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( c 6 trang)
Mn TI!NG "NH# $%&' "1
Thi gian lm bi : 90 pht, khng k thi gian
THI G(M )0 C*U +T, -U.STION 1 !N -U.STION )0/
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
-0123'4n 1: The theory of relativity _____ by Einstein, who was a famous physiist!
"! was #evelope# $! is #evelope# C! #evelops %! #evelope#
-0123'4n 2: ________ a few more minutes, we oul# have finishe# the tas&!
"! 'nless we ha#! $! (f we ha# ha#! C! (f we have %! (f we ha#
-0123'4n 5: Communities in remote areas are e)tremely _____ to famine if rops fail!
"! #efenseless $! helpless C! #isappointe# %! vulnerable
-0123'4n 4: The *irl was use# ________ birth#ay presents from her brothers!
"! to reeive $! to reeivin* C! to bein* reeive# %! to be reeivin*
-0123'4n 6: ( oul# hear voies but ( oul#n+t ________what they were sayin*!
"! turn up $! brin* about C! ma&e out %! try out
-0123'4n 7: ________ was the tea that we oul#n+t #rin& it!
"! No lon*er! $! ,o stron*! C! Har#ly ever! %! How stron*!
-0123'4n 8: %o you remember ______ to help us when we were in #iffiulty-
"! one offerin* $! to offer C! bein* offere# %! you offer
-0123'4n ).e oul# have au*ht the last train, but we ______ five minutes late!
"! were $! have been C! woul# be %! are
-0123'4n 9: ________ always *ives me real pleasure!
"! ( arran*e flowers $! The flowers are arran*e#
C! .hile arran*in* flowers %! "rran*in* flowers
-0123'4n 10: (n our team, no person _______ /ohn oul# finish this tou*h tas& in suh a short time!
"! other than $! inlu#in* C! outsi#e %! rather than
-0123'4n 11: Tom hasn+t omplete# the wor& yet an# 0aria hasn+t ______!
"! also $! either C! neither %! too
-0123'4n 12: 1ay: 2( woul#n+t #o that if ( were you!3 4 /ohn: 2______3
"! .oul#n+t you- .hy- $! .oul# you, really-
C! (+# rather you #i#n+t! %! (t+s out of the 5uestion!
-0123'4n 15: (n my apartment there are two rooms, _______ is use# as the livin*6room!
"! the lar*e one $! the lar*est one
C! the lar*est of whih %! the lar*er of whih
-0123'4n 14: .e reeive# a all from the teaher ______ har*e of our ourse!
"! to $! in C! at %! on
-0123'4n 16: The superstar, aompanie# by the other members of the ban#, _______ to visit our shool
ne)t wee&!
"! has ha# $! are C! is *oin* %! are *oin*
-0123'4n 17: .e hope# ______ they woul# ome an# *ive us new letures!
"! when $! that C! whih %! what
-0123'4n 18: 0rs! Chau has mana*e# the #epartment ______ that she+ll be promote# ne)t month!
"! too suessful $! so suessfully C! very suessful %! too suessfully
-0123'4n 1): _______he *ot top mar&s at hi*h shool, he never went to university!
"! %espite $! "lthou*h C! 0eanwhile %! Nevertheless
-0123'4n 19: ,ammy ha# wor&e# in En*lan# for a year ______ movin* to ,otlan#!
M thi 285
"! until $! one C! while %! before
-0123'4n 20: 8uy: 29ou loo& really nie in that re# sweater:3 4 ,ue: 2______3
"! %on+t mention it! $! How #are you- C! (+m afrai# so! %! Than& you!
-0123'4n 21: "ppliations _______ in after ;<
"pril will not be onsi#ere#!
"! sent $! that is sent C! whih sent %! sen#
-0123'4n 22: 0ary: 2The hat+s so beautiful! Than&s!3 4 Tony: 2______3
"! 8u&y you: $! =reat i#ea: C! The same to you: %! (+m *la# you li&e it!
-0123'4n 25: 2(t+s about time you _______ your homewor&, 0ary!3
"! must #o $! #i# C! #o %! will #o
-0123'4n 24: The hi*her the ontent of arbon #io)i#e in the air is, ______!
"! the more heat it retains $! the heat it retains more
C! it retains the more heat %! more heat it retains
-0123'4n 26: $e sure not to rely too ______ on your mother ton*ue when you are learnin* a forei*n
"! numerously! $! heavily! C! severely! %! abun#antly
:1;< 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ A;22;@1 ;n< B;CD 3%1 >1331C "E BE CE 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1
G4CC1G3 ;n2?1C 34 1;G% 4= 3%1 H0123'4n2 =C4B 27 34 56I
" ra#io telesope is a ra#io reeiver that 2sees3 ra#io waves! 'nli&e a normal telesope, whih sees
li*ht, a ra#io telesope is use# primarily in the area of astronomy beause it an #etet ra#io waves that are
emitte# by elestial ob>ets! ,uh ob>ets in spae, also alle# ra#io ob>ets, an be thin*s suh as hot *as,
eletrons, an# wavelen*ths *iven off by #ifferent atoms an# moleules!
The first ra#io telesope was invente# by =rote ?eber in 7@;A! He was an "merian who *ra#uate#
with a #e*ree in en*ineerin*! He went on to wor& as an amateur ra#io operator an# later #ei#e# to try to
buil# his own ra#io telesope in his ba&yar#! ?eber+s first two ra#io reeivers faile# to pi& up any si*nals
from outer spae, but in 7@;B, his thir# ra#io telesope suessfully pi&e# up ra#io waves from spae!
" ra#io telesope onsists of a lar*e paraboli6shape# #ish antenna or a ombination of two or more!
The si*nifiane of the paraboli shape allows for the inomin* ra#io waves to be onentrate# on one foal
point, allowin* the si*nals to be A'GD1< 0A as stron*ly as possible! " lar*er #ish means that more si*nals an
be reeive# an# foaliCe#!
(n the late 7@D<s an# early 7@E<s, the lar*est ra#io telesope of the time was invente# with a seventy6
si)6meter telesope althou*h lar*er telesopes have been ma#e sine then! The lar*est G0CC1n3 ra#io
telesope in the worl# is the ?"T"N6E<< in ?ussia, whose #iameter is DAE meters! (t has provi#e# valuable
fee#ba& of the sun+s ra#io wavelen*ths an# atmosphere! The lar*est ra#io telesope in Europe is a 7<<6
meter #iameter telesope in =ermany, an# the lar*est ra#io telesope in the 'nite# ,tates is the $i* Ear in
the state of Fhio! The lar*est array of telesopes is the =iant 0etrewave ?a#io Telesope in (n#ia!
?a#io telesopes have provi#e# sientists with valuable information about our universe! Fne of the
most important funtions of ra#io telesopes is their ability to allow sientists to tra& #ifferent spae probes,
the unmanne# spae missions in outer spae! ?a#io telesopes allow for the travel of spae probes into
plaes li&e the surfae of 0ars that are too #an*erous for men to e)plore! .ithout ra#io wave tehnolo*y,
sientists woul# not &now muh of what inhabits the universe nor woul# 3%1F be able to see it! ?a#io waves
are our eyes an# ears in outer spae!
!" Timothy Hall, "rthur H! 0ilh an# %enise 0Cormah! #$% t$ &a't(r 'kill' )$r th( T*+,- i!T
-0123'4n 27: "or#in* to the passa*e, a ra#io telesope enables the #etetion of_____!
"! shapes an# siCes of elestial ob>ets $! normal li*ht of elestial ob>ets
C! reatures that inhabit elestial ob>ets %! ra#io waves sent out by elestial ob>ets
-0123'4n 28: "or#in* to para*raphs G, all of the followin* are true about =rote ?eber EHCEIT that ____!
"! he was an inventor $! he was an en*ineer
C! he was an astronomer %! he was an amateur ra#io operator
-0123'4n 2): =rote ?eber+s i#ea to #evelop a ra#io telesope was not suessful until _____!
"! he first built one in his ba&yar# $! he e)perimente# on the thir# one
C! he pi&e# up si*nals from outer spae %! he *ra#uate# from an en*ineerin* shool
-0123'4n 29: The verb 2A'GD 0A3 in para*raph ; is losest in meanin* to ____!
"! selet $! sen# C! reeive %! lift
-0123'4n 50: "or#in* to the passa*e, whih of the followin* statements is T?'E-
"! The $i* Ear in the 'nite# ,tates pro#ues the lar*est array of telesope
$! " lar*er #ish antenna helps a ra#io telesope pro#ue better results!
C! The lar*est ra#io telesope of all time is the one with a seventy6si)6meter #iameter!
%! The pattern of ra#io waves reeive# by ra#io telesopes is si*nifiant!
-0123'4n 51: The wor# 2G0CC1n33 in para*raph J is losest in meanin* to ____!
"! movin* $! water movement C! eletriity flow %! e)istin*
-0123'4n 52: The wor# 23%1F3 in para*raph D refers to _____!
"! sientists! $! ra#io waves! C! plaes! %! eyes an# ears!
-0123'4n 55: ?a#io waves are sientists+ eyes an# ears in outer spae beause ______!
"! they an help them un#erstan# more about the universe
$! they an reo*niCe who #ominates the universe
C! they allow them to travel to suh #an*erous plaes as 0ars
%! they help to tra& only manne# spae missions in spae
-0123'4n 54: The fous of #isussion in the passa*e is __________!
"! ra#io telesope $! atoms an# moleules
C! ra#io waves %! ra#io operations
-0123'4n 56: Fri*inally, this passa*e was probably publishe# in ________!
"! a business >ournal! $! a sientifi >ournal!
C! a fashion ma*aCine! %! a boo& on environment!
M;CD 3%1 >1331C "E BE CE 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1 21n31nG1 3%;3 '2 CJOS.ST 'n
B1;n'n@ 34 3%1 21n31nG1 @'K1n 'n 1;G% 4= 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ H0123'4n2I
-0123'4n 57: They arrive# too late to *et *oo# seats!
"! They ha# to stan# for the whole show!
$! "lthou*h they were late, they foun# some *oo# seats!
C! They *ot *oo# seats some time after they arrive#!
%! "s they *ot there too late, there were no *oo# seats left!
-0123'4n 58: /ohn sai#, 29ou+# better not len# them any money, %aisy!3
"! /ohn as&e# %aisy if she ha# lent them any money!
$! /ohn omman#e# %aisy not to len# them any money!
C! /ohn a#vise# %aisy not to len# them any money!
%! /ohn or#ere# %aisy not to len# them any money!
-0123'4n 5): ( ha# two >ob offers upon *ra#uation, neither of whih was appropriate for my 5ualifiations!
"! $oth of the >ob offers ( ha# prior to my *ra#uation were appropriate for my 5ualifiations
$! ( was offere# two >obs soon after my *ra#uation, both of whih were suitable for my
C! The two >obs offere# to me after *ra#uation #i#n+t suit my 5ualifiations!
%! Thou*h ( wasn+t 5ualifie# enou*h, two >obs were offere# to me upon *ra#uation!
-0123'4n 59: This villa*e is inaessible in winter #ue to heavy snow!
"! Heavy snow ma&es it impossible to reah the villa*e in winter!
$! .e have no #iffiulty reahin* this villa*e in winter beause of heavy snow!
C! Nobo#y li&es to ome to this villa*e in winter beause of heavy snow!
%! .e annot *ain permission to this villa*e in winter beause of heavy snow!
-0123'4n 40: 2=et out of my ar or (+ll all the polie:3 /ane shoute# to the stran*e man!
"! /ane politely tol# the man she woul# all the polie if he #i#n+t leave her ar!
$! /ane plainly sai# that she woul# all the polie!
C! /ane threatene# to all the polie if the man #i#n+t leave her ar!
%! /ane informe# the stran*e man that she woul# all the polie!
-0123'4n 41: .hen there is so muh traffi on the roa#s, it is sometimes 5ui&er to wal& than to *o by ar!
"! %urin* rush hours, wal&in* *ives me muh more pleasure than #rivin* in the heavy traffi!
$! (t is faster to wal& than to #rive in the heavy traffi at ertain time of the #ay!
C! The traffi is so heavy that you+# better wal& to wor&K it+s 5ui&er!
%! There is so muh traffi these #ays that it is more pleasant to wal& than to #rive!
-0123'4n 42: (t was only when ( left home that ( realiCe# how muh my family meant to me!
"! "s soon as ( left home, ( foun# out what a family oul# #o without!
$! ( left home an# #i#n+t realiCe how meanin*ful my family was!
C! Not until ( left home #i# ( realiCe how muh my family meant to me!
%! $efore ( left home, ( realiCe# how muh my family meant to me!
-0123'4n 45: ( for*ot to lo& the #oor before leavin*!
"! ( #i#n+t remember whether ( lo&e# the #oor before leavin*!
$! ( remembere# that ( left the #oor lo&e# before *oin* out!
C! ( lo&e# the #oor before leavin*, but ( for*ot about it!
%! ( left without rememberin* to lo& the #oor!
-0123'4n 44: (t+s #iffiult for me to un#erstan# what he implies!
"! ( fin# it #iffiult to un#erstan# what he really means!
$! To un#erstan# what he really means is #iffiult to fin#!
C! 'n#erstan#in* what he implies is foun# #iffiult!
%! .hat he implies is not very #iffiult to un#erstan#!
-0123'4n 46: There is no 5uestion of han*in* my min# about resi*nin*!
"! Nobo#y &nows about my #eision on resi*nin*!
$! ( ertainly won+t han*e my min# about resi*nin*!
C! They as&e# me no 5uestion about resi*nin*!
%! ( shoul# have han*e# my min# about resi*nin*!
M;CD 3%1 >1331C "E BE CE 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1 0n<1C>'n1< A;C31< 3%;3 n11<2
G4CC1G3'4n 'n 1;G% 4= 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ H0123'4n2I
-0123'4n 47: Fur astronauts hosen for fly spaeraft were selete# from military test pilots
" $ C %
-0123'4n 48: "fter our #isussion, we #ei#e# to ta&e a late fli*ht an# so that we oul# spen#
" $ C %
more time with the lients!
-0123'4n 4): These e)erises loo& easy, but they are very relatively #iffiult for us!
" $ C %
-0123'4n 49: "s the ol# one, this new opier an perform its funtions in half the time
" $ C %
-0123'4n 60: The assumption that smo&in* has ba# effets on our health have been prove#!
" $ C %
M;CD 3%1 >1331C "E BE CE 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1 ?4C<+2/ CJOS.ST 'n B1;n'n@ 34
3%1 0n<1C>'n1< ?4C<+2/ 'n 1;G% 4= 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ H0123'4n2I
-0123'4n 61: Now many people who shop at a heath foo# store instea# of a loal supermar&et are muh
more li&ely to fin# a healthy, su*ar6free bevera*e
"! full of preservatives $! harmful to heath
C! onvenient to prepare %! benefiial to heath
-0123'4n 62: Even thou*h the mountain was very steep an# the limb was haCar#ous, several a#venturous
tourists mana*e# to reah the top!
"! Causin* a lot of ris&s $! brin*in* e)itement
C! ?esultin* in #epression %! ostin* a lot of money
-0123'4n 65: %oCens of appliants showe# up for the vaant position, but only a han#ful of them were
shortliste# for the interview!
"! Class $! han# C! small number %! small amount
-0123'4n 64: /ust li&e hearin* infants who start first with simple syllable babblin*, then put more syllables
to*ether to soun# li&e real sentenes an# 5uestions, #eaf babies follow the same pattern!
"! able to hear $! physially abnormal
C! obe#ient to patterns %! har# of hearin*
-0123'4n 66: Than&s to the invention of the mirosope, biolo*ists an now *ain insi*hts into the nature of
the human ell!
"! far6si*hte# views $! spetaular si*htin*s
C! #eep un#erstan#in* %! in6#epth stu#ies
M;CD 3%1 >1331C "E BE C 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1 ?4C< 3%;3 <'==1C2 =C4B 3%1 43%1C
3%C11 'n 3%1 A42'3'4n 4= 3%1 AC'B;CF 23C122 'n 1;G% 4= 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ H0123'4nI
-0123'4n 67: "! observant $! #eisive C! popular %! impatient
-0123'4n 68: "! reliable $! onventional C! preservative %! intelletual
-0123'4n 6): "! ustomer $! ener*y C! omputer %! property
-0123'4n 69: "! stru**le $! survive C! enlar*e %! our
-0123'4n 70: "! tehnolo*y $! environment C! pre#ominane %! superstition!
:1;< 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ A;22;@1 ;n< B;CD 3%1 >;331C "E BE C 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1 ?4C<
4C A%C;21 3%;3 L123 ='32 1;G% 4= 3%1 n0BL1C1< L>;nD2 =C4B 71 34 80I
.hy is it that many teena*ers have the ener*y to play omputer *ames until late at ni*ht but an+t
fin# the ener*y to *et out of be# LE7M __________ for shool- "or#in* to a new report, to#ay+s *eneration
of hil#ren are in #an*er of *ettin* so LEGM _____ sleep that they are puttin* their mental an# physial health
at LE;M _____! "#ults an easily survive on seven to ei*ht hours+ sleep a ni*ht, LEJM ____ teena*ers re5uire
nine or ten hours! "or#in* to me#ial e)perts, one in five youn*sters LEDM _____ anythin* between two
an# five hours+ sleep a ni*ht less than their parents #i# at their a*e!
This LEEM ______ serious 5uestions about whether la& of sleep is affetin* hil#ren+s ability to
onentrate at shool! The onnetion between sleep #eprivation an# lapses in memory, impaire# reation
time an# poor onentration is well LEAM ______! ?esearh has shown that losin* as little as half an hour+s
sleep a ni*ht an have profoun# effets LEBM _____ how hil#ren perform the ne)t #ay! " *oo# ni*ht+s sleep
is also ruial for teena*ers beause it is while they are asleep LE@M ________ they release a hormone that is
essential for their N*rowth spurt+ Lthe perio# #urin* teena*e years when the bo#y *rows at a rapi# rateM! (t+s
true that they an, to some LA<M ________, ath up on sleep at wee&en#s, but that won+t help them when
they are #roppin* off to sleep in lass on a Ori#ay afternoon!
!" Tim Oalla an# Iaul "!%avies, .$l/ti$n' 012anc(13 *45
-0123'4n 71: "! behin# time $! about time C!in time %! at time
-0123'4n 72: "! few $! less C! muh %! little
-0123'4n 75: "! >eopar#y $! threat C! ris& %! #an*er
-0123'4n 74: "! or $! beause C! whereas %! so
-0123'4n 76: "! puts $! *ets C! brin*s %! ma&es
-0123'4n 77: "! raises $! rises C! results %! omes
-0123'4n 78: "! or*aniCe# $! arran*e# C! establishe# %! a5uire#
-0123'4n 7): "! in $! on C! to %! at
-0123'4n 79: "! at whih $! whih C! where %! that
-0123'4n 80: "! rate $! e)tent C! level %! point
:1;< 3%1 =4>>4?'n@ A;22;@1 ;n< B;CD 3%1 >1331C "E BE C 4C D 4n F40C ;n2?1C 2%113 34 'n<'G;31 3%1
G4CC1G3 ;n2?1C 34 1;G% 4= 3%1 H0123'4n2 =C4B 81 34 )0I
The ability to on#ut eletriity is one of the &ey properties of a metal! Fther soli# material suh as
silion an on#ut eletriity but only effetively at ertain temperatures! "lso, some substanes suh as
salt Lso#ium hlori#eM an on#ut when molten or when #issolve# in water! The ability of metals to on#ut
eletriity is #ue to how their atoms bon# to*ether! (n or#er to bon# to*ether the metal atoms lose at least
one of their 4031CB423 eletrons! This leaves the metal atoms with a positive har*e an# they are now
stritly ions! The lost eletrons are free to move in what are &nown as a sea of eletrons! ,ine the eletrons
are ne*atively har*e# they attrat the ions an# this is what &eeps the struture to*ether!
"n eletri urrent is a flow of har*e an# sine the eletrons in the sea of eletrons are free to move
they an be ma#e to flow in one #iretion when a soure of eletrial ener*y suh as a battery is onnete#
to the metal! Hene we have an eletri urrent flowin* throu*h the wire, an# this is what ma&es metals suh
*oo# on#utors of eletriity! The only other ommon soli# on#utin* material that penil users are li&ely
to enounter is *raphite Lwhat the Nlea#+ of a penil is ma#e fromM! =raphite is a form of arbon an# a*ain
the arbon atoms bon# in suh a way that there is a sea of eletrons that an be ma#e to flow as an eletri
urrent! 8i&ewise, if we have an ioni substane li&e salt we an ma&e the eletrially har*e# ions flow to
reate a urrent but only when those ions are free to move, either when the substane is a li5ui# or #issolve#
in water! (n its soli# state an ioni substane li&e salt annot on#ut eletriity as its har*e# ions annot
Eletrial insulators are substanes that annot on#ut eletriity well either, beause they ontain
no har*e# partiles or any har*e# partiles 3%1F mi*ht ontain #o not flow easily! .ater itself is a poor
on#utor or eletriity as it #oes not ontain a si*nifiant amount of fully har*e# partiles Lthe en#s of a
water moleule are partly har*e# but overall the moleule is neutralM! However, most water we enounter
#oes ontain #issolve# har*e# partiles, so it will be more on#utive than pure water! 0any of the
problems that our when touhin* eletrial #evies with wet han#s result from the ever6present salt that is
left on our s&in throu*h perspiration an# it #issolves in the water to ma&e it more on#utive!
!" Helena =illespie an# ?ob =illespie! .ci(nc( )$r 5rimar" .ch$$l T(ach(r! F'I
-0123'4n 81: Eletrial on#utivity is
"! one of the most important properties of metals
$! one of the &ey properties of most soli# materials
C! impossible for any substane when it is #issolve# in water
%! ompletely impossible for silion
-0123'4n 82: "or#in* to the passa*e, a metal an on#ut eletriity #ue to
"! the absene of free eletrons
$! its atoms with a positive har*e
C! the way its atoms bon# to*ether
%! the loss of one eletron in the ore of its atoms
-0123'4n 85: The wor# 24031CB4233 in para*raph 7 mostly means
"! the li*htest! $! nearest to the insi#e!
C! furthest from the insi#e! %! the heaviest!
-0123'4n 84: The atoms of a metal an bon# to*ether beause
"! the lost eletrons annot move freely in the sea of eletrons
$! eletrons an flow in a sin*le #iretion
C! they lose all of eletrons
%! ne*atively har*e# eletrons attrat positive ions
-0123'4n 86: ,lat in its soli# state is not able to on#ut eletriity beause
"! it has free eletrons $! its har*e# ions an flow easily
C! it annot reate any har*e ions %! it har*e# ions are not free to move
-0123'4n 87: The wor# 23%1F3 in para*raph ; refers to
"! har*e# ions $! eletri urrents C! har*e# partiles %! eletrial insulator
-0123'4n 88: .ater is a poor on#utor beause it ontains
"! no positive or ne*ative eletri har*e
$! only a small amount of fully har*e# partiles
C! only a positive eletri har*e
%! only a ne*ative eletri har*e
-0123'4n 8): .e an have problems when touhin* eletrial #evies with wet han#s beause
"! the eater itself is a *oo# on#utor of eletriity
$! the water #issolves the salt on our s&in an# beomes more on#utive
C! the water ontains too many neutral moleules
%! the water ontainin* no har*e# partiles ma&es it more on#utive
-0123'4n 89: .hih of the followin* is NFT true aor#in* to the passa*e-
"! Iure water is muh more on#utive than most water we enounter every #ay!
$! =raphite is a ommon soli# substane that an on#ut eletriity!
C! ,alt an on#ut eletriity when it is molten or #issolve#!
%! ,ome materials are more on#utive than others!
-0123'4n )0: .hih of the followin* oul# best serve as the title of the passa*e-
"! Eletrial Ener*y $! Eletrial %evies
C! Eletrial (nsulators %! Eletrial Con#utivity
TH( T'9PN ,(NH Q( HRC NS0 G<7J
TH( CHNH THC Mn 3%' TI!NG "NH# $%&' "1
M thi 285

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