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Swati 1

Date of Birth: 18 November 1979 Sunday
Time of Birth: 12:05 PM
Place of Birth: Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India
Latitude: 26.18N Longitude: 73.8E
Ayanmash: NC Lahiri 23:34:32
Local Mean Time: 11:27:32
Sidreal Time: 15:14:22
LT Correction: -37:28
Obliq: 23.4

Avkahada Chakra Ghatak(Malefics)

Lagna Capricorn Rashi Meen
Lagna Lord Saturn Months Magh
Rashi Libra Tithi 4, 9, 14
Rashi Lord Venus Day Thursday
Nakshatra Swati Nakshatra Satabisha
Nakshatra Lord Rahu Prahar 4
Charan 3 Lagna Kanya
Tithi Chaturdasi Krishna Yoga Atiganda
Paya Copper Karan Taitila
S.S. Yoga Saubhagya
Favourable Points
Karan Shakuni
Lucky Numbers 9
Varna Shudra
Good Numbers 2, 7, 9
Tatwa Agni
Evil Numbers 4, 8
Vashya Manav
Good Years 18,27,36,45,54
Yoni Buffalo(M)
Lucky Days Fri, Sat, Wed
Gana Deva
Good Planets Ven, Sat, Merc
Nadi Anta
Evil Planets Jupiter, Sun
Nadi Pada Madhya
Friendly Signs Tau Vir Lib
Vihaga Shikkaval
Good Lagna Ari, Can, Vir, Sco
First Letters Ru, Ray, Raa, Tha
Lucky Metal Iron
Sun Sign Scorpio
Lucky Stone Blue Sapph.
Decanate 3
Lucky Time Evening
Lucky Direction West

Cyril Gupta - 263, Sant Nagar, New Delhi-110065

Generated by Horoscope Explorer: (c) PublicSoft or
² 2

Planetary Positions at Birth Time

Planets Rashi Degrees Nakshatra Nak Lord Pad Dir Dignity

Ascendant Capricorn 13:02:29 Sravana Moon 1 -

Sun Scorpio 01:44:23 Vishakha Jupiter 4 Direct -
Mercury Scorpio 06:14:27 Anuradha Saturn 1 Retro -
Venus Scorpio 23:34:49 Jyestha Mercury 3 Direct -
Mars Leo 05:41:09 Magha Ketu 2 Direct -
Jupiter Leo 14:24:44 Poorva Venus 1 Direct -
Saturn Virgo 01:18:06 Uttara Sun 2 Direct -
Moon Libra 14:17:39 Swati Rahu 3 Direct -
Rahu Leo 11:26:07 Magha Ketu 4 Retro -
Ketu Aquarius 11:26:07 Satabhisha Rahu 2 Retro -
Uranus Libra 27:58:33 Vishakha Jupiter 3 Direct -
Neptune Scorpio 25:43:39 Jyestha Mercury 3 Direct -
Pluto Virgo 26:55:60 Chitra Mars 2 Direct -

Lagna Kundali
11 9
Ket 10
12 8
Sun Mer Ven

Moon Ura

1 7

Sat Plu

Mar Jup Rah

2 6
3 4 5
² 3

Lagna Hora Wealth

11 9 5 3
Ket 10 Ven Mar 4
12 8 6 Jup Moon 2
Asc Rah Ket Asc Sun
Mer Sat
Sun Ura

Moon Ura

1 7 7 1

Sat Plu

Mar Jup
2 Rah 6 8 12
3 4 5 9 10 11

Drekkana Siblings Chaturthamsha Luck

3 1 2 12
Ket Ura 2
Ket 1
4 12 3 11
Asc Plu Asc
Ven Plu

Mar Moon Ura Moon

5 11 4 10

Sun Mer
Sat Ven

Jup Rah Sat Sun Mer

6 10 5 Jup Rah 9
7 8 9 6 7 8
² 4

Saptamamsha Children Navamsha Spouse

8 6 2 12
Jup Nep 7 Mar Plu Mar 1
9 5 3 11
Asc Ven Asc
Ura Ven

Moon Sun Rah Sat Ket

10 4 4 10

Ket Ura
Mer Mer

Sat Sun Plu

11 3 5 9
12 1 2 6 7 8

Dashamamsha Profession Dwadashamamsha Parents

11 9 4 2
Ven Moon 10
Jup Plu 3
12 8 5 1
Asc Plu Asc Ket
Nep Rah Ven

Sat Ura Moon


1 7 6 12

Sun Ura Rah

Sat Ket Mer Mar

Sun Mer Jup

2 6 7 11
3 4 5 8 9 10
² 5

Shodashamsha Vehicles Vimshamsha Religious Inclinations

8 6 10 8
Mer Mar 7 Nep Sun Moon 9
9 Moon 5 11 Plu 7
Asc Asc
Sat Sun Ura

Ven Mar Jup

10 4 12 6

Rah Ura Mer Sat

Ket Plu

Jup Nep Rah Ket

11 3 1 5
12 1 2 2 3 4

Chaturvimshamsha Education Saptavimshamsha Strength

3 1 4 2
Ura 2
Plu Plu 3
4 12 5 1
Asc Rah Asc Mer
Jup Nep Sat Ket Jup

Sun Sat Mar

5 11 6 12

Mer Nep
Ven Ven Sun
Moon Rah

Mar Ura
6 10 7 11
7 8 9 8 9 10
² 6

Trimshamsha Misfortune Khavedamsha Auspicious Results

1 11 1 11
12 Mar 12
2 10 2 10
Asc Asc
Sun Ven Ven
Sat Ura

Jup Moon Mer Sun

Rah Ket

3 9 3 9

Mer Plu
Nep Rah Mar
Plu Ket Jup Sat

Ura Nep
4 8 4 8
5 6 7 5 6 7

Akshvedamsha General Well Being Shashtiamsha General Well Being

9 7 1 11
Sun Nep 12
Sun Moon
10 6 2 Nep Plu 10
Asc Asc
Sat Ura Ura

Rah Jup Ket

11 5 3 9

Mer Jup
Ven Mar Mer Sat

Mar Plu Ven

12 4 4 8
1 2 3 5 6 7
² 7

Bhav Table

Bhav Bhav Begins Mid Bhav

1 Capricorn 00:26:34 Capricorn 13:02:29

2 Aquarius 00:26:34 Aquarius 17:50:39
3 Pisces 05:14:44 Pisces 22:38:49
4 Aries 10:02:54 Aries 27:26:58
5 Taurus 10:02:54 Taurus 22:38:49
6 Gemini 05:14:44 Gemini 17:50:39
7 Cancer 00:26:34 Cancer 13:02:29
8 Leo 00:26:34 Leo 17:50:39
9 Virgo 05:14:44 Virgo 22:38:49
10 Libra 10:02:54 Libra 27:26:58
11 Scorpio 10:02:54 Scorpio 22:38:49
12 Sagittarius 05:14:44 Sagittarius 17:50:39

Bhav Chalit Chakra Chandra Kundli

11 9 8 6
Ket 10
Sun Mer 7
Sat Plu
12 8 9 Ven Nep 5
Asc Moon Ura
Ven Mar
Nep Jup

Sun Mer Asc

Moon Ura

1 7 10 4

Plu Ket

Mar Jup
2 Sat Rah 6 11 3
3 4 5 12 1 2
² 8

Sun Based Upagrahas

Upagraha Lord Rashi Degrees Nakshatra Charan

Dhuma Mars Pisces 15:04:23 U.Bhadra 4

Vyatipata Rahu Aries 14:55:37 Bharani 1
Parivesha Moon Libra 14:55:37 Swati 3
Indrachapa Venus Virgo 15:04:23 Hasta 2
Upaketu Ketu Libra 01:44:23 Chitra 3
Bhukampa Capricorn 21:44:23 Sravana 4
Ulka Pisces 01:44:23 P.Bhadra 4
Brahmadanda Taurus 08:24:23 Krittika 4
Dhwaja Cancer 28:24:23 Ashlesha 4

Weekday Based Upagrahas (Parashara)

Upagraha Rashi Degrees Lord Nakshatra Charan

Kalabela Scorpio 01:47:35 Mars Vishakha 4

Paridhi Scorpio 19:06:39 Mars Jyestha 1
Mrityu Sagittarius 06:59:42 Jupiter Moola 3
Ardhaprahara Sagittarius 26:20:39 Jupiter P.Sada 4
Yamakantaka Capricorn 18:14:33 Saturn Sravana 3
Kodanda Aquarius 13:23:40 Saturn Satabhisha 3
Gulika Pisces 10:52:53 Jupiter U.Bhadra 3
Mandi Aries 06:14:50 Mars Ashwini 2

Weekday Based Upagrahas (Kalidasa)

Upagraha Rashi Degrees Lord Nakshatra Charan

Kalabela Scorpio 19:06:39 Mars Jyestha 1

Paridhi Sagittarius 06:59:42 Jupiter Moola 3
Mrityu Sagittarius 26:20:39 Jupiter P.Sada 4
Ardhaprahara Capricorn 18:14:33 Saturn Sravana 3
Yamakantaka Aquarius 13:23:40 Saturn Satabhisha 3
Kodanda Pisces 10:52:53 Jupiter U.Bhadra 3
Gulika Aries 07:51:47 Mars Ashwini 3
Mandi Aries 06:14:50 Mars Ashwini 2
² 9

Bhinna Ashtak Varga

Saturn Jupiter

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Sat - - - o - - - o - o o - Sat - - - - o - - o - o o -
Jup - - o o - - - - o o - - Jup - o o - o o o o - - o o
Mar - o o o - - o - o o - - Mar - o o - o o - o - - o o
Sun - o o - o o - o o - o - Sun - o o o o o - o o o o -
Ven o - - - - o o - - - - - Ven o - - o o o - - o - - o
Mer o - o o o o o - - - - - Mer o - - o o o - o o - o o
Moon - - - - o - - - o - - o Moon o - o - o - - o - - o -
Asc o - o - - - o o - o - o Asc o o o o - o o o - o o -

Total 3 2 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 2 2 Total 4 4 5 4 7 6 2 7 3 3 7 4

Mars Sun

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Sat o o o o - o - - o - - o Sat o o o o - o o - o - - o
Jup - o o o - - - - - o - - Jup o - o - - - - - o o - -
Mar - o o - o o - o - - o o Mar o o o - o o - o - - o o
Sun o - - - o o - - - o - o Sun - o o o o o - o o - o -
Ven o - o - - o o - - - - - Ven o o - - - - o - - - - -
Mer o - - - - o - - - o - o Mer o - - o o o o - - o - o
Moon - - - - o - - - o - - o Moon - - - o o - - - o - - o
Asc - - o - - - o o - o - o Asc o - o - - - o o o - - o

Total 4 3 5 2 3 5 2 2 2 4 1 6 Total 6 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 2 2 5
² 10

Bhinna Ashtak Varga

Venus Mercury

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Sat o o o o - - - o o o - - Sat o o o o - o o - o - - o
Jup o o o - - - - - o - - o Jup - - o o - - - - - o - o
Mar o - o o - - o - o o - - Mar o o o - o o - o - - o o
Sun - - o - - o o - - - - - Sun o - - o - o o - - - - o
Ven - - o o o o - o o o o o Ven - - o o - o - o o o o o
Mer o - - o - o - - - o - o Mer o - - o o o o o - o - o
Moon - o o - o o o o o o o - Moon - o - o o - - o - o - o
Asc o o - - o o - o - o o o Asc o - o - o - o o - o o -

Total 5 4 6 4 3 5 3 4 5 6 3 4 Total 5 3 5 6 4 5 4 5 2 5 3 7

Moon Ascendant

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Sat - - - o - - - o - o o - Sat - - o o - o - o o - o -
Jup - o o o o - - o - - o o Jup o o o - o o - o o o o -
Mar o o o - - o o - o o - - Mar - o o - o - o - - o - -
Sun o o o - o o - - - o - - Sun o - - - o o o - - o o -
Ven - o - o o o - - - o o o Ven - - o o - - - o o o o o
Mer - o o - o o - o - o o o Mer o - o - o o - o o - o -
Moon o - - o o - o - o - - o Moon - - - o o o - - o - - o
Asc - - o - - - o o - - - o Asc - - o - - - o o - - - o

Total 3 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 2 5 4 5 Total 3 2 6 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 3
² 11

Ashtak Varga (Before Reduction)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total

Sun 6 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 2 2 5 48
Moon 3 5 5 4 5 4 3 4 2 5 4 5 49
Mars 4 3 5 2 3 5 2 2 2 4 1 6 39
Mercury 5 3 5 6 4 5 4 5 2 5 3 7 54
Jupiter 4 4 5 4 7 6 2 7 3 3 7 4 56
Venus 5 4 6 4 3 5 3 4 5 6 3 4 52
Saturn 3 2 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 2 2 39
Total 30 25 36 28 29 32 22 28 23 29 22 33 337
Rahu 3 5 4 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 4 44
Ascendant 3 2 6 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 49

After Trikon Shodhan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sun 2 2 3 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2
Moon 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Mars 2 0 4 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 4
Mercury 3 0 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 2
Jupiter 1 1 3 0 4 3 0 3 0 0 5 0
Venus 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0
Saturn 0 0 3 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 0
After Ekadhipatya Shodhan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sun 2 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1
Moon 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Mars 2 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 4
Mercury 3 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 2
Jupiter 0 1 0 0 4 3 0 3 0 0 5 0
Venus 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0
Saturn 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 0

Shodhya Pinda
Pinda Sun Moon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat

Graha 20 54 33 51 138 5 32

Rasi 70 75 110 96 144 55 62

Shodhya 90 129 143 147 282 60 94

² 12

Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah Ket

Sun --- Neutral Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy
Mer Friend --- Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral Enemy Neutral Neutral
Ven Enemy Friend --- Neutral Neutral Friend Enemy Friend Friend
Mar Friend Enemy Neutral --- Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Friend
Jup Friend Enemy Enemy Friend --- Neutral Friend Friend Neutral
Sat Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Neutral --- Enemy Friend Enemy
Moon Friend Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral --- Enemy Enemy
Rah Enemy Neutral Friend Enemy Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy
Ket Enemy Neutral Friend Friend Neutral Enemy Enemy Enemy ---

Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah Ket

Sun --- Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
Mer Enemy --- Enemy Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
Ven Enemy Enemy --- Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
Mar Friend Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy
Jup Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Friend Friend Enemy Enemy

Sat Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend --- Friend Friend Enemy
Moon Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend --- Friend Enemy
Rah Friend Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Friend --- Enemy
Ket Friend Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy ---

Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah Ket

Sun --- Enemy G.Satru G.Mitra G.Mitra Neutral G.Mitra Neutral Neutral
Mer Neutral --- Neutral Friend Friend Friend Neutral Friend Friend
Ven G.Satru Neutral --- Friend Friend G.Mitra Neutral G.Mitra G.Mitra
Mar G.Mitra Neutral Friend --- Neutral Friend G.Mitra G.Satru Neutral
Jup G.Mitra Neutral Neutral Neutral --- Friend G.Mitra Neutral Enemy

Sat Neutral G.Mitra G.Mitra Neutral Friend --- Neutral G.Mitra G.Satru
Moon G.Mitra G.Mitra Friend Friend Friend Friend --- Neutral G.Satru
Rah Neutral Friend G.Mitra G.Satru Neutral G.Mitra Neutral --- G.Satru

Ket Neutral Friend G.Mitra Neutral Enemy G.Satru G.Satru G.Satru ---
² 13

Sudarshan Chakra
02/14/26/38/50/62/74/86/98/110 01/13/25/37/49/61/73/85/97/109 12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96/108/120
11 Ket 10 9
12 8

Sun Mer
8 Sun Mer Ven Moon Ura 7 Sat Plu 6 Ven
Nep Nep
9 5

9 Mar Jup
8 Moon 7 Rah
10 Sun Mer Ura
Ven Nep 6
Sat Plu

1 7
10 11 5 4 Ura
Ket Mar Jup Rah


Sat Plu

1 2 3

1 2
2 Mar Jup Rah 6

3 5

06/18/30/42/54/66/78/90/102 07/19/31/43/55/67/79/91/103 08/20/32/44/56/68/92/104

Besides the Ascendant, the Moon and the Sun are also considered as reckoning points individually.
Sudarshana Chakra gives the combined view of the horoscope from these three different reckoning
points - the Ascendant, the Moon and the Sun - at a glance.
Auspicious and inauspicious happenings and the age periods of their occurences are predicted from
Sudarshan Chakra.
² 14

Planet Karakas

Sthira Karak Sapta Karak Ashta Karak

Sun Father Gnati Gnati

Mer Intellect Matri Pitri
Ven Spouse Atma Atma
Mar Courage Putra Putra
Jup Wealth Amatya Bhratri
Sat Longevity Kalatra Kalatra
Moon Mother Bhratri Matri
Rah Desire --- Amatya
Ket Emancipation --- ---

Planetary Avasthas

Ava-3 Ava-5 Ava-6 Ava-9 Ava-10 Ava-12

Sun Swapna Mrita Mudita Shanta Harshita Upaveshana

Mer Supta Vriddha Kshudita Dhukhita Bheeta Upaveshana
Ven Swapna Kumar Kshudita Deena Khala Nrityalipsa
Mar Swapna Baala Mudita Shanta Harshita Sabhastha
Jup Swapna Yuva --- Shanta Harshita Agaman
Sat Swapna Mrita --- Pramudita Shanta Agam
Moon Swapna Yuva --- Deena Shanta Netrapani
Rah Supta Kumar Mudita Dhukhita Peedita Netrapani
Ket Swapna Kumar Kshudita Deena Peedita Shayan

Nav Tara Chakra

Janm Sampat Vipat Kshem Pratyari Sadhak Vadha Mitra Parammitra

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
² 15

Planetary Conjunctions and Aspects

Planet Su Mer Ven Mar Ju Sat Moo Ra Ke Ura Ne Pl

Asc 71 67 49 157 149 132 89 152 28 75 47 106


Sun 5 22 86 77 60 17 80 100 4 24 35

Mer 17 91 82 65 22 85 95 8 19 39

Ven 108 99 82 39 102 78 26 2 57

9 26 69 6 186 82 110 51

Jup 17 60 3 177 74 101 43


Sat 43 20 160 57 84 26

Moon 63 117 14 41 17
180 77 104 45
103 76 135

Ura 28 31

Nep 59

Index of Words:
CNJ: Conjunction TRN: Trine SSQ: Semi Square QNT: Quintile
OPP: Opposition SXT: Sextile QNC: Quincunx BQT: Bi Quintile
SQU: Square SQQ: Sesquiquadrate SSX: Semi Sextile
For consideration of aspects, a general orb of influence has been taken as 3º 20' for all planets.

Parashari Aspects
Planet Aspected By Planet Aspected By

Sun Mar Sat Ven Mar Sat

Moon - Sat -

Mar Ket Rah Ket

Mer Mar Sat Ket Mar Jup Rah

Jup Ket Asc -

² 16

Shani Sade Sati

Shani Sade Sati Rashi Entry Exit Moorti

Sadesati Virgo 04-11-1979 14-03-1980 Iron

Sadesati Virgo 27-07-1980 05-10-1982 Silver
Janmshani Libra 06-10-1982 20-12-1984 Iron
Janmshani Libra 01-06-1985 16-09-1985 Gold
Sadesati Scorpio 21-12-1984 31-05-1985 Silver
Sadesati Scorpio 17-09-1985 16-12-1987 Iron
Kantakshani Capricorn 21-03-1990 20-06-1990 Copper
Kantakshani Capricorn 15-12-1990 05-03-1993 Iron
Kantakshani Capricorn 16-10-1993 09-11-1993 Iron
Ashtamshani Taurus 07-06-2000 22-07-2002 Gold
Ashtamshani Taurus 09-01-2003 07-04-2003 Copper
Sadesati Virgo 10-09-2009 14-11-2011 Iron
Sadesati Virgo 16-05-2012 03-08-2012 Gold
Janmshani Libra 15-11-2011 15-05-2012 Silver
Janmshani Libra 04-08-2012 02-11-2014 Silver
Sadesati Scorpio 03-11-2014 26-01-2017 Silver
Sadesati Scorpio 21-06-2017 26-10-2017 Gold
Kantakshani Capricorn 24-01-2020 28-04-2022 Iron
Kantakshani Capricorn 13-07-2022 17-01-2023 Iron
Ashtamshani Taurus 08-08-2029 05-10-2029 Silver
Ashtamshani Taurus 17-04-2030 30-05-2032 Iron
Sadesati Virgo 13-07-2039 27-01-2041 Gold
Sadesati Virgo 06-02-2041 25-09-2041 Iron
Sadesati Virgo 30-08-2068 04-11-2070 Iron
Janmshani Libra 28-01-2041 05-02-2041 Silver
Janmshani Libra 26-09-2041 11-12-2043 Gold
Janmshani Libra 23-06-2044 29-08-2044 Silver
Sadesati Scorpio 12-12-2043 22-06-2044 Gold
Sadesati Scorpio 30-08-2044 07-12-2046 Silver
Ashtamshani Taurus 28-05-2059 10-07-2061 Silver
² 17

Shad Bala

Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon

Uccha Bala 7.25 42.92 41.14 2.56 46.86 43.77 6.24

Saptavargiya Bala 116.25 97.50 101.25 120.00 150.00 142.50 112.50
Dina-Ratri Bala 0 15 15 15 30 0 0
Kendradi Bala 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 60.00
Drekkana Bala 15.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sthana Bala 168.5 185.42 202.39 182.56 256.86 201.27 178.74

Dig Bala 58.57 37.73 8.71 32.75 10.46 43.91 4.39

Natonnat Bala 56.38 60.00 56.38 3.62 56.38 3.62 3.62

Paksha Bala 5.82 54.18 54.18 5.82 54.18 5.82 54.18
Tribhag Bala 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Varsha Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00
Maasa Bala 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Vaara Bala 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hora Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00
Ayan Bala 11.56 49.94 4.28 40.25 37.34 28.29 42.62
Yuddh Bala 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Kaala Bala 178.76 164.12 144.84 49.69 267.90 52.73 100.42

Chesta Bala 11.56 55.88 21.94 36.96 20.05 22.93 54.18

Naisargik Bala 60 25.71 42.86 17.14 34.29 8.57 51.43

Drik Bala -17.29 -21.96 -24.39 5.47 5.46 3.35 -3.79

Total Shadbala 460.10 446.90 396.35 324.57 595.02 332.76 385.37

Shad Bala in Rupas 7.67 7.45 6.61 5.41 9.92 5.55 6.42

Part of Min. 1.18 1.06 1.2 1.08 1.53 1.11 1.07

Sthana Bala Part 1.02 1.12 1.52 1.9 1.56 2.1 1.34
Dig Bala Part 1.67 1.08 0.17 1.09 0.3 1.46 0.09
Kala Bala Part 1.6 1.47 1.45 0.74 2.39 0.79 1
Chesta Bala Part 0.23 1.12 0.73 0.92 0.4 0.57 1.81
Ayan Bala Part 0.39 1.66 0.11 2.01 1.24 1.41 1.07

Relative Rank 2 3 4 7 1 6 5

Ishta Phala 9.15 48.97 30.04 9.73 30.65 31.68 18.39

Kashta Phala 50.55 8.39 26.79 36.38 22.91 24.53 53.97
² 18

Planetary Positions at Birth Time

Planets Rashi Degrees Nakshatra S.S.S. Lords Dir Dignity

Ascendant Capricorn 12:54:18 Sravana Sat-Moon-Rah -

Sun Scorpio 01:50:09 Vishakha Mar-Jup-Rah Direct -
Mercury Scorpio 06:20:13 Anuradha Mar-Sat-Mer Retro -
Venus Scorpio 23:40:35 Jyestha Mar-Mer-Mar Direct -
Mars Leo 05:46:55 Magha Sun-Ket-Rah Direct -
Jupiter Leo 14:30:30 Poorva Sun-Ven-Ven Direct -
Saturn Virgo 01:23:52 Uttara Mer-Sun-Jup Direct -
Moon Libra 14:23:25 Swati Ven-Rah-Mer Direct -
Rahu Leo 11:31:53 Magha Sun-Ket-Mer Retro -
Ketu Aquarius 11:31:53 Satabhisha Sat-Rah-Sat Retro -
Uranus Libra 28:04:18 Vishakha Ven-Jup-Ven Direct -
Neptune Scorpio 25:49:25 Jyestha Mar-Mer-Rah Direct -
Pluto Virgo 27:01:46 Chitra Mer-Mar-Jup Direct -

Pars Fortuna: Sagittarius 25:27:34

Krishnamurthy House Cusps

House House Cusp S.S.S. Lords Bhav Extension

I. Capricorn 12:54:18 Sa-Mn-R 282:54:18 - 321:49:

II. Aquarius 21:49:29 Sa-J-Sa 321:49: - 357:54:
III. Pisces 27:54:55 J-Me-Sa 357:54: - 27:20:
IV. Aries 27:20:28 Ma-Su-Mn 27:20: - 52:09:
V. Taurus 22:09:60 V-Mn-V 52:09: - 75:57:
VI. Gemini 15:57:37 Me-R-V 75:57: - 102:54:
VII. Cancer 12:54:18 Mn-Sa-R 102:54: - 141:49:
VIII. Leo 21:49:29 Su-V-J 141:49: - 177:54:
IX. Virgo 27:54:55 Me-Ma-Sa 177:54: - 207:20:
X. Libra 27:20:28 V-J-V 207:20: - 232:09:
XI. Scorpio 22:09:60 Ma-Me-Su 232:09: - 255:57:
XII. Sagittarius 15:57:37 J-V-Su 255:57: - 282 54:18
² 19

House-Planet Significators
House Significators Strength

House Very Strong Strong Moderate Weak

I. - - Sat Ket Mer

II. - - Sat Mer
III. - - Jup Sun
IV. - - Mar -
V. - - Ven Jup
VI. - - Mer Ven
VII. - - Mar Jup Moon Rah Sun
VIII. - - Sun Sat Mer
IX. - - Mer Moon Ven
X. - Ven Sun Mer Jup Sat
XI. - - Ven Mar Jup
XII. - - Jup Sun

Planets as Significators for Houses

House A. B. C. D.

I. Sat Ket Mer -

II. Sat - Mer
III. Jup - Sun -
IV. Mar - - -
V. Ven - Jup -
VI. Mer - Ven -
VII. Moon Mar Jup Rah - Sun
VIII. Sun Sat Sat Mer
IX. Mer Moon Ven -
X. Ven Sun Mer Jup Ven Sat
XI. Mar Ven - Jup
XII. Jup - Sun -

Index: A.= Cusp Sign Lord, B.= House Occupants, C.= Planets in Star of Cusp Sign Lord, D.= Planets in Star of
House Occupants.
² 20

Houses Signified by Planets

Planets Very Strong Strong Moderate Weak

Sun - - 8 10 3 7 12
Mer - - 6 9 10 128
Ven - 10 5 11 69
Mar - - 4 7 11 -
Jup - - 3 7 12 5 10 11
Sat - - 128 10
Moon - - 79 -
Rah - - 7 -
Ket - - 1 -

Sub Lords As Significators

House Sub Lord Very Strong Strong Moderate Weak

I. Rah - - 7 -
II. Sat - - 128 10
III. Sat - - 128 10
IV. Moon - - 79 -
V. Ven - 10 5 11 -
VI. Ven - 10 5 11 69
VII. Rah - - 7
VIII. Jup - - 3 7 12 5 10 11
IX. Sat - - 128 10
X. Ven - 10 5 11 69
XI. Sun - - 8 10 3 7 12
XII. Sun - - 8 10 3 7 12
² 21

KP Lagna Kundli KP Bhav Chalit

11 9
12 8
Asc Asc Ket

Sun Ven
Mercury Nep

Moon Sun Mer

Uranus Ura

1 7

Mar Jup
Saturn Moon

Mars Sat Plu

Jupiter 6
4 Rahu
3 5

Ruling Planets Pars Fortuna Sagittarius 25:27:34

K.P. Ayanamsh 23:28:46
Weekday Lord Sun
Vimshottari Balance of Rahu: 7 Years
Ascendant Sign Lord Saturn
Dasha At Birth
Ascendant Star Lord Moon
6 Months 26 Days

Ascendant Sub Lord Rahu

Moon Sign Lord Venus
Moon Star Lord Rahu
Moon Sub Lord Mercury
² 22

Jaimini Lagnas and Sphutas

Lagna Rashi

Janma Lagna : Capricorn

h : I.
Drekkana Lagna (Traditional) : Taurus
Drekkana Lagna (Parivritti Traya) : Leo
Drekkana Lagna (Somanath) : Aquarius
Navamsh Lagna (Traditional) : Aries
Navamsh Lagna (Krishna Mishra) : Sagittarius
Arudha Lagna (Traditional) : Taurus
Arudha Lagna (Conditional) : Taurus
Upapada Lagna (Traditional) : Aries
Upapada Lagna (Conditional) : Aries
Swamsha Lagna : Aries
Karakamsha Lagna : Aquarius
Paka Lagna : Virgo
Hora Lagna (Traditional) : Gemini
Hora Lagna (Vriddhakarika) : Libra
Hora Lagna (Savayava) : Capricorn
Bhava Lagna : Pisces
Ghatika Lagna : Capricorn
Sapada Ghatika Lagna : Aries
Ayur Lagna : Aries
Varnada Lagna : Aries
Shree Lagna : Leo
Indu Lagna : Capricorn
Tara Lagna : Cancer
Nakshatra Lagna : Cancer
Divya Lagna : Leo
Tripravana Lagna : Taurus
Sphuta Yoga Lagna : Aries
² 23

Jaimini Lagna Kundlis

Janma Lagna Drekkana Traditional Drekkana Parivritti Traya
11 K 9 3 K 1 6 Sa 4
12 10 4 2 7 5
8 12 3
Su V

Mn Ma Mn Mn K JR

1 7 5 11 8 2

Su Me
Sa Sa Ma

Ma J JR Su V
2 6 6 10 9 1
3 4 R 5 7 8 9 10 Me 11 12

Drekkana Somanath Navamsha Traditional Navamsha Krishna Mishra

12 10 2 Ma 12 10 R Me Ma 8
1 11 3 1 11 9
9 11 7
A Mn A A Su

JR Su R Sa K Sa

2 8 4 10 12 6

Su Ma Me J K
Sa V
3 7 5 9 1 5
4 5 6 6 7 8 2 3 4

Arudha Lagna (Traditional) Upapada Lagna (Trad) Karakamsha Lagna

3 1 2 12 12 Sa K 10
4 2 3 1 1 11
12 11 9
K Mn

Ma J K Ma
5 11 4 10 2 8

Su Me Mn Me J
Sa V Ma J
Mn Sa Su Su R
6 10 5 9 3 7
7 8 9 6 7 Me V 8 4 5 6
² 24

Jaimini Sphutas

Sphuta Name Sphuta

Beeja Sphuta (Main) Virgo 22:46:28

Beeja Sphuta Auxiliary 1 Scorpio 09:43:57
Beeja Sphuta Auxiliary 2 Virgo 00:56:13
Kshetra Sphuta Main Aries 28:35:37
Kshetra Sphuta Auxiliary 1 Cancer 04:23:32
Kshetra Sphuta Auxiliary 2 Cancer 27:28:17

Jaimini Karakas

Planets Ashta Chara Sapta Chara Sapta Sthira Sapta Bhava

Sun Jnati Jnati Atma

Mercury Pitri Matri Amatya Jnati
Venus Atma Atma Dara Apatya
Mars Apatya Apatya Bhratri Matri
Jupiter Bhratri Amatya Apatya Bhratri
Saturn Dara Dara Jnati Atma Amatya
Moon Matri Bhratri Matri Dara
Rahu Amatya

Jaimini Aspects

Planets Frontal Aspect Lateral Aspect

Aries Scorpio - Sun - Mer - Ven Leo-Aquarius

Taurus Libra - Moon Cancer-Capricorn
Gemini Sagittarius Virgo-Pisces
Cancer Aquarius - Ket Taurus-Scorpio
Leo - Ma - J - R Capricorn - Asc Aries-Libra
Virgo - Sa Pisces Gemini-Sagittarius
Libra - Mn Taurus Leo-Aquarius
Scorpio - Su - Me - V Aries Cancer-Capricorn
Sagittarius Gemini Virgo-Pisces
Capricorn - A Leo - Mar - Jup - Rah Taurus-Scorpio
Aquarius - K Cancer Aries-Libra
Pisces Virgo - Sat Gemini-Sagittarius
² 25

Vimshottari Dasha (Mahadasha)

Rahu 18 Years Jupiter 16 Years Saturn 19 Years

From 02/08/1969 From 02/08/1987 From 02/08/2003
To 02/08/1987 To 02/08/2003 To 02/08/2022
Rahu 02/08/1969 Jupiter 02/08/1987 Saturn 02/08/2003
Jupiter 13/04/1972 Saturn 19/09/1989 Mercury 05/08/2006
Saturn 06/09/1974 Mercury 01/04/1992 Ketu 14/04/2009
Mercury 14/07/1977 Ketu 08/07/1994 Venus 24/05/2010
Ketu 31/01/1980 Venus 14/06/1995 Sun 24/07/2013
Venus 18/02/1981 Sun 12/02/1998 Moon 06/07/2014
Sun 18/02/1984 Moon 01/12/1998 Mars 04/02/2016
Moon 12/01/1985 Mars 01/04/2000 Rahu 15/03/2017
Mars 13/07/1986 Rahu 08/03/2001 Jupiter 20/01/2020

Mercury 17 Years Ketu 7 Years Venus 20 Years

From 02/08/2022 From 02/08/2039 From 02/08/2046
To 02/08/2039 To 02/08/2046 To 02/08/2066
Mercury 02/08/2022 Ketu 02/08/2039 Venus 02/08/2046
Ketu 29/12/2024 Venus 29/12/2039 Sun 01/12/2049
Venus 26/12/2025 Sun 28/02/2041 Moon 01/12/2050
Sun 25/10/2028 Moon 06/07/2041 Mars 01/08/2052
Moon 01/09/2029 Mars 04/02/2042 Rahu 01/10/2053
Mars 31/01/2031 Rahu 03/07/2042 Jupiter 01/10/2056
Rahu 28/01/2032 Jupiter 21/07/2043 Saturn 01/06/2059
Jupiter 17/08/2034 Saturn 26/06/2044 Mercury 01/08/2062
Saturn 23/11/2036 Mercury 05/08/2045 Ketu 02/06/2065

Sun 6 Years Moon 10 Years Mars 7 Years

From 02/08/2066 From 02/08/2072 From 02/08/2082
To 02/08/2072 To 02/08/2082 To 02/08/2089
Sun 02/08/2066 Moon 02/08/2072 Mars 02/08/2082
Moon 19/11/2066 Mars 02/06/2073 Rahu 29/12/2082
Mars 21/05/2067 Rahu 01/01/2074 Jupiter 16/01/2084
Rahu 26/09/2067 Jupiter 03/07/2075 Saturn 22/12/2084
Jupiter 19/08/2068 Saturn 02/11/2076 Mercury 31/01/2086
Saturn 08/06/2069 Mercury 03/06/2078 Ketu 28/01/2087
Mercury 21/05/2070 Ketu 02/11/2079 Venus 26/06/2087
Ketu 27/03/2071 Venus 02/06/2080 Sun 26/08/2088
Venus 02/08/2071 Sun 31/01/2082 Moon 01/01/2089
² 26


Saturn Mercury Ketu

From 02/08/2003 From 05/08/2006 From 14/04/2009
To 05/08/2006 To 14/04/2009 To 24/05/2010

Saturn 02/08/2003 Mercury 05/08/2006 Ketu 14/04/2009

Mercury 23/01/2004 Ketu 22/12/2006 Venus 08/05/2009
Ketu 26/06/2004 Venus 17/02/2007 Sun 14/07/2009
Venus 29/08/2004 Sun 31/07/2007 Moon 04/08/2009
Sun 01/03/2005 Moon 18/09/2007 Mars 06/09/2009
Moon 25/04/2005 Mars 09/12/2007 Rahu 30/09/2009
Mars 25/07/2005 Rahu 05/02/2008 Jupiter 30/11/2009
Rahu 27/09/2005 Jupiter 01/07/2008 Saturn 23/01/2010
Jupiter 11/03/2006 Saturn 09/11/2008 Mercury 28/03/2010

Venus Sun Moon

From 24/05/2010 From 24/07/2013 From 06/07/2014
To 24/07/2013 To 06/07/2014 To 04/02/2016

Venus 24/05/2010 Sun 24/07/2013 Moon 06/07/2014

Sun 03/12/2010 Moon 10/08/2013 Mars 23/08/2014
Moon 30/01/2011 Mars 08/09/2013 Rahu 26/09/2014
Mars 06/05/2011 Rahu 28/09/2013 Jupiter 22/12/2014
Rahu 12/07/2011 Jupiter 19/11/2013 Saturn 09/03/2015
Jupiter 02/01/2012 Saturn 05/01/2014 Mercury 08/06/2015
Saturn 04/06/2012 Mercury 01/03/2014 Ketu 29/08/2015
Mercury 04/12/2012 Ketu 19/04/2014 Venus 02/10/2015
Ketu 17/05/2013 Venus 09/05/2014 Sun 06/01/2016

Mars Rahu Jupiter

From 04/02/2016 From 15/03/2017 From 20/01/2020
To 15/03/2017 To 20/01/2020 To 03/08/2022

Mars 04/02/2016 Rahu 15/03/2017 Jupiter 20/01/2020

Rahu 28/02/2016 Jupiter 19/08/2017 Saturn 22/05/2020
Jupiter 28/04/2016 Saturn 04/01/2018 Mercury 16/10/2020
Saturn 21/06/2016 Mercury 18/06/2018 Ketu 24/02/2021
Mercury 24/08/2016 Ketu 13/11/2018 Venus 19/04/2021
Ketu 21/10/2016 Venus 12/01/2019 Sun 20/09/2021
Venus 13/11/2016 Sun 05/07/2019 Moon 05/11/2021
Sun 20/01/2017 Moon 26/08/2019 Mars 21/01/2022
Moon 09/02/2017 Mars 21/11/2019 Rahu 16/03/2022
² 27

Tribhagi Dasha

Rahu Jupiter Saturn

From 18/11/1979 From 06/01/1985 From 07/09/1995
To 06/01/1985 To 07/09/1995 To 07/05/2008

Rahu 25/10/1974 Jupiter 10/06/1986 Saturn 08/09/1997

Jupiter 31/05/1976 Saturn 17/02/1988 Mercury 25/06/1999
Saturn 25/04/1978 Mercury 22/08/1989 Ketu 21/03/2000
Mercury 06/01/1980 Ketu 06/04/1990 Venus 01/05/2002
Ketu 18/09/1980 Venus 15/01/1992 Sun 18/12/2002
Venus 19/09/1982 Sun 28/07/1992 Moon 08/01/2004
Sun 26/04/1983 Moon 18/06/1993 Mars 04/10/2004
Moon 25/04/1984 Mars 31/01/1994 Rahu 29/08/2006
Mars 06/01/1985 Rahu 07/09/1995 Jupiter 07/05/2008

Mercury Ketu Venus

From 07/05/2008 From 06/09/2019 From 06/05/2024
To 06/09/2019 To 06/05/2024 To 05/09/2037

Mercury 15/12/2009 Ketu 15/12/2019 Venus 26/07/2026

Ketu 13/08/2010 Venus 24/09/2020 Sun 27/03/2027
Venus 03/07/2012 Sun 18/12/2020 Moon 06/05/2028
Sun 26/01/2013 Moon 09/05/2021 Mars 14/02/2029
Moon 06/01/2014 Mars 16/08/2021 Rahu 15/02/2031
Mars 04/09/2014 Rahu 29/04/2022 Jupiter 25/11/2032
Rahu 17/05/2016 Jupiter 12/12/2022 Saturn 05/01/2035
Jupiter 20/11/2017 Saturn 08/09/2023 Mercury 25/11/2036
Saturn 06/09/2019 Mercury 06/05/2024 Ketu 05/09/2037

Sun Moon Mars

From 05/09/2037 From 05/09/2041 From 06/05/2048
To 05/09/2041 To 06/05/2048 To 04/01/2053

Sun 17/11/2037 Moon 26/03/2042 Mars 14/08/2048

Moon 19/03/2038 Mars 15/08/2042 Rahu 27/04/2049
Mars 12/06/2038 Rahu 15/08/2043 Jupiter 10/12/2049
Rahu 17/01/2039 Jupiter 05/07/2044 Saturn 06/09/2050
Jupiter 31/07/2039 Saturn 26/07/2045 Mercury 05/05/2051
Saturn 18/03/2040 Mercury 06/07/2046 Ketu 12/08/2051
Mercury 11/10/2040 Ketu 25/11/2046 Venus 22/05/2052
Ketu 04/01/2041 Venus 05/01/2048 Sun 15/08/2052
Venus 05/09/2041 Sun 06/05/2048 Moon 04/01/2053
² 28

Yogini Dasha Shat-Trimsha Dasha

Dasha Lord Span Ends Lord Span Ends

Pingala Sun 2 Years 26/09/1980 Mercury 5 Years 08/01/1982

Dhanya Jupiter 3 Years 27/09/1983 Saturn 6 Years 09/01/1988

Bhramari Mars 4 Years 27/09/1987 Venus 7 Years 09/01/1995

Bhadrika Mercury 5 Years 26/09/1992 Rahu 8 Years 09/01/2003

Ulka Saturn 6 Years 27/09/1998 Moon 1 Years 09/01/2004

Siddha Venus 7 Years 27/09/2005 Sun 2 Years 08/01/2006

Sankata Rahu 8 Years 27/09/2013 Jupiter 3 Years 08/01/2009

Mangala Moon 1 Years 27/09/2014 Mars 4 Years 08/01/2013

Pingala Sun 2 Years 26/09/2016 Mercury 5 Years 08/01/2018

Dhanya Jupiter 3 Years 27/09/2019 Saturn 6 Years 09/01/2024

Bhramari Mars 4 Years 27/09/2023 Venus 7 Years 09/01/2031

Bhadrika Mercury 5 Years 26/09/2028 Rahu 8 Years 09/01/2039

Ulka Saturn 6 Years 27/09/2034 Moon 1 Years 09/01/2040

Siddha Venus 7 Years 27/09/2041 Sun 2 Years 08/01/2042

Sankata Rahu 8 Years 27/09/2049 Jupiter 3 Years 08/01/2045

Mangala Moon 1 Years 27/09/2050 Mars 4 Years 08/01/2049

The order of the dasha lord planets, their respective individual durations and total time-cycle (=36 years)
are common to both the Yogini and Shat-Trimsha Dasha-systems - except for the single dfference that
the commencing dasha becomes different in the two cases.

Parashara's recommendation is that if birth takes place during day-time in Sun's Hora or in night-time in
Moon's Hora Shat Trimsha Dasha-System should be adopted.

As an extension to this principle, if birth takes place in night time in Sun's Hora or in day-time in Moon's
Hora, Yogini Dasha-System should prefereably be employed.
² 29

Planetary Yogas

Veenna Yoga
This is not a favourable yoga. Out of the three parts of life, the best will be the first one (till about age
24), thereafter your fortune may start declining and you may face financial problems in the last part
of life (between age-periods 48 and 72 approx).

The results of this yoga will be modified if some favourable yogas are present in the chart.

Guru Mangala Yoga

This is an auspicious combination. It will make you famous and respectable. You will have a stout
body, an impressive appearance and a large family (may be a joint-family). You will become the
head of an establish -ment and will become wealthy by having earnings from many sources. You will
have a large circle of friends and will lead a happy life by spending lavishly .

Anivahuppu Yoga
This is a fortunate combination. You will have certain distinctive qualities and special
accomplishments. You will be a self-made person and will rise to a higher station in life by your own
endeavours. You will become a very prominent person in your own field and people will treat you
with great respect

Arishta Yoga
This is not a favourable combination. You will have to work hard and continue your struggles. You
may face many conflicts and oppositions which will turn you to be a hardcore. You may face a few
accidental mishaps too. On the good side, with your strength of will and determination you are sure
to come up in life.

Guruchandala Yoga
This is not a favourable combination. Although you will have a philosophic outlook, you might be an
agnostic. You may be a difficult person to live with and you may not be liked by your kinsfolk. You
may associate with lower class of people who will respect you as you will have genuine sympathy for

Meerati Yoga
This is not a fortunate combination. You will have a short fuse and an excitable disposition. You will
have no younger co-borns and you may sometimes be overwhelmed by circumstancial
developments. Your bizarre attitude may confuse people; you should improve your undesired traits
by excercising your will-force.

Bandhu Pujya Yoga

This is a good combination. You will have high accomplishmentsfor which your friends and relatives
will treat with respect.

Daridra Yoga
This is an unfortunate combination. You may not have been born in favourable circumstances and
you may have to struggle hard to push your way through life. You may have some financial
difficulties and run into debts. You should stay away from speculations altogether.

Certain fortunate combinations if present in your chart could offset and considerably modify the
results of this adverse yoga
² 29

Results of Planetary Aspects

Sun Sextile Saturn

You are of a steady mind and a firm character and come across as someone who relishes a
responsibility. You are lucky in the sense that you get to meet people who will offer you sincere
advice. You possess superior organisational skills and planning capabilities.

Mercury Square Mars

When Mercury and Mars square up to each other, you might become over sensitive and prone to
exhibiting unpleasant emotions. Keeping a control over your emotions will help you gain the object
you desire.

Venus Conjunction Neptune

The conjunction of Venus and Neptune endows you with a taste for the aesthetics and a creative
imagination. You will be romantic and affectionate and indulge your partner with selfless love. You
are also inclined to indulge in day dreaming.

Jupiter Sextile Moon

Jupiter in a sextile position with Moon induces you to have an optimistic attitude and endows you
with a mind which is extremely receptive to others' influences. You also have a blissful roman tic
and marital life and will be a publicly successful person.

Jupiter Conjunction Rahu

You are a thinker. You will be famous for your ideas and principles. You will have followers who
support your ideals. You will imprint your mark in religious, philosophic, educational and cultural

Jupiter Semi Square Pluto

You are highly ambitious. You will chase great ideals. You will be dealing with higher authorities so
you should be tactful. Don't be obsessed with a single plan when you can devise many other

Saturn Semi Square Moon

You will be travelling a lot. You will need to take care of your parents. You may find new friends and
relationships. However, circumstances may demand a change in life priorities.

Saturn Sextile Uranus

The Sextile Aspect of Saturn to Uranus makes you very patient. You will excel in your studies as
well as teaching others. You will receive many challenging opportunities which could be made

Moon Sextile Rahu

You might face some disturbances in your emotional and public life. You are also prone to bouts of

Uranus Semi Sextile Neptune

You will be keenly interested in philosophy and spirituality. Due to the Semi Sextile Aspect of
Uranus to Neptune, you will dabble in creative renderings.

Uranus Semi Sextile Pluto

You will be keenly interested in occult sciences like Astrology, Metaphysics, Magic, Parapsychology
etc. as a result of the Semi Sextile Aspect of Uranus to Pluto. You will maintain a good rapport and
understanding in all your relations. You will be healthy most of the time.
² 30

Neptune Sextile Pluto

Due to the Sextile Aspect of Neptune to Pluto, you will be highly interested and talented in
Philosophy and Psychology. Sometimes, you will go through difficult times so you need to improve
your confidence.
² 30


Specific Characterstics
You will have a genial but weak nature, fairly disposed to extravagance and unsteady habits. You
are likely to have change in pursuits but still be clever in business-dealings. You have a restless
mind and shifting objectives. You will gain honour and rank by business and will acquire property.

Your main characteristics will be fondness for home-life and steadfastness in affections. In early
years, there are possibilities of trouble and grief, even of financial difficulties. You may have some
disharmony in married state. Yet you are sure to become duly compensated by having rise in life by
the strength of your own merit.

You nature will be generous, kind and amiable; mind will be fructifying and well-balanced. You will
be 'faithful in love and dauntless in war' - a worthy friend and generous enemy. You will have a real
happy marriage and substantial wealth. You will have many journeys in connection with your
profession, cultural or intellectual mission, or for simply touring purpose. You will be loved and
respected for your sense of justice and probity.

Mental Qualities
You will have a happy go lucky disposition, genial and kind nature and will be fond of show and
approbation. You will just, persuasive, artistic and initiative. You will be neat and orderly. You may
be somewhat amorous and fickle.

Physical Attributes
According to your Horoscope, you will have a tall, elegant figure with blue eyes, fair skin, fine brown
hair carefully parted near the middle, attractive sets of teeth and beautiful finger-nails. Your nose will
be straight - Grecian type.

General State of Health

Your zodiacal sign has governance over genito-urinary system, external generative organs,
excretory system, cervix, coccyx and prostrate gland. These are your vulnerable areas. Elimination
or disorder in connection with elimination will determine your remaining in desired state of health or
suffering from disease. You should take special care and exercise fullest possible control over your
intake of food and drink, and also over your arousal of strong passions - which may increase the
level of toxins in the body.

You should have plenty of sleep and should remain in a relaxed state of mind. You should take
more of leeks, radishes, garlic, ginger and ginseng.Since the Ascendant is afflicted by the Moon in
your chart, you are very prone to suffer from colds and dropsical swellings.

Since the Moon bears no affliction in your chart, you are less likely to suffer from any disease
resulting from environmental causes.Since the Sun is bearing no affliction in your chart, you won't
inherit any disease from your parents. If you per chance have any ailments, those will only be
short-lived. Your eye-sight will also remain good.Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Scorpio
in your chart, your generative organs and excretory system are prone to affections.Since Mars and
Saturn both afflict the sign Pisces in your chart, you may have some problems affecting the region of
your feet.

Education and Profession

You will achieve a good level of education and will hold a Bachelor's degree at least. Besides formal
education, you will have your interest in some other fields also in which you will excel. You will be
intelligent and clever as well.

You may have some specialization or professional training. You will do well in the fields where
² 31

certain special abilities find prompt utilization while the academic learnings do not have much of

The planetary combinations in your chart make you a versatile genius. You will be successful in
service and business both. During the early years of your profession you may be in service and then
go for a business of your own; alternately you may be in business initially but later might opt for

Wealth and Inheritance

As regards family-wealth, you will have enough what a person of noble descent would normally be
endowed with. You will be a lover of music, dance and fine arts. You will be a supporter of
benevolent measures and projects, and will be a patron of all that tends to beautify and enliven life.
As regards domestic environments, there would be nothing more you could wish for : all-round
gentle humanness, traditional culture, devotional wisdom and searchful intellect.

In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the un favourable 8th house is not good for
arriage-partner and for legacies. It may give a long-drawn Law- suit in connection with property
matters of a deceased relative. In respect of longevity however this is a happy position. Favourable
lines for you may have connection with other people's money like provident fund, insurance, money-
exchange, value and loss assessing, surveying, testing houses, etc.

In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the 11th house is not a favourable position. It
may create problems with friends and spoil the relationships. Your marriage-partner may also create
some problems from you. The health of your mother may not be good or she might be somewhat
disturbed. In late you may have good gains from your mother.

Marriage and Married Life

Your chart indicates that you will have late marriage. In your chart the Ascendant-lord and the
7th-lord are in Semi-Square aspect. This indicates possibility of having some disharmony arising
from differences in outlook. With time, you will know each other better which will improve the
situation. Using a little more tact will bring in a dash of warmth in your relationship.

Travel and Journeys

In your chart most of the planets are situated in 'fixed' signs which indicates that you will seldom
require long-distance travelling. You will not require changing places in connection with your
profession.In your chart most of the planets are in succedent houses and fixed signs. You may not
like travelling much. Your profession also may not command much of travelling.

Lucky Stone
Among auspicious gemstones BLUE SAPPHIRE (Neelam) will be favorable for you.

You may take 4 to 7 Rattis of Blue Sapphire (Neelam) in a ring of Gold which should be worn on
right hand middle finger on a Saturday. Cheaper substitutes of Blue Sapphire are Amethyst or
Laajvart which might be taken instead in a ring of Gold or Pancha Dhatu alloy or Steel.

While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:

Nilanjanam Samabhasam Raviputra Yamagrajam Chhaya Maanda Sambhutam tam Namami


The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the
weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced to
1/2 to 1/3 part.
² 31

Predictions On The Basis of Planet Positions

Ascendent Result
Your Ascendant is Capricorn. Your Ascendant-lord is Saturn, which is the super-benefic planet in
your chart. For being the lord of an angle and a trine both, Venus happens to be the 'yoga-karaka'
planet in your chart and is a benefit-giving planet for you.

By virtue of being born in Capricorn Ascendant, you will be a very strict disciplinarian and will
engage yourself in your work with sincere efforts. You will be endowed with many desirable qualities
: strong and firm mental power, thoughtfulness, reverence towards the accepted principles, gravity,
seriousness, etc. Any work done by you will be found to be perfect in every respect and your this
quality will assist you to win many admirers. Even during tender age-periods, your thoughts and
actions will give the impression of a mature adult personality. For fulfilling your ambitions, you will
reach your goal by working hard steadily and constantly; you are sure to reach a higher station in
life. You will strongly resent criticisms of any sort to the beliefs, opinions or values for which you
have reverence in your mind, even if those come from your near ones. However, if your
Ascendant-lord Saturn is weak or badly afflicted, you may be avaricious and indolent; you may
become corrupt in every way and might be a doer of base, mean or cruel deeds.

Result for Planets in Signs

In your chart, the Sun is placed in sign Scorpio. This position will make you devoted to your parents;
but owing to the irony of fate, you will have a valourous nature and some of your act or deed might
make your parents exceedingly unhappy. Although you will have an out-going nature and will
become very popular, your overly brusque manners may make some of your acquaintances jealous
or inimical. You may be somewhat secretive and your temper may become rugged and overbearing,
which you should try to control.

In your chart, Mercury is placed in sign Scorpio. Although you may not be very elegant or pleasing,
yet you will be ingenious and studious. You are likely to be very careful in respect of furthering your
own interests and might be extremely fond of having company of the people of other sex. You might
become a spendthrift and lose good conduct, for which you might be abandoned by your kinsfolk
and you may lack happiness. If Jupiter is with Mercury or aspects it, then the situation will be
considerably improved for the better and you will be able to lead a fairly contented and happy

In your chart, Venus is placed in sign Scorpio. It will make you valourous but you will be more
interested in other people's work, which might hinder your own financial progress. If Venus is
afflicted by malefic planet(s), then you may have endless wanderings and become very anguished;
your spouse may suffer from blood-loss or some wasting disease. If Venus is associated with or
aspected by benefic planet(s), then you will become rich through business, by dealing in things
required by females.

In your chart, Mars is placed in sign Leo. It is really a favourable position and you will become
fortunate. It will give you a sanguine complexion, stout limbs, a cheerful disposition and optimisic
outlook. You will always remain engaged in brisk activities and will remain ever ready for any
challenging situation. You will be take part robust sports and frequently enjoy excursions; you will be
able to attract the attention of the members of the opposite sex. You will, however, run the risk of
receiving physical hurts. If your Ascendant is Capricorn or Aquarius, then the health of your spouse
might cause you some concern.
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In your chart, Jupiter is placed in sign Leo. This is a very fortunate position and it will make you
magnamious and noble, having lofty ambitions. You will be proud, daring and enterprising; you will
also possess the gift of eloquence. You will be desirous to contend for honours and will always be in
a position to make your own headway in a very ingenious manner. You will acquire wealth and
receive honours for your meritorious deeds. You will enjoy happiness from your co-borns, spouse
and children.

In your chart, Saturn is placed in sign Virgo. You are likely to have good gains from land
development and agriculture. If Mercury is also well-placed or if aspected by Venus, you are likely to
be an well-educated and highly respectable person, occupying a position of responsibility and trust.
You will be religiously inclined and will treat pious people with great respect and honour. You may
have more female children, who will be a source of pride and joy for their accomplishments and
decent behaviour.

The Moon is situated in sign Libra in your chart; so your 'Janma-Rashi' (or Chandra-Lagna) is Thula.
Your mental qualities and certain other characteristics will be governed by this masculine, airy,
humane and movable sign and, to some extent, by it's sign-lord Venus.

Moon in sign Libra is considered very beneficial if the sign-lord Venus is strongly placed and
un-afflicted in your chart. Your mind might be changeful and you may have shifting objectives; your
enthusiasm might be short-lived and as regards financial prospects, you may not be able to make
much headway. You may have enmity with your own people, while befriending lower class and
outcaste people. However, if the Moon is involved in some good yoga with other planet(s), then you
will be able to improve your fortune through trading activities.

In your chart, Rahu is placed in sign Leo. If the Sun is well-placed, it will give you an impressive
appearance and will bring in many benefits from the authorities or govt. sources. If Mercury or Venus
or Mars is in own-house, it will make you fortunate and happy. However, if your Ascendant is
Aquarius, the health of your spouse might cause you some concern. If Rahu is situated in Magha
star (while Ketu is situated in Shatabhisha star), you might remain prone to suffer resulting from
accidental mishaps.

In your chart, Ketu is placed in sign Aquarius. If Saturn is well-placed, it will give you an impressive
appearance and will bring in many benefits from the authorities. If Mercury or Venus or Mars is in
own-house, it will make you fortunate and happy. However, if your Ascendant is Aquarius, and the
Sun is not associated with or aspected by any benefic planet, then the health of your spouse might
cause you some concern; besides, you may have some distinct differences with your spouse. If Ketu
is situated in Shatabhisha star (while Rahu is situated in Magha star), you might remain prone to
face accidental mishaps.

In your chart, Uranus is placed in sign Libra. You will be a romantic person at heart, still you will
have the uncanny ability to retain a perfect balance between your thought and action. You will be
able to propel people towards you almost magnetically and form ties or associations very quickly; yet
you may soon lose your interest to retain the relationships, as you will be interested in forming newer
ones. You will have fun outdoors; but while at home, the grass will appear to be greener on the
neighbour's side.

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In your chart, Neptune is placed in sign Scorpio. If Neptune is associated with or aspected by Jupiter
or Venus, then your psychic capacity might be more accentuated and you may possess the ability of
divination and foretelling. If Neptune is afflicted by malefic planet(s), then you may have coarse
features with your sensuous side intensified. You may become jealous and may have a nasty

In your chart, Pluto is placed in sign Virgo. It tends to make the body slim, but keeps it fit and fine. If
Mercury is well-placed or if Jupiter or Venus is associated with or aspects Pluto, then it will give you
an exalted view of self-importance. But if Mars or Saturn is in square or conjunction with Pluto, then
it will give you a bullying tendency of hurting them who disagrees with your views or attitude.
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Prediction On The Basis of Bhavas

Ascendant Lord
In your chart, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the ninth house, which is called the house of fortune
(Bhagya). Besides, this house has governance over line of descent, father, preceptor, deity, past
destiny, virtuous deeds, prayer, worship, auspiciousness, etc. In case of male persons, it rules over
grandchildren and in case of female persons, it rules over the prospect of begetting progeny. This is
a highly favourable position and you will be exceedingly fortunate. You will be close to your father,
will be religious minded, take part in religious activities and will remain engaged in performing
virtuous and philanthropic deeds. You will be a learned person, study sacred classics, take part in
religious discourses and will treat preceptors and pious people with great respect. You will live a
long life which will be full of peace, happiness and satisfaction; your children will be worthy and
dutiful while your grandchildren will be a source of pride and joy. As this house also rules over long/
foreign journeys and pilgrimage, you will have many such journeys on academic, cultural or religious
errand and may visit various holy pilgrim centres. People will treat you with great respect and seek
your valuable advice and guidance. If your Ascendant is Leo or Aquarius, then as your
Ascendant-lord will be exalted, you will be highly fortunate.

Lord of 2nd House

In your chart, the second-lord is situated in the ninth house, which is called the house of fortune
(Bhagya). This gives rise to an auspicious 'Dhana Yoga' and you are a person who is fortunate for
having been born with the 'Midas-touch'; almost whatever you will lay your hands upon will turn into
provervial 'gold'. You will be running brisk businesses and may have large gains through foreign
trade or through foreign collaborations. You will amass wealth and lead your life in comfort and
luxury. You will be religious-minded, will perform religious rites, study the ancient classics and visit
many holy places of pilgrimage. If the 9th-lord is also strong or if a natural benefic planet is situated
in the 9th house or aspects it, you will have all-round prosperity and will be fortunate in respect of
having worthy and dutiful children. If a natural malefic planet who is neither exalted nor in own house
is with the 2nd-lord, then your father may suffer from diseases and he is likely to face financial
problems after facing a set-back of serious sort.

Lord of 3rd House

In your chart, the third-lord is situated in the Ascendant, which is called the house of body (Tanu).
This will make you fortunate in respect of many 3rd house significations; your younger co-borns and
cousins will be very helpful while your relationships with your kindred and neighbours will be
excellent. Your profession may have some connection with news-paper/ press, posts/ telegraph,
radio/ broadcasting, transport, etc lines. You will have a lot of writings, correspondence/
communications, etc and some of your writings might be published in periodicals; you may acquire
good proficiency in translation also. You will become known as a versatile genius. In connection with
your profession, you may have many short journeys; alternately you may be connected with
transport, railways, airlines, tourism, etc. Your life will be very changeful and you will greatly enjoy
the company of the members of the opposite sex. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Virgo and if the
Ascendant-lord is not well-placed, then you might be prone to face serious accidental mishaps; but if
your Ascendant is Pisces, then you will be very attractive looking, acquire proficiency in some field of
fine arts and will become quite famous in your sphere of profession.

Lord of 4th House

In your chart, the fourth-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity
(Ayus). You must need to be specially careful when you will be crossing over the bridges or will
remain on or over the surface of large watery bodies like lakes, rivers, etc -- more so if you are a
male person. This position is never good as chances of drowning is feared -- which may even lead
to tragic death prematurely -- unless modifying combinations are present in the chart. Worst
becomes the case if the Ascendant is Aries as the 4th-lord Moon, becomes debilitated in the 8th.
However, the condition will be considerably improved if Jupiter or Venus is situated in or aspects the
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8th house while opposite would be the result if the 8th house is influences by a natural malefic
planet. If the Moon is either associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, you may lack
peace of mind altogether and the health of your mother might cause you serious concern. If Mercury
is ill-placed, education might be affected; but if Mercury is well-placed, it will give
'application-oriented' education and you may have interest in occult subjects. If Mars is associated
with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, there could be quarrels in your family and chances of
losing property through impetuous capturing, litigation or calamitous happening will hang on.

Lord of 5th House

In your chart, the fifth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains
(Labha). From this house, the 5th-lord aspects it's own house. This will make you highly intelligent
and meritorious -- more so if Mercury is also well-placed. As the 5th house indicates purva-punya,
you will be fortunate in many respects. Since this is a highly favourable 'Dhana Yoga' combination,
you will have influx of wealth from many sources including speculative investments and
entertainment fields. Since the 5th indicates rank while the 11th signifies earnings from profession, if
the 10th-lord is well-placed or a natural benefic planet is situated in or aspects the 5th house, then
you will be very fortunate in respect of your profession and will occupy a lucrative position of rank
and status. But if the 10th-lord is ill-placed or a natural malefic planet is situated in or aspects the 5th
house, then the opposite will hold good. The 5th signifies child-birth also; if the 5th house is
associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet and Jupiter is also well-placed, you will have
worthy children but if a natural malefic planet is influencing the same house instead, you might
become worried and unhappy on account of your children.

Lord of 6th House

In your chart, the sixth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains
(Labha). This makes your horoscope a singularly unique one; although some of your enemies may
remain in your circle in disguise as friends, you will have gains from your enemies and also from
your relatives. You may win in competitions and may even win in contests or elections -- more so if
the 11th-lord is in the 6th, in which case you would become simply invincible. If Jupiter or Venus is
well-placed or if they are involved in exchange of signs or stars, you may be tempted to amass
wealth through questionable means; you may have to face law-suits yet you won't have to suffer
disgrace of any sort as you will be able to come out in flying colours owing to lack of evidence
against you. Besides, you will have good gains from your spouse and business-partner -- if any. As
the 6th house indicates labour, you may have gains from production activities if Saturn is well-placed
and from construction activities if Mars is well-placed. As the 6th rules over disease while 11th rules
over cure, you may have gains by serving the pharmaceutical organisations or manufacturers of
chemicals; if your Ascendant is Aries or Libra, then the 6th-lord will be the 3rd-lord too and you may
become a sales/ medical representative. In addition, if Rahu is also situated in the 11th and/ or if the
Sun is placed in the 6th, you will gain victory over your enemies.

Lord of 7th House

In your chart, the seventh-lord is situated in the tenth house, which is called the house of profession
(Karma). It indicates that you will be an active person and you will be fortunate in respect of your
profession; you may run your own business or may be well-placed in a big and reputed organization.
If your Ascendant is either Cancer or Libra, then the 7th-lord will become debilitated in the 10th; if
the 10th-lord is also ill-placed and if neither Jupiter nor Venus is situated with it or aspects it, you
may not do well in your sphere of profession and you may become a victim of slander and disrepute.
However, if your Ascendant is Gemini, then the 7th-lord will become in own-house in the 10th while
if your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then the 7th-lord will become exalted in the 10th; in such cases, you
will become very happy as you will enjoy beneficial results of auspicious 'Pancha Maha-purusha
Yoga' and will become well-settled in life. Your life-partner might hail from your sphere of profession
and/ or she/ he would work in double harness and will actively assist you for fulfilling your
aspirations. If Mars or the Sun is also in the 10th, then you will secure a powerful position as the
planet will gain directional strength. If a natural benefic is in the 10th or aspects it, you will be a
purposeful and praiseworthy person. You may understand human nature very well, may do well in
marketing and shine forth as an efficient negotiator.
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Lord of 8th House

In your chart, the eighth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains
(Labha). As the 8th is the 11th from the 10th, you will have good gains from your sphere of
profession although temporarily there could also be such times when your sources of earnings may
run dry owing to some obstructions or untoward developments occuring suddenly. As the 8th rules
over vicious people while the 11th rules over friends, you may have an interest of contunuing
relationships with some of your friends who are in the habit of living dangerously by 'playing with
fire'. As the 11th house rules over arms and the 8th house rules over weapons, you may be
interested to acquiring some weapons and learn the art of using them -- more so if a natural malefic
planet is situated in or aspecting the 11th house and the 8th house is also similarly disposed. If the
3rd-lord is situated in the 10th house or aspects it, then you may wish to cause harm to some other
people; if the 7th house is not well-disposed in your chart, then some people may become a victim of
your wrath. If Mars and Saturn or Jupiter and Venus are in opposition, or if one of the former is in
opposition to one of the latter, then you may get intangled in criminal proceedings.

Lord of 9th House

In your chart, the ninth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains
(Labha). The 9th-lord situated in this position gives gains from various sources and it will make you
fortunate in respect of having worthy friends who will remain ever-ready to offer active assistance. If
the 11th-lord is well-placed or if a natural benefic planet is situated in the 9th or the 11th or aspects
either of these two, this position is favourable for the health and well-being of your father; otherwise
the results will be the opposite. As the 9th is the 6th from the 4th while the 11th is the 8th from the
4th, it offers auspicious 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' results for your mother and she will become
wealthy. If either Saturn or Ketu is also situated in the 11th, there will be constricting influences
exerted on the influx of wealth; but such tendencies will be mitigated if Jupiter or Venus is also
situated in the 11th or aspects it. If your Ascendant is Leo, as the 9th-lord Mars will be the 4th-lord
also; so it's presence in the 11th which is the 8th from the 4th is unfavourable for the health and
well-being of your mother but if your Ascendant is Aquarius, the 9th-lord Venus who is the 4th-lord
also, will protect her for being a natural benefic planet.

Lord of 10th House

In your chart, the tenth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains
(Labha). This is a favourable position and you will be fortunate in respect of your profession and
earnings. This will be more so if your Ascendant is Aries as the 10th-lord will be the 11th-lord as well
and as it is in own-house, you will have excellent earnings and will have a large circle of friends. In
other cases, if the 11th-lord is situated in any of the houses among the 11th, the 10th, the 9th, the
5th, the 4th, etc., then you will be fortunate in respect of your earnings through profession. If the
Moon is well-placed and is situated with the 10th-lord or the 11th-lord or if it aspects either the 10th
house or the 11th house, your profession may have some connection with medicine. If Mercury is
found in a similar position instead, then the connection will be with books, papers, etc. If Ketu is
situated in the 11th house or aspects it, then Computer may be a source of your earnings. If a
natural benefic planet is situated in the 11th house or aspects it, your earnings will be steady and
ever-increasing but if a natural malefic planet inflences it, then there will be considerable fluctuations
in this respect. If the Sun or Jupiter is in the 11th, you might be the eldest among co-borns (if you
are a male person) and you would develop friendship with worthy people.

Lord of 11th House

In your chart, the eleventh-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity
(Ayus). This is not a favourable position as you may not have a regular source of earnings although
you may have occassional gains in bulk through some unusual activities which might involve taking
great risks; owing to some obstructions or untoward developments occuring suddenly, at times your
sources of earnings may run dry . If you have an elder brother, then his health and well-being might
cause you serious concern while one of your intimate friends may meet with some grave misfortune
which might cause you great pain. As the 8th rules over vicious people while the 11th rules over
friends, you may have some friends who live dangerously by 'playing with fire'. As the 11th house
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rules over arms and the 8th house rules over weapons, you may acquire some weapons and learn
the art of using them -- more so if a natural malefic planet is situated in or aspecting the 11th house
and the 8th house is also similarly disposed. If the 3rd-lord is situated in the 10th house or aspects it,
then you may wish to cause harm to some other people; if the 7th house is not well-disposed in your
chart, then some people may become a victim of your cruel wrath. If Mars and Saturn or Jupiter and
Venus are in opposition, or if one of the former is in opposition to one of the latter, then you may get
badly intangled in criminal proceedings.

Lord of 12th House

In your chart, the twelfth-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity
(Ayus). This is a favourable combination in respect of having material gains as a trika-lord situated in
another trika house gives rise to beneficial 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga'. This yoga favours having
sudden gains from unexpected sources but this happens in a place quite far away from the birth or
native place. But for it's pecuiliar attribute, you may tend to live dangerously and you may have
some secret enemies in your circle who might seek to cause you harm. You will possess a special
ability to effectively utilise any available opportunity; but you may have to use dubious methods for
fulfilling your purpose, which may later create problems for you. You may tend to take big risks and
consequently may remain in perpetual tension. Although normally you will remain in good health and
high spirits, accidental mishaps might occassionally lead you to bed-ridden condition and you may
need hospitalization for short-durations.
If a natural benefic planet is situated in the 12th house or aspects it, you may become very
extravagant; but
if a natural malefic planet is placed in the 12th house or aspects it, you may run the risk of incurring

Results for Planets in Houses

Since the Sun is situated in your 11th house, you will be fairly fortunate and will gain some renown
at a relatively early age-period -- almost beginning from the timing of joining in profession. You are
likely to be meritorious and/ or might possess some special or extra-ordinary abilities for which you
will attract people's attention and even older people in your circle will treat you with respect for your
qualities and accomplishments. If you are male, then you are likely to be the eldest among co-borns
but if you are a female, then you may be the youngest instead. Even if you are not in government
service, the position assures receiving benefits and assistance from ranked people in government
service; some of your friends and acquaintances might be superior to you in one or more respects
but you may still be able to develop lasting relationships with a few of them. If Saturn or Ketu is with
the Sun, your influx of wealth might at times be retarded and at some point of time your reputation or
credibility could be at stake. If Mars or Rahu is situated instead, then it will boost your earnings --
although with fluctuations. If a natural benefic planet is situated with it or aspects it, then your
earnings will be fairly steady. If your Ascendant is Gemini or Libra, then you will enjoy the best
possible results as the Sun will be exalted or in own house; but if your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then
the Sun will be debilitated and if modifying combinations are not present in your chart, you may have
troubles from your friends/ acquaintances and also from the government sources.

Since Mercury is situated in your 11th house, you will be fortunate in many respects. As Mercury will
aspect the 5th house, you will be intelligent and meritorious; you will acquire good education and will
do well in intellectual pursuits. If Venus is with it, then you may have artistic inclinations or may have
interest in studying law. If Jupiter is with it or aspects it, you may acquire good command in many
languages and may have interest in studying literature or management courses. If Mars or Saturn is
with it or aspects it, then you may study science subjects and pursue industrial avocations. If your
Ascendant is Leo or Scorpio, then you will be very fortunate as it will be in own house or exalted;
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you will have good earnings and have a large circle of friends and acquaintances; if the Sun is also
with it, you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Budhaditya Yoga'. But if your Ascendant is Taurus,
then debilitated Mercury may give you opposite results -- unless some modifying influences are
present in your chart. If the Moon is with Mercury or aspects it, then you will be very clever but at
least one of these two planets should be under the influence of a natural benefic planet if you have
to remain purposeful and steady. If Rahu is in angular position from it, then you may have academic
distinction and if Ketu is with Mercury while the 8th-lord is also with it or aspects it, and the 5th
house is also strong, then you are very much likely to be an Astrologer.

Since Venus is situated in your 11th house, you will be fortunate and happy. You will have gains and
assistance from friends, happy associations and a fruitful marriage, favours from wealthy ladies and
from persons of noble descent. You may have large gains from prudent investments and
entertainment fields and people might attach value and importance to your advice before taking
major decisions. You will be fond of society and would become a centre of attraction in parties and
get-togethers. You will live long and all the paraphernalia of life will be available to you with little or
no effort. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Cancer or Sagittarius, you will be highly fortunate as Venus
will be exalted or in own house; but if your Ascendant is Scorpio, then your married life might be full
of problems -- unless any modifying combination is present in your chart. If a natural benefic planet
is with Venus or aspects it, then you are sure to have boosted earnings but if a natural malefic planet
is with Venus or aspects it, then you might be riddled by perplexing problems. If Saturn is with it or
aspects it, then you may have a set-back in profession. If Mars or Rahu is with it or aspects it, then
you may be tempted to have affairs unless Venus is situated in a sign or star of a natural benefic
planet. If Venus is 'combust', then you may suffer from eye-disease and wear specs.

Since Mars is situated in your 8th house -- unless Mars is exalted or is situated in own-house or is
associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet -- you are more apt to live dangerously -- in
quite a literal sense of the term -- and during your active life you may find special pleasure by
playing with fire. It will be more so if you are a male person; you may actively take part in
adventurous explorations and/ or may become adept in martial arts. If a natural malefic planet is with
it or aspect it, then you may take part in physical combat and might even be tempted to take the law
into your own hands. If the 8th-lord is well-placed and the Ascendant-lord is also similarly disposed,
you won't have the risk of facing a premature exit to the other world. If your Ascendant is Gemini,
then exalted Mars in the 8th might give you a hair-breadth escape while if your Ascendant is either
Aries or Virgo, then own-house Mars will save your life -- if there are no affliction in your chart. If
your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then you may face a serious accidental mishap in a far-away place
and if a natural benefic planet is with Mars or aspects it, you will pull through. In other cases, if
another malefic planet or the Moon is close to Mars, you may have to face a violent end.

Since Jupiter is situated in your 8th house, you will be fortunate in many respects. Your spouse will
hail from a considerably wealthier family and your family-life will be peaceful, happy and endowed
with abundance. You will remain in good health, won't need any major surgical treatment, won't have
to face any accidental mishap, remain free from nagging problems and won't need to fight any
law-suit. You will have good gains through inheritance and receive large benefits from major
financial institutions. If your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then your Ascendant-lord Jupiter exalted in the
8th will give you all round prosperity and happiness. If your Ascendant is Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo
or Capricorn, then you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' as you will become
suddenly rich in a spectacular way; however in case of Cancer Ascendant -- unless Saturn is
well-placed -- you may suffer from high blood-pressure. But if your Ascendant is Gemini -- unless
Saturn is well-placed -- you may incur losses in business and may have to take up jobs in private
organisations which may not last long. If Jupiter is not 'combust', the position is favourable as it
offers divine protection although unless your Ascendant is Taurus, Leo or Sagittarius, you may not
be truely religious-minded and may have distorted views. You will be well-placed in life and will enjoy
a lasting reputation.Your longevity will be high and even your final 'exit' will be in your own place, in
a peaceful environment amidst your family-members and without any suffering.
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Since Saturn is situated in your 9th house, you will have a studious and thoughtful nature, a religious
spirit and a taste for philosophy. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Gemini or Aquarius, then Saturn will
be exalted or in own house and you will be exceedingly fortunate. If Mercury is also well-placed, you
will have high education and for continuing higher education or researches, you may go to a distant
place or a foreign country. If the Sun or the 9th-lord is also strong or if Saturn is associated with or
aspected by Jupiter or Venus, your father might be a self-made person who would rise to an
influential position and leave a raised platform for you for having an advantageous start. In other
cases, if Saturn is neither associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet, you may have a
tempestuous sailing in your journey through life as you will have to face wide fluctuations. If Saturn
is associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, then you may incur sudden losses
through deceit among marriage-relations and/ or through law-suits. If your Ascendant is Leo and
Mars is not well-placed, then you may meet with some dangers during long journeys and incur
losses in distant or foreign places; head-injury also appears possible.

Since the Moon is situated in your 10th house, you will have a great desire for public life and will
become very popular. Your profession may command remaining in close contact with the public and
you may have association with ladies who might influence your position for good or evil. Needless to
mention that you will enjoy better results if the Moon is 'waxing' and/ or if a natural benefic planet is
with it and/ or aspects it or if the Moon is either exalted or situated in own house. If your Ascendant
is Libra, then you might be running a brisk business -- may be a medicine store or restaurant. If your
Ascendant is Leo, then you may be in service in a good capacity -- may be in a hospital, custody
house, rehabilitation center or the like. If your Ascendant is Aquarius, then the debilitated Moon in
the 10th may make your position unstable and give you changes in occupation -- unless there are
modifying influences present in your chart. If the Moon is associated with or aspected by a
retrograde natural malefic planet, then you may have the risk of facing a reversal every time you
would proceed one leap forward. You may undertake many long journeys.

Since Rahu is situated in your 8th house, you may face serious problems from unexpected sources
and if the 7th-lord or Venus is also not well-placed in your chart, then your married-life may not be
very happy. The position will however be improved if Jupiter or Venus aspects it. If the Sun is
situated with it, then the physical or mental health and well-being of your father might cause you
some concern and your own state of health may not be very good. If the Moon is situated with it, you
may suffer from wasting diseases during sometime in your life. If Mars or Saturn is with it or is
placed in either the 6th house or the 7th house, then your married-life may not be happy or your
spouse may not be long-lived; alternately, she/ he might opt for leaving you for ever and you may
have to face a law-suit with her/ him. If Mars is situated with it or aspects it, you may have a
dare-devil nature and if the 8th-lord is not well-placed in your chart, then you might recieve
accidental injuries from fire or weapons. If Mercury is situated with it or aspects it, then you may
have much interest and gain some proficiency in mystic subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, etc. If
Venus is situated fairly close to it, then your secret liaisons may soon become the talk-of-the-town.

Since Ketu is situated in your 2nd house, you may not be very fortunate in respect of your
family-wealth -- unless the 2nd-lord is well-disposed. However, if Jupiter or Venus is with it or
aspects it, then the situation will considerably improve while if a natural malefic planet influences it,
then the situation will become only worse. Good results are expected if Ketu is situated in sign
Scorpio; the results will be adverse when it is in sign Taurus or is together with Saturn in any sign
other than Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn. If Ketu is with the 2nd-lord or if Mars is with the 2nd-lord or
aspects it, then if you are male, you may be a heavy smoker (if that is not prohibited in your
community); besides, your teeth may start decaying early. If Mars is with it or aspects it, then you
may have some fear from fire or intake of wrong medicine or poison.
Unless the 2nd-lord is well-placed, and if no natural benefic planet is with it or aspects it, this
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position is not favourable for having happiness in marriage; if a natural malefic planet is with it or
(except Rahu any) aspects it while the 7th-lord is not well-placed, then the span of your married-life
may come under doubt.

Since Uranus is situated in your 10th house, originality will be your marked feature and you may
favour eccentric pursuits. You may have estrangement from your parents and kindred and might be
in the habit of getting into difficulties with your superiors or employers for which you may have a
checkered career. If you are in government service or in business, you may face opposition from
public functionaries or government bodies and might be forced to have a change in occupation. Lure
of speculative investment might also lead you astray or you may completely unnecessarily leave a
stable job by being thoroghly occupied by the fanciful prospect of getting rich double-quick through
business inspite of the fact that you may not have adequate competence or you may lack sufficient
resources. However, if the 10th-lord is well-placed or if Jupiter or Venus is in the 10th or aspects it,
the results will be considerably modified for the better. If your Ascendant is Virgo or Pisces, you may
have two occupations simultaneously; while you might be in service somewhere, you may pursue an
independent business as an agent, consultant or advisor.

Since Neptune is situated in your 11th house, you may have some strange and unaccountable
attractions and alliances; your friends may have seductive appearances, your advisors might be
unreliable, your spouse might be liable to moral delinquency and may create havoc in your friends'
circle. Although you may not be directly responsible for the acts of commission or omission of your
associates, these are almost sure to raise eye-brows of the curious onlookers and 'U-2' may soon
become the talk-of-the-town. However, if the 11th-lord is well-placed or a natural benefic planet is
situated with it or aspects it, then the situation will be considerably modified for the better. But if the
11th-lord is badly placed or more than one natural malefic planets are situated with it or aspect it,
then the situation will considerably worsen and you may have to badly suffer as a result of treachery
or deception caused by your spouse and/ or supposed friends; if Venus is also under the influence
of natural malefic planets only, then your tragic 'history' might be making rounds in the locality as a
spicy 'story' to be remembered, re-told and listened to many-a-times.

Since Pluto is situated in your 9th house, you may refuse to adhere to tradition and your interest in
un-orthodox forms of religion might be aroused -- more so if Jupiter is not well-placed in your chart. If
a natural malefic planet is situated with it or aspects it, then you may become an agnostic -- if not an
atheist outright. If your 4th-lord is not well-placed, then you may have radical views and may actively
take part in political and kindred affairs; you may even have to embrace exile at an young age owing
to fear from your enemies in consequence of your own thoughtless actions or misdeeds. But the
situation will be improved for the better if Jupiter or Venus is situated with it or aspects it. If Saturn
and Mercury are well-placed in your chart, you may be an ardent globe-trotter or you may have
connection with air travel or you may have great interest in meteorology and space explorations. If
Mars is influencing, then you may have connection with radio-active substances or explosives; if
Venus is influencing, then you may have some connection with radiations like X-Rays; if Mercury is
influencing, then you might be known for your inflammatory speeches/ writings; if Rahu or Ketu is
with Pluto, then you may have connection with acids, fumes, etc.
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Result For Birth Nakshatra

General Details
You will be sympathetic and loving, virtuous and enjoy a very high social position. You will be fond of
religious rites. You will be truthful and righteous. You will have many friends. You will win over your
enemies with love and compassion. While most of the women folk prefer to wander, you will very
much homely and an introvert.

Physical Characteristics
You can be distinctively identified from the way of your walk, which will be very elegant and

In case you take up some employment you will attain much fame even beyond anticipation. As the
fate would have it, while you may not like to travel, you may be forced due to circumstances to
accept a job where more traveling is involved.

Family Life
You may have to act against your consciousness in regard to moral due to some peculiar
circumstances and atmosphere prevalent in the family. However, you will enjoy complete
satisfaction from your children. If you marry a Uttara-Ashadha boy, you will be blessed with loving

You will enjoy a very good health and physical condition. But, you must not get too complacent and
take good care of your health. You may suffer from breathing problems and similar ailments. If you
have your first menses on this Nakshatra, you will be virtuous and faithful, and have good children.
You will take interest in mechanical profession, and will be healthy and wealthy.

Sun - Vishaka - Quarter - 4

If ascendant also falls here and Mars aspects, you will have chest, lung or heart problem. Sun along
in this quarter will make you a trouble-shooter to others and faces trial from the government.

Mercury - Anuradha - Quarter - 1

You will be witty and jovial. You will overcome all the obstacles and hindrances that come in your
way. The only drawback is that you may not care for your wealth. Some might try to take advantage
of your careless attitude. You must protect your wealth from passing into the pockets of wicked
friends and enemies. For once gone, you may never be able to get it back no matter how hard you

Venus - Jyestha - Quarter - 3

This position indicates that you may become a doctor or an engineer. Metal trading has also been
noticed in some cases.

Mars - Magha - Quarter - 2

Mars makes you a high officer in defense or airlines. You may also get involved in the field of
politics. It is advised that for your own success, do not enter politics as success is certain in other

Jupiter - Purva Phalguni - Quarter - 1

You will be strong and courageous. You will make friends quite easily and will be highly learned in
various fields of science. You will have excellent general knowledge of various subjects. You will be
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Saturn - Uttara Phalguni - Quarter - 2

If ascendant falls in Uttara-Bhadrapada with Saturn in this Nakshatra, you will be extremely beautiful
lady and will have healthy hair. Your appearance may undergo a complete and total change after
your 25th years of age. You may get married around 22 years of age.

Moon - Swati - Quarter - 3

You will be a very clever businessman. You will be rich and earn by frequent travel. You will enjoy a
very high reputation through good deeds. You may have to live away from your family.

Rahu - Magha - Quarter - 4

Rahu along here may have undesirable results. You must refrain activities that may cause problems
to your loved and dear ones. If aspected or conjoined with Jupiter results get modified and will have
positive results.

Ketu - Satabhisha - Quarter - 1

You will have more than your share of miseries and problems that life has to offer, unless associated
with benefic. If with Sun and Mercury and aspected by Jupiter, the result will be reverse, i.e. you will
not have any miseries of life and will be highly learned. You will attain distinction in academic field.
You may be a good engineer.

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