries....................................................................................................................#$; <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s.........................................................................................................#$5 %sing the !rticles..............................................................................................................................#4; &isting !rticles.............................................................................................................................#4# Submitting !rticles.......................................................................................................................#46 %sing the -ile +allery.......................................................................................................................#4> *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery............................................................................................#4> Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Replacing (%pdating) -iles...........................................................................................................#;4 &inking to -iles.............................................................................................................................#;# %sing -iles in )iki 'ages.............................................................................................................#;5 %sing RSS -eeds...............................................................................................................................#;7 Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds.......................................................................................................#;9 Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds.....................................................................................................##4 C%stomi0ing #iki Sty'e..........................................................................................++1 %sing the &ayout Aptions..................................................................................................................##9 Changing Themes.........................................................................................................................##: /diting Templates.........................................................................................................................#5; CustomiCing *enus...........................................................................................................................#59 Creating Dynamic *enus.............................................................................................................#5: Creating a Site *enu 1ar.............................................................................................................#6# Creating Custom *odules.................................................................................................................#67 %sing @T*&................................................................................................................................#75 ?ncluding Smarty..........................................................................................................................#79 %sing *odules Settings................................................................................................................#79 %sing 'rofiles....................................................................................................................................#7> !pplying a 'rofile........................................................................................................................#9$ CustomiCing Toolbars........................................................................................................................#95 Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe.................................................................................................#:4 CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons.......................................................................................................#:; !dding Custom 1uttons...............................................................................................................#:# 2acking #iki..........................................................................................................+3. %sing 'lugins....................................................................................................................................#:7 ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins..................................................................................................#:: <erifying ?nstallation....................................................................................................................#:: /nabling 'lugins...........................................................................................................................#>; !ppro ing 'lugins........................................................................................................................#>5 %sing *ods.......................................................................................................................................#>7 ?nstalling *ods !utomatically.....................................................................................................#>9 ?nstalling *ods *anually.............................................................................................................#>: ,sing #iki4s -d"anced /eat%res.............................................................................+55 %sing Categories...............................................................................................................................5$4 Creating Categories......................................................................................................................5$# CategoriCing AbDects....................................................................................................................5$6 Displaying Categories...................................................................................................................544 %sing Structures................................................................................................................................5;; Creating Structures.......................................................................................................................5;6 !dding 'ages to Structures...........................................................................................................5;9 Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures.................................................................................................5#> !utomatic Table of Contents........................................................................................................55# Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity).....................................................................................555 !dding a Site &ogo.......................................................................................................................557 !dding a Search 1ar.....................................................................................................................56; %sing Custom Code......................................................................................................................567 %sing 'ermissions.............................................................................................................................56> @o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork.......................................................................................................56> !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages...............................................................................................577 !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects...........................................................................................57> Configuring the @ome 'age..............................................................................................................59# %sing a Different )iki 'age.........................................................................................................595 %sing a Different -eature.............................................................................................................596 %sing a Custom 'age....................................................................................................................599 Configuring the Search......................................................................................................................59: !dding the Search *odule...........................................................................................................5:$ Configuring Content Templates........................................................................................................5:4 Creating Content Templates..........................................................................................................5:# %sing Content Templates..............................................................................................................5:6 %sing Trackers...................................................................................................................................5:9 Creating a Tracker.........................................................................................................................5:> Creating Tracker -ields.................................................................................................................5># /ntering Tracker ?tems.................................................................................................................5>: Displaying Trackers......................................................................................................................6$5 %sing Tags.........................................................................................................................................6$9 Configuring -reetags....................................................................................................................6$> !dding a Tag to a )iki 'age........................................................................................................644 !dding Tags to 1log 'osts............................................................................................................64# %sing Sur eys....................................................................................................................................64# Creating Sur eys...........................................................................................................................64# Taking Sur eys.............................................................................................................................647 Re ie,ing Sur ey Results............................................................................................................647 Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age...................................................................................................649 Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure............................................................................................6;; #ro%b'eshooting...................................................................................................5 + Ather 'laces to +o.............................................................................................................................6;# Top Troubleshooting Tips..................................................................................................................6;5 ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page..........6#6 ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page............................................................................................................................6#7 ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it..........................................6#9 ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e eryone can see itG or Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it........6#9 ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki.................................................................................................................................6#: ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ......................................................................................................................................................6#> ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment.........................65$ Resol ing ?nstallation ?ssues.............................................................................................................65$ Tiki cannot find a database connection.........................................................................................66; Tiki reports that it cannot ,rite to specific directories.................................................................66; Tiki reports a S!-/*AD/ iolation during installation.............................................................66# Tiki reports an A'/8H1!S/D?R restriction...............................................................................66# The installer stops before completing the installation..................................................................66# The installer is goneI....................................................................................................................665 The installer is lockedI..................................................................................................................665 Tiki ?nstaller reports a Security 'recaution..................................................................................666 Tiki reports a Database <ersion 'roblem......................................................................................666 Tiki reports a System Dri er 'roblem..........................................................................................666 Tiki reports a Database /ncoding ?ssue........................................................................................667 &ogin 'roblems......................................................................................................................667 The login module is gone.............................................................................................................67: ? cannot log in as the !dmin.........................................................................................................67: )hen logging in( users are told that their account has not been erified.....................................67> Display 'roblems...................................................................................................................69$ ? made a change (such as editing a module or a template)( but Tiki is not sho,ing the change.. 6:; )hen ? try to add a script or other @T*& element to a page( Tiki inserts JKLMNOP . JKLMNOQ and breaks the page.............................................................................................................................6:# 'lugin 'roblems.....................................................................................................................6:# ? added a plugin to a page or module( but Tiki says the plugin is disabled..................................6>6 ? added a plugin to a page or module( but Tiki says the plugin e.ecution pending appro al.......6>7 @o, Do ?...........................................................................................................................................6>7 Remo e the 'age 8ame from the Top of /ach )iki 'ageR.........................................................7$: Create )iki &inks and 'ages in non"/nglish &anguagesR...........................................................7$> /dit the Default !dministration *enuR........................................................................................744 Reset an option to its default alueR.............................................................................................744 Set the home page for my siteR.....................................................................................................744 *ake the C!'TC@! easier to readR............................................................................................74; Turn on TikiBs error reporting and logging optionR......................................................................745 Re3uire that ,iki pages belong to a specfic categoryR.................................................................746 6pi'og%e.................................................................................................................11 Colophon...........................................................................................................................................749 Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 1

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

&e'come to #iki
Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are (Tiki) is a ,eb"based application that you can use to build a ,ebsiteSany type of ,ebsite that you ,ant( for ,orking collaborati ely ,ith others. The content management system at the heart of Tiki po,ers ,ikis( forums( blogs( map ser ers( and more. 0ou can configure the arious tools and customiCe the appearance of the ,ebsite from )eb"based !dministration pages. This guide steps you through the basics for understanding Tiki. Throughout this guide (and in the user community in general) ,e refer to Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are as simply Tiki. This guide is intended for folks ,ho are either ne, to Tiki as an administrator or ne, to ,ikis and C*S (content management system) products in general. )e hope to pro ide enough perspecti e and procedures to get you up and running ,ith Tiki in a ,ay that is 3uicker than if you had to figure out the soft,are on your o,n ,ith only the official documentation. This ersion of the guide is based on Tiki ersion >... ?n fact( this reference (the entire ,ebsite) is built using Tiki. Complete information on Tiki can be found at the Tiki Community portalT httpTUU,,, .


Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide

This guide is not a replacement for the official Tiki Documentation . ?nstead it ,ill ,alk you through some of the more common procedures and help get your Tiki up and running and 3uickly as possible. Tiki has more than 6$ core features (more than other C*S applications) S this guide focuses only on a fe, of the more common items. 0ou should e.plore the documentation and community portal for complete information on e erything that Tiki has to offer. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 3

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This document is not related to the -or Dummies

series of books.

The author and other contributors make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any information presented here. 1y using this guide( you agree to do so at your o,n risk. 0ou further agree not hold the author or any contributors liable for any results that occur from use of the products mentioned in this guide.

This guide is published by . This guide is Copyright by Rick Sapir and others under a Creati e Commons !ttribution"Share !like #.$ &icense . Some rights reser ed. 'lease see the copyright page for details of this license. -air attribution includes a return link to http: tiki"ors#arties.!o# (for online use) and mention of primary author ((i!k Sapir) and original publisher ()e$ Some pictures and images are from stock..chng and are subDect to the ?mage license agreement . Co er picture by Mar! Garrido ( used ,ith permission. TikiV( Tiki)ikiV( and the Tiki logo are trademarks of the Tiki Soft,are Community !ssociation ( used ,ith permission. and Tiki for Dummies Smarties are unaffiliated ,ith the Tiki Soft,are Community !ssociation. Ather product names mentioned in this guide may be trademarks( or registered trademarks( of their respecti e holders( and are used herein for identification purposes only.

This guide and ,ebsite is based on a ,iki. 1y contributing to this ,ebsite (through comments( ,iki pages( or feedback) you agree to allo, the use of your contribution in this( or future ersions( of this ,ebsite and the Tiki for Dummies Smarties guide. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

-bo%t the -%thor

*y name is (i!k Sapir. ? ha e been de eloping technical content for soft,are and other industries for o er 46 years. ? ha e used Tiki for a ariety of ,eb proDects (including ) since early ;$$6. ? originally choose Tiki as my C*S platform because of its large feature set. Sure( there are other (some may argue better) applications for ,ikis( forums( blogs( and such( but none are as fully integrated as Tiki. !fter clogging the Tiki forums ,ith lots (and lots) of 3uestions( ? finally became familiar enough to start customiCing Tiki to make it my o,n. *y initial customiCations primarily focused on user interface (%?) modifications. / entually ? began making actual code changes and ,orking ,ith the C<S source files. Today( you can find me( using the handle ri!ks99( on the Tiki ?RC channel (Wtiki,iki )( ans,ering forum 3uestions ( t,eeting ( and doing ,hat ? can to impro e the Tiki community . 0ou can also contact me at . Af course( Dust as Tiki is a tool for collaboration( so this book is a collaborati e effort. )hile ? am the primary author( ? ,ould like to thank the others ,ho contributed. -or a full list of authors( re ie,ers( and translators( please see the Contributors page.

,sing this )%ide

This Tiki guide is created using Tiki. *any of the features that you ,ill learn about in this guide( are actually implemented on this site. ?n order to get the most out of this guide( you should read this section first because it e.plains ho, to find the information that you may be looking for. This guide is ,ritten by a )indo,s user( and this is reflected in the terminology and screen shots. 1ut because Tiki is a bro,ser"based( ,eb application( you should be able to transfer this information to your operating system.

8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 1! Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions 1e sure to re ie, the Smart 2uestions (-!2s) for ans,ers to common 3uestions about this guide.

There are four primary ,ays to na igate through the content in this guideT The Contents menu pro ides direct links to the primary sections of the guide. Think of this as a bookBs table of contents. The menu is al,ays a ailable( on the left side of e ery page.

The Contents menu is a simplified table of contents. The Sear!h bar( located at the top of the screen( pro ides a full"te.t search of all the pages in this guide. -or best results( try searching for only one or t,o ,ords instead of a full sentence or phrase.

%se the Search bo. to search for particular terms throughout the entire guide. The Stru!ture bar( located abo e the content area pro ides an easy ,ay to FpageF through each section. This is sometimes also called Fbread crumbsF because it sho,s a trail of links like bread crumbs to sho, ho, you got to this page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The Structure bar( at the top of each page( pro ides direct links to the prior sections. !t the top and bottom of each page are links to to go the 8e.t ( )and 're ious ( ) pages( as ,ell as the beginning of the current section ( ). The (e'ated Topi!s links( ,hen a ailable( pro ides direct access to related (or similar topics). %sing these links makes it easy to mo e through different (but related) sections in the guide.

%se the Related Topics list to 3uickly Dump to similar pages.

0ou can al,ays create Fprinter"prettyF ersions of any page for offline reading. Simply click the 'rint ( ) icon( located at the top of each page. TikiBs multi"print ( ) feature allo,s you select multiple pages to print. This ,ay you can create printer"pretty ersions of an entire section or chapter. 0ou can also purchase the printed( paperback edition of Tiki for Dummies Smarties from &u&u( !maCon( and othersI ? ,ill also produce an /book ersion (in e'ub and Kindle formats) of Smarties. See 1uy the 1ook for more information. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Object 1


To con ert a single page from Tiki %ssentia&s to 'D- format( simply click the *+, icon top of the page. ? use the free( hosted( @T*&to'D- ser ice pro ided by pdf; ?t may take se eral seconds to produce the 'D-( so please be patientI

at the

? also pro ide periodic FsnapshotsF of Smarties (in 'D- and TXT formats) on Scribd( if you ,ant the complete guide.
Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Object 2

Throughout this guide( you ,ill find tips( notes( and warningsT )arning Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 1(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This is ho, a ,arning appears. 'ay close attention to each ,arning. There arenBt many( but they are important. 0ou could crash your Tiki or corrupt the database( making your site inaccessible Tip This is ho, a tip appears. Tips are helpful hints that ,ill make your Tiki e.perience easier( such as pro iding alternate ,ays of accomplishing a task. 8ote This is ho, a note appears. 8otes are secondary information that you may (or may not) need. There are t,o types of links used in this guideT ?nternal links (that is( links to other sections of this guide) are simply under'ined. /.ternal links (that is( links to other ,ebsites) include the e.ternal link icon ( ). /.ternal links to the official Tiki)iki documentation are identified ,ith the documentation icon ( ). These links contain detailed information and are highly recommended.

? speak( read( and ,rite in /nglish. ?f you are multilingual( you can help translate this guide into other languages. Tiki has significant i-.n (internationaliCation) capabilities. %se the Trans'ate this *age icon any ,iki page into your language. at the top of the page to translate the content of Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 15

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select your language. @uman translations are are ,ritten by actual people( so the 3uality is ery good. *achine translations are handled through +oogle Translate. Changing the pageBs language ,ill also change the interface language (for things like menus( prompts( and buttons). Tiki includes more than #$ interface languagesI )arning The information on some translated pages may be out"of"date. )hy not help impro e (or create ne,) translations in your nati e language by becoming a contributor.

Rating Pages
/ou( as a reader of this guide( can help impro e itI %se the (ate this page ,idget (a ailable at the top of most pages) to tell us ho, useful you found the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select the star to rate the page. )eBll ,ork to impro e pages ,ith lo, ratingsI 0ou can also use the -eedback -orm to send us detailed comments. Af course( the best ,ay to pro ide direct feedback is to become a contributor.

8%'tip'e 9ersions
Tiki)iki undergoes continual de elopment. %se the *ultiple <ersions information area to select the Smarties page for a specific Tiki release.

Selecting a ersion"specific page. The currently selected release is highlightedG simply click a release number to ie, the associated Smarties page. 8ote These links are a ailable on&y for specific pages S some of the information in Smarties is applicable for all Tiki releases. 1y default( the information in this guide is for the current Tiki release. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 11

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)et Smart
0ou can become a fan of Smarties on these social net,orking sitesT
!OIN "S ON...

-acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper

and don't forget to become a fan of Tiki %ssentia&s ' too(

Tiki Wiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to using Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

Object 3 Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Recent on T,itter ;;#follo,ers ;:;follo,ing ;.7Kt,eets follo, me po,ered by

#iki for Smarties


Tiki-orSmarties 8e,ly updatedT !d anced Tiki -eaturesT bit.lyU)oeh/T Wtiki,iki )* minutes ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties Did you kno,.... The Tiki for Smarties and Tiki /ssentials Webooks are both WDR*free bit.lyU?D#;S% T") *- minutes ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties ? Dust updated +etting Started bit.lyU2gaD?X Wtiki,iki . !ours ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties 8e,ly updatedT +etting StartedT bit.lyUT'?'2D Wtiki,iki )/ !ours ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki-orSmarties )ay coolI Smarties is listed as a Ycss#pie e.ample siteT css#pie.comUdemosU )/ !ours ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki)iki @a e you oted for Tiki yet in the Ycmscritic C*S !,ardsR bit.lyU'sK*1. Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties ? Dust updated Display 'roblems bit.lyU%R2i2C Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties ? Dust updated %sing *odules bit.lyU%R2g?o Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties ? Dust updated Top Tips bit.lyU%R2g?m Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties 8e,ly updatedT Display 'roblemsT " ? made a change (such as editing a module or a template)( bu... bit.lyU)d!rtr Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

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Tiki-orSmarties 8e,ly updatedT Top TipsT " ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a... bit.lyU)du7A+ Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties RTYTiki)iki Did you ote for us at the Ycmscritic a,ardsR 'lease re"submit your oteT bit.lyUS2n1#h ThanksI Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties RT YTiki)ikiT Sho, your supportI <ote for Tiki as 1est -ree C*S in Ycmscritic a,ards bit.lyUA1'u?D Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties 8e,ly updatedT <ideos para &istosT " Ztable class[FnormalF id[FfancytableH#F\Ztr\Ztd class[FoddF... bit.lyUT+fc5> Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties ? Dust updated <ideos para &istos bit.lyU)bskA7 Wtiki,iki 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

Tiki-orSmarties Check out these great Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are demo ideosT bit.lyUTbX>8R Wtiki,iki W,iki Wcms Wopensource 0 days ago + rep&y + retweet + fa,orite

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Tiki for Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Print date: Oct 15, !1


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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

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Tiki for Smarties on "oogle#

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#he #iki $ai'y Paper

The Wtiki,iki Daily Sunday( Actober 45( ;$4; Technology ;by; " )eb hosting for your Tiki)iki C*SU+roup,are tikiHsearch Technology ;by; " )eb hosting for your Tiki)iki C*SU+roup,are tikiHsearch /ducation " 8e.t Tiki )ebinar to be held on Actober 4: _ Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are " Soft,are made the ,iki ,ay. *arc&aporte /ducation " <ote for TikiT 1est -ree C*S _ Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are " Soft,are made the ,iki ,ay. *arc&aporte Technology t, " +etting Started _ Tiki for SmartiesT ! beginnerBs guide to Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are Tiki-orSmarties TodayBs content Technology# /ducation; Read it no,I %pdated daily by Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)etting Started *ith #iki

This section e.plains ho, to install Tiki on your )eb ser er( create and configure your database connection( and run the Tiki installation script. -or more information( be sure to re ie,T The Smart 2uestions (-!2s) The )elcome page (,hich has important information about the guide) 8ote 'lease contact us if you ha e any 3uestions or comments. Tip 0ou can use the Tiki Ser0er Che!k to confirm that your ,eb en ironment meets the Tiki re3uirements. See FChecking the Ser er F in Tiki %ssentia&s for details.


?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually Do,nloading Tiki Copying the -iles to 0our @ost Creating the Database Running the Tiki ?nstaller %pgrading Tiki ?nitial <ie, of Tiki 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin

;nsta''ing #iki from /antastico

-antastico is a c'anel (control panel) application that your ,eb host may make a ailable for you. This pro ides a graphical user interface that simplifies installation. )ith -antastico( Tiki installation is a snapI 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0our ,eb host may (or may not) ha e the latest ersion of Tiki a ailable from -antastico. ?t is important to keep your Tiki up"to"date. The community is continually making impro ements to features and security. So e en if you use -antastico( it is a good idea to re ie, the *anual ?nstallation steps. ?n addition to -antastico( Tiki is also included in many other c'anel installers( such as SimpleScripts ( ^ump1o. ( and more. Check ,ith your hosting pro ider for details. !lthough this document illustrates installing ,ith -antastico( the other process for other installers is similar. 4. &og into your ,eb hostBs c'anel. 0our c'anel %R& is probably similar toT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# !pane'. ;. Click the ,antasti!o icon. #. The -antastico @ome lists the a ailable application on your ,eb host.

The list a ailable applications ,ill ary( depending on your ,eb host. 5. ?n the Wiki area( select TikiWiki. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

An the Tiki install page( be sure to re ie, the ersion that is being installed "" make sure it is current. 6. Click 1ew &nsta''ation. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select your installation location. 7. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the pageT &nsta'' on +o#ainT Select the domain (if you ha e multiple domains ,ith this ,eb host) in ,hich to install Tiki)iki. &nsta'' in +ire!tor$T Select a sub"directory (of the domain) in ,hich to install Tiki 8ote 0ou can place the files in any directory on your ,eb host( but the directory name ,ill become part of the %R&. -or e.ample( if you create a directory on your ,eb host named tikiwiki and copy the files to it( your %R& ,ill beT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tikiwiki ... . ?f you are going to use Tiki to po,er e erything on your site( you can simply copy all the files to your root directory and lea e the +ire!tor$ field blank. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

9. Click &nsta'' TikiWiki.

Confirm that the information is correct. :. Click ,inish &nsta''ation. The c'anel installs Tiki.

Confirming a successful installation. 0ouBre done. 0ou can log out of the c'anel and access your Tiki at the %R& indicated in the final installation screen. Continue ,ith )elcome to Tiki. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

;nsta''ing #iki 8an%a''y

?f your ,eb host does not ha e -antastico( or if you ,ant to install a specific Tiki ersion( you need to do,nload all the Tiki files (in a ]?' or T!R archi e) to your computer( then copy the files ( ia S-T') to your ,eb host manually( before running the Tiki ?nstaller.


Do,nloading Tiki Copying the -iles to 0our @ost Creating the Database Running the Tiki ?nstaller

$o*n'oading #iki
The Tiki do,nload is hosted on a repository for many open source proDects. 0ou can link to it from the Tiki @omepage S Dust look for the +own'oad button. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The do,nload button on Tip 0ou should take a moment to read the Tiki Re3uirements and Setup document . ?t contains aluable information on ho, to successfully install Tiki on your ser er. 4. -rom the Source-orge do,nload page( select your Tiki do,nload.

Select the Tiki ersion... Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

and archi e format( from the do,nload page. 1e sure to select the correct ersion. The do,nload page lists a&& Tiki releases. ;. Start the do,nload

Do,nloading the Tiki archi e. 8ote 0ou can also get the Tiki files( including de eloper and pre"release ersions( directly from the de elopment en ironment (code repository). Refer to the Tiki De eloperBs Corner for details. )arning ?f you are using )indo,sT:;G <ista (or abo e)( donBt forget to right"click the do,nloaded archi e( select F'ropertiesF and F%nblockF before unpacking.


!fter youB e do,nloaded the Tiki archi e( you need to unCip the archi e to your 'C. 0ou should create a ne, directory (such as !:2tiki2) and unCip the files to this location. +o get another cup of coffee( this ,ill take a ,hile. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Copying the /i'es to <o%r &eb 2ost

8o, that you ha e the files on your computer( you need to mo e them to your ,eb host. -or this( you ,ill need an S-T' application (such as -ile]illa ). To configure the S-T' application( you ,ill needT your domainBs login information (username and pass,ord) your domainBs -T' location Simply copy (by using S-T') all of the pre iously unCipped Tiki files on your computer to your ,eb host. 8ote 0ou can place the files in any directory on your ,eb host( but the directory name ,ill become part of the %R&. -or e.ample( if you create a directory on your ,eb host named tiki and copy the files to it( your %R& ,ill beT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki ... . ?f you are going to use Tiki to po,er e erything on your site( you can simply copy all the files to your FrootF directory. This FrootF may be named pub'i!3ht#' or www( depending on you ,eb host and ser er. +o get another cup of coffee( this ,ill take a ,hile. Tip 0ou can customiCe some of the links and %R&s that Tiki produces in order to create Fsearch engine friendlyF links. Tiki includes a hta!!ess file that takes ad antage of the ,ebser erBs re,rite rules. To enable this feature( simply rename the 4%hta!!ess%4 file to .hta!!ess. See the Tiki documentation for details.


1y default( directories you create on your ,eb host are not ,ritable JKLMNL`a that is( they are read"only. ?f you ha e a set static @T*& files( this ,orks fineG you ,ould Dust use -T' to add files and directories. 1ut Tiki is a dynamic application. !ll of your file functions are handled through Tiki( and Tiki needs to be able to create and ,rite ne, files and directories. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?f your ,eb host grants command line access( use the file to configure the necessary permissions for each directory. ?f you donBt kno, ,hat an S@ file is( or do not ha e command line access to the ,eb ser er( you need to manually change the directories. 0ou can use the ,eb hostBs c'anel application (look for the -ile *anager) or the same -T' application that you used earlier to copy the files. 0our -T' application may also pro ide the ability to set directory permissions. ?n -ile]illa( you can simply right"click the directories and select ,i'e Attribute.

Changing the attributes for a directory ,ith -ile]illa.

+ire!tories Tiki needs ,rite access to these directories. 0ou ,ill need to set the permission to 9" 9"6 for the follo,ingT backups db dump imgU,iki imgU,ikiHup imgUtrackers modulesUcache Print date: Oct 15, !1

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temp tempUcache tempUpublic templatesHc templates styles maps ,help mods (for back,ards compatibility for pre"Tiki6 only) files tikiHtestsUtests

8ote ?n some instances( depending on your ,eb hostBs restrictions( you may ha e to set the permission to 9"9"9.

Creating the $atabase

8o, that you ha e the Tiki files on the ,eb ser er( you need to create a database for Tiki to use. Tiki supports different types of databases (*yS2&( 'ostgress( Aracle( etc.) through !DAdb ( a database e.traction library. 8ote This guide uses *yS2&( the most common database used ,ith Tiki. The Tiki documentation site contains complete information on other databases. Starting ,ith Release 5( Tiki supports on'$ *yS2& databases. This procedure assumes that you are using php*y!dmin ( a popular application used to help administer *yS2& databases. 4. !ccess your php*y!dmin control panel. ;. ?n the Create 8e, Database area( enter a name for your database and click Create. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating a database. Tip 1y default( Tiki uses 5T,4. for your database encoding. ?f you select a different encoding method( you may need to manually update your .. db 'o!a'.php file. )arning %se only alpha"numeric characters for the database name. Do not include any spaces in the name. #. php*y!dmin creates the database.

0our ne, database. 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)rite do,n the name of your database S you ,ill need it later.

C$E&TE & D&T&B&SE "SE$

8o, you need to create a user account that Tiki ,ill use to access the database. This user is different than the users for your Tiki S this user ,ill be used by Tiki. 4. Return to the php*y!dmin @ome page. ;. Click *ri0i'eges.

#. Click the Add a new user link.

5. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the !dd a 8e, %ser page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding a ne, database user. 5ser na#eT /nter a username for this database user. *asswordT /nter a pass,ord for this user name. (e4t$peT Repeat the pass,ord. )arning Select a strong pass,ord to protect your Tiki 8ote )rite do,n your database username and pass,ord S you ,ill need them later. 6. ?n the +lobal pri ileges area( select the follo,ingT +ataT Select all. Stru!tureT Select allT Ad#inistrationT Select 67C) TA869S. 7. Click Go to create the database user. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware &DD THE D&T&B&SE "SE$ TO THE D&T&B&SE

8o, you need to gi e the database user (that you Dust created) access to the database (that you created earlier). 4. An the *yS2& Databases page( find the Add 5sers to +atabase area.

The !dd %ser to Database area of the *yS2& databases page. ;. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT 5serT Select the database username that you created earlier. +atabaseT Select the database that you created earlier. #. Select A'' pri ileges. Tiki ,ill need full accesses to the database in order to run your ,ebsite. 5. Click Sub#it. CongratulationsI your database is no, ready for Tiki. 8ote Depending on ho, you access your database information (through your ,eb hostBs control( php*y!dmin application( or some other program)( your actual screens may ary from those sho,n here. @o,e er( the basic process ,ill be the sameT 4. ;. #. 5. Create a database Create a database user. !ssign the user to the database. +rant the user all pri ileges to the database. Tiki documentation for details.

Refer to the

R%nning the ;nsta''er

%se the Tiki ?nstaller to finaliCe the installation on your ser er. Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Tiki installer allo,s you toT Test your system for the minimum re3uirements. Configure the database connection. Configure general site settings. 4. Apen your ,eb bro,ser toT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4insta''.php. 8ote ?f you copied the Tiki files to a subdirectory( include it( too. -or e.ampleT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# subdire!tor$ tiki4insta''.php. An some ser ers using '@'6( ,hen you access tiki4insta''.php( you may recei e an &nterna' Ser0er 9rror. To fi. this( you must connect to the ser er ,ith SS@( access the www/tiki directory( and issue the follo,ing commandT sh The Tiki ?nstaller screen appears. Tip Tiki has been translated to more than 5$ different languages. To access the installer in $our language( use http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4 insta''.php:'ang;<<( ,here << is the t,o"letter ?SA code for the language.

)elcome to the Tiki ?nstaller. Tip Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The first page of the installer contains a link to the Release 8otes for this ersion. Take a moment to re ie, the Release 8otes S they contain lots of useful information. ;. Select your installation language and click Continue. The &icense page appears.

Read the license. #. Tiki is a ailable under the &+'& license Read the license and click Continue. The System Re3uirements page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Test your system. 5. Tiki can test your ,eb ser er for some basic re3uirements. Confirm that you system meets the minimum re3uirements. To confirm that Tiki can send mail (such as the registration notification)( enter your address and click Send Test Message. 0ou can also send a test message to Tiki. 0ou ,ill recei e an automated response if the test ,as successful. 6. Click Continue. The Database Connection page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Set your database connection. 8ote ?f you are upgrading an e.isting site( Tiki ,ill detect the e.iting connection information. Tiki says that it Fcannot find a database connection.F &etBs fi. that right no,. 7. @ere is ,here you add your database information. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT +atabase t$peT Select your specific database (if youBre follo,ing along ,ith this guide select *yS2&i). =ost na#eT ?f your database is in the same location as your ,eb ser er (as it is for most ,eb hosts)( simply keep this as 'o!a'host. +atabase na#eT The name of your database. Tip Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?f the database does not Tiki ,ill create it. 5ser na#eT The database user that has admin access to the database. *asswordT The pass,ord for the database user. 8ote *any shared ,eb hosts re3uire that you preface your user and database name ,ith your ,eb hostBs account name. Select the A'wa$s "or!e !onne!tion to use 5T,4. option if your database ,as created ,ith a %T-": collation. 0ou can also send a test message to Tiki. 0ou ,ill recei e an automated response if the test ,as successful. 9. /nter the information and click Conne!t. The Tiki ?nstaller screen appears.

?nstall (or upgrade) the database. 8ote The 5pgrade option appears only ,hen upgrading an e.iting Tiki. :. Select your datbase engine and click &nsta''. M$&SAMT Default storage engine prior to MyS12 .#. &nno+8T Default storage engine for *yS2& 6.6 and later This should take only a fe, moments( as Tiki busily creates the necessary database tables. %pon completion( the final installer screen appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki creates (or updates) your database. >. Click Continue. The Configure +eneral Settings page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se this page to configure general setting for your site. Complete the follo,ing fields on the screenT 8rowser tit'eT /nter the name of your ,ebsite here. This ,ill display in the ,eb bro,serBs title bar. Sender e#ai'T /nter the email address to be used by your Tiki. !ny emails from your site (such as registration confirmations)( ,ill be sent from this address. ?f you lea e this blank( emails from your Tiki may use your ,eb host pro iderBs name instead of yours. This could confuse your isitors. 8ote Some ,eb hosts may re3uire that this be an actual email address. Check ,ith your ,eb host pro ider. Se!ure 'oginT ?f your host pro ides secure logins (@TT'S)( you can enable it for your ,ebsite. 6ogging and (eportingT Specify if Tiki should report any '@' or Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Smarty errors. 0ou can select to ha e these ,arnings appear only for the !dministrator. Ad#inistrator e#ai'T /nter $our email address. This can be used to reco er your admin pass,ord and account information. Tip ?f you do not enter an !dmin email here( Tiki ,ill ask again( during your initial login. 4$.Click Continue. The /nter 0our Tiki page appears.

0ou are no, ready to enter your TikiI 44.Click 9nter Tiki and 6o!k the &nsta''er. The Tiki @ome 'age appears. )arning ?f you do not lock the install script( an$one could re"run the installation program... ,iping out your database. 0ou can al,ays re"enable the install script( if necessary.


-irst (and most importantly)( donBt panic. ?f you get an error message( take a good hard look at it S itBs trying to tell you Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

,hatBs ,rong. @ere are some common messages you could encounterT Can't !onne!t to ser0er on ''o!a'host' or A!!ess denied "or user username to database database Tiki could not connect to your database. Did you enter the correct information (database name( database username( and pass,ord) on the Tiki ?nstaller screenR !re you using e3act same names and pass,ords that you selected ,hen you created the databaseR ?s the database up and runningR

Tiki &nsta''er !annot pro!eed: The dire!tor$ ' so#edire!tor$' is not writab'e Tiki is unable to ,rite information to a specific directory. Remember( Tiki needs read and write access to directories on your ,eb ser er. Re ie, the list of directories that re3uire permission changes and try again. 1othing =appens > 8'ank S!reen *ake sure that your database and ,eb ser er meet the re3uirements minimum

. The most common problem is insufficient memory

allocated for '@' scripts. The Tiki)iki documentation site lists the recommended settings for your php.ini file. The &nsta''er ?6oops? and Starts Again Confirm that your ser er session data is accessible to tiki. Consult your host for details.

See the ?nstallation 'roblems pages for additional help. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,pgrading <o%r #iki

?f you already ha e a Tiki site( upgrading to the current release is easy. 1e sure to read the release notes for complete information about the ne, release( including any specific migration issues. Tip -or detailed information( see upgrading Tiki in Tiki %ssentia&s. 8ote ?f you installed Tiki from an automated installer or C'anel application( you may be to upgrade automatically. Check ,ith your specific application for details.

,pdate the #iki /i'es

4. 1ackup your database. ;. 1ackup any Tiki files that you customiCed. This includes any theme or style customiCations. Tip ?f you customiCe any Tiki templates (T'& files) or styles (CSS files) you should do so in your own t!eme S not by changing e.isting theme files. This ,ill make the upgrade process much easier. #. Do,nload the latest Tiki archi e (or patch set( if a ailable). See Do,nloading Tiki for details. 5. Copy the Tiki files to your ,eb host. See Copying the -iles to your )eb @ost for details. 6. Reapply any Tiki customiCations (from the files you backed"up in step ;). -or themes and styles( simply copy the files to the appropriate Tiki directoryT 'lace your custom style (CSS) inT .. st$'es /75(ST/69.CSS 'lace your custom theme (T'&) inT .. te#p'ates st$'es /75(ST/69' >.. 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

,pdate yo%r $atabase

8o, that the ne, Tiki files are on your ,eb host( you can use the Tiki installer to upgrade your database. 4. Apen your ,eb bro,ser toT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4insta''.php. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8ote ?f you copied the Tiki files to a subdirectory( include it( too. -or e.ampleT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# subdire!tor$ tiki4insta''.php. Tip Tiki has been translated to more than 5$ different languages. To access the installer in $our language( use http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4 insta''.php:'ang;<<( ,here << is the t,o"letter ?SA code for the language. ?f the message &nsta''er disab'ed. (e#o0e 'db 'o!k' to enab'e the insta''er. appears instead of the Tiki installer screen( that means you locked the installer. See this troubleshooting page for information on re"enabling the installer. ;. An the Tiki installer Security 'recaution screen( enter your +atabase ad#inistrator pass,ord and click Aa'idate and Continue.

1efore upgrading( you must log in as the database administrator. 8ote This is the database username and pass,ord that you used ,hen you configured the database connection. ?f you ha e forgotten this information( it is located in your ../db/local.php file. #. An the Tiki installer page( go directly to Step 6. ?nstall %pgrade Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Selecting the upgrade step. 5. An the Tiki installer screen( in the %pgrade area( click 5pgrade to upgrade your database to the current Tiki ersion.

Select the upgrade script. 8ote To completely reinstall the database (that is( remo e your e.isting database and start ,ith a brand ne, install)( click (einsta'' The +atabase in the ?nstallation area. This should take only a fe, moments( as Tiki busily upgrades your database Print date: Oct 15, !1

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tables. %pon completion( the final installer screen appears.

!fter a successful upgrade( you can enter your (ne,) Tiki. 8ote Re ie, any ,arnings or notices that Tiki displays. /specially important is the '@' *emory notice. Tiki re3uires at &east #;*1 of '@' memory. Re ie, the Tiki ?nstallation Re3uirements for details. 6. Click Continue. The +eneral Settings page appears. document

)hen upgrading from some older ersions( you may need to apply the !dmin user fi.. 7. %pdate the information( or click Continue. The /nter 0our Tiki page appears. 9. Click 9nter Tiki and 6o!k the &nsta''er. )arning ?f you do not lock the install script( an$one could re"run the installation program... ,iping out your database. 0ou can al,ays re"enable the install script( if necessary.

0ou should be greeted by your TikiBs home page. 1e sure to re ie, the release notes for the ne, ersion (a ailable on the Tiki Community 'ortal ) for details on the Print date: Oct 15, !1

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ne, features a ailable in this release. Tip 0ou should al,ays clear the Tiki cache after performing an upgrade.

;nitia' 9ie* of #iki

To access your Tiki( point your bro,ser toT http: $ourdo#ain.!o# . Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 1y default( a brand ne, Tiki uses the ,i0eA'i0e theme. ! FthemeF is a set of cascading style sheets (CSS) and template files that control the look and feel of your Tiki. &ike so much else about Tiki( the theme is fully customiCable. &ater( you ,ill learn ho, to modify the theme to make Tiki your o,n. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The default -i e!li e theme.

Tip The Tiki)iki Themes ,ebsite is a good place to start( if youBre interested in changing the look of your site. ?t offers lots of ,ell"made themes that are ready to be used( as ,ell as hints and help for creating your o,n theme.


'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Parts of #iki
Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Take a moment to look at your Tiki. &etBs e.plore the parts that make up a Tiki Site

The default Tiki @ome 'age( as seen by an !nonymous isitor 8ote This guide (and all figures) are based on the latest Tiki. ?f you are using a different release ersion( your screens may ary. 0our ne,ly installed Tiki has these partsT 4. Top Right no,( the top contains the Tiki logo and a login button. &ater( youBll replace this ,ith your own logo and a site title Print date: Oct 15, !1

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;. Top 8ar Currently( the top bar is empty. )ebsites traditionally use this area for logos and banner ads( as ,ell as na igation features (such as a search bo. or menu). Tiki makes it easy to add items to the top bar. #. Content @ere is the FmeatF of your Tiki. The content in this area ,ill ary( depending on ,hat features youBre using. ?t might sho, blogs( forums( or images. Right no,( youBre looking a ,iki page S the =o#e*age. 5. 8otto# 8ar The botto# bar contains a F'o,ered by TikiF notice and theme credits. &ike e erything else( this area is fully customiCable. -or e.ample( you could add a copyright statement( a link to to a FContact usF form( or anything else you ,ant here. !dditionally( you can configure your Tiki ,ith left and right columns( as sho,n hereT

! sample Tiki ,ith columns The 'e"t !o'u#n and right !o'u#n can each contain modu&es# ! module is simply a bo. of information. -or e.ample( in the pre ious image( the left column has t,o modulesT the *enu and !nother *enu modulesG the right column has a three moduleT &ast !rticles( &ast -orum 'osts( and 'lease <ote. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The top bar also contains a module for the menu and search bar.

8o, that youBre familiar ,ith the parts of Tiki( it is time to get started making Tiki ,hat you ,ant.

<o%r /irst =ogin

The first thing you need to do( is log in as the !dmin and change your pass,ord. 1y default( Tiki sets the initial pass,ord to ad#in. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Tip Remember( you created a ne, !dmin pass,ord as part of the installation process. 4. Click the 6og &n button at the top of the page. ;. ?n the &ogin bo. at the top of the page( type ad#in as the username and your administrator pass,ord.

The &ogin module allo,s users to log into your site. 8ote -or security( the pass,ord is not sho,n. Tip ?f you forget your pass,ord( donBt panic. The & "orgot #$ password feature Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 51 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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can be used to reco er a lost pass,ord. 0ou can also reset pass,ords directly from the database. The ad#in login is a special user account S it includes full administration rights to e ery Tiki feature. 0ou cannot change the name of this account (for e.ample( to make it $our name)( but you can create other accounts and then gi e these ne, accounts administrator rights. )eBll discuss this later in the Configuring %ser &ogins section. 8o, that youBre logged in as the ad#in( notice that ne, menu options in the *enu module are a ailableT

The *enu module no, contains additional options. Tip The (Toggle) icon allo, you to Froll upF the menu. &ater( ,hen adding modules( youBll see ho, to configure this option. 8otice that the Menu module contains this button. !lsoT !dditional buttons ,ere added to the bottom of the @ome 'age. !s the !dmin( you ha e the ability to edit( remo e( or lock the page. 0ou can also assign specific permissions to the page. The 6ogin module (at the top of the page) changed S thereBs no, a 6ogout button. 8otes and links ha e been added abo e the logo. These notes are isible on&y to the !dministrator. !dditional help information has been added e.plaining ho, to use *ro"i'es. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The home page for the administrator (you)( after logging in. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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TikiBs robust group and permission settings allo, you to control ,ho sees ,hat. This makes it easy to gi e users ,ho isit your Tiki a uni3ue e.perience depending on their account. )eBll discuss this later in the %sing 'ermissions section. 8o, that youBre logged in (as the ad#in)( you can start customiCing Tiki to add the features you ,ant. &etBs begin by e.ploring the !dministration pages. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing the -dministrator Pages

Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To access the !dministration page( select the Ad#in B Ad#in =o#e option in the *enu module.

Selecting the !dmin option in the *enu. Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php in your ,eb bro,ser or by clicking Ad#in =o#e ( ) in the Cui!k Ad#in links.

The !dministration page pro ides links to each sectionBs o,n administration page. -eatures that ha e not been turned on are sho,n Fgrayed outF (such as the 1logs( in the e.ample belo,). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministration page. %na ailable items are grayed out. Tip %se the Con"iguration Sear!h to 3uickly find any Tiki setting or option on any administration page. %se the *re"eren!e ,i'ters to filter (that is( s!ow) only preferences of a specific type. This can be e.tremely helpful( since Tiki has more than 4($$$ configurable preferencesI

Tip 1y default( Tiki uses an /nglish language interface. @o,e er( Tiki has been Print date: Oct 15, !1

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translated into more then 5$ languages. To use Tiki in your languageT 4. Click the i-.n button. ;. An the !dministrationT i4:n page( use the +e"au't 6anguage field to select your language. #. Click Sa0e.


Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser %nderstanding +roups Creating +roups !ssigning %sers to +roups Configuring Tiki -eatures )ebmail Configuring the &ayout !dding *odules

Config%ring )enera' -dmin Options

?f you did not enter your siteBs title on the installer( notice that the title bar in your bro,ser simply says FAd#inistration.F Tiki ,ill automatically put the title of the current content page here( but you should also add the name of your ,ebsite. 0ou can add your ,ebsiteBs name on the !dministrationT +eneral page. Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click Genera' . Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;genera' in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The !dministrationT +eneral page contains general Tiki options that apply to your entire site. The !dministrationT +eneral page contains the follo,ing tabsT +eneral 'references +eneral Settings 8a igation Date and Time -ormats Change !dmin 'ass,ord Tip %se the 1o Tabs button to sho, a&& the options from a&& the tabs on a single page. #. Click the Genera' *re"eren!es tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT +eneral page( +eneral 'references tab contains the primary( site",ide options. 5. ?n the (e'ease Che!k section confirm that the Che!k "or updates auto#ati!a''$ option is enabled. 8ote 1y default( Tiki ,ill automatically check for updates each ,eek. ?f a ne,er release is a ailable( the follo,ing message ,ill appear at the top of the !dministration pagesT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou should al,ays upgrade your Tiki to the current release. 6. Scroll do,n to the Site &dentit$ section. This field includes the 8rowser Tit'e and Sender e#ai' that you entered as part of the installation process. 0ou can change it here( if necessary. 8ote Some ,eb hosts may re3uire that the Sender 9#ai' be an actua& email address. Check ,ith your ,eb host pro ider. 7. Click the Genera' Settings tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT +eneral page( +eneral Settings tab contains additional( site",ide options. 9. This tab includes options to control site access and performance. &ea e these options as their defaults for no,. 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Confirm that Tiki has full access to ,rite to the Te#porar$ directory on your ,eb ser er. Tip 8otice that Tiki automatically informs you if a prere3uisite for an option( such as the Mu'tido#ain feature( has not been selected. This helps a oid configuration errors. :. Click the 1a0igation tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT +eneral page( 8a igation tab contains settings for menu and folder formats. >. This tab includes options for creating dynamic menus and configuring your Print date: Oct 15, !1

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TikiBs home page. &ea e these options as their defaults for no,. 4$.Click the +ate and Ti#e ,or#ats tab.

The !dministrationT +eneral page( Date and Time tab contains settings for the date and time formats. 44.Select your +e"au't ti#eDone. Tiki ,ill use this as the default ,hen sho,ing timestamps. 4;.&ea e the other options as their defaults and click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the changes and reloads the page. Tip %se the (eset button ( to its default alue. ) to undo any customiCations and return an option

8ote 0ou may need to empty your bro,serBs cache to immediately see the updates.

-or complete details on all of the options( refer to documentation .

the Tiki)iki Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Config%ring ,ser =ogins

Right no,( your Tiki has only one user S you( as the system administrator (admin). ?f you ,ant more users( you need to allo, isitors to register Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click 6ogin . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;'ogin in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The !dministrationT &ogin page contains the options to allo, users to login( register( and maintain their identity on your Tiki. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT &ogin page configures ho, users ,ill access your Tiki. #. Click the Genera' *re"eren!es tab. 5. Tiki supports se eral types of user authentication (such as C!S( '/!R and Apen?D). -or no,( ,e ,ill simply use TikiBs o,n database. ?n the Authenti!ation #ethod field( select Tiki. 8ote Refer to the Tiki documentation for details on the different authentication methods. 6. ?n the (egistration E 6ogin area( enable the 5sers !an register option. This ,ill add a registration link in the &ogin module( to let isitors register at your site. 7. /nable the follo,ing registration optionsT Aa'idate users b$ e#ai'T This ,ill cause Tiki to send a registration email to ne, users. The email ,ill contain a link that the user must click in order to complete their registration. 8ote This option re3uires the use of the '@' Ymail() function. Check ,ith your ,eb host pro ider for details. *ake sure you correctly supplied a Sender email( on the !dministrationT +eneral page. 1y default( Tiki ,ill add a C!'TC@! to the registration form to help eliminate false registrations and spam. 0ou can disable this feature or use a ReCaptcha instead of the default. 8ote %sing the Tiki C!'TC@! re3uires the '@' +D &ibrary to be installed on your ,eb ser er and accessible by Tiki. Check ,ith your ,eb host pro ider for details. 9. ?n the *assword section( enable the ,orgot password option. This ,ill allo, Tiki to automatically reset a userBs account if a user has forgotten their pass,ord. :. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the changes and reloads the page.

-or complete details on all of the options( refer to documentation .

the Tiki

8o, you can test the registration process( as a ne, user. ?n the &ogin module( click 6ogout. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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&ogging out.

Tiki logs you out( and displays the home page. Registering as a 8e, %ser %nderstanding +roups Creating +roups !ssigning %sers to +roups

Registering as a 7e* ,ser

Since you logged out as the admin( the contents of the modules has changed. Remember( Tiki only sho,s users ,hat they ha e permission to see. Since you are no, isiting the site as an !nonymous isitor( you canBt see the !dmin menu. 8ote 1e sure that you ha e logged out. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 8otice that the &ogin module no, includes a (egister link. 4. Click the link. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The &ogin module( sho,ing the Register link. ;. The Registration page appears.

Registering as a ne, user. 8ote ?f the !nti"bot erification code does not appear( you do not ha e the '@' +D &ibrary installed on your ,eb ser er. &ogin again as admin( go to the !dminT Security page and disable the C!'TC@! option. #. Complete the follo,ing fields on the pageT 5serna#eT /nter your name (no spaces). 1y default( the username is c!s/ s/nSiTi<e. 0ou can change this by enabling the ,or!e 'ower!ase option in the %sername section of the !dministrationT &ogin page. 0ou can also set the minimum and ma.imum username length. 0ou can also let users use the email Print date: Oct 15, !1

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address as their username( by enabling the 5se e#ai' as 'ogin option. *asswordT /nter an alphanumeric pass,ord (no spaces). 1y default( the minimum pass,ord length is - character. 0ou can change this by using the Mini#u# 'ength field in the 'ass,ord section of the !dministrationT &ogin page. 0ou can also enable options to force users to include both numbers and letters in their pass,ord( for added security. Tip Tiki ,ill help you select a secure pass,ord by alerting you if your pass,ord is too ,eak.

-or impro ed security( use a strong pass,ord. (epeat passwordT -or confirmation( enter your pass,ord a second time. 9#ai'T /nter your full email address. Anti4bot 0eri"i!ation !odeT /nter the numeric C!'TC@!. Tip ?f the C!'TC@! is too difficult to read( click Tr$ another !ode to load a different code. See @o, do ?... for more information on selecting different C!'TC@!s. 5. Click (egister. Tiki displays the follo,ing messageT /ou wi'' re!ei0e an e#ai' with the in"or#ation needed to 'og into this site the "irst ti#e. ?f the registration fails( Tiki ,ill tell you ,hy (such as an incorrect registration code or pass,ords not matching). ?f you recei e the message 5nab'e to send e#ai'. Conta!t the ad#inistrator then your Tiki is unable to access the '@' F#ai'() function. Check your ,eb ser er configuration( or contact your ,eb host for details. 8ote Starting in Tiki 5.$( you can use S*T' mail ser er instead of '@'Bs sendmail function. An the !dminT +eneral page( use the Mai' Sender field on the +eneral tab to select ,hich mail application to useT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Selecting the mail application. ?n a fe, moments( you should get an email that looks like thisT @i 4sername( 0ou or someone registered this email address at httpTUU,,,.yourdomain.comU ?f you ,ant to be a registered user in this site you ,ill ha e to use the follo,ing link to login for the first timeT httpTUU,,,.yourdomain.comUtiki"loginH alidate.phpR user[username;Epass[d9c$fa4>7d$>76db5;4$;9d#a>:c;65; /nDoy the siteI The email ,ill come from the Sender e#ai' that you entered on the !dministrationT +eneral page. 8ote 0ou can customiCe this email for your site by editing the .. te#p'ates #ai' user30a'idation3#ai'.tp' template. See /diting Templates for more information. Click the link and youBll be logged in as a ne, user. &ater( youBll learn ho, to set specific permissions for Registered users. 0our Tiki is no, configured to allo, ne, users to register. &og off( then log in as the ad#in. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ouBre no, ready to continue configuring your Tiki.

I )O" DON+T -ET THE E%&I(:

Do you use an email spam filterR Check your FDunk mailF area. 0ou may need to configure your filter to allo, email from your domain. Check the email log on your ,eb ser er. Confirm that the email ,as( in fact( sent. Did you include a alid Sender email address on the !dministrationT +eneral pageR

,nderstanding )ro%ps
Tiki uses FgroupsF to categoriCe different user types. ?nitially( there are the follo,ing user groupsT Ad#insT %sers ,ith administrator access. Anon$#ousT 'ublic users ,ho are not logged in. (egisteredT Registered users ,ho are logged in. )hen you successfully completed the registration process( your user name ,as automatically added to the (egistered group. +roups allo, you to assign different permissions to different users. !s administrator( you can create ne, groups and then assign pri ileges to those groups. -or e.ample( if you ,ant to gi e users the ability to monitor your Tiki forums (,hich means gi e them more capability than Dust add to the forums)( you ,ouldT Create a ne, group named ,oru# Ad#ins for e.ample. +rant the forum administrator permissions to this group. 8ote TikiBs permissions ,ill be co ered later( in the %sing 'ermissions section. !ssign the users to this ne, group. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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&n this se!tion

Creating +roups !ssigning %sers to +roups

C$E&TE & NE* -$O"P

?n this section you ,ill create a ne, group. This group ,ill be for users ,ho ,ill help you monitor and administer your siteBs forums. 0es( ? kno,... you ha enBt configured the forums yet S you ,ill. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dmin menu in the *enu moduleT 4. Select Ad#in B Groups.

The +roups option in the !dmin menu. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin +roups page by clicking the Groups button in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. The !dmin +roups page lists the e.isting groupsT !dmins( !nonymous( and Registered.

Displays the current groups and allo,s you to create ne, groups. #. Click the Add a new group tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding a ne, group. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the !dd 8e, +roup areaT GroupT /nter ,oru# Ad#ins. This ,ill be the name of the ne, group to moderate the forums. +es!riptionT /nter a short description of the group. This ,ill help you keep track of each groupBs purpose. &nheritT Select (egistered. This ,ill let -orum !dmins inherit all of the permissions that registered users ha e. &ater( ,eBll add additional permissions to allo, -orum !dmins to moderate the forum. 6. Click Add. Tiki sa es the ne, group and reloads the page. 7. Click the 6ist tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The &ist of /.isting +roups area on the !dmin +roups page no, sho,s the ne, groupT -orum !dmins. Tip 8otice that only the ne,ly added ,oru# Ad#ins can be deleted (as noted by the Delete icon ). 0ou cannot remo e the three Tiki standard groupsT !dmin( Registered( and !nonymous.


Right no,( the -orum !dmins group has the same permissions as a regular Registered user. 0ou need to add additional permissions to the groupT to moderate the forums. 4. ?n the &ist of /.isting +roups area of the !dmin +roups page( click the 'ermissions icon for the -orum !dmins group. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The &ist of /.isting +roups area on the !dmin +roups page( sho,ing the -orum !dmins group. ;. ?n the 'ermissions area( e.pand the ,oru#s permissions.

The !ssign 'ermissions area of the !ssign 'ermissions to +roup page( sho,ing only the forum"specific permissions. Tip %se the Se'e!t ,eatures tab to select w!ic! features appear. 1ecause you ha e not (yet) enabled the -orum feature( youBll need to enable the Show per#issions "or disab'ed "eatures( too. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Selecting only the -orum feature. #. -or the -orum !dmins group( select the tiki3p3ad#in3"oru# and click Assign. The tiki3p3ad#in3"oru# permission automatically inherits all of the forum permissions. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ssigning permissions to the -orum !dmin group. 5. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 6. Click 8a!k. The !dmin +roups page appears.

The +roup ?nformation !rea of he !ssign 'ermissions to +roup page no, sho,s that the -orum !dmins group has one additional permission. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tip Re ie, the @o, 'ermissions )ork section for additional information on Tiki permissions.

&SSI-N & "SE$ TO & -$O"P

8o, that you ha e created the group -orum !dmins( you ,ill assign a user to that group. &etBs assign the user that you created ,hen you registered as a ne, user. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dmin menu in the *enu moduleT 4. Select Ad#in B 5sers.

The %sers option in the !dmin menu. Tip 0ou can also click the Ad#in users button at the top of the !ssign permissions to group page or the 5sers button in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. An the %sers tab of the !dmin users page( click the 'ermissions icon ( ) for the user that you created earlier. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dmin users page lists the registered users for your Tiki. Tip !s the admin( you can create accounts for ne, users by using the !dd a 8e, %ser area or uploading a pre"defined file. This allo,s you to create an account for a ne, users( ,ithout that user ha ing to complete the registration process. ?t is an easy ,ay to Fpre"populateF your TikiBs user base. Refer to the Tiki Documentation for details. ) to

#. An the !ssign user to groups page( click the !ssign icon ( assign the user to the ,oru# Ad#ins group.

!ssign the user to the -orum !dmins group. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. ?n the %ser ?nformation area( the -orum !dmins group is no, listed for the user. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The -orum !dmins group is no, listed in the %ser ?nformation area. 8ote 0ou cannot remo e a user from the Anon$#ous group. A&& isitors belong to the !nonymous group. !dditionally( any alidated user is automatically a member of the (egistered group.

Config%ring #iki /eat%res

Ane of the best things about Tiki is the number of features that it includes... rig!t out5of5t!e5bo3. / en better( these features are all unified under a single product S Tiki. 8o, that your site is configured to allo, ne, users to register( you can add features to your site. 1y default( Tiki starts ,ith only one feature turned on " the ,iki feature. &etBs look at ,hat other features are a ailable. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click ,eatures Tip . Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;"eatures in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The Ad#inistration: ,eatures page( appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT -eatures page lists all Tiki features. Tip Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Select the 1o tabs option to display all the features on a single page( instead of on separate tabs. Tip %se the Con"iguration Sear!h option to 3uickly find a specific feature or option. This is especially helpful since Tiki contains more than 4($$$ different settingsI &etBs turn some of TikiBs features on. #. An the G'oba' ,eatures tab( select the follo,ing Main features and click App'$T )iki 1log -orums 'olls Search -ile +allery Tip /arlier ersions of Tiki used a separate gallery (the Image Ga&&ery) to store images. ?n this release the -ile +allery can store any type of file( including images. !rticles 8ote The -ile +allery and )iki features should be enabled( by default( for a ne, Tiki default profile installation. 5. ?n the Wat!hes area( select 5ser Wat!hes and click App'$ 6. Tiki sa es the changes and reloads the page( confirming that the features are no, enabled.

Tiki enables the selected features. 7. -rom the !dministration page( click Co##unit$ . 9. The Ad#inistration: Co##unit$ page( appears. %se this page to enable specific user features. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT Community page lists all user"specific features. :. An the 5ser ,eatures tab( select the follo,ing features and click Change *re"eren!esT Display *yTiki in the application menu %ser )atches

8otice that *enu module no, has additional options (for each of the ne,ly acti ated features).

The main menu. 8otice that the ne,ly added options are sho,n. 8ote 0ou may need to empty your bro,serBs cache to immediately see the updates. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing #iki &ebmai'

)ebmail is a ne, feature for Tiki)iki. 0ou can find it atT Utiki"admin.phpR page[features ?nteresting linkT httpTUUdoc.tiki.orgU)ebmailEhighlight[,ebmail

Config%ring )enera' =ayo%t Options

Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click 6ook Ea#pG ,ee' . Tip 0ou can also access the &ook EampG -eel page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;'ook in your ,eb bro,ser or by clicking the 6ook E ,ee' button in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. The Ad#inistration: 6ook Ea#pG ,ee' page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT &ook and -eel page lists the Tiki layout options. #. An the Theme tab( use the The#e to select the theme (or FskinF) for your Tiki. 8ote Some themes( such as Strasa( include additional theme options that you can configure. 0ou can also select the specific theme for D2uery elements. 5. Click App'$ to change your site Theme. 6. Click the Genera' 6a$out 7ptions tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The +eneral &ayout tab lists the Tiki layout options. Tip 0ou can also access the Genera' 6a$out 7ptions tab by using the 6ook E ,ee' button ( ) in the Cui!k Ad#in area. 7. @ere you canT /nable (and add modules to) any of TikiBs additional content areasT Topbar 'age top &eft and right columns Print date: Oct 15, !1

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'age bottom 1ottom module Cone !dd your o,n logo and site name in the Site &ogo and Title area. )arning The Site 6ogo and Tit'e options ,ill be replaced by additional module areas in later Tiki releases. /nable (or disable) the Site Search 1ar and &ogin 1ar. /nable (or disable) the icons and debugging information in the 1ottom bar. 8ote The FdebugF bar displays information about your TikiBs performance( such as the amount of time it takes to load a page or the number of database 3ueries that ,ere issued. )hile this information may be useful (and interesting)( it is not especially helpful to a ne, isitor. 9. Click Change pre"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. &ater( you ,ill use the other &ook and -eel options to further customiCe your Tiki.

-dding 8od%'es
?f you recall the parts of Tiki( youBll remember that modu&es are the small of information that appear in the left and right columns of e ery page. These modules are a great ,ay to ha e important information a ailable to your isitors. Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

TikiBs base installation includes more than

:$ pre"configured modules

. &etBs add one no,T Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To beginT 4. -rom the Ad#in menu in the *enu module( select Ad#in B Modu'es. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Select the *odules option. Tip 0ou can also access the Ad#in: Modu'es page by using the Modu'es button ( ) in the Cui!k Ad#in area. ;. An the !dminT *odules page( select the Assigned #odu'es tab( then click Add Modu'e.

%se the !ssigned *odules tab to add a ne, module. #. ?n the !ssign ne, module area( use the Modu'e 1a#e field to select the 7n'ine 5sers module. This module ,ill display the names of all currently logged in users. ?t is a nice ,ay to let your siteBs isitors see ,ho else is online.

Selecting the Anline %sers module. Tiki loads the module information reloads the page( sho,ing a pre ie, of the module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can no, configure the module. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the 8asi! tabT *ositionT Select 'e"t. 0ou ,ill add this module to the left column. 7rderT Select H. This ,ill place the ne, module abo e the menu. GroupsT Select (egistered( so that only isitors ,ho ha e logged in ,ill be able to see the module. 8ote 0ou can use the other fields to customiCe the module. -or e.ample( to change the title of the module to something else( use the Modu'e Tit'e field. See the Tiki)iki documentation for details on the a ailable

parameters. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the Appearan!e tabT ,'ipT Type $. This ,ill include the (Toggle icon) in the module( allo,ing you to FrollupF the module. 8ote This is identical to the functionality on the *enu module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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7. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The Anline %sers module no, appears in the left column.

The Anline %sers module lists the name of each currently logged in user. Right no,( only the ad#in (thatBs you) is sho,n. 8ote ?f the module does not appear( you may need to clear your bro,serBs cache( or click C'ear !a!he to clear TikiBs cache. Then refresh the page. 8otice that your username (ad#in) is a link. Clicking it ,ill display your %ser ?nformation page. /ach registered user can configure their profile to be public or pri ate. Tip Remember( you assigned the Anline %sers module for (egistered users. ?f you log out( youBll see that the module is no longer isible. 1y assigning modules to specific groups( you can restrict ,hich groups see ,hich information. Tiki also has an option to o erride the group assignment of modules and( instead( sho, all modules to all,ays.


Remo ing modules is easy. 4. An the !dminT *odules page( click the Assigned #odu'es tab. ;. Click the tab of the area that contains the module to remo e (such as Top( 6e"t( or (ight. Tip %se the 1o tabs button to sho, a&& module locations at once. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !ssigned modules are of the !dminT *odules page sho,s currently displayed modules (for the left and right columns). #. Click the Tip 1y clicking up ( ) or down ( re"order the isible modules. ) for a specific module( you can for the module to delete.

%O.IN- %OD"(ES

To mo e a module( simply click"and"drag the module to its ne, location. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Starting in Tiki 9( you can add modules toT Top or bottom bars Top or bottom of pages &eft or right columns

&ater( you ,ill learn to create custom modules. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Config%ring the /eat%res

8o, that you ha e enabled se eral Tiki features for your site( it is time to configure them.

)iki 1logs -orums !rticles -ile +alleries ?mage +alleries )arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases.

'olls 'ermissions *enus

This represents a small set of TikiBs features. See

the Tiki)iki

documentation for a complete list of features. 8ote Since this guide (and site) is a ,iki( ? hope to continually add additional features to this section. 1e sure to check out my other Tiki guides for help ,ith other features. !dditional features are co ered in the CustomiCing Tiki Style and !d anced Tiki -eatures sections. Tip 0ou can use Tiki 'rofiles to 3uickly and easily configure a group of features( called a profi&e. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 1!1 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Config%ring &iki Options

TikiBs ,iki is fully customiCable. There are more than 96 different ,iki options that you can turn on or off. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To beginT 4. -rom the !dministration page( click Wiki . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;wiki in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The !dministrationT )iki page contains all of the options for your ,iki pages. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the ,iki options on the !dministrationT )iki page. #. ?f your Tiki is non"/nglish( you must change the Wiki 'ink "or#at to select the proper character set for internal ,iki links. 5. ?n the 9dit area( enable the follo,ing optionsT Warn on 9dit Con"'i!tT ?f t,o (or more) users attempt to edit the same ,iki page at the same time( there could be problems. Tiki ,ill ,arn each user if they try to edit a ,iki page that someone is already editing. 6. Click the ,eatures tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the ,iki options on the !dministrationT )iki page. 7. ?n the Wiki ,eatures area( enable the follo,ing optionsT SandboxT The Sandbo. is a special ,iki page. 0ou (and your users) can edit this page to learn the Tiki ,iki synta.. 8o ersions of the page are retained( so you donBt ha e to ,orry about spam. Co##ents be'ow Wiki pagesT This allo,s registered users to add comments to the page (,ithout actually editing the ,iki page). 0ou can further customiCe Tiki by specifying if the comments should be displayed by default and ho, they are ordered. 0ou can o erride this setting on a page"by"page basis. *i!turesT This allo,s you to upload pictures and images to a ,iki page. 1y default( uploaded pictures ,ill be stored in the -ile +allery. 8a!k'inksT F1acklinksF are a list of ,iki pages that link to a specific page. Tiki can automatically keep this list of incoming links up"to" date. 0ou can customiCe the length (number of characters) displayed in the backlink drop list. This can be useful if you ha e ery long page names. &ea e the remaining options as their default. 9. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the settings and reloads the page. 8ote 0ou can use the !dminT Te.t !rea for all ,iki te.t areas. page to configure additional features

8ote Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation configuration options.

for complete information on all the ,iki


Creating a )iki 'age Creating 'ages from &inks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages 'age %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. !dding 'ictures Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding &inks

Creating a &iki Page

Currently( your Tiki has a single ,iki page (named =o#e*age). This page ,as created automatically ,hen you used the Tiki)iki installation program. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

The initial( system"system created( @ome'age page( as an !nonymous isitor. This default page contains useful information and links for ne, sites. 0our siteBs isitors (those ,ith the necessary permissions) can create additional ,iki Print date: Oct 15, !1

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pages. Since you are currently logged in as the ad#in you can also create ne, ,iki pages. There are multiple methods to create a ne, ,iki pageT Creating 'ages from &inks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages 'age %sing the 2uick /dit *odule

Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates these methods.

C$E&TIN- & *I#I P&-E B) C$E&TIN- & (IN# $O% &N E/ISTIN- P&-E

)iki pages are all about links S it is one of the primary ,ays of na igating a ,ebsiteT hyperlinks. 0ou can create ne, ,iki pages simply by creating a link from any e.isting page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To beginT 4. Click =o#e in the *enu module to return to @ome page. ;. Click the 9dit icon ( 8ote 1e sure to click the /dit icon ( ).

) at t!e top of t!e page S this ) ,ill

allo,s you to edit the entire page. The other /dit buttons ( edit on&y the specific section. See the for more information on this feature. Tiki Documentation Print date: Oct 15, !1

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1e sure to select the correct /dit button. The /dit page appears. Tip 0ou can also edit a ,iki page by clicking the 9dit this page button at the bottom of the page. #. Delete all of the te.t in the 9dit *age tab( then typeT ((MyNewPage)) 8ote The use of parenthesis around a ,ord( tells Tiki to make that ,ord a link. 0ouBll learn more( later( about adding links. Tip 8otice that the Tiki coloriCes the te.t you added. 1y default( Tiki ,ill automatically highlight all ,iki synta. and codes. Click Change =igh'ighter to change this beha ior.

/diting the @ome'age page. 5. ?n the +es!ribe the !hanges $ou #ade field( enter a short description of your edit such asT Testing the wiki. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 1!5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This information is helpful ,hen ie,ing page history. 8ote The Monitor this page option appears because you enabled the Wat!hes feature. ?f you select this option( Tiki ,ill send you an email notification each time someone edits the page. 6. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page and reloads the @ome page.

The @ome'age ,ith a ne,ly created link. 8ote The 8ote that appears at the top of the page is for information only and ,ill not display for the ne.t isitor ,ho ie,s the page. 1ecause there is no actual page named M$1ew*age( it is a broken link. Tiki indicates broken links by the : (3uestion mark). Ah noI 0our brand ne, ,ebsite already has a broken linkI ?t is a good thing that it is easy to fi.. Click the : on the @ome page. Tiki automatically creates a page named M$1ew*age and displays its /dit page. Type some te.t in the 9dit area and click Sa e. Tiki sa es the page and reloads the *y8e,'age page.

The ne,ly created pageT *y8e,'age. 8ote Creating ne, ,iki pages by using this method (creating links from e.iting pages) a oids the problem of orp!an pages# !n orphan is a ,iki page that is not linked to any other page.


Remember the 8a!k'inks option that you enabled ,hen configuring the )iki Print date: Oct 15, !1

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optionsR F1acklinksF are e.actly ,hat they sound like S links back to different ,iki pages. Tiki automatically keeps track of e ery ,iki link.

See the 8a!k'inks

drop"do,n list at the top of the *y8e,'age pageR

The 1acklinks button is maintained automatically by Tiki. -rom this 1acklinks list( select @ome'age. Tiki loads the @ome'age page. 8otice that the 3uestion mark is gone. Since you created the page( the link is no longer brokenI

The link to *y8e,'age is no longer brokenG the 3uestion mark is gone.

8ote The style of the link is determined by the t!eme. See Changing Themes for more information.


0ou can also create a ne, ,iki page by using the Create Wiki *age tab on the &ist )iki 'ages page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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To beginT 4. -rom the !dmin menu( select Wiki B Create a Wiki *age. The Create a )iki 'age tab of the )iki 'ages page appears. Tip 0ou can also access the this tab by selecting Wiki B 6ist *ages from the menu.

The Create a )iki 'age tab. ;. /nter the name of the page to create and click Create *age. Tiki displays the /dit page( as before. 8ote Tiki allo,s page names to contain spaces (such as Another *age. Tiki automatically encodes the space( as needed( for use in the pageBs %R&. ?n fact( you can use nearly any character( e.cept Ea#pG (ampersand)( in a page name. To use non"/nglish characters in ,iki page names( change the Wiki 6ink ,or#at option on the !dministrationT )iki page. 'age names can be up to 47$ characters long. Tip ?f you enter the name of a page that already e.ists( Tiki ,ill allo, you to edit the page (instead of creating a ne, page). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating another ,iki page. #. Type some te.t in the /dit area and click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page. 8ote 8otice that the Tiki code highlighter automatica&&y bolds the te.t indicated by the ,iki synta..

The ne,ly created ,iki page.

8otice that there is no 8a!k'ink list on this page. This page is an orp!an S there are no incoming links to this page. 0ou fi. this in a fe, moments by !dding &inks.


Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. !nother method of creating ,iki pages is by using the 2uick /dit module. 0ou can add this module to the left column( using the same procedure as before( ,hen you added the )ho ?s There module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8ote !ssign the 2uick /dit module to the Registered user group S unless you ,ant anonymous isitors to be able to create ne, ,iki pages.

The 2uick /dit module( in the left column.

4. ?n the Cui!k edit a Wiki page module( typeT Another Page and click 9dit. 8ote Tiki allo,s page names to contain spaces (such as Another *age. Tiki automatically encodes the space( as needed( for use in the pageBs %R&. ?n fact( you can use nearly any character( e.cept Ea#pG (ampersand)( in a page name. To use non"/nglish characters in ,iki page names( change the Wiki 6ink ,or#at option on the !dministrationT )iki page. 'age names can be up to 47$ characters long. Tip 8otice that as you type the name of the page( Tiki displays a list of similarly named pages. ?f you enter the name of a page that already e.ists( Tiki ,ill allo, you to edit the page (instead of creating a ne, page). ;. Tiki creates the page Another *age and displays its /dit page. !gain( type some te.t in the 9dit area and click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page and loads the Another *age page.

The !nother 'age ,iki page( created from the 2uick /dit module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8otice that there is no 8a!k'ink list on this page. This page is an orp!an S there are no incoming links to this page. 0ou fi. this in a fe, moments by !dding &inks.

,nderstanding &iki Synta>

To format and style the te.t in a ,iki page( you use wiki synta3# This synta. is similar to @T*& or other markup languages. 8ote Starting in (e'ease I.x (and impro ed ,ith each release) Tiki also includes a )0S?)0+ (,hat you see is ,hat you get) editor that can be enabled on the !dminT Te.t !rea page. -or earlier ersions( additional customiCation is re3uired to implement )0S?)0+ capabilities. Starting in (e'ease Jx( Tiki includes ,iki synta. code highlighting ( ia Code*irror ). This pro ides near")0S?)0+ display ,hen using ,iki synta..


)iki Synta. %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp

*I#I S)NT&/

The Tiki ,iki synta. consists of special notation that must be placed before and after the ,ords that you ,ant to format. The follo,ing table lists the ,iki synta. for some common te.t formattingT Wiki S$ntax HHte.tHH 8o'd (t,o underscores) BBte.tBB Ita&ic (t,o single 3uotes) %nderline [[[te.t[[[ ,or#at Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can use TikiBs ,iki synta. to maintain complete control o er ho, your te.t ,ill look. 0ou can also create heading le els by using K. -or e.ampleT
!First level heading !! econd level heading

,ill produceT

/irst 'e"e' heading


0ou can create co&&apsib&e headings by by placing % (opened by default) or 4 (closed by default) in front of the heading te.t. -or e.ampleT
!!!!"eading open The heading is open# by de$a%lt. !!!&"eading closed The heading is collapsed (closed) by de$a%lt.

,ill produceT


b"c The heading is open( by default.


b=c The heading is collapsed (closed) by default. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 11. Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

! complete list of TikiBs ,iki synta. is a ailable from the Tiki online help and in the Tiki documentation . ?n addition to the standard ,iki synta.( you can use Tiki 'lugins to create custom formats. 8ote 0ou can also include some standard @T*& codes in Tiki ,iki pages if you ha e enabled the A''ow =TM6 option on the !dministrationT )iki page. @o,e er( enabling this option may present a potential security liability to your site S users could potentially inDect @T*& functions into your ,ebsite.

Release :.. Release 9.. .


1y default( Tiki enables the code highlighter for ,iki synta.. 0ou can change this by use the Change =igh'ighter button ,hen editing a ,iki page. 4. )hile editing a ,iki page( click Change =igh'ighter.The Change @ighligher popup ,indo, appears Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,ie'd *ode Theme &ine numbers &ine ,rapping

Changing the highlighter ;. %se the follo,ing table to enter information in each field on the ,indo,. +es!ription +e"au't tiki default enabled #. Click 5pdate

To disable the code highligher( click Togg'e =igh'igher on the edit page. 8ote -or complete details on TikiBs code highlighter( see Tiki Documentation .


)ith the Tiki Too'bar( you can 3uickly apply ,iki formats to your te.t. The Toolbar appears in the /dit area of the /dit page. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 113 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

8ote ?n earlier Tiki releases( these buttons ,ere called 1uicktags. Release >.. Release 9.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Click 9dit. The /dit page appears. The toolbar appears abo e the /dit area.

The Toolbars appear in the /dit area. 8ote 0ou can optionally configure additional ro,s of toolbars and customiCe ,hich buttons appear in each toolbar on the !dminT Toolbars page. See CustomiCing Toolbars for more information.

Try using the 2uicktags to add ,iki synta.. Click the 1old button automatically adds the ,iki synta. to the /dit areaT HHte.tHH. 0ou can also use the 2uicktags buttons to apply ,iki synta. to selected te.tT 4. ?n the /dit area( typeT This is ita'i! ;. @ighlight the ,ord ita'i! and click the ?talic 3uicktag

. Tiki


Tiki automatically applies the ,iki synta. for underline to the ,ordT ''ita'i!''. )hen using the code highlighter( Tiki ,ill highlight the ,iki synta. and display the resulting code in the edit ,indo,T Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The code highlighter displays ,iki synta. and )0S?)0+ representation.


Tiki includes a help system that e.plains each of the 2uicktags( as ,ell as the a ailable plugins. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

Click the Wiki =e'p button (

) on the Toolbar.

!ccessing the /diting help. The ,iki help displays in a pop"up ,indo, ,ith t,o sectionsT )iki helpT Displays a list of the a ailable Toolbar buttons and other common formatting synta.. 'lugin helpT Displays the a ailable plugins. See %sing 'lugins for details on Print date: Oct 15, !1

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using the /dit @elp to easily add plugins to ,iki pages.

The )iki help defines each button on the Toolbar and other common ,iki synta..

Tip 0ou can customiCe the a ailable 2uicktags( as ,ell as create your o,n tags. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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-dding Pict%res
Remember enabling the 5se pi!tures option as part of configuring the ,ikiR &etBs add a picture to the @ome page. 8ote Anly users ,ith the necessary permission can add pictures to ,iki pages. *ore on configuring user permissions later. Since you are logged in as the Ad#in( you ha e the necessary permission. ?n addition to adding pictures by uploading them (as described here)( you can also select files that ha e already uploaded. See %sing -iles in )iki 'ages for more information. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To beginT 4. An the @ome page( click 9dit. The /dit page appears. ;. Click the Choose or up'oad i#ages button ( ). The %pload -ile ,indo, appears. 8ote Starting in Tiki #..( uploaded images for ,iki pages are stored in a -ile +allery by default. 0ou can change this beha ior by changing the 5se ,i'e Ga''eries to store pi!tures option on ,eatures tab of the !dministrationT )iki page.

Select a picture to upload. Tip Click Ad0an!ed Mode to include additional a custom title or description for the image file. #. Click 8rowse and select an image from your 'C. 5. Click 5p'oad. !fter successfully uploading the file( Tiki sho,s you a thumbnail of the image (generated automatically). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our uploaded picture Tip 0ou can specify the siCe of the thumbnail ,hen Configuring -ile +alleries. Click Additiona' &n"o to display the necessary @T*& and ,iki code to use this image in a page. 6. Click the C'i!k here to insert link. Tiki closes the %pload ,indo, and automatically inserts the necessary ,iki synta. to the /dit areaT 'i(g $ile)d*+,+ th%(b*+y+ alt*++ rel*+bo-.g/+0 7. An the /dit page( click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information( and reloads the page ,ith the picture.

The @ome'age page( ,ith the ne,ly added picture. 8ote Remember( only user groups ,ith the correct permissions ,ill be able to ie, images from the file gallery. See !nonymous 'ermissions for more information. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!fter adding a picture( you can customiCe ho, the image appears on the ,iki page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the @ome'ageT 4. Click the *'ugin edit button ( ). The ?mage 'lugin ,indo, appears. 8ote ?f the *'ugin edit button is not isible( click the Togg'e edit i!ons button at the top of the page.

/diting a picture. ;. %se the ?mage 'lugin ,indo, to edit any of the attributes for the image. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/diting the picture. #. ?n the A'ign i#age b'o!k field select (ight. 5. Click Sub#it. Tiki reloads the @ome'age S notice that the image is no, aligned to the right side of the page.

8o, the picture is on the right side. See ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins for more information on using the 'lugin editor and help.

See the Tiki documentation for complete information (including a ailable options) for using images in ,iki pages. Tip 1ro,se the 'reloaded ?mages listing for many useful icons and images preloaded in Tiki that you can simply use. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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-dding =inks
@yperte.t links are the primary method of na igating a ,eb page. 8ote Tiki can also create semantic links (relationships) bet,een ,iki pages. See the Tiki Documentation for details.

Do you remember ho, you added a link from =o#e*age to M$1ew*ageR Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #..( ;.. Release 4.>.. ?nstead of e.plicitly adding the parenthesis around the page name( you can use TikiBs )iki)ords option (,hich you can enable on the !dministrationT )iki page) to automatica&&y create links to ,iki pages by using F)iki)ords.F 8ote TikiBs F)iki)ordsF synta. is sometimes called FCamel Case.F ?t means ,riting ,ords ,ith upper" and lo,er"case lettersG ,ith no space bet,een the ,ords( as you did ,hen typing M$1ew*age.

*I#I (IN#S

The page Another *age has a space in its name S you cannot use ,iki ,ords to create the link. To create a link to this pageT 4. Click =o#e in the *enu module to return to the @ome'age. ;. Click 9dit to edit the @ome'age. #. ?n the /dit area( after the te.t M$1ew*age( press /nter and typeT ((Another Page)) Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding a link to another page. Tip %se the Wiki 6ink button interface. to add a link by using the Tiki help

!dding a link by using the )iki &ink button. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page( and reloads the @ome'age.

The @ome'age page no, has a link to the !nother 'age page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Click the link to go to the Another *age. 8otice that the Another *age no, has a backlink S it is no longer an orphan. Remember( Tiki does this automatica&&y# %se the backlink to return to the @ome page.


1y default( the page name (in this case( Another *age) is the name of the link. 1ut you can easily change this link description. 4. Click 9dit to edit the @ome'age. ;. ?n the /dit area( after the te.t Another *age( press /nter and typeT ((Another Page12lick "ere)) to visit another page. #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page( and reloads the @ome'age.

The @ome'age page no, has another link to the !nother 'age page. The ,ords C'i!k =ere are no, the link to the page Another *age. Tip The ((pagena#eLdes!ription)) is the Tiki ,iki synta. for creating a ,iki link.

E/TE$N&( (IN#S

0ou can also link to pages that are any,here on the internet. The Auto6inks feature (enabled by default) allo,s Tiki to automatically turn te.t that starts ,ith http: or www into a link. 8ote 1y default( Tiki assumes the link to be http: . ?f you ,ant to use a different type of link (such as an -T' location)( you must e.plicitly include the "tp: . Print date: Oct 15, !1

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4. Click 9dit to edit the @ome'age. ;. ?n the /dit area( typeT This is a link to 3oogle4 #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page( and reloads the @ome'age.

The @ome'age page no, has a link to +oogle. 8ote 8otice that Tiki)iki adds the /.ternal &ink icon ( ) to the link. 0ou can configure this beha ior by ,ith the 5se externa' 'ink i!ons option on the !dministrationT )iki page. 0ou can add a link description to an e.ternal link in the same ,ay that you added one to a ,iki link. 4. Click 9dit to edit the @ome'age. ;. ?n the /dit area( typeT .http4// "ere/ to visit 5ahoo! #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page( and reloads the @ome'age. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The @ome'age page no, has a link to 0ahooI

The ,ords C'i!k =ere are no, the link to the www.$ahoo.!o#. Tip The Mur'Ldes!riptionN is the Tiki ,iki synta. for creating an e.ternal link. See the Tiki documentation pages. for complete information on creating links in ,iki


To create a link to your ,iki page from another source (such as another ,ebsite or an email) use this format http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4index.php:page;wiki page name

-or e.ample( to create a link to the Another *age ,iki page( use http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4index.php:page;Another%*age

8ote ?f you use TikiBs default .hta!!ess file to create S/-%R& (Search /ngine -riendly %R&s)( you can construct your incoming links as simplyT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# wiki page name Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

See the

Tiki Documentation

for details.

Config%ring the ?'ogs

&ike its other features( TikiBs blogs are fully customiCable. 0ou can ha e as many different blogs on your site as you ,ant. Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click 8'og . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT 1log page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;b'og in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The !dministrationT 1logs page lists all the options to customiCe your Tiki blogging system. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the blog options on the !dministrationT 1log page. #. An the Genera' Settings tab( in the Comments area( enable the Co##ents on b'og posts feature. This ,ill allo, isitors to post comments to each of your blog entries. 0ou can also specify the ma.imum number of comments to sho, per page and default sorting order of the comments. &ea e the other options as their default setting. 8ote Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation for complete information on all the blog configuration options. 5. An the 8'ogs 6isting tab( you can specify ,hich fields appear( ,hen listing the blogs on your site. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring the blog listings 6. &ea e the options as their default setting. 7. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

=isting the ?'ogs

To ie, all of the blogs on your siteT Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the menuT 4. Select 8'ogs B 6ist 8'ogs.

Select &ist 1logs from the 1log menu in the *enu module. ;. The &ist 1logs page sho,s the current blogs. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The &ist 1logs page sho,s the blogs on your site. Right no, there are noneI The isible columns in the listing are determined by the options you selected on the 8'og 'istings tab.

&etBs create a ne, blog.


Creating a 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs to )iki 'ages

Create a 7e* ?'og

1efore you can start ,riting blog posts( you ha e to create... a b&og. Release >.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.> -rom the &ist 1logs pageT 4. Click Create new b'og. Tip 0ou can also create a ne, blog by selecting Create 9dit 8'og in the 1log menu of the *enu module. ;. %se the Create 1log page to create a ne, blog. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Create 1log page configures the settings for this specific blog. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Tit'eT /nter a name for the blog. +es!riptionT /nter a more detailed description of your blog. A''ow sear!hT /nable this option to include a blog"specific search field for the blog. A''ow Co##entsT /nable this option to allo, isitors to post comments to the blog posts. &ea e the other options as their defaults. 5. %se the +isp'a$ 7ptions to specify additional options for the blog( including custom headers for the blog and its posts. 8ote ?f you enabled the Custo# b'og headings option on the Configuring 1logs page( you can add additional Smarty and X@T*& markup. 1y default( Tiki sho,sT The name of the blog and its description The date of the blogBs creation and last post Some stats including total number of posts and isits )arning 0ou can also include Smarty markup in the blog header as ,ell. @o,e er( if your Smarty markup is in alid( your blogs may not appear properly and you ,ill ha e to edit the database( directly( to fi. the problem. %se Smarty markup ,ith care. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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6. Click Sa0e to sa e the blog.

8o, that you ha e a blog( you can post to it.

Creating a ?'og Post

%se this procedure to create a blog post. Remember( your Tiki must ha e at least one blog before you can create a blog post. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the &ist 1logs pageT 4. Click the *ost button

The &ist 1logs page no, sho,s your ne,ly created blog. ;. %se the 8e, 'ost page to create your blog entry. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8o, you can ,rite your blog post. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the pageT Tit'eT /nter a title for this blog post. 8od$T Type your blog entry here. 0ou can use the same ,iki synta.( including the 2uicktags you used pre iously in the ,iki. 5. To add an image click the Choose or up'oad i#ages button ( ). This procedure is identical to adding an image in a ,iki page. 8ote ?n prior Tiki ersions( you must first Sa,e the blog post( then upload images using the blog"specific image uploader. 0ou can still use this process if you are not using the -ile +allery feature. See Release #.. for details. 6. !fter adding an image( click Sa0e. Tiki sa es your entry and displays the blog post. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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CongratulationsI @ere is your first blog post( ,ith an image.

$isp'aying ?'ogs in 8od%'es

0ou can display lists of blogs (such as the the most recently blog entry and most popular blog) in a module. This pro ides isibility to ne, items on your ,ebsite. @ere( you ,ill create a list of the last (most recent) blog posts( so isitors can see your acti e blogs. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select Ad#in B Modu'es. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin *odules page by clicking Modu'es in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. An the Assigned Modu'es tab( click Add Modu'e. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding a ne, module. Tip 0ou can also add a ne, module by clicking the A'' Modu'es tab( then dragging the selected module into position. #. ?n the Assign new #odu'e area( select 1ewest b'og posts as the Modu'e na#e. This module ,ill display the ne,est (most recently added) blog posts.

The !ssign ne, module area of the !dmin *odules page. Tiki reloads the page( sho,ing the options for the selected module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The 1asic tab of the !ssign ne, module area of the !dmin *odules page. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the 8asi! tabT *ositionT Select right. 0ou ,ill add this module to the right column. 7rderT Select -. The &ogin module is already on the right column in the top"most position. GroupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that a&& isitors can see the module. Tip 0ou can use this setting to FhideF modules and make them isible only to selected groups. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the Appearan!e tabT (owsT /nter H. 8o, the module ,ill display the H most recently added blog posts. 7. Click *re0iew. Tiki reloads the page and sho,s you a pre ie, of the module

This is ,hat the module ,ill look like. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8ote Since you only ha e 4 blog post( the module only lists 4 item. 9. ?f e erything looks good( click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The 8e,est 1log 'osts module no, appears in the right column( under the &ogin module.

The 8e,est 1log 'osts module in the right column.

8ote 0ou may ha e to click !'ear !a!he on the !dmin *odules page.

See the Tiki)iki documentation a ailable blog modules.

for information on all the

$isp'aying ?'ogs in &iki Pages

?n addition to sho,ing blogs on the main blog listing page( you can also display blogs directly in a ,iki page. @ere( you ,ill add links to the FtopF blogs (based on number of posts) to a ,iki page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the @ome pageT 4. Click the Another *age link. 0ou ,ill add articles to this page. ;. Click 9dit. The /dit page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se the *AD%&/ plugin to add the Top !cti e 1logs module. #. An the /dit page( in the 9dit area typeT '(od%le (od%le*+top6active6blogs+0 8ote This is an e.ample of using the Tiki *AD%&/ plugin

. The *AD%&/ plugin allo,s you to embed any module into a ,iki page. OM7+569P is a Tiki plugin to display a module. #odu'e;Btop3a!ti0e3b'ogs specifies to embed the Top !cti e 1logs module. Tip 0ou can use the 'lugin help to easily customiCe the *AD%&/ pluginT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%sing the 'lugin help to insert the *AD%&/ plugin. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the Another *age.

The !nother 'age page no, includes a list of the top blogs. 8ote ?f Tiki displays the *'ugin exe!ution pending appro0a' message( you must appro e the plugin before it can be sho,. See !ppro ing 'lugins for more information.

Anly one blog is sho,n( because you ha e only created one blog. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

See the Tiki documentation using the *AD%&/ plugin.

for complete information on

Config%ring the /or%ms

&ike its other features( TikiBs forums are fully customiCable. 0ou can ha e as many different forums on your site as you ,ant. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click ,oru# . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT -orums page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;"oru#s in your ,eb bro,ser. The !dministrationT -orums page contains all the options to customiCe your Tiki forums. These options apply to a&& forums on your Tiki. ;. Click the Genera' Settings tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the forum options on the !dministrationT -orum page. #. ?n the ,eatures area( select the follo,ing optionsT A!!ept wiki s$ntaxT This ,ill allo, you to use the same ,iki synta. (that you used ,hen creating a ,iki page) in the forums. Cui!k Qu#psT This allo,s you to 3uickly mo e bet,een different forums and threads. 5. ?n the Threads area( select the follo,ing optionsT +e"au't st$'eT Change to Threaded. This ,ill cause Tiki to sho, forum replies indented under its parent. +e"au't sort #odeT Select 1ewest "irst. 6. ?n the Sear!hes area( enable the follo,ing optionsT ,oru# na#e sear!h ,oru# !ontent sear!h. 7. &ea e the other options as their default setting. 8ote Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation for complete information on all the forum configuration options. 9. %se the ,oru#s 6isting tab to specify ,hat properties appear( ,hen Tiki lists the forms.

Configuring the forums listing. :. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The forums are no, configured. 4. Apen the -orum menu in the *enu module and click 6ist ,oru#s. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Select the &ist -orums option in the -orums menu. ;. The &ist -orums page sho,s the current forums.

The &ist -orums page sho,s the forums on your site. Right no, there are noneI 8ote %se the ,oru#s 6isting tab to determine ,hich columns appear ,hen listing the forums.

&etBs create a ne, forum.


Creating a -orum Creating a Thread Replying to Topics *oderating -orums Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )ikis 'ages

Create a 7e* /or%m

1efore you can start ,riting forum threads and messages( you ha e to create.... a forum. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select ,oru#s B Ad#in ,oru#s. Tip Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can also click the Ad#in ,oru#s button on the -orums listing ;. An the !dmin -orums page( click the Create 9dit ,oru#s tab. #. %se the Create -orums tab to create a ne, forum. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Create 8e, forum page configures the setting for this specific forum. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT 1a#eT /nter a name for the forum. +es!riptionT /nter a more detailed description of this forum. Show +es!riptionT Select this option. 8o, the forumBs description ,ill appear ,hen users display the list of forums on the site. *re0ent ,'oodingT Select this option( then select R #in. This re3uires users to ,ait at least t,o minutes bet,een posts. This ,ill help reduce automated postings from spammers. Moderator GroupT Select the -orum !dmins group that you created earlier. Remember( you ga e that group the necessary permissions to administer the forum. Tip !s you type the group name( Tiki ,ill attempt to find all groups that match. &ea e the remaining options as their default. 6. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 0our ne,ly created forum is listed on the ,oru#s tabT

0our ne, forum is sho,n at the bottom of the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating a /or%m #hread

! FthreadF is a group of forum messages about a topic S a post and its replies. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select ,oru#s B 6ist ,oru#s. Right no, there is only one forum S the one you Dust created. ;. An the &ist forum page( click the forum name.

The list forums page sho,s the forum you Dust created. #. The -orum page lists all the topics (and their threads) in the forum. Since this is a ne, forum( Tiki tells you that there are no topics to display.

The -orum page lists all topics in the forum and allo,s you to create ne, topics. 8ote The *oderator !ctions toolbar appears because you are logged in as the !dmin. Regular users ,ill not see this area. 5. Click 1ew Topi! to create a ne, topic. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se the form to create a ne, forum post. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the pageT Tit'eT /nter a title for the post. 9ditT /nter the body of the post here. Remember( you enabled the 5se wiki s$ntax option earlier. 0ou can use the regular ,iki synta.( including 2uicktags( ,hen ,riting a forum topic. Wat!h "or rep'iesT 1y default( the Send #e an e4#ai' when so#eone rep'ies to #$ topi! option is selected. This allo,s you to monitor the thread. Tiki ,ill send you an email each time another user responds to your post. 8ote 0ou ,ill learn about thread types later. 7. Click *ost. Tiki sa es the posts and displays the -orum post page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our post is sho,n on the forum page. The post contains the follo,ing iconsUoptionsT /dit the post. Delete the post. Report the post to the moderator. Stop ,atching (monitoring) the post. ?f you did not select the Wat!h "or rep'ies option( you ,ould be able to select the (*onitor) icon to begin monitoring the post. 0ou can also *rint this post ( ) or *rint the entire thread ( ).

&n this se!tion

Replying to Topics Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware $EP()IN- TO TOPICS

8o, that you ha e a topic (a single post) in the forum( you can add a reply and create a Fthread.F Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select ,oru#s B 6ist ,oru#s. ;. The &ist -orums page appears( sho,ing the e.isting forum and its latest (most recent) post.

The post you created is sho,n on the -orums page. #. Click the name of the forum. The -orum page sho,s all the posts in the forum.

!ll posts in the forum. 5. Click the title of topic. Tiki displays the complete post. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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This forum has only a single post. 6. To reply to this post (and create a thread)( click (ep'$. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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)hen posting a reply( Tiki automatically 3uotes the original message. 7. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the 'ost a reply areaT Tit'eT 1y default( all the title for a forum post reply ,ill be (e: the original title. 0ou can change the title. 8ote %se the +o not pre"ix #essage tit'es with (e: option on the !dministrationT -orumsR page to control this feature. (ep'$T 1y default( Tiki ,ill 3uote (that is( include) the original post in your reply. 0ou can edit or trim the original message in your reply( as needed. 8ote %se the (ep'$ posts are e#pt$ option on the !dministrationT -orums Print date: Oct 15, !1

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page to control this feature. !s before( you can use the ,iki synta. and 2uicktags ,hen creating your reply. 9. Click *ost. Tiki sa es your reply and reloads the page.

The -orum page no, sho,s the original post and your reply. %se the Threads *re"eren!es options on the !dministrationT -orums page to specify the default listing options for the replies (such as ne,est first). The Moderator A!tions toolbar appears because you are currently logged in as the administrator. These options allo, you to moderate the thread( or mo e the replies to a different topic. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8oderating /or%ms
Sometimes( you may need to moderate a forum. This may in ol e remo ing off topic or inappropriate posts( or mo ing posts from one forum to another. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. &og out as the admin( and log back in as the user you created earlier (and assigned to the -orum !dmins group). 4. -rom the *enu( select ,oru# B 6ist ,oru#s. ;. Select the forum you created. #. The *oderator actions area( contains special features for forum moderators.

Select a topic( then click a moderator action. %sing this toolbar( you can select topics in the forum andT *o e ( ) a topic from one forum to another. 8ote This button appears only if you ha e more than one forum. &ock ( Delete ( *erge ( ) (or unlock( ) a topic. ) t,o (or more) topics into a single topic. ) a topic Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware %ODE$&TIN- TOPICS &ND TH$E&DS

!s a forum moderator( you can also control specific posts and threads. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the -orum pageT 4. Click the topic title. Tiki displays the topic and its reply.

0ou can moderate specific posts and replies. ;. 0ou can use the *oderator actions toolbar to delete a specific post or mo e it to a different forum. #. !s the forum administrator( you can also edit (or delete) any topic or reply. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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$isp'aying /or%ms in 8od%'es

Do you remember ho, you added a module to display blog posts in the right columnR 0ou can do the same thing for forum posts. This allo,s your siteBs isitors to 3uickly see ne, topics and threads. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.> -rom the *enuT 4. Select Ad#in B Modu'es. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin *odules page by clicking Modu'es in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. An the Assigned #odu'es tab of the !dmin *odules page( click Add Modu'e. #. ?n the Assign new #odu'e area( select the 1ewest ,oru# *osts module as the Modu'e 1a#e. This module ,ill display the ne,est (most recently added) posts to the forums.

The !ssign ne, module area of the !dmin *odules page. Tiki reloads the page. The Assign new #odu'es area no, sho,s additional options( specific to the selected module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!fter selecting the module( Tiki displays additional( module"specific options. 5. An the 8asi! tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT *ositionT Select (ight. 0ou ,ill add this module to the right column. 7rderT Select -S. The blog module that you added earlier is in position 6. This ,ill place the forum module under the blog module. Tip !l,ays gi e yourself e.tra spaces bet,een module ordering. This ,ill help if you later ,ant to insert a ne, module. GroupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that a&& isitors can see the module. Tip 0ou can use this setting to FhideF modules and make them isible only to selected groups. 6. An the Appearan!e tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT (owsT /nter H. 8o, the module ,ill display the H most recently added forum posts. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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7. Click *re0iew. 9. ?f e erything looks good( click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The 8e,est -orum 'osts module no, appears in the right column( under the blog module.

The &ast -orum 'osts module appears in the right column( belo, the blog module.

8ote 0ou may ha e to click !'ear !a!he on the !dmin *odules page. See the Tiki documentation for information on all the a ailable forum modules.

$isp'aying /or%ms in &iki Pages

0ou can use the *odule plugin to display forum information in a ,iki page (Dust like you did ,ith the blog). @ere( you ,ill add a list of the top forum posters (the users ,ho ha e posted the most topics to the forum) to a ,iki page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the @ome pageT 4. Click the Another *age link. 0ou ,ill add articles to this page. ;. Click 9dit. The /dit page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se the *AD%&/ plugin to add the Top -orum 'osters module. #. An the /dit page( in the 9dit area typeT '(od%le (od%le*+top6$or%(6posters+0 8ote This is an e.ample of using the Tiki *AD%&/ plugin . The *AD%&/ plugin allo,s you to embed any module into a ,iki page. OM7+569P is a Tiki plugin to display a module. #odu'e;B?top3"oru#3posters? specifies to embed the Top ,oru# *osters module. Tip 0ou can use the 'lugin help to easily customiCe the *AD%&/ pluginT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%sing the 'lugin help to insert the *AD%&/ plugin. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the Another *age.

The !nother 'age page no, includes a list of the top users. 8ote ?f Tiki displays the *'ugin exe!ution pending appro0a' message( you must appro e the plugin before it can be sho,. See !ppro ing 'lugins for more information.

See the Tiki documentation plugin.

for complete information on using the *AD%&/ Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Config%ring the -rtic'es

TikiBs Arti!'e feature allo,s you to post date"sensiti e material (such as ne,s items or notices). 0ou can control ,hen the article appears and ,hen it is remo ed. Tip The !rticle feature is sometimes called CMS in some of TikiBs administration pages( such as ,hen configuring permissions. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click !rticles . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;!#s in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The Genera' Settings tab of the !dministrationT !rticles page contains the site",ide options for the articles system. 0ou can also configure the article information to display ,hen users list the a ailable articles. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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#. /nable Sub#issions in the C*S features area. This ,ill allo, isitors to submit ne, articles to your site. &ea e the other options as their default. 5. Click Change pre"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 6. -rom the menu( select Arti!'es B 6ist Arti!'es. The !rticles page appears.

The !rticles page lists the current articles. Right no, there are no articles.

Tip The columns that appear in the table (such as Title( Type( Topic( etc.) are determined by the selections in the ,ie'ds to disp'a$ on page 6ist arti!'es area on the !dministrationT !rticles page. 1y default( all fields are sho,n. Since you left the defaults( Tiki sho,s all the fields. /ach Tiki article can be grouped by t$pe (such as a re,iew or ad,ertisement) and topi!. 8ote The articleBs T$pe and Topi! is different (and in addition to) TikiBs Category feature. 0ou ,ill learn about categories later( in the %sing !d anced -eatures section.


Creating Topics Creating Types Creating an !rticle Displaying !rticles in *odules Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating -rtic'e #opics

!n article FtopicF is a ,ay for you to group articles that are about a similar subDect. ! brand ne, Tiki installation( like yours( contains no article topics. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select Arti!'es B Ad#in Topi!s. The !dmin Topics page appears. The !dmin Topics page appears.

The !dmin Topics page list the article topics and allo,s you to create ne, topics. ;. Right no, there are no topics. %se the Create a 8e, Topic form to create a ne, article topic. /nter the follo,ing information in these fieldsT Topi! 1a#eT /nter a topic for your articles. -or e.ample( you can create a topic named Sports for all sports"related articles on your site. 5p'oad &#ageT Click bro,se and select an image (in +?-( ^'+( or '8+ format) from your 'C to represent this topic. This is optional( but ,ill help your ,ebsiteBs isitors. Tip -or best results( use an image that is appro.imately 4$$.4$$ pi.els. #. Click Add to create the topic. Tiki sa es the information( uploads the image you selected( and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dmin Topics page( ,ith your ne,ly created article topic.

8o, that you ha e created a topic( you should configure the article types.

Creating -rtic'e #ypes

The article FtypeF defines the o erall settings for a specific articleG things likeT Can isitors post comments to articlesR Does the article Fe.pireF after a specific date. !nd more. ! brand ne, Tiki installation( like yours( contains these default article typesT !rticles Re ie,s / ents Classifieds

Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select Arti!'es B Ad#in T$pes. The !dmin !rticle Types page appears. The !dmin !rticle Types page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dmin !rticle Types page list the article types and allo,s you to create ne, types. @ere( you ,ill create a ne, article type. 0ou can control many of the articleBs default actions (such as ,hat type of information appears)( by configuring the type. Tip Click Show =e'p to display detailed information about each option. ;. Click the Create new t$pe tab to create a ne, article type. #. Create a ne, article type (such as 1ews &te#s) and click Create new t$pe. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our ne,ly added article type appears in the list. Tiki adds the type and reloads the page. 5. Click the 6ist o" Arti!'e T$pes tab.

Configuring options for your ne,ly created article type. 6. Select the follo,ing options for the ne, article typeT Co##entsT This allo,s isitors to post comments to articles of this type. Show &#ageT Remember the image you added ,hen creating the ne, topicR This allo,s the topicBs image to appear in the article. Show AuthorT The user ,ho submitted the article ,ill be listed as the Print date: Oct 15, !1

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author. Show *ub'ish +ateT Tiki ,ill display the date that the article ,as submitted. 7. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

Creating an -rtic'e
8o, that you ha e article types and topics configured( you can create your first Tiki article. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select Arti!'es B 1ew Arti!'e. The /dit !rticle page appears. 8ote DonBt be confused by the Sub#it Arti!'e (,hich allo,s you to re ie, articles before they become li e). Submitting !rticles is discussed later in this guide. = Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se the /dit !rticle page to create a ne, article. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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4. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the /dit !rticle pageT Tit'eT /nter a title for your article. Author 1a#eT Since you are currently logged in as the Ad#in( Tiki uses the name System !dministrator. 0ou can change this to your name. Topi!T Select the ne, article topic that you created earlier. T$peT Select Arti!'e. =eadingT/nter a short description or introduction to the article. 8od$T /nter the main article te.t. Tip ?n the =eading and 8od$ areas( you can use the same ,iki synta. in articles that you used in other Tiki features. *ub'ishedT /nable the *ub'ished option. 0ou can use the *ub'ished +ate to specify a date in the future (or pastI) on ,hich to make the article Fli e.F 8ote ?f you do not *ub'ish the article( no one can see it S e en if the *ub'ished +ate has occurred. ;. Click Sa e. Tiki sa es the information and displays the main article.

0our completed article.

8otice that the article =eading is more like an intro or e3cerptG different than the Tit'e. )hen ie,ing multiple articles on a single page( Tiki displays only the =eading information and includes a (ead More link for the rest of the article( as sho,n ,ith the !rticles plugin.
&n this se!tion

Displaying !rticles in *odules Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Do you remember ho, you added a module to display blog posts in the right columnR 0ou can do the same thing for articles. 0ou can display lists of articles (such as the the most recently posted and most poplar) in a module. This pro ides isibility to ne, items on you ,ebsite. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the *ain menuT 4. Select Ad#in B Modu'es. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin *odules page by clicking Modu'es in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. An the !dmin *odules page( click the Assigned Modu'es tab. #. An the !ssigned *odules tab( click Add Modu'e.

The !ssign ne, module area of the !dmin *odules page. 5. ?n the Assign new #odu'e area( select the Arti!'es module as the *odule 8ame. )e ,ill configure this module to display the last (most recently added) articles. Tiki reloads the page. The !ssign ne, modules area no, sho,s additional options( specific to the selected module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ssigning the !rticles module 6. An the 8asi! tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Modu'e na#eT Select the Arti!'es module. *ositionT Select (ight. 0ou ,ill add this module to the right column. 7rderT Select -S. The 8e,est 1log 'osts and 8e,est -orum 'osts modules are already on the right column. This ,ill place the articles module under the &ogin module. GroupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that a&& isitors can see the module. Tip 0ou can use this setting to FhideF modules and make them isible only to selected groups. 7. An the Modu'e tab( enter the follo,ing information on each fieldT SortT /nter !reated. 9. An the Appearan!e tab( enter the follo,ing information on each fieldT (owsT /nter H. 8o, the module ,ill display the H most recently added articles. Modu'e Tit'eT /nter 6ast arti!'es. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 11. Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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:. Click *re0iew. Tiki reloads the page and sho,s you a pre ie, of the module.

This is ,hat the module ,ill look like. 8ote Since you only ha e 4 article( the module only lists 4 item. >. ?f e erything looks good( click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The &ast !rticles module no, appears in the right column.

The &ast !rticles module in the right column.

8ote 0ou may ha e to click !'ear !a!he on the !dmin *odules page. See the Tiki)iki documentation modules. for information on all the a ailable article


?n addition to the main article listing page( you can also display articles directly in a ,iki page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 4. -rom the @ome page( click the M$1ew*age link. 0ou ,ill add articles to Print date: Oct 15, !1

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this page. ;. Click 9dit. The /dit page appears.

%se the !RT?C&/S plugin to add articles to a ,iki page. #. An the /dit page( in the 9dit area typeT 'articles (a-*+7+0 8ote OA(T&C69SP is a Tiki plugin to display articles. #ax;BH specifies to list only 6 articles on the page. Tip 0ou can use the 'lugin help to easily customiCe the *AD%&/ pluginT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%sing the 'lugin help to insert the !RT?C&/S plugin. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the M$1ew*age.

The *y8e,'age page no, includes the articles.

Anly one article is sho,n( because you ha e only created one article. Tip ?f your site had many articles( you could add additional parameters to display only articles of specific topics or types. 8ote 8otice that the body of the article is not sho,n. ?nstead( Tiki added a (ead More link. 1y default( ,hen using the A(T&C69S plugin( Tiki sho,s only the articleBs !eading. See the Tiki documentation plugin. for complete information on using the !RT?C&/S Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Config%ring /i'e )a''eries

&ike the pre ious features( the file gallery is fully customiCable. 0ou can ha e as many different galleries (and sub"galleries) on your site as you ,ant( and restrict access to each gallery based on user group. 0ou can store any type of file in a file gallery( such as 'D-( *'#( or !<?. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click ,i'e Ga''eries . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT ?mage +alleries page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;"ga' in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The -ile +alleries page contains all the options to customiCe your Tiki galleries. These options apply to a&& file galleries on your Tiki. &ater you ,ill customiCe the options that are specific to each gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the +eneral Settings on the -ile +alleries page. 8ote Tiki re3uires a '@' image library in order to correctly process images that you upload to an image library. Tiki supports t,o popular librariesT +D and ?magick . Check ,ith your ,eb host to erify that either (or both) is installed. The Tiki ?nstaller can check this re3uirement automatically( during the installation process. Tip +atabase or +ire!tor$R Tiki can store your gallery files either in the database or directly on your ,eb ser er. The database may be more secure( since ,eb surfers ,ould not be able to edit or change the file unless they had access to your database. The dire!tor$ option may be better for performance( since Tiki ,ould not ha e to issue a database 3uery each time a file ,as displayed. ?f you use a dire!tor$( you must make the directory ,ritable. See Set Directory 'ermissions for more information. 0ou also need to protect the directory and ensure that users cannot directly access the files. 0ou can accomplish this by using a directory outside your Tiki root (make sure your '@' script can access the directory) or by using an .hta!!ess file to pre ent users from listing the directoryBs contents. )arning ?f you store files in the +ire!tor$( do not change the directory location after you ha e updated files to the gallery. ?f you do( you must manually mo e the files to the ne, location S Tiki does not store the directory location at the time of the upload. Therefore( if you change the directory location after uploading se eral files( Tiki ,ill be unable to locate the older files. #. %se the Ga''er$ 6isting tab to specify the information that displays ,hen isitors bro,se and list the files in each gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the file gallery listing options on the -ile +alleries page. 8ote %se the Ad#in Ga''er$ 6isting tab to specify ,hich information displays ,hen a ga&&ery administrator bro,ses the gallery. 5. %se the Sear!h &ndexing tab to specify if the content of the files in the galleries is FsearchableF by the Tiki search feature.

Configuring the BsearchabilityB of files on the -ile +alleries page. 8ote !dditional '@' libraries and handlers may be re3uired to search all file (*?*/) types. Check ,ith your ,eb host to erify that the necessary items are a ailable.

-or no,( letBs lea e all options as their defaults. &etBs create a ne, file gallery.


Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile 1ro,sing -ile +alleies

Creating a /i'e )a''ery

1efore you can start uploading files( you must create file ga&&ery that ,ill contain the Print date: Oct 15, !1

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files. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. To beginT 4. -rom the -ile +alleries menu in the *enu module( click 6ist Ga''eries.

The &ist +alleries option in the -ile +alleries menu. ;. The +alleries page lists all of the galleries on the site. Currently( there are none S letBs create one no,.

There are no galleries... yetI #. Click Create a "i'e ga''er$. 5. %se the Create a -ile +allery page to create a ne, gallery.

The Create a +allery page allo,s you to specify the options for a specific file gallery. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the *roperties tabT 1a#eT /nter a name for this gallery. +es!riptionT /nter a detailed description of this gallery. Wiki #arkup to enter...T %se this field to configure the default ,iki synta. that Tiki ,ill use ,hen importing an image (or any file) from this gallery). &ea e the other fields as their default. 8ote 1e sure that T$pe is set as An$ "i'e S this ,ill allo, you to upload images( documents( etc. ?f you ,ant to store podcasts (audio or ideo)( you must select the specific Type. 7. Click the +isp'a$ *roperties tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 13.

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%se the Display 'roperties tab to specify the information that appears ,hen ie,ing the gallery. 9. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information( then displays the gallery (because the Aiew &nserted Ga''er$ option ,as selected( by default.)

0our first file galleryI 8o, letBs add a picture to the gallery...

,p'oading a /i'e
0ouB e already uploaded se eral files for ,iki pages and the blog. %ploading files to a specific file gallery is a similar process. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 5.. -rom the +alleries pageT 4. -rom the -ile gallery page( click 5p'oad ,i'e. Tip 0ou can also select ,i'e Ga''eries B 5p'oad ,i'e from the menu.. ;. %se the %pload ?mage page to add a ne, image to the gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%ploading a ne, file to the gallery. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT ,i'e tit'eT /nter a name for the image. ?f left blank( Tiki ,ill use the fileBs actual filename instead. ,i'e +es!riptionT /nter a meaningful description of the image. 5p'oad "ro# diskT Click bro,se and select an image (in +?-( '8+( or ^'+ format) to upload from your 'C to the ,ebsite. ,i'e Ga''er$T Select the file gallery you created( earlier. ?f you enabled the 5p'oad "i'es "ro# re#ote sour!e on the +eneral Settings tab of the !dminT -ile +alleries page( the 5p'oad "ro# 5(6 field appears. Tip The ma.imum upload siCe is configured in the php.ini file on your ,eb ser er. 5. Click 5p'oad. 8ote 0ou can upload multiple files at once by clicking Add ,i'e. Tiki ,ill display an additional upload form. See the Tiki documentation for details. Tiki uploads the image and adds it to the gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki sho,s a thumbnail of the uploaded image. )hen uploading images (such as +?-( '8+( or ^'+ files)( Tiki ,ill create a thumbnail of the image (as defined by the Max thu#bnai' siDe field on the +allery &isting tab of the !dminT -ile +alleries page. ?f the uploaded file is not an image( Tiki displays the appropriate icon (in this e.ample( a 'D- file) for the file. Tip Click Additiona' &n"or#ation to display the %R& and ,iki synta. to use in order to include this image in an email( ,iki page( or @T*& ,eb site.


)as the image too largeR 0ou may need to modify the up'oad3#ax3"i'esiDe and post3#ax3siDe options in your php.ini configuration file. Do you ha e the +D or ?magick library installed on your ,eb ser erR ?f not( Tiki ,ill not be able to create thumbnails or different scales.

?ro*sing /i'e )a''eries

1ecause Tiki creates a thumbnail of each image you add to a gallery( isitors can 3uickly bro,se a complete gallery. Release >.. Release :.. Release 5.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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4. -rom the -ile +alleries menu( click 6ist Ga''eries. ;. An the +allery page( Tiki displays a list of all files (images) in the gallery.

This is the BBtopBB le el of the file gallery. #. Click 8rowse &#ages to display the thumbnail for each image (that you uploaded earlier). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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@ere are the images in your gallery.

8otice that the file gallery you created earlier is sho,n as a folder. Click the folder to display its files.

0ou can sort the images and FpageF through the gallery (if there are multiple pages). The siCe of the thumbnails( number of thumbnails sho,n per page( and the information displayed for each image ,as configured ,hen you created the gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dditional informtion appears ,hen you mouse"o er an image

Config%ring ;mage )a''eries

&ike the pre ious features( the image gallery is fully customiCable. 0ou can ha e as many different galleries (and sub"galleries) on your site as you ,ant( and restrict access to each gallery based on user group. )arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases. Release ;.$ Release 4.> Print date: Oct 15, !1

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-rom the !dministration page( click &#age Ga''er$

Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT ?mage +alleries page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;ga' in your ,eb bro,ser. The !dministrationT ?mage +allery page contains all the options to customiCe your Tiki galleries. These options apply to a&& image galleries on your Tiki. &ater you ,ill customiCe the options that are specific to each gallery.

Configuring the image gallery options on the !dministrationT ?mage +alleries page. /nable the 5ses S'ideshow option. 0ou can lea e the other options set as their defaults.

8ote Tiki re3uires a '@' image library in order to correctly process the images that you upload to an image library. Tiki supports t,o popular librariesT +D and ?magick . Check ,ith your ,eb host to erify that either (or both) is installed. Tip +atabase or +ire!tor$R Tiki can store your gallery images either in the database or directly on your ,eb ser er. The database may be more secure( since ,eb surfers ,ould not be able to edit or change the image unless they had access to your database. The dire!tor$ option may be better for performance( since Tiki ,ould not ha e to issue a database 3uery each time an image ,as displayed. ?f you use a dire!tor$( you must make the directory ,ritable. See Set Directory 'ermissions for more information. &etBs create a ne, image gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware IN THIS SECTION

Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading an ?mage 1ro,sing +alleries 1ro,sing ?mages Displaying ?mages in *odules Displaying ?mages in )iki 'ages

Creating an ;mage )a''ery

)arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases. 1efore you can start uploading pictures( you must create an image gallery that ,ill contain the pictures. 4. -rom the ?mage +alleries menu in the *enu module( click +alleries.

The +alleries option in the ?mage +alleries menu. ;. The +alleries page lists all of the galleries on the site. Currently( there are none S letBs create one no,. #. Click Create new ga''er$. 5. %se the Create a +allery page to create a ne, image gallery.

The Create a +allery page allo,s you to specify the options for a specific image gallery. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT 1a#eT /nter a name for this gallery. +es!riptionT /nter a detailed description of this gallery. ,ie'ds to show during browsing the ga''er$T This controls ,hat information ,ill be isible ,hen users ie, each image. Select only Print date: Oct 15, !1

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the follo,ing fieldsT 8ame Description Creation Date @its Add s!a'ed i#agesT /nter HSS. Tiki can automatically create multiple( scaled ersions( of each image you upload. This is especially nice for users S they can ie, ,hiche er scale they ,ant. 7. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and loads the +alleries page( sho,ing you ne,ly created image gallery.

The +alleries page( ,ith your ne, gallery. 8o, that you ha e a gallery( you can add an image.

,p'oading ;mages
)arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases. Release ;.$ Release 4.>

4. -rom the +alleries page( click the 5p'oad icon ( ) for your image gallery. Tip 0ou can also upload images by selecting the 5p'oad i#age option in the ?mage +alleries menu. ;. %se the %pload ?mage page to add a ne, image to the gallery.

0ou can select a single or multiple images to upload to the gallery. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT &#age 1a#eT /nter a name for the image. ?f left blank (or if you Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 15. Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

select the use "i'ena#e option( the imageBs full filename ,ill be used instead. &#age +es!riptionT /nter a meaningful description of the image. 5p'oad "ro# diskT Click bro,se and select an image (in +?-( '8+( or ^'+ format) to upload from your 'C to the ,ebsite. Tip The ma.imum upload siCe is configured in the php.ini file on your ,eb ser er. 5. Click 5p'oad. 8ote 0ou can upload multiple files at once by using the 5p'oad "ro# disk fields to select up to si. different images( or by uploading an archi ed ]?' file that contains multiple images. Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation for details.

Tiki uploads the image and adds it to the gallery.

Tiki sho,s the uploaded image (thumbnail and full"siCe)( as ,ell as its image" specific %R&. Tip 8ote the t,o %R&s sho,n at the bottom of the page (under the thumbnail). 0ou can use these link links in emails( @T*&( or ,iki pages to display the picture from the image gallery.


)as the image too largeR 0ou may need to modify the #ax4"i'esiDe option in your php.ini configuration file. Do you ha e the +D or ?magick library installed on your ,eb ser erR ?f not( Tiki ,ill not be able to create thumbnails or different scales.

?ro*sing ;mage )a''eries

)arning Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 151 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases. 1ecause Tiki creates a thumbnail of each image you add to a gallery( isitors can 3uickly bro,se a complete gallery. 4. -rom the ?mage +alleries menu( click Ga''eries. ;. An the ! ailable +alleries page( click the name of the gallery to bro,se.

Select the gallery that you created earlier. #. An the 1ro,sing +allery page( Tiki displays a thumbnail for each image in the gallery.

@ere are the images in your gallery. 0ou can sort the images and FpageF through the gallery (if there are multiple pages). The siCe of the thumbnails( number of thumbnails sho,n per page( and the information displayed for each image ,as configured ,hen you created the gallery.

in this se!tion

1ro,sing ?mages

B$O*SIN- &N I%&-E

-rom the gallery( you can select a specific image. 4. -rom the bro,sing image galleries page( click an image. ;. The 1ro,sing ?mage page lists complete information about the image. Release ;.$ Release 4.> Print date: Oct 15, !1

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1ro,sing a specific image.

0ou canT Display the pre ious ( gallery. Display the ne.t ( ) or first ( ) image in the

) or last (

) image in the gallery. ).

Display the image in a pop"up ,indo, (

)atch a slidesho, ( ) of all the images in the gallery. 8ote The Slidesho, option is a ailable only if you enabled the 5ses s'ideshow feature ,hen configuring the image galleries.

8ote 0ou can use the %R&s sho,n at the bottom of the page to include this image in other ,iki pages or other ,ebsites.

$isp'aying an ;mage in a 8od%'e

^ust like all the other features( images and information from image galleries can be displayed in a module. 4. Apen the !dmin menu and click Modu'es. ;. An the !dmin *odules page( click Assign #odu'es.

The !ssign ne, module area of the !dmin *odules page. #. ?n the Assign new #odu'e area( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 155 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Modu'e na#eT Select the top3i#ages module. This module ,ill display the most popular (based on number of FhitsF) images. *ositionT Select right. 0ou ,ill add this module to the right column. 7rderT Select -H. This ,ill place the module under the &ast -orum Topics module. (owsT /nter H. 8o, the module ,ill display the H top images. GroupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that a&& isitors can see the module. Tip 0ou can use this setting to FhideF modules and make them isible only to selected groups. 5. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The Top ?mages module no, appears in the right column( under the -orum module.

The Top ?mages module in the right column. 8ote 0ou may ha e to click !'ear !a!he on the !dmin *odules page. See the Tiki)iki documentation modules. for information on all the a ailable image gallery

$isp'aying an ;mage in a &iki Page

There are t,o ,ays to display a picture from an image gallery in a ,iki pageT 0ou can use a module (in the same ,ay that you added blog and forum information to a ,iki page) 0ou can use the imageBs %R& (in the same ,ay that you added a picture to a ,iki page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware "SIN- & %OD"(E

4. -rom the @ome page( click the Another *age link. 0ou ,ill add articles to this page. ;. Click 9dit. The /dit page appears.

%se the *AD%&/ plugin to add the Random ?mage module. #. An the /dit page( in the 9dit area typeT 'M89:;<((od%le*=rando(6i(ages) /0 8ote This is an e.ample of using the Tiki *AD%&/ plugin . The *AD%&/ plugin allo,s you to embed any module into a ,iki page. OM7+569P is a Tiki plugin to display a module. #odu'e;Brando#3i#age specifies to embed the Random ?mage module. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the Another *age.

The !nother 'age page no, includes a random image. ?f you refreshUreload the page a different( random image ,ill display. 8ote ?f you uploaded only a single image to the gallery( the same image ,ill be sho,n each time you refresh the page.

See the Tiki)iki documentation plugin.

for complete information on using the *AD%&/


Do you remember ,hen you uploaded an image to the image galleryR !fter the upload( Tiki displayed the image( its thumbnail( and an image 472. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!fter a successful upload( Tiki displays an image"specific %R&. 0ou can use this %R& to display the image in a ,iki page. 4. -rom the @ome page( click the M$1ew*age link. 0ou ,ill add an image from the image gallery to this page. ;. Click 9dit. The /dit page appears. #. An the /dit page( in the 9dit area( typeT 'i(g src*show6i(age.php>id*, 0 8ote %se the id number from your actual image. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

The page no, includes the image from the image gallery.

Config%ring Po''s
'olls are a great (and easy) ,ay to interact ,ith your siteBs isitors. 0ou can create polls that let isitors F oiceF their opinion on any number of topics. ^ust like image galleries and forums( TikiBs polls are completely customiCable. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

-rom the !dministration page( click *o''s

Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT 'olls page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;po''s in your ,eb bro,ser. The !dministrationT 'olls page contains all the options to customiCe your Tiki polls. These options apply to a&& polls on your Tiki. &ater you ,ill customiCe the options that are specific to each poll. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the polls on the !dministrationT 'olls page.

/nable the A''ow Anon$#ous Aoting option( and click Change Settings. This ,ill encourage participation by allo,ing any isitor (e en those ,ho ha e not logged in) to ote. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.


Creating 'olls Creating 'oll Aptions Displaying 'olls in *odules Displaying 'olls in )iki 'ages

Creating a Po''
Release >.. Release :.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 4. To create a ne, poll( select Ad#in B *o''s from the !dmin menu. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Select the 'olls option in the !dmin menu. ;. An the !dmin 'olls page( click the Create *o''s tab to create a ne, poll. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Create 'olls tab of the !dmin 'olls page. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the pageT Tit'eT /nter a title of the poll. This title ,ill appear on the poll( ,hen users ote. 7ptionsT Click Togg'e Cui!k 7ptions. This allo,s your to create the poll options w!i&e creating t!e po&&# !lternati ely( you can create poll options after creating the poll. ?n the 7ption field( type the first poll option. Click Add 7ption to add a second option. *ub'ish +ateT *ake sure the date and time reflects the current date and time. Tip 0ou can use the *ub'ish +ate field to create a poll today( but make it acti e some time in the future. &ea e the other fields ,ith their default alue. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our ne,ly created poll appears on the 'olls tab of the !dmin 'olls page.

8o, that you ha e a poll( you can add options to the poll
in this se!tion

Creating 'oll Aptions Displaying 'olls in *odules Displaying 'olls in )iki 'ages


8o, that you ha e created a poll( you can easily add additional options for users to ote for. Release >.. Release :.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

4. An the *o''s tab of the !dmin 'olls page( click the 7ptions for your ne,ly created poll.

link Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The 'olls area of the !dmin 'olls page. ;. The !dmin 'olls page sho,s a pre ie, of the poll and its current options.

0ou can re ie, your poll and add ne, options on the !dmin 'olls page. #. /nter the follo,ing information in the fields in the Add po'' option areaT 7ptionT /nter Ma$be. This ,ill allo, users to ote that FyesF they do like Tiki. *ositionT/nter R. This ,ill place the F*aybeF option at the bottom of the list. Tip ?f you lea e the *osition blank( Tiki ,ill automatically add the option in the ne.t a ailable location. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The poll pre ie, no, includes the *aybe option.

&DDIN- & PO(( TO & %OD"(E

0ou guessed it... ^ust like all the other features( polls can be displayed in a module. @o,e er( since you created a custom poll( there is no pre"defined module to use. ?n this section( you ,ill create a new modu&e in ,hich to display the poll.

&n this se!tion

Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page !3 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section
Page !5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule

C$E&TIN- & %OD"(E

Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To beginT 4. Select Ad#in B Modu'es from the !dmin menu. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin *odules page by clicking *odules dimg src[FpicsUiconsUmodule.png F alt[F*odulese in the 2uick !dmin area.e ;. An the !dmin *odules page( click Custo# Modu'es tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The Create 8e, %ser module area of the !dmin *odules page. #. ?n the Create 1ew 5ser #odu'e area( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT 1a#eT /nter a name for the modu&e. This name ,ill be used( internally( by Tiki and you (as the admin) only. %sers ,ill not see this name. Tit'eT /nter a name to appear as the title of the module. This is the title that users ,ill see. Must be wiki parsedT /nable this option to use the 'A&& ,iki plugin in the module. +ataT @ere is ,here you need to identify ,hich poll to add. Simply enter 'poll poll)d*+??+0 ,here <<is the ?D of the poll to Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

add. )hatR 0ou donBt remember the ?D number of the poll you createdR ThatBs AK. ?n the AbDects That Can 1e ?ncluded area( select the poll (from the ! ailable 'olls list) and click use po'' ( automatically adds the necessary code to the +ata area. ). Tiki

Select an e.iting poll (or other obDect) to add to the module. 5. Click Create. Tiki sa es the module and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

8o, that you ha e created the poll module( you need to assign it to a column (Dust like you did pre iously ,ith the other modules).


Release >.. Release :.. Release ;.. 4. -rom the !dmin *odules page( click the Custo# Modu'es tab.

0our poll module appears on the Custom *odules tab. ;. Click Assign ( selected. ). Tiki loads the 9dit Modu'e tab( ,ith the M$ *o'' module

!ssigning the *y 'oll module. #. Click Modu'e 7ptions. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki loads the *y 'oll module. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT *ositionT Select (ight. 0ou ,ill add this module to the right column. 7rderT Select RH. This ,ill place the poll module at the bottom of the right column( under all the other modules. GroupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that a&& isitors can see the module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

8ote Do you remember ,hen you configured the polls that you enabled the A''ow Anon$#ous *o'' Aoting optionR Selecting the Anon$#ous group here ,ill allo, isitors to actually ,iew the poll. 6. Click *re0iew. Tiki reloads the page and sho,s you a pre ie, of the module.

This is ,hat the module ,ill look like. 7. ?f e erything looks good( click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The poll no, appears in the right column. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The 'oll module in the right column.

8ote 0ou may ha e to click !'ear !a!he on the !dmin *odules page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware &DDIN- & PO(( TO & *I#I P&-E

8o surprise here( polls (like e erything else) can be added to a ,iki page. 0ou already ha e the a poll in the right column. +o ahead and create a ne, poll that you ,ill add to the home page... you already kno, ho,I Tip )hen you create the poll( record the ?D number. 0ou ,ill need it in order to add the poll to the ,iki page. 8o, that you ha e a ne, poll( you can add it to the home page. Release >.. Release :.. Release ;.. 4. An the @ome 'age( click the 9dit button. 8ote 1ecause the registered user you created earlier has permission to edit ,iki pages( you can perform this action using that login( or as the administrator. ;. An the /dit page( in the /dit area typeT 'poll poll)d*+??+0 )here << is the ?D of the poll you created.

!dding the poll to the home page. 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 15 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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?f you omit an ?D number( such as Opo''P( Tiki ,ill display a random( acti e poll. Tip 0ou can use the Tiki plugin help to easily add a ailable options for the pollT

%sing the 'oll plugin help. #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0ou no, ha e a poll on your home page.

?n addition to polls( you can also create 3uiCCes and sur eys ,ith Tiki. Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation for information on these features.

Config%ring )ro%p Permissions

8o, that you ha e configured se eral Tiki features for your site( you need to gi e users permission to ie, an use the feature. Since users belong to groups( the easiest ,ay is to set permissions for an entire group. 8ote Re ie, the @o, 'ermissions )ork for additional( detailed information on configuring TikiBs permissions. Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

,nderstanding Permissions
Since you ha e been logged in as the !dministrator( you ha e had full access (permission) to e,ery Tiki feature. &etBs see ,hat a typical isitor ,ould see. &og out as the admin.... )oahI )hat happenedR 0our @ome 'age no, looks completely differentT Release >.. Release 9..

This is ho, the @ome 'age looks to an !nonymous (non"logged in) isitor. ! fe, things you should noticeT The *enu module sho,s links only for =o#e and the )iki options. 1ut you enabled the blogs( forums( articles( and image galleries. )here did those options goR Some of the modules are missing information. The &ast !rticles and &ast -orum modules are both empty... e en though you created an article and a forum topic. Some modules (such as the 2uick /dit a )iki 'age module) are completely Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

gone. The 'oll module no longer has a 0ote button S e en though you configured the poll to allo, anonymous isitors to ote. ! lot of the buttons at the top and bottom of the @ome 'age (such as 9dit) ha e disappeared. @o, are users supposed to edit pagesR / en though the 1log module is sho,n( try reading the blog. Tiki displays a *er#ission denied error if you try to read the blog post.

)hat happenedR Tiki has a ,ery po,erful permissions management system. 0ou can assign permissions to indi idual obDects and items (as you did ,hen configuring the features) as we&& as specific groups and users. Do you remember configuring specific permissions for the -orum !dmin group that you createdR 8o, you need to configure permissions for the !nonymous and Registered groups.

!ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +roup s Category 'ermissions

-ssigning -nonymo%s Permissions

<isitors to your site ,ho ha e not yet logged in belong to the Anon$#ous group. 1y default( the !nonymous group has only permission to ie, specific parts of the ,iki S nothing else. &etBs update this groupBs permission to allo, anonymous users to ie, the other features that you configured. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. &og in as the ad#in. 4. -rom the *enu( select Ad#in B Groups. Tip Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0ou can also access the !dmin +roups page by clicking the Groups icon i nthe 2uick !dmin area. 0ou can also manage global permissions by selecting Ad#in B *er#issions from the menu or using the *er#issions icon in the 2uick !dmin area . ;. An the &ist tab( in the 6ist o" 9xisting Groups area( the !dmin +roups page list the e.isting groupsT !dmins( Registered( -orum !dmins (that you created earlier) and !nonymous.

The &ist of /.isting +roups area on the !dmin +roups page( sho,ing the 5 groups. #. An the !dmin +roups page( click the Manage *er#issions button ( ) for the Anon$#ous group. The !ssign +lobal 'ermissions page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This page sho,s the current global permissions for the !nonymous group. 5. The 'ermissions area of the !ssign 'ermissions tab displays the currently assigned permissions to this groupT tiki3p30iewT !llo,s isitors to ie, ,iki pages. Right no,( Tiki is sho,ing only the Wiki permissions. &etBs display the 1log"specific permissions and gi e the !nonymous group permission to read the blog. 4. An the !ssign 'ermissions to +lobal page( click the Se'e!t ,eatures tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The -eatures tab lists the currently enabled features. ;. /nable the 8'ogs feature and click Se'e!t. #. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the !ssign 'ermissions to +lobal page( sho,ing the !ssign 'ermissions tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki no, includes 1logs in the list of features. 5. Select the Can read b'ogs (tikiHpHreadHblog) permission and click Assign. 0our anonymous isitors (and( by e.tension( a&& isitors) no, ha e permission to read the blogs. Try it. &og out as the admin. 8o, click the link in the &ast 1log 'osts module. Tah"dahI Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

<isitors can no, read your blog.

Reading the blog( as an anonymous isitor.


8o, that you ha e assigned the blog permission( you need to repeat the process to assign the permissions for the other features. The follo,ing table details ,hich permissions( for ,hich features( that you need to add to the !nonymous group. &og back in as the ad#in and add the follo,ing permissions to the Anon$#ous group( in order to gi e !nonymous isitors read5on&y access to all the features. *er#ission +etai's tikiHpHreadHarticl Arti!'es !llo,s isitors to read posted articles. e tikiHpHsubmitHarti !llo,s isitors to submit ne, articles. The articles ,ill ha e to be cle appro ed by the !dministrator before they become Fli e.F tikiHreadHcomme !llo,s isitors to read comments that ha e been posted to ,iki Co##ents nts pages. tikiHpHforumHrea ,oru#s !llo,s isitors to read topics and threads in the forum. d tikiHpHforumsHrep !llo,s isitors report spam( off"topic( or inappropriate posts to the ort !dministrator. tikiHpH ie,HfileH ,i'e Ga''eries !llo,s isitors to ie, the file galleries. gallery ,eature Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware


*o'' Wiki Tiki (site ,ide)

*er#ission +etai's tikiHpHdo,nloadH !llo,s isitors to do,nload and ie, images from the file galleries. files tikiHpH oteHpoll !llo,s isitors to ote in polls. tikiHpH ie,Hbackl <ie, page backlinks ink tikiHpHsearch Can search the site.

0ou are no, able to read the blog( forum( and articles( as ,ell as ie, the image gallery. 0ou can also ote in the poll. 8e.t( you ,ill assign permissions for Registered (logged in) users.

-ssigning Registered Permissions

! registered user is a user ,ho has completed the registration process and logged in. Remember( you created a registered user earlier. %sers in the Registered group ,ill automatically inherit the permissions you assigned to the !nonymous group (read" only permissions for each feature). 8o, you can gi e Registered users permission to create and edit content. Release >.. Release :.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 4. &og in as the !dministrator and access the !dmin +roups page. Click the 6ist tab. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin +roups page by clicking the +roups +roups button in the 2uick !dmin area. ;. ?n the &ist of /.isting +roups area of the !dmin +roups page( click the *er#issions icon for the Registered group. Print date: Oct 15, !1


Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!ssigning permissions to the Registered group. #. An the !ssign 'ermissions to +lobal page( notice that some permissions (such as tiki3p3b'og3read) are already selected. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The Registered group has inherited the permissions from the !nonymous group. Do you remember ho, you assigned permissions for the !nonymous group( earlierR %se the same procedure to add the follo,ing permissions to the Registered groupT ,eature 8'og *er#ission tikiHpHcreateHblogs tikiHpHblogHpost +etai's Registered users can start their o,n blog. Registered ,ill be able to post items in their blog (or other Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

+etai's blogs( if the blogBs creator allo,s it). tikiHpHautoappro eHsub !rticles submitted by Registered users ,ill automatically Arti!'es mission become Fli e.F !llo,s Registered users to post comments posted by other Co##ents tikiHpHpostHcomments users. !llo,s Registered users to upload images to an e.isting ,i'e Ga''eries tikiHpHuploadHimages gallery. ,oru#s tikiHpHforumHpost !llo,s Registered users to post replies in the forum. !llo,s Registered users to post ne, topics (start a ne, tikiHpHforumHpostHtopic thread) in the forum.



&og out as the admin and log back in( using the registered username that you created pre iously. Registered users (Dust like !nonymous users) can see all the features on your @ome 'age. @o,e er( Registered users ha e some additional options a ailable. -or e.ample( e.pand the 1logs menu.

-or Registered users( the 1log menu includes Create and 'ost options. 1ecause registered users ha e permission to create blogs and posts( the additional menu options are a ailable. !s the Registered user( e.plore each feature. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)'oba' @)ro%pA "s Category Permissions

G'oba' permissions set ,hat a member of a group can do in general( i.e. globally. Categor$ permissions o er"ride G'oba' permissions. 8ote See @o, 'ermissions )ork for detailed information on Tiki permissions. @ereBs a simple e.ample ,here t,o people are both members of the (egistered group( and one of them is also in the Chapter Canada group. 1oth people attempt to ie, the Canada Chapter forum( ,hich has a Categor$ called Chapter Canada. 8o,( as (egistered users( neither of them could see or post to any forums at all as the global group does not ha e the permission to ie, forums. 1ut( ,atch ,hat the Categor$ does.

8ote that the same obDecti e could be achie ed by using the 7bQe!t permissions directly. @o,e er( this ,ould mean e ery single Canada"related forum ,ould ha e to ha e indi idual permissions set. 1y using the Categor$( ,e only ha e to set the perms once( then Dust gi e any forum the category to ha e the standard Canada permissions apply. !lso note that a Categor$ can carry specific permissions for e erything( not Dust for forums. So ,e also define permissions regarding blogs( ,iki pages( calendars( etc. for the category. Then !80 obDect (,iki page( calendar( blog etc.) can be gi en the category and the applicable part of that categoryBs permissions ,ill apply to that obDect.

Config%ring 8en%s
*enus are one of the primary methods that isitors ,ill find their ,ay through your ,ebsite. *enus are typically sho,n ,ithin a module (as in the *enu *odule) in your Tiki. &ater( you ,ill learn ho, to include menus else,here. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

1y default( Tiki includes a single menu that includes a&& options. <isitors are automatically sho,n only the options to ,hich they ha e access.

Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions !dding a *enu to a *odule &earn *ore &earn more at Tiki SeriesT %sing *enus .

Creating a 8en%
Currently your Tiki has a single menu (sho,n in the *enu module). -or anonymous and registered isitors( theyBll seeT Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release 4.>..

The menu for anonymous and registered isitors. 8otice that e en though you earlier ga e !nonymous users read"only permission to Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

all the features( there are no menu options for those features. -or registered users( there are 3uite a lot of options S many are hidden inside of folders( plus thereBs a lot of redundancy. &etBs build a ne, menu to present a FcleanerF structure that ,ill be isible to all isitors. Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

8ote ?n addition to creating a na igation menu using the procedure described in this section( Tiki has a *age #enu module that can create a menu from a ,iki page. See Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age for more information. 4. &og in as the ad#in. ;. -rom the *ain menu( select Ad#in B Menus. Tip 0ou can also access the !dmin *enus page by clicking the Menu button in the 2uick !dmin area.

The !dmin *enus lists the current menus Tip 1y default( Tiki includes the complete !pplication menu (?D 5;). Rather than modifying that menu (and possibly remo ing items that you( as the administrator ,ill need)( you should create a ne, menu or use the C'one button to copy the menu. ?f you accidentally modify this default menu( use the (eset button on !dminT *enu page to reset the menu. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Resetting the menu. #. %se the Create 9dit Menu tab to create a ne, menu.

@ere( you can create a ne, menu. 5. ?n the Create 8e, *enu area( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT 1a#eT /nter the name of your ne, menu. This name is used internally by Tiki and isible only to the administrator. +es!riptionT /nter a detailed description of the menu. T$peT Select d$na#i! !o''apsed. 0ouBll learn more about the different menu types later. Tip 0ou can use the &!ons field to select a custom icon to sho, your menuBs open and closed states. 1y default( Tiki ,ill identify FopenedF menus ,ithT and FclosedF menus ,ithT . To use different icons( enter the path to the FclosedF menu folder. Tiki ,ill automatically look for the FopenF icon in the same location( ,ith the letter o pre"pended to the filename. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

These options are used only ,ith the Tiki non5CSS menusB. 6. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the screen.

The *enus area no, sho,s your ne, menu.

8o, that you ha e an (empty) menu( you can add options to it.

Creating 8en% Options

8o, that you ha e a ne, menu( you can add options to it. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #..( ;.. Release 4.>.. ?n the *enus area of the !dmin *enus pageT 4. Click the Con"igure 7ptions button ( ) for the menu you created.

Configuring options for your ne, menu. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +1 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

;. An the !dmin *enu page( click the Create #enu option tab.

*anaging the ne,ly created menu. #. ?n the /dit *enus Aptions of the !dmin *enu page( click the Show Cui!k 5(6s link.

The 2uick %R&s are common( pre"configured menu options that you can 3uickly add to you menu. 5. The /dit *enu Aptions area e.pands( sho,ing the Some %seful %R&s area. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +3 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%se the Some %seful %R&s area to add common options to the menu.


0ou are ready to create the first menu option. / ery menu needs a ,ay back home( rightR 4. ?n the Some %seful %R&s area( from the @ome field( select =o#e *age. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding a link to the home page ;. Tiki automatically adds the follo,ing information to the fields in the /dit *enu Aptions area. 1a#eT This is the name of the option that ,ill display. 5(6T This is the actual %R& to the page. 8ote 1y default( your siteBs home page is the ,iki page named @ome'age. 0ou can change this to be any ,iki page that you ,ant S or e en a different feature (such as a blog or article). &ater you ,ill learn ho, to configure a custom home page. GroupT Select Anon$#ous to make this menu option isible to a&& isitors. T$peT This is a menu option (as opposed to a section or di ider). *ositionT This ,ill be the first option in the menu. #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the menu option and reloads the page. 5. Click the *re0iew tab to display a pre ie, of the menuT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The pre ie, sho,s the menu title and the link to the home page. 8ote %se the Appearan!e options to simulate the menu ,ith different Tiki options. Tip Tiki includes the S#art$ !ode that youBll need in order to display the menu in a module or page.


0ou can group similar menu options in a single section. &etBs create a section that ,ill contain a link for each feature. 4. /nter the follo,ing information to the fields in the /dit *enu Aptions area. 1a#eT /nter the name ,eatures. This is the name of the section that ,ill display. GroupT /nter Anon$#ous. This menu section ,ill appear for all users. 5(6T &ea e this blank. T$peT Select se!tion 'e0e' S. *ositionT /nter H. Tip !l,ays gi e yourself e.tra FspaceF bet,een menu options. This is helpful if you need to add or mo e options later. ;. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the menu option and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The pre ie, no, sho,s the section( -eatures


8o,( add a menu item to the section. 4. /nter the follo,ing information to the fields in the /dit *enu Aptions area. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding a menu item to list the ,iki pages. 1a#eT /nter the name Wiki *ages. This is the name of the section that ,ill display. GroupT /nter Anon$#ous. This menu section ,ill appear for all users. 5(6T Type tiki4'istpages.php. This is the actual %R& to the page. *ositionT /nter -S. Tip 0ou can use the Some %seful %R&s area to automatically enter this information. -rom the )iki field( select 6ist *ages. ;. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the menu option and reloads the page. !gain( if you look on the *re0iew tab( you should see the follo,ingT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The -eatures section no, contains the option )iki( ,hich ,ill list all of the ,iki pages. 8ote 0ou may need to mo e your mouse to the ,eatures option in order to dsiplay its sub"option( Wiki pages.

Repeat this procedure to add the follo,ing options under the ,eatures sectionT 8e,s (%R& [ tiki" ie,Harticles.php) Submit 8e,s (%R& [ tiki"editHsubmission.php) -ile +alleries (%R& [ tiki"listHfileHgallery.php) 1logs (%R& [ tiki"listHblogs.php) -orums (%R& [ tiki"forums.phpe

?f you look on the *re0iew tab( your *ain *enu should look similar to thisT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our completed( ne, *ain *enu.

8ote !t this point( the menu is still not isible outside of the menu admin pre ie,. -or that( you need to add the menu to a module (thatBs the ne.t page in this tutorial)...

-dding a 8en% to a 8od%'e

8o, that you ha e built your ne, menu( you need to create a module that ,ill contain the menu. 0ou must create a ne, module (similar to ,hat you did ,hen you created a module for the poll ). Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..( 4.>.. -rom the *enuT 4. Select Ad#in B Modu'es. ;. An the !dmin *odules page( click the Add Modu'e on the !ssigned *odules tab. ?*!+/ #. An the /dit *odule tab( use the Modu'e 1a#e field to select the Menu module. ?*!+/ 5. An the 8asi! tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT ?*!+/ *ositionT Select 6e"t. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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7rderT GroupsT 6. An the Modu'e tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT ?*!+/ MenuT /nterIT. 7. An the Appearan!e tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT =?*!+/ ffModu'e Tit'eT /nter a name to appear as the title of the module. This is the title that users ,ill see. Type Main Menu. 4. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the module and reloads the page. The ne, *ain *enu module appears in the left column.


8o, that you ha e created the menu module( you need to assign it. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #..( ;.. ?n the %ser *odules areaT 4. Click Assign for the *ain *enu module you created.

!ssign the *ain *enu module you created. ;. /nter the follo,ing information in the !ssign *odules area. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Modu'e 1a#eT Select the main menu module that you created *ositionT Select 'e"t to place the module in the left column. 7rderT Select - to make this the first module at the top of the left column. Groups Select Anon$#ous so a&& users can see this module. #. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The ne, *ain *enu module appears in the left column.

@o,e er... ,e ha e a problem. The default Tiki module is there too. &etBs change it to only appear for administrators. 4. ?n the !ssigned *odules area( click 9dit for the App'i!ation Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Menu module.

/diting the !pplication *enu module. ;. ?n the /dit !ssigned *odules area( for the Groups select on&y Ad#ins.

Change the +roup selection so that only !dmins can ie, the mnuHapplicationHmenu module. #. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 8o, log off as the administrator. !s an anonymous user( the only module you see in Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (3 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

the left column is the ne, *ain *enu that you created. 0ouB e gi en your isitors a clean( easy"to"na igate menu. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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#aking Stock
!t this point( if youB e completed each section in this guide you should ha e a ery functional site. 0our home page looks similar to thisT Release 7.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

! typical Tiki home page.

0our site includes the follo,ing featuresT )iki 1logs -orums !rticles -ile galleries Print date: Oct 15, !1

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'olls 0ou also ha e a custom menu and three types of user groups ,ith custom permissions. !dditionally( ne, users can register as members of your Tiki. %ntil no,( youB e been ,orking on configuring the features as the administrator. 8o,( letBs e.plore ho, your users ,ill be actually using the features. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing the /eat%res

?n this section( youBll learn ho, isitors to your site ,ill use and interact ,ith some of TikiBs popular features (the same features that you ha e already configured).


)iki 1logs -orums !rticles -ile +alleries ?mage +alleries )arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases.

'olls RSS -eeds This represents a small set of TikiBs features. See the Tiki)iki documentation complete list of features. -or these sections( youBll need to use the registered username that you created pre iously (or create a ne, user S you already kno, ho,I). for a

,sing the &iki

0ou ha e already seen ho, to create ,iki pages( add pictures( and build links. ?n this section( you ,ill learn to use some of the other( common ,iki features Print date: Oct 15, !1

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&isting 'ages <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments %sing !ttachments )atching 'ages %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages

=isting &iki Pages

@o, are users going to find specific ,iki pagesR Sure( you cou&d create a menu option for e,ery sing&e page S but that is impractical. Tiki gi es users a ,ay to list all (or specific ,iki pages). 8ote The F&ist 'agesF feature is a ailable because it is enabled (by default) on the !dministrationT )iki page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.> -rom the *enu moduleT 4. Select Wiki B 6ist *ages. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The &ist )iki 'age list all ,iki pages "" only the pages that you ha e permission to ie,. 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Categor$ filter appears only if you ha e enabled Tiki categories. Tip 0ou can configure ,hich columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items on the *age 6isting tab on the !dministrationT )iki page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring ,hich columns to display. ;. 0ou can click the column heading to resort the list( by that heading. -or e.ample( click the 6ast #od column once to sort the list by the date the page ,as last modified (in ascending order). Click it again to sort in descending order.

Sorting by the 'age name column. #. %se the ,ind bo. to search for specific ,iki page name. 8ote This searches only the ,iki page names. This is not a site",ide search. Searching is co ered later in this guide( in the Configuring the Search section. 5. 0ou can click on a page to display the ,iki page. Tip 1y default( Tiki ,ill sho, ;6 items at a time. 0ou can change this (global( site",ide) by configuring the Maxi#u# nu#ber o" re!ords in 'istings option on *agination 6inks tab of the !dministrationT &ook and -eel page.

Configure the number of items to display. Ar( use the 1u#ber o" +isp'a$ed (ows on the 6ist Wiki *ages tab to change this alue on&y for this tab. 6. 0ou can perform actions on se eral ,iki pages at once by selecting the pages and using the *er"or# a!tion with !he!kedF option toT Delete the pages Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 51 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Do,nload a ]?' file of the pages !utomatically insert a &e el 4 @eading (of the page name) at the beginning of each page.


?n addition to listing a&& pages( you can also list only ,iki pages that ha e changed or been updated ,ithin a specific time. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. 8ote The F&atest ChangesF feature is a ailable because it is enabled (by default) on the !dministrationT )iki page. -rom the *enu moduleT 4. Select Wiki B 6astChanges. ;. !s on the &ist 'ages page( can click the column heading to resort the list by that heading. #. %se the links at the top of the page to filter the list by a specific time frame. -or e.ample( click 6ast R da$s to sho, on&y pages that ,ere edited during the past t,o days..

The &ast Changes page lists the ,iki pages that ha e changed ,ithin the selected time frame. Tip 0ou can configure ,hich columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items on the *age 6isting tab on the !dministrationT )iki Print date: Oct 15, !1

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page. 5. 0ou can ie, a specific ersion (history) of a page by clicking *age histor$ button ( ). 0ou can also diff or compare the page. See the <ie,ing 'age @istoryR section for more information

9ie*ing Page 2istory

/ ery ,iki page in your Tiki is stored in the database S not as separate @T*& files. /ach time you update or edit a page( Tiki adds a ne, record in the database. This makes it ery easy to ie, a pageBs FhistoryF and re ie, all changes. Tip 0ou can configure ho, many ersions of each page Tiki should retain in the database (the default is a&& pages)( ,hich types of edits trigger a Fhistory change(F and other options on the !dministrationT )iki page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release ;.. -rom the @ome 'age 4. Click the =istor$ button at the bottom of the page. 8ote The F@istoryF feature is a ailable because it is enabled (by default) on the !dministrationT )iki page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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@istory of the @ome 'age. ;. ?n the Compare column select any t,o ersion and click Co#pare.

Sho,ing a side"by"side comparison of t,o ersions of the @ome 'age.

?tems that ,ere added are sho,n in greenG items that ,ere deleted in red. Tiki has se eral ,ays to sho, the differences bet,een t,o ersions of a page. This is called diffing4. Anly users ,ith the necessary permission (tikiHpH ie,Hhistory) can ie, a pageBs history. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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4. +i""T ! ,ay to calculate differences. httpTUUen.,ikipedia.orgU,ikiUDiff

-dding Comments
Comments are messages that can be FpostedF to specific ,iki pages (and other obDects such as blogs). Comments allo, users to interact ,ith pages ,ithout actually editing them. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release #..


Tiki includes se eral additional settings for further configuring the comments feature. 4. -rom the !dministration page( click Co##ents . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;wiki in your ,eb bro,ser. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring global comment options ;. /nable the follo,ing fields on the Genera' *re"eren!es tabT A''ow posting o" !o##ents as Anon$#ousT !llo,s Registered users ,ho are logged in to post a comment ,ithout using their username Website "ie'dT !dds an optional field for commentors to include their ,eb or address 9#ai' "ie'dT !dds an optional field for commentors to include their email address. The Co##ents be'ow wiki page option ,as pre iously enabled( ,hen you enabled it on the ,iki features. A''ow !o##ents per wiki page T Select 9nab'e (de"au't on). This allo,s you to enable the comments for ,iki pages. 1y default( all pages wi&& allo, comments( but you can o erride this on a page"by" page basis. #. Click Change pre"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 8o, youBre ready to add a comment. To add a ne, commentT 4. &og in as the registered user you created earlier. ;. !t the bottom of the page( click Add !o##ent.

The 'ost 8e, Comment area appears on the @ome 'age. 8ote 1ecause you selected allo, !nonymous isitors to post post comments( Tiki includes options for you to hide your idenentity ,hen posting comments.... e en if youBre logged in. #. ?n the Co##ent area( enter your comment. 0ou cannot use @T*& synta.( Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .+ Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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but you can use the same ,iki formatting that you use in ,iki pages. Tip 0ou can configure comments to re3uire a Tit'e( if desired. 0ou can also customiCe the toolbar that appear ,hen posting comments. 5. Click *ost. Tiki sa es your post and reloads the page.

The Comment button no, indicates that the page has a comment( and the comment is sho,n. 8o, log off. !s an !nonymous user you can read the comment( but you cannot reply or post a ne, comment.

^ust like in the forum( users can reply to specific comments (to create a FthreadF) in addition to posting ne, comments. 4. &og in as the ad#in. The @ome 'age appears( ,ith the comment you added earlier. ;. ?n the 'osted Comments area( click (ep'$. Tiki displays the Comment on Selected 'ost form to allo, you to ,rite a response.

0ou can reply to any posted comment to create a thread. Tip Tiki identifies the post that you are replying to ,ith the icon. Tiki also automatically includes (or 8uotes) the original post for you. #. ?n the Comment area enter your te.t. 1y default( Tiki 3uotes the original Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .( Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

post( inserting B before each line. 5. Click *ost. Tiki sa es your post and reloads the page.

The @ome 'age sho,s the original post and its reply as a thread.


1y default( Tiki sho,s comments in a t!readed ie, S replies are indented under the original comment (as sho,n in the prior figure). 1ut you can easily change ho, the comments are sho,n. %se the message bar to customiCe ho, Tiki sho,s the comments.

%se the message bar to configure the style( sorting order( and number of comments sho,n.

%se the follo,ing drop"lists to customiCe the ie,. 0ou can e en use the ,ind bo. to search for specific comments (on the current page) or =ide all the comments. StyleT 0ou can ie, the comments asT ThreadedT Replies are sho,n indented( belo, the original post. *'ainT /ach comment is sho,n independently S as determined by the Sort order. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

=eadersT The replies are threaded( but Tiki displays only the comment title. SortT 0ou can sort the comments and replies by score (rating) or date posted. ThresholdT Specify ho, many le els of threaded comments to display. Tiki ,ill inform you if there are comments that are FhiddenF due to your threshold setting. 0ou can also use the ,ind field to search the comments for a specific ,ord or term.

,sing -ttachments
)ith Tiki( you can add any type of file (such as an @T*& page or *S")ord document) to a ,iki page as an attac!ment. <isitors (,ith permission) can add ne, attachments or ie,Udo,nload e.isting attachments.

Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;..( 4.>.. -rom the )ikiT !dministration pageT 4. Click the ,eatures tab. ;. An the ,eatures tab( enable the Atta!h#ents option.

/nabling the )iki !ttachments. #. 0ou can specify if attachments should be displayed automatically and ,here Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki should store the attachments. Tip To edit indi idual attachments( or to change storage locations( click Manage Atta!h#ents. 5. Click Change pre"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

Tip +atabase or +ire!tor$R Tiki can store your attachments either in the database or directly on your ,eb ser er. The database may be more secure( since ,eb surfers ,ould not be able to edit or change the attachment unless they had access to your database. The dire!tor$ option may be better for performance( since Tiki ,ould not ha e to issue a database 3uery each time an attachment ,as displayed. ?f you use a dire!tor$( you must make the directory ,ritable. See Set Directory 'ermissions for more information.


!s the ad#in you ha e full access to add or delete attachments. -or other users and groups( you must grant the necessary permission. See Configuring +roup 'ermissions for more information. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;..(4.>.. An the @ome'age( notice that there is no, an Atta!h "i'e button.

The !ttach files button on the @ome 'age. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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4. Click Atta!h "i'e. The %pload -ile area appears.

The %pload -ile area( belo, the @ome 'age. 8ote ?f you enabled the Show b$ de"au't option ,hen enabling the )iki !ttachments feature( the %pload -ile area is displayed automatically. ;. Click 8rowse and select a file from your 'C. Tip 0ou can attach any type of file to the page. The ma.imum filesiCe is specified by your php.ini file. #. ?n the Co##ent area( enter a brief description of the image. 5. Click Atta!h. Tiki adds the file to the ,iki page. The number of files attached to the page is sho,n in the button at the bottom of the ,iki page.

The !ttach files button. <isitors (,ith permission) ,ho click the button - ,i'e atta!hed button ,ill see a table sho,ing the attachmentsT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The files attached to the @ome 'age. &" it doesn't workT ?f Tiki displays a 2annot write to this $ile error message( Tiki ,as unable to upload the file. 0ou enabled the Store in dire!tor$ option( but Tiki could not sa e the file. *ake sure thatT The path is correct. The directoryBs permissions allo, Tiki to read( ,rite( and update files. ?f Tiki displays a ,hite screen ,hile attempting to upload the file( the filesiCe may be too large. Try increasing the upoad3#ax3"i'esiDe and post3#ax3siDe parameters in your php.ini file to allo, large attachments.

&atching Pages
Do you remember the 5ser Wat!hes feature that you enabled ,hen configuring Tiki featuresR This allo,s you to F,atchF (or monitor) a part of your site (such as a ,iki page). Then( if that item changes (such as another user edits the page)( you ,ill recei e an email( informing you of the change. 8ote The F)atchesF feature is a ailable because you enabled the 5ser Wat!hes option in the 5ser ,eatures area of the !dministrationT -eatures page. 8ote )atching pages re3uires that each user has alid email address( and that your Tiki is configured properly to send email. 4. &og in as the registered user you created earlier. ;. -rom the @ome 'age( click the Monitor this *age button ( ). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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)atching the @ome page. #. Tiki sa es your selection and reloads the page. Tip 8otice that the icon changes to . This option can be togg&ed on and off. ?f you click the icon again( you ,ill stop monitoring the page. 5. 8o, log off( and re"log in as the admin. 6. /dit the @ome 'age (add some te.t( create a link( or upload a ne, picture S you already kno, ho,I). ?n a fe, moments( you should recei e an email (to the address of the registered user) that looks like thisT The page @ome'age ,as changed by admin at !ug 45( ;$$9. 0ou can ie, the page by follo,ing this linkT httpTUU,,,.yourdomain.comUtiki"inde..phpRpage[@ome'age 0ou can ie, a diff back to the pre ious ersion by follo,ing this linkT httpTUU,,,.yourdomain.comUtiki"pagehistory.phpR page[@ome'ageEcompare[4Eold er[7Ene, er[9EdiffHstyle[minsidediff ?f you donBt ,ant to recei e these notifications follo, this linkT httpTUU,,,.yourdomain.comUtiki"userH,atches.phpR hash[9:efacfa747#6:f4#c;ff;5$#5:79e74 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The email also contains the actual changes and a copy of the complete( current page. Tip 0ou can also ,atch a page by enabling the Monitor this page option ,hen editing a pageT

)atching a page( ,hile editing. %sers can ,atch nearly any Tiki obDect (such as blogs and forums) S not Dust ,iki pages. )atches are a great ,ay for users to automatica&&y recei e notification each time you update the site.


Do you remember seeing the #inor option ,hen you ,ere editing a ,iki pageR Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The *inor option on the /dit page. ?f you indicate that an edit is a FminorF edit( Tiki wi&& not send notices to other users ,ho are F,atchingF the page. 0ou should consider using the #inor option ,hen making small changes (such as correcting typographical errors) to a oid sending too many notifications to page ,atchers.

,sing the Sandbo>

Do you remember enabling the Sandbox feature ,hen you configured the ,ikiR The sandbo. is a special ,iki page that can be used by isitors to practice their ,iki skill and learn the ,iki synta.. 8ote The FSandbo.F feature is a ailable because you enabled it on the !dministrationT )iki page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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)hen editing the Sandbo.( only the !dministrator can S!</ the page. !ll of the enabled ,iki options (such as 2uickTags and 'lugins) can be used in the Sandbo.. Tip ?f you are logged in as the ad#in( there is a Sa e button. This allo,s you to customiCe the default te.t that appears on the Sandbo. page. )ant to play in the sandbo. right no,R 0ou can use the ,iki sandbo. at .

=inking to &iki Pages

0ouB e already learned ho, to add links from one ,iki page to another( but ,hat if you ,ant to link in to your Tiki from another ,ebsiteR To create a link to a ,iki page from another source (such as another ,ebsite or an email) use this format http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4index.php:Epage;<<<. )here <<< is the full name of the ,iki page. ?n place of spaces( use either URS or %. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8ote ?f you use TikiBs default .hta!!ess file to create S/-%R& (Search /ngine -riendly %R&s)( you can construct your incoming links as simplyT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# 999 -or e.ample( to link to t!is ,iki page( you could useT http: twbasi!s.tiki"ors#arties.!o# 6inking%to%Wiki%*ages

See the

Tiki)iki Documentation

for details.

Tip ?f your page names contain non"/nglish or FspecialF characters( be sure to set the Wiki 'ink "or#at option on the !dminT )iki page.

,sing ?'ogs
-rom the *enu moduleT 4. Select 8'ogs B 6ist 8'ogs.

The &ist 1logs page lists all of the a ailable blogs. Tip 0ou can configure ,hich columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items in the *age 6isting area on the !dministrationT 1log page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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;. 0ou can click the column heading to resort the list( by that heading. -or e.ample( click the Tit'e column once to sort the list by each blogBs title (in ascending order). Click it again to sort in descending order. #. 0ou can click on a blog title to ie, the blog.

Reading a blog to read. 5. ?f you ha e permission( the !ction column contains additional linksT Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..( 4.>..

Configure ( 'ost ( <ie, Comments (

) the blogBs heading ) a ne, entry in the blog. ) from the blog. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ssign permissions ( Delete (

) to the blog.

) the entire blog.


Reading 1logs !dding Comments %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs

Reading a ?'og
)hen you select a blog from the 1logs list page( Tiki displays the blogBs header information and a full page of posts. Release :.. Release 7.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. g file?d[5:4 thumb[y rel[bo.g ,idth[F56$ p.F Tip 1y default( Tiki ,ill sho, 4$ posts at a time. 0ou can change this by configuring the 1u#ber o" posts to show option on the Create 1log page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configure the number of items to display.

This section includes information on the follo,ing blog functionsT Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts


%se the ,ind bo. to perform a te.t search wit!in t!is b&og's posts.

Searching for the ,ord @/&&A in the blog. 8ote This searches only the blogBs post. This is not a site",ide search. Searching is co ered later in this guide in the Configuring the Search section. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Anly blog posts that contain the search te.t ,ill be displayed. Tip 0ou can specify if the blog has its o,n search feature by selecting the A''ow Sear!h option on the pagenameR page ,hen you create a ne, blog.

Configuring the blog for searching.


Tiki can automatically create an RSS feed for each blog( if configured. The RSS link ,ill appear in the blogBs header.

Click the RSS link to subscribe to the RSS feed for the blog. 8ote See the FConfiguring Tiki RSS -eedsF section for more information on configuring TikiBs RSS feeds. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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! perma&ink is the permanent( complete( %R& for a specific blog post. Tiki automatically creates permalinks for e ery blog post. )hen ie,ing a blog( the per#a'ink appears at the end of each post.

The permalink for a blog post. Click *er#a'ink to display on&y the selected blog post.

<ie,ing the blog post "" its permalink.


0ou can easily send blog posts to other people. Tiki includes a FSend to -riendF feature for e ery blog entry. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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4. Click the /mail This 'ost (

) link at the bottom of the blog entry.

Send this post to a friend. ;. An the Send 1log 'ost page( enter the email address of people that you ,ant to to send the post to.

0ou can enter multiple email address. Separate each ,ith a comma. #. Click Send. Tiki ,ill send the follo,ing email to each personT
"i# @@58:A : <ANAM<@@ has sent yo% this link4 Blog post4 @@T)T;< 8F T"< B;83 P8 T@@ at4 CnpChttp4//www.yo%rdo(>post)d*,Dblog)d*,

8ote The email ,ill come FfromF the Sender 9#ai' address that you entered on the !dministrationT +eneral page.

-dding Comments
0ou can add comments to blogs using the same process that you did for ,iki pages. -or blogs( you can place comments on a specific post or the complete blog. %se the 1log -eatures area of the !dministrationT 1logs page to configure the comments.


! blog post ,ith a comment. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware CO%%ENTS ON THE B(O-

! blog ,ith a comment.

,sing #rackbacks and Pings

This page has not been started. 0ou can help.

=inking to ?'ogs
To create a link to your blog from another source (such as another ,ebsite or an email) use this format http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki40iew3b'og.php:Eb'og&d;999 )here <<< is the ?D of the blog.

To create a link to a specific blog post( use this format http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki40iew3b'og.php:post&d;H::: )here /// is the ?D of the post. 8ote ?f you use TikiBs default .hta!!ess file to create S/-%R& (Search /ngine -riendly %R&s)( you can construct your incoming links as simplyT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# b'og999 or http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# b'ogpost:::

See the

Tiki)iki Documentation

for details. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing the /or%ms

0ou ha e already learned ho, to create a ne, forum and create a forum post. 0ou ha e also seen ho, to create a ne, forum topic( as the admin. ?n this section( you ,ill learn other common forum features.


!dding Topics *oderating Topics &inking to -orums

-dding 7e* #opics #ypes

/ach topic in a Tiki)iki forum can be designated as a specific type. /ach topic type is identified by a different iconT 1or#a' Sti!k$ )hen isitors display the list of topics in a forum( the FstickyF topics ,ill al,ays be sho,n at the top of the list( regardless of ho, isitors sort the list. Announ!e#ent =ot 6o!ked <isitors cannot reply to any topic that is Flocked.F 0ou can use the different types to help site isitors identify important or ne, forum threads. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki sho,s the topic type icon is sho,n ,hen listing the forumBs topics.

1y default( ,hen you create a ne, topic( Tiki uses the 1or#a' topic type. 0ou can easily change this to any other topic typeT

Selecting the forum topic type. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Try creating a thread for each different topic type.

8oderating #opics
!s the administrator( you can edit or delete any forum post. !ny other group ,ith permission (such as the -orum !dministrator group that you created) can also moderate threads and posts. 1ut ,hat if another isitor finds a post offensi e( or ,ants to report a spam postR )hen you added permissions to the !nonymous group( you added the tiki3p3"oru#s3report. This allo,s isitors to report (or f&ag) a post that they consider inappropriate. 0ou can then re ie, the post and edit it( if necessary. Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions
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?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section

)iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

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&isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware $EPO$TIN- POSTS

?f a isitor finds a post in a thread to be inappropriate( off topic( or spam( they can report the post to the forum moderator by clicking the (eport button.

Reporting a forum post to the moderator for re ie,. Tiki indicates that the post has been reported and ,ill be re ie,ed by a moderator. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware $E.IE*IN- $EPO$TED POSTS

!fter isitors report posts( you can re ie, each post. 4. &og in as the administrator (or a forum administrator). ;. -rom the *ain *enu( select ,eatures B ,oru#. #. -rom the -orums page( click the name of the forum. !t the top of the page( Tiki indicates that a message has been reported.

0ou ha e one message that has been reported to you. 5. Click Manage (eported Messages. The Reported *essages page appears.

@ere( you can re ie, the message and un"report it. 8ote Tiki indicates that the message ,as reported by Anon$#ous. This is because you ,ere not logged in as a particular user ,hen you reported the post. ?f a registered user ,as logged in( their username ,ould be listed. @ere you can click the message name to re ie, (and edit( if necessary) the reported message. !fter re ie,ing the message (and editing it( if necessary)( you can FunreportF the message. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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=inking to /or%ms
To create a link to your forum from another source (such as another ,ebsite or an email) use this format http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki40iew3"oru#.php:E"oru#&d;999 )here <<< is the ?D of the forum.

To create a link to a specific forum thread( use this format http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki40iew3"oru#3thread.php: !o##ents3parent&d;AAAE"oru#&d;99 )here AAA is the ?D of the first post in the thread( and <<< is the ?D for the forum.

8ote ?f you use TikiBs default .hta!!ess file to create S/-%R& (Search /ngine -riendly %R&s)( you can construct your incoming links as simplyT http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# "oru#999

See the

Tiki Documentation

for details.

,sing Po''s
0ou ha e already learned ho, create a poll and add it to a module or ,iki page. &etBs e.plore a bit more... )hen you created the poll( you made the *ub'ish +ate the current date S this made the poll acti e immediately. 0ou can also use the A!ti0e field( ,hen creating a poll( to configure ,hen the poll is F otable.F Release :.. Release 7.. Release #..

Delete Print date: Oct 15, !1

&abel &ink

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)hen creating a poll( you can specify if the poll isT A!ti0eT %sers can ote in the poll (based on the 'ublish Date). CurrentT The poll is considered to be the current (primary) poll. C'osedT %sers cannot ote in the poll( but it is retained for historical purposes. 8ote The Te#p'ate and 7bQe!t options are not co ered in this guide. See the Tiki)iki documentation for details.

9ie*ing Po'' Res%'ts

@a ing polls is great( but e entually you need to kno, the results. 4. -rom the !dmin menu( click *o''s. ;. The !dmin 'olls page lists all the current polls. Click the name of a poll to ie, its results.

Select a poll to ie, its results. #. The poll page displays the total number of otes and the current results. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Anly t,o users ha e oted( so far. 5. Click Aotes to sho, ,hich users ha e oted in the poll( and ho, they oted.

8ote 8otice that only ; users (ad#in and ri!k) are sho,n( yet the poll has a total of 6 otes. This is because # anonymous users ha e also oted. Since anonymous users are not logged in( Tiki cannot track their otes.

Selecting the !CT?</ options for a poll. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing Po''s as Ratings

?n addition to creating and using polls( you can create a special type of poll (a te#p'ate) to be used as ,ay to let isitors rate specific ,iki pages. -or e.ample( the (ate this *age option at the bottom of this page allo,s you to rate the 3uality of this page. See %sing this +uide for more information. Release :.. Release ;..


! poll temp&ate is a poll that can be re"used on multiple ,iki pages. 4. Create a ne, poll. ?n the A!ti0e field( select Te#p'ate.

Creating a poll template. ;. Create poll options. -or e.ample( you could add t,o options to let readers F oteF if the page ,as helpful to them. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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! sample page rating poll.

EN&B(E *I#I P&-E $&TIN-

To allo, polls ratings to be added to ,iki pages( you must enable the (ating feature. An the !dministrationT )iki page( enable the (ating feature. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/nabling the ,iki Rating feature. Tip Starting in Tiki 7.$( you can use the Si#p'e Wiki rating feature to automatically add a simple( numeric rating scale to all ,iki pages.


8o, that you ha e a poll template and ha e enabled the ,iki Rating option( you can add the poll to the page. &etBs add the poll rating to the @ome'age. 4. Click =o#e in the *enu module to return to the @ome page. ;. Click the 9dit icon. The /dit page appears. 8otice that the /dit page no, includes a ne, fieldT 5se rating. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding a poll rating to a ,iki page. #. -or the 5se rating( select the follo,ing optionsT TypeT Select the poll template that you created earlier. TitleT /nter a name for this rating. This is the title that ,ill be displayed on the rating poll. 5. !dd some te.t to the page( asking users to please rate the page.

?nform your isitors of the ne, page rating poll. 6. Sa e the page. 0our @ome page should no, ha e rating poll attached to itT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The rating poll has been added to the page. 8ote ?f you use the Si#p'e Wiki rating feature( Tiki asdds the numeric rating scale to the pageT

Simple ,iki rating

8ote 1e sure to include the tiki3p3wiki30iew3ratings and tiki3p3wiki30ote3ratings Print date: Oct 15, !1

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permissions to the groups that you ,ant to allo, to ie, and rate pages. See Configuring +roup 'ermissions for details.

)arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases.

,sing ;mage )a''eries

0ou ha e already learned ho, to create an image gallery and upload a ne, image. 0ou ha e also seen ho, to bro,se images and galleries and display images in modules and ,iki pages. ?n this section( you ,ill learn other common image gallery features.


Creating Subgalleries <ie,ing Slidesho,s

)arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases.

Creating S%bga''eries
0ou can use subgalleries to better organiCe your images. &etBs create a gallery for landscape pictures of the %S!. )e ,ill make this a subga&&ery of the e.isting Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

landscape gallery (that you created earlier). 4. -rom the ?mage +alleries menu in the *enu module( click +alleries.

The +alleries option in the ?mage +alleries menu. ;. The +alleries page lists the galleries on the site.

The +alleries page( ,ith your ne, gallery. #. %se the Create a +allery page to create a ne, image gallery.

The Create a +allery page allo,s you to specify the options for a specific image gallery. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each fieldT 1a#eT /nter a name for this gallery. +es!riptionT /nter a detailed description of this gallery. ,ie'ds to show during browsing the ga''er$T This controls ,hat information ,ill be isible ,hen users ie, each image. Select only the follo,ing fieldsT 8ame Description *arent Ga''er$T Select the gallery that you created earlier. Add s!a'ed i#agesT /nter HSS. Tiki can automatically create multiple( scaled ersions( of each image you upload. This is especially nice for users S they can ie, ,hiche er scale they ,ant. 6. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and loads the +alleries page( sho,ing you ne,ly created image gallery.

The +alleries page( ,ith your ne, gallery. 7. 8o, upload images to the ne, gallery.

B$O*SIN- -&((E$IES &ND S"B-&((E$IES

0ou can bro,se the images in a subgallery in the in the same ,ay that you bro,sed images in any other gallery. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +!1 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0ou can also access the subgallery from t!e parent gallery. 4. -rom the ?mage +alleries menu( click Ga''eries. ;. An the ! ailable +alleries page( click the name of the parent ga&&ery. dimg src[FimgU,ikiHupUgalleriesH5H;;.pngF alt[F+alleries page.F desc[FSelect the '!R/8T gallery that you initially created.e #. An the 1ro,sing +allery page( Tiki displays a thumbnail for each image in the gallery.

8otice that the first image in the gallery is a link to the S%1gallery. 5. Click the image labeled as the Subga''er$. Tiki displays the images in the subgallery.

These are the images in the subgallery. Tip 0ou can configure ,hich image Tiki uses to identify the subgallery by using the Ga''er$ &#age field ,hen you created the subgallery. 1y default( Tiki ,ill use the first uploaded image to identify the gallery.

)arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases.

9ie*ing )a''ery S'idesho*s

Tiki can automatically create a slidesho,( using the images in a gallery. Tiki ,ill rotate through the a ailable images. 8ote The image gallery slidesho, is different from a ,iki slidesho,. Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation for information on con erting a ,iki page into a slidesho,. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +!+ Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading Print date: Oct 15, !1

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@eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +!5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +!. Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +!1 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s Print date: Oct 15, !1

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1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho,


4. )hen bro,sing an image( click the Slidesho, for,ard button ( to begin a slidesho,.

Starting a slidesho, of images in a gallery. ;. %se the follo,ing buttons to control the slidesho,T

<ie,ing a slidesho, of images in a gallery.

S Stop the slidesho, and return to the image. S Re erse the direction of the slidesho,

Click (eturn to ga''er$ to return to the imageBs gallery page. Tip ?f you use the 'opup button ( ) ,hen ie,ing the image( you can start the slidesho, in a separate ,indo, S ,ithout the other parts of the Tiki ,ebsite.

<ie,ing the image slidesho, in a popup ,indo,. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware &NC) S(IDESHO*

Tiki uses Shado,bo.

to create a fancy slidesho, of images.

-irst( you need to enable the Shado,bo. featureT 4. -rom the !dministration page( click ,eatures Ad#inistration: ,eatures page( appears. . The

The !dministrationT -eatures page lists all Tiki features. ;. An the 5ser inter"a!e enhan!e#ent "eatures tab( enable the Shadowbox feature and click App'$.

/nabling Shado,bo. and *ootools on the !dministrationT -eatures page. 8ote The Shado,bo. feature re3uires *ootools ( a set of ^a ascript enhancements included ,ith Tiki. ?f you do not ha e the Mootoo's feature enabled( you must enable it first( t!en enable the Shado,bo.. #. )hen bro,sing an image( Tiki uses the Shado,bo. feature.

1ro,sing images ,ith Shado,bo. To na igate through the gallery( use 1ext and *re0ious. The !'ose the i#age browser and return to the ga''er$V !'i!k CloseHH.

,sing the -rtic'es

0ou ha e already learned ho, to create ne, topics and article types( ,hich are used to categoriCe articles. 0ou ha e also seen ho, to create a ne, article( as the admin. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?n this section( you ,ill learn other common article features.


&isting !rticles Submitting !rticles

=isting -rtic'es
^ust like ,iki pages( you can easily list all of the current articles. 0ou can sort and search the list( too. Release :.. Release 7.. Release #.. To list the articlesT 4. /.pand the !rticles menu in the *enu *odule and click 6ist arti!'es.

The !rticles page lists all Tiki articles that are currently published. Tip 0ou can configure ,hich columns appear in this list by enabling (or disabling) specific items in the -ields to Display area on the !dministrationT !rticles page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring ,hich columns to display. ;. 0ou can click the column heading to resort the list( by that heading. -or e.ample( click the *ub'ish +atecolumn once to sort the list by the date the article ,as published (in ascending order). Click it again to sort in descending order. #. %se the ,ind bo. to search for specific articles. 0ou can filter your search by type and topic. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8ote This searches only the articles. This is not a site",ide search. Searching is co ered later in this guide( in the Configuring the Search section.


Tiki automatically tracks the number of times your isitors read each article. 0ou can 3uickly display a list of the most popular articles (based on FreadsF). Release :.. Release 7.. Release #.. To list the articlesT 4. An the Genera' Settings tab of the Ad#inistration: Arti!'es page( enable the (ankings option. ;. -rom the Menu( select Arti!'es B (ankings. #. An the (ankings page( use the Top Arti!'es drop"list to display the top articles or authors( based on the number of reads or submissions.

&isting articles by their rank (number of reads). 5. %se the Top -S drop"list to display the top 4$( ;$( 6$( or 4$$ articles.

S%bmitting -rtic'es
)hen you created an article earlier( it became Fli eF immediately. !s the ad#in( any articles that you create are automatically appro ed. Do you remember enabling the Sub#issions options on the !rticlesT !dministration pageR 0ou also granted !nonymous users permission to submit articles This allo,s other users to submit articles for publication. Release :.. Release 7.. Release ;.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can test this submission process no,T 4. &og out as the ad#in. 0ou are no, ie,ing the site as an !nonymous isitor. ;. -rom the *ain *enu (that you created earlier)( select Sub#it 1ews. This page is identical to the /dit !rticle page that you used earlier( to create a ne, article. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Submitting an article. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the /dit !rticle pageT Tit'eT /nter a title for your article. Author 1a#eT Since you are ie,ing the site as an !nonymous isitor( this field is blank. /nter your name here. Topi!T Select the ne, article topic that you created earlier. T$peT Select Arti!'e. =eadingT /nter a short description or introduction to the article. 8od$T /nter the main article te.t. 5. Click Sub#it Arti!'e. Tiki sa es the information. 8ote 1ecause you are ie,ing the site as an !nonymous isitor( you must enter the C!'TC@! before submitting the article. 0our article is not isible because it has not been published. Anly users ,ith permission can see and appro e submitted articles.


4. &og in as the ad#in. The !dministrator has permission to appro e article submissions. ;. -rom the *enu( select Arti!'es B Aiew Sub#issions. Tiki displays the submitted articlesT

The submitted articles. #. Select one of the follo,ing optionsT Click 9dit ( ) to re ie, or edit the article before appro ing it. ) to appro e the article. ) to delete the submission.

Click Appro0e ( Click (e#o0e ( Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%pon appro al( the article ,ill be Fli eF for all isitors (,ith permission to read published articles).

,sing the /i'e )a''ery

?n this section( you ,ill learn other common file gallery features. *o ing -iles ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages

8o"ing fi'es *ithin the /i'e )a''ery

&etJKLMNLgKs mo e the files that you uploaded earlier (for the ,iki and blog) into the ne, file gallery you created. Release :.. Release 9.. 4. -rom the *enu( select ,i'e Ga''eries B 6ist Ga''eries. The +alleries page lists the ne, gallery you created and the files uploaded earlier. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our file gallery and files ;. Select the images that you pre iously uploaded( and click Mo0e . The *o e to field appears.

*o ing files #. Select you ne, file gallery( and click *o e. Tiki mo es the selected files to the file Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The root file gallery The root file gallery no longer contains the files. They ha e been mo ed into the sub"gallery that you created.

The files ha e been mo edI

Rep'acing @,pdatingA /i'es

1ecause Tiki automatically manages all links to files in the gallery( it is easy to replace or update files ,ithout affecting any linksI Print date: Oct 15, !1

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&etBs replace the image that you added to the home page... wit!out editing t!e ;ome<age. ?*!+/ Release 9.. Release 7.. 4. !ccess the file gallery that you created pre iously.

-ile gallery ,ith se eral files and images. ;. Click A!tions popup menu. for the image to update. Tiki displays the A!tions

#. Select 5p'oad 1ew Aersion. Tiki uploads and replaces the file in the gallery. ?*!+/ 5. Return to the @ome'age. Tiki has replaced the image. ?*!+/ Print date: Oct 15, !1

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=inking to /i'es
)hen you upload files to the file gallery( Tiki displays additional information upon a successful upload.

!dditional file information. Click Additiona' &n"o to display tips for linking to and displaying the image( includingT ho, to link (that is( do,nload) the image from a ,iki page (or any ,iki te.t area) ho, to display the image or its thumbnail To do,nload or display (images only) a file from another source (such as another ,ebsite or an email) use these formats( respecti elyT http4//www.yo%rdo($ile.php> $ile)d*XX http4//www.yo%rdo($ile.php> $ile)d*XXDdisplay ,here << is the ?D of the file. ?f you use TikiJKLMNLgKs default .hta!!ess file to create S/-%R& (Search /ngine -riendly %R&s)( you can construct your incoming links as simplyT http4//www.yo%rdo( (to do,nload)( or Print date: Oct 15, !1

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http4//www.yo%rdo( (to display)


Tiki documentation

for details.

,sing /i'es in &iki Pages

?n addition to uploading ne, pictures for use in a ,iki page( you can easily add any image or file from a file gallery. 4. An the @ome page( click 9dit. The /dit page appears. ;. -rom the toolbar( click the &#ages button ( appears. ). The ?mage ,indo,

?mages button on the toolbar. #. An the image ,indo,( in the ,i'e &+ field( click the &#age button ( -ile +allery appears. ). The Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding an image 5. Select (click) an image from the file gallery. Tiki closes the file gallery

Select an image from the gallery. An the ?mage ,indo,( Tiki automatically adds the ?D of the file. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki adds the correct ?D. 6. Configure any additional options and click &nsert Tiki adds the necessary ,iki code to the page. )iki ?*+ code
'i(g $ile)d*, th%(b*y rel*bo-.g/ alt*+My new i(age+0

7. Sa e the page. ?*!+/

,sing RSS /eeds

Tiki can create RSS (really simple syndication) feeds for all of your content features (,iki pages( blogs( forums( and so on). ?n addition to the RSS 4.$ and ;.$ specifications( Tiki can also generate feeds that are compliant ,ith !TA* $.> and A'*&. Tiki can also import (syndicate) RSS feeds from other site and display them in pages and modules. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page + ( Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware IN THIS SECTION

Configuring Tiki RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather -eeds

Config%ring #iki4s RSS /eeds

Tiki can automatically generate an RSS feed for each feature that you ha e enabled. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click (SS . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationTRSS page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;rss in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The Ad#inistration: (SS page( +eneral 'references tab appears.

The !dministrationT RSS page lists the options for generating Tiki RSS -eeds. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the Defaults areaT -or both 9ditor and Web#aster( enter the same email address you Print date: Oct 15, !1

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used as the Sender e#ai' on the !dministrationT +eneralR page. -or the &#age path( enter the path to your logo. 5. Click the ,eeds tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The !dministrationT RSS page lists the options for generating Tiki RSS -eeds. 6. /nable the follo,ing RSS feedsT -eed for !rticles -eed for )iki -eed for indi idual -ile +alleries -eed for indi idual 1logs -eed for indi idual -orums 8ote 1y selecting the &ndi0idua' option( Tiki ,ill create a different RSS for eac! file gallery( blog( and forum. 7. /nter a Tit'e and +es!ription for each feed. &ea e the other fields as their defaults. 9. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the +e"au'ts areaT -or both 9ditor and Web#aster( enter the same email address you used as the Sender email on the !dministrationT +eneral pageR. -or the &#age path( enter the path to your logo. :. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8otice that Tiki has added links for the )iki and !rticles RSS feeds at the bottom of the page. Release :.. Release 7.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

The site",ide RSS feed links. These links represent the site",ide feeds (for the )iki pages and !rticles). The RSS feeds for the indi idual items (such as the blog) are a ailable from the featureBs specific page. -or e.ample( if you read the blog you created earlier([imgU,ikiHupUfooterH4.png alt[FRSS links.F desc[FThe site",ide RSS feed Print date: Oct 15, !1

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links.Fe These links represent the site",ide feeds (for the )iki pages and !rticles). d</RS?A8Se The RSS feeds for the indi idual items (such as the blog) are a ailable from the featureBs specific page. -or e.ample( if you read the blog you created earlier( youBll see the RSS link.

The RSS feed for an indi idual blog . 8ote To make RSS feeds publicly a ailable( you must assign the read permission for the feature to the !nonymous group( as e.plained in the !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions section.

Syndicating Other Sites4 /eeds

?n addition to creating RSS feeds from your content( you can also syndicate content from other sites. 0ou can syndicate any content from any site that produces an RSS feed. 0ou can add that content to a ,iki page or a module. ?n this section( you ,ill syndicate the ne,s feed from the Tiki community portal. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;..( 4.>.. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page + 5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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-rom the !dmin menuT 4. Select Ad#in B 9xterna' ,eeds. ;. An the !dmin RSS modules page( click the Create ,eed tab. #. Complete the follo,ing information in the Create ne, RSS module areaT

Creating an RSS module from the ne,s feed. 1a#eT /nter the name for the feed module( such as 1ews "ro# +es!riptionT /nter a description of the feed module. 5(6T /nter the full %R& of the Tiki)iki ne,s feedT http4//in$> ver*E 8ote The %R& must be a alid RSS X*& source. (e"resh rateT Specifies ho, often Tiki should check the feed for updates. &ea e this as TS #inutes. Show "eed tit'eT Specifies to include the title of the RSS feed (as defined by the feed itself). Show pub'ish dateT Specifies to include the time and date of each post in the RSS feed. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our ne,ly created feed module is no, listed on the /.ternal -eeds tab. 6. Click (e"resh to load content from the RSS feed.

Tip 1e sure to note the &+ of the ne,ly added feed. 0ouBll need it in order to display the feed on a page or module.


Do you remember ho, you created a custom module( in order to place a poll in the right columnR 0ou can follo, the same procedure to add an RSS module. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;..( 4.>.. -rom the !dmin menuT 4. Select Ad#in B Modu'es. ;. Click the Custo# Modu'es tab. #. An the Custom *odules tab( in the Create 8e, %ser module area( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating a module for the Tiki) RSS feed. 1a#eT /nter a name for the module. This name ,ill be used( internally( by Tiki and you (as the admin) only. %sers ,ill not see this name. Tit'eT /nter a name to appear as the title of the module. This is the title that users ,ill see. +ataT @ere is ,here you need to identify ,hich RSS feed to to add. Simply enter ,here XX is the ?D of the RSS to add. )hatR 0ou donBt remember the ?D number of the RSS feed you Print date: Oct 15, !1

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createdR Thats AK. ?n the AbDects That Can 1e ?ncluded area( select the RSS module (from the RSS *odules list) and click %se automatically adds the necessary code to the Data area. . Tiki

8o, simply assign the module to the left or right column. @ere( ,e are adding the module to the bottom of the left columnT

!ssigning the RSS module. !nd here is the final module( as it ,ill appear on the siteT

The Tiki)iki feed being syndicated in your site. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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C%stomi0ing #iki Sty'e

!t this point( you should ha e a fully functional Tiki. ?n this section( youBll learn ho, to perform some basic customiCations for your site.

%sing the &ayout Aptions Changing Themes /diting Templates CustomiCing *enus Creating Dynamic *enus Creating Site *enu 1ars Creating Custom *odules %sing *odules %sing 'rofiles !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars !dding Custom 1uttons Tip !dditional information on ho, to customiCe your Tiki is a ailable in Tiki /ssentialsT )hat all Smarties needs to kno, about Tiki .

,sing the =ayo%t Options

1y no,( you should be able to customiCe the layout of your Tiki. 0ou kno, ho, toT %se the +eneral &ayout options to turn on (or off) the different parts of Tiki. !dd and remo e modules to the left and right columns of your Tiki( as ,ell as ho, to re"order the modules and configure ,hich modules appear for ,hich users. Create menus to help users na igate your site. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. ?n this section( you ,ill change the t!eme (sometimes called a FskinF) of your Tiki 8ote 0ou can further customiCe your Tiki by using the &ook and -eel feature( ,hich ,ill be discussed later.


Changing Themes /diting Templates

Changing #hemes
Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 0ou can use the !dministrationT &ook and -eel page to configure the default theme for your Tiki. 4. -rom the !dministrationT !dministration page( click 6ook E ,ee' . Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se the !dministrationT &ook and -eel page to select the o erall theme and style. ;. An the The#e tab( use the The#e list to select the default theme for your Tiki and click Go. Some themes include an additional The#e 7ptions field that you can use to modify the base theme. #. Click App'$. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page( ,ith the ne, theme. 8ote 0ou may ha e to clear your bro,serBs cache to display the ne, theme.

Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation information on all of the theme options.

for complete

-or detailed information (including li e samples) of the a ailable Tiki themes( isit httpTUUthemes.tiki, . Tip ?n addition to selecting an o erall( default theme for your Tiki( you can let users choose their o,n theme. /nable the (eg. users !an !hange the#e option on the !dministrationT &ogin page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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)arning Some themes may not be compatible ,ith your Tiki ersion. Re ie, the Tiki release notes and Theme"specific readme files for details.


Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Tiki includes a S,itch Theme module that lets users s,itch to different themes on" the"fly.

%se the S,itch Theme module to let users create their o,n Tiki"e.perience. 0ou must enable the 5sers !an !hange the#e option on the !dminT &ook and -eel page to allo, users to s,itch the theme. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!llo,ing users to s,itch the theme. 0ou can also specify specific themes to allo, users to select. Refer to !dding *odules for more information.


@ere are Dust a fe, of the themes a ailable from httpTUUthemes.tiki, .

! sampling of the themes that are a ailable. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can ,atch the *any -aces of Tiki)iki ideo for e en more inspirationI Tip 8eed more information on customiCing themesR See FCustomiCing Tiki ThemesF in Tiki /ssentials for additional details.

6diting #emp'ates
0ou can easily edit the templates that define the look"and"feel of your Tiki. 8ote DonBt confuse these TikiUSmarty templates (T'& files) ,ith your content templates (that is( pre"defined )iki( !rticle( or @T*& pages). See Configuring Content Templates for details. Tip 8eed more informationR See F*odifying TemplatesF in Tiki /ssentials additional details. Release :.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 4. An the Custo#iDation tab of the !dministrationT &ook E -eel page( enable the 9dit Te#p'ates and Aiew Te#p'ates options. for Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/nabling the /dit Templates option. ;. Click Sa0e. Tiki Sa es the information and reloads the page. #. ?n the 9diting area( click 9dit te#p'ates. Tiki lists all of the Smarty templates. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Select a template to edit. 5. Select a template to edit. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ll of the templates in use by your site.

Tip ?f you decide to customiCe your template files( you should create your o,n theme instead of changing an e.isting themeBs template files. This ,ill make future Tiki upgrades easier S you donBt ,ant to o er,rite your customiCations each time you upgradeI See F+etting Started on a 8e, Theme F in the Tiki Themes ,ebsite for details.


)arning Do not use TikiBs template editor to edit' or any other template file that includes ^a aScript. -or security( the Tiki template editor ,ill remo e all ^a aScript from the template files (this is to ensure that a hacker does not inDect malicious Print date: Oct 15, !1

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scripts into your site.

?f you accidentally select a file that includes a s!ript element( do not sa e the template.

To edit a template that uses Da ascriptT 4. -T' the template file from your ,eb ser er to your 'C. ;. /dit the template file using a te.t editor. #. -T' the edited template to your ,eb ser er. Do you remember the registration page that you completed ,hen creating a ne, userR 0ou can update the pageBs template to include a custom message for you ,ebsite. Tip %se the S#art$ te#p'ate usage indi!ator option to determin ,hich template to edit. See *odifying Templates in Tiki %ssentia&s for more information. 4. An the /dit template page( find the' file and click the link. Tiki opens the file for editing.

/dit the registration page and add a customiCed ,elcome. ;. Directly before the Wbr B code( typeT
Fp=Thanks $or registering at (y site. ) hope yo% $ind it %se$%l.F/p=

#. Click sa0e on'$ in the the#e: tikineat. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 8ote ?f you are using a different theme( its name ,ill appear.

The registration template no, includes your custom message. Tip To facilitate internationaliCation and translation( you should enclose your te.t in OtrP Print date: Oct 15, !1

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... O trP tags. Refer to information.

the Tiki)iki documentation

for more

8ote Tiki pages should alidate as X@T*& 4.$. ?f you include any markup codes in your templates( be sure it alidates correctly. 0ou can use the )#C <alidator to check your code. )arning ?f you include Smarty coding in you templates( it #ust alidate properly( or your pages ,ill not display. 8o, log off as the admin and register as a ne, user. 0our custom message is included in the registration page.

0ou can customiCe the Tiki templates as much( or as little( as you desire.

C%stomi0ing 8en%s
0ou ha e already seen ho, to create and configure a menu. ?n this section( ,e ,ill e.plore multi"le el options and dynamic menus.


Creating Dynamic *enus Creating Site *enu 1ars Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating $ynamic 8en%s

Tiki can create dynamic Fdrop"do,nF and Ffly"outF menus( by using CSS and '@' &ayers . )arning Starting ,ith Tiki 6.$( CSS Menus are used by default in place of '@' &ayers. The '@' &ayers feature ,ill be deprecated and remo ed in later releases S you should use CSS instead. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #..( ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministrationT +eneral pageT 4. /nable the CSS #enus option on the 1a0igation tab and click Change *re"eren!es. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/nabling the *eu options. ;. /.pand the !dmin menu and select Modu'es. #. Click the 5ser Modu'es tab. 5. An the %ser *odules tab( click 9dit ( created earlier. ) for the menu module you

/dit your custom menu module. 6. ?n the /dit This %ser *odule area( replace the '(en% id*GH0 ,ith '(en% id*GH css*y type*vert0

Replacing the standard menu ,ith a '@' layers menu. Tip 0ou can use the CSS Menus option in the AbDects that can be included area to automatically add this code. 7. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the !dmin *odules page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8otice that your *ain *enu module has changed. ?nstead of the suboptions for the ,eatures being in a folder( they are no, in a dynamic FflyoutF menu.

The dynamic *ain *enu. 8ote ?f the module does not appear( you may need to clear your bro,serBs cache( or click C'ear !a!he to clear TikiBs cache. Then refresh the page.


Tiki includes support for se eral types of dynamic menus. 0ou can specify the menu type ,hen assigning the menu to a moduleT Menu T$pe S$ntax Sa#p'e

+e"au't *=*

dphplayers id[XXe

+e"au't CSS

dmenu id[XX css[ye Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Menu T$pe



Aerti!a' *=*

dphplayers id[XX type[ erte

Aerti!a' CSS

dmenu id[XX css[y type[ erte

=oriDonta' *=* dphplayers id[XX type[horiCe

Aerti!a' *=*

dmenu id[XX css[y type[horiCe

Tip Replace the << ,ith the ?D for your menu. The menuBs ?D is sho,n on the !dmin *enus page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

8ote The '@' menus are obsolete( in Tiki 9.. and ne,er. &ater( youBll learn ho, to use a dynamic menu ,ith the &ook E -eel feature to create a drop"do,n menu in the Tiki top bar.

Creating a Site 8en% ?ar

?nstead of placing the *ain *enu in a module in the left column)( you may prefer to place the menu at the top of the page. TikiBs Site Menu 8ar feature makes it easyI Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. The process for adding a Site *enu 1ar is similar to adding a module S youBll add the Menu module to the Top8ar area. 4. -rom the !dmin menu( select Ad#in B Modu'es. Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT *odules page by using the Modu'es button ( ) in the Cui!k Ad#in area. ;. An the !dminT *odules page( select the Assigned #odu'es tab( then click Add Modu'e.

%se the !ssigned *odules tab to add a ne, module. #. ?n the !ssign ne, module area( use the Modu'e 1a#e field to select the Menu module. This module ,ill display the custom menu that you created earlier. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select the *enu module. Tiki loads the module information reloads the page( sho,ing a pre ie, of the module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0ou can no, configure the module. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the 8asi! tabT 'ositionT Select Topbar. +roupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that all isitors ,ill be able to see the module. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the Modu'e tabT MenuT /nter the ?D of the *ain *enu that you created earlier. T$peT /nter horiD. 7. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the Appearan!e tabT 1o8oxT /nter $ so that Tiki wi&& not display the standard module bo. lines around the menu. 9. Click App'$. Tiki no, displays your custom Main Menu at the top of the page. The sub"options Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +5+ Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

are a ailable as drop"do,n options.

0our ne, site menu bar.

Creating C%stom 8od%'es

)hen you added a poll to a module and included a menu in a module( you created a custom (albeit simple) module (i.e.( a user modu&e) instead of selecting a pre"defined module. ?n addition to adding Tiki obDects (such as polls and menus) to modules( you can use @T*& or Smarty synta. as ,ell. Tip -or detailed information on user modules( see Tiki /ssentials . Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins
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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +53 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/mailing 1log 'osts !dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

,sing 2#8=
0ou can add custom @T*& to a module. This allo,s you to add ,idgets( application( and scripts from other sources. -or e.ample( you can add an automatic ,eather forecast (from ,,,., ) to a Tiki module. Simply create a ne, module and add the @T*& codeT
Fscript type*+te-t/Iavascript+ lang%age*+Iavascript,.E+ src*+http4//> width*,E7Dheight*,E7Dthe(e*lred6no6search6bo-Dlocation*JashingtonKE2 KEL92D%nits*$+=F/script= Fdiv=Fa hre$*+http4// Jeather AeportsF/s(allF/a=F/div=

Release :.. Release 9.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..( 4.>.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%se the %ser *odules tab on the !dminT *odules page to create a ne,( custom module. )eBll con ert this @T*& to ,iki synta. by using the ^a aScript plugin. 4. ?n the +ata area( enter the follo,ingT
'M ($ile*=+http4//> width*,E7Dheight*,E7Dthe(e*lbl%eDlocation*JashingtonKE2KEL92D%nits*$+) /0 .http4// Print date: Oct 15, !1

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;. /nable the Must be wiki parsed option. #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and displays the ne,ly created module in the Custom *odules list.

0our custom module. 5. To display the module in a column( click the Assign button( The !ssignU/dit modules tab appears. 6. Complete the fields as sho,n in the !dding *odules section. ).

8ote !fter assigning the module( if Tiki displays the message WA(1&1G: XS *'ugin disab'ed( you must first enable the ^a aScript plugin. See /nabling 'lugins for more information. ?f Tiki displays the message *'ugin exe!ution pending appro0a'( you must appro e the ^a ascript plugin. See !ppro ing 'lugins for more information.

The module includes the ,eather report for )ashington( DC Print date: Oct 15, !1

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;nc'%ding Smarty
0ou can include Smarty synta. in your modules to do all sorts of neat things( such as displaying Tiki ariables. -or e.ample( using this codeT
"ello 'i$ N%ser0'N%ser0'else0anony(o%s visitor'/i$0!

,ill create a module thatT ?f the user is logged in( the module ,ill sho,T =e''o t!e user's nameI ?f the user is not logged in( the module ,ill sho,T =e''o anon$#ous 0isitorI )arning ?f you include Smarty coding in you templates( it must alidate properly( or your pages ,ill not display. Refer to this troubleshooting tip if Tiki displays a message indicating a ,ata' S#art$ error.

,sing 8od%'es Settings

)hen !dding *odules or Creating Custom *odules( use the !dministrationT *odule page to specify global settings for the modules. Release >.. Release :.. Release 9.. Release ;.. Release 4.>..

-rom the !dministrationT !dministration page( click Modu'es Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the global module settings.

Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT *odule page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;#odu'e in your ,eb bro,ser. The Show #odu'e !ontro's( 5sers !an !on"igure #odu'es( and 5sers !an shade #odu'es options allo, you site isitors to customiCe the modules.

This module sho,s the a ailable module controls. %sers canT *o e the module up (or do,n ) ,ithin the column. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

*o e the module Remo e the module See the

to the left (or right) column. . for details.

Tiki documentation

%se the +isp'a$ #odu'es to a'' groups a'wa$s and =ide anon$#ous4on'$ #odu'es "ro# registered users options to o erride any specific group setting that you included ,hen applying the module.

,sing Profi'es
*ro"i'es( first introduced in Tiki T.x( make it easy to build and customiCe your Tiki. /ach FprofileF contains a set of configurations that can be applied to your site. Since Tiki contains hundreds of features( preferences( modules( and permissions( using a profile is an easy ,ay to configure multiple features in a single process. !pplying a profile to your site does not erase your data. This means you can apply profiles to your site at any time. 'rofiles can e en be installed Fon top ofF one another. 0ou can e en create your o,n profileI 8ote Starting in Tiki I.x( profiles can be applied only after successfully installing Tiki. Tip &earn more about using profiles in F%sing 'rofiles F in Tiki %ssentia&s . Refer to the Tiki 'rofiles Repository

for more information.

!pplying a 'rofile Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

-pp'ying a Profi'e
To apply a profile to your site( Tiki must contact a profile repository and do,nload the configuration information. 1y default( Tiki is configured to use the official Tiki 'rofiles repository at . Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6..

4. -rom the !dministration page( click *ro"i'es

Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT 'rofiles page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;pro"i'es in your ,eb bro,ser. 4. An the 'rofiles page( click the App'$ *ro"i'es tab.

Selecting a profile to apply. Tip %se the Ad0an!ed tab to configure additional profile repositories and data channels. ;. Click ,eatured *ro"i'es to display a list of the top profiles. Tiki offers additional lists of profiles (-ull( *ini( and &earning) as ,ell as customiCable filters to help you select a profile. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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#. Tiki contacts the profiles repository and displays a list of profiles that match your filters. ?f Tiki is unable to contact the repositoryT Test your connection. ?n the Status area( click (e"resh ( and Tiki ,ill attempt to contact the repository. )

Check the Repository %R&. An the Ad0an!ed tab( confirm that the (epositor$ 5(6 is correct.

Displaying the a ailable profiles. 5. Click a profile name. Tiki displays the release information for the selected Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +.5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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profile. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

CustomiCing and applying the profile. Some profiles allo, you to customiCe the installation. -or e.ample( you can configure the 8ame or Title of your site. 6. Read the profile information then click App'$ 1ow to apply the profile to your site. 7. Tiki prompts for confirmation before installing the profile. Click 7). !fter installing the profile( Tiki displays a list of all configuration changes that ha e been made.

Tiki sho,s the changes made by the profile. 0ou can no, e.plore your ne, site. Depending on the profile you selected( you may noticeT ! different theme 8e, menus( modules( and pages !dditional features

8ote 0ou may need to log out or clear the cache before the changes take affect.

C%stomi0ing #oo'bars


Tiki for Dummies Smarties )elcome to Tiki Disclaimers Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups
Page +1+ Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures Configuring )iki Aptions Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +1( Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread Replying to Topics *oderating -orums Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age

*oderating Topics and Threads

%sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls Creating a 'oll Creating 'oll Aptions Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions

@ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures %sing the )iki &isting )iki 'ages

&isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics

Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page +11 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds

!dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style %sing the &ayout Aptions Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars

Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5..

Se'ecting a #oo'bar to C%stomi0e

To select a toolbarT 4. -rom the !dmin menu( select Ad#in B Too'bars. ;. %se the Se!tion drop"list to select ,hich toolbar from ,hich Tiki feature (section) to customiCe. Tiki allo,s you to ha e custom toolbars for each section. 8ote Tiki displays on&y the features that you ha e already enabled. Tip Select G'oba' to configure toolbars that are a ailable for a&& sections.

Select the )iki 'age section to customiCe the toolbar for editing ,iki pages. #. Tiki reloads the page( sho,ing the toolbars from the selected section. 8ote %se the Auto (e'oading option to control this beha ior. )hen disabled( you must manually select 6oad to load different toolbars. 5. %se the Aiew Mode option to select the ,iki synta. or )0S?)0+ toolbars (or both). This option is a ailable only for sections that implement the )0S?)0+ editor( and only if you ha e the )0S?)0+ feature enabled. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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C%stomi0ing #oo'bar ?%ttons

8o, that you ha e selected ,hich toolbars to customiCed( you can begin customiCing the toolbar.

To mo e a button( simply click"and"drag the button from its old location to its ne, location.

Select the button and drag it...

... to its ne, location. Tiki ,ill insert the button in its ne, location.


The ,or#atting Too's( *'ugin Too's( and Custo# Too's are FlibrariesF of buttons that you can add to toolbars. -ormatting Tools S These are FstandardF Tiki functions. 'lugin Tools S These are buttons to add plugins to ,iki pages. Anly plugins that ha e been enabled are a ailable. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Custom Tools S These are buttons that you ha e created and defined. See !dding Custom 1uttons for more information on creating your o,n buttons.

The toolbar libraries. To add a button to a toolbar( simply click"and"drag the button from the library to the toolbar.


To remo e a button( simply click"and"drag the button from the toolbar to its library.

-dding C%stom ?%ttons

-rom the !dmin Toolbars pageT 4. Click the Add new !usto# too' button ( library. The /dit Tool ,indo, appears. ) in the Custo# Too's Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Create a ne, button. ;. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the ,indo,T 1a#eT The name of your ne, button. This name is used internally by Tiki. 6abe'T The name of the button that users ,ill see. This name ,ill appear as the !&T te.t and description of the button. &!onT The image to use for the button. 1y default( Tiki uses images in the .. pi!s i!ons .. directory. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

S$ntaxT &ea e the other fields as their default. #. Click Sa0e. Tiki adds your custom button tot he Custo# Too's library.

0our custom button. 5. To add the button to a toolbar( simply click"and"drag the button( as sho,n in !dding 1uttons. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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2acking #iki
ha!k "" !n interesting technical achie ement (Source: Wiktionary )

8o, that youB e learned ho, to configure and use some of TikiBs primary features( youBre ready to see ho, to customiCe some of the inner",orkings of Tiki)iki. There are t,o primary ,ays to make Tiki do ,hat you want it to doT *ods 'lugins


%sing 'lugins ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins %sing *ods ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually

,sing P'%gins
'lugins are the ,ay to e.tend TikiBs ,iki functionality to do anything (and e erything) that you ,ant. ! complete list of plugins is a ailable in the

Tiki)iki documentation . 'lugins can be included any,here in Tiki that you can use ,iki synta.. This includes blogs( forums( and articles S not Dust ,iki Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

pages. The basic synta. for using a plugin isT Tiki 'lugin
'P;:3)N(option*=val%e# option*=val%e)0...'P;:3)N0

0ou can also Fself closeF the plugin by usingT Tiki 'lugin
'P;:3)N(option*=val%e# option*=val%e) /0

Starting in Tiki #..( you can use the help systemBs pop"up editor to easily add or edit plugins. See %sing 'lugins for more information. Some useful plugins includeT #odu'e T !dd any module to a page. a'ink and ana#e T Create named destinations for hyperte.t links. "an!$tab'e T Create FfancyF tables ,ith headers and alternate"ro, shading. Qs T ?nclude ^a aScript (or an e.ternal .^S file). group T CustomiCe a pageBs content( based on the isitorBs group. Sho, one thing to !nonymous isitorsG something else to Registered isitors S on the same page. "'ash T /mbed a -lash mo ie in a page. ht#' T ?nclude any @T*& coding in a ,iki page. Tip 0ou can use the @T*& plugin to add an$thing to page( including -lash ideos( ^a ascripts( and -rames. 1ecause of this( you can use the @T*& plugin in place of many of the specialiCed Tiki plugins. 8ote Tiki /ssentials and the Tiki documentation information on creating your o,n( custom plugin. include Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware IN THIS SECTION

?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins

;nsta''ing and -ccessing P'%gins

The standard Tiki installation includes more than 4$$ plugins. @o,e er( there is continuous de elopment of ne, plugins S you can e en create your o,nI There are t,o methods to install additional pluginsT *anuallyT Simply add the pluginBs '@' file to your TikiBs .. 'ib wiki4p'ugins directory. !utomaticallyT %se the *ods feature to do,nload and install ne, plugins. 8ote The Tiki)iki documentation creating your o,n( custom plugin. also includes information on

9erifying ;nsta''ation
Release 9.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..( 4.>.. There are se eral methods to erify (or check) ,hich plugins are installedT The *'ugins tab of the !dministrationT Te.t !rea page sho,s all installed plugins. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The currently a ailable plugins. Tip %se the ,i'ter field to 3uickly find a specifc plugin. %se the 9nab'e option to use the plugin on a ,iki page. The Wiki =e'p ,indo, sho,s all installed (and enabled) plugins.

The 'lugins section of the help ,indo,. /ach plugin should ha e its o,n '@' file in the .. 'ib wiki4p'ugins directory. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Release 9.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..( 4.>..


?t is a snap to insert Tiki 'lugins into your ,iki pages ,ith the @elp systemT 4. )hen editing a page( click the @elp button ( ;. ?n the @elp ,indo,( access the *'ugins section. ).

The 'lugins section of the help ,indo,. #. Click the !dd button ( ) for the plugin to add. Tiki displays a ,indo, that allo,s you to add the necessary parameters. Tip %se the ,i'ter field to 3uickly find any filter. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

5. Tiki displays an ,indo, for the plugin. ?n this e.ample( ,e are adding the Category plugin to a ,iki pageT

!dding the Category plugin to a ,iki page. 6. /nter the necessary information in each field and click &nsert. Tiki adds the necessary plugin code to the ,iki page.

6nab'ing P'%gins
/ en though the full installation of Tiki includes more than 4$$ plugins( for enhanced security only a fe, are enabled (acti,ated) on a ne, installation. Starting ,ith Tiki #.4( plugins must be enabled before they can be used. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. To enable a pluginT 4. -rom the !dministration page click Text Area . ;. An the *'ugins tab( click 9nab'e for each plugin to enable. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%se the 'lugins tab to enable (or disable) specific plugins. #. 1y deault( Tiki allo,s you to edit plugins wit!out ha ing to edit the complete ,iki page. -or e.ample( clicking the allo,s you to edit the A(T&C69S plugin that you created earlier ,ithout editing the ,iki page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/diting the plugin on a ,iki page. To o erride this beha ior( enable the +isab'e edit p'ugin i!on option for the specific plugin. 5. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the Ad#inistration: Text Area page.

-ppro"ing P'%gins
Starting in release #.$( Tiki pro ides additional security for plugins. Some plugins must be appro ed before becoming acti e. 0ou can appro e plugins as they appear on each ,iki page( or from the 'lugin !ppro al page. Release 7.. Release 5.. .

4. )hen Tiki disco ers a ne,ly added plugin that re3uires appro al( the follo,ing message appearsT

! ne,ly added plugin a,aiting appro al. ;. Click Aiew +etai's to re ie, the plugin. Tiki displays detailed information regarding the plugin( including its name and parameters Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Details of the plugin. #. Select one of the follo,ing optionsT To appro e the plugin( click Appro0e. To reDect the plugin( click (eQe!t. To pre ie, the plugin output( click *re0iew.

"SIN- THE P("-IN &PP$O.&( P&-E

The 'lugin !ppro al page lists a&& pending plugins. 4. -rom the !dministration page( click 9diting and *'ugins Te.t !rea page appears. ;. Click the *'ugins tab. #. An the 'lugins tab( click the tiki4p'ugins.php link. . The

!ccessing the 'lugin !ppro al page. 5. An the 'lugin !ppro al page( select the specific plugins to appro e and select Appro0e. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!ppro ing plugins

,sing 8ods
*ods (or modifications) are Tiki Fadd onsF that ha e been de eloped by members of the Tiki community . These mods (such as customiCed a atars( ,iki plugins( and ne, modules) are not included as part of the base Tiki installation( but you can easily add them to your site. The *ods repository also allo,s the Tiki community to share components released under a +'& license( ,hich cannot be redistributed ,ithin TikiBs &+'& license. )arning The Tiki *ods system and repository is undergoing e.tensi e modification( starting ,ith the Tiki 5.$ release. Some older mods may not be compatible ,ith the current Tiki release S others may ,ork perfectly. See the Tiki De eloperBs Site for details (or to helpI). repository.

-or complete information( see the Tiki *ods


?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

;nsta''ing 8ods -%tomatica''y

Tiki includes an administrator feature that ,ill allo, you to automatically bro,se and install mods. 8ote 1y default( your Tiki is configured to install mods from the Tiki *ods repository (httpTUUmods.tiki, ). 0ou must ha e an acti e internet connection in order to successfully install a mod. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. An the !dministration page( click the Mods link in the Cross'inks to other "eatures area.

!ccessing the *ods page. ;. The Tiki *ods page appears( listing the all the current mods.

1ro,sing the a ailable mods. Tip 0ou can also access the Tiki *ods page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4#ods.php in your ,eb bro,ser. 8ote ?f no mods are sho,n( click 5pdate (e#ote &ndex to reload the page. ?f Tiki reports problems connecting to or accessing the mods repository( check your internet connection and pro.y settings( if applicable. #. %se the T$pe and Aersion drop"lists to filter the types of mods that are sho,n (such as ,iki plugins or modules). 0ou can also use a key,ord search to find specific mods. 5. To install a mod( simply click &nsta''.

?nstalling the ^S ,iki plugin. 6. Click &nsta'' to confirm the installation. Tiki installs the mod and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0ou ha e installed the ^S ,iki plugin mod. The page no, sho,s the currently installed ersion of the mod( and includes a link for you to uninstall the mod. 0ou can no, use the ^S ,iki pluginI

;nsta''ing 8ods 8an%a''y

?nstead of installing mods automatically( you can do,nload the indi idual package from ( then add them to your Tiki site ( ia -T'). 4. 1ro,se the Tiki *ods site ;. Click the package icon ( to find a mod to install. ) for the mod to do,nload.

Do,nloading the ^S ,iki plugin mod. Do,nload the mod to your 'C. #. %narchi e the do,nloaded package. The mod ,ill include an in"o.txt file that e.plainsT @o, to use the mod. )hich files (included in the archi e) need to be added to your Tiki installation( and in ,hich directories to place the files. !dd the files to your Tiki site( as indicated. 5. &og into your Tiki site. The ne,ly installed mods should be a ailable immediately. 8ote 0ou may need to clear the Tiki cache or your bro,serBs cache. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

,sing #iki4s -d"anced /eat%res

!t this point( you are ,ell on your ,ay to becoming an e.perienced Tiki administrator. ?n this section( you ,ill learn ho, to enable( configure( and use( some of TikiBs ad anced features. 1y using these features( you can truly make your Tiki your own. Tip &ooking for additional ad anced helpR Try Tiki /ssentialsT )hat e ery Smarty needs to kno, about Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are .


Tiki /ssentialsT )hat e ery Smarty needs to kno, %sing Categories Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects Displaying Categories %sing Structures Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures Structure TAC Configuring Site ?dentity !dding a &ogo !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions @o, 'ermissions )ork !dding 'ermissions to 'ages !dding 'ermissions to other AbDects !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to -ile +alleries !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring the @ome 'age %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search !dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers Displaying and /diting Trackers Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages %sing Tags Configuring -reetags !dding Tags to )iki 'ages !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure

This represents a small set of TikiBs features. See for a complete list of features.

the Tiki documentation Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

,sing Categories
0ou can use categories to organiCe the items (such as ,iki pages or images) in your site. )ith Tiki( you can put any item into one or more categories. 0our isitors can then bro,se all of the items in a specific category. To use categories you must first enable the Categories feature. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministrationT -eatures pageT 4. /nable the Categories check bo. on the G'oba' ,eatures tab. Click App'$. Tiki enables the Category feature and reloads the !dministration page.

+lobal -eatures tab of the !dminT -eatures page. ;. ?n the ,eatures area at the top of the page( click the Categor$ icon. Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT Category page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;!ategor$ in your ,eb bro,ser. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/nabling the Category 'ath. #. An the !dministrationT Category page( enable the follo,ing optionsT Categor$ *athT -or each categoriCed obDect( Tiki ,ill display the category pat! (breadcrumbs) so that users can see to ,hich category the obDect belongs. 8ote 0ou can use the 9x!'ude these !ategories field to add the ?D of a category that Tiki s!ou&d not display. 5. Click Sa0e Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o,( letBs create a category...


Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects Displaying Categories

Creating Categories
1efore you can start placing items in categories( you must create a category. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. Tip Remember( if you ,ant other users to be able to ie, categoriCed obDects and bro,se the category( you need to assign the category permissions to the group. -or e.ample( if you ,ant a&& users to be able to ie, categories( you must assign the tiki3p30iew3!ategories permission to the !nonymous group. See the Configuring +roup 'ermissions for details. 4. -rom the !dministration Category page( click Ad#inister Categories. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Selecting the Categories option. ;. The !dmin Categories page appears.

Creating a ne, category. #. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the !dd 8e, Category areaT *arentT Top 1a#eT )eb ;.$ +es!riptionT Cool ne, ,eb technologies. 8ote 8otice that the Current Category is Top. This means that the ne,ly added Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

category ,ill be a child (or subcategory) of the Top category. 5. Click Sa0e. The ne,ly created category appears as a child of the Top category.

!ll categories appear as a child of the Top category.

8o, that ,e ha e created a category( letBs put an obDect in the category...

Categori0ing ObBects
8o, that you ha e created a category( you can start adding obDects to the category. )ith Tiki( you can categoriCe Dust about anythingT ,iki pages( blogs( images( etc. There are t,o methods of categoriCing obDectsT Selecting a category ,hile editing the obDect %sing the Category !dministration page 8ote !fter creating categories and adding obDects( you might ,ant to create a ne, menu option to allo, users to bro,se the category. 0ou can use the same menu that you created earlier. !dd a ne, menu item ,ith the %R& tiki4browse3!ategories.php.


Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. &etBs categoriCe the =o#e*ageT 4. -rom the @ome'age( click 9dit. The /dit 'age appears. 8otice that there is a Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

ne, Categories tab.

Sho,ing the categories ;. Click the Categories tab. Tiki displays the list of categories.

Select a category for the page. #. Select the category that you created and click Sa0e. 5. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 8otice that the pageBs category is no, sho,n( because you enabled the Show !ategor$ path option on the !dministration Category page.

Tiki displays the category of the page. )hen editing ,iki pages( you can re8uire that users select a specific category for the page. /nable the ,or!e and 'i#it !ategoriDation to within subtree o" option on the Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dminT )iki page.

Re3uiring a category for ,iki pages. )hen you select a category( Tiki ,ill re3uire that all ,iki editors select the category (or its subcategories) for the page. ?f the category had sub"categories( Tiki ,ould ha e sho,n the complete path.

!n e.ample path ,ith sub"categories

0ou can categoriCe other obDects (such as blog posts and articles) ,hile editing them( too. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware "SIN- THE C&TE-O$) &D%INIST$&TION P&-E

?n addition to categoriCing obDects by editing the indi idual obDect( you can also add multiple obDects to category by using the !dmin Categories page. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dmin menuT 4. Select Ad#in B Categories. ;. An the !dmin Categories page( click the category in ,hich to add an obDect.

Select the category you created earlier. !dditional tabs appear. #. Click the 7bQe!ts to Categor$ tab. Tiki displays the current obDects in the category (the @ome 'age that you added pre iously. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The @ome 'age is in the )eb ;.$ category. 5. Click the Add 7bQe!ts to Categor$ tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding other obDects to the category. 6. Select an obDect (such as another ,iki page( an article( and image( etc.) to add to the category and click Add. Tip ?f your site has too many ,iki pages to sho, at once( use the ,ind field as a filter for specific pages. -or e.ample( finding F@omeF ,ill display only ,iki pages ,ith =o#e in their name. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. This figure sho,s # items in the )eb ;.$ category. The ,iki pageT @ome'age The ,iki pageT *y8e,'age The blogT *y Tiki)iki 1log Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The AbDects in Category tab( after adding t,o more obDects.

$isp'aying Categories
8o, that you ha e categoriCed Tiki obDects( you need to let your users kno, ,hen they are ie,ing an obDect that has been categoriCed. There are a fe, ,ays to accomplish thisT Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (!5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup
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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section

)iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (11 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section

Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums Print date: Oct 15, !1

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in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (15 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (1. Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section %sing 'lugins ?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin


Do you remember turning on the Sho, Category 'ath optionR Tiki ,ill display the full path (the obDectBs category and its parent categories) at the top of each page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/ach category in the path is linked( allo,ing isitors to 3uickly ie, a&& the obDects in a specific category. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;..( 4.>.. 4. An the @ome 'age( click the category name in the path.

The category path pro ides a 3uick link to all items in the category. ?f the page is in a subcatgeory( Tiki ,ill sho, the full path of the obDect. -or e.ample( if you created a ne, category as a child of the Web R.S category(

The category path ,ith a subcategory. 8ote )hen categoriCing obDects( if you place an obDect in bot! the parent and child category( Tiki ,ill display bot! category paths as sho,n hereT

Selecting the parent and child category results in t,o paths. ;. The category page appears( listing all items in the category. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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1ro,sing all the items in the )eb ;.$ category.

0ou can use '@'&ayers to display the category tree using dynamic menus. /nable the 5se *=*6a$ers "or !ategor$ browser option on the !dministrationT Category page.

Displaying the category tree ,ith '@'&ayers.


Tiki can automatically display a list of all items in the same category as a specific page. This makes it ery easy to ha e a list of Frelated itemsF on a ,iki page. 4. /nable the Show !ategor$ obQe!ts option on the !dministrationT Category page. ;. 8a igate to the @ome'age. !t the bottom of the page( Tiki sho,s a&& the obDects in the same category as the =o#e*age (that is( the )eb ;.$ category). dimg src[FimgU,ikiHupUhomepageH4#H5$.pngF alt[F@ome'ageF desc[FDisplaying all the items in the )eb ;.$ category.e Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!s ,ith the Category 'ath( isitors can click the category name to display the category bro,ser.


1ut ,hat if you ,ant to sho, a list of items in a category on a page that is not in the categoryR 0ou can use the Category 'lugin to accomplish thisI &etBs create a list of )eb ;.$ ,iki pages on the Another*age. 4. -rom the @ome'age( click the Another*age link.

The !nother'age ,iki page. 8otice that the !nother'age is not part of the )eb ;.$ category. ?t does not ha e the category path at the top of the page( nor does it ha e the list of category obDects at the bottom of the page. ;. Click the 9dit button. #. /nter the follo,ing in the /dit areaT

This ,ill generate a list of obDects in category - ()eb ;.$)( but only wiki pages. Remember( ,e also added the blog into the category. Tip 0ou can use the Tiki @elp System to add the Category plugin. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page. 8o, there is a list of wiki pages in the )eb ;.$ category.

The page no, includes a list of ,iki pages in the )eb ;.$ category.

,sing Str%ct%res
! structure is method to organiCe a group of ,iki pages into a book. Tiki automatically adds na igation aids (such as ne.t and back links( breadcrumbs( and Print date: Oct 15, !1

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sections) to ,iki pages that belong to a structure. Structures allo, you create a specific bro,se se3uence for your siteBs isitors 8ote The pages in this guide( Tiki for Smarties( belong to a structure. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 1efore you begin using structures( you must enable the feature. 4. -rom the !dministrationT )iki page( click the ,eatures tab. ;. An the -eatures tab( enable the Stru!tures option. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/nabling the Structures feature. #. !lso enable the 7pen pages as stru!tures option. This tells Tiki to include the structure"specific na igation aids ,hen displaying a page that belongs to a structure. 5. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the changes and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates using structures.


Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures Structure TAC

Creating Str%ct%res
&etBs create a structure for an online book of ,iki pages. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;..( 4.>.. -rom the !dmin menuT 4. Select Wiki B Stru!tures. ;. An the Structures page( click the Create new stru!ture tab.

Creating a ,iki structure. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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#. ?n the Create ne, structure area( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Stru!ture &+T /nter a name for the structure( such as M$ Tiki 8ook. 0ou can ha e multiple structures( but each ?D must be uni3ue. Tip %se the A'ias field to create a FdisplayF name for the page. This allo,s you to create pages that appear to ha e the same name( e en though Tiki re3uires a uni3ue page name for each ,iki page. TreeT )hen you create a ne, structure( you can ha e Tiki automatically create a set of ,iki pages in the structure. (&ater( you ,ill learn ho, to add e.isting ,iki pages to the structure( or create ne, pages in the structure. -or no, letBs populate the ne, structure ,ith some pages. ?n the Tree area typeT
8verview 2hapter 8ne )ntrod%ction 2hapter Two

8ote 1e sure to indent the &ntrodu!tion S this tells Tiki that the ?ntroduction is a child page of Chapter 7ne. 5. Click Create new stru!ture. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 0our ne, structure is no, listed on the Stru!tures tab.

0our ne,ly created structure. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Remember the four sections (pages) you included in the Tree area ,hen you created the structureR Tiki has automatica&&y created a ,iki page for each item. This is the 3uickest (and easiest) method to create ne, ,iki pages S create the pages ,hen you create the structure. 1ut ,hat if you ,ant to add pages to an e.isting structure...

-dding Pages to Str%ct%res

0ou ha e already seen ho, to add ,iki pages to a structure ,hen creating the structure. This is the 3uickest ,ay to build a structure and create the necessary ,iki pages. @o,e er( if you already ha e a structure( you can alsoT Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules
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*o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section

)iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page ( 3 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (+1 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki in this section %sing 'lugins Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release #.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?n this section( you ,ill add an e.isting page (the Another *age page that you created earlier) to the ,iki structure. 0ou can use this procedure to add any e.isting ,iki page. 4. -rom the Structures page( click the name of the structure (use the M$ Tiki 8ook that you created earlier) in ,hich to add a page. The *odify Structure page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding an e.isting page. Tip use the Monitor Stru!ture button to F,atchF the entire structure( or sub"set of the structure. ;. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the !dd pages to current node areaT A"ter pageT Select 70er0iew. )e ,ill add a page bet,een the =,er,iew and C!apter =ne pages. 5se pre4existing pageT Select Another *age. 8ote ?f your site has lots of ,iki pages( you can use the ,i'ter area to list only specific ,iki pages. #. Click 5pdate. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 8otice that the Structure &ayout no, includes Another *age after the A er ie,.

0ou ha e added !nother 'age to the structure.


0ou can also add a brand new page to a structureJKLMNOhw!i&e ,iewing t!e structure# ?f you permission (and you do( because you are logged in as the !dministrator)( the structure bar at the top of the page contains a te.t bo. for you to create a ne, the child of the e.isting page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Chapter T,o ,iki page( created by Tiki ,hen you built the structure. &etBs add an introduction to chapter t,oT 4. 8a igate to the Chapter T,o ,iki page. Tip -rom the Structure &ayout( click Aiew for the Chapter Two page. ;. ?n the !dd 'age area( type Another &ntrodu!tion( select the Chi'd check bo.( and click Add *age.

!dding a child to the Chapter T,o page. 8ote ?f you do not select the Chi'd option( Tiki ,ill create the ne, page as a sib&ing (that is( at the same le el) as the Chapter T,o page. #. Tiki displays the 9dit: Another &ntrodu!tion page. !dd some te.t to the page and click Sa0e. Tiki adds the page as a c!i&d of the Chapter T,o page (as sho,n in the Print date: Oct 15, !1

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structure bar at the top of the page)T

/diting the !nother ?ntroduction page. ?f you re ie, the structure of the M$ 1ew 8ook structure( youBll see Tiki has added the Another &ntrodu!tion pageT

The updated *y 8e, 1ook structure.

Reorgani0ing Pages in Str%ct%res

Tiki makes it easy to mo e or re5order pages ,ithin a structure. 0ou can also easily change the parent"child relationship bet,een pages. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release ;..( 4.>.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%O.IN- P&-ES

4. Return to he Structures page and re ie, the M$ 1ew 8ook structure.

The updated *y 8e, 1ook structure. 8otice that the M$ Tiki 8ook page is selected. This is the Current 1ode. ;. &etBs mo e the Another *age to appear after Chapter 7ne. #. Select the Another *age in the Structure &ayout area. Tiki reloads the structure page( ,ith Another *age as the current node.

Selecting the !nother 'age in the structure. 5. ?n the Current 8ode area( click the do,n arro, Fdo,n(F to the ne.t section. 8ote to mo e the page Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0ou can also use the do,n arro,

in the Structure &ayout !rea.

Tiki reloads the structure page. 8otice that the Another *age has mo ed after Chapter Ane. ?t is no, item T in the structure.

The !nother 'age( in its ne, location.


?n addition to mo ing pages for,ard or back,ards ,ithin the structure( you can also promote (i.e.( become a parent) or demote (i.e( become a child) pages. &etBs demote Another *age and make it a child of Chapter Ane. 4. Confirm that Another *age is the Current 8ode.

The !nother 'age( as the current node. ;. ?n the Current 8ode area( click the right arro, become a FchildF of Chapter Ane. to make the page Print date: Oct 15, !1

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*o e the current node to the ne.t section. 8ote 0ou can also use the do,n arro, in the Structure &ayout !rea.

Tiki reloads the structure page. 8otice that the Another *age has become a child of Chapter Ane( after ?ntroduction. ?t is no, item ;.; in the structure. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!nother 'age( as a child of Chapter Ane.

-%tomatic #ab'e of Contents

Ane benefit of using structures is that Tiki can automatica&&y include a table of contents for the structure (for e.ample( an entire book including all chapters) or a single sub"structure (for e.ample( only the sections ,ithin a specific chapter). This beginnerBs guide uses the structureBs table of contents on se eral different pages. %se the Oto!P plugin on any ,iki page in a structure to automatically include the content listing for that page and all pages FdeeperF in the structure. ?f you use it on the home page of a structure( you get the ,hole book (or structure). ?f you use it further do,n( Dust that section and its subsections belo, are sho,n. The main contents page includes the table of contents for the entire book. /ach maDor section (such as +etting Started) includes a table of contents only for that specific section. 8ote This plugin is similar to the O#aketo!P that ,ill generate a table of contents for a single ,iki page. There are parameters that you can use ,ith the Oto!P plugin to customiCe ho, Tiki generates the table of contents. Some of the most common areT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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shownu#;$T Tiki ,ill automatically number each heading (sometimes called FlegalF or FmilitaryF style headings). #axdepth;YT %se a number (Y) to indicate the ma.imum FdepthF (that is( ho, many subheading ) to include in the table of contents. The default is S ,hich ,ill sho, a&& subheadings. !n e.ample of the Oto!P ,ith these parameters ,ould beT
'toc (a-depth*E shown%(*y0

Tip Refer to the Tiki Documentation for complete details.

!s you add or change pages in the structure( Tiki ,ill automatica&&y update the table of contents for youI / erything ,ill a&ways be up"to"date.

!utomatically generating a table of contents for the structure( ,ith sho,num[y

Config%ring the =ook C /ee' @Site ;dentityA

Ane of the easiest ,ays to customiCe your Tiki is by using the Site ?dentity options Print date: Oct 15, !1

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in &ook and -eel feature. This allo,s you to make se eral style changes ,ithout ha ing to edit the template or CSS files. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dministration pageT 4. Click 6ook E ,ee' . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT &ook and -eel page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;'ook in your ,eb bro,ser or by using the 6ook and ,ee' link in the Cui!k Ad#in area. ;. The !dministrationT &ook and -eel page contains all the options to customiCe the look of your Tiki.

Configuring the site identity and logo options on the !dministrationT &ook and -eel page. #. The &ook and -eel page contains the follo,ing tabsT The#eT Select the Tiki theme for your site. Genera' 6a$outT CustomiCe the site logo( search bar( banner ads( and Print date: Oct 15, !1

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more. Shadow 'a$erT *agination 'inksT Specify ho, Tiki displays 8e.tU're ious and other pagination links for content that spans multiple pages. 5& 9""e!tsT Specify settings for ^2uery plugins and effects. Custo#iDationT ?nclude custom CSS and ^S scripts Mis!e''aneousT Contains additional user interface settings.


!dding a &ogo !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code 8ote The placement of each Site ?dentity element (such as the logo( banners( search bar) may ary( depending on your selected theme. See CustomiCing Tiki Style for more information.

-dding a Site =ogo

Release :.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #..( ;.. Release 4.>.. 1y default( Tiki includes the Tiki logo at the top of your site. 0ou can easily replace this ,ith your logo by using one of the follo,ing proceduresT %sing a &ogo module %sing the &ook E -eel page 8ote The fields on the &ook E -eel page ,ill be remo ed in future releases and replaced by modules.

"SIN- & %OD"(E

4. -rom the !dmin menu in the *enu module( select Ad#in B Modu'es. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tip 0ou can also access the !dminT *odules page by using the Modu'es link in the Cui!k Ad#in area. ;. Create a ne, module that contains your custom logo.

%sing an alternati e logo. 8ote 0ou can -T' your logo to any accessible location on your ,eb ser er. 0ou can also upload the logo to a Tiki file gallery. #. Click Assign to assign the custom module you created. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ssigning the ne, logo. 5. Click Modu'e 7ptions for the module.

6. %se the 9dit Modu'e tab to configure the options for the module.

Setting the module options. 7. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the tabT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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*ositionT Top 7rderT 4 GroupsT !nonymous *ara#etersT nobo.[y 9. Click Assign . Tiki adds the ne, logo to the Top area... but thereBs a problem. The old (original) logo is still thereI

AoopsI 0our site no, has f;f logosI )e can easily fi. this by remo ing the 6ogo module. :. An the Assigned Modu'es tab( click the Top tab( then (e#o0e the 6ogo module.

Remo ing the default logo module. Tiki no, sho,s only the ne, logoT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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"SIN- THE (OO# 1 EE( P&-E

8ote This process ,as deprecated in Tiki 9 and ,ill be remo ed in future releases. Starting in Tiki 9( you can create custom modules and assign them to the site header area( top of page( and more. See Configuring the &ayout and !dding *odules for more information. 4. -rom the !dministrationT &ook and -eel page( click the Genera' 6a$out options tab. ;. /nable the Site 6ogo and Tit'e options #. /nter the follo,ing information in each field in the 6ogo and Tit'e areasT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Specify your site logo. 6ogo sour!eT /nter the %R& (absolute or relati e) of an image (in +?-( ^'+( or '8+ format) to use as your logo. 0ou can either copy (-T') the file to your ,ebser er( or use a -ile +allery to store your logo. 6ogo tit'eT /nter the name of your ,ebsite. A't des!riptionT /nter a short( alternate description for your logo. Site tit'eT /nter the name of your ,ebsite. Subtit'eT /nter the tagline of your ,ebsite. 8ote ?f you install a Tiki 'rofile( some of these fields may be pre"defined. 5. Click App'$. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 0our logo and site title no, appears at the top of the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The logo image appears at the top of the page. Tip 0ou may need to resiCe the logo( depending on your selected theme.

Tiki automatically makes the logo a link to your siteBs home page.

-dding a Search ?ar

?f you remember( you enabled the search feature ,hen you configured the Tiki features. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 0ou can add the search module to the Top 8ar area of Tiki( Dust like adding any other module. 4. -rom the !dmin menu in the *enu module( select Ad#in B Modu'es. Tip 0ou can also access the !dminT *odules page by using the Modu'es link in the Cui!k Ad#in area. ;. An the Assigned Modu'es tab( click Add Modu'e. #. ?n the Assign 1ew Modu'e area( select the Sear!h module and click Modu'e 7ptions. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Selecting the Search module. 5. ?n the 9dit this #odu'e( click the 8asi! tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the 1asic options. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the 8asi! tabT *ositionT Topbar GroupsT !nonymous 7. Click the Appearan!etab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the !ppearance options. 9. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the Appearan!e tabT 1o 8oxT y :. Click Assign. Tiki adds the search module to the top bar areaT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The search module is no, in the top bar area. 8ote The Sear!h module is !ig!&y configurable. Refer to the Documentation for complete details. Tiki

8ote 0ou can also add a search bo. by using a module. Tiki includes se eral types search modulesT sear!h3box sear!h3new Refer to !dding the Search *odule for information on using on the search modules. Tip Remember( only groups ,ith the correct permission can use (or e en ie,) this search bar. ?f some users cannot see the search bar( you ,ill need to add the tiki3p3sear!h to their group.

,sing C%stom Code

?n addition to (or instead of) using the Site &ogo feature( you can use any custom @T*& code for the header (that is( Top area). Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 0ou can add the search module to the Top area of Tiki( Dust like adding any other module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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1y default( a ne, Tiki includes the follo,ing modules in the Top areaT 'ogoT The default Tiki logo. 0ou can easily add your o,n logo to the Top area. 'ogin3boxT The login and registration button and form.

The loginHbo. module. Zui!k3ad#inT The Cui!k Ad#in linksT

The 3uickHadmin module. Tip %se the Custo# =TM6 WheadB Content area on the Custo#iDation tab to add additional content to your TikiBs @T*& Fhead= element( such as custom F(eta= information or Fscript= elementsT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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CustomiCation tab

)arning ?f you include Smarty coding in you templates( it must alidate properly( or your pages ,ill not display. See the Troubleshooting section if your Tiki displays blank pages after updating the Custom code. Tiki pages should alidate as X@T*& 4.$. ?f you include any markup codes in your templates( be sure it alidates correctly. This Custom Code area allo,s you to add content to the top of e ery Tiki page. This could be used for site logo( banner ad ertisements( or anything else. 8ote ?f you add a site logo or search bar in the Custom code area( be sure to disable the Site &ogo and Site Search options on the !dministrationT Site ?dentity page S Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (5. Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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thereBs no need to duplicate the content. Tip &earn more about using custom code in CustomiCing Tiki Themes in Tiki /ssentials .

,sing Permissions
0ouB e already seen ho, to configure permissions for groups to use specific features. TikiBs security model is ery e.tensi e. ?n this section youBll learn ho, to assign permissions to specific ,iki pages and other Tiki obDects. 8ote Refer to the complete Tiki)iki documentation on the different permissions settings. for full details


@o, 'ermissions )ork !dding 'ermissions to 'ages !dding 'ermissions to other AbDects !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to -ile +alleries !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries

2o* #iki4s Permissions &ork

?t is important to understand that Tiki uses se eral types of permissionsT Group permissionsT This is also called g&oba& permission. /ach site isitor belongs to a Group (such as !nonymous or Registered). The permissions you assign to the group define the g&oba& permissions for that user. Categor$ permissionsT These permissions define the actions that users can Print date: Oct 15, !1

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take for obDects in a specific category. 7bQe!t permissionsT These permissions define the actions that user can take for an indi,idua& ob>ect. 'ermissions are inherited from from the top"do,n( but o erride from the bottom"up.

This image illustrates the relationship among +roup( Category( and AbDect permissions. TikiBs permissions model may be ery comple.... but it is also ,ery customiCable. Tip Starting ,ith Release 5..( Tiki has a dramatically different (and friendlier) method of assigning permissions than earlier ersions.


Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release #..( ;.. Consider the follo,ing e.ample for a company using TikiT 0ou ha e the groupsT !nonymous Registered !dmins /mployees 1oard of Directors Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The +roups for !1C Company 8otice that some groups inc&ude other groups. -or e.ample( members of the 8oard o" +ire!tors group ,ill include( in addition to their o,n permissions( the permissions from the /mployees( Registered( and !nonymous groups. 0ou ha e the categoriesT -inancial ?nformation 'ress Releases 0ou ,ant to gi eT / eryone permission to read most pages /mployees permission to edit most ,iki pages 1oard *embers only( access to the companyBs financial information.

-(OB&( 2-$O"P3 PE$%ISSIONS

-irst( you need to define the global permissions for each group. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Defining the +lobal permissions for each group.


To let the general public (that is( anonymous isitors) ie, ,iki pages( assign tiki3p30iew to Anon$#ous. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The /mployee group includes the Anon$#ous group (that is( e eryone) and (egistered group (that is( users ,ho are logged in). Therefore( the /mployee group in!erits the tiki3p30iew permission from these groups. To let employees edit pages( assign tiki3p3edit to 9#p'o$ees.


The 1oard of Directors group includes the Anon$#ous( (egistered( and 9#p'o$ees groups. Therefore( the 1oard of Directors group in!erits the tiki3p30iew and tiki3p3edit permission from these groups. This group does not re3uire any additional permissions.


8o, that the +lobal permissions are set( you need to adDust the permissions for each category. These settings ,ill o,erride the +lobal permissions.


Currently( !nonymous can ie, press releases( and /mployees can edit them (as defined by the +lobal permissions). To allo, only the 1oard of Directors to edit press releases( you must assign permissions to the category. This ,ill o erride the default group (global) permissionsT -or the 'ress Releases category( remo e tiki3p3edit from 9#p'o$ee. 8o, only the 8oard o" +ire!tors group can edit ,iki pages in the category. !nonymous isitors (and all groups that in!erit the !nonymous groupBs permissions) can still 0iew the pages. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Defining the Category permissions for the 'ress Releases category.


Currently( !nonymous can ie, -inancial ?nformation( and /mployees can edit them. 1ut ,e ,ant on&y the 1oard of Directors to ha e access (both ie, and edit) to these pages. 0ouBll need to make the same adDustments to the -inancial Print date: Oct 15, !1

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?nformation categoryBs permissionsT Remo e tiki3p3edit from 9#p'o$ee. 8o, only the 8oard o" +ire!tors group can edit ,iki pages in the category. Remo e tiki3p30iew from 9#p'o$ee( (egistered( and Anon$#ous. 8o, only the 1oard of Directors can see the pages.


1ut ,hat if you ,ant one item in the -inancial ?nformation category( to be isible to the publicR 0ou can o erride all other permissions( by assigning specific permissions to the ob>ect itself. -or e.ample( the !1C Company may ha e a public disclosure form( issued by the go ernment( that it needs to make public (but that only the go ernment can change or update)T -or the indi idual item( remo e tiki3p3edit from the 9#p'o$ee and 8oard o" +ire!tors group. Since this form is issued by the go ernment( no one should be able to change it. !nonymous isitors (and all groups that in!erit the !nonymous groupBs permissions) can still 0iew the pages. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ssigning obDect"specific permissions to the 'ublicDisclosure page.

8ote See +roup s Category 'ermissions for additional information on Tiki permissions.

-dding Permissions to &iki Pages

TikiBs security model allo,s you configure page"specific permissions. -or e.ample Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (.( Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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if you ha e se eral ,iki pages on your site that are Fpri ateF and should be isible to Registered (logged in) users only( you can change the pagesB permission so that !nonymous isitors cannot ie, the page (e en if the !nonymous group has the tiki3p30iew permission)( because the obDectBs permissions o erride the groupBs permissions. &etBs change the permissions on the M$1ew*age so that isT <isible only to Registered users /ditable only by the !dministrator Release :.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;..(4.>.. !s the Ad#inT 4. !ccess the *y8e,'age page.

The 'erms button on *y8e,'age ;. !t the bottom of the page( click the *er#ission button. The !ssign 'ermissions page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!ssigning permissions to *y8e,'age #. An the Assign *er#issions tab( unse&ect the Can 0iew page pages option for the Anon$#ous group. 8otice that Tiki automatically unselects the option for the other groups( too( because these groups all inherit permissions from the !nonymous group. See Configuring +roup 'ermissions for details on ho, groups inherit permissions from other groups. 5. 8o, se&ect the Can 0iew page pages option for the (egiseterd group. 8otice that Tiki automatically enables the permission for all groups that inherit permissions from the Registered group. 6. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

?f you log off and try to access the *y8e,'age page( Tiki ,ill prompt you to login. Remember( only registered users can no, ie, the page.

The page is isible only ,hen logged in. Tip %se the 7n per#ission denied... options on the 1a0igation tab of the !dminT +eneral page to configure additional ,hat Tiki displays in this F'ermission DeniedF message.

-dding Permissions to Other ObBects

?n the same ,ay that you added permissions to a ,iki page( you can assign custom permissions to most most other Tiki obDects.
in this se!tion Print date: Oct 15, !1

!dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to -ile +alleries !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries
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)arning Starting in Tiki #..( the &#age Ga''er$ has been replaced by the ,i'e Ga''er$. 0ou can use a -ile +allery to store any type of fileT a document( an image( a ideo( and so on. 0ou should use 6i&e +alleries instead of Image +alleries( as the ?mage +allery functionality may be remo ed in future releases.


&etBs change the permissions to allo, Registered users to create their o,n blog. 8ote Some permissions can be configured on the CreateU/dit 1log pageT ?f you ,ant to allo, other users to post entries to your blog( enable the A''ow other user to post in this b'og option. ?f you ,ant to allo, other users to post comments to your blog( enable the A''ow !o##ents option. Release 7.. Release 5.. -rom the &ist 1logs pageT 4. Click the *er#issions button for a blog.

Change the permissions of the blog. ;. The !ssign 'ermissions page appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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#. %se the !ssign 'ermissions page to assign the blog"specific permissions to each user group. Tip %se the Se'e!t Groups tab to select ,hich groups appear on the Assign *er#issions tab. 5. Select the Can post to b'og option for the Registered group. 8otice that Tiki automatically enables the permission for all groups that Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page (.5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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inherit permissions from the Registered group( such as the -orum !dmins. 6. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o,( registered users can create a blog post.

This page has not been started. 0ou can help.



)hen you configured the permissions for the !nonymous group( you added the tiki3p3read3arti!'e permission. This allo,s anonymous isitors to read articles. TikiBs robust permissions system makes it easy to add different permissions to different article topics. 4. -rom the !rticles menu in the *enu module( click Ad#in Topi!s.

The !dmin Topics option in the !rticles menu.

;. The !dmin Topics page appears. Click the *er#issions icon ( for the article topic that you created earlier.

The !dmin Topics page list the article topics and allo,s you to create ne, topics. #. The !ssign permissions to topic page appears. Click the 9dit *er#issions tab. 5. ?n the !ssign permission to this obDect area( assign the tiki3p3read3arti!'e permission to the (egistered group and click Assign. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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*aking the article topic readable only to Registered users. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o, only Registered users can read the topic. 8o, log off as the admin. !s an anonymous user( if you try to list the articles( Tiki)iki sho,s that there are no articles a ailableT

!nonymous users cannot access the article.

Table of contentsT

This page has not been started. 0ou can help.


Config%ring the 2ome Page

1y default( the home page of your Tiki is a ,iki page named =o#e*age. This page is created automatically ,hen you install Tiki. 0ou can easily change your siteBs home page to be anything you ,ant.

%sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing a $ifferent &iki Page

?n this section you ,ill create a ne, ,iki page and use this page as your siteBs @ome page. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To use a different ,iki pageT 4. Create a ne, ,iki page named We'!o#e. 0ou can use the either method of creating a ,iki page( do you remember ho,R

The ne, home page( named )elcome. 8otice that ? ha e included a link to the old home page by using ((@ome'age_This)) . ;. -rom the !dmin menu( click Ad#in ho#e. Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by using the ho#e link in the 2uick !dmin area. Ad#in

#. -rom the !dministrationT @ome page( click Wiki . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;wiki in your ,eb bro,ser. 5. An the Genera' *re"eren!es tab( in the =o#e *age field to type the name of the page you created (We'!o#e) and click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Specifying a different ,iki page to use as the home page.

8o, log out. Tiki displays your siteBs home page by defaultT the We'!o#e page. 1ut ,hat if you do not ,ant to use a ,iki page as your home page...

,sing a $ifferent /eat%re

Tiki is ery fle.ible. 0ou can use any of the features you enabled as your siteBs home page. -or e.ample( maybe you ,ant your siteBs home page to display the ne,s items (the articles) instead of a ,iki page. Release :.. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. 4. -rom the !dmin menu( click Ad#in ho#e. Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration home page by using the ho#e link in the 2uick !dmin area. Ad#in

4. -rom the !dministration page( click Genera' Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing Print date: Oct 15, !1

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http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;genera' in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. An the !dminT +eneral page( click the 1a0igation tab. #. An the 8a igation tab( in the @ome 'age area( use the 5se Tiki "eature as ho#epage field to select Arti!'es.

0ou can only select from the features you ha e enabled to be your @ome 'age. 5. Click Change pre"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o, log out. Tiki displays your siteBs home page by defaultT the Arti!'es home page. Tip %se the Tit'e o" Arti!'es ho#e page option on the !dminT !rticles page to specify the pageBs headingT Arti!'es( the specific Topi!( or the specifc T$pe. 8ote 1e sure to gi e the !nonymous group permission to ie, the feature that you selected to use as the @ome 'age. ?f not( isitors ,ill recei e an error ,hen they try to access your home page.

1ut ,hat if you ,ant to use a page or feature not created by Tiki... Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,sing a C%stom Page

Tiki also allo,s you to use any alid ,eb page as the @ome 'age. This could be a static @T*& page( a -lash"based ideo( or anything else. -irst you need to create a simple @T*& file that ,ill become your siteBs home page. @ere is an e.ampleT 8e, @ome 'age
Fht(l= Fhead= Ftitle=Jelco(eF/title= F/head= Fbody= Fh,=My iteF/h,= Fp=Jelco(e to (y web site.F/p= Fp=Fa hre$*+tiki&inde-.php>page*"o(ePage+=2lick "ereF/a= to enter.F/p= F/body= F/ht(l=

This is a ery simple page that contains a link to the ,iki page named =o#e*age. 8ame this @T*& page' and copy it to your ,eb host. 'lace the' in the same directory in ,hich you originally installed Tiki. 8o, letBs set this ne, page as the siteBs home pageT Release :.. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. -rom the 1a0igation tab of the !dministrationT +eneral pageT 4. /nable the 5se di""erent 5(6 as ho#e page option( and enter the name of the @T*& file you created ('). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Selecting the ne,Hhome.html files as your ne, @ome 'age. ;. Click Change pre"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o, logout. Tiki automatically displays your ne, home page.

This is your ne, @ome 'age. Click the link to enter Tiki.

Config%ring the Search

0ou can easily allo, users to search your Tiki by adding a search module. Tiki has t,o basic search module typesT sear!h3boxT %ses the databaseBs internal mechanisms to inde. the te.t and perform the search sear!h3newT %ses Tiki to inde. the te.t and perform the search. Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation searches. for full details on these t,o types of

0ou ha e already enabled the search option( no, you need to configure its options. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Release 6.. Release 4.>.. 4. -rom the !dmin menu( click Ad#in ho#e. ;. -rom the !dministrationT !dministration page( click Sear!h . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministration page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;sear!h in your ,eb bro,ser. #. The !dministrationT Search page appears.

Configuring the search options. 5. /nable the follo,ing optionsT M$SC6 ,u''4Text Sear!hT Specifies that Tiki should perform a full te.t search. This option applies only ,hen using the database search (searchHbo.) type. Sear!h statsT Specifies that Tiki should record each search term that users 3uery. (e"errer Sear!h =igh'ightingT Tiki ,ill highlight each search match in the resulting pages. &ea e the other options as their defaults. 6. Click the Sear!h (esu'ts tab to specify ,hat options Tiki ,ill include on the results page.

Configuring the search results page. 7. /nable the 7bQe!t "i'ter option. This ,ill allo, users to filter their search results by Tiki obDect (that is( sho, only ,iki pages( or articles( or trackers( etc.) 9. Click Change settings. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o, that you ha e configured the search options( you can add the search module to your site.

!dding the Search *odule Print date: Oct 15, !1

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-dding the Search 8od%'e

?nstead of adding a search bar to your site ,ith the Site ?dentity feature( you could use a module to add the site",ide search feature. Tiki includes t,o basic search modulesT sear!h3boxT This search module uses the databaseBs functionality to perform te.t searches. The actual search features and capabilities may ary( depending on your database. 0ou can use the sear!h3box ,ith full"te.t capability. sear!h3newT This search module is maintained by Tiki and is database independent. 4. /.pand the Ad#in menu in the *enu module( and select Modu'es. ;. An the !dminT *odules page( click Ad#inister #odu'es. #. ?n the !ssign ne, module area( select the Sear!h 8ox module. Tiki reloads the page sho,ing the module.

!dd the Search 8e, module. 5. ?n the !ssign ne, module area( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT *ositionT Select 'e"t. 0ou ,ill add this module to the left column. 7rderT Select -S. This ,ill place the ne, module under the 2uick /dit module. GroupsT Select Anon$#ous( so that a&& isitors ,ill be able to search the site. 8ote DonBt ,orry S Since you did not enable the &gnore indi0idua' obQe!t per#issions option on the !dministrationT Search page( Tiki ,ill only display results for pages that users ha e access to ie,. 6. Click Assign. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. The Search module no, appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Tiki)iki search module. Tip %se the Ad0an!ed Sear!h option to enable boolean logic (using !8D( AR( sube.pressions( and more) in your searches. Click the @elp button ( complete information on using TikiBs ad anced search.F ) for

8ote The Tiki search module allo,s you to filter searches to a specific feature (such as ,iki or blog)( based onT )hich features ha e been enabled )hich permissions the current user has

Config%ring Content #emp'ates

!s the !dministrator( you can pro ide templates (predefined pages) for your users. These pages can be used for nearly any Tiki feature (such as ,iki pages( articles( and blogs). %sing templates helps you create a consistent look"and"feel to your pages. 8ote DonBt confuse these content templates ,ith your Tiki"Smarty templates (T'& files) that define the o erall look and feel of Tiki. See /diting Templates for details. To start using the content templates( you must enable their use for each specific feature. Release >.. Release 6.. Release 5..( #.. Release ;..( 4.>.. To enable ,iki templates( enable the Content Te#p'ates option in the /dit area of the Genera' *re"eren!es tab on the !dministrationT )iki page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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/nabling templates for the ,iki

8ote Content templates cannot be used ,ith the )0S?)0+ ,iki editor.


Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates Print date: Oct 15, !1

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8ote Refer to the Tiki documentation using content templates. for complete details on

Creating Content #emp'ates

Release >.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..( 4.>.. 4. -rom the !dmin menu( select Ad#in B Content te#p'ates. The !dmin templates page appears. Tip 0ou can also access the !dminT Templates page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in3!ontent3te#p'ates.php in your ,eb bro,ser. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Creating a template. 1a#eT /nter the name of the template. 0our users ,ill see (and select) the template based on this name( so make it useful. 5se in WikiT Select this option to make this template a ailable for ,iki pages. 8ote Anly features for ,hich you enabled the use of Content Templates ,ill be listed. Right no,( only the )iki can use templates. Te#p'ateT %sing ,iki synta.( create a default page that ,ill become the template. -or e.ampleT I/nter the 'age Title @ere BB/nter the page description here( in italicBB dmaketoce IISecondary @eading Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tip The O#aketo!P is a special ,iki plugin that ,ill automatica&&y create a table of contents based on the headings used on the page. There are se eral options that you can include to control the formatting( depth( and title of the list. Refer to the Tiki Documentation for complete details. This plugin is similar to the Oto!P used in )iki Structures. ;. Click *re0iew to re ie, the template. Continuing editing the template and click Sa0e ,hen youBre done.

! pre ie, of your ne, ,iki template. Tiki sa es the template and adds it to the list of a ailable templatesT

0our ne, template.

0ou can repeat this procedure to create a ne, template for the articles (or use this same template for both features). 1e sure to first enable the Te#p'ate option on the !dministrationT !rticles page. 8ote The #aketo! built"in plugin can actually take parameters to make your page look nicer. See the Tiki docs page for more info.

,sing Content #emp'ates

8o, that you ha e a ,iki template( you can create a ne, page that uses the template. 8ote Remember to add the necessary permission (in this case( tiki3p3use3!ontent3te#p'ates to any group that you ,ant to be able to use content templates. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Release >.. Release 5.. Release ;..( 4.>.. 4. Create a ne, ,iki page. 0ou already learned ho,( rememberR ;. An the /dit page( click the Too's tab. #. An the Too's tab( use the App'$ te#p'ate drop"do,n list to select the template you created.

Selecting a ,iki template. Tiki reloads the page( adding the template. 5. Click the 9dit tab.

0our ,iki page ,ith the template. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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6. !dd your te.t to the page( then click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page.

8ote 0ou can also apply templates to e.isting ,iki pages. Tiki ,ill simply add the template content to the top of the page.

,sing #rackers
?n Tiki( trackers are a ,ay to collect( store( and organiCe data. 0ou might think of trackers as a mini database or spreadsheet that runs inside your Tiki site. The 1ug and )ishlist system used on the Tiki)iki De eloper ,ebsite is a tracker. Trackers are also especially useful for creating forms that your siteBs isitors can complete. 1y using trackers( Tiki ,ill create the necessary @T*& form elements and record the results. 8ote -or complete information on trackers( see the Tiki)iki documentation

. -or information on dynamic trackers and pretty trackers( see Tiki /ssentials . To use trackers( you must first enable the Tra!kers feature. Release >.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. To enable TrackersT 4. /nable the Tra!kers feature on the Main tab of the !dministrationT -eatures page. ;. -rom the !dministration page( click the Tra!kers button. Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT Trackers page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;tra!kers in your ,eb bro,ser. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the global tracker options. The !dministrationT Trackers page contains the options that apply to a&& trackers on your Tiki. &ater you ,ill customiCe the options that are specific to each tracker. -or no,( you can lea e the options as their defaults. &etBs create a ne, tracker.


Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers Displaying and /diting Trackers Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating a #racker
The first step to using Tiki)iki trackers is to actually create the tracker. 0ou can think of the tracker as the indi idual database or spreadsheet that holds the information. Tip 0ou can ,atch a short ideo that demonstrates this procedure.

?n this section ,e ,ill create a ne, tracker to collect some basic information (such as name( address( and telephone number) from the site isitors. Release >.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dmin menuT 4. Select Tra!kers B 6ist Tra!kers. ;. The Trackers page lists all of the trackers on the site. Currently there are none S letBs create one no,. #. Click the Create Tra!ker button. The Create Tracker ,indo, appears. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The +eneral tab of the Create Trackers ,indo,. 5. An the Genera' tab( enter the follo,ing information in each field. 1a#eT /nter a name for the tracker (such as Oisitor )n$or(ation). +es!riptionT /nter a detailed description for the tracker. Tip Select the +es!ription text is tiki4parsed option to use ,iki synta. in the description. 6. An the +isp'a$ tab( enter the follo,ing information. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Display tab of the Create Trackers ,indo,. Show status to tra!ker ad#in on'$T /nable this option. -or some trackers (such as if collecting bug reports) you may ,ant to use a specific status (open( pending( or closed). -or this tracker( ho,e er( ,e are only collecting user information S there is no need to sho, the status to other users. Show 'astModi" date when 'isting tra!ker ite#sT /nable this option. This ,ill allo, you (as the admin) to see (and sort) ,hen isitors complete each tracker form. Tip 0ou can specify a custom time and date format( or use the default that you configured earlier. 7. An the 1oti"i!ations tab( enter the follo,ing information. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The 8otificationstab of the Create Trackers ,indo,. Send !opies o" a'' a!ti0it$ to this e#ai' addressT /nter you email address. Tiki ,ill send you an email alert each time a user adds a ne, tracker item. 9. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and loads the !dminT Trackers page. The Tra!kers tab sho,s the ne,ly created tracker. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The Trackers page( ,ith your ne, tracker.

8o, that you ha e a tracker( you need to add fields to it. These fields determine the information that users ,ill complete.

Creating #racker /ie'ds

%se this process to create fie&ds for a tracker. The fields determine the type of information (such as te.t an email addres) that isitors must complete. Release >.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. -rom the !dmin trackers pageT 4. Click the Tra!kers tab. ;. An the Trackers tab( click the ,ie'ds created. button for the tracker you Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding fields to your ne, tracker. #. The !dmin Tracker page appears for your tracker. The Tra!ker ,ie'ds tab sho,s the fie&ds for the tracker S currently there are none.

%se this form to create a tracker field. 5. Click the Add ,ie'd button. The !dd -ield ,indo, appears. %se this ,indo, to create the actual tracker fie&ds. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se this form to create a tracker field. 6. /nter the follo,ing information in each 1a#eTType 5o%r na(e. This is field in ,hich the site isitors ,ill type their name. T$peTSelect text "ie'd from the droplist. 8ote -or each T$pe( you can use additional options to control the formatting or alidation of the field. See the documentation for full details. . 7. Click Add "ie'd. Tiki adds the ne, field to the tracker. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se these tabs to enter additional ifnormation. 9. /nable the follo,ing options for the fieldT 6istT /nable this option. )hen listing all the tracker items at once( you ,ill be able to see each isitorBs name. Tit'eT /nable this field. This ,ill allo, you to click on the field title (/our na#e) field ,hen listing the tracker( in order to edit the information. *ub'i!T /nable this option. This ,ill allo, you to display the /our na#e field ,hen displaying trackers in ,iki pages. Mandator$T /nable this option. This forces users to enter a name. :. Select Sa0e A'' and click Go. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

This list of tracker fields no, includes the 0ou 8ame field. 8ote The &+ field is a system"generated field( used internally by Tiki to record each fieldBs uni3ue ?D. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware C$E&TIN- THE OTHE$ IE(DS

The <isitor ?nformation tracker no, contains a single field (/our na#e) that ,ill be used to collect each isitorBs name. &etBs add additional fields to collect each isitorBs email address( telephone number( and mailing address. Repeat the steps from Creating Tracker -ields and add the follo,ing fieldsT &s !o'u#n Co'u#n 'inks 1a#e T$pe ,ie'd is pub'i! Mandator$ 0isib'e... to... /mail email /nabled /nabled Disabled /nabled 'hone number te.t field /nabled /nabled Disabled Disabled *ailing address te.tarea Disabled /nabled Disabled Disabled City te.t field /nabled /nabled /nabled Disabled State or 'ro ince te.t field /nabled /nabled /nabled Disabled Country country selector /nabled /nabled /nabled /nabled

Release >.. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. The Tra!ker ,ie'ds tab of the !dmin trackerT <isitor information should look similar to thisT

!ll of the fields for the <isitor ?nformation tracker. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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6ntering #racker ;tems

0ou no, ha e an empty tracker( configured ,ith 9 fields. &etBs add the first item (that is( popu&ate) the tracker. 8ote !s the administrator( you ha e permission to add items to any tracker. ?f you ,ant other users (such as !nonymous or Registered users) to complete the <isitor ?nformation form( you must assign the tiki3p3!reate3tra!ker3ite#s permission to the group. Refer to the Configuring +roup 'ermissions section( for details. There are t,o methods of adding items to trackersT %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms

"SIN- THE T$&C#E$ P&-E

%se this procedure to add a ne, item (that is( a isitor) to the trackerT Release >.. Release 9.. Release ;.. 4. Select Tra!kers B 6ist tra!kers from the *enu module.dR/*!RKS1AXe The Trackers page lists your Website Aisitor in"or#ation tracker. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The Trackers page lists the a ailable trackers. Currently there is only one tracker. ;. Click the Website Aisitor &n"or#ation tracker. The TrackerT )ebsite <isitor ?nformation page appears. This page lists the items in the tracker (currently there are none).

Tiki displays the current items for the tracker (none) #. Click the &nsert 1ew &te# tab. Tiki displays a form to add a ne, item. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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%se this form to add a ne, tracker item. 5. Complete each field in ?nsert ne, item area of the page. 8ote 8otice the follo,ing features of the formT The 0our name( /mail( and Country fields are re3uried (as signified by the @). ?f you try to sa e the form ,ithout entering information in these fields( Tiki displays an error message. Tiki also attempts to alidate the email addressG it must be in the na#eFdo#ain.!o# format. The list of countries (and their flags) is generated automatically by Tiki. 6. Select the Aiew inserted ite# option( and click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information. 7. Click the Tra!ker &te#s tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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0our ne,ly created tracker item. 8otice thatT 8ot all fields are listed. Anly the fields for ,hich you enabled the 6ist option are listed. -ields that are not mandatory (such as the City field) can be left blank. Tiki added a 'astModi" field( as you selected ,hen you created the tracker. Clicking a field displays the <ie, and /dit item page( because you enabled the Tit'e option.

Check your email( tooI 1ecause you added your email to be notified (,hen you created the tracker( Tiki ,ill send you an automated email each time a tracker is created or update. Try adding adding additional items to your tracker.

"SIN- T$&C#E$ O$%S

?n addition to using the ?nsert ne, item area of the Tracker page to add ne, tracker items( you can create a standard @T*& form on any ,iki page by using the 4. Create a ne, ,iki page named Aisitor &n"or#ation ,or#. 0ou already kno, ho,. ;. ?n the /dit area typeT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware !My ite Oisitors Please %se this $or( to add detailed in$or(ation abo%t yo%rsel$4 'TAA2P<A(tracker)d*=,# $ields*=,4E4H4G474Q4R# action*=Add Me# show(andatory*=y)0Thank yo%!'TAA2P<A0

This e.ample uses the Tracker plugin to create a form. The options usedT tra!ker&dT The ?D of the tracker. "ie'dsT The fields from the tracker to include in the form. @ere( ,e ha e included all the a ailable fields( in order( but you could change this. 1e sure to use the fieldBs &+ and not its order. a!tionT The name of the submission button. ?f left blank( Tiki ,ill use Sub#it. show#andator$T Tiki ,ill display a @ ne.t to each field that is re3uired (such as the 0our name( /mail( and Country fields). The te.t Thank $ouK ,ill be sho,n to isitors after they submit the form. 8ote See the Tiki)iki documentation for complete information on the Tracker plugin and all a ailable options. #. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Release >.. Release 9.. Release ;.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The <isitor ?nformation ,iki page no, contains a form that ,ill automatically add items to the tracker.

%se the ,iki page to add additional items to the tracker. 1ecause you added your email to be notified (,hen you created the tracker )( Tiki ,ill send you an automated email for each item you add. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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$isp'aying #rackers
8o, that you ha e a tracker ,ith se eral items( letBs ie, the information. 0ou can 'ist all of the items in the tracker( or 0iew indi idual items. 8ote !s the administrator( you ha e permission to list and ie, items to any tracker. ?f you ,ant other users (such as !nonymous or Registered users) to see the information( you must assign the tiki3p30iew3tra!kers and tiki3p3'ist3tra!kers permission to the group. Refer to the Configuring +roup 'ermissions section( for details.

in this se!tion

Displaying and /diting Trackers Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages


Release >.. Release #.. fooo 4. -rom the *enu( select Tra!kers B 6ist Tra!kers. The Trackers page lists your Aisitor in"or#ation tracker.

0our tracker. ;. An the Trackers page( click the Aisitor in"or#ation tracker. Tiki displays the items in tracker. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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The items in the <isitor ?nformation tracker. Tiki lists only the fields that you indicated (by enabling the &s !o'u#n 0isib'e... option ,hen you created the tracker field). #. Click the /our na#e field of the first tracker item. 8ote The field is FclickableF because you enabled the Tit'e option ,hen creating the tracker field. Tiki reloads the pagesG displaying only the selected tracker item.

The first item in the tracker.. Tiki displays the 9dit +e'ete tab because( as the ad#in you ha e permission to edit tracker items. 5. Click Aiew &te#s to return to the list of items in the tracker and select a different item. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5!+ Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?n addition to using the Trackers page to display tracker items( you can display trackers items in ,iki pages.


?n addition to using the tracker interface( you can list tracker items directly in ,iki pages. Release >.. Release #.. An the <isitor ?nformation page( letBs add a list of the 4. /dit the Aisitor &n"or#ation *age that you created earlier. ;. ?n the /dit area( typeT
!!;ist o$ visitors 'TAA2P<A;) T(tracker)d*=,#$ields*=,4R# showtitle*=n# show$ieldna(e*=y# sort6(ode*=lastModi$6desc# stat%s*=opc)0Notice'TAA2P<A;) T0

This e.ample uses the Trackerlist plugin to list the tracker items. The options usedT tra!ker&dT The ?D of the tracker. "ie'dsT The fields from the tracker to include in the form. @ere( ,e ha e included all the a ailable fields( in order( but you could change this. 1e sure to use the fieldBs &+ and not its order. showtit'eT Specifies if Tiki ,ill display the trackerBs name before the table. show"ie'dna#eT Tiki ,ill include a column heading for each field( based on the tracker itemBs name. sort#odeT 1y default( Tiki ,ill sort the list by the &ast *odified Date (in ascending order). 0ou can click any column heading to resort the table. statsT Tiki ,ill include all items ,ith the status of 7 (open)( * (pending)( and C (closed). 8ote Print date: Oct 15, !1

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See the Tik)iki documentation for complete information on the Tracker list plugin and all a ailable options. #. Sa e the page. The <isitor ?nformation 'age should no, look similar to thisT

The <isitor ?nformation ,iki page no, lists the items in the tracker.

/ach time you add a ne, tracker item( it ,ill be added to the &ist of <isitors.

,sing #ags
Similar to categories( you can use tags (or freetags) to organiCe the items (such as Print date: Oct 15, !1

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,iki pages or images) in your site. )ith Tiki( you can put any item into one or more categories. 0our isitors can then bro,se all of the items in a specific category.

Refer to the Tiki)iki Documentation TikiBs tagging system. Tip Do not confuse these tags ,ith the Tiki Keyword feature. To use tags you must first enable the -reetags feature. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..

for complete details on

4. -rom the !dministrationT -eatures page( click the G'oba' ,eatures tab. ;. An the G'oba' ,eatures tab( in the Main area( enable the ,reetags feature and click App'$.

/nabling freetags. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o, that youB e turned the feature on( letBs configure it... Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring -reetags !dding Tags to )iki 'ages !dding Tags to 1log 'osts

Config%ring /reetags
Tiki)ikiBs tagging system allo,s you to identify items (such as ,iki pages or blog posts) ,ith key,ords... tags. &ike its other features( TikiBs folksonomy tags are fully customiCable. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;..

4. -rom the !dministration page( click ,reetags . Tip 0ou can also access the !dministrationT -reetag page by typing http: www.$ourdo#ain.!o# tiki4ad#in.php:page;"reetags in your ,eb bro,ser. ;. The !dministrationT -reetags page all the options to customiCe your Tiki blogging system. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Configuring the freetags options on the !dministrationT -reetag page. #. /dit the follo,ing fieldsT Disable the *re'oad "reetag rando# sear!h when arri0ing... field. Change the Maxi#u# nu#ber o" tags in !'oud field to 4$. &ea e the other options as their default setting. 8ote Refer to the Tiki)iki documentation ,iki configuration options. for complete information on all the Print date: Oct 15, !1

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5. Click Change *re"eren!es. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. Tip 0ou can use the C'eanup unused tags button to remo e any tags that are not assigned to an obDect.


To ie, all of the tags in use on your siteT 4. -rom the *ain menu( click ,reetags.

Select -reetags from the *ain menu in the *enu module. ;. Tiki displays an error message( telling you that there are no tags yet. &etBs start adding tags to some pages.

-dding a #ag to a &iki Page

Ane ,ay to add tags to a ,iki page is to specify the tags from the edit page. &etBs add some tags to the @ome'age page. Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. 4. Click =o#e in the *enu module to return to @ome page. ;. Click the 9dit icon ( ). The /dit page appears. Tip 0ou can also edit a ,iki page by clicking the 9dit button at the bottom of the page. #. Click the *roperties tab. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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!dding the tags ,iki( homepage( and ,elcome to the @ome'age. 5. ?n the ,o'ksono#$ Tags field( enter a fe, key ,ord (or terms) to use as tags for this page. 8ote 1y default( multiple ,ord terms (such as Fonline helpF or Fhome pageF) are treated as separate tags. /nclose multiple ,ord terms in 3uotes( as sho,n in the e.ample( abo e. 6. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the page and displays the @ome page( sho,ing your tags.

The tags for this page are sho,n at the top of the page.


Release 9.. Release 6.. Release 5.. Release #.. Release ;.. ?n addition to adding tags to pages by editing the page( you can use a module to tag pages. The ,reetags and ,reetags editor module allo, you to easily FtagF pages ,ithout ha ing to edit them.

Tagging a page ,ith the -reetags /ditor module. The module also displays the e.isting tags for the page and allo,s your to remo e (that is( Fun"tagF) them.

This page has not been started. 0ou can help. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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-dding #ags to ?'og Posts

,sing S%r"eys
Similar to polls( are a great ,ay to interact ,ith your siteBs isitors. 0ou can create sur eys to collect opinions and information from isitors. %nlike polls( ,hich allo, isitors to F oteF on single topic( sur eys can contain multiple 3uestions and allo, isitors to respond in different methods. To use sur eys( you must first enable the Sur ey feature. Release 5.. Release #.. 4. -rom the !dministrationT-eatures page( click the G'oba' ,eatures tab. ;. An the +lobal -eatures tab( in the Additiona area( enable the Sur0e$sfeature and click App'$.

/nabling sur eys. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page.

8o, that youB e turned on the feature( letBs configure it...


Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results

Creating S%r"eys
To create a ne, sur eyT Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 511 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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Release 5.. Release #.. 4. -rom the Menu( select Sur0e$s B Ad#in Sur0e$s. The !dmin Sur eys page appears.

The Sur ey menu. ;. An the !dmin Sur eys page( click the 9dit Create Sur0e$ tab.

The !dminT Sur ey page lists the e.isting sur eys. #. %se the Create 8e, Sur ey tab to create a ne, sur ey.

%se this tab to create a ne, sur ey. 5. /nter the follo,ing information in each field on the pageT 1a#eT /nter a name of the sur ey. +es!riptionT /nter a detailed description of the sur ey. 0ou can use ,iki synta. in the description. StatusT Select open. &ater( you can c&ose the sur ey (,hich makes it inaccessible to isitors( but Tiki retains the data. 6. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 0our sur ey is no, listed on the Sur0e$s tab of the !dminT Sur eys page.

@ere is your ne,ly created sur eyT

8o, that you ha e a sur ey( you can add 3uestions to itI


! ne,ly created sur ey is FemptyF S there are no 3uestions for isitors to ans,er. !fter creating a ne, sur ey( you need to add 3uestions to it. Release 5.. Release #..

4. -rom the !dminT Sur eys page( click the Cuestions button (

). Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding 3uestions to your sur ey. ;. &etBs add our first 3uestion to the sur eyT a multiple ans,er 3uestion.

!dd a 3uestion to the sur ey. #. An the /dit Sur ey 2uestions page( enter the follo,ing information in each field in the Add a 1ew Cuestion to this Sur0e$ areaT CuestionT The sur ey 3uestion that users ,ill see and respond to. *ositionT The order in ,hich the 3uestions are displayed. 1y default( Tiki ,ill add the 3uestion into the ne.t a ailable position. T$peT Select Mu'tip'e Choi!es. This ,ill present the possible ans,ers as check and allo, users to select multiple ans,ers. 7ptionsT /nter Facebook,MySpace,LinkedIn,Ning &ea e the other fields as their defaults. 5. Click Sa0e. Tiki sa es the information and reloads the page. 0our first sur ey 3uestions is no, listed in the Cuestions area of the page.

0our sur ey 3uestionT


Repeat this procedure to add additional 3uestions to the sur ey. To create a radio button selection (,here the user select a single response from a list)T Change the T$pe to 7ne Choi!e Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?n the 7ptions field( type the possible responses( separated by a comma. =-or e.ample( to ha e the user select one of the follo,ing selects for the 3uestion =ow o"ten to do $ou 0isit so!ia' networking sites:( typeT
(%ltiple ti(es a day#once a day#a $ew ti(es a week#less than once a week

To create a te.t bo. (,here the user can type a short response)T Change the T$pe to Short text This allo,s the user to ans,er a 3uestion such as What other so!ia' networking sites do $ou 0isit:. To create a te.t area that allo,s multiple lines for a response( use the Wiki textarea type. To create a rating (,here the user can use a scale to rate their agreement ,ith a statement) Change the T$pe to (ate (-..H). This allo,s the user to ans,er a 3uestion such as HH'lease rate ho, much you enDoy (,here 4[? hate themUne er isit to 6[? lo e themU isit all the time) isiting social net,orking sites. To create a 4$ point scale( use the (ate (-..-S) type. To create a custom scale( use the (ate type. ?n the 7ptions field( enter the ma.imum alue (Tiki ,ill automatically start the scale at -.) 0our sur ey should no, ha e se eral 3uestionsT

The sur ey no, includes a 3uestion.

This page is in progress. S Content may not be complete. 0ou can help.

#aking S%r"eys Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This page is in progress. S Content may not be complete. 0ou can help.

Re"ie*ing S%r"ey Res%'ts

Creating a 8en% from a &iki Page

're iously( you learned ho, to create a menu and add options to the menu. 0ou can also use the *age #enu module to create a menu from a ,iki page. Release 9.. Release 7.. Release 6.. To create a menu from a ,iki pageT 4. Create a ne, ,iki page named M$ Menu. See Creating a )iki 'age for details. ;. /dit the page and add se eral links to some of the pages you created earlier. 0ou can also add links to e.ternal ,eb sites.

Tiki ,ill transform the ,iki page into a menu. -or e.ampleT
S(("o(ePage)) S.http4//doc.tiki.org1Tiki 9oc%(entation/ S.http4// Aelease Notes/

This ,iki page contains a link to the @ome'age and t,o e.ternal links to the sites. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

0ou can use the )iki synta. ,hen creating the links and editing the page. #. Sa e the page. 5. An the !dminT *odules page( on the Assigned #odu'es tab( click Add #odu'e.

Select the *enu 'age module. 6. An the !dminT *odules page( in the Assign new #odu'e area( select Menu *age as the *odule 8ame.

Select the *enu 'age module. 7. Tiki reloads the !dminT *odules page( displaying additional options for the module. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Specify the options for the *enu 'age module. 9. An the 8asi! tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT *ositionT Right 7rderT 4 GroupsT !nonymous :. An the Modu'e tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Specify the options for the *enu 'age module. *ageT *y *enu 8ote This should be the name of the page that you created in step 4. ?f you used a different page name( enter it in the *age field. >. An the Appearan!e tab( enter the follo,ing information in each fieldT Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Specify the options for the *enu 'age module. Modu'e Tit'eT !nother menu 8ote ?f you do not specify a title for the module( Tiki ,ill use the name of the ,iki page. 4$.Click Assign. The menu appears in the Another Menu module in the right column

The !nother *enu module contains the links (menu) from the ,iki page.

!nytime you edit the ,iki page Menu *age( the changes ,ill automatically be reflected in the Coo' 6inks moduleI 8ote See the Tiki documenation the parameters of the Menu *age module. for detailed information on all of


Creating a 8en% from a &iki Str%ct%re

're iously( you learned ho, to create a menu and add options to the menu( as ,ell as creating a menu from a ,iki page. 0ou can also use the Stru!ture #enu module to create a menu from a ,iki structure. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5 !

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This section includes basic troubleshooting information. @ere you ,ill find solutions to some common problems. )hate er your issue( be sure to !'ear the Tiki !a!he "irst. Clearing the cache ,ill resol e many issues. 8ote Complete troubleshooting information can be found in documentation . the Tiki


Top Tips ?nstallation 'roblems &ogin 'roblems Display 'roblems 'lugin 'roblems @o, Do ?...

Other P'aces to )o
?n addition to the troubleshooting information in this guide( you can tryT Tiki +o!u#entation S This should be the first place you look. There is an unbelie able amount of information a ailable. Try searching for a specific feature or error message. Tiki Support ,oru#s S 0ou can post your 3uestion in any of the support forums (there are se eral). 1e sure to include as much information as possible( including your Tiki ersion and %R& (if possible). httpTUU,,,.tiki.orgUforums Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

&(C Channe' S Tiki de elopers and users hang out on the ?RC (?nternet Relay Chat) channelT Ytikiwiki. 0ou can talk( in real"time( ,ith folks ,ho may be able to help. httpTUUtiki.orgUConnectingTo?rc Goog'e Tiki Sear!h 9ngine S This is a +oogle CS/ (Custom Search /ngine) that searches all of the rele ant Tiki community sites... ,ith the po,er of +oogle. 'ersonally( ? find the results #u!h better than the standard Tiki search engine. RickBs Tiki C*SU+roup,are Search /ngine

#op #ro%b'eshooting #ips

@ere is list of common problems( and ho, to fi. them. Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

+oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5 + Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5 . Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki in this section %sing 'lugins Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures *o ing 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5+! Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

'romoting and Demoting 'ages !utomatic Table of Contents Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity) in this section !dding a Site &ogo %sing a module %sing the &ook EampG -eel page !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions in this section @o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork 'ermissions /.ample +lobal (+roup) 'ermissions !nonymous /mployees 1oard of Directors Category 'ermissions 'ress Releases -inancial ?nformation AbDect 'ermissions !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects in this section !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Configuring the @ome 'age in this section %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section !dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates ?n this section Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers ?n this section Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields Creating the other fields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers in this section Displaying and /diting Tracker ?tems Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages %sing Tags ?n this section Configuring -reetags &isting the Tags !dding a Tag to a )iki 'age %sing *odules !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys ?n this section Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys !dding !dditional 2uestion Types Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure Troubleshooting in this section Ather 'laces to +o Top Troubleshooting Tips ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e,eryone can see itG or ? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it. ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki. ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment

; added a ne* mod%'e, and no* ; get a D/ata' Smarty errorD and ; on'y see a b'ank page.
*ost likely( you added in alid Smarty code to the module. To remo e the offending module you ,ill need to access your Tiki database directly. 4. %sing your database tool (such as php!dmin)( log into your Tiki database. 8ote This is the same database that you created ,hen you installed Tiki. ?f you installed Tiki from -antastico( the database ,as listed on the final installer screen. ;. Display the tiki3#odu'es table. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select the tikiHmodules database table. #. Click 8rowse to display all of the currently acti e modules.

1ro,se the list of modules( then delete the offending module. 5. Click +e'ete to remo e the module that you added pre iously (that caused the problem). 8o,( as the ad#in( log into your Tiki. Tip )hen creating custom modules( you should a'wa$s pre ie, the module first( before assigning it. 8ote The problem may also occur if you edit a template (T'&) file and add in alid code. Refer to the Smarty documentation synta.. for complete information on alid Smarty

; added C%stom Code on the =ook and /ee' page, and no* ; get a D/ata' Smarty errorD and ; on'y see a b'ank page.
*ost likely( you added in alid Smarty code to the Custom Code. To remo e the offending module you ,ill need to access your Tiki database directly. 4. %sing your database tool (such as php!dmin)( log into your Tiki database. 8ote This is the same database that you created ,hen you installed Tiki. ?f you installed Tiki from -antastico( the database ,as listed on the final installer screen. ;. Display the tiki3pre"eren!es table.

Select the tikiHpreferences database table. #. Click 8rowse to display all of the current Tiki settings and preferences. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

1ro,se the list of Tiki preferences and find the S?T/*0CAD/ ro,. 5. Click 9dit to edit the sitemycode preference. 6. Delete the code that you added from the !dministrationT Site ?dentity page.

/dit the custom code. 8ote Do not delete the database ro, S only the custom code. 8o,( as the ad#in( log into your Tiki. Refer to the Smarty documentation synta.. for complete information on alid Smarty

; enab'ed a specific feat%re, b%t none of my %sers can see it or %se it.
*ost likely( you enabled the feature but did not gi e users permission to actually use the feature. Remember( TikiBs permission control is ery fine"grained S you can e.plicitly specify ,hich users can use ,hich functions. To grant permission to a specific feature( Dust add the permission to the necessary group. Refer to Configuring +roup 'ermissions for more information.

; created a mod%'e and assigned it to a specific gro%p, b%t

e"eryone can see itE or ; created a mod%'e and assigned it to -nonymo%s, b%t no* my other gro%ps cannot see it.
Tiki has t,o special features that can o erride the group"specific settings ,hen adding modules. +isp'a$ #odu'es to a'' groups a'wa$sT ?f selected( e,eryone (all groups) ,ill see a&& modules S regardless of the moduleBs specific +roup setting. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

=ide anon$#ous4on'$ #odu'es "ro# registered usersT ?f selected( modules that are assigned to on&y the !nonymous group ,ill be isible on&y to !nonymous users. Ather users (e en if they inherit the !nonymous group) ,ill not see the module.

Defining the isibility of modules. %se the !dministrationT *odule page to specify these settings.

; keep recei"ing /orbidden errors *hen ; try to access specific pages, perform specific f%nctions, or insta'' #iki.
The e.act message may be similar to ,orbidden /ou don't ha0e per#ission to a!!ess tiki4xxxxxxxx.php on this ser0er. 0our ser erBs security setting are not allo,ing Tiki to e.ecute specific scripts and files. @a e your ser er administrator modify the #od4se!urit$ settings. 0ou may also need to F,hitelistF the Tiki application files. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

; keep recei"ing D8emory 6>ha%stedD errors and b'ank screen *hen ; try to access specific pages
The e.act message may be similar to ,ata' error: A''owed #e#or$ siDe o" <<<<<<< b$tes exhausted. 0ou ser er has not allocated enough '@' memory to your site. Tiki re3uires a minimum of #;*1 '@' memoryG 75*1 (at least) is recommended. %se the Ad#in B phpin"o option to display the #e#or$3'i#it alue for your ,ebser er. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Depending on your ,ebhost configuration( you may be able to increase your '@' memory by adding the follo,ing line to your php.ini fileT
(e(ory6li(it * ,ETM

See the

Tiki documentation

for details.

; keep recei"ing DCannot &rite /i'eD errors *hen ; %p'oad a fi'e or attachment
The e.act message may be similar to Cannot write to this "i'e IT.H9JIh"9e.TRT-..J9 0ou enabled the Store in dire!tor$ option( but Tiki could not sa e the file or attachment. *ake sure thatT The path is correct. The directoryBs permissions allo, Tiki to read( ,rite( and update files.

Reso'"ing ;nsta''ation ;ss%es

This section includes information on resol ing issues that you may encounter ,hen installing Tiki)iki. 1e sure to re ie, the information in the )hat if it doesnBt ,ork section for additional information. 8ote !l,ays re ie, the Release 8otes before installing Tiki. 0ouBll find most of your 3uestions ans,ered. There is a link to the Release 8otes on the first page of the ?nstaller.


Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section
Page 5+5 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

+etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5(5

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki in this section %sing 'lugins ?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures *o ing 'ages 'romoting and Demoting 'ages !utomatic Table of Contents Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity) in this section !dding a Site &ogo %sing a module %sing the &ook EampG -eel page !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions in this section @o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork 'ermissions /.ample +lobal (+roup) 'ermissions !nonymous /mployees 1oard of Directors Category 'ermissions Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

'ress Releases -inancial ?nformation AbDect 'ermissions !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects in this section !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Configuring the @ome 'age in this section %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search in this section !dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates ?n this section Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers ?n this section Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields Creating the other fields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers in this section Displaying and /diting Tracker ?tems Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5(3 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing Tags ?n this section Configuring -reetags &isting the Tags !dding a Tag to a )iki 'age %sing *odules !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys ?n this section Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys !dding !dditional 2uestion Types Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure Troubleshooting

in this section Ather 'laces to +o Top Troubleshooting Tips ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e,eryone can see itG or ? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it. ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki. ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Resol ing ?nstallation ?ssues Tiki cannot find a database connection. Tiki reports that it cannot ,rite to specific directories. Tiki reports a S!-/*AD/ iolation during installation. Tiki reports an A'/8H1!S/D?R restriction. The installer stops before completing the installation. The installer is goneI The installer is lockedI Tiki ?nstaller reports a Security 'recaution. Tiki reports a Database <ersion 'roblem. Tiki reports a System Dri er 'roblem. Tiki reports a Database /ncoding ?ssue

#iki cannot find a database connection.

The actual error message may be similar to Access denied $or %ser @%serna(e@U@localhost@ (%sing password4 5< ) Tiki ,as unable to log into the database using the supplied username( pass,ord( and database name. RememberT This is the database username and pass,ord S not your Tiki username and pass,ord. This username must ha e full access to the database. -or shared hosts( you may ha e to include your hosthame to both the username and database name. See Creating the Database and Configuring the Database Connection for details.

#iki reports that it cannot *rite to specific directories.

The actual error message may be similar to %nable to access yo%rdo(ain/yo%rinstallationdiretory/.... warning/error $write() arg%(ent is not a valid reso%rce. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 55!

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki re3uires full ,rite access to specific directories on the ,eb host. Re ie, the Set Directory 'ermissions section and erify that you ha e assigned the 9"9"9 (or 9"9"6) permission to all of the re3uired directories.

#iki reports a S-/68O$6 "io'ation d%ring insta''ation.

The actual error message may be similar to AF< M89< Aestriction in e$$ect.

0our ,ebhost is running '@' in sa"e mode. Refer to documentation

the Tiki)iki

for details on using Tiki in safe mode.

#iki reports an OP67F?-S6$;R restriction.

The actual error message may be similar to Jarning4 te(pna(() .$%nction.te(pna(/4 open6basedir restriction in e$$ect. File(/t(p) is not within the allowed path(s)4 0our ,ebhost is running '@' in sa"e mode and has restricted your access to specific directories and folders. Refer to and this Tiki de elopment page the Tiki)iki documentation for details on resol ing this issue.

#he insta''er stops before comp'eting the insta''ation.

The actual error message may be similar to The Tiki )nstaller cannot proceed4 The directory does not e-ist. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

<erify that you successfully copied all files to your ,eb host.

#he insta''er is goneG

There is no error message( but ,hen you attempt to load tiki4insta''.php in your bro,ser( Tiki displays your siteBs home page instead of the installer. 0ou bro,ser may also report a code G,L4 Page 3one. Release ;.. Release 4.>.. )hen you initially installed Tiki)iki( you selected the C'i!k here to disab'e the insta'' s!ript and pro!eed into tiki option (as recommended) on the final installation screen.

Disabling the install script after installing Tiki)iki This disables the install script. To enable the install script in order to re"run the installer( rename the .. insta''er tiki4 inta''er.done file toT .. inta''er tiki4insta''.php

0ou can no, re"run the installer script.

#he insta''er is 'ockedG

)hen you attempt to load tiki4insta''.php in your bro,ser( Tiki displays the messageT )nstaller disabled. Ae(ove @db/lock@ to enable the installer. )hen you initially installed Tiki)iki( you selected to 6o!k the &nsta''er as recommended on the final installation screen. This disabled the install script. To re" enable the install script( use your hostBs file management soft,are to remo e the file Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 55 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

'o!k from your TikiBs .. db directory. 0ou can no, re"run the install script.

#iki ;nsta''er reports a Sec%rity Preca%tion.

)hen you attempt to load tiki4insta''.php in your bro,ser( Tiki displays the Security !lert pageT

The Security 'recaution protects your Tiki. To protect your site( if you (or anyone else) attempts to run the Tiki installer on a site that has an e.isting Tiki database( Tiki displays the security precaution alert and re3uires you to login using your database's username and pass,ord. /nter the database username and pass,ord that you used ,hen creating the database. Tip ?f you forgot these items( Tiki has recorded them in the .. db 'o!a'.php file.

#iki reports a $atabase 9ersion Prob'em.

)hen you open any !dministration page( Tiki displays the follo,ing messageT

This message may appear if you recently upgraded your Tiki files( but did not upgrade the database. Remember( the final step of any upgrade procedure is to complete the Tiki ?nstaller and select the 5pgrade option. See %pdating your Database for details.

#iki reports a System $ri"er Prob'em.

)hen installing Tiki 5.. ,ith '@' 6.4.$ (or higher)( Tiki may display the follo,ing message after completing the installerT yste( error4 co%ld not $ind driver Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

This indicates that 'DA dri er for your database has not been enabled on your ser er. Refer to the Tiki Release 8otes for more information.

#iki reports a $atabase 6ncoding ;ss%e

Starting ,ith Tiki 6..( the installer ,ill check your database for proper encoding. The actual error message may be similar toT <ncoding )ss%e 5o%r database encoding is not in :TF&T.

1y default( Tiki uses 5T,4. encoding. ?f your database uses different encoding( you must manually update the .. db 'o!a'.php file to match your specific encoding. Starting ,ith Tiki 6.4( Tiki can attempt to automatically fi. your database and change it to the proper encoding. )arning !l,ays back"up your database firstI

/i>ing =ogin Prob'ems

This section includes information on resol ing issues that you may encounter ,hen logging into Tiki)iki. 1e sure to re ie, the information in the 0our -irst &ogin section for additional information. Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions
Page 555 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 553 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 555

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/mailing 1log 'osts !dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5.1

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki in this section %sing 'lugins ?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5.

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures *o ing 'ages 'romoting and Demoting 'ages !utomatic Table of Contents Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity) in this section !dding a Site &ogo %sing a module %sing the &ook EampG -eel page !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions in this section @o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork 'ermissions /.ample +lobal (+roup) 'ermissions !nonymous /mployees 1oard of Directors Category 'ermissions 'ress Releases -inancial ?nformation AbDect 'ermissions !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 5.+ Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Configuring the @ome 'age in this section %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search in this section !dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates ?n this section Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers ?n this section Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields Creating the other fields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers in this section Displaying and /diting Tracker ?tems Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages %sing Tags ?n this section Configuring -reetags &isting the Tags Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5.(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding a Tag to a )iki 'age %sing *odules !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys ?n this section Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys !dding !dditional 2uestion Types Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure Troubleshooting

in this section Ather 'laces to +o Top Troubleshooting Tips ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e,eryone can see itG or ? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it. ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki. ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment Resol ing ?nstallation ?ssues Tiki cannot find a database connection. Tiki reports that it cannot ,rite to specific directories. Tiki reports a S!-/*AD/ iolation during installation. Tiki reports an A'/8H1!S/D?R restriction. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5.5

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The installer stops before completing the installation. The installer is goneI The installer is lockedI Tiki ?nstaller reports a Security 'recaution. Tiki reports a Database <ersion 'roblem. Tiki reports a System Dri er 'roblem. Tiki reports a Database /ncoding ?ssue &ogin 'roblems The login module is gone. ? cannot log in as the !dmin. )hen logging in( users are told that their account has not been erified.

#he 'ogin mod%'e is gone.

?f your &ogin module is not a ailable( you can still log into Tiki directly( by using this %R&T http4//www.yo%rdo( Some reasons ,hy your login module may ha e disappearedT Did you unassign it on the *odulesT !dministration pageR Did you assign a specific permission or group to the moduleR To make the login module isible to all users( be sure to assign it to the Anon$#ous group.

; cannot 'og in as the -dmin.

Remember( the default !dministrator pass,ord for a ne, Tiki install is ad#in. 0ou are prompted to change it upon your initial login. ?f you lost your !dministrator pass,ord( you can reset it by accessing your Tiki database. 4. %sing your database tool (such as php!dmin)( log into your Tiki database. 8ote This is the same database that you created ,hen you installed Tiki. ?f you installed Tiki from -antastico( the database ,as listed on the final installer screen. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

;. /.ecute the follo,ing S2& statementT :P9AT< V%sers6%sersV <T VpasswordV*@M5N<JPA VhashV* (d7(@ad(inM5N<JPA @) J"<A< VloginV*@ad(in@W )here M/19W*ASS is a ne, pass,ord. #. 8o, log into Tiki( using the ne, pass,ord.


&hen 'ogging in, %sers are to'd that their acco%nt has not been "erified.
The actual message may be similar toT 5o% did not validate yo%r acco%nt 0ou enabled the Aa'idate b$ e#ai' option on the !dminT &ogin page. This re3uires that ne, users first respond to an automatic email message (,hich contains a special initial login link) before their account can be acti ated. This helps reduce FfalseF or FbotF registrations. %sers must alidate their account before logging in. ?f the user cannot find or ne er recei ed the message( Tiki can resend the alidation email message automatically.

To manually alidate a user( use the Con"ir# 5ser button Ad#inistration: 5sers page.

on the

<alidating a user Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/i>ing $isp'ay Prob'ems

This page includes some common display problems and ho, to fi. them. Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5.3

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 5.5

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 51!

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 511 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 51 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 51+

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 51(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki in this section %sing 'lugins ?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 515

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures *o ing 'ages 'romoting and Demoting 'ages !utomatic Table of Contents Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity) in this section !dding a Site &ogo %sing a module %sing the &ook EampG -eel page !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 51.

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

@o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork 'ermissions /.ample +lobal (+roup) 'ermissions !nonymous /mployees 1oard of Directors Category 'ermissions 'ress Releases -inancial ?nformation AbDect 'ermissions !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects in this section !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Configuring the @ome 'age in this section %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search in this section !dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates ?n this section Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers ?n this section Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields Creating the other fields Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 511

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers in this section

Displaying and /diting Tracker ?tems Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages %sing Tags ?n this section Configuring -reetags &isting the Tags !dding a Tag to a )iki 'age %sing *odules !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys ?n this section Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys !dding !dditional 2uestion Types Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure Troubleshooting

in this section Ather 'laces to +o Top Troubleshooting Tips ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e,eryone can see itG or Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 513

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it. ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki. ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment Resol ing ?nstallation ?ssues Tiki cannot find a database connection. Tiki reports that it cannot ,rite to specific directories. Tiki reports a S!-/*AD/ iolation during installation. Tiki reports an A'/8H1!S/D?R restriction. The installer stops before completing the installation. The installer is goneI The installer is lockedI Tiki ?nstaller reports a Security 'recaution. Tiki reports a Database <ersion 'roblem. Tiki reports a System Dri er 'roblem. Tiki reports a Database /ncoding ?ssue &ogin 'roblems The login module is gone. ? cannot log in as the !dmin. )hen logging in( users are told that their account has not been erified. Display 'roblems ? made a change (such as editing a module or a template)( but Tiki is not sho,ing the change. )hen ? try to add a script or other @T*& element to a page( Tiki inserts J KLMNOP . JKLMNOQ and breaks the page.

-or other display"related problems( seeT.c ? keeping recei ing F*emory /.chausedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages. ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code in the Site ?dentity( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 515

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e eryone can see itG or ? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it.

; made a change @s%ch as editing a mod%'e or a temp'ateA, b%t #iki is not sho*ing the change.
*ake sure that youBre not looking at a cached ersion of the page. There are potentially se eral caches that may need to be clearedT 0our bro,ser maybe be caching pages. 1e sure to empty your bro,serBs cache( usually by pressing Shi"t = ,H. Tiki may be caching the ,iki pages. ?f you selected the )iki cache option (on the !dministrationT )iki page) you ,ill need to click reload ( )( to load the latest ersion of the page. Tiki may be caching the templates. To flush the cache( as the adminT Release >.. Release 7.. Release 5.. Release ;..( #.. Release 4.>..

Click the C'ear a'' Tiki Ca!hes button

in the 2uick !dmin area.

Clearing the caches. Tiki reports the status of all cached contentT Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 53!

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Tiki may be caching e.ternal pages and images. ?f you selected the 5se !a!he options on the !dministrationT +eneral page. To force Tiki not to cache these items( use the no!a!he parameterT dimg src[imageurl.pngRnocache[4e b%R&_description_nocachec

&hen ; try to add a script or other 2#8= e'ement to a page, #iki inserts HIJKLMN > HIJKLMO and breaks the page.
1y default( Tiki ,ill FsanitiCeF any potentially dangerous @T*& coding that users add to a page. This includes SC(&*T( 9M89+( &,(AM9( and other @T*& elements. ?nstead of using ra, @T*& coding( use the specific Tiki 'lugin that meets your needs. !dditionally( you can use the =TM6 and XS plugins to add some ra, @T*& elements to a page.

/i>ing P'%gin Prob'ems

This page includes information on common problems ,hen using plugins( and ho, to fi. them.


Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 531 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages *ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser
Page 53 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures %sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section

)iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 53+

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

&ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 53(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 535 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 53.

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 531

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section

Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page 533 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki in this section %sing 'lugins ?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 535

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures *o ing 'ages 'romoting and Demoting 'ages !utomatic Table of Contents Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity) in this section !dding a Site &ogo %sing a module %sing the &ook EampG -eel page !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions in this section @o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork 'ermissions /.ample +lobal (+roup) 'ermissions !nonymous /mployees 1oard of Directors Category 'ermissions 'ress Releases -inancial ?nformation AbDect 'ermissions !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 55!

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

!dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Configuring the @ome 'age in this section %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature %sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search in this section

!dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates ?n this section Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers ?n this section Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields Creating the other fields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers in this section Displaying and /diting Tracker ?tems Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages %sing Tags ?n this section Configuring -reetags &isting the Tags !dding a Tag to a )iki 'age Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 551

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing *odules !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys ?n this section Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys !dding !dditional 2uestion Types Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure Troubleshooting

in this section Ather 'laces to +o Top Troubleshooting Tips ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e,eryone can see itG or ? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it. ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki. ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment Resol ing ?nstallation ?ssues Tiki cannot find a database connection. Tiki reports that it cannot ,rite to specific directories. Tiki reports a S!-/*AD/ iolation during installation. Tiki reports an A'/8H1!S/D?R restriction. The installer stops before completing the installation. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 55

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

The installer is goneI The installer is lockedI Tiki ?nstaller reports a Security 'recaution. Tiki reports a Database <ersion 'roblem. Tiki reports a System Dri er 'roblem. Tiki reports a Database /ncoding ?ssue &ogin 'roblems The login module is gone. ? cannot log in as the !dmin. )hen logging in( users are told that their account has not been erified. Display 'roblems ? made a change (such as editing a module or a template)( but Tiki is not sho,ing the change. )hen ? try to add a script or other @T*& element to a page( Tiki inserts J KLMNOP . JKLMNOQ and breaks the page. 'lugin 'roblems ? added a plugin to a page or module( but Tiki says the plugin is disabled. ? added a plugin to a page or module( but Tiki says the plugin e.ecution pending appro al

; added a p'%gin to a page or mod%'e, b%t #iki says the p'%gin is disab'ed.
The actual error message may be similar to WARNING: Pl%gin disabled p&ugin name !lthough the basic Tiki installation includes 4$$s of plugins( only the most commonly used ones are enab&ed by default. To impro e security( starting ,ith Tiki #.4( you must specifically enable each plugin before it can be used. See /nabling 'lugins for more information. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 55+

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

; added a p'%gin to a page or mod%'e, b%t #iki says the p'%gin e>ec%tion pending appro"a'
The actual error message may be similar to This pl%gin was recently added or (odi$ied. :ntil an editor o$ the site validates the para(eters# e-ec%tion will not be possible To impro e security( potentially harmful plugins (such as those allo,ing scripts or database access) must be appro ed( after being added to a page or module. Depending on their permission( users can ie, the pluginBs details( pre ie, the plugin( or appro e it. 8ote %sers ,ith tiki3p3p'ugin3appro0e permission can appro e plugins. See !ppro ing 'lugins for more information.

2o* $o ;...
?n addition to the general information in this guide and the Troubleshooting sections( ?B e tried to collect (and ans,erI) the most commonly asked( F@o, do ?...F 3uestions. Tiki for Dummies Smarties Table of Contents )elcome to Tiki ?n this section Disclaimers Copyright Contributions !bout the !uthor %sing this +uide ?n this section 8a igation 'rinting 'D Con entions Translations Rating 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 55(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

*ultiple <ersions ^oin us on... -acebook T,itter Scribd +oogle= 'age The Tiki Daily 'aper +etting Started ,ith Tiki ?n this section ?nstalling Tiki from -antastico ?nstalling Tiki *anually ?n this section Do,nloading Tiki %nCip the -iles Copying the -iles to 0our )eb @ost Set Directory 'ermissions Creating the Database Create a Database %ser !dd the Database %ser to the Database Running the ?nstaller )hat if it doesnBt ,orkR %pgrading 0our Tiki %pdate the Tiki -iles %pdate your Database ?nitial <ie, of Tiki ?n this Section 'arts of Tiki 0our -irst &ogin %sing the !dministrator 'ages ?n this section Configuring +eneral !dmin Aptions Configuring %ser &ogins Registering as a 8e, %ser ?f you donBt get the emailT %nderstanding +roups ?n this section Create a 8e, +roup !ssigning 'ermissions !ssign a %ser to a +roup Configuring Tiki -eatures
Page 555 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing Tiki )ebmail Configuring +eneral &ayout Aptions !dding *odules Deleting *odules *o ing *odules Configuring the -eatures ?n this section Configuring )iki Aptions ?n this section Creating a )iki 'age Creating a )iki 'age by Creating a &ink from an /.isting 'age 1acklinks %sing the &ist )iki 'ages page %sing the 2uick /dit *odule %nderstanding )iki Synta. ?n this section )iki Synta. -irst le el heading Second le el heading @eading open @eading %sing the Code @ighlighter Toolbar +etting @elp !dding 'ictures /diting 'ictures !dding &inks )iki &inks &ink Descriptions /.ternal &inks ?ncoming &inks Configuring the 1logs &isting the 1logs in this section Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 55.

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Create a 8e, 1log Creating a 1log 'ost Displaying 1logs in *odules Displaying 1logs in )iki 'ages Configuring the -orums in this section

Create a 8e, -orum Creating a -orum Thread ?n this section Replying to Topics *oderating -orums *oderating Topics and Threads Displaying -orums in *odules Displaying -orums in )iki 'ages Configuring the !rticles ?n this section Creating !rticle Topics Creating !rticle Types Creating an !rticle ?n this section Displaying !rticles in a *odule Displaying !rticles in )iki 'ages Configuring -ile +alleries in this section Creating a -ile +allery %ploading a -ile ?f it doesnBt ,orkT 1ro,sing -ile +alleries Configuring ?mage +alleries in this section Creating an ?mage +allery %ploading ?mages ?f it doesnBt ,orkT Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 551

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

1ro,sing ?mage +alleries in this section 1ro,sing an ?mage Displaying an ?mage in a *odule Displaying an ?mage in a )iki 'age %sing a *odule /mbedding an ?mage Directly Configuring 'olls ?n this section Creating a 'oll in this section Creating 'oll Aptions !dding a 'oll to a *odule Creating a *odule !ssigning the 'oll *odule !dding a 'oll to a )iki 'age Configuring +roup 'ermissions %nderstanding 'ermissions ?n this section !ssigning !nonymous 'ermissions Ather 'ermissions !ssigning Registered 'ermissions +lobal (+roup) s Category 'ermissions Configuring *enus ?n this section Creating a *enu Creating *enu Aptions @ome Sections ?tems !dding a *enu to a *odule !ssigning the *enu *odule Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page 553

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Taking Stock %sing the -eatures ?n this section %sing the )iki in this section &isting )iki 'ages &isting Recently Changed <ie,ing 'age @istory !dding Comments Configuring comments Replying to Comments Changing the Comments <ie, %sing !ttachments Configuring )iki !ttachments !dding !ttachments )atching 'ages *inor /dits %sing the Sandbo. &inking to )iki 'ages %sing 1logs in this section Reading a 1log Searching in 1logs %sing the RSS -eed <ie,ing the 'ermalink /mailing 1log 'osts

!dding Comments Comments on 1log 'osts Comments on the 1log %sing Trackbacks and 'ings &inking to 1logs %sing the -orums Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section !dding 8e, Topics Types *oderating Topics Reporting 'osts Re ie,ing Reported 'osts &inking to -orums %sing 'olls <ie,ing 'oll Results %sing 'olls as Ratings Create the 'oll Template /nable )iki 'age Rating !dd 'olls to )iki 'ages %sing ?mage +alleries in this section Creating Subgalleries 1ro,sing +alleries and Subgalleries <ie,ing +allery Slidesho,s 1asic Slidesho, -ancy Slidesho, %sing the !rticles in this section &isting !rticles &isting 'opular !rticles Submitting !rticles !ppro ing Submissions %sing the -ile +allery *o ing files ,ithin the -ile +allery Replacing (%pdating) -iles &inking to -iles %sing -iles in )iki 'ages %sing RSS -eeds ?n this section Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .!! Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Configuring TikiBs RSS -eeds Syndicating Ather SitesB -eeds !dding -eeds to *odules CustomiCing Tiki Style ?n this Section %sing the &ayout Aptions in this section Changing Themes %sing the S,itch Theme *odule Theme Samples /diting Templates %sing TikiBs Template /ditor CustomiCing *enus in this section Creating Dynamic *enus Types of Dynamic *enus Creating a Site *enu 1ar Creating Custom *odules %sing @T*& ?ncluding Smarty %sing *odules Settings %sing 'rofiles ?n this section !pplying a 'rofile CustomiCing Toolbars Selecting a Toolbar to CustomiCe CustomiCing Toolbar 1uttons *o ing 1uttons !dding 1uttons Remo ing 1uttons !dding Custom 1uttons @acking Tiki Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .!1 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

in this section %sing 'lugins ?n this section ?nstalling and !ccessing 'lugins <erifying ?nstallation %sing 'lugins /nabling 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins !ppro ing 'lugins on )iki 'ages %sing the 'lugin !ppro al 'age %sing *ods ?n this section ?nstalling *ods !utomatically ?nstalling *ods *anually %sing TikiBs !d anced -eatures ?n this section %sing Categories in this section Creating Categories CategoriCing AbDects /diting the AbDect %sing the Category !dministration page Displaying Categories Displaying the Category 'ath Displaying Category AbDects %sing the Category 'lugin %sing Structures ?n this section Creating Structures !dding 'ages to Structures !dding /.isting 'ages Creating 8e, 'ages Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .! Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

ReorganiCing 'ages in Structures *o ing 'ages 'romoting and Demoting 'ages !utomatic Table of Contents Configuring the &ook E -eel (Site ?dentity) in this section !dding a Site &ogo %sing a module %sing the &ook EampG -eel page !dding a Search 1ar %sing Custom Code %sing 'ermissions in this section @o, TikiBs 'ermissions )ork 'ermissions /.ample +lobal (+roup) 'ermissions !nonymous /mployees 1oard of Directors Category 'ermissions 'ress Releases -inancial ?nformation AbDect 'ermissions !dding 'ermissions to )iki 'ages !dding 'ermissions to Ather AbDects in this section !dding 'ermissions to 1logs !dding 'ermissions to -orums !dding 'ermissions to !rticle Topics !dding 'ermissions to ?mage +alleries Configuring the @ome 'age in this section %sing a Different )iki 'age %sing a Different -eature Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

%sing a Custom 'age Configuring the Search in this section !dding the Search *odule Configuring Content Templates ?n this section Creating Content Templates %sing Content Templates %sing Trackers ?n this section Creating a Tracker Creating Tracker -ields Creating the other fields /ntering Tracker ?tems %sing the Tracker 'age %sing Tracker -orms Displaying Trackers in this section Displaying and /diting Tracker ?tems Displaying Trackers in )iki 'ages %sing Tags ?n this section Configuring -reetags &isting the Tags !dding a Tag to a )iki 'age %sing *odules !dding Tags to 1log 'osts %sing Sur eys ?n this section Creating Sur eys !dding 2uestions to Sur eys !dding !dditional 2uestion Types Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .!(

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Taking Sur eys Re ie,ing Sur ey Results Creating a *enu from a )iki 'age Creating a *enu from a )iki Structure Troubleshooting

in this section Ather 'laces to +o Top Troubleshooting Tips ? added a ne, module( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? added Custom Code on the &ook and -eel page( and no, ? get a F-atal Smarty errorF and ? only see a blank page. ? enabled a specific feature( but none of my users can see it or use it. ? created a module and assigned it to a specific group( but e,eryone can see itG or ? created a module and assigned it to !nonymous( but no, my other groups cannot see it. ? keep recei ing -orbidden errors ,hen ? try to access specific pages( perform specific functions( or install Tiki. ? keep recei ing F*emory /.haustedF errors and blank screen ,hen ? try to access specific pages ? keep recei ing FCannot )rite -ileF errors ,hen ? upload a file or attachment Resol ing ?nstallation ?ssues Tiki cannot find a database connection. Tiki reports that it cannot ,rite to specific directories. Tiki reports a S!-/*AD/ iolation during installation. Tiki reports an A'/8H1!S/D?R restriction. The installer stops before completing the installation. The installer is goneI The installer is lockedI Tiki ?nstaller reports a Security 'recaution. Tiki reports a Database <ersion 'roblem. Tiki reports a System Dri er 'roblem. Tiki reports a Database /ncoding ?ssue &ogin 'roblems The login module is gone. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .!5

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

? cannot log in as the !dmin. )hen logging in( users are told that their account has not been erified. Display 'roblems ? made a change (such as editing a module or a template)( but Tiki is not sho,ing the change. )hen ? try to add a script or other @T*& element to a page( Tiki inserts J KLMNOP . JKLMNOQ and breaks the page. 'lugin 'roblems ? added a plugin to a page or module( but Tiki says the plugin is disabled. ? added a plugin to a page or module( but Tiki says the plugin e.ecution pending appro al @o, Do ?... Remo e the 'age 8ame from the Top of /ach )iki 'ageR Create )iki &inks and 'ages in non"/nglish &anguagesR /dit the Default !dministration *enuR Reset an option to its default alueR Set the home page for my siteR *ake the C!'TC@! easier to readR Turn on TikiBs error reporting and logging optionR Re3uire that ,iki pages belong to a specfic categoryR

@a e a 3uestion or problem that is not addressed in the Smarties guide or these =ow +o &... pagesR See this -!2 for more help.

Remo"e the Page 7ame from the #op of 6ach &iki PageP
1y default( Tiki displays each ,iki pageBs tit&e on the ,iki page( as a link.

The ,iki page title. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. %se the +isp'a$ page na#e as page tit'e and +isp'a$ page na#e abo0e page options on the +eneral 'references tab of the )ikiT !dministration page to disable (or enable) this feature. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .!.

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

/nableUdisable the ,iki page title options.

Create &iki =inks and Pages in nonQ6ng'ish =ang%agesP

1y default( Tiki uses /nglish characters for page names and ,iki links. ?f your siteBs language is not %ng&is! and your ,iki pages contain non"/nglish letters and characters (such as [\]^( [\]_( and [\]`) you ,ill need to change the Wiki 6ink ,or#at option on the Genera' *re"eren!es tab of the )ikiT !dministration page. Release >.. Release :.. Release 7.. Release 6.. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .!1

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Selecting the )iki link format. Print date: Oct 15, !1 Page .!3 Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Select one of the follo,ing optionsT Co#p'eteT !llo,s any character. Stri!tT !llo,s letters A4a and digits S49 only. (e'axedT

6dit the $efa%'t -dministration 8en%P

0ou shouldnBt edit or delete TikiBs default administration menu. )hen you upgrade( Tiki ,ill need to update the menu links( as features are added or deprecated in future releases. ?n order to make your site upgrade as smooth as possible( you should not modify the menu. ?nstead you canT *ake the default !dministration menu (and the module that contains it) isible only to the Ad#in group. This ,ay( other users ,ill not see it. Create a custom menu (and module) for your site.

Reset an option to its defa%'t "a'%eP

0ou can easily reset most options to their default alue by clicking the (eset to de"au't button on most !dmin pages.

Set the home page for my siteP

)ith Tiki( the JKLMNijhomeJKLMNOa page for your site can be a specific Tiki feature (such as the ,iki or a forum) or any other alid %R&. %se the @ome 'age area of the 1a0igation tab on the !dministrationT +eneral page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Specifying the @ome page To use a non"Tiki page as your siteJKLMNLgKs home page( enable the 5se 5(6 &ndex option( then specify the specific %R&. Tip ?f you use +roup"specific home pages( these ,ill o erride the specific home page that you specify.

8ake the C-P#C2- easier to readP

)hen using the C!'TC@! option( there are se eral settings that you can modify to make the C!'TC@! image easier to distinguish. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Specifying C!'TC@! settings Word 'engthT 8umber of characters (numbers or letters) of the C!'TC@! image. *ore characters ,ill result in a more secure image( but may be more difficult for site isitors. WidthT The o erall ,idth (in pi.els of the image. Tip ?f you set a smaller image ,idth( Tiki does not re"siCe the actual numbers and letters in the C!'TC@! image JKLMNL`k only the o erall image. 0ou should reduce the ,ord length accordingly. 6e0e' o" noiseT Specifies the distortion le el of the image. @igher le el is more secure( but more difficult to read. CA*TC=A SAM*69S

C!'TC@! samples Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .11

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

-rom left to rightT 4. Tiki C!'TC@! ,ith 4$$ noise (default) ;. Tiki C!'TC@! ,ith 6$ noise #. ReCaptcha

#%rn on #iki4s error reporting and 'ogging optionP

?f youBre getting blank pages or e.periencing other issues( you can tell Tiki to e.plicitly report and display all '@' and Smaraty errors. An the Genera' *re"eren!es tab of the )ikiT -orce and limit categoriCation to ,ithin subtree of enable the 6ogging and (eporting options.

&ogging and Reporting options Tip ?f youBre ha ing problems installing Tiki( you can enable the 6ogging and (eporting options directly from the Tiki ?nstaller.

Tiki ,ill display all error messages at the bottom of the page. Click Show *=* 9rror Messages to toggle the display. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

&ogging and Reporting options

ReR%ire that *iki pages be'ong to a specfic categoryP

%se the ,or!e and 'i#it !ategoriDation to within subtree o" option on the !dminT )iki page to re3uire that ,iki editors select a specfic category (and its subcategories) ,hen editing a page. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Re3uiring a category for ,iki pages. Print date: Oct 15, !1

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Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

)hile this may be the end of this guide( this is most definite&y not the end of your Tiki Dourney. This guide has co ered only a small handful of TikiBs options. Tiki /ssentialsT )hat all Smarties need to kno, about Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are is a good place to continue learning about Tiki.

? also encourage you to e.plore the

complete Tiki documentation

for information on all of TikiBs features. -inally( ? am curious about ,hat you think of this guide and this site. 'lease tell me ,hat you think. !ny feedback( compliments( or criticism is greatly appreciated. / en better( become a contributor and help impro e this guide. Thanks!

Ready for the ne.t stepR TryT

)hat e ery Smarty needs to kno, about Tiki )iki C*S +roup,are

This site uses Tiki enabledT release :.. (updated from S<8) ,ith the follo,ing options )iki and Structures !rticles Trackers Search Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .15

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

Tiki for Dummies Smarties: A beginner's guide to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

CSS menus Site logo and identity RSS feed for articles *ultilingual( Translation( and 1est language Categories !Da. Print date: Oct 15, !1

Page .1.

Copyright by Rick Sapir Some rights reser"ed.

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