Realize Benefits Age Old Practice Beautiful Cuba#.U0Lcb8Dzwrt

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Repri eve, PO Box 72054

London UK, EC3P 3BZ

T +44 (0)20 7553 8140
F +44 (0)20 7553 8189
i nfo@repri eve. org. uk
www. repri eve. org. uk
Chai r: Ken Macdonal d QC
Patrons: Al an Bennett, Jul i e Chri sti e, Martha Lane Fox, Gordon Roddi ck,
Ri chard Rogers, Ruth Rogers, Jon Snow, Mari na Warner and Vi vi enne
Repri eve i s a chari tabl e company l i mi ted by guarantee regi stered i n Engl and and Wal es. Regi stered Chari ty No. 1114900,
Regi stered Company No. 5777831. Regi stered Offi ce 2-6 Cannon Street London EC4M 6YH.

.C. 8ox 72034
London LC3 38Z
unlLed klngdom
Mrs. ChrlsLlne 8ogdan
Col. !ohn 8ogdan
(!"# hand dellvery Lo !1l-C1MC habeas sLaff)
9 Aprll 2014

?oga aL CuanLnamo 8ay

uear Col. and Mrs. 8ogdan:

l read wlLh greaL lnLeresL Lhe recenL news abouL Mrs. 8ogdan's yoga classes aL CuanLnamo 8ay
(?oga under Lhe banyan Lree: C1MC resldenLs reallze Lhe beneflLs of an age-old pracLlce ln beauLlful Cuba",
uefense vldeo and lmagery ulsLrlbuLlon SysLem, 3 Aprll 2014.)
1he arLlcle spurred me Lo wrlLe you boLh wlLh
a humble suggesLlon.

Col. 8ogdan wlll be aware LhaL l am Lhe lawyer for a number of deLalnees ln hls care. WhaL he may
noL know ls LhaL several of Lhese deLalnees are, llke yourselves, yoga enLhuslasLs. As a husband and wlfe Leam
responslble, respecLlvely, for order and dlsclpllne aL Lhe ClLmo deLenLlon cenLer and Lhe llmberness and calm
of CuanLnamo's young mlllLary recrulLs, lL sLrlkes me LhaL you have mlssed a chance Lo comblne your LalenLs.

Mrs. 8ogdan oughL Lo lead a yoga course for Lhe deLalnees.

Many prlsoners l know would welcome Lhe opporLunlLy Lo hone Lhelr pracLlce wlLh a professlonal. ln
facL l had hoped Lo lnclude ln Lhls leLLer some ldeas dlrecLly from Ahmad 8abbanl, one deLalnee-yogl l was due
Lo vlslL Lhls Lrlp. Alas, a decade ln CuanLnamo has had deleLerlous effecLs on hls healLh, and l was unable Lo
see hlm. (Pe ls now on a hunger sLrlke and welghs [usL over a hundred pounds.)

l was parLlcularly moved by Mrs. 8ogdan's remark LhaL yoga offered rare solace for a soldler's wlfe:

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noL for a momenL do l doubL Lhls. Sparlng you Lhe deLalls, Mrs. 8ogdan, l assure you lL ls equally
dlfflculL Lo be deLalned 5+ your spouse.

Pere, Lhen, ls a worLhy goal wlLhln arm's reach of you boLh. ?ou wlll sLruggle Lo flnd a group of people
more ln need of physlcal and splrlLual aLLenLlon Lhan Lhe depleLed and slck men of CuanLnamo 8ay.

1he ldea ls noL ouLlandlsh. ClLmo's publlc affalrs sLaff make much of Lhe arL classes and exerclse
equlpmenL supposedly avallable Lo deLalnees. lmaglne Lhe good you could do - noL [usL for Lhe prlsoners, buL
for CuanLnamo's llsLlng publlc lmage - lf your 8 Leam could add Lo Lhelr cheerful phoLo bank a group of
deLalnees ln Lhe uownward uog poslLlon. (l have enclosed one of ClLmo's offlclal sporLs 8 phoLos for

1he arLlcle ls onllne aL hLLp://www.dvldshub.neL/news/123961/yoga-under-banyan-Lree-gLmo-resldenLs-
reallze-beneflLs-age-old-pracLlce-beauLlful-cuba#.u0LCb8dZW8L, buL l have enclosed a copy for your reference.

Repri eve, PO Box 72054
London UK, EC3P 3BZ
T +44 (0)20 7553 8140
F +44 (0)20 7553 8189
i nfo@repri eve. org. uk
www. repri eve. org. uk
Chai r: Ken Macdonal d QC
Patrons: Al an Bennett, Jul i e Chri sti e, Martha Lane Fox, Gordon Roddi ck,
Ri chard Rogers, Ruth Rogers, Jon Snow, Mari na Warner and Vi vi enne
Repri eve i s a chari tabl e company l i mi ted by guarantee regi stered i n Engl and and Wal es. Regi stered Chari ty No. 1114900,
Regi stered Company No. 5777831. Regi stered Offi ce 2-6 Cannon Street London EC4M 6YH.

Cn Lhe sub[ecL of uownward uogs, l admlL Lhe rlgors of dally llfe for a deLalnee may requlre some
Lweaks Lo Lhe usual reglme of #1#'#1 (yoga poses). Pere are some suggesLed modlflcaLlons, ln no way
lnLended Lo llmlL your own creaLlvlLy:

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1hls #1#'# prepares Lhe deLalnee Lo face Lhe lCL (lorclble Cell LxLracLlon) 1eam. (Col. 8ogdan can
explaln, or Lry ?ou1ube.)

ln Lhe pose, Lhe deLalnee should lle prosLraLe on hls belly, whlle hls arms and legs are sLreLched behlnd
hls back. ?ou may wlsh Lo pull Lhe arms/legs of more advanced sLudenLs unLll palnful. 1he yoglc deLalnee's
goal ls Lo malnLaln passlvlLy durlng Lhe exerclse whlle avoldlng ln[ury. lor supplemenLal menLal Lralnlng,
conslder shouLlng 'uC nC1 8LSlS1' when a pracLlLloner sLarLs Lo wrlLhe ln dlscomforL.

1ough? ?oga, as you know, ls no slssy's sporL.

23*&"/456 3.%&*7 0"1.

AnoLher scenarlo your sLudenLs have ample opporLunlLy Lo pracLlce. (lear of Lhls dlfflculL pose ls
probably why l dld noL see my cllenL Loday.)

Pere Lhe sLudenL/deLalnee should sLand, arms and legs aklmbo, agalnsL a wall. 1hen Lhe learner musL
hold absoluLely sLlll whlle one or more male Ms rubs hls genlLals. 1he goal of Lhe pose ls Lo Lry - Lhrough sheer
force of wlll - Lo reLracL one's prlvaLe parLs safely wlLhln Lhe body cavlLy, whlle achlevlng LoLal deLachmenL
from Lhe sexual assaulL underway.

AfLer all, yoga Leaches LhaL Lhe scroLum search, llke all Lhlngs, musL some day pass.

2)"&*.()..'+$,6 87%+& 0"1.

erhaps Lhe mosL physlcally and splrlLually Laxlng of Lhe ClLmo-ga poses. 1he deLalnee musL slL and
hold hls composure whlle a Lhlck, meLer-long Lube ls passed Lhrough hls nose and down hls gulleL. 8reaLh
conLrol ls dlfflculL whlle lnLubaLed, and when a slurry of arLlflclal nuLrlenLs hlLs Lhe pracLlLloner's sLomach, Lhe
peace and noLhlngness promlsed Lo Lhe yoga pracLlLloner ls boLh mosL needed and hardesL Lo achleve.

1he advanced form of Lhls pose lnvolves mulLlple lnLubaLlon aLLempLs, proddlng varlous of Lhe
sLudenL's lnLernal organs.

29.%&:; <6 8"&=1. 0"1.

AL Lhls polnL many of your sLudenLs wlll have seen several of Lhelr frlends hauled ouL as acLual corpses.
1hls pose ls much llke Lhe orlglnal 'Corpse ose' ln LradlLlonal yoga - wlLh Lhe added challenge LhaL as Lhe
deLalnee lles on hls back, he ponders hls losL years and losL famlly, and conLemplaLes how many more may pass
before Lhe unlLed SLaLes sees flL Lo release hlm.

l could go on, buL l hope Lhese ldeas are enough for a few sLarLer sesslons. ln any evenL Lhe program
ls perhaps besL lefL for you and Lhe deLalnees Lo develop LogeLher. l am sure Mr. 8abbanl would be glad Lo
dlscuss Lhe plan (lf he ls feellng well enough.) Col. 8ogdan, who wlll know hlm beLLer as number 1461, can
schedule a vlslL.

Repri eve, PO Box 72054
London UK, EC3P 3BZ
T +44 (0)20 7553 8140
F +44 (0)20 7553 8189
i nfo@repri eve. org. uk
www. repri eve. org. uk
Chai r: Ken Macdonal d QC
Patrons: Al an Bennett, Jul i e Chri sti e, Martha Lane Fox, Gordon Roddi ck,
Ri chard Rogers, Ruth Rogers, Jon Snow, Mari na Warner and Vi vi enne
Repri eve i s a chari tabl e company l i mi ted by guarantee regi stered i n Engl and and Wal es. Regi stered Chari ty No. 1114900,
Regi stered Company No. 5777831. Regi stered Offi ce 2-6 Cannon Street London EC4M 6YH.

l appreclaLe Lhls ls a sLeep challenge, buL l feel sure you boLh are up Lo lL. l hope Lo read of Lhe ClLmo-
ga classes ln Lhe nexL lssue of CuanLnamo's mlllLary newspaper, '1he Wlre'.

very besL regards,

Corl Crlder
Lnclosures (2)

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