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FasTracKids * Teacher Tips

Astronomy 3 Week 1
Astronomie 3 Sptmna 1
This lesson introduces aviation from the earliest curiosity of man as they observed birds in
flight, to the advances being made every day. Students are encouraged to realize that with
encouragement, imagination and determination, anything, including space flight, is
possible for them to achieve.
Lecia prezint aviaia, pornind de la curiozitatea oamenilor din vechime care au observat
zborul psrilor, pn la progresele zilnice de acum. levilor li se arat c, avnd susinere,
imaginaie !i determinare, ei pot realiza orice, inclusiv zborul spaial.
Settin& the Sta&e ' FasTracKids "ad&es
"efore starting the lesson, remind students to put on their astrona(t )ad&es #$ept in their
folders% to help remind them to thin$ and observe as scientists. &s$ them' (an people fly
li$e birds) *hy not) +ave you ever flown in an airplane) & helicopter) & spaceship)
*hich would be more fun) *hy)
*re&tiri ' +c(soane FasTracKids
,nainte de -nceperea leciei, atragei atenia elevilor s.!i pun ec(soane,e de astrona(t
#sunt pstrate -n mape%, care s le aduc aminte s gndeasc !i s observe ca ni!te oameni
de !tiin. ,ntrebai.i' /ot oamenii s zboare ca ni!te psri) 0e ce nu) &i zburat vreodat
cu avionul) (u elicopterul) (u o nav spaial) (u care dintre ele ar fi mai distractiv) 0e
-An Introd(ction to F,i&ht. / -The Wri&ht "rothers.
/eople1s curiosity throughout history introduces this lesson with a short video of the
*right "rothers1 first attempts at flight. Students hear how the brothers e2perimented with
a variety of designs, never giving up, before they were successful. Their determination and
imagination is emphasized.
-*rime,e no0i(ni despre 1)or. / -Fra0ii Wri&ht.
,n introducerea acestei lecii este prezentat un scurt film dedicat primelor -ncercri de a
zbura ale frailor *right. levii aud cum cei doi frai au e2perimentat diverse forme ale
aparatelor de zbor !i nu au abandonat pn nu au reu!it. &ccentul se pune pe determinare !i
3ideotaping activity 4 This is a role.playing activity to allow students to describe their own
ideas about inventing an airplane. 0ivide the class into teams #pairs, if possible%. The
narration instructs them to ta$e turns describing #by using the picture on the Learning
Station% how they would build an airplane. ncourage each team to discuss their plan prior
to their presentation. ach team then presents their ideas by presenting one or two full
sentences each.
&ctivitate de filmare 4 &cesta este un 5oc de roluri menit s le permit elevilor s.!i descrie
propriile idei despre inventarea unui avion. ,mprii clasa -n echipe #perechi, dac e
posibil%. 6araiunea -i instruie!te s descrie #folosind imaginea de pe Staia de ,nvare%
cum ! construi ei un avion. ,ncura5ai echipele s.!i discute planurile -nainte de
prezentare. 7iecare echip -!i va e2pune apoi ideile, fiecare membru folosind una sau dou
propoziii complete.
-2i33erent F,yin& 4achines.
Students are encouraged to discuss any flying e2periences they may have had.
-2i3erite aparate de 1)or.
levii sunt -ncura5ai s discute despre eventualele lor e2periene de zbor de pn atunci.
-5reate Yo(r #6n F,yin& 4achine.
+ands.on activity 4 Students build a simple paper airplane to fly. They must listen
carefully to the directions given on how to fold their paper correctly. Teachers may want to
provide preprinted patterns #provided on your dis$% or instruct students to match the
folding lines with the image on the Learning Station. /rovide enough paper for students to
try a number of different folding techni8ues and designs. This activity will allow teachers
to observe their students1 motor s$ills, listening aptitude and ability to follow directions.
Optional activity encourage experimentation with wing and tail design by testing the
flight patterns and ability. Talk about your observations.
-5onstr(i0i o ma7in 1)(rtoare.
&ctivitate practic 4 levii construiesc un avion simplu de hrtie. i vor asculta cu atenie
instruciunile despre cum s plieze corect foile de hrtie9 -n acest scop, profesorii le pot
oferi modele gata imprimate #se gsesc pe (0%, sau s.i instruiasc pe elevi s fac
-ndoiturile urmrind modelul de pe Staia de ,nvare. 0ai elevilor suficient hrtie pentru
a putea s -ncerce diverse forme !i tehnici de -ndoire. &ceast activitate le va permite
profesorilor s observe abilitile motorii ale elevilor lor, aptitudinea de ascultare !i pe cea
de a urma instruciuni.
Activitate opional ncura!ai elevii s experimente"e diferite forme ale aripilor #i co"ii$
test%nd &n fiecare ca" capacitatea #i modul de "bor. 'orbii despre observaiile fcute.
Students are encouraged to discuss the similarities and differences between airplanes and
helicopters. Tal$ about the advantages of a helicopter in certain situations.
levii sunt -ncura5ai s discute despre asemnrile !i deosebirile dintre avioane !i
elicoptere. 3orbii despre avanta5ele elicopterelor -n anumite situaii.
-Find the 5orrect Win&s Game.
Touch.screen activity and handout 4 students play a matching game on the Learning
Station as they match wings with the correct aircraft body. The corresponding handout
allows students to match wings to bodies by drawing lines. ncourage students to discuss
their reasoning as they ma$e their choices.
-9oc: Gsi0i aripi,e potri;ite.
&ctivitate la ecranul interactiv !i handout 4 levii 5oac un 5oc pe Staia de ,nvare -n care
trebuie s asocieze fiecrui aparat de zbor aripile potrivite. 7oaia de hrtie corespunztoare
le permite elevilor s uneasc prin linii corpul aparatului cu aripile.
-Isaac Ne6ton. / -+<p,orin& Gra;ity.
& short video clip presents children throwing a ball into the air to demonstrate gravity.
+ands.on activity 4 provide a so3t )a,, for students to perform this e2periment. &s they
toss the ball, discuss why the ball falls bac$ to the earth. ncourage students to repeat the
new word, :gravity1 to begin understanding the concept.
-Isaac Ne6ton. / -+<p,ornd Gra;ita0ia.
;n scurt videoclip prezint ni!te copii care arunc o minge -n aer ca s demonstreze
&ctivitate practic 4 /entru efectuarea acestui e2periment, elevii vor primi o min&e moa,e.
,n timp ce ei arunc mingea, discutai de ce cade ea -napoi pe pmnt. ,ncura5ai elevii s
repete noul cuvnt -nvat, <gravitaie=, ca s -nceap s -neleag conceptul.
-+scapin& Gra;ity.
The importance of energy to escape the earth1s gravitational pull is discussed.
-+;adarea din cmp(, &ra;ita0iona,.
Se discut despre importana energiei -n a putea evada din cmpul gravitaional al
-The $ocket *o6er +<periment.
+ands.on activity . This e2periment is designed to illustrate how power moves things,
much li$e power moving a roc$et away from the earth1s gravity. >ou will need the
following supplies'
Toi,et paper ro,, or = paper to6e, ro,,
>or 1?@ 6rappin& paperA
Strin& >@ 3tB or soA
Tape a plastic drin$ing straw to the top of a paper roll #paper towel, toilet paper roll%. ?un a
long length of string through the straw. Tie one end of the string #taut% to the bac$ of a low
chair and the other end to the top of a door or other higher level ob5ect.. /lace a toy
#deflated% balloon inside the paper roll. "low up the balloon as much as possible, and hold
the end closed. To launch, let go of balloon.
This e2periment is conducted as an introduction to space flight.
-+<periment c( p(terea rachetei.
&ctivitate practic . &cest e2periment este menit s ilustreze cum energia 4 respectiv
puterea 4 poate deplasa obiecte, de e2emplu s scoat o rachet din cmpul gravitaional al
/mntului. 3ei avea nevoie de urmtoarele materiale'
S(, hrtie i&ienic sa( = s(, 7er;e0e,e de hrtie >sa( 1?@ hrtie am)a,aCA
*ai de )(t
S3oar >Dn C(r de 1E@ mA
"and ade1i;
Lipii un pai de but din plastic de un sul de hrtie #igienic, !erveele%. Trecei o sfoar
lung prin pai. ;nul din capetele sforii legai.l de sptarul unui scaun, iar cellalt capt de
partea de sus a u!ii, sau un alt obiect -nalt. /unei un balon #dezumflat% -n interiorul sulului
de hrtie. ;mflai balonul ct mai mult posibil, innd captul strns. (a s lansai
<racheta=, dai drumul la balon.
&cest e2periment este efectuat ca o introducere la zborul spaial.
-Space +<p,oration. / -Sate,,ites.
Students are presented information about the first attempts at space flight, beginning with
Sputni$. ?esearch and the 8uest for $nowledge are emphasized and students have the
chance to tal$ about what might be learned from this $ind of e2perimentation. The use of
satellites for research as well as communications is discussed. Students are encouraged to
tal$ about why #or why not% they would want to travel into space. ncourage them to use
their imagination and e2plain their reasoning in full sentences.
-+<p,orarea spa0i(,(i. / -Sate,i0i.
levilor le sunt prezentate informaii despre primele tentative de a zbura -n spaiul cosmic,
-ncepnd cu Sputni$.ul. &ccentul se pune pe cercetare !i cutarea de informaii, iar elevii
vor avea ocazia s discute despre ce se poate -nva din acest gen de e2perimente. Se
vorbe!te despre utilizarea sateliilor pentru cercetri !tiinifice !i comunicaii. levii sunt
-ncura5ai s e2plice de ce vor #sau nu vor% s cltoreasc -n spaiu. ,ncura5ai.i s.!i
foloseasc imaginaia !i s.!i e2plice raionamentul -n propoziii complete.
-5reate Yo(r #6n $ocket.
Touch.screen activity @ handout 4 An the Learning Station are geometric shapes #icons% as
:parts1 for students to build B spaceships. This is a teamwor$ activity and teams of two
should be instructed to share parts as much as possible. The narration advises them to
consider the weight of the spaceship while constructing. Some parts may also be
completely unnecessary. Students then should e2plain their reasoning.
& hando(t similar to this activity is also provided. Students can cut out and paste together
as few or as many parts as desired to create their own spaceship. &s$ the students to
describe the purpose of the different parts used.
-5rea0i o rachet.
&ctivitate la ecranul interactiv !i handout 4 /e Staia de ,nvare sunt forme geometrice
#pictograme% ca <piese= din care elevii s construiasc B nave spaiale. &ceasta este o
activitate de echip !i echipele din cte doi membri vor fi instruite s.!i -mpart ct mai
bine piesele. 6araiunea -i sftuie!te s in seama de greutatea navei spaiale -n timp ce
construiesc. putea, de asemenea, ca unele pri s fie complet inutile. levii vor trebui
s.!i e2plice apoi raionamentul.
/entru aceast activitate este oferit !i un hando(t echivalent. levii pot s decupeze !i s
lipeasc laolalt attea piese cte doresc ca s.!i creeze nava spaial. (erei elevilor s
descrie rostul fiecrei piese componente.
"e3ore St(dents Go 8ome F $e;ie6
0iscuss what materials #if applicable% students should have in their folders #astronomy
5unior astronaut badges%. 0o they have their ta$e.home handouts #D0iscovering
Students should describe their favorite part of the lesson and tell why as they are
Ef parents arrive early, encourage them to provide a few comments on videotape.
?eview the videotape with the students.
&s$ a student to volunteer to leave a sample of any materials #handouts% to display at
the start of the lesson ne2t wee$.
?eview vocabulary words 4 gravity, atmosphere, satellites, Sputni$,
*right "rothers, aviation
*hat is gravity)
?eview the *right "rothers and their accomplishments
Tal$ about early attempts at space e2ploration
Gnainte ca e,e;ii s p,ece acas F $ecapit(,are
0ac este cazul, discutai ce materiale trebuie s aib elevii -n mapele lor #ecusoane de
astronaui 5uniori%. &u foile de hrtie pe care le vor lua acas #<0escoperind
levii trebuie s descrie partea lor preferat din lecie !i s e2plice de ce, -n timp ce
sunt filmai.
/rinii care a5ung mai devreme, vor fi -ndemnai s fac !i ei cteva comentarii pe
3izionai filmul -mpreun cu elevii.
(erei unui elev voluntar s lase cte o mostr din fiecare material #foi de hrtie% care
s fie prezentate -n deschiderea leciei de sptmna viitoare.
,ntrebri recapitulative !i discuii'
?ecapitularea cuvintelor de vocabular 4 gravitaie, atmosfer, satelii, Sputni$,
7raii *right, aviaie
(e este gravitaia)
?evedei povestea frailor *right !i realizrile lor
3orbii despre primele tentative de e2plorare a spaiului cosmic
S(pp,y List 3or Acti;ities
-2isco;erin& Astronomy. 4 parents handout
Stiff paper for paper airplane construction
+andout 4 /aper airplane pattern #optional%
Large soft ball to toss for gravity e2periment
?oc$et supplies 4 string, paper towel tube or cylinder, balloon straw, tape, B chairs
+andout 4 geometric shapes of construction paper to ma$e roc$et ship
+andout 4 flying machines with missing wings 4 match by drawing lines
(amera and videotape
List c( materia,e,e pentr( acti;it0i
-2escoperind astronomia. 4 handout pentru prini
+rtie rigid pentru construirea de avioane
+andout 4 tipar de avion de hrtie #opional%
Ginge mare de aruncat pentru e2perimentul cu gravitaia
Gateriale pentru rachet 4 sfoar, tub de la sul de !erveele de hrtie, balon, pai de
but, B scaune
+andout 4 forme geometrice sau hrtie de construcie pentru a face o rachet
+andout 4 ma!ini zburtoare crora le lipsesc aripile 4 se unesc prin linii corpurile
ma!inilor cu aripile corespunztoare
&parat de filmat !i benzi video

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