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Here are the effect's of planet's in janma lagna-kundali in various houses of lagna-kundali
1. In order, that the effects of physique etc. for the various human beings are understood, I
eplain belo! things relating to "various# $havas "of a horoscope# in a special manner.
%. &he 'un in the (scendant denotes, that the native !ill have less hair "on the head#, be la)y in
function, given to anger, !ill have prominent personality, be honourable, !ill have !eak sight
and coarse physique, be courageous, impatient and unkind. If the (scendant is *ancer and is
occupied by the 'un, the native !ill have s!ollen eyes, if it be (ries !ith 'un therein, his sight
!ill be !eak and in +eo the 'un makes him night-blind. ,ne suffers poverty and loss of
children, if the 'un occupies +ibra.
-. './ I/ %nd. If the 'un is in the %nd $hava, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith servants and
quadrupeds, !ill suffer facial diseases, !ill be deprived of happiness and !ealth and !ill lose
money through royal displeasure, or through thieves.
0. 'hould the 'un be in -rd, the native !ill be valorous, strong, !ill lose co-born, be dear to
people, good-looking, very learned and !ill conquer his enemies.
1. 'hould the 'un be in 0th, the native !ill be devoid of conveyances and relatives, !ill suffer
heart diseases, !ill destroy paternal house and !ealth and !ill serve a bad king.
2. If the 'un occupies the 1th, the native !ill be bereft of happiness, sons and !ealth, !ill live by
husbandry, !ill move in hills and fortresses, be fickle-minded, scholarly, devoid of strength and
be short-lived.
3. If the 'un is in 2th, the native !ill be very libidinous, !ill have po!erful digestive fire
"capable of digesting fast#, be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be either a king, or an
(rmy chief.
4. If the 'un is posited in 3th, the native !ill be poor, insulted, !ill suffer bodily diseases, royal
displeasures and imprisonment, !ill take to bad !ays and !ill not be !ell-disposed to his !ife.
5. If the 'un occupies the 4th, the native !ill have deformed eyes, be devoid of !ealth and
happiness, be short-lived and !ill suffer separation from his relatives.
16. If the 'un occupies the 5th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith !ealth, children and friends, !ill
be very interested in !orshipping 7ods and $rahmins, !ill not be !ell-disposed to!ards his
father and !ife and be not calm.
11. 'hould the 'un be in 16th, the native !ill be etremely intelligent, rich, strong and !ill be
endo!ed !ith conveyances, relatives and sons, !ill succeed in his undertakings, be valorous,
unconquerable and great.
1%. 'hould the 'un be in 11th, one !ill be interested in gathering money, be strong, !ill hate
others, be devoid of servants, be himself a servant, be devoid of affection, be modest and !ill be
successful in undertakings.
1-. If the 'un is in 1%th at birth, he !ill have a deformed physique, be one-eyed, fallen "morally#,
!ill marry a barren lady, be inimical to his father, !eak and mean.
10. &he 8oon in the (scendant identical !ith *ancer, &aurus, or (ries indicates, that the native
!ill be liberal, beautiful, rich and enjoying pleasures greatly. &he 8oon in the (scendant
identical !ith other 'igns indicates, that the native !ill be intensely passionate, base, deaf,
distressed, dumb and !ill decline "in prosperity#.
11. 'hould the 8oon be in %nd, the native !ill enjoy incomparable happiness and friends and be
!ealthy. If the said 8oon be 9ull, the native !ill be very affluent and !ill speak less.
12. 'hould the 8oon be in -rd, the native !ill protect his co-born, be al!ays delighted, valorous
and !ill be endo!ed !ith learning, robes and food.
13. If the 8oon be in 0th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith relatives, paraphernalia and
conveyances, be charitable, fond of travelling by !ater and !ill neither be very happy nor be
14. 'hould the 8oon be in 1th, the native !ill be timid in disposition, !ill earn learning, clothes
and food, !ill have many sons and friends, be a scholar and be passionate.
15. If the 8oon be in 2th, the native !ill suffer stomachial diseases. If it be the !eak 8oon, he
!ill be short-lived.
%6. If the 8oon is in 3th, the native !ill be amiable, happy, !ill possess a good physique and be
sensuously disposed. If the !eak 8oon is in 3th, the native !ill be pitiable and !eak.
%1. If the 8oon is in 4th, the native !ill be very intelligent, very splendourous and !ill suffer
from diseases. If the 8oon be !eak, he !ill be short-lived.
%%. If the 8oon is in 5th, the native !ill be devoted to divine and paternal assignments, !ill be
endo!ed !ith happiness, !ealth, intelligence and sons and !ill attract the fair se.
%-. If the 8oon occupies the 16th, the native !ill not suffer grief, be dutiful, successful in his
undertakings, affluent, pure, very strong, valorous and charitable.
%0. 'hould the 8oon occupy the 11th, the native !ill be !ealthy, !ill have many sons, be long-
lived, !ill have attendants to serve, be intelligent, sharp, valorous and splendourous.
%1. If the 8oon occupies the 1%th, the native !ill be odious, fallen in moral sense, mean, !ill
suffer eye diseases, be indolent, distressed "deformed#, is born of other's loins and !ill be
insulted at all times.
%2. If 8ars occupies the (scendant, the native !ill be cruel, adventurous, dull-!itted, short-
lived, honourable, courageous, !ill have an injured physique, be attractive in appearance and
%3. If 8ars occupies the %nd, the native !ill be poor, !ill eat bad food, !ill possess an ugly face,
!ill join bad men and be bereft of learning.
%4. If 8ars be in -rd, the native !ill be courageous, unconquerable, bereft of co-born, be
delighted, !ill have all virtues and be famous.
%5. If 8ars is posited in 0th, the native !ill be devoid of relatives, paraphernalia and
conveyances, be very miserable, !ill live in others' houses and be distressed.
-6. If 8ars occupies the 1th, the native !ill be devoid of happiness, !ealth and sons, be fickle-
minded, be a talebearer, !ill incur evils, be !icked, distressed and mean.
-1. If 8ars occupies the 2th, the native !ill be highly libidinous, !ill have po!erful digestive
fire, be beautiful, tall, strong and great among his relatives.
-%. If 8ars is posited in 3th, the native !ill lose his !ife, !ill suffer from diseases, !ill take to
bad !ays, be miserable, sinful, devoid of !ealth, distressed and emaciated.
--. If 8ars occupies the 4th, the native !ill suffer from diseases, be short-lived, !ill possess an
ugly, or deformed body, !ill do base acts and !ill suffer grief.
-0. If 8ars occupies the 5th, the native !ill not be skillful in acts, be odious, !ill kill living
beings, be not virtuous, be very sinful and honoured by the king.
-1. If 8ars occupies the 16th, the native !ill be proficient in his acts, be valorous,
unconquerable, !ill serve important people, be endo!ed !ith sons and happiness and be very
-2. If 8ars occupies the 11th, the native !ill be virtuous, happy, courageous, endo!ed !ith
!ealth, grains and sons and be devoid of sorro!.
-3. 'hould 8ars be in 1%th, the native !ill have diseased eyes, !ill fall in moral sense, !ill kill
his !ife, be a talebearer, be fierce and !ill contract humility and imprisonment.
-4. 'hould 8ercury occupy the (scendant, the native !ill have a fla!less physique, be
intelligent, !ill kno! proper "beneficial# place and time, be !ell-versed in poetry and
mathematics, be a skillful and s!eet speaker and be long-lived.
-5. If 8ercury is in the %nd, the native !ill earn !ealth through his o!n !isdom, !ill enjoy food
and drinks, be auspicious in speech and !ill have good course of conduct.
06. If 8ercury occupies the -rd, the native !ill al!ays toil hard, be devoid of near and dear,
skillful, endo!ed !ith co-born, very cunning and fickle-minded.
01. If 8ercury is in 0th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith money and relatives, be fortunate, !ill
have conveyances, all paraphernalia and relatives and be very learned.
0%. If 8ercury occupies the 1th, the native !ill be an epert in 8antras "sacred spells# and
(bhic:ra "malevolent spells#, !ill have many sons, be endo!ed !ith learning, happiness and
efficacy and be delighted. 0-. If 8ercury occupies the 2th, the native !ill al!ays be successful in
litigations and disputes, !ill contract diseases, be indolent, not given to anger, be harsh in speech
and much insulted.
00. If 8ercury is in 3th, the native's !ife !ill be very learned, beautiful in appearance, !ill not
be of good descent, !ill promote quarrels and be very affluent. &he native himself !ill be very
01. If 8ercury occupies the 4th, the native !ill !in famous names "titles#, be strong, long-lived,
!ill support his family and be equal to a king, or !ill become a justice.
02. If 8ercury occupies the 5th, the native !ill be very affluent, scholarly, of good
conduct;habits, be eloquent in speech, skillful of a great order and be virtuous.
03. If 8ercury occupies the 16th, the native !ill possess distinguished intelligence, !ill perform
distinguished acts, !ill attain fruition in undertakings, be very learned, courageous, strong and
!ill be endo!ed !ith various kinds of ornaments.
04. If 8ercury occupies the 11th, the native !ill be rich, be an amicable !orker, be learned,
happy and endo!ed !ith !ide enjoyments, be long-lived and famous.
05. 'hould 8ercury be in the 1%th, the native !ill be able to keep up his promise, be indolent, be
humiliated, be a good speaker, be learned, pitiable and cruel.
16. If <upiter occupies the 1st, the native !ill be attractive in appearance, energetic, long-lived,
!ill act after assessing consequences, be learned, courageous and great.
11. <upiter in the %nd. If <upiter occupies the %nd, the native !ill be rich, !ill enjoy good food,
be an eloquent speaker, be fortunate, be charitable and !ill have a beautiful body and face.
1%. If <upiter occupies the -rd, the native !ill be greatly humiliated, be vile, ever successful, !ill
have digestive deficiencies, be defeated by !omen and be sinful in acts.
1-. If <upiter occupies the 0th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith relatives, paraphernalia,
conveyance, happiness, intelligence, pleasures and !ealth, be great and be a source of misery to
his enemies.
10. If <upiter occupies the 1th, the native !ill have abundant happiness, many sons and friends,
be learned, courageous, !ealthy and !ill al!ays be happy.
11. If <upiter is in the 2th, the native !ill lack digestive fire and masculine virile, be humiliated,
!eak, indolent, !ill become famous on account of females, !ill destroy his enemies and be
!idely famous.
12. If <upiter occupies the 3th, the native !ill be charming, !ill acquire a beautiful !ife, be
greater than his father, be an eloquent speaker, a poet, a superior person and be learned and
13. If <upiter occupies the 4th, the native !ill be insulted, long-lived, be a servant, !ill serve his
o!n people, be pitiable and !ill have union !ith dirty !omen.
14. If <upiter is in 5th, the native !ill be attached to divine and paternal duties, be learned,
fortunate, be a king's minister, or a leader and be chief.
15. If <upiter occupies the 16th, the native !ill attain successful beginning in his undertaking, be
honourable, effortful and !ill be endo!ed !ith abundant !elfare, happiness, !ealth, relatives,
conveyances and fame.
26. If <upiter occupies the 11th, the native !ill enjoy many gains, many conveyances and many
servants, be virtuous, but !ill have limited education and fe! sons.
21. If <upiter occupies the 1%th, the native !ill be indolent, odious, be devoid of speech and luck
and !ill be in all probability in servitude.
2%. If =enus is in (scendant, the native !ill possess beautiful eyes, face and physique, be happy,
long-lived, timid and attractive to females.
2-. If =enus is in the %nd, the native !ill enjoy abundant food, drinks and !ealth, !ill derive
ecellent pleasures, be endo!ed !ith good speech and !ill amass great !ealth.
20. If =enus occupies the -rd, the native !ill be happy, rich, conquered by !omen, be vile, little
enthusiastic and !ill be bereft of luck and paraphernalia.
21. If =enus occupies the 0th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith relatives, friends and happiness,
be splendourous, !ill have conveyances and paraphernalia, be beautiful, rich and fortunate.
22. If =enus is posited in the 1th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith happiness, sons and friends, be
fond of seual union, be very affluent, full of everything and be a minister, or a justice.
23. If =enus occupies the 2th, the native !ill greatly dislike his !ife, !ill have many foes, be
devoid of !ealth, be very much startled and be mean.
24. If =enus occupies the 3th, the native !ill be very beautiful, be happy !ith his !ife, !ill enjoy
great riches, be devoid of quarrels and be fortunate.
25. If =enus is in the 4th, the native !ill be long-lived, !ill enjoy incomparable happiness, be
very rich, be equal to a king and moment after moment !ill feel delighted.
36. If =enus occupies the 5th, the native !ill possess a spotless and broad physique, be endo!ed
!ith !ealth, charitable, !ife, seual pleasures and friendship and !ill honour 7ods, guests and
31. 'hould =enus occupy the 16th, the native !ill earn success in litigations and !ill be endo!ed
!ith happiness, seual unions, honour, !ealth, fame and great !isdom.
3%. If =enus is positioned in 11th, the native !ill have obedient servants, be bereft of all kinds of
misery and !ill gain abundantly.
3-. 'hould =enus be in 1%th, the native !ill be indolent, happy, corpulent, fallen in moral sense,
!ill eat cleansed food, !ill be skillful in providing sleeping comforts and attendants and !ill be
!on over by !omen.
30. If 'aturn happens to be in the (scendant identical !ith ealtation, or o!n House, the native
!ill equal a king in status, or !ill head a country, or city. If 'aturn is in the (scendant in other
>:?is, then his o!n, or ealtation >:?i, the planet !ill give misery in boyhood, dirty disposition
and indolence.
31. If 'aturn occupies the %nd, the native !ill have an ugly face, !ill enjoy !orldly prosperity,
be devoid of his o!n men, !ill render justice, !ill later on "in the course of his life# go to other
countries and !ill earn money and conveyances.
32. If 'aturn occupies the -rd, the native !ill be dark in compleion, !ill maintain physical
cleanliness, be base, !ill have indolent attendants, be courageous, charitable and !ill have great
33. '(&.>/ I/ &H@ 0th. If 'aturn occupies the 0th $hava, the native !ill suffer heart disease,
or be broken-hearted, be devoid of relatives, conveyances, !ealth, intelligence and happiness,
!ill suffer sickness in boyhood and !ill have "prominent# nails and hair.
34. '(&.>/ I/ &H@ 1th. 'hould 'aturn occupy the 1th $hava, the native !ill be bereft of
happiness, sons, friends, intelligence and kindness, be agitated and be poor.
35. If 'aturn occupies the 2th, the native !ill be very licentious, be beautiful, courageous, !ill
eat abundantly, be crooked and !ill conquer many of his enemies.
46. If 'aturn is posited in the 3th, the native !ill al!ays be subjected to ill health, !ill lose his
!ife, be bereft of !ealth, !ill present himself ugly, be sinful and !ill do very mean acts.
41. If 'aturn occupies the 4th, the native !ill suffer from leprosy and fistula in the anus, or
pudendum, !ill have short life and !ill fail in his undertakings.
4%. If 'aturn occupies the 5th, the native !ill be devoid of religious merits, !ill not have much
!ealth, be bereft of co-born, sons and happiness and !ill cause sorro! to others.
4-. If 'aturn occupies the 16th, the native !ill be !ealthy, learned, valorous and be a minister, or
a justice, or be the leader of a group, city, or village.
40. If 'aturn occupies the 11th, the native !ill be long-lived, endo!ed !ith lasting riches, be
courageous, !ill have kno!ledge of arts, be devoid of sickness and be endo!ed !ith money,
people and !ealth.
41. If 'aturn occupies the 1%th, the native !ill be distressed, fallen in moral sense, talkative, !ill
have defective eyesight, be unkind, shameless, !ill spend much and be insulted.
42-41. If malefics occupy various $havas "other than 2th, 4th and 1%th#, they bring harm to the
$havas, !hile benefics increase their potence. 8alefics are auspicious in evil Houses, i.e. 2th,
4th and 1%th, !hile benefics prove adverse in these $havas. (ccording the strength of
Aogakaraka planets, their beneficial relationship, friendly;inimical aspects etc. and position in
ealtation;debilitation, the "good, or bad# results of $havas can vary "i.e. be maimum, medium,
or nil#.
&hus ends the -6th *h. entitled @ffects of Blanets in $havas in Calyana =arma's 'aravali.
*h. -1. &!o Blanets in (ngles
1. /o! eplained are effects of t!o planet conjunctions in the (scendant, the 0th, the 3th and the
%-1. './-8,,/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 'un and 8oon occupy the (scendant,
the native !ill suffer grief regarding parents, !ill be devoid of honour, sons and !ealth, be
insulted and miserable.
If the 'un and 8oon join in the 0th $hava, the native !ill be deprived of relatives, happiness and
sons, !ill suffer penury and !ill be a great dunce.
If the 'un and 8oon join in the 3th $hava, he !ill be devoid of friends and sons and be insulted
by females.
If the 'un and 8oon join in the 16th $hava, he !ill possess a beautiful physique, be an (rmy
chief, be endo!ed !ith the quality of >ajas, or passion, be unkind, crooked and !ill destroy his
2-5. './-8(>' *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 'un and 8ars join in the (scendant, the
person !ill be bilious, be bold in !ar, short-tempered, !ill have injured body, be cruel, crafty
and harsh.
If the 'un and 8ars join in the 0th, he !ill be devoid of relatives and !ealth, be bereft of all
kinds of happiness and be agitated.
If the 'un and 8ars join in the 3th, he !ill suffer from separation from his !ife, be insulted on
account of females and !ill be fond of moving in foreign places.
If the 'un and 8ars join in the 16th, the native !ill face failure in his undertakings, be a servant,
be emotional, be a principal employee !ith the king and be al!ays distressed.
16-1-. './-8@>*.>A *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 'un and 8ercury are in the
(scendant, the native !ill be very learned and garrulous, !ill have hard limbs, be fond of
adventures, be !ise and be long-lived.
If the 'un and 8ercury are in the 0th, the native !ill be equal to a king, be famous, !ill keep up
his promise, !ill be endo!ed !ith riches equal to that of Cubera "the 7od of Dealth in Hindu
8ythology# and !ill have a corpulent body and crooked nose.
If the 'un and 8ercury are in the 3th, the native !ill meet his death due to murder, or
imprisonment, !ill not keep up his !ord, be a great miser, bereft of seual pleasures and be a
If the 'un and 8ercury are in the 16th, he !ill be famous in the entire !orld, !ill o!n elephants
and horses and be a king, provided none of these t!o is in debilitation.
10-13. './-<.BI&@> *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 'un and <upiter join in the
(scendant, the native !ill be virtuous, be a minister, or an (rmy chief, or be sagely in
disposition and !ill be endo!ed !ith learning, !ealth, pleasures and fame.
If the 'un and <upiter join in the 0th, he !ill be interested in =edas, <ustice and poetry, be
eloquent, virtuous, fortunate and !ill be endo!ed !ith servants.
If the 'un and <upiter join in the 3th, he !ill subdue to !omen out of seual passion, !ill dislike
his father, be endo!ed !ith gold, ruby, silver and pearls and !ill possess a defect-free body.
If the 'un and <upiter join in the 16th, he !ill be endo!ed !ith fame, happiness, honour and
!ealth and !ill become a king though belonging to a base lineage.
14-%1. './-=@/.' *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 'un and =enus join in the (scendant,
the native !ill be fond of quarrels, be immodest, !ill take to bad conduct, be sorro!ful, mean
and be devoid of !ealth and !omen.
If the 'un and =enus join in the 0th, one !ill serve others, be sorro!ful, !ill fill himself !ith
hatred to!ards others and !ill suffer penury.
,ne !ill be insulted by !omen, be devoid of !ealth, !ill have a corpulent body, !ill !ander in
hills and forests, if the 'un be in the 3th along !ith =enus.
If the 'un and =enus join in the 16th, he !ill be engaged in trade, be a king's minister, be skillful
in 'hastras, arts etc. and !ill enjoy happiness of !ealth and conveyances.
%%-%1. './-'(&.>/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. 'hould the 'un and 'aturn be together in
the (scendant at birth, the native is born of a blame!orthy mother, !ill have blame!orthy
conduct, or profession, !ill al!ays be of dirty disposition and be sinful.
'hould the 'un and 'aturn be together in the 0th House, the native !ill be base in disposition,
!ill be synonym of penury and poverty and !ill be humiliated among his relatives.
'hould the 'un and 'aturn be together in the 3th House, the native !ill be inactive "EmandaF has
other meanings, like stupid, foolish, tardy, indifferent, !eak-brained, addicted to drinking,
defective etc.#, indolent, unfortunate, devoid of a female and of !ealth, !ill hunt animals and be
highly dull!itted. 'hould the 'un and 'aturn be together in the 16th, one !ill serve in lo!
position in foreign countries "i.e. places not of his o!n#, !ill earn !ealth through kings
sometimes, but !ill lose the same in theft and be al!ays poor.
%2-%5. 8,,/-8(>' *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. &he native, !ho has the 8oon and 8ars
together in the (scendant !ill have defects of blood, digestive fire and bile, !ill be a king "i.e.
!ill be !ealthy# and !ill be harsh.
&he native, !ho has the 8oon and 8ars together in the 0th House, the native !ill incur grief, be
devoid of !ealth, happiness, progeny and relatives and be defective of some limb.
&he 8oon and 8ars together in the 3th denotes, that the person concerned !ill be base, be after
others' money, be garrulous, untruthful and jealous.
&he 8oon and 8ars together in the 16th !ill make the person possess the !ealth of (rmy
consisting of horses, elephants and bipeds and brave.
-6---. 8,,/-8@>*.>A *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. 'hould the 8oon and 8ercury be
together in the (scendant, the native !ill possess happiness, intelligence, strength, fortune and
splendour, be talkative and very skillful.
'hould the 8oon and 8ercury be together in the 0th, one !ill be endo!ed !ith relatives,
friends, progeny, happiness, valour, gold and precious stones and be fortunate.
'hould the 8oon and 8ercury be together in the 3th, one !ill be valorous, be dear to king, or be
a king himself, be famous, be a great poet and be soft in disposition.
'hould the 8oon and 8ercury be together in the 16th, the subject !ill be honourable, be !ealthy
and very famous, be a royal minister, !ill grieve during the last leg of his life and be devoid of
-0--3. 8,,/-<.BI&@> *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 8oon joins <upiter in the
(scendant, the person concerned !ill be a king, !ill possess large and broad chest, !ill have
many sons, friends and !ives and !ill be endo!ed !ith a good physique and !ith relatives.
If the 8oon joins <upiter in the 0th indicate, that one !ill be a minister, or be of royal status, be
endo!ed !ith happiness, relatives and great riches "or pro!ess# and !ill master many 'hastras.
If the 8oon joins <upiter in the 3th !ill make one very learned, kingly, an epert in arts, a good
businessman, dear to king, !ealthy and prosperous.
If the 8oon joins <upiter in the 16th this conjunction gives learning, charitable disposition,
!ealth, honour and fame. 9urther he !ill be soft, !ill possess long arms and !ill be revered by
-4-01. &H@ 8,,/-=@/.' *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 8oon and =enus join in the
(scendant, the native !ill derive happiness through association !ith courtesans, be
splendourous, be agreeable to elders and !ill possess garlands, clothes and scents.
If the 8oon and =enus join in the 0th !ill make one derive happiness through females, earn
!ealth through !ater, dear to people and enjoy abundant pleasures.
If the 8oon and =enus join in the 3th, one !ill join many !omen, !ill not have much !ealth
and not many sons, be an intellectual and !ill leave a royal history behind.
If the 8oon and =enus join in the 16th !ill be endo!ed !ith honour, command and riches, be a
king, or a minister, be famous and !ill be endo!ed !ith many people.
0%-01. &H@ 8,,/-'(&.>/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If the 8oon and 'aturn join in
the (scendant, the native !ill be in servitude, be base, given to anger, be miserly, sleepy, la)y
and sinful.
If the 8oon and 'aturn join in the 0th, one !ill earn through !ater, pearls and boats, be engaged
in ecavation "or in mines etc.#, be ecellent and agreeable to others.
If the 8oon and 'aturn join in the 3th, the subject !ill be devoid of !ife, be supreme among his
to!nsmen and be honoured by the king.
If the 8oon and 'aturn join in the 16th, the person concerned !ill !in the enemies !ith his
(rmy of horses, be famous, is a bad !oman's son and !ill be head of men.
02. GI'B,'I&I,/ ,9 &H@ 8,,/. If the 8oon is conjunct benefics she !ill al!ays prove
If the 8oon joins 8ars;'aturn, she is al!ays inauspiciousH this does not apply to her joining
8ars;'aturn in the 16th so, that the native becomes an (rmy chief.
03-16. 8(>'-8@>*.>A *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. ,ne, !ho has 8ars and 8ercury in
conjunction in the (scendant !ill be murderous "or cruel, or mischievous#, be skillful in dealing
!ith jobs related to fire, be a metallurgist;mineralogist, be industrious, be an ambassador "or a
messenger# and !ill enjoy concealed;secret properties.
If 8ars and 8ercury are conjunct in the 0th, one !ill be devoid of relatives, but endo!ed !ith
friends, !ealth, food, pleasures and conveyances and !ill be discarded by his o!n people.
If 8ars and 8ercury are conjunct in the 3th, one !ill !ander from country to country
"aimlessly#, !ill serve base people, be skillful in arguments and !ill lose his first !ife.
If 8ars and 8ercury are conjunct in the 16th denotes, that the person !ill be an (rmy chief, be
valorous, crafty, very cruel, dear to king and courageous.
11-10. 8(>'-<.BI&@> *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If 8ars and <upiter are in conjunction
in the (scendant, one !ill be a minister, !ill possess prime virtues, become famous in the front
of charity and !ill be ever enthusiastic.
If 8ars and <upiter are in conjunction in the 0th, one !ill be endo!ed !ith relatives and friends,
!ill have firm !ealth, be happy, !ill serve the king and be devoted to the (lmighty and elders.
If 8ars and <upiter are in conjunction in the 3th, one !ill be inclined to !ander in hills, forts,
!ater-resorts and forests, !ill have good relatives, be valorous and !ill be devoid of spouse.
If 8ars and <upiter are in conjunction in the 16th !ill confer kinghood, !ide fame, abundant
!ealth and attendants and etreme skill at !ork.
11-14. 8(>'-=@/.' *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. 'hould 8ars and =enus join in the
(scendant the native !ill be addicted to prostitutes, !ill indulge in bad acts, !ill lose !ealth on
account of females and !ill not live long.
If the conjunction of =enus and 8ars occur in the 0th, he !ill be bereft of relatives, friends and
progeny, !ill be tortured by mental pressures and !ill be very miserable.
'hould 8ars and =enus join in the 3th denotes, that he !ill !ander after !omen, !ill have a bad
history, !ill eperience abundant grief on account of females and !ill posses mean conduct.
'hould 8ars and =enus join in the 16th, one !ill be a master of archery, be intelligent, be
endo!ed !ith learning, !ealth, robes and flo!ers, be famous and be a king's minister.
15-2%. 8(>'-'(&.>/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If 8ars and 'aturn are together in the
(scendant, one !ill be successful in !ars, !ill hate his mother and !ill face curtailed longevity
and declining fortunes.
If 8ars and 'aturn are together in the 0th, one !ill be bereft of food, drinks and happiness, be
given up by his o!n men, be devoid of friends and be sinful.
If 8ars and 'aturn are together in the 3th indicates, that the native !ill be devoid of conjugal
happiness and progeny, be indigent, sick, !ill house vices in him, be insulted by people and be a
tale bearer.
If 8ars and 'aturn are together in the 16th, one !ill acquire !ealth through king, but be
punished for a great crime and be a liar.
2--22. 8@>*.>A-<.BI&@> I/ (/7+@' I/ *,/<./*&I,/. If 8ercury and <upiter be
together in the (scendant, one !ill have an auspicious "pleasing# appearance, !ill be endo!ed
!ith auspicious "ecellent# qualities, be learned, honoured by the king, !ill conquer his five
senses and !ill enjoy conveyances, happiness and pleasures.
If 8ercury and <upiter be together in the 0th, one !ill be blessed !ith relatives, friends,
happiness, females, fortune, !ealth, royal favour and skill.
If 8ercury and <upiter be together in the 3th denotes, that one !ill obtain a virtuous !ife, !ill
destroy his enemies, !ill be endo!ed !ith many friends, people, !ealth and pro!ess and !ill be
famous on account of his father.
If 8ercury and <upiter be together in the 16th, these t!o planets together !ill make one a
minister, or a king, honourable, commanding, famous, modest and interested in =edas.
23-36. 8@>*.>A-=@/.' I/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If 8ercury and =enus join in the
(scendant, one !ill have a good physique "i.e. beautiful physique#, be learned, al!ays fortunate,
be honoured by the king, be very !ealthy, pious of $rahmins and (lmighty and be famous.
If 8ercury and =enus join in the 0th, he !ill be endo!ed !ith sons, friends and relatives, be
fortunate, be a minister, or a king and be endo!ed !ith happiness. "Calyana apart from meaning
happiness, indicates ecellence, fortune, auspiciousness etc.#
If 8ercury and =enus join in the 3th, he !ill be surrounded !ith many good !omen, be
endo!ed !ith pleasures, money and sovereignty, be happy and be dear to king.
If 8ercury and =enus join in the 16th, he !ill be endo!ed !ith kno!ledge of the science of
ethics, "or Bolicy, or Bolitics#, be a king, be virtuous, !ill not patroni)e base men, be !ealthy,
!ill attain good beginning in his undertakings and be skillful.
31-30. 8@>*.>A-'(&.>/ I/ (/7+@' I/ *,/<./*&I,/. If 8ercury and 'aturn be in
conjunction in the (scendant, one !ill have a dirty body, be sinful, be bereft of learning, !ealth
and vehicles, be short-lived and !ill have declining fortunes.
If 8ercury and 'aturn be in conjunction in the 0th, he !ill be devoid of drinks, food and
relatives, be rejected by his o!n people, be foolish, devoid of friends and be sinful.
If 8ercury and 'aturn be in conjunction in the 3th indicates, that he !ill be the servant of a rich
person, be foolish, !ill harm others, be not virtuous, be very dirty and be not truthful.
If 8ercury and 'aturn be in conjunction in the 16th, he !ill conquer the entire band of his
enemies, !ill be endo!ed !ith relatives, friends, conveyances and !ealth and !ill honour the
(lmighty and $rahmins.
31-34. <.BI&@>-=@/.' I/ (/7+@' I/ *,/<./*&I,/. Dith <upiter and =enus in the
(scendant, the native even though a $rahmin by birth !ill on account of his preceptor's teaching
become a king, or equal to a king.
Dith <upiter and =enus in the 0th the native !ill !in all his enemies, !ill be endo!ed !ith
relatives, friends, conveyances, !ealth and !ill honour the (lmighty and $rahmins.
Dith <upiter and =enus in the 3th, one !ill acquire a virtuous female, be endo!ed !ith precious
stones and riches, !ill acquire happiness, fame and female issue and !ill procure ecellent
conveyances and enjoy pleasures.
Dith <upiter and =enus in the 16th, he !ill !idely command, be !idely honoured and endo!ed,
!ide riches, be a king, !ill have many servants and be virtuous.
35-4%. <.BI&@>-'(&.>/ I/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If 'aturn and <upiter are together
in the (scendant at birth, the native !ill be languid !ith passion "or intoication#, hard-hearted,
is of a noble descent, learned, rich, !ill have limited happiness and be !icked.
If 'aturn and <upiter are together in the 0th, he !ill be a king's minister, be bereft of diseases, be
successful, be endo!ed !ith relatives and friends, !ill have the !ealth of affection "i.e.
etremely affectionate# and be happy.
If 'aturn and <upiter are together in the 3th, he !ill lose !ealth due to enmity !ith females, be
courageous, !ill possess vices, be crafty, !ill not be endo!ed !ith pleasing appearance, !ill be
greedy of paternal property and be foolish.
If 'aturn and <upiter are together in the 16th, he !ill be dear to the king, be a king himself, !ill
have limited progeny, be in transitory "or steady# and !ill possess quadrupeds and conveyances.
4--42. =@/.'-'(&.>/ I/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ (/7+@'. If =enus and 'aturn join together
in the (scendant, one !ill be seeking union !ith all !omen "i.e. he !ill enjoy many !omen#,
!ill possess a splendourous body, be endo!ed !ith happiness, pleasures and !ealth, !ill have
many servants and be highly bereaved.
If =enus and 'aturn join together in the 0th, he !ill gain abundantly through friends, be highly
honoured by his relatives and !ill be close to the king.
If =enus and 'aturn join together in the 3th denotes, that the native !ill be besto!ed !ith
!omen, precious stones, !ealth, fame and seual pleasures.
If =enus and 'aturn join together in the 16th, he !ill be devoid of all duals "i.e. good and bad,
grief and happiness, poverty and !ealth etc.#, !ill perform ecellent acts and be a famous
43. @99@*&' ,9 8,>@ /.8$@> ,9 B+(/@&'. 'imilarly the effects of conjunctions of -,
0, 1, or 2 planets in (ngles should be suitably understood.
/inth House (nd @ffects &hereof
1. +eaving aside all the other Houses, one should first analy)e the House of fortune "or
$hagyasthana# for a native can not obtain benefic results !ithout fortune. 'o narrated belo! is
an account in this direction.
%. $hagyasthana "House of fortune# is that, !hich is the 5th counted from the (scendant, or from
the 8oon. @ffects of the 5th counted from the stronger of the (scendant and the 8oon !ill come
to pass.
-. &he House occupied by the +ord of the 5th and the planet occupying the 5th !ill have a say on
one's fortune. &heir strength, or !eakness !ill indicate the fortunes.
0. If the 5th House is aspected, or occupied by its o!n +ord, the native !ill make his fortunes in
his o!n country. If others aspect, or join the House in question, the da!n of fortune !ill be
1. &he native !ill be etremely lucky, if a planet lends full aspect to the 5th from the -rd, 1th, or
(scendant. &he planet in question should be strong in the process.
2-3. <.BI&@> I/ &H@ 5th (/G ('B@*&' &H@>@&,. If <upiter is placed in the 5th, the native
!ill become a minister.
If <upiter is in the 5th and is aspected by the 'un, one !ill be equal to a king.
If <upiter is in the 5th and is aspected by the 8oon one !ill be splendourous and !ill enjoy
If <upiter is in the 5th and is aspected by 8ars, he !ill be endo!ed !ith gold.
If <upiter is in the 5th and is aspected by 8ercury one !ill be affluent.
If <upiter is in the 5th and is aspected by =enus one !ill have quadrupeds, conveyances and
If <upiter is in the 5th and is aspected by 'aturn one !ill possess immovable properties, asses and
4-1%. <.BI&@> I/ &H@ 5th I/ ('B@*& &, &D, B+(/@&'. If the 5th House is occupied by
<upiter and aspected by both the 'un and 8ars, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith sovereignty,
precious stones, gold, courage, ecellence, strength, conveyances and servants.
If the 5th House is occupied by <upiter and aspected by both the 'un and the 8oon, he !ill be
blessed !ith plentifulness "of all things#, be devoted to his parents, be famous, be equal to a king
and !ill have plurality of !ives.
If the 'un and 8ercury jointly aspect the <upiter in the 5th, he !ill be graceful, splendourous,
fortunate, be endo!ed !ith an ecellent !ife, ornaments and !ealth and !ill be epert in poetry
and arts.
If the 5th House is occupied by <upiter and aspected by both the 'un and =enus, one !ill be
festive in disposition, !ill have "!ide# social activities and !ill be endo!ed !ith co!s,
buffaloes, elephants etc.
If the 'un and 'aturn aspect <upiter in the 5th, one !ill be head of a country, to!n, or group, be
famous, learned, virtuous, affluent and !ill have a tendency of accumulating.
1--12. <.BI&@> I/ &H@ 5&H I/ ('B@*&' &, &D, B+(/@&' "continued#. If <upiter
occupies the 5th in aspect to both 8ars and the 8oon, one !ill be an (rmy chief, or a minister
and be endo!ed !ith various kinds of happiness.
If <upiter occupies the 5th in aspect to both 8ercury and the 8oon, he !ill enjoy ecellent
houses, sleeping comforts and pleasures, be splendourous, patient and very intelligent.
If <upiter occupies the 5th in aspect to both the 8oon and =enus, he !ill be very rich, dutiful,
valorous, attached to others' !ives and be devoid of sons.
If <upiter occupies the 5th in aspect to both the 8oon and 'aturn, he !ill be very lascivious,
endo!ed !ith permanent livelihood, !ill live in foreign places, be argumentative, be a liar and
be not virtuous.
13-%%. <.BI&@> I/ &H@ 5th I/ ('B@*& &, &D, B+(/@&' "continued#. If <upiter is in the
5th and is in aspect to both 8ars and 8ercury, one !ill be highly learned, very virtuous, !ill
keep up his !ord and !ill have a pleasing appearance.
If 8ars and =enus jointly aspect <upiter in the 5th, one !ill be !ealthy, learned, !ill live in
foreign countries, be sincere, very skillful and cruel.
If 8ars and 'aturn jointly aspect <upiter in the 5th, the native !ill be base, tale bearing, spiteful,
living in foreign places and !ill be in the company of unsteady people.
If 8ercury and =enus jointly aspect <upiter in the 5th, one !ill be an artisan, be very virtuous,
learned, fortunate, !ill keep up his promise and !ill possess a pleasing appearance.
If 8ercury and 'aturn jointly aspect <upiter in the 5th, the native !ill be fortunate, learned,
eloquent in speech, pleasing, courageous, happy and modest.
%-. <upiter in the 5th in aspect to 5th +ord !ill make one a king. &he effects stated in connection
!ith <upiter's position in the 5th and aspects thereof are valid, only !hen no other planets "than
the mentioned# aspect.
%0. If all the planets aspect <upiter posited in the 5th, the native !ill possess ecellent guise,
virtues, splendour, sovereignty and abundant riches.
%1. If the 5th is occupied by a strong benefic, it confers kingdom, according to the !ise, in
addition to movable properties, !ealth, grains, righteousness and increased longevity.
%2. (99+I*&I,/ &, &H@ 5th. If the 5th House gives place to a debilitated planet, or a combust
planet, or a malefic planet and be !ithout a benefic's aspect, the native !ill be devoid of "moral#
strength, !ealth and fame and be dirty.
%3. If the malefic in the 5th is the o!ner of that House, then it proves auspicious. (nd !ith a
benefic's aspect it is more auspicious.
%4. If 9ull 8oon is in the 5th, !hile 8ars, 'aturn and 8ercury are strong the native is born to a
%5. If a planet is ealted in the 5th, an ecellent person is born !ith plentifulness of !ealth and
gold. (nd, if a benefic aspects the ealted planet in question, the native !ill be a supreme ruler,
destroyer of the band of his enemies, !ill possess divine splendour and great fame.
-6--1. @99@*&' ,9 ,&H@> B+(/@&' I/ *,/<./*&I,/ DI&H &H@ './ I/ &H@ 5th
H,.'@. If the 'un and the 8oon are together in the 5th, the native !ill have a short life, !ill be
afflicted by eye diseases, be rich fortunate and fond of quarrels.
If 8ars and the 'un be together in the 5th, the native !ill eperience many kinds of miseries, be
fond of quarrels, be fierce, courageous, dear to king and be skillful.
If 8ercury and the 'un are together in the 5th, one !ill be skillful, miserable, !ill have many
enemies and suffer from many diseases.
If <upiter and the 'un be in conjunction in the 5th, the native !ill be endo!ed !ith !ealth, !ill
obtain abundant paternal !ealth, be long-lived, very courageous and be a !orthy person.
'hould =enus and the 'un be together, in the 5th, he !ill incur diseases and !ill be endo!ed
!ith scents, garlands, ornaments, robes and decorative articles.
If 'aturn and the 'un be so placed one !ill be rich, !ill suffer from eye diseases, be fond of
quarrels and be short-lived.
-2-06. @99@*&' ,9 ,&H@>' <,I/I/7 &H@ 8,,/ I/ &H@ 5th. If 8ars joins the 8oon in
the 5th, one !ill be devoid of mother "i.e. !ill lose his mother early#, !ill have a deformed body
and !ith ulcers and be !ealthy.
If 8ercury joins the 8oon in the 5th, he !ill have kno!ledge of 'hastras, be scholarly, !ill have
some physical deformity, !ill be ecellent among men, !ill talk much and be famous.
If <upiter joins the 8oon, he !ill be distinguished, !ill be fortunate, !ill be endo!ed !ith
abundant riches, !ill be al!ays happy and be courageous.
If =enus be the accompanying planet, he !ill suffer from diseases, !ill marry an unchaste lady,
be plentiful, !ill have a step-mother and !ill be in a minister's custody "i.e. !ill serve a
significant person#.
'hould 'aturn join the 8oon in the 5th, he !ill be devoid of moral merits, be sinful and !ill
have a fallen mother.
01-00. @99@*&' ,9 8(>' <,I/I/7 ,&H@>' I/ &H@ 5th. If 8ars be in the company of
8ercury in the 5th, one !ill be chief of men, !ill be al!ays emotional, be fortunate, !ill enjoy
pleasures and be skillful in 'hastras.
If it is <upiter !ith !hom 8ars is conjunct in the 5th, one !ill be endo!ed !ith !ealth and
grains, be honourable, be troubled by sickness and !ill be pained !ith bodily !ounds.
If =enus is joining 8ars in the 5th, one !ill live in foreign places, be argumentative, cruel, !ill
hate !omen, be ungrateful and !ill indulge in falsehood.
If 'aturn is !ith 8ars in the 5th, one !ill be sinful, !ill be of dirty conduct, be interested in
other house!ives, be deprived of !ealth and happiness and !ill not be !ith his o!n men.
01-03. 8@>*.>A I/ *,/<./*&I,/ DI&H ,&H@>' I/ &H@ 5th. If 8ercury is !ith
<upiter in the 5th, one !ill be learned in 'hastras, be a scholar, be !ealthy, !ill speak s!eetly, be
an artisan and an efficacious and ecellent person.
=enus and 8ercury in the 5th denotes, that one !ill be famous, very learned, valorous, fortunate,
skillful in speech and be fond of songs.
If 'aturn and 8ercury are in the 5th in conjunction, he !ill suffer from diseases, be very rich, be
endo!ed !ith dear and near, be skillful, envious and be garrulous.
04-05. <.BI&@> <,I/I/7 ,&H@>' I/ &H@ 5th. If =enus and <upiter be together in the 5th,
one !ill be a leader of men, be long-lived, eloquent and !ill be endo!ed !ith many kinds of
happiness and !ealth.
If <upiter and 'aturn are in the 5th, the native !ill enjoy !ealth and gems, be honourable, !ill
have diseases to trouble him and be devoid of his o!n men.
16. =@/.'-'(&.>/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ &H@ 5th. &his conjunction denotes, that the native
!ill be sickly, !ill have many sons, be dear to king, famous and virtuous.
11. In analy)ing the said effects, the 'igns and aspects involved should be skillfully understood
according to 'hastras and results declared accordingly, so say the learned.
1%. @99@*&' ,9 - B+(/@&' I/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ 5th. If the 'un, 8oon and 8ars are
together in the 5th, one !ill lose his parents in his very boyhood, be base, odious and hurtful.
1-. If the 'un, 8oon and 8ercury join in the 5th, the native !ill be a eunuch in appearance, be
miserable, !ill hate all people and be valorous and truthful.
10. If the 'un, the 8oon and <upiter join in the 5th, one !ill be ecellent and !ill possess
conveyances, !ealth and happiness.
11. If =enus, the 8oon and the 'un be together in the 5th, one !ill lose all his happiness and
!ealth due to quarrels !ith females, be dear to king, !ill have kno!ledge of politics and !ill be
an eloquent speaker.
12. If the 'un, the 8oon and 'aturn join in the 5th, one !ill be very strong, !ill have cruel
conduct, !ill serve others and !ill hate others.
13. If the 'un, 8ars and 8ercury be in the 5th, one !ill be an eloquent speaker, be akin to a
snake, !hen in anger, be fond of quarrels, be hard-hearted and !ill be interested in living in
foreign countries.
14. If the 'un, <upiter and 8ars are together in the 5th, one !ill be al!ays diligent, be intent on
!orshipping his father and 7od, !ill have an affluent !ife and be virtuous.
15. If the 'un, 8ars and =enus be together in the 5th, one !ill be fond of quarrels, is of a high
descent, !ill spoil virgins, be fickle-minded and be odious.
26. If 8ars, 'aturn and the 'un join in the 5th, one !ill be valorous, very mean, !ill hate people,
be fond of speaking lies, be cruel and be fatherless from boyhood.
21. 'hould the 'un, 8ercury and <upiter join in the 5th, one !ill be endo!ed !ith fortunes,
!ealth and happiness, be dear to king, be appealing in appearance and be courageous.
2%. 'hould =enus join the 'un and 8ercury in the 5th, one !ill be splendourous, famous, !ill
destroy his enemies, be equal to a king and be rich.
2-. 'hould the 'un, 8ercury and 'aturn join in the 5th, one !ill be fond of others' !omen, be a
sinner, be interested in living in foreign places, be skillful, be a profligate, be a liar and be
20. 'hould the 'un, =enus and <upiter join in the 5th, one !ill be very learned, splendourous,
!ill kno! many things and be intelligent.
21. &he conjunction of the 'un, <upiter and 'aturn in the 5th is indicative, that the native !ill be
highly valorous, be a king, be !ealthy, virtuous and plentiful.
22. If the 'un, =enus and 'aturn be together in the 5th, one !ill be devoid of splendour, be dirty,
punished by the king, be devoid of riches and be foolish.
23. &he company formed by the 8oon, 8ercury and 8ars in the 5th denotes, that the subject
!ill enjoy !ealth, gold and gems and !ill be miserable throughout his boyhood.
24. If the 8oon, 8ars and <upiter join in the 5th, one !ill conquer his five senses, be learned,
!ill honour elders and 7ods and !ill be endo!ed !ith learning and !ealth and be fortunate.
25. If =enus, 8oon and 8ars are together in the 5th, one !ill have a !ounded body, be ugly, !ill
eat a lot, be fond of !omen, be at their disposal and !ill lose his strength "or !ealth# through
36. 'hould 'aturn, 8ars and the 8oon be in the 5th, one !ill not possess a good maternal
history, be base, be given up by his mother in boyhood and !ill be mean among men.
31. If the 8oon, 8ercury and <upiter are together in the 5th one !ill bring credit to his descent,
!ill be a preceptor, !ill possess many friends and !ill be a king endo!ed !ith many things.
3%. If the 8oon, 8ercury and =enus be together in the 5th, one !ill have a stepmother, be
endo!ed !ith delight and honour, !ill have many friends and !ill be gentle, or pacific.
3-. If the 8oon, 8ercury and 'aturn are together in the 5th, one !ill be bad in conduct, be
courageous, dirty, be averse to !ar and be poor.
30. If the 8oon, <upiter and =enus be in the 5th, one !ill be equal to a king and be a king.
31. If <upiter, 'aturn and the 8oon be in the 5th one !ill speak s!eetly, be truthful, virtuous,
famous and skillful in all 'hastras.
32. If =enus, the 8oon and 'aturn join in the 5th, one !ill be in agricultural profession, be
interested in !omen, !ill not indulge in sinful acts, !ill accomplish his objects "Critakritya# and
be !orld-famous.
33. If 8ars, 8ercury and <upiter join in the 5th, one !ill be splendourous, devoid of grief, be
learned, firm in his !ord, famous and be head of a )one.
34. If 8ars, 8ercury and =enus are conjunct in the 5th, one !ill head many provinces, or affairs,
be famous, honoured by the king, the fierce and be al!ays )ealous.
35. If 8ars, 8ercury and 'aturn join in the 5th, one !ill be skillful in cheating others, !ill be
highly gloomy, !ill not be in a position to understand 'hastras "i.e. be not so learned# and cannot
understand others' notions.
46. If 8ercury, <upiter and =enus be together in the 5th one !ill be equal to 7od, be spotless,
famous, kingly, learned and virtuous.
41. 'hould 8ercury, =enus and 'aturn join in the 5th, one !ill be intelligent, splendourous,
eloquent and happy.
4%. ,ne !ith 'aturn, =enus and <upiter in the 5th, !ill have plenty of food, drinks and riches, be
fortunate, happy and beautiful.
9,.> B+(/@&' I/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ 5th. 4-. If the 'un, the 8oon, 8ars and 8ercury join
in the 5th, one !ill be rich, learned, fortunate and dear to king.
40. If =enus, 8oon, 'un and 8ars are together in the 5th, one !ill be cunning, !ill be happy
!ith his !ife and !ill indulge in many mean acts.
41. ,ne, !ho has the 8oon, <upiter, 8ercury and the 'un in the 5th, !ill be principle, steady,
honoured by the king and be delighted.
42. ,ne !ith the 8oon, =enus, 8ercury and 'un in the 5th, !ill be a +ord of !ealth, morally
meritorious, plentiful, eloquent in speech and be calm.
43. If the 'un, 8ercury, 8oon and 'aturn be together in the 5th, one !ill be rich, splendourous,
kingly, !ill have many quadrupeds and !ill possess rich qualities.
44. ,ne !ith the 'un, <upiter, 8ercury and =enus !ill honour 7od and father, !ill have a rich
!ife and be virtuous.
45. If =enus, 8ars, 8ercury and the 'un join together in the 5th, one !ill be hard-hearted,
beautiful, interested in valorous acts, be not !ealthy and !ill lose his !ealth through his
56. If the 'un, 8ars, 8ercury and 'aturn be together in the 5th, one !ill be interested in others'
!ives, !ill incur loss of !ealth and be al!ays pitiable.
51. ,ne !ith the 'un, =enus, 8ars and <upiter in the 5th, !ill hate people, be troubled by thirst,
!ill spoil virgins and be fickle-minded.
5%. If the 'un, 8ars, <upiter and 'aturn are in the 5th at birth, one !ill be devoid of happiness,
be diligent, fierce and courageous.
5-. If the 'un, <upiter, =enus and 8ercury are in the 5th, one !ill be an ecellent person
endo!ed !ith !ealth, gold and sovereignty.
50. If the 'un, 8ercury, <upiter and 'aturn are together in the 5th, one !ill be devoid of !ealth,
be sinful, be interested in other house!ives, spiteful and !ill indulge in mean acts.
51. 'hould the 'un, 8ercury, =enus and 'aturn be in 5th, one !ill be fortunate, !ealthy, truthful
and !orld-famous.
52. Dith the 'un, <upiter, =enus and 'aturn in the 5th, one !ill be truthful, eloquent and !ill
honour elders, $rahmins and guests.
53. If the 8oon, 8ars, 8ercury and <upiter are in the 5th, one !ill have plenty of robes, !ill lose
his mother in boyhood and be !ealthy.
54. Dith 8ars, =enus, 8ercury and the 8oon in the 5th, one !ill practice penance, be famous,
be a good speaker, be very charitable, ultra-mundane in disposition and be very learned.
55. If 'aturn, 8ercury, 8oon and 8ars are together in the 5th, one !ill be dejected, poor, base,
cunning and interested in others' !ives.
166. If 8ars, 8oon, =enus and 'aturn, are together in the 5th, one is born in a royal family. He
!ill be a principle person, be valorous, !ill be endo!ed !ith plenty of learning and money, be
famous and dear to people.
161. ,ne !ith 8oon, 8ars, 'aturn and <upiter in the 5th, !ill be troubled by thirst, be fond of
promoting quarrels and be plentiful in the matter of luck and robes.
16%. If the 8oon, 8ars, 'aturn and =enus are together in the 5th, one !ill be hard-hearted,
sinful, cunning and be bereft of cleanliness and behavior.
16-. If =enus, <upiter, 8ercury and 8oon are together in the 5th, one !ill be !ealthy, be
endo!ed !ith moral merits and be famous in arts.
160. ,ne !ith 'aturn, 8ercury, <upiter and 8oon in the 5th, !ill be kno!ledgeable in politics
and ethics and be pleasing in appearance.
161. Dith 'aturn, =enus, 8ercury and the 8oon in the 5th, the native !ill be intelligent, fierce,
!ill be an epert in democratic matters and be fortunate.
162. ,ne !ith 8oon, 'aturn, =enus and <upiter in the 5th, !ill be cunning, fierce, unconquerable
and bold.
163. If 8ars, 8ercury, <upiter and 'aturn be together in the 5th, one !ill destroy his enemies, be
fierce in battle and bold.
164. If 8ars, 8ercury, =enus and 'aturn join together in the 5th, one !ill be virtuous, !ealthy
and pious.
165. If 8ars, <upiter, =enus and 'aturn are in the 5th, one !ill be devoid of !ealth, be base,
unkind and !eak.
116. 'B@*I(+ @99@*&'. If including 8ercury there are - to 3 planets in the 5th, the native !ill
be trust!orthy, !ealthy and be a king.
111. If the 5th is occupied by other planets, !ithout the company of 8ercury, or <upiter, the
native !ill be sickly, ugly, void of relatives, be troubled by imprisonments and !ill suffer penury.
11%. Breceptors, like $adalayana, have eplained still detailed results arising out of conjunction,
or aspects relating to the 5th House. ,ne should understand these also and declare effects after
using his !isdom.
&hus ends the -%nd *h. entitled E/I/&H H,.'@ (/G @99@*&' &H@>@,9F in Calyana
=arma's 'aravali. *h. --. &enth House (nd @ffects &hereof
1. 'ages have eplained effects relating to the 'igns coinciding !ith the 16th House, planets
posited therein and planets aspecting the 16th House. I shall no! eplain those results.
%. &he 16th House counted from the stronger among the (scendant and the 8oon, is called
Carmasthana and, if the +ord of that "16th# House is !ith strength, the effects in regard to Carma
!ill prosper. ,ther!ise, the same !ill decline.
--2. &he effects relating to the 16th House !ill depend on the nature of the 'ign, vi). !atery,
biped, (ranya "like +eo#, or <angala "*entiped#, the form of such 'ign and the places indicated
by such 'ign. &he 16th House should be carefully eamined on these lines. &he occupant of the
16th House counted from the 8oon, or from the (scendant !ill influence the livelihood of the
native according to his "i.e. planet's# nature and disposition.
3. In a previous *h., results of placements of planets in the 16th House from the (scendant have
been eplained, !hile dealing !ith angular positions of various planets. /o! specially eplained
are !ith reference to the 8oon.
4-1-. @99@*&' ,9 B+(/@&' I/ &H@ 16&H 9>,8 &H@ 8,,/. If the 'un occupies the 16th
from the 8oon, the native !ill be successful in his undertakings, be very !ealthy, very strong, be
a king, !ill patroni)e others and be healthy in physique.
8ars so placed denotes, that the native !ill be interested in valorous deeds, !ill live in foreign
places !ill long for sensual enjoyments, be cruel and !ill be akin to an outcast in conduct.
If 8ercury occupies the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill be learned, rich, !ill have abundant
kno!ledge of sacred affairs, like =eda etc.#, be dear to king, famous, aquainted !ith many an art
and be intelligent.
If it is <upiter, that occupies the 16th counted from the 8oon, the native !ill be successful in
achieving his desires, righteous, affluent, !ill have ecellent history among men, be a king's
minister and be famous.
If =enus occupies the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill be fortunate, beautiful, famous, !ill be
successful in his undertakings, be rich and be honoured by king.
'hould 'aturn occupy the 16th !ith reference to the 8oon, the native !ill have physical
diseases, be poor, grieved, bereft of children and be al!ays emotional.
10-14. @99@*&' ,9 &H@ './ <,I/I/7 (/,&H@> B+(/@& DH@/ I/ &H@ &@/&H
9>,8 &H@ 8,,/. 'hould the 'un be !ith 8ars, !hile being in the 16th counted from the
8oon, the native !ill be a labourer "karmakaran#, !ill suffer severely from cough and
pulmonary consumption, or consumption in general, be an astrologer and !ill be an epert in the
science of marks and 'igns and also in logic.
'hould the 'un be !ith 8ercury in the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill enjoy robes and ornaments,
be a trader and !ill live through the means of !ater.
If the 'un is conjunct <upiter being in the 16th from the 8oon, he !ill be successful in his
undertakings, be honoured by the king, brave and famous.
If the 'un is conjunct =enus in the 16th from the 8oon, the subject !ill patroni)e his people, be
fortunate, dear to the king and !ill increase his possessions through the help of his !ife "or
&he 'un and 'aturn being together in the 16th from the 8oon !ill make one liable to
imprisonment, a servant, poor, !retched "or miserly#, lose to thieves and prattle.
15-%%. @99@*&' ,9 8(>' <,I/I/7 (/,&H@> B+(/@& I/ &H@ 16th 9>,8 &H@
8,,/. Dhen 8ars gets the company of 8ercury being in the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill
have many an enemy, be skillful in archery and be very valorous.
If <upiter be !ith 8ars in the 16th of the 8oon, one !ill be a mighty leader, !ill gain !ealth via
friends, !ill live thereby and be fortunate.
=enus and 8ars being in the 16th from the 8oon indicates, that the native !ill be interested in
living in foreign places, !ill trade in gold, precious stones etc. and !ill progress through !omen.
'aturn and 8ars conjunct in the 16th from the 8oon, indicates, that the native !ill be
adventurous, base and !ill suffer from diseases.
%--%1. @99@*&' ,9 8@>*.>A <,I/I/7 (/,&H@> B+(/@& I/ &H@ 16&H 9>,8 &H@
8,,/. If <upiter and 8ercury be together in the 16th from the 8oon, the subject !ill be rich,
honoured by the king, righteous, be leader of men and be famous.
If =enus and 8ercury are conjunct in the 16th counted from the 8oon, one !ill be endo!ed !ith
friends, learning, !ife, !ealth and happiness, be a king's minister and a provincial head.
If 8ercury is conjunct 'aturn being posited in the 16th from the 8oon, the person concerned
!ill be a potter, be famous, imparter of learning and be an author of books.
%2-%3. @99@*&' ,9 <.BI&@> <,I/I/7 (/,&H@> B+(/@& I/ &H@ 16th 9>,8 &H@
8,,/. If <upiter joins =enus in being in 16th from the 8oon, one !ill serve a superior king,
!ill head $rahmins, be devoid of grief, be an imparter of learning and be skillful.
'aturn and <upiter in the 16th from the 8oon denote, that one !ill be base, !ill cause grief to
others, !ill act, like an aged person, !ill have a firm residence and !ill successfully begin his
%4. @99@*&' ,9 =@/.'-'(&.>/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ &H@ 16th 9>,8 &H@ 8,,/. ,ne
!ith =enus and 'aturn in the 16th from the 8oon !ill be an artist, !ill trade in scents, be a
doctor and !ill deal in black-salt and camphor.
/otesI E/eelamF apart meaning black-salt also indicates poison, antimony, sapphire etc., !hile
*hurna means apart from camphorflour, chalk, lime etc. %5-04. @99@*&' ,9 &H>@@
B+(/@&' I/ *,/<./*&I,/ I/ &H@ 16th 9>,8 &H@ 8,,/. If the 'un, 8ars and
8ercury are in the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill be fortunate, ecellent among men, equal to
king and be honoured by all.
&he 'un, 8ars and <upiter in the 16th of the 8oon denote, that he !ill be fortunate, !ill destroy
his enemies and !ill be plentiful.
&he 'un, 8ars and =enus in the 16th of the 8oon !ill make one cruel, adventurous, steal others'
!ealth and highly skillful.
8ars, 'aturn and the 'un posited in the 16th of the 8oon denote, that he !ill be intent on doing
cruel acts, be foolish, sinful and bad in conduct.
&he 'un, 8ercury and <upiter in the 16th of the 8oon indicate, that he !ill be learned, beautiful,
righteous and be dear to his relatives.
9amous, righteous, devoid of anger, unconquerable, fortunes and plenty of robesthese are the
effects produced by the conjunction of 8ercury, the 'un and =enus, in the 16th of the 8oon.
Dhen one has the 'un, 8ercury and 'aturn in the 16th of the 8oon, one !ill be cruel, fickle
minded, be not virtuous and !ill be afflicted by !eapons and fire.
If the 'un, =enus and <upiter be together in the 16th of the 8oon, one !ill be fortunate, !ill earn
by learning, be righteous and !ill al!ays enjoy pleasures.
'aturn, the 'un and <upiter in conjunction in the 16th counted from the 8oon !ill make one
devoid of "!orthy# history, still honourable and valorous.
=enus, 'un and 'aturn in conjunction in the 16th counted from the 8oon !ill make one miserly,
fickle minded and prohibited by all.
If 8ars, 8ercury and <upiter are in the 16th counted from the 8oon, one !ill be righteous, !ill
have a large family and many children and !ill be learned and !ealthy.
8ercury, 8ars and =enus in the 16th of the 8oon !ill make one interested in fine arts, a dealer
of garlands, goldsmith and dear to all.
'aturn, 8ars and 8ercury in the 16th of the 8oon !ill make one righteous, addicted to sleep,
!icked and dirty.
If at the time of birth one has 8ars, =enus and <upiter in the 16th from his <anma >:?i, he !ill be
!ealthy, valorous and be interested in honouring 7ods and $rahmins. If 'aturn, <upiter and 8ars
are in the 16th counted from the 8oon, one !ill be bereft of learning, !ealth and near and dear,
be mean, bereft of happiness and be deformed "or distressed#.
8ars, =enus and 'aturn in the 16th counted from the 8oon denote, that one !ill be a minister, or
an ecellent personage, interested in others' religions, !ealthy and have many professions.
8ercury, =enus and <upiter in the 16th "!ith reference to the 8oon# identical !ith &aurus;+ibra
denote, that all his desires !ill be fulfilled "i.e. he !ill be happy in all respects#.
8ercury, =enus and <upiter in the 16th "!ith reference to the 8oon# in 'igns other, then
&aurus;+ibra denote, that one !ill suffer from diseases.
8ercury, <upiter and 'aturn in the 16th of the 8oon denote, that one !ill be interested in
authorship and literature, be !ealthy, be a very modest servant, be fond of !andering and be
If 'aturn, 8ercury and =enus be together in conjunction in the 16th counted from the 8oon one
!ill be endo!ed !ith !isdom, be a boer, be interested in living' in foreign countries, diligent
and tamed "like an elephant#.
If <upiter, 'aturn and =enus join in the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill be learned, righteous, kind
and truthful.
05. &hose are the results of planets up to - in number joining in the 16th from the 8oon.
Gifferent results !ill be eperienced, if more than - planets join in the 16th of the 8oon, as
eplained belo!.
16-21. @99@*&' ,9 0 B+(/@&' <,I/I/7 I/ &H@ 16th 9>,8 &H@ 8,,/. If the 'un,
8ars, 8ercury and <upiter be in the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill be valorous, physically hurt,
charitable and interested in all deeds.
Dith 8ars, 'un, =enus and 8ercury in the 16th from the 8oon one !ill be a garland dealer,
!riter, or an artist.
Dith 8ars, 'un, 'aturn and 8ercury in the 16th from the 8oon one !ill be endo!ed !ith
!ealth, conveyances and elephants.
&he 'un, 8ercury, <upiter and =enus in the 16th from the 8oon denote, that even though one
!ill have a mean profession, he !ill be ecellent, !ill have sons and !ill have agricultural
&he 'un, 8ercury, <upiter and 'aturn in the 16th from the 8oon denote, that one !ill be
skillfully cunning, cruel and !ill cheat others.
&he 'un, 8ercury, =enus and 'aturn being in the 16th of the 8oon, !ill make one hardhearted,
fortunate, eloquent and interested in agriculture.
&he 'un, <upiter, =enus and 'aturn being in the 16th of the 8oon, !ill make one interested in
foreign places and have many an acts to do.
If 8ars, =enus, 8ercury and <upiter are in the 16th from the 8oon, he !ill be skillful
courageous and unconquerable in battle.
If 8ars, 'aturn, 8ercury and <upiter are in the 16th from the 8oon, one !ill be dirty, ever
longing for !ar and !ill destroy enemies.
'hould 8ars, 8ercury, =enus and 'aturn join in the 16th of the 8oon, one !ill have abundant
learning, be valorous and !ill be broad-bodied.
'hould 8ars, <upiter, =enus and 'aturn join in the 16th of the 8oon, one !ill be courageous and
endo!ed !ith family and !ealth.
If 8ercury, <upiter, =enus and 'aturn are placed in the 16th from <anma >:?i, one !ill be calmly
disposed, intelligent and dear to people.
2%. 8(+@9I*' I/ &H@ 16&H 9>,8 &H@ 8,,/. If 8alefics occupy the 16th House counted
from the 8oon and aspected by benefics, one !ill be a doctor, Burohit "a religious guide#, an
astrologer, or !ill be interested in cheating others.
2-. Dhatever effects have been ascribed so far in this *h. !ill specially reveal beneficially, if
benefics aspect the 16th House from the 8oon. If malefics aspect, the benefic results may not be
20. 8(+@9I*' (/G @99@*&'. 8alefics in the -rd, or in the 2th !ith reference to either the
(scendant, or the 8oon !ill prove favourable, !hile in the 4th, 1%th, or the (scendant they are
inauspiciousmore so in the (scendant.
21. +I=@+IH,,G. ,ne's livelihood should be predicted based on the 16th from the 8oon, or
from the (scendantH !hichever is stronger !ill prevail. &he earnings "livelihood# !ill also be
indicated by the stronger of the +ords of the 16th counted from the 8oon, or from the
22-46. 'I7/' (/G B>,9@''I,/'. If (ries, or many of its divisions be in the 16th, one !ill
live through gardens, intelligence, service, agriculture, trading in juices ">asa has other
meanings, like liquor, poison, mercury, mineral;metallic salt etc.#, or be an envoy. Dith &aurus,
or a majority of its divisions in the 16th, one !ill live through carts, quadrupeds, birds, !ild
animals and by gathering grains. 'imilarly 7emini denotes trading through !ater, precious
stones, vessels, conch, !riting, accountancy etc. *ancer in this contet means !eapons, golden
ornaments, arro!s and hunting. +eo on the 16th, or many of +eo divisions related to the 16th
denote livelihood throug
precious stones, gold, stones "like construction material# agriculture, co!s and the like and
grains. Dealth comes through vehicles, gems, gold, scents, music, arts and !riting, if =irgo
features, as above. +ibra in similar condition indicates livelihood through teaching, dealing in
gold, many !ays and means, friends, co!s, buffaloes, many salable articles, things emanating
from !ater, grains, fruits, agriculture and arts. 'imilarly 'corpio denotes livelihood through
female association, agriculture, thieving, serving the king, sinful acts, rendering physical
treatments "i.e. medical profession#, blacksmithy and grains. 8inistership under a king,
protection of forts, cattle, horses, fire!ood, indicating omens, machinery, mathematics, medical
treatment etc., are denoted by 'agittarius in a similar manner. *apricorn in similar condition
denotes livelihood through cots, gardening, chemicals etc. and abundant income through
!aterborne items. (quarius indicates !eapons, burning, separation "or creating inimical
relationship bet!een t!o#, thieving, carrying headloads and through physical stamina. Bisces in
similar manner denotes living through !eapons, !aterborne items, sale of horses etc.
41. B+(/@&' I/ &H@ 16th (/G &H@I> @99@*&'. &he 'un in the 16th indicates income
through father, the 8oon mother, 8ars enemies, 8ercury friends, <upiter brothers, =enus
females and 'aturn servants.
4%. &here !ill be gains in many !ays, if the (scendant, the %nd and the 11th are, respectively,
occupied by strong "favourable# planets, so say the preceptors.
&hus ends the --rd *h. entitled E16th H,.'@ (/G @99@*&' &H@>@,9F in Calyana =arma's
'aravali. *h. -0. Gifferent Houses and Dorldly (ffairs
1-3. @99@*&' ,9 '@=@>(+ B+(/@&' ('B@*&I/7 &H@ ('*@/G(/&. If the 'un aspects
the (scendant, the native !ill be valorous, !ill be irascible !ith females, be cruel, !ill gain
!ealth from paternal side and !ill serve the king.
If the 8oon aspects the (scendant, he !ill be under the control of !omen, fortunate, be very
courteous, be very !ealthy, softly disposed and !ill gain by dealing in !ater-born articles.
If 8ars lends his aspect to the (scendant, one !ill be fond of valorous acts and battles, irascible,
!ill have severed relationship, be very righteous and !ill have a long penis.
'hould 8ercury aspect the (scendant, the native !ill have rich kno!ledge of arts and !ill
thereby gain and be quite intelligent, famous and honourable.
If <upiter be the aspecting planet !ith reference to the (scendant one !ill be interested in
religious observations, be honoured by the king, be famous and !ill be endo!ed !ith "the
company of# virtuous people, elders and guests.
=enus aspecting the (scendant denotes, that he !ill be addicted to many prostitutes, be youthful,
!ill have happiness of !ealth and pleasure and !ill be beautiful in appearance.
If 'aturn aspects the (scendant one !ill be troubled by heavy loads, travels and diseases, be
irascible, !ill be attached to aged !omen "i.e. !ill be fond of seeking union !ith aged females#,
be devoid of happiness, be dirty and foolish.
4. 7@/@>(+ ('B@*&' &, ('*@/G(/&. If a planet "!hether natural benefic, or natural
malefic# aspects the (scendant identical !ith its o!n 'ign, that confers happiness and !ealth,
apart from close relationship !ith the king. If the (scendant is not o!ned by the aspecting
planet, a benefic then confers auspicious effects and a malefic evil results.
5. ./('B@*&@G ('*@/G(/&. 'hould the ascending 'ign be not in aspect to even one
planet, the native !ill be devoid of "other# qualities and !ill acquire eclusive qualities of the
'ign concerned.
16-11. 'B@*I(+ @99@*&'. If t!o, or more planets aspect the (scendant, the native acquires
happiness and !ealth. @ven one benefic aspecting the (scendant is auspicious, !hile a malefic
so aspecting is inauspicious. If the (scendant is aspected by all the planets one rules over the
earth. 'hould all the planets be endo!ed !ith strength, he !ill enjoy all kinds of happiness, be
free from fear and be long-lived.
1%. B+(/@&' *,/<./*& I/ &H@ ('*@/G(/&. If three planets are together in the
(scendant, the native !ill be devoid of miseries and !ill lord over the earth. $ut, if these are
"eclusively# malefics, he !ill be distressed due to fear, grief etc., !ill eat much and !ill be
disregarded by one and all.
1-. (GHI A,7( 9>,8 ('*@/G(/&. If benefics eclusively occupy the 2th, 3th and 4th,
!ithout the company of malefics, +agnadhi Aoga is caused. &his Aoga confers ministership,
leadership over (rmy "justiceship# and kingship, lordship over many !omen, long life, freedom
from diseases and miseries, possession of virtues and happiness. 'o say Aavana kings.
10. ( planet in o!n 'ign, or in ealtation;friendly 'ign, according to sages, confers its effects
fully. If it is in fall, or is inimically placed, it is incapable of giving the results "due to the above
mentioned Aoga#.
11-%6. B>I/*IB+@' >@+(&@G &, &H@ %/G H,.'@. If 8ars, 'aturn and the 'un occupy the
%nd House, the native's !ealth is destroyed.
If !eak 8oon aspects the %nd House, such effects are more pronounced.
8ars and the 'un in the %nd cause afflictions to skin apart from causing poverty.
If 'aturn, posited alone in this House, is aspected by 8ercury, he !ill be greatly rich.
@ven, if the 'un is posited in the %nd House in aspect to 'aturn, !ithout aspect of others,
pennilessness !ill come to pass.
$enefics in the %nd House cause advent of money in many !ays.
$ut, if <upiter posited in the %nd House remains under 8ercury's aspect, or 8ercury so posited
in the %nd House in aspect to the 8oon, the entire !ealth earned by the native !ill be deprived.
Deak 8oon in the %nd House in 8ercury's aspect denotes, that even the ancestral property !ill
be destroyedH not only this, other sources of income !ill also be hindered.
'hould the %nd House Jfrom theK 8oon be aspected by =enus, plenty of !ealth !ill be earned.
'ame is the result by aspect of another benefic "i.e. <upiter#.
%1-%0. B>I/*IB+@' >@+(&@G &, &H@ -rd H,.'@. Dhen the -rd House is o!ned by a
malefic and is occupied by a malefic, the co-born are destroyed. *onversely, a benefic's 'ign
being the -rd and occupation of benefics therein !ill cause happiness thereof. /o! eplained
belo! is the method to ascertain the number of co-born. &he number of /av:L?as past in the -rd
House denotes the number of brothers follo!ing the native. If other planets aspect the -rd House,
the said number "caused by /av:L?as# stands increased. 'aturn placed in the -rd in aspect to
8ars causes destruction of co-born. $ut =enus in the -rd and in aspect to <upiter increases
happiness thereof. 8ercury placed in the -rd House, in aspect to 8ars "or in aspect to the 'un, as
some tets read M$haskara Grishtah' instead of M(ngaraka Grishtah'#, the native's friends are
destroyed. >est "relating to the 0th House# may be understood from $havadhyaya "*h. -6#. %1-
%2. ($,.& &H@ 1th H,.'@. If the 1th House contains a benefic, or is aspected by a benefic,
or be a benefic's >:?i, the native !ill surely beget children. If it is different, he !ill not obtain
progeny. If the 1th House counted from the 8oon, or the (scendant, the stronger prevailing, has
at least one <upiter's division in the various =arga calculations, or has a benefic's >:?i in it and is
aspected by a benefic, the native !ill have legitimate issue.
%3. /.8$@> ,9 *HI+G>@/. If the /av:L?a of the 1th falls in a benefic's >:?i the number of
children equals the number of /av:L?as past in the 1th House. &he aspect of a benefic on the 1th
$hava doubles the number, !hile malefic >:?i, as 1th House /av:L?a and the said House
receiving a malefic's aspect confers progeny !ith difficulty.
%4. (.&H,>INI/7 ,&H@> CI/'8(/ &, >(I'@ B>,7@/A 9,> &H@ /(&I=@. If the 1th
House falls in the divisions "like >:?i, /av:L?a, drekkana etc.# of 'aturn and be !ith 8ercury's
aspect, but !ithout that of <upiter;8ars;'un, the native obtains progeny by authori)ing his
kinsman to raise the same for him from his "the native's# !ife. 'imilar result prevails, if
8ercury's >:?i be in the 1th House containing 8ercury in it and is in aspect to 'aturn, but
!ithout the aspect of the others, as cited above.
%5. (G,B&@G ,> $,.7H& B>,7@/A. If the 1th House belongs to 'aturn and be occupied
by 'aturn himself !ith the aspect of the 8oon, one procures a child by adoption, or by an act of
purchase. Identical effect follo!s the position of 8ercury in the 1th House o!ned by him
receiving the 8oon's aspect.
-6. (G,B&I,/ '(/' *,/'@/&. 'hould the 1th House contain 'aturn unaspected by others
and fall in a 'apthamsa o!ned by 8ars, the native !ill adopt a gro!n up child !ithout the
consent of its natural parents.
-1--%. $('@ *HI+G>@/. If the 1th House contains the 'un and falls in the divisions of 'aturn
receiving the aspect of 8ars, the children so obtained !ill be abject. 'hould the 8oon be in the
1th House and receive eclusively 'aturn's aspect, !hile the 1th House falls in a /av:L?a of
8ars, even then the progeny !ill be foolish and base.
--. If the 1th House is occupied by 8ars falling in many of 'aturn's divisions and be in aspect to
the 'un, one !ill obtain a son, that is adopted by a stranger after its being cast off by its original
parents, so says sage Caruna.
-0. I''.@ $A ( >@8(>>I@G DIG,D. 'hould the 1th House fall in 'aturn's =argas and
contain both the 8oon and 'aturn therein, in aspect to both the 'un and =enus, progeny !ill be
begotten by a !ido! given to the native in remarriage.
-1. B>,7@/A $A ( =I>7I/. 'hould the 8oon be in the 3th along !ith the 'un, or the 8oon
being in the 1th in aspect to, or in the company of the 'un, one !ill obtain issue through an
unmarried girl.
-2. B>,7@/A $A ( D,8(/ B>@7/(/& (& 8(>>I(7@. If the 1th House falls in the
divisions of the +uminaries and contains the 8oon and the 'un in aspect to =enus only, one !ill
have progeny by a !oman, !ho !ill already be pregnant at the time of marriage.
-3. I''.@+@''/@''. If the 1th House falls in a malefic's 'ign and be occupied by strong
malefics !ithout benefic's aspect, the native !ill be childless.
-4. B>,7@/A $A ( 9@8(+@ '+(=@. If the 1th House be in a /av:L?a of =enus and be
aspected by =enus, one !ill beget progeny by a female servant. 'ome scholars opine, that even,
if the 8oon's /av:L?a and the 8oon so come in the picture, the said effects !ill come to pass.
-5. ',/' (/G G(.7H&@>'. Dhen the 1th House has eclusively the divisions of the 8oon
and =enus and be !ith aspects of =enus and the 8oon alone, or be occupied by these t!o alone,
or, !hen the said House has the divisions of only even 'igns, the native !ill beget only female
children. In a contrary situation, "i.e. 1th House falling in divisions of odd 'igns only and be
ecluded from the occupation, or aspect of =enus and the 8oon but others#, there !ill be birth of
only male children.
06. *HI+G+@''/@''. Dhen the 8oon occupies the 16th House, =enus is in the 3th and
malefics are in the 0th, the native's dynasty does not descend any further.
01. +,'' ,9 *HI+G>@/. 'hould 8ars be in the 1th, the children of the native !ill pass a!ay,
as they are born. Ho!ever, if <upiter, or =enus lend aspect to the said position, the loss relates
only to the first child. If all planets aspect "the said 8ars#, then there is no loss at all of children.
0%. 'B@*I(+ @99@*&'. 'hould the 1th House be occupied eclusively by malefics, the native
!ill be devoid of !ealth, o!n men and happiness. If 8ars is in the 1th House, he !ill be
distressed "or deformed#. 'aturn so posited denotes sickness. &he occupations of 8ercury,
<upiter, or =enus !ill confer abundant happiness and !ealth.
0--00. @/@8I@'. If the 2th House is aspected by 'aturn and occupied by 8ars, the native !ill
have fear from enemies. ,ccupation, or aspect of benefics !ill keep one free from such fear. &he
number of enemies "causing trouble# !ill correspond to the number of planets posited in the 2th
House. >est of the related matters may be understood from the previous pages, "*h. -6#.
01 ($,.& &H@ 3th H,.'@. If <upiter, 8oon, =enus and 8ercury be in the 3th, in any manner
"i.e. one of them, t!o, three, or all of them in the 3th#, or other divisions falling in the 3th House,
or, if the 3th House be in aspect to these, one !ill procure a !ife corresponding to the planet;s
and >:?i;s in question.
02. 'hould the 3th House contain malefics, or fall in malefic planets' divisions, the !ife of the
native !ill be destroyed "i.e. adversely affected#. &hese results can be deduced from the
(scendant and the 8oon, the stronger of them having more significance. If the 8oon be in the
3th "from the (scendant# along !ith 'aturn, the native !ill marry a !ido!.
03. &he number of !ives !ill correspond to the number of heavenly bodies aspecting the 3th, or
the /av:L?as past in the 3th House. &here !ill be a single !ife, if +eo, (ries, or 'corpio rise in
/av:L?a, or, if 8ercury and <upiter join together in the 3th House.
04. If the 3th House has many divisions of =enus and the 8oon, or is occupied by these t!o,
there !ill be plurality of !ives. 'pecially =enus in the 3th !ill cause such an effect.
05. <upiter and =enus related to the 3th House !ill confer a bride of the same caste, !hile the
'un, 8ars, 'aturn and the 8oon denote a female belonging to a mean order. (s per
Cetumalacharya, =enus and 8oon related to the 3th House !ill cause relationship !ith !hores.
16-11. 8ars in the 3th House !ill make one go devoid of !ife. If he is, !hile so posited in
aspect to only 'aturn, the !ife !ill certainly pass a!ay.
'hould 8ars and =enus be together in the 3th, or 1th, or 5th, the native !ill beget a languid, or
deformed !ife.
1%. It is the unanimous opinion of all the sages, that, if the 8oon and the 'un are, respectively, in
the 1%th and the 2th, both the native and his !ife !ill be one-eyed.
1-. If 'aturn occupies the (scendant, !hile =enus is in the 3th identical !ith 7anda >:?i and the
1th is bereft to beneficial aspect, the person acquires a barren !ife.
10-11. ,ne !ill be devoid of a !ife and an issue, if malefics occupy the (scendant, 1%th and 3th,
!hile decreasing 8oon is in the 1th. $oth the native and his !ife !ill be immoral, if the 3th
House falls in the various divisions of 'aturn and 8ars, !hile =enus is posited in the 3th in
aspect to 8ars and 'aturn.
12. Dhen the 3th House is occupied by 8ercury and =enus, the native !ill be bereft of both !ife
and progeny. If ho!ever this combination receives the aspect of a benefic, there !ill be
obtainment of a !ife at an advanced age.
13. 'hould the 8oon, along !ith even one of 8ercury, <upiter and =enus, be in the 3th, the
native !ill be opulent.
14. ($,.& &H@ 11&H H,.'@. &he native !ill gain through kings, !ars, thieves, forests,
quadrupeds etc., if the 'un is placed in the 11th House, or, if the 11th House is aspected, or
o!ned by the 'un.
15. 'hould the 8oon be in the 11th House, or her division so related to the 11th House the native
!ill gain through females and through sales of elephants. If the 8oon is declining, these are not
much, but an increasing 8oon increases these gains greatly.
26. 8ars, or his divisions related to the 11th House, as above denotes gains through gold, coral,
ornaments, ruby, money, valour, coming and going "i.e. travels#, fire and !eapons.
21. 'hould 8ercury, or his divisions be related to the 11th, as above, the native !ill gain by
!riting, arts, literature and arguments.
2%. <upiter, or his divisions so related to the 11th House indicates gains through headship of a
city, royal mercy, 'acrifices "religious#, meritorious acts, gold and horses.
2-. Dhen the planet =enus, or his divisions are so connected !ith the 11th House, one !ill gain
through connections !ith prostitutes, travels, pearls and silver.
20. 'aturn, or his divisions so connected !ith the 11th House indicates gains through to!ns and
villages, acts of lasting nature, iron, donkeys and buffaloes.
21. &he effects attributed above stand increased, if benefics aspect the 11th House, !ill decrease
by malefic influence and !ill remain mied !ith the interference of both benefics and malefics.
22. If the 11th House is aspected by "or associated !ith# all the planets, advent of !ealth !ill be
in several !ays. &he strongest of those !ill have the highest influence.
23. ( planet in it's o!n 'ign, or in a friendly 'ign !ill give half of the effects attributed. &hese
effects are full, if it is in its ealtation 'ign, very meager, if it is combust and just one fourth, if
inimically placed.
24. &he effects relating to the 11th House, as mentioned above !ill be eperienced right from
birth, according to Aavanas. $ut according +okaksha "a preceptor by that name#, kings and heads
of )ones stand to enjoy abundant gains "as against a common man#.
25-36. ($,.& &H@ 1%th H,.'@. If the 'un, or !eak 8oon is placed in the 1%th, the native's
!ealth !ill be lost to the king. 8ars posited in the 1%th in aspect to 8ercury, !ill cause losses in
several !ays <upiter, the 8oon "!ith increasing rays# and =enus in the 1%th !ill cause gro!th of
!ealth, provided there is no aspect from 8ars on them. >est may be understood from the
previous portion "*h. -6#.
31. 8I'*@++(/@,.' 8(&&@>'. @ven a person born in regal scion !ill become an artisan, if
the (scendant in 8ercury's decanate receives the aspect of the 8oon from an (ngle.
3%. 'hould =enus be in the 1%th House in =irgo identical !ith 'aturn's /av:L?a, !hile the
+uminaries are in the 3th in aspect to 'aturn, the native's mother though belonging to a noble
race !ill become a slave.
3-. 'hould 'aturn occupy the %nd House counted from the 'un, !hile the 8oon and 8ars,
respectively, are in the 16th cusp and 3th House !ith reference to the (scendant, the native !ill
al!ays be distressed.
30. &he native !ill suffer from pulmonary and spleenary disorders apart from tuberculosis, if the
8oon is hemmed bet!een malefics, as 'aturn occupies the 3th House.
31. 'hould there be an echange bet!een the 'un and the 8oon in the /av:L?a, the native !ill
suffer from phlegmatic disorders. 'hould the 'un and the 8oon be in one >:?i having identical
longitudes, the native !ill be emaciated at all times.
32. 'hould the 4th, %nd, 2th and the 1%th be, respectively, occupied by the 'un, 8oon, 8ars and
'aturn, the native !ill lose his eyes due to the affliction caused by the strongest of the tour.
33. If malefics occupy the 2th, 11th, -rd and 1th, the native !ill suffer from ear defects, provided
there are no aspects from benefic planets. 8alefics in the 3th unaspected by benefics !ill
produce dental afflictions.
34. &here !ill be diseases of the mind, if 'aturn occupies the (scendant, !hile 8ars is in the
1th, or the 5th. (lternatively, 'aturn, !hile being in the (scendant should be conjunct decreasing
8oon to cause the said effects.
Pisces Ascendant (Rising Sign) description according to Phala Deepika: The
Pisces ascendant nati!e "ill ha!e a beautiful and symmetrical body. #is eyes "ill be
!ery attracti!e. #e "ill be learned$ grateful$ satis%ed "ith his "ife and fortune. #e
"ill ha!e %nancial gains from selling produce of the seas. #e "ill o!ercome his

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