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Vehicular Technology

1 A Framework for
Secure and
Efficient Data
Acquisition in
Vehicular Ad Hoc
Intervehicular communication lies at the core of a number of industry and academic research
initiatives that aim at enhancing the safety and efficiency of transportation systems. Vehicular
ad hoc networks (VANETs) enable vehicles to communicate with each other and with
roadside units (RSUs). Service-oriented vehicular networks are special types of VANETs that
support diverse infrastructure-based commercial services, including Internet access, real-time
traffic management, video streaming, and content distribution. Many forms of attacks against
service-oriented VANETs that attempt to threaten their security have emerged. The success of
data acquisition and delivery systems depends on their ability to defend against the different
types of security and privacy attacks that exist in service-oriented VANETs. This paper
introduces a system that takes advantage of the RSUs that are connected to the Internet and
that provide various types of information to VANET users. We provide a suite of novel
security and privacy mechanisms in our proposed system and evaluate its performance using
the ns2 software. We show, by comparing its results to those of another system, its feasibility
and efficiency.
2 VMaSC:
Vehicular multi-
hop algorithm for
stable clustering in
Vehicular Ad Hoc
Clustering is an effective mechanism to handle the fast changes in the topology of vehicular
ad hocnetworks (VANET) by using local coordination. Constructing stable clusters by
determining the vehicles sharing similar mobility pattern is essential in reducing the overhead
of clustering algorithms. In this paper, we introduce VMaSC: Vehicular Multi-hop algorithm
for Stable Clustering. VMaSC is a novelclustering technique based on choosing the node with
the least mobility calculated as a function of the speed difference between neighboring nodes
as the cluster head through multiple hops. Extensive simulation experiments performed using
ns-3 with the vehicle mobility input from the Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO)
demonstrate that novel metric used in the evaluation of the least mobile node and multi-hop
clustering increases cluster head duration by 25% while decreasing the number of clusterhead
changes by 10%.
VANET 2013
3 BAHG: Back-
Hop Greedy
for VANETs City
Using advanced wireless local area network technologies, vehicular ad hoc networks
(VANETs) have become viable and valuable for their wide variety of novel applications, such
as road safety, multimedia content sharing, commerce on wheels, etc. Multihop information
dissemination in VANETs is constrained by the high mobility of vehicles and the frequent
disconnections. Currently, geographic routing protocols are widely adopted for VANETs as
they do not require route construction and route maintenance phases. Again, with connectivity
awareness, they perform well in terms of reliable delivery. To obtain destination position,
some protocols use flooding, which can be detrimental in city environments. Further, in the
case of sparse and void regions, frequent use of the recovery strategy elevates hop count.
Some geographic routing protocols adopt the minimum weighted algorithm based on distance
or connectivity to select intermediate intersections. However, the shortest path or the path
with higher connectivity may include numerous intermediate intersections. As a result, these
protocols yield routing paths with higher hop count. In this paper, we propose a hop greedy
routing scheme that yields a routing path with the minimum number of intermediate
intersection nodes while taking connectivity into consideration. Moreover, we introduce back-
bone nodes that play a key role in providing connectivity status around an intersection. Apart
from this, by tracking the movement of source as well as destination, the back-bone nodes
enable a packet to be forwarded in the changed direction. Simulation results signify the
benefits of the proposed routing strategy in terms of high packet delivery ratio and shorter
end-to-end delay.
VANET 2013

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NS2 2013
(Mobile Computing, Wireless Sensor Network, Vanet, Ad-Hoc Network, Mesh Network, Parallel & Distributed

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