Wiggle Deconstruction

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Jason Derulo ft.

Snoop Dogg

Wiggle was published on the 21
May 2014, the
director was Colin Tilley and by the 3
of July 2014 it
had reached 72,567,241. The music video is focused on
woman and their big fat butts.


The music video starts off with Jason Derulo in a bed
with loads of women; this suggests the music video is
about women. The only sound that can be heard while
this clip is on is the sound of forest animals such as birds
and insects; this gives a tropical feel to the music video.
Suddenly going from a quiet environment where only
birds and insects could
be heard a loud and
fast beat of bongo
drums are used which
suggests the
connotation of a
tropical atmosphere
more. Also at the start
of the video dialogue is
used as the track is
played within the back
ground, this builds up
to the music video
starting and occurs
after the bongo drums.


The mise-en-scene in the music video plays a great deal
of describing what the music video is about, the use of
lots of woman connote
that it is focused on
woman. The use of
editing in the title
placing wiggle on top
of the clip is then used
further placing it on
one of the artists
jumpers; this jumper is
red suggesting passion
or danger of either woman or the men as they are the
one wearing the clothing, the fact that both artist wear
these clothes connote that maybe theyre the dangerous
or passionate ones. The locations used in the video
connote the tropical environment further. The artists
fashion and the use of jewelry connote the type of music
they provide as they
are stereotypically
rich; also the use of
location provides this
suggestion further
suggesting they have a
lot of money to travel.
The use of characters
such as an overweight
man that takes his top
on is a counter type to the possibility of the music being
about woman wiggling their body parts. Also
stereotypically woman are thought to of had big bums as
this can link with the lyrics.

As the bongo drums
start to play at the
start of the music
video lots of quick
cuts are shown to
link with the quick action of the bongo drums. Within
the Wiggle music video the title is placed near the
start, this is placed in the editing stages so that the name
of the song is established. It is placed on top of the
footage to make the video more appealing. In the video
the editing process uses a flash technique on the clip,
this is to link with the lyrics of the song. Also the use of a
slow motion shot
helps capture the
artists dance moves,
the location and mise-
en-scene around him,
it also makes the
music video more


The use of camera
angles, shots and
throughout the music
video plays a big part of the music video. Shots such as
close ups to capture peoples expressions; mid shots and
long shots to capture the artists look all play a role in
the making of the video. The use of the close up of the
womans feet as a close up captures her high heels,
which allows the
connotation of the
music video being
about women
further. The use of
the box next to her
feet suggest that its a
shoe box and that its
expensive brand, the
use of pink connotes passion linking to the lyrics and the
women in the music video. Within the music video the
music sounds like there is whistling, while this is
occurring the use of a close up of a womans face is used
as it captures her whistling, pink is used all throughout
the music video which suggests the music video is
possibly passionate. A close up of one of the artists
phones shows the
tracks from the artists
album, this could be a
way of publishing his
music further.
Tracking is also used
to show the location
that the music video is
filmed in; this
technique can connote
the atmosphere even
further. The camera
work uses quick
movement by shaking the camera; this is done on
purpose to go with the moves that the artist is
preforming. Composition within the music video places
the two artists in the center and in the left side of the
rule of thirds, they are placed higher up than the people
in the background, as
this can suggest they
have more of a role,
it also shows off the
party life style which
is also suggested.


To conclude I have
been inspired by the
music video and
think I will use
things such as the
shaking of the
camera when I
consider my camera
work. I will also
consider the use of
location, as it will play a big part when it comes to my
own filming.

What inspires you from the video.

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