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Cornel Ban
Assistant Professor
The International Relations Department
Boston University
Code IR !"#
Course blo$!"
Seminar Description
International or$ani&ations 'I(s) play a central role in international
development. The purpose of this seminar is to enable you to navi$ate
the %orld of development*related international or$ani&ations %ith
competence+ critical s,ills and the capacity to apply your ne%ly
ac-uired ,no%led$e to concrete policy challen$es. The -uestions as,ed
by this course cover a ran$e of pressin$ issues. /hy does the I01
matter and ho%. 2o% are the rules made inside the /orld Ban,. Does
/ashin$ton have the last %ord in the Bretton /oods institutions. /hy
care about the I3( and the /2(. /hat are the unusual suspects in the
international infrastructure of development. /hat alternatives are
there to mainstream vie% of development pro4ect by I(s and %ho
upholds them. 2o% have the crisis and the rise of the BRICs altered
the landscape for I(s.
5ou %ill read te6ts that present pressin$ -uestions and issues
concernin$ development practices+ policies+ and theories as they are
related to international or$ani&ations. The peda$o$ical approach is to
re-uire students to read entire boo,s and articles+ %rite thou$ht*
pieces+ en$a$e in lively critical discussions and underta,e a research
pro4ect. 78orts to connect broader debates to understandin$
contemporary problems are encoura$ed.
By TBA each of you o%es a #+999 %ords literature revie% on a relevant
issue to be decided to$ether %ith the instructor. The :nal consists of a
;+999 %ords paper addressin$ a policy -uestion that is hi$h on the
current policy a$enda. The format is not the academic paper but the
policy memorandum.
7ach of the literature revie% essays %ill be %orth #9 points of the :nal
$rade+ %hile the :nal paper %ill be %orth ;9 points. The remainin$ #9
points %ill be covered in the follo%in$ %ay <9 points for class
participation 'based on the fre-uency and -uality of your
interventions) and <9 points for an editorial=letter to the editor on one
of the issues discussed in class.
Wor an! Et"ics
5ou are responsible to ,no% Boston University>s Academic Conduct
Code. 3in,*conduct*
All cases of misconduct %ill be referred to the Dean>s (?ce.
Papers handed in late entail the loss of ten percent of the $rade for
each day.
@ote 3aptops+ ipads and other electronic devices can only be used at
the professor>s re-uest. The format of the seminar does not ma,e them
useful most of the time.
@$aire /oods+ The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their
Borrowers+ Cornell University Press+ #99A.
Catherine /eaver+ ypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the !o"erty o#
$e#orm+ Princeton University Press+ #99B.
Cohn Dui$$in. %ombie &conomics: ow 'ead Ideas (till Walk among )s
Princeton University Press+ #9<#.
#$ Economic Ort"o!o%ies
<.<. Babb+ Earah. FThe /ashin$ton Consensus as transnational
policy paradi$m Its ori$ins+ tra4ectory and li,ely
successor.F $e"iew o# International !olitical &conomy
'#9<#) <*G9.
Dui$$in+ %ombie &conomics, part one
<.#. Cudt+ Tony. F/hat is livin$ and %hat is dead in social
democracy.F *ew +ork $e"iew o# Books !H.#9 '#99")
Dui$$in+ %ombie &conomics, part t%o
&$ Ma'or C"allen(es
Septem)er #&
Custin 5ifu 3in F@e% structural economics a frame%or, for rethin,in$
development.F The World Bank $esearch ,bser"er #H.# '#9<<) <"G*
Documentary !oor )s
*$ T"e Bretton Woo!s Instit+tions, A Bir!-s E.e Vie/
*$#$ Septem)er #0
Cornel Ban FBra&ilIs liberal neo*developmentalism @e% paradi$m or
edited orthodo6y.F $e"iew o# International !olitical &conomy ahead*of*
print '#9<#) <*G;.
Camie Pec, and Cun Jhan$. FA variety of capitalismK %ith Chinese
characteristics..F -ournal o# &conomic Geography '#9<G).
*$&$ Septem)er #1
@$aire /oods+ The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their
Borrowers+ Cornell University Press+ #99A. 'ch. <*G+ A)
*$ T"e Bretton Woo!s Instit+tions an! Polic. C"an(e
2$#$ Septem)er &2
@$aire /oods+ The Globalizers+ chapters ! and H
2$&$ Septem)er &3
Catherine /eaver+ ypocrisy Trap, ch./01 and conclusions
BBC+ Inside the I01+ radio documentary+,=%orldservice=documentaries=#9<<=9<=<<9<9"Ldoc
76*/B boss $oes honest,h1emD
4$ T"e Bretton Woo!s Instit+tions on t"e Gro+n!
4$#$ Octo)er #
@$aire /oods+ The Globalizers+ chapters ; and H
4$&$ Octo)er *
/eaver+ ypocrisy Trap+ rest of the boo,
Ta,e a side in this debate on Al Ca&eera
3$ T"e Worl! Tra!e Or(ani5ation
3$#$ Octo)er 6
Robert 2unter /ade N/hat strate$ies are viable for developin$
countries today. The /orld Trade (r$ani&ation and the shrin,in$
of Odevelopment space>P $e"iew o# International !olitical
&conomy. 2olume /3+ Issue ;+ #9<9+ pa$es H#<*H;;.
/T( self*presentation
/atch and discuss free trade versus mercantilism or 1riedman versus
3$&$ Octo)er #7
@itsan Chorev and Earah Babb+ NThe crisis of neoliberalism and the
future of international institutions A comparison of the I01 and the
/T(+P Theory and (ociety+ Qolume GB+ @umber !+ ;!"*;B;.
The Council of 1orei$n Relations report on %hy trade stayed free durin$
the crisis
Mock trial:
Ta,e sides and ar$ue the 7mbraer case
0$ Dealin( /it" E%treme Sit+ations, T"e 8NDP9 t"e Ban o:
International Settlements an! t"e Paris Cl+)
0$#$ Octo)er #4
Arthur. 0Rhlen*Echulte F1ull faith in creditS-uestT The po%er of
numbers in ratin$ frontier soverei$ns and the $lobal $overnance of
development by the U@DP.F -ournal o# International $elations and
'e"elopment '#9<#).
(n the U@DP mandate and performance 'o%n report)$ilibrary.or$=4spui=handle=<#G;!HAB"=#"#GH
0$&$ Octo)er &&
3eonard Eeabroo,e+ NThe Ban, for International Eettlements+P *ew
!olitical &conomy+ 0arch #99H.
Arturo C. Por&ecans,i+ FDebt Relief by Private and (?cial Creditors
The Record Epea,s.F International Finance <9.# '#99A) <"<*#<;.
9ase study Ar$entina>s debt situation.
6$ T"e ILO an! t"e W;O
6$#$ Octo)er &2
3a8erty+ Ueor$e. FIn the %a,e of neo*liberalism dere$ulation+ unionism
and labour ri$hts.F $e"iew o# International !olitical &conomy <A.G
'#9<9) !B"*H9B.
Policy paper analysis e6cerpt <
/or,in$ Paper @o. <9! * Decent /or, Policy options for the Romanian
Tas, for presenter 'KKKK.) po%er point on its structure and !
practical lessons for policy %ritin$
6$&$ Octo)er &1
Chorev+ @itsan. FRestructurin$ neoliberalism at the /orld 2ealth
(r$ani&ation.F $e"iew o# International !olitical &conomy '#9<#).
The policy analysis memo
Broo,in$s+ ChinaIs Approach to 7conomic Development and Industrial
Policy+ Cune <!+ #9<<+ 7s%ar Prasad+ at
Tas, for presenter 'KKKK.) po%er point on its structure and !
practical lessons for policy %ritin$
Mi!terms !+e in print an! in class

1$ Re(ional IOs
1$#$ Octo)er *#
Ra4 Desai+ and Cames Raymond Qreeland. #9<<. NUlobal Uovernance in
a 0ultipolar /orld The Case for Re$ional 0onetary 1unds.
International (tudies $e"iew <G '<)+ pp. <9"*<#<.
Debate on the 1uture of the 7uro+ in $e"iew o# International !olitical
&conomy+ <"+ ;. #9<#+<"=;
!olicy report
Brue$el+ The euro crisis ten roots+ but fe%er solutions + <"th (ctober
#9<# by Jsolt Darvas http==%%%.brue$el.or$=scholars=scholar*
Tas, for presenter 'KKKK.) po%er point on its structure and !
practical lessons for policy %ritin$
1$&. No<em)er 4
3Rt&+ Eusanne+ and 0atthias Vran,e. FThe 7uropean rescue of the
/ashin$ton Consensus. 7U and I01 lendin$ to central and eastern
7uropean countries.F $e"iew o# International !olitical &conomy ahead*
of*print '#9<G) <*#".
#7$ De<elopment IOs an! t"e Rise o: t"e BRICs
#7$#$ No<em)er 0
0ar, Beeson+ Comment Tradin$ places. China+ the United Etates and
the evolution of the international political economy. $e"iew o#
International !olitical &conomy <H';) A#"*A;<+ #99".
3ue+ Cen*Der. FThe $reat economic transformation social dilemmas of
Chinese capitalism.F 9omparati"e (ociology <<.# '#9<#) #A;*#B".
Group policy pro:ect: Compare and contrast the solutions to the
7uropean crisis o8ered by business 'http==%%%.brue$el.or$) and by
labor 'http==%%%.etuc.or$). Divide into t%o teams and elect a rep %ho
%ill present and debate the rep of the other team. (ne pa$e policy
memos addressed to the 7uropean Commission are due by email to
the professor on the ni$ht before the class.
#7$&$ No<em)er #&
Vevin P. Ualla$her+ Understandin$ developin$ country resistance to
the Doha Round. $e"iew o# International !olitical &conomy <!'<) H#*
B!+ #99B.
Cohn E. (dell+ Brea,in$ Deadloc,s in International Institutional
@e$otiations The /T(+ Eeattle+ and Doha. International (tudies
;uarterly !G'#) #AG*#""+ #9o6fam
Read the items under this (6fam :le.
http==%%%.o6fam.or$=en=campai$ns=a$riculture(ne presenter 'K) %ill
summari&e and criti-ue the ar$uments they contain+ su$$estin$ !
policies that could remedy the food crisis.
The class as a %hole %rites a short policy memo based on this format
and then emails it to the instructor on the ni$ht before class
##$ Transnational De<elopment Net/ors
##$#$ No<em)er #2
Diane Etone FPrivate philanthropy or policy transfer. The transnational
norms of the (pen Eociety Institute.F !olicy < !olitics GB.# '#9<9) #H"*
Diane Etone FTransfer and translation of policy.F !ublic !olicy, <G. H.
##$&$ No<em)er #1
0ichael Vpessa and Daniel BWland. FTransnational actors and the
politics of pension reform in Eub*Eaharan Africa.F $e"iew o#
International !olitical &conomy <".# '#9<#) #HA*#"<.
Patric, Develtere and Tom De Bruyn. FThe emer$ence of a fourth pillar
in development aid.F 'e"elopment in practice <".A '#99") "<#*"##.
Policy op*ed draft 'hard copy due in class)
Template for the letter Financial Times
#&$ International en<ironmental re(imes9 transnational ci<il
societ. an! "+man ri("ts
#&$#$ No<em)er &#
Velemen+ R. Daniel+ and David Qo$el. FTradin$ places The role of the
United Etates and the 7uropean Union in international environmental
politics.F 9omparati"e !olitical (tudies ;G.; '#9<9) ;#A*;!H.
Cie Chen FTransnational 7nvironmental 0ovement impacts on the
$reen civil society in China.F -ournal o# 9ontemporary 9hina <".H!
'#9<9) !9G*!#G.
#&$&$ No<em)er &3
2erbertson+ Vir,+ Vim Thompson+ and Robert Uoodland. FA Roadmap
for Inte$ratin$ 2uman Ri$hts into the /orld Ban, Uroup.F Washington,
'9: World $esources Institute '#9<9).
Earfaty+ Ualit. F/hy Culture 0atters in International Institutions The
0ar$inality of 2uman Ri$hts at the /orld Ban,.F =merican -ournal o#
International >aw <9G '#99") H;A*HBG.
Pros and cons the claims made in this /orld Ban, documentary on the
#*$ Decem)er *
Re:ormin( De<elopment IOs
2all+ Peter A. FBrother+ Can 5ou Paradi$m..F Go"ernance #H.# '#9<G)
(tructure o# the presentation
The policy issue bein$ addressed
3iterature revie%
The results of the research
The solution's) in brief
The solution's) unpac,ed.

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