Conversion Stories 92

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12 Peter Anderson Lofgreen and Zipporah Elizabeth Nielsen 92

"I took a journey to Salt Lake City to The Church called several families to
inform President Taylor of my circum- take their families and settle St. David
stances, when I arrived there I did not Arizona.
see President Taylor, but apostle Frank-
"On the 6th day of November 1883
lin D. Richards was at the office, I laid my
my brother Benjamin L. Lofgreen, my son
case before him, and at the close of my
recital he simply asked me, "Are you will- Louis and I started for Arizona by team."
ing to go on this mission?" My answer He tells about his decision to move; "I
was yes. Then he said "The way shall be was very much impressed by the Spirit to
open for you to go and you will be take this journey and St. David, Cochise
blessed". County, Arizona was my destination. We
"I then removed my family back to had many inducements to stop and locate
elsewhere, but our determination was to
Huntsville and prepared myself to go.
keep on to the end."
Through the efforts of Bishop F. A.
Hammond I obtained means for my jour- On the 7th day of July 1884 Peter was
ney. ordained a High Priest and was set apart
as 2nd counselor to Bishop William D.
"I bid adieu to my family on April
Johnson at the same time. Then in 1885
26th 1880. I arrived at the city of New
President John Taylor visited St. David
York on May 2nd. I left by K.S. Nevad on
and he was set apart as first counselor to
May 4th at 1:30 o'clock."
Bishop Matt Merrill.
During this mission he was able to
Zipporah and family had remained in
see his Sister Kjersti, who had been left
Huntsville until Peter could get settled.
with her grandmother when the family On the 6th day of April 1885 Zipporah
left for America. He had not seen her for arrived with the balance of the family.
18 years. They came on train by way of California.
In this history he writes, "On August On the 3rd day of May 1887 a severe
17th 1880 I received the sad news that earth quake shook this part of the coun-
my dear wife Johanna had died on the try. Many houses cracked and some
23rd of July. The cause of her death was were damaged to such an extent that
lung fever. I felt the blow very keenly but they were unsafe to live in.
by the aid of the Spirit of God I continued
my labors in the missionary field". In the book "Mormon Pioneers in the
San Pedro Valley" it says, "St. David was a
He summed up this mission, "While swampy place and infested with mosqui-
on a mission I baptized or assisted in toes, which caused much discomfort and
baptizing 39 persons and held 368 meet- disease."
ings. 136 were held with strangers and
158 at regular places of meeting and 74 Apostle Erastus Snow visited St.
were held at the private houses of the David and learned that the Saints who
saints." had settled there wanted to return to
Utah because the swampy land and mos-
After returning home to Huntsville he quitoes. He counseled them that if they
assisted Charles Wright in teaching would remain faithful to their mission
school during the school term. calls, the Lord would make their part of

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