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Crisis Management Manual

Communication Resource Guide
Funding for the development of this publication was made possible through
USDA: SCRI Sweet Potato Proect Participatory Modeling and Decision
Support for Improving
Sweet Potato Production Efciency, Quality and Food Safety!

Prepared b! Diane "# Ducharme$ %CSU
Table of Contents
Index Page
&verview '
(oal ) Purpose
Parameter for Use and "rigger Points
Crisis Self *Audit +
Crisis Preparation and Communication Chec,list
Understand the Crisis .
De/nition of a Crisis
First 0arnings of a Crisis
As, the 1uestions
Crisis Communication "eam and other helpful contacts
Core Crisis Communication "eam
Useful "hird Part! Resources
3edia In4uires Contact list
Assess the Situation 56
Identif! Actions 5'
De/ne Roles and Assumptions
Action 3atri7
Develop Response 5-
8"al,ing Points9 for Industr!
Additional Resources to Create
:e! Situational 3essages
3essage 3ap "emplate
A Five;Step 3odel for Preparing 3essages
Communicate with Audiences <5
:e! Audience Contact =ist
3edia Contact =og
%ews Release "emplates
Re;evaluate Conditions <'
De/ne Recover! <'
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
< > P a g e
Appendices of Resources
Index Page
A# Crisis Communication 3edia "raining <+
?# Factsheet @7amples <-
C# 3essage 3ap @7amples <2
D# 3edia "ips and Resources <A
3edia ?asics
@ight 1uestions 3edia Alwa!s As,
1uestions the Crisis "eam 3ust As, Itself
@# Sample %ews Release 6<
Sample B5 * Foodborne Pathogen &utbrea,
Sample B< * Product Recall
Sample B6 * %ews Announcement
F# References 6-
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6 > P a g e
Goal & Purpose
"he goal of the Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource
(uide is to provide a standardiCed strateg! with a coordinated crisis
management team$ to manage events or situations that are une7pected$
disruptive to business$ and otherwise have potentiall! negative
conse4uences for DDDEStateFGsDDDDDDDDDDSweetpotato industr!#
"he purpose of this manual is to set forth a crisis communication plan that
provides a uni/ed structure$ management$ and communication resource
necessar! prior to a crisis in order to provide an accurate rapid response$
establish accountabilit! and minimiCe the impacts to this industr!#

Parameter for Use and Trigger Points
@ach crisis will be uni4ue# "he development of this document will serve as
the generaliCed structure with core messages for an! crisis# Speci/c
resources will be obtained and should be incorporated into this plan as the
situation unfolds and information becomes available# It is essential that the
development of a crisis communication team also entails the predetermined
priorit! of circumstances or scenarios that provide the potential for negative
e7posure to the Sweetpotato Industr!# "hese priorities will activate or
8trigger9 the use of this plan#
"he Sweetpotato Industr! has de/ned the following events as "rigger Points:
"his plan will contain chec,lists$ contact information$ draft contingenc! news
releases and tal,ing points$ templates$ and other reference materials that
ma! be helpful in covering a crisis# "he development of this plan will
designate an authoriCed leader and individuals for a core crisis
communication team# It will then be the responsibilit! of each member in
the industr! to be aware of these designated individuals and alert them to
the potential crisis# "his plan should be readil! available to industr!
personnel to provide training and preparedness within the Sweetpotato
industr! as a whole#
"his plan will be in eHect from DDEdateFDDDDDDD to DDDEdateFDDDDD# "his
document represents a d!namic resource that will incorporate changes in
content and contact information at least annuall!# Simulating a crisis
e7ercise to test the eIcienc! of this plan is recommended#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
' > P a g e
Crisis Self-Audit Answer eac! of t!ese "uestions#
"his self;audit will help !ou assess !our industr!$ recogniCe potential ris,s
and issues facing the industr!$ and assist in starting !our crisis
communication plan#
$es %o
5# Are eventsJ situations that can be considered a crisis for
!our industr! de/nedK
<# Is there a designated person or team authoriCed to
implement and oversee an industr! responseK
6# Are members of the teamJindustr! trained in all provisions
of the responseK
'# Is there legal counsel that represents !our industr!K
+# Is there a crisis communication plan in place to provide the
structure for a coordinated responseK
-# Are the commodit!$ universit!$ regulator! emergenc!
response personnel$ homeland securit! authorities and
public health oIcials as well as media included in the planK
.# Are members of the team assigned with speci/c duties in
the crisis planK
2# Are ,e! messages developed from the priorit! issueEsF
A# Are procedures for responding to actual incidents detailed in
the planK
5L# Is there a recover! strateg! in the planK
55# Are templates of news releases and other media tools
incorporated into the planK
5<# Is the plan and content information periodicall! reviewed
and updatedK
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
+ > P a g e
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
- > P a g e
Crisis &reparation and Communication C!ec'list
Step One( Attend Crisis Communication Media Training
"raining personnel before a crisis happens is essential for the rapid
response that is necessar! to limit negative impacts to the industr!# See
Appendices for more details#
Step Two( Formulate a Crisis Communication Team and &lan
De/ning a 4uali/ed team and designation of a primar! spo,esperson to
deal with a crisis is an essential /rst step# A crisis communication plan
developed in advance of a crisis will provide the structure for the
coordinated response and recover! of the industr!#
Step T!ree( )nderstand t!e Crisis
(athering as much of a factual summar! of the eventJsituation along with
contacts and an associated timeline will be vital to determining the e7tent
of the crisis and the corresponding response needed from !our crisis
communication team#
Step Four( Activate Crisis Communication Team
Maving a central noti/cation location andJor media center that houses
contact information for the industr!Gs authoriCed crisis communication
team members will allow for 4uic, activation# &nce the designees are
contacted$ the crisis communication team will follow the protocol outlined
in the crisis communication plan#
Step Five( Assess t!e Situation
Con/rming all the information and sources gathered so far will be
essential as the crisis progresses# Answering the 4uestions of who$ what$
when$ where$ and wh! along with speci/c 4uestions about timelines$
impacts$ descriptions and inventor! of facilities$ and vulnerabilities to
consumers$ mar,ets$ environment$ state;speci/c or national eHects#
Step Si*( +dentif, Actions
De/ning clear roles of responsibilities for the industr! in responding to a
crisis will be helpful in the determining actions re4uired# Addressing the
need for 6
part! resources and specialists to this particular crisis will be
important at this step#
Step Seven( -evelop Response
Determine procedures for !our action plan * the steps of assembling a
team$ anal!Cing the situation$ developing messages and reacting should
be /naliCed within <' to '2 hours# Formulating ,e! messages that provide
one clear message in a timel! manner is central#
Step .ig!t( Communicate wit! Audiences
Identif! and communicate to ,e! audiences honestl!$ openl!$ and in a
timel! fashion#
Step %ine( Re-evaluate Conditions
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
. > P a g e
As new information emerges$ changes in !our messages or outreach to
diHerent audiences andJor the industr!Gs de/ned role should be
continuousl! re;evaluated and should evolve to reNect the most up;to;
date information#
Step Ten( -e/ne Recover,
&nce the crisis is resolved$ a plan that addresses the reason for the crisis
and an! changes in procedures or protocol should be created and include
communication outreach that was used during the crisis situation#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
2 > P a g e
)nderstand t!e Crisis
Defnition of a Crisis
A crisis is a situation that:
Is une7pected
Mas elements of the un,nown and escalating intensit!
Interrupts normal business operations
Impacts an organiCationGs e7ternal reputation
Impacts an industr!Gs Eas well as an individual compan!GsF /nancial
First Warnings of a Crisis
"he crisis communication plan will allow for an established structure and
procedure to be followed once an! of the following earl! warning signs are
Contact from another producer or industr! association
Consumer complaints
%oti/cation of a legal issue
Contact from a news media outlet
Contact from a regulator! agenc!
Contact from a customer Ei#e# retailer$ wholesaler$ growerJshipperF
Publication or broadcast of a negative news report
Increased Internet discussions
Ask the uestions
5# 0hat or who is involvedK E"rigger points for activation of planF
<# 0hen did !ou /rst learn about the issue or how long has it been going onK
6# 0ho /rst learned of problemK 0ho is involvedK E%ame and contact
'# 0here is the event unfoldingK Statewide$ other state EsF or national
issueK E=ocationF
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
A > P a g e
+# 0h! are !ou being contactedK ERelevance to industr!F
Crisis Communication Team and ot!er !elpful contacts
IndividualEsF who are contacted with or encounter an issue that could provide
a potential crisis for the industr! should gather as much information as
possible to clearl! de/ne the issue and alert an authoriCed member of the
crisis communication team for the Sweetpotato Industr!#
Core Crisis Communi!ation Team
Develop a team of trained core individual contacts within !our
organiCation to handleJmanage the crisis#
Identif! responsibilities within this team as: authoriCed decision ma,er$ a
spo,esperson$ communication e7pert$ industr! representative$ message
developer$ food safet! representative$ law enforcement$ liaisons to
regulator! and emergenc! oIcials$ customer relations$ an attorne! and
possibl! an outside communication consultant should be included#
Develop a crisis contact sheetJcard available in 4uic, view# "his sheetJcard
needs to have personal phone and e;mail accessibilit! so that contacts
can be reached at an! time#
@stablish wor, assignments and performance e7pectations$ monitor
performance$ and provide feedbac,#
Assigned Responsibilit!:
Useful Third Part" #esour!es
Develop a list of constituents for those that can validate and support !our
position when a crisis stri,es# A sample list is contained below#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5L > P a g e
(ather contact information Eusing the same list as the core crisis team
aboveF and develop 4uic, view contact list#
Emergency services
Assigned Responsibilit!:
#niversity$ consultants
Assigned Responsibilit!:
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
55 > P a g e
Assigned Responsibilit!:
&ews media
Assigned Responsibilit!:
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5< > P a g e
Assigned Responsibilit!:
Assigned Responsibilit!:
'rade associations$ allied organi(ations
Assigned Responsibilit!:
)etailers, grower, s*ippers
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
56 > P a g e
Assigned Responsibilit!:
$edia In%uires Conta!t list
Identif! 6;' individuals from the above lists or other individuals from ,e!
organiCations that can address the crisis issue and that media can
contact# Suggestions are for industr! representatives$ growers$ state and
federal regulator! agencies#
Create a Crisis Contacts for 3edia In4uiries contact list that !ou can send
out to media#
Industr!J(rowerJState Regulator!JFederal Regulator!
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5' > P a g e
Industr!J(rowerJState Regulator!JFederal Regulator!
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5+ > P a g e
Assess t!e Situation
As !ou move towards communication actions$ speci/call! gathering
information to support !our ,e! messages$ use these 4uestions to guide !ou
to /nding answers:
5#0hat is the problemK 0hat is its causeK
<#Do !ou have concerns over the incident for industr!$ environment$ or
6#Mas an!one been hospitaliCed$ showing illness s!mptoms$ or other adverse
health eHectsK
'#0hat is the date and time of problem Eif applicableFK
+#Mow widespread is the issueK
-#0hat is !our response to the problemK
.# Is there involvement of regulator! agenciesK
2#0hat are the possible actions that can be ta,en to address the issueK Mow
will the industr! ma,e things rightK
A#0ill the industr! change or stop what has led to the crisisK If not$ wh!K
5L# 0hat are the steps that will be put in place to prevent future
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5- > P a g e
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5. > P a g e
+dentif, Actions
Defne #oles and Assumptions
De/ning the potential roles and assumptions that the industr! pla!s in this
particular crisis can help in de/ning the conse4uential actions and ,e!
messages that will need to be de/ned#
Chec, oH all the roles the industr! will pla! in this particular crisis#
Protector of the industr!K
Activist for the industr! * providing adviceK
Spo,esperson for industr!K For individual growersK
Clari/er of industr! standards or performanceK
Facilitator or liaison within industr!K &utside of Industr!K
(atherer of informationK Anal!Cer of informationK
Communicator to mediaK "o Federal or state agenciesK
&ther rolesK
A!tion $atrix
Maving a s!stematic approach E:epner;"regoeF in place before a crisis occurs
to help determine the best decisions for actions that will oHer the least
negative conse4uences are optimal#
Use the 8Action 3atri79 below$ outlining the possible actions and measure
each area using the following criteria$ assigning a degree of concern or
priorit! EM;high$ 3; medium$ or =;lowF:
Mow urgent is the crisisJeventK
Is a deadline involvedK
0hat will happen if nothing is doneK
0ill the problem get worseK
Does the crisisJevent have the potential for growthK
Mow serious is the problemK
0hat are the eHects on people$ products$ environment$
organiCation$ etc#K
0hat are the PAS" reasonsJevents or who was at faultK EProblem
Anal!sis *
Designate as PAF#
Mow do !ou correct the PR@S@%" issue or situationK EDecision
Anal!sis ; Designate as
Mow do !ou prevent future issues or situationsK EPotential Problem
Anal!sis *
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
52 > P a g e
Designate as PPAF
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
5A > P a g e
Action Matri*
Crisis0.vent Timin
Decide which areas of the crisis to wor, on /rst
Set priorities b! using PA$ DA$ and PPA designations
Choose the best alternative solution
Decide how to successfull! implement the solution

Source: Deciding the Course of Action#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<L > P a g e
Pareto Principle+ It mig*t ,e *elpful to remem,er w*en dealing wit* more
t*an one pro,lem- t*e Pareto Principle states t*at ./0 of t*e trou,le comes
from 1/0 of t*e pro,lems
-evelop Response
&Talking Points' for Industr"
Answer the following 4uestions and gather other uni4ue and pertinent
information about !our industr! that will serve as core messages within
an! crisis#
Create a 5;< page factsheet with the answers to these 4uestions#
5# 0hat is the histor! of !our industr! in the scope of !our stateK 0hat is
the economic signi/cance of !our industr! to the stateK
<# 0hat is the current acreage and number of growers and wor,ers that
contribute to the economic signi/cance of this commodit!K Specif! if
important the permanent and seasonal labor inputs#
6# Are there individuals in !our industr! that come to mind when spea,ing
about a crisisK E"hin, commodit! boardJassociations$ universit!$ industr! and
regulator! personnelF#
'# 0hat are the top three * /ve issues facing !our industr!J business that
!ou are worried aboutK 0h!K EPull from past crisis in !our industr! and other
e7amples that could include: foodborne illnessesJoutbrea,s$ labor$ /nancial
threats$ legislation$ natural disasters$ secondar! eHects from product and
new pestsF#
+# 0hich certi/cations$ trainings and special ac,nowledgements do !our
industr!Jmembers of industr! haveK E"hin, media training$ (APsJMACCP$
pesticide$ Food defenseJsecurit!$ labor or safet!F#
-# 0here do !ou thin, the Sweetpotato Industr! is most vulnerableK Elabor$
transportation$ environmental issues$ etc#F
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<5 > P a g e
.# Is their nutritional value to sweetpotatoes in our dietK @7plain an! other
bene/cial attributes#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<< > P a g e
Create Factsheets on !our identi/ed trigger points for the Sweetpotato
Industr!# "his information will allow for 4uic, access to research and
,nown facts about !our identi/ed trigger points# An e7ample of a /lled in
factsheet can be found in the Appendi7 ?# A factsheet template follows#
S)12.CT T+T3. and Sweepotatoes
Tips for Tal'ing wit! %ews Media on t!is +ssue
In answering media 4uestions$ remember the following:
O 0rite down the reportersG names$ their media outlet and their phone
number# "his will help !ou ,now who to contact if !ou need to update the
information !ouGve given#
O Stic, to what !ou ,now# Do not venture into information where !ou have no
e7pertise$ but refer media to other agents or specialists who ma! have the
information Ean e7perts list on this topic is listed belowF#
O Direct reporters to the @7perts and 0eb site for updates and regulator!
information$ and remember that regulator! information is not our area of
O For more assistance on this topic$ please contact a member of our
industries core crisis communication team at:
Tal'ing &oints on S)12.CT T+T3.
UPDA"@ &% S0@@" P&"A"& MARP@S" I%
0MA" PA"M&(@% CAUS@S "M@ I==%@SS:
=I%: "& FDA &R &"M@R 0@?SI"@S:
0MA" AC"I&%S SM&U=D C&%SU3@RS "A:@:
T!e following are not tal'ing points for t!e news media but rat!er
information wit! !elpful lin's# so t!at ,ou can provide useful
information to growers4
Pull <;6 "al,ing points from Factsheet generated
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<6 > P a g e
-ocuments Speci/c to outbrea's of S)12.CT T+T3. in Sweet

.*perts 5!o Can Address T!is
For more
Additional #esour!es to Create
In advance to a crisis$ creating these additional resources ma! be helpful:
Create a 8behind;the;scenes9 website to house these tal,ing points
3edia * pictures and video that can visuall! support the priorit! crisis
areas for !our industr!
(e" )ituational $essages
Remember the 8Four Rs9 of crisis communications that ma! not be
applicable in an! situation as !ou draft !our ,e! messages:
)egret+ "he /rst thing !ou should do is e7press concern that a
problem has developed * even if it was not the industr!Gs
0hether the cause of the problem was the operationGs
fault or not$ the operation should be prepared to ta,e
responsibilit! for solving the problem# Qour actions will
reinforce its words and provide a credible demonstration
of the operationGs commitment to doing the right thing#
)eform+ Qour various sta,eholder audiences must ,now the
operation is ta,ing steps to ensure the problem will not
happen again#
)estitution+ If appropriate$ detail how !ou and the industr! will help
those who have been aHected b! the problem#
"he message map below has several parts Ea printed cop! allows a
spo,esperson to 8chec, oH9 the tal,ing points in an interviewF:
Sta,eholders: identif! to whom the message is going to#
1uestion or concern: stating the issue to address ,eeps the focus#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<' > P a g e
:e! messages E5;6F: 3essage maps that are concise E6 ,e! messagesF$
brief EA secondsF$ and with clarit! E<. wordsF that are written at the -;2

grade level for increased audience understanding#
Supporting Information E5;6F: ampli/es the ,e! messages b! providing
additional facts or details# Supporting information can also ta,e the form
of visuals$ analogies$ personal stories or citations of credible information
An e7ample of a completed sta,eholder message map can be found in
Appendi7 C#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<+ > P a g e
$essage $ap Template
3essage 3ap "emplate
1uestion or Concern:
:e! 3essage 5 :e! 3essage < :e! 3essage 6
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Supporting Information
Source( M!er$Randall %# and Covello$ Pincent# E<LL+F# E3ective Media
"ommunication during Pu,lic 4ealt* Emergencies, 5 6orld 4ealt* 7rgani(ation
4and,oo8$#0orld Mealth &rganiCation and the Center for Ris, Communication#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<- > P a g e
A Fi*e+)tep $odel for Preparing $essages
?uilding on the above ,e! messages developed is this /ve;step model for
delivering the prepared messages#
A Five-Step Model for &reparing Messages
Ans,ers should- ."-
5# @7press empath!$ listening$
caring or compassion as a /rst
Using personal pronouns$ such as
8I9 8we9 8our9 or 8us9G
Indicating through actions$ bod!
language and words that !ou
share the concerns of those
aHected b! events
Ac,nowledging the legitimac! of
fear and emotion
Using a personal stor!$ if
appropriate Efor e7ample$ 83!
famil! # # # 8F$ and
?ridging to the ,e! messages#
<# State the ,e! messages# =imiting the total number of
words to no more than <.R
=imiting the total length to no
more than A secondsR
Using positive$ constructive and
solution;oriented words as
appropriateR and
Setting messages apart with
introductor! words$ pauses$
6# State supporting information# Using three additional factsR
Using well thought out and tested
visual material$ including
graphics$ maps$ pictures$ video
clips$ animation$ photographs and
Using a personal stor!R
Citing credible third parties or
other credible sources of
'# Repeat the ,e! messages# SummariCing or emphasiCing the
,e! messages#
+# State future actions# =isting speci/c ne7t stepsR and
Providing contact information for
obtaining additional information$
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<. > P a g e
if appropriate#
Source( M!er$Randall %# and Covello$ Pincent# E<LL+F# E3ective Media
"ommunication during Pu,lic 4ealt* Emergencies, 5 6orld 4ealt* 7rgani(ation
4and,oo8$#0orld Mealth &rganiCation and the Center for Ris, Communication#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<2 > P a g e
Communicate wit! Audiences
Consider which ,e! audiences or sta,eholders need to be targeted# Revisit
this list of potential sta,eholders as the crisis evolves to reNect changes in
audiences as needed#
Develop 4uic, view contact list#
Determine possible 8starting 4uestions9 that can be utiliCed to help 4uic,l!
determine an! misinformation that might be circulating and allow for
targeted responses# @7amples follow4
T!res!old 7uestions
@;mail or
Personal contact
0hat do the! need to ,now about
the source of the problemK
Mow is the compan! resolving the
0hat are the emplo!ees e7pected
to do regarding the situationK
Retailers and
Information pac,et
andJor letter
Personal contact
@;mail or e;
2LL number
0eb site
Advisor! board
0hat do the! need to ,now about
the source of the problemK
0hat actions do the! need to ta,e
to resolve the situationK
0hat information will the! provide
to their consumers$ customers
andJor emplo!eesK
2LL number
Phone calls
0eb site
Does the incident involve a
Are there other companies that
could have been impacted b! the
Is the wholesaler prepared to
Does the situation
create uncertaint! in other
wholesalersG minds about state;
grown produceK
Conference calls
Personal meetings
Fa7ed statements
Could the association be an
ambassador for !ouK
0ill the association help solicit
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
<A > P a g e
0eb site
testimon! from e7perts on
the issueK
Conference calls
Personal meetings
0eb site
0hat actions are the! ta,ing
regarding the situationK
0hat are the implications of their
0eb site
2LL number
3edia$ including
social media
Mow will consumers reactK
"o whom will the! direct their
0hat EmisFinformation have the!
alread! receivedK
Initial response
%ews release
0eb site
@7ternal 1)A
"hird;part! groups
?!;lined editorial
0ill the news media get
information on the situation
whether !ou give it to them or
0ill the operationGs reputation be
aHected unless information is
aggressivel! released through the
news mediaK
Is there a broader$ national
industr! group that can more
appropriatel! handle the
Can this become an industr! issue
rather than an individual
operationGs issueK
(e" Audien!e Conta!t /ist
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6L > P a g e
0or, @;
Personal @;
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
65 > P a g e
$edia Conta!t /og
"his log helps with ,eeping trac, of media in4uires and interviews# Adding
these same contacts to !our updated media list will be ver! important to
!our recover! steps#
Date of
"ime of
Date ) "ime of Response to
0e,s #elease Templates
Create !our own industr! media news release templates for the priorities
set forth for !our industr! before the crisis occurs# It is important to
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6< > P a g e
include basic information along with 4uotes$ using the generated
Samples follow in the Appendi7 @$ pages 66;6-#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
66 > P a g e
Re-evaluate Conditions
Using the original 8Crisis Preparation and Communication Chec,list9$ re;
evaluate where !ou are in the crisis structure and address an! additional
steps as more of the details unfold# Remember to bring the media along as
!our process unfolds too#
-e/ne Recover,
@Hective recover! after a crisis should be a restoration of the industr! to a
former or better condition# 0ith this in mind$ recover! should be included in
an! crisis communication strateg! to help the industr! return to wor,$ but
also to address an! changes that might be needed to prevent an! future
incidents from occurring# Refer bac, to the 8Action 3atri79 and 8A Five;Step
3odel for Preparing 3essages9 to help !ou address an! recover! steps that
are necessar!# Investigation into the individual reasons and areas for
industr!;wide changes or concerns will be important# @4uall! important is to
address larger issues of economic$ social$ and environmental concerns from
a s!stems approach perspective#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6' > P a g e
A4 Crisis Communication Media Training
Personnel training should include the continuum from emplo!ees on the farm
across the designated industr! to the authoriCed crisis communication team#
@mplo!ee trainings should include de/ning situations that could be
considered a crisis$ handling media$ the communication plan$ and their
responsibilit! in the event of a crisis# "he crisis communication team should
build upon this foundation$ with more in;depth training for the development
of a crisis communication plan$ media message development and speci/c
industr! protocols that are in place#
)esources to 9nd more information+
Chec, the www#ncmar,etread!#org under 83ar,eting
Mire an outside consulting agenc! that specialiCes in crisis
communication trainings#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6+ > P a g e
14 Facts!eet .*ample
M,coto*ins and Sweepotatoes 8 Food Safet,
Tips for Tal'ing wit! %ews Media on t!is +ssue
In answering media 4uestions$ remember the following:
O 0rite down the reportersG names$ their media outlet and their phone number# "his will help
!ou ,now who to contact if !ou need to update the information !ouGve given#
O Stic, to what !ou ,now# Do not venture into information where !ou have no e7pertise$ but
refer media to other agents or specialists who ma! have the information Ean e7perts list on
this topic is listed belowF#
O Direct reporters to the FDA and other 0ebsites for updates and regulator! information$
and remember that regulator! information is not our area of e7pertise#
O For more assistance on this topic$ please contact a member of our industries core crisis
communication team at:
Tal'ing &oints on M,coto*ins
U#S# Food and Drug Administration information on production$ distribution patterns and
tracebac, review D@"AI=S FR&3 FDA such as:
UPDA"@ &% S0@@" P&"A"& MARP@S" I% 8S"A"@9:
0MICM PR&DUC"S AR@ AFF@C"@D: Culled sweet potatoes used for animal feed
0MICM PR&DUC"S AR@ U%AFF@C"@D: Fresh sweet potatoes available for commercial sales
0MA" PA"M&(@% CAUS@S "M@ I==%@SS: 3!coto7ins from fungal pathogens
=I%: "& FDA 0@?SI"@: EChec, the FDA website for updates on illnesses and other
information associated with the outbrea,F http:JJwww#fda#govJ
0MA" AC"I&%S SM&U=D %C C&%SU3@RS "A:@:
T!e following are not tal'ing points for t!e news media but rat!er
information wit! !elpful lin's# so t!at ,ou can provide useful
information to growers4
O "he use of (ood Agricultural Practices E(APsF in the /eld$ at harvest and in the pac,ing
house can help growers identif! and prevent most microbial pathogens of concern# As
Cooperative @7tension agents$ !ou can provide growers and produce handlers with
about (AP practices# If !ou need more information$ please contact
O "he most eHective strateg! to protect against contamination is to ,eep the produce free
these harmful pathogens in the /rst place# Cooperative @7tension is loo,ing at the best pre;
post;harvest practices for growers and consumers to enable %orth Carolina to have fresh
and safe 4ualit! fruits and vegetables#
.conomic +mplications
"he estimated farm value of the sweet potato crop was S 6A+ million in <LLA$ which is
up <LT from <LL2#
Averaging .- percent of total sweet potato e7penditures$ the maorit! of retail
e7penditure growth has been in fresh sweet potatoes$ with total annual e7penditures
e7panding A percent between 5AAA and <LL- to S5'A million#
Recentl!$ with !ields averaging 5.L cwt per acre$ production has ta,en oH$ with a 6'
percent increase from 56#2 million cwt in <LLL to 52#+ million cwt in <LL.#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6- > P a g e
Source: =ucier (#$ Dettmann R=#$ Da Pra 3#$ Uerardo A# E<LL2F# :egeta,les and Melons
7utloo8 USDA# @conomic Research Service# P(S;66L# 5;'2#
-ocuments Speci/c to outbrea's of M,coto*ins in Sweet &otatoes
Richard$ U=# E5AALF# 5dditional Mycoto;ins of Potential Importance to 4uman and 5nimal
4ealt* United States Department of Agriculture EUSDAF# Peterinar! and Muman
"o7icolog!# 6<: -6;.L# Retrieved from:
Desardine A@#$ Mohn "3# E5AA.F# 3!coto7ins in Plant Pat*ogenesis 3P3I# Publication no#
3;5AA.;L5LA;L5L$United States Department of Agriculture EUSDAF$ %ational Center for
Agricultural UtiliCation Research# 5L:<R 5'.;5+<# Retrieved from:
United States Department of Agriculture EUSDAF# E<L5LF# Molds on food+ are t*ey
dangerous< Safe Food Mandling Fact Sheet# Retrieved fromR
.*perts 5!o Can Address T!is +ssue(
For more information(
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6. > P a g e
C4 M essage Map .*ample
Message Map Template
Sta'e!older( %ews 3ediaJConsumers
7uestion or Concern( %orth Carolina tomatoes have not been implicated in the
recent salmonella outbrea,$ but the stateGs tomato industr! ma! be hurt b!
association# ItGs important for consumers to understand what the FDA warning
reall! means#
9e, Message : 9e, Message ; 9e, Message <
%orth Carolina is not
among the 5A states
whose tomatoes have
been associated with
the outbrea,#
(rowers trained in (ood
Agricultural Practices
can help minimiCe ris,s#
"omato growers in %orth
Carolina and other states
outside the outbrea, area
can be hurt b! this crisis#
+nformation :-:
+nformation ;-:
Supporting +nformation
%orth CarolinaGs
commercial tomatoes
are still two wee,s awa!
from being read! for
Produce wor,ers who
handle fresh mar,et are
taught to wash hands
after using the restroom#
All tomato growers suHer
when maor media advise
consumers not to eat
+nformation :-;
+nformation ;-;
Supporting +nformation
"herefore$ %orth
CarolinaGs commercial
tomatoes have not been
implicated in the
outbrea, b! FDA#
Produce wor,ers use
alcohol;based hand
sanitiCer to ,ill germs
when handling
0hen people see maor
restaurant chains leaving
tomatoes oH sandwiches$
the! ma! believe that
tomatoes are unsafe#
+nformation :-<
+nformation ;-<
Supporting +nformation
"he stateGs tomato crop
is e7pected to be safe
and plentiful within the
Produce wor,ers wear
gloves and hairnets
when touching the
If farms canGt sell their
produce because of
consumer concerns$
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
62 > P a g e
ne7t one to two wee,s# tomatoes# wor,ers ma! lose their obs#
Source: Chester;Davis$ =eah$ %# Mampton$ and D# Shore# Module =+ Dealing wit* "ontroversies and "rises+
6or8ing wit* t*e &ews Media%C 3ar,etRead! Fresh Produce Safet!; Field to Famil!#
-4 Media Tips and Resources
12 $edia .asi!s+ #e*ie, these steps 3efore $edia Calls4
Remember the mediaGs role is to obectivel! tell all sides of a stor!$ even if
views are unpopular# DonGt e7pect reporters to present onl! !our perspective
and never tell a reporter how to report a stor!# DonGt e7pect a reporter to
ma,e !ou loo, goodR ma,e !ourself loo, good b! providing clear$ concise
9now w!o=s calling# 0hen a reporter calls$ as, some 4uestions to
determine whom !ouGre tal,ing to and what the! need# If !ou donGt ,now
a reporter$ get hisJher name$ emplo!er and phone number# Clarif! what
information sheJhe is see,ing from !ou#
+dentif, ,ourself4 DonGt assume a reporter ,nows who !ou are or what
!ou do ust because the!Gve called# Provide !our name$ title$ compan! or
agenc! name and names of other people or programs !ouGre discussing#
Respect deadlines4 Reporters live b! unbending deadlines# If a reporter
calls for immediate comment$ tr! to help or point them to someone who
can# ?ut beware of giving a 84uic,ie9 response if !ou have inade4uate
Respond promptl,4 Return media calls promptl!# If a reporter catches
!ou unprepared$ /nd out what heJshe is loo,ing for and oHer to call bac,
in a few minutes# (ather !our thoughts$ anticipate 4uestions$ plan !our
response and call bac, 4uic,l!# If !ou have an appointment for an
interview$ be there# Dodging a reporter wonGt ma,e the stor! disappearR it
ust will be reported without !our perspective#
Tell t!e trut!4 %ever lie# Alwa!s tell the truth# If !ou donGt ,now or arenGt
sure$ sa! so and donGt guess# Qour credibilit! is at sta,e# ?eing truthful
does not mean telling all !ou ,now# Use good udgment#
For t!e record4 An!thing !ou sa! to a reporter is fair game for a stor!# If
!ou donGt want it reported$ donGt sa! it# As,ing a reporter to go 8oH the
record9 is not appropriate# DonGt as, reporters not to print something after
!ou sa! it#
Avoid no comment4 8%o comment9 sounds suspicious# If !ou reall! canGt
comment$ e7plain wh!# 80eGre gathering that information and will provide
it when itGs /naliCed#9 &r 8&ur polic! doesnGt allow us to comment on
personnel matters#9 ItGs &: to sa! !ou donGt ,now and oHer to /nd out#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
6A > P a g e
)se ,our 9e, points4 ?efore interviews$ identif! the three main points
!ou want to ma,e# For each point$ develop three responses that support
or help communicate that point# 0or, on ma,ing ,e! points in <L seconds
or less# Come up with a couple of 5L;second or under responses#
-ump t!e >argon4 "echnical terms and acron!ms are confusing or
meaningless to the public# ?e a translator b! using ever!da! language
and e7amples# Relate !our information in wa!s ever!da! fol,s can
appreciate W wh! is this important and what does it mean to their lives$
communit!$ families or livelihoodsK
3ead wit! t!e bottom line4 Remember to provide ,e! facts or points
/rst# Add details if time allows# Qour ,e! message can get lost in too much
detail and technical information#
Tal' slowl,4 Reporters will write furiousl! as !ou tal,# Some will use tape
recorders# "al,
slowl! and be clear# =eave nothing to chance#
S!ort? sweet? stop4 :eep !our answers brief# Qour main message gets
lost unless !ou discipline !ourself to provide concise answers# Radio or "P
reporters often must tell an entire stor! in <L seconds to a minute#
Answer the 4uestion and stop tal,ing# DonGt ,eep tal,ing to /ll the silence#
-on=t babble4 =isten to 4uestions and thin, about !our answers before
!ou start tal,ing#
DonGt ramble# ItGs &: to pause brieN! to gather !our thoughts before
Summari@e t!oug!ts4 After discussing the subect$ concisel! summariCe
,e! points in ever!da! language# 83! maor points are: 5# ### <# ###6# ###9
"his ma! plant the idea of a stor! outline in the reporterGs mind#
1e proactive4 Answer reportersG 4uestions and volunteer information to
ma,e ,e! points# Reporters ma! welcome another angle or idea$ but oHer
ideas as suggestions$ not directives# Reporters arenGt li,el! to let !ou see
a stor! before it appears$ but alwa!s invite them to call bac, for help or
&otential pitfalls4 Alwa!s have the facts before commenting# Stic, to
what !ou ,now even if this disappoints a reporter# If !ou are unprepared
or un4uali/ed to answer$ refer reporters to someone who can help# Avoid
personal views or speculation# DonGt let reporters put words in !our
mouth# Reporter: 8So !ouGre sa!ing ###9 Qou: 8%o$ let me clarif! ###9 Do not
repeat inaccuracies$ even to correct them#
Feedbac'4 ItGs &: to tell reporters when the! do a good ob# If the! ma,e
a mista,e$ weigh whatGs at sta,e# If itGs a maor error in fact$ tell the
reporter or editor$ but donGt 4uibble over minor misunderstandings#
Remember$ !ouGre building long;term relationships#
-on=t assume reporter 'nowledge4 DonGt assume that a reporter is
,nowledgeable ust because heJshe is covering the stor!# 3ost reporters
are generalists who cover diverse topics and have little time to
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'L > P a g e
bac,ground themselves on brea,ing stories before reporting them#
Provide simple information to help out#
Source: CI" %ews and Publishing$ "ommunications and Information 'ec*nology$
Institute of Agriculture and %atural Resources$ Universit! of %ebras,a;=incoln$ Phone 'L<;
'.<;6L6LR fa7 'L<;'.<;6LA6R e;mail ianrnewsXunlnotes#unl#edu
52 6ight uestions $edia Al,a"s Ask
5# 0hat happenedK
<# 0ho is in chargeK
6# Mas this been containedK
'# Are victims being helpedK
+# 0hat can we e7pectK
-# 0hat should we doK
.# 0h! did this happenK
2# Did !ou have forewarningK
72 uestions the Crisis Team $ust Ask Itself
5# 0hat happenedK
<# Mow do we ,nowK
6# 0ho is responsibleK
'# 0h! did it happenK
+# 0ho is aHectedK
-# 0hat should we doK
.# 0ho can we trustK
2# 0ho needs to hear from usK
A# 0hat should we sa!K
5L# Mow should we sa! itK
Source: @ric 3ower ) Associates 0or,shop# E Uune <LL2F#Eig*t Questions t*e Media
5lways 5s8 from #niversity of Iowa Study# 1uestions the Crisis "eam 3ust As, Itself#
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'5 > P a g e
.4 Sample %ews Releases
)ample 91+ Food3orne Pathogen :ut3reak
For +mmediate Release Contact(
Februar! 6$ <LL+ First$ =ast %ame
&: 777;777;7777
3: 777;777;7777
Green &roduce Compan, Responds to Salmonella Outbrea'
FDA )a"s Compan" )o Far 0ot /inked to :ut3reak
Salinas? CA EDate$ <LL+F W &Icials from the Food ) Drug Administration visited the (reen
Produce Compan! toda! and found no evidence to conclude that the compan! is lin,ed to
an outbrea, of Salmonella that made 6<L people ill in and around the San Diego vicinit!#
Compan! President Uohn Smith made the following statement:
8(reen Produce Compan! has been identi/ed as one of the suppliers to ?obGs Restaurant in
San Diego$ where an outbrea, of Salmonella has made 6<L people ill# After two da!s of
investigations$ the California Mealth Department has not !et determined the source of the
outbrea,$ but their investigation is ongoing# =ocal FDA oIcials have visited our facilities in
Salinas and have found no evidence to conclude that (reen Produce Compan! is a source of
this unfortunate outbrea,#
80e ta,e an! outbrea, of foodborne illness ver! seriousl! and wor, ver! diligentl! to help
ensure the safet! of our products# (reen Produce has a strong food safet! program in place
throughout our operations$ including our warehouses$ processing facilit! and distribution
centers# &ur food safet! precautions include the following s!stems and procedures:
O Adherence to (APs
O MACCP program
O 8"hree;a;da!9 handwashing rule
O @4uipment disinfection s!stem
O Sanitar! practices monitoring program
O @mplo!ee education policies
O @tc# Y=ist in bullet form all of compan!Gs food safet! s!stems#Z
8As this investigation continues$ we are cooperating full! with local and federal health
oIcials to help /nd the source of this outbrea,# Again$ all indications are that (reen Produce
was not the source of the outbrea,$ but we will remain vigilant in helping to /nd the reason
for the outbrea,#9
For more information on the Salmonella outbrea, associated with ?obGs Restaurant in San
Diego$ CA$ contact:
=ist numbers of FDA$ local and state health departments and !our compan! media contact
and 0eb site#
YAdd compan! boiler plate here#Z
Source: International Fresh Cut Produce Association# E<LL+F# "risis "ommunications Manual and
%uide for 4andling t*e &ews Media
Sample #2: Product Recall
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'< > P a g e
Austinuts of Dallas, Inc. Announces Voluntary Recall of Honey Mustard Pretzels
Blair Bernier

FOR IMMEDIAE RE!EA"E - Dallas, Texas - March 17, 2010 - Austinuts of Dallas, nc! has
issue" a #oluntar$ recall for %one$ Mustar" &ret'els, (ot nu)*er 611+0,0280, *ecause the
-ro"uct )a$ *e conta)inate" .ith /al)onella!
/al)onella is an or0anis) .hich can cause serious an" so)eti)es fatal infections in $oun0
chil"ren, frail or el"erl$ -eo-le, an" others .ith .ea1ene" i))une s$ste)s! %ealth$ -ersons
infecte" .ith /al)onella often ex-erience fe#er, "iarrhea 2.hich )a$ *e *loo"$3, nausea,
#o)itin0 an" a*"o)inal -ain! n rare circu)stances, infection .ith /al)onella can result in the
or0anis) 0ettin0 into the *loo"strea) an" -ro"ucin0 )ore se#ere illnesses such as arterial
infections 2i!e!, infecte" aneur$s)s3, en"ocar"itis an" arthritis! 4or )ore infor)ation on
/al)onella, -lease #isit the 5enters for Disease 5ontrol an" &re#ention6s 7e* site at
The Austinuts %one$ Mustar" &ret'els .ere onl$ "istri*ute" at Austinuts9 *uil"in0 in Dallas,
Texas in 16 ounce clear zipper bags! 5onsu)ers ha#in0 an$ of these -ro"ucts are ur0e" to
"estro$ the)!
#O OHER A$"I#$"% PROD$C" ARE PAR OF HI" RECA!!! :o illnesses ha#e *een
re-orte" to "ate in connection .ith the a*o#e -ro"uct! The -ret'els .ere )anufacture" *$
:ational &ret'el 5o)-an$ of (ancaster, &A an" .ere coate" .ith a seasonin0 )ix that inclu"e"
h$"rol$'e" #e0eta*le -rotein recalle" *$ Basic 4oo" 4la#ors, (as ;e0as, :;, *ecause it )a$ *e
conta)inate" .ith /al)onella!
5onsu)ers .ith recall <uestions )a$ contact Austinuts of Dallas, nc! at 214-739-6887 "urin0
nor)al *usiness hours, Mon"a$ throu0h /atur"a$ 10 a!)! to 6 -!)! 5entral /tan"ar" Ti)e
25DT3! 5onsu)ers .ith <uestions or concerns a*out their health shoul" contact their "octor
4or infor)ation on the =!/! 4oo" an" Dru0 A")inistration6s 24DA3 on0oin0 in#esti0ation, #isit
4DA9s 7e* site at ...!f"a!0o#!
> > >
Source+ %C 3ar,et Read!# E<L5LF# "risis Preparedness 'raining
Sample 'emplate >? @ 5nnouncement of &ews
S"A"@ &R I%DUS"RQ =&(&
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'6 > P a g e
%ews OCce#? Cit,#
Mont! DD? ;BDD#
Media Contact( %ame? title? aCliation? p!one? email#
Cooperative .*tension Eosts Ris' +denti/cation 5or's!op for
ECI"QF$ %#C# * &" Mar8et)eady Fres* Produce Safety @ Field to Family is a
new %#C# Cooperative @7tension program developed to educate fruit and
vegetable growers about measures to minimiCe food safet! ris,s# "he
training focuses on (ood Agricultural Practices E(APsF and managing ris,s
from /eld to mar,et# "he training consists of nine modules$ bro,en into "ier
5 and "ier <$ addressing speci/c areas of (ood Agricultural Practices E(APsF
that together provide a comprehensive curriculum developed b! leading
researchers and Cooperative @7tension specialists at %#C# State Universit!
and %#C# A)" State Universit!#
E%A3@$ "I"=@F$ will conduct the "ier < &" Mar8et)eady training wor,shop at
"I3@$ DA"@$ =&CA"I&% EI%C=UDI%( S"R@@" ADDR@SSF# ?uilding upon "ier 5$
"ier < will address ris, identi/cation and management issues including
transportation and traceabilit!$ product recalls$ liabilit! and insurance
options$ and developing a crisis strateg!#
"his wor,shop will bene/t not onl! growers and pac,inghouse managers$ but
also wholesalers and transportation managers who all pla! an integral role in
maintaining the safet! of fresh produce as it moves from the /eld to the
consumer# Currentl!$ (APs certi/cation is voluntar! for %orth Carolina
farmers$ though outbrea,s of food;borne illness in other parts of the countr!
have resulted in increased pressure for all farmers to become certi/ed#
"he development of the &" Mar8et)eady Fres* Produce Safety @ Field to
Family curriculum was funded with grants from the %#C# "obacco "rust Fund
Commission$ Sustainable Agriculture Research and @ducation ESAR@F and
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'' > P a g e
USDA Ris, 3anagement Agenc!# %#C# Cooperative @7tension facult!
developed the curriculum as part of the %#C# Fresh Produce Safet! "as, Force#
For more information contact Q&UR %A3@ at C&%"AC" I%F&# =earn more at
02C2 Cooperati*e 6xtension is an educational outreach of %#C# State
Universit! and %#C# A)" State Universit!# It has programs in all 5LL counties
and the Chero,ee Reservation# =earn more at www4ces4ncsu4edu#
Source: %C 3ar,et Read!# E<L5LF# &ews )eleases for &" Mar8et)eady Fres* Produce Safety
"urriculum 'rainings
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'+ > P a g e
5# %C 3ar,et Read!# E<L5LF# "risis Preparedness 'raining Retrieved fromR
<# D# Ducharme# %C Fresh Produce Safet! "as, Force E<L5LF# F5QAs Ecoli and
6# International Fresh Cut Produce Association# E<LL+F# "risis "ommunications
Manual and %uide for 4andling t*e &ews Media#
'# Chester;Davis$ =eah$ %# Mampton$ and D# Shore# Module =+ Dealing wit*
"ontroversies and "rises+ 6or8ing wit* t*e &ews Media# %C 3ar,etRead!
Fresh Produce Safet!; Field to Famil!#
+# FSIS 3odel Food Securit! Plans#E<LL+F# Retrieved fromR
-# M!er$Randall %# and Covello$ Pincent# E<LL+F# E3ective Media
"ommunication during Pu,lic 4ealt* Emergencies, 5 6orld 4ealt*
7rgani(ation 4and,oo8$#0orld Mealth &rganiCation and the Center for Ris,
Communication# Deciding t*e "ourse of 5ction# Retrieved fromR
.# Food Insight * Qour %utrition and Food Safet! Resources# E<L5LF# )is8
"ommunicator 'raining for Food Defense Preparedness, )esponse B
)ecovery 'rainerCs 7verview# Retrieved fromR
2# American Commodit! Distribution Association# ESeptember <LL-F# Food
safety$Food Defense )esponse Plan # Prepared b! :enadine Uohnson and
staH 3ontana &Ice of Public Instruction Melena$ 3ontana # Retrieved fromR
Crisis 3anagement 3anual and Communication Resource (uide
'- > P a g e

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