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Vol. XXIV, Issue 13 "If I didn't see it, it'snot a crime" May 8 2003

Preserve the Preserve!


Comics As Usual!

Asblv Sc hiff
By Bev Bryan
Professor Malcolm Bowman couldn't support for permanently protecting the land Another possibility for raising funds
recall when he first became concerned about the among students, faculty and staff. He would like would be to allow donors to dedicate certain trees
Ashley Schiff preserve but he said, "I've had a to see a legal covenant in place. to a departed loved one. This would not only raise
great affinity for the campus forests for years." He has been working to these ends in the funds but also help to protect the trees directly.
Bowman, 60, is Director of undergraduate university senate for two years. "In a way we act Bowman wants to see all of the forest on
programs for Stony Brook's Marine Sciences as sort of the conscience of the campus," he said of campus protected but believes it is most important
department, a position he has held for two and a the university senate. He introduced a resolution to begin with the Ashley Schiff preserve. One rea-
half years. Born in Auckland, New Zealand, he got against the war that was tabled at the last meet- son is that it has already been designated as pro-
his PhD in engineering and physics at the ing. Soon the Senate will open discussion on what tected land. Another is that it is the most vulnera-
University of Saskatchewan in Canada and came to do about tuition hikes. ble of the campus forests. It is located closest to
to the University of Stony Brook in 1971. In 2001, the Senate passed two resolutions campus to the south and borders on Roth quad. It
He remembers when students protesting designed to protect campus forests. would be easy to develop being so close to the
the war in Vietnam barricaded the president One declared the forests on campus "living treas- roads. "Sometimes it's just the economics of things
inside his office for a weekend. "It was a very dif- ures". The other called for the establishment of a that will save it,"Bowman said, referring to the
ferent place," he said of the University in the campus conser- .... other less accessi-
1970's. vancy. This A . S.., ble forests like the
He has seen a lot of growth take place would require ,,. C-C...t. D-,. one labeled
here. Some of it he has seen with trepidation. "If help from the Clara's Forest on
we're not careful we'll end up like the Smithhaven administration. I -. E O at· ; the map.
mall," he said. "We would like A website is
Stony Brook sociology professor Ashley to think that they -. under production
Schiff sought to have the twenty acres of land that would work that aims to edu-
bear his name today set aside before his death at with us in set- cate the campus
the age of 37 in 1969. After his death, his friends ting up a non- - ILV '•••.V 00 S. . community about
and students lobbied to see his goal accomplished profit organiza- a the Ashley Schiff
as a memorial. John Toll, university vice president tion," Bowman Preserve. It would
at the time, agreed to it. The United States said. The conser- include biographi-
Secretary of the Interior, Stewart Udall, dedicated vancy project ^
cal information
the memorial preserve. would be funded Oil
about Ashley
Two years ago, in discussions with the through dona- Schiff as well as
University Senate committee on the environment,
a university vice president, Richard Mann, stated
tions from alum-
ni. The hope is '1/
MNN maps and other
details about the
that there was no guarantee the preserve would that the project ,/- 1 forest itself.
remain as it is indefinitely. And while President will be consid- c According to
Kenny has said that the preserve will remain- ered part of the Bowman's intern,
intact for her tenure at Stony Brook, there is no upcoming fund Kevin Bilyk, how-
formal protection for the forest. drive. ever, the site
Bowman sees a certain protection in One won't be ready for
Udall's dedication. "As far as I'm concerned that university vice several weeks.
is absolute," he said. But he recognizes that that president, Bill "The question
may not be enough to protect the forest. "I think Simmons, has- Sis: how big should
we have to be vigilant. We have to watch out that asked members this university
it's not nibbled away by a parking lot here and a of the committee F B.. ... <"-/I. - S .. " .-become?"
v said
storage area there." on the environ- Bowman. He indi-
"The pressure is to move south as they ment to organize Fip. 6 Schemnaic model for proglacial thrusting and difiation an iced hlovcd hil during glaial adv..nce.
cated that he felt
uise upall the spots on the main campus," walking t6urs for alumni through the forests as a the campus could definitely become too big.
Bowman said. way of getting them interested in protecting them. "Land use is affected by future projections of
The Ashley Schiff preserve is home to box Funds would be used to cover adminis- growth. So, in a way, we are a microcosm of the
turtles, foxes and flying squirrels. Many trees trative costs, organize nature tours and non-credit world," he said.
along the footpaths are labeled for identification. courses that use the forests and possibly put out a He clarified his position by saying:
Some of the trees are over 100 years old. A number newsletter. Bowman also described a need to bet- "We're not against development. The campus
of professors use the preserve as a teaching tool in ter announce the existence of the Ashley Schiff needs to prosper. We're after smart development
classes on the environment and geology, Bowman preserve. Now there is only a bent white sign near and preserving as much of the natural area as pos-
pointed out, giving it educational as well as aes- one entrance. It reads: Take Only Pictures, Leave sible."
thetic value. Only Footprints. He feels three more would be
The strategy Bowman is using is to build adequate.

u Wanna Know Where You

an Stick Your Opinions?
(hint: It Rhymes With "Stained-Glasshole"]
I - s, L C- ' -- - L s · -e I _- , I - I · · - ·I I I - II · - a - , II L -

Page 2
______Take-Olt Democracy
By Bev Bryan.
Kai-Li Chinese food, located on Main your mind," he said and described his own expe- cate that not everyone in America has such a strict
street in Setauket, has a courteous sign reading: riences returning from Vietnam: opinion as George W. Bush does." He had his
"Chinese Food has a lot of sauce please don't put "It was to the point where I didn't realize own take on the possibility that the troops could
it on your car seats." There are a few tables where what I was doing there but when me and the be hurt by the idea that the whole country is not
customers can eat or rest while they wait for their other guys had to change into civilian clothes behind them: "They are there because they have
orders but it is primarily a take-out place. The din- before we got out of the aircraft it was very sad." decided to do the job. When I am walking around
nertime crowd was, for the most part, friendly and He said that in wartime, "You want to protesting the war I don't think of the soldiers.
willing to discuss their feeling about American feel-that someone is rooting for you. The more They are only doing the job. If you look at the
dissent against the war, if only to relieve the tedi- people rooting for you the better." He suggested signs no one is attacking the soldiers themselves.
um of waiting for their food. that in wartime massive public outcry could cost They are 'saying support our troops, bring them
The first was Nancy, 47, of Port Jefferson. lives. "Because of politics maybe they won't use home.'"
She had no doubts. "You want my honest opin- the bigger bomb, maybe they won't use more men Around nine the traffic coming through
ion? I don't think it's acceptable at any.time. I to make it more acceptable to the masses," he said. Kai-Li started to thin. A quarter mile South, there
think if you live in America you should want to Gregg Titus, 17, from Stony Brook was were even fewer people patronizing Chung-How
fight for your country," she said. another young man picking up an order. "The Chinese kitchen at that hour. Located in a slightly
"It weakens our society. If someone does- protesting right now is too much and I don't think larger strip mall than Kai-Li, it is another take-out
n't like something the easiest thing to do is to it's going to make much of a difference," he said. place with a few more tables.
protest," she said citing a group of students in He saw nothing inherently wrong with protesting .Marilyn Vilardo, 44, of Setauket was the
Port Jefferson who had assembled some time ago the war but felt that it was unlikely to affect any- only affable customer to come in for some time.
to protest their class schedules. "These are the thing. When asked if he felt Americans had a She held her shallow box of Chinese food contain-
rules set in society. I feel very strongly about this." responsibility to support their service men and ers as she struggled with the problem. "I have
The woman accompanying her nodded. women over seas he was accepting. "I agree. It's mixed feelings. I do have a nephew that was in
Gregg Vergith, 20, of Setauket had a large going to happen anyway so you might as well the military and I want to support him," she said.
order waiting for him when he arrived but he had support them," he said. Her nephew had just been released from the army
time to talk. "I think people can do what they The busy woman behind the counter, and while there had been a bodyguard to General
want. If they want to protest they can protest. Pink Ym, 30, said she is originally from China but Tommy Franks. He had been present during a
We've got freedom of speech. I definitely think lives in Brooklyn. "Well, Yeah, I guess they are number of briefings with the general and came
they should. It doesn't mean I would go to one," right to protest," she said. away with the conviction that Saddam Hussein
he said. When asked why she felt that way she was a criminal and should absolutely be removed
One man who was eager to be inter- said, "Because I don't like the war." She said she from power.
viewed but gave his name as Bill McCullen, let- doesn't like the war because "many people will HiS aunt was more uncertain. She said
ting on it wasn't real. He said he was 57 years old, die for the war." that growing up during the Vietnam War had
living in Stony Brook and a Vietnam veteran. He Peter Kolb is a post-doctorate student in shaped her feelings about war and that she saw
had strong feelings about both war and demon- the Stony Brook Physics department. He is from herself as a pacifist. "I don't think we should be
strating for peace. "I personally believe it should Germany and lives in St. James. When asked if he going in without UN approval," she said. "I have
be halted when people are being injured in battle felt protest was inappropriate in a time of war he a lot of questions. I don't know why they're over
there should be a halt to it," he said. answered quickly. "It's certainly not wrong. We're there. I don't know if they know."
"In essence, no war is a good war. It's not in a democracy. I believe in those demonstrations
a nice thing. I can attest to that. It never leaves because it's the only way that we can communi-

Is the Media Safe on Campus?

By Jackie Hayes
"I watched a CSS security guard take this guy out- Ceci Norman, photo editor of the SB When questioned of the incident,
side, so I went outside to see what was going on," Press, also witnessed the incident. She was inside Alexandra Duggan denied that anyone was even
begins Dustin Herlich, reporter and Managing the Union Ballroom near the windows when she, thrown out during the concert stating, "no one
Editor of the Stony Brook Press, detailing events "saw a security guard pull some guy away." She, was asked to leave, no one was thrown out."
that took place on April 25th during The Get Up too, decided to follow the guard, taking pictures When asked if she had demanded Ceci delete pic-
Kids' concert. "The security guard started yelling once outside. She was asked to leave but watched tures she stated, "I did not ask her to delete pic-
at me saying, 'Get that thing away from me before through the windows as the guard threatened Leo tures. Ceci deleted pictures and I said it was her
I punch you inthe face,' referring to my camera." and Dustin. decision." She also denied that she had asked
Dustin responded by saying he was from the stu- The escalation between the CSS security them not to use the video footage stating, "I
dent media to which the CSS guard replied, "Who guard and The Get Up Kids' merchandise manag- asked if we could work together to figure this situ-
the fuck do you think you are? I'm making sure er began when a security guard approached the ation out. The press is allowed to take pictures."
this concert's safe and you're here making the sit- merchandise manager asking him his name. Although she denies that the merchandise manag-
uation worse." Dustin was not the only member Apparently the merchandise manager responded er was thrown out, she admits that she saw Ceci
of the student media physically threatened by a in a vulgar manner saying something to the effect delete pictures, that she talked with them, and
CSS security guard for recording the events taking of "Fuck you" or "Fuck off." Two CSS guards, was willing to work the situation out with them.
place. Leo Borovskiy, production manager of overhearing this, began arguing with him and It is unclear as to the situation she is referring
SBU-TV, was also threatened and subsequently decided to physically escort him out of the build- since she denied that anyone was thrown out,
filed a police report against the CSS security guard ing. The commotion caught the attention of despite the fact that there were three eyewitness
that night along with Dustin Herlich. Dustin, Leo, and Ceci, who all witnessed the event accounts along with pictures and video footage.
Leo Borovskiy was talking with a friend and decided to investigate it further. Later that night, when Dustin, Leo, and
when he noticed two security guards escorting Leo went back outside a few minutes Ceci went to campus police to file a complaint
The Get Up Kids' merchandise manager out of the after being shoved inside after he noticed police against the CSS security guard for physically and
back door. Leo, curious to see what was happen- had arrived. "I asked the police if I could use the verbally threatening them, they asked what would
ing, followed them outside with his camera. The camera, but they seemed too scared to answer me happen with their complaint. They were told the
security guard yelled at Leo stating, "What the in front of the security guys," states Leo. Later report would be "filed." A week later campus
fuck are you doing with that shit over there?" Alexandra Duggan, Director for Student police were called again and questioned again on
while another guard yelled, "Take his tape!" At Activities, pulled Leo and Ceci aside, apparently the status of the complaint. They said they didn't
this point Leo said he felt, "beyond scared" but trying to explain why they shouldn't take pictures. have access to the report at the time and wouldn't
managed to reply, "this is our event, we're According to Leo and Ceci she stated; "I'd rather until the following Monday, therefore they could
allowed to be here." Leo was backing up when you guys not use this if you could, it's bad for the not say what might happen with the complaint.
the security guard shoved Leo back inside the university." A CSS guard was behind Duggan When questioned on what typically happens to
Ballroom. SBU-TV, along with the SB Press, CSA, while she was talking with Leo and Ceci, also reports of that nature they said they didn't know.
and SAFIPC co-sponsored the concert. The media angered, arguing that pictures agitated the situa- They mentioned that Leo and Dustin could decide
groups involved had cameras along with back- tion. Ceci, frightened by the security guard, delet- to press further charges. They could not say
stage access, allowing them to report the events ed the pictures she took. Leo did get a video definitively what the university was able or will-
taking place. recording of the incident. ing to do with the complaint.

Page 3
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Editorial: The New USG Executive I

Dustin Her
Over the years, the Press has had a good many down significantly in order to encourage and facilitate
run-ins with the old Student Polity Association. planned community events. For example, the recent
Mismanaging Editor
Joe Hughes
Everything from lost checks, denied purchase orders, Operation Rock & Awe concert, although successful,
and on-the-spot rules, not to mention insufficient voter
turn-out, shoddy elections and shoddier candidates
took the organizers months of fights and paperwork to Associate Editor
organize. Student government's job is to help these Michael Prazak
have definitely given the Press a jaded view of student activities come to fruition and to help students get
government and student politics in general. through administrative problems. Since right now Business Manager
The new Undergraduate Student there is no cohesive student voice, any activities that Jackie Hayes
Government, with little to no student interest in candi- are planned leave the student on his or her own to
dacy, seems to be starting off on the wrong foot as well. fight for the use of what is really our money. News Editor
The USG's new Constitution has also given rise to Anyone involved in a student club or activity Joe Filippazzo
many dissenting voices in the campus community, of any sort can tell you how complicated it is to accom-
most specifically from students involved in the clubs plish anything worthwhile for this campus. The diffi- Features Editor
and activities on campus. One of their many concerns culty in this situation is three-fold. The first is that Sam Goldman
is that the Constitution was designed by an appointed there is no clear chain of command. There are more
board, rather than by elected officials. The USG defi- middlemen than actual people with power. Secondly, Photo Editor
nitely has quite a few kinks to be worked out before all the steps an organization must take to do ANYTHING Mike Fabbri
the members of the campus community are satisfied. are extremely ambiguous and convoluted. No one, not
A glaring problem on this campus that every- even administration, seems to know who has to con- koppi edetur
one is aware of is the total lack of campus events and sult which version of no constitution in particular to Andrew Pemick
attractions to keep students interested in staying on get results. And thirdly, there's no reason why it has to
campus to do anything. As anyone who has ever been be like this which leaves people with genuine inten- Production Mngr.
foolish enough to stay on the weekends knows, the tions discouraged and disheartened. It seems as if the Adam Schlagman
campus is a ghost town with little or nothing to hold obstacles preventing students from making good use
student interest. Especially in the fall semester, when of their time, money, and college experience are put in Webmaster
the weather is gloomy and uninviting, events need to place just to be obstacles, but you didn't hear that from Daniel Hofer
become a reality to fend off boredom and depression. us.
The bureaucracy and red tape that binds everything Ombudsman
that any club wants to get done needs to be pared

Editorial: Thanks for a great

year! Jason Amoroso, Jeff Blanch, Bev
It's been a great year here at The Press. We all hope your semesters went Bryan, Tim Connors, Aaron
well, and that you'll have a great summer. To all our devoted readers, we thank Feingold, Chris Genarri, Rob
you for all the love, and hope you'll be back next semester to share a little more Gilheany, Bill Gioconda, Rich
Drummond, Glenn "Squirrel" Given,
with us! / Pam Gradowitz, Emily Gustafson,
Joel hopkins, Adam Kearney,
Gregory Knopp, Brian Libfeld, Greg
Lubicich, Jamie Mignone, Walter
Moss, Ceci Norman, Ejima Oyibo,
Scott Perl, Phil Pipitone, Diana Post,
Derrick Prince, Ana Maria Ramirez,
Brian "Scoop" Schneider, Ralph
Sevush, Chris Sorochin, Amberly
Timperio, Doug Williams, Jess
Worthington, Jon Vaillancourt, Nina

The Stony Brook Press is published fortnight-

ly during the academic year and twice dur-
ing the summer intersession by The Stony
Brook Press,a student run and student fund-
ed non-profit organization. The opinions
expressed in letters, articles and viewpoints
do not necessarily reflect those of The Stony
Brook Press.Advertising policy does not nec-
essarily reflect editorial policy. For more
information on advertising and deadlines
call (631)632-6451. Staff meetings are held
Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. First copy free. For
additional copies contact the Business

The Stony Brook Press

Suites 060 & 061
Student Union
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3200
(631) 632-6451 Voice
(631) 632-4137 Fax
Page 4

Dear Stony Brook Press, Christian, fallen by my own fault of heart, claiming full responsi-
It's been a while since I've submitted anything for publica- bility; since I alone must stand before God on my own behalf, and
tion. Havingled a life of turmoil and confusion I've found myself in hope that I might endure and be faithful
many difficulties that life can afford to those who lack both.the dili- unto the promise of salvation for all those who believe until the
gence and understanding to realize that knowledge is one thing-- end). Derision never aids those who engage in the same. It's a
belief quite another. This paper has printed two of the three previ- deception that harms all involved, except for the enemy, who, being
ous submissions I have made, and I hope that this one will be print- a liar and murderer from the start, chose to become condemnation.
ed as well. Here I place Neither did our race initially believe of the tumultuous downfall
myself as being blameworthy for not following my own convic- that was lain in the wake of listening to a serpent possed by a lying
tions, those of which I knew to be true regardless of the rebellious spirit, until too late, nor could it have been forseen by human eyes
onslaughts I've launched against them toward the end of attempt- the calamity the would inevitably strike down the human project
ing to justify my own will above all others about me and anything with so great a wrath and despair.
higher than myself. In a stupor ofpompous self-righteousness and Many things could be added to reasons why some fall and
nauseating disregard for the feelings andneeds of those near me others holdsteadfast. It is the belief of this person that trying to
whom I purported to love I wound up pursuing adifferent course wing it on your own just won't suffice. This isn't a matter of being
of love. This was totally toward myself and is thematicof this con- religous or moralistic toward the end of securing personal salation
fessional; one which strives toward love for others as opposedto its either here or in an eternal sense. Salvation in this world is having
counterfeit form of appearing good, while being rotten to the core. salvation upon you and becoming saved when you've endured and
Believing in the Lord and having the staying power to see your made it into the kingdom. Nobodyalive today, in this world is
vision of God's service through requires personal sacrifice. People saved. You're saved only if you believe andendure-- not before the.
can't just do whatever they feel like doing at the expense of God In closing, I thank all of you and hope that you get saved. It
others and even themselves with impunity. Everything, every isn't easy,as I sure know by realizing that it can be an arduous
action that one performs is a seed cast that will produce results in process; but it's
both this world and the world to come. There is no luck chance worth it. It's eternity.
coincidence or accident-- it's all spiritual causality.
Hying know what it's like to be mocked for believing, not Sincerely,
just the falsebelief's that I held (as in two other articles published kevin jeffrey oconnell
that I submitted to this newspaper I state that I am a fallen

Letter: Concerts Rock!

Dear Stony Brook Press, it's WHITE SNAKE!!!!! WHOOO
"one night doesn't mean the rest of my HOOOO!!!! Jesus Rocks, and Saves at the
life" same time!
The concert was awesome; it was a
very interesting scene, to see the union ball- I love you
room turn in to a small show. I have been a
huge Get Up Kids fan for the past 3 years or -Phill
so and it was an honor to play a show with
them. Beside the muscle head hired security,
Css I think was the company name, which
also worked at sports plus during shows
and also bullied around people there, and
now it is closed down it was an experience
that I will never forget.
It was a shame to see the dark side of
bureaucracy in effect when the bands were
not allowed to share merch due to some
kind of over looked contract that got lost in
the mix. Also my friends that came to sup-
port the band I am in The Reformation, left
because of someone pulling the fire alarm.
We, the reformation Rob, Chris, Duncan,
and I hope to play here again, we thank the
Press and SBU TV station for looking out for
the local scene and keeping good music
alive and well. In the end it all worked out
right, and the show was a success, next year
........ ,A Portrait of the Pol es
By Michael T. Cesarczyk
Not long ago, while flipping through cals, television
The New Yorker, I chanced upon an ad for documentaries,
Belvedere Vodka that nearly made my head and movies cor
explode with rage. The picture looked quaint tinue to portra3
and cozy enough: a faded photograph of two old Poles as ignora
men in caps and heavy coats carrying a barrel on farmers who cc
a bunch of logs down a cobbled street. In the laborated with
background lies a cavernous building of the Old the Nazis durir
World. No, what I found to be particularly offen- the Holocaust -
sive were the two sentences above the image: a smack in the
"During the Renaissance, Italian artists used oil faces of the Pol
and canvas to create their masterpieces. The who risked the
Poles used water and Polish rye." Aside from lives by hiding
being a pathetic attempt at complimenting Jews and other
another culture, it is also a blatant example of in their homes
the derogatory way in which Poles are depicted and who com-
in the American (as well as foreign) media and posed a majori
academia. In fact, many Americans are instilled among nationa
with the idea that Poland's four major contribu- ties imprisonec
tions to world civilization are alcohol, kielbasa, in Auschwitz.
concentration camps and the inspiration for end- This apparentli
less Polish jokes. means nothing
LoUUrI- uL
n A1UIII ILLUiy, ILtnerdiCLI, iL, L. ciLas
First of all, let's admit it: when it comes Lot mPreia OIsQounrrc
AL. A,1 'q A. '.V•L/L.
much as the other European courses currently
to native talent, Poland does not even approach who used his television program to call the Pope
offered in the university curriculum.
Italy in terms of Renaissance art (indeed, few a "dumb Polack" and a "vicious anti-Semite"
In fact, if there is any idea that one must
countries do). However, its masterpieces dating (who has actually apologized on behalf of the
keep in mind about Poland, it is precisely its
from that period are certainly not relegated to Catholic Church for allowing the atrocities of the
immensity in terms of its thousand-year history,
the medium of "Polish rye and water." The Holocaust and is a pioneer in inter-faith rela-
variety of culture, faults and achievements and
Renaissance was, in fact, the time of Poland's tions) and appealed to Jews to boycott and not to
faults that range from those of its medieval kings
Zloty Wiek, or "Golden Age," when the royal do business with Poles nor the website
and saints to the greatest intellects, artists, and
courts became brilliant cosmopolitan centers, which rants: "What a sur-
leaders of the twentieth century. Among them
under its Jagiellonian rulers. In science, it pro- prise, Poles who hate Jews. After using us for a
are Marie Sklodowska-Curie (One of over a
duced Copernicus, the father of modern astrono- 1000 years, capitalizing on our talents and feast-
dozen of the country's Nobel Prize winners),
my, whose groundbreaking heliocentric theory of ing on the blood of our women and children,
directors Wajda, Kieslowski, and Polanski, com-
the solar system gave birth to the Scientific they spat our ashen bodies in the millions. But
posers Chopin and Penderecki, pianists
Revolution. Truly a Renaissance man, he was that is not enough, because, apparently, a few of
Rubenstein and Padarewski, painters Matejko
also a lawyer, priest, and doctor who made origi- us have survived the trip and the decrepit bas-
and Beksinski, leaders Walesa and Pilsudski, and
nal contributions to economics and military tards can't tolerate it."
countless extraordinary writers such as Adam
engineering. In literature, it produced a wealth Among the more blatant and recent
Mickiewicz, Joseph Conrad, Zbignew Herbert,
of authors, the greatest of which is Kochanowski, insults are the British film Enigma, which con-
and Stanislaw Lem, author of Solaris.
the father of Polish poetry and the nation's tains a Polish villain and portrays the British as And yet, ironically enough, Poland's
greatest pre-Romantic writer. The beauty, com- the heroes and code-breakers (although Polish most immense characteristic is identical to that
plexity, and range of his verses not only rival cryptologists were actually the first to break the
of the United States: a love of and willingness to
those of his better-known contemporaries, Nazi Enigma code) and the outrageous com-
fight for freedom. Although regarded by many
Spenser and Tasso, but also include an exquisite ments of media personalities such as 60 Minutes'
as a mere former Soviet satellite, the country
translation of the Psalms and the first Polish- Lesley Stahl and Ted Turner. The latter's insult
boasts of an older democracy (though not repub-
drama. In statesmanship and philanthropy, of the Pope and following definition of a Polish
lican in its beginning) than the latter. It began in
Poland benefited from its own "Medici" in the minesweeper (to which he raised his foot in the
1454, when the King agreed that he would nei-
form of the political giant Zamoyski. A air) at a public, outdoor event were particularly
ther summon the army nor raise taxes without
Chancellor and Grand Marshall of his country,. disturbing because of the distasteful laughter
prior consultation with the nobility, leading to
he rebuilt his native Zamosc as a model and applause that they drew from his audience
the creation of the Sejm, Poland's Congress.
Renaissance city and secured its university, the of yokels.
After defeating the Tatars in the Middle Ages,
Zamoyski Academy, as one of the leading cen- This is hardly the attention and respect
this would sustain the nation's continuing strug-
ters of learning in Eastern Europe. Both the insti- that befits the largest country in Eastern Europe,
gles for independence against foreign imperial-
tution and his court drew artists, poets, scholars, especially now with an impending entry into the
ism through victories against the Turkish siege
and publishers from all over the Continent. European Union that has been hotly debated on
in Vienna in the 17th century (which saved
In addition to these and many other bril- the world stage. The New York Times has even
Christian Europe) and Lenin's Red Army (which
liant individuals, one must also not overlook the called it a "potential power-house." By now, any
saved democratic Europe), three partitions, the
magnificence of the country that nurtured them. reasonable person must realize that in order to
Nazi invasion and occupation and finally the
The environment was infused with a unique reli- develop a satisfactory knowledge of Poland, one horrors of a communist regime. The last ended
gious toleration (Under the Statute of Kalisz, must educate oneself and view all depictions of
in the triumph of the trade union, reform move-
Poland granted equal protection under the law it in the media, whether in a favorable or unfa-
ment, and eventually a political party, Solidarity,
to Jews - the first instance of such an act in vorable light, with a critical eye. A good start
which led to the first freely elected non-commu-
Christian civilization - as early as 1264) and would be Norman Davies' masterly two-volume
nist government in a Warsaw Pact state. It
prosperity that enabled Poles to help create some "God's Playground: A History of Poland" or
should also be noted that even after World War
of the most beautiful and enduring cities in Pawel Jasienica's three-volume "History of
II, Poland was the only country in the Eastern
Europe. In Krakow, in the sixteenth century, Poland." If one desires lighter reading, there are
bloc in which communist rule was resisted by
King Sigismund the Old brought over Italian also shorter works by Davies such as "Heart of
continuous demonstrations, strikes, and unrest.
masters to design and build the Wawel Royal Europe: A Short History of Poland" as well as
This is all, as I have said before, only a
Castle and the Wawel Cathedral, official the monthly periodical, "Polish American fraction of Polish history, but I present it in the
UNESCO World Heritage sites. The great Journal," for which I am indebted for much of
hope that it will instill in any one who reads this
German woodcutter and sculptor, Wit Stwosz, the information in this article.
article a sense of Poland's importance and
also worked there for twenty years, creating his What would actually be ideal is a
unique nature. My greatest wish for my own cul-
most famous work, the massive altarpiece for St. greater opportunity to study Poland in the ture and all others is that they have your empa-
Mary's Church and the monument of King American educational system beyond the fantasy
thy and that you feel the same dismay at their
Kazimierz IV in the Wawel Cathedral. that it is a nation of anti-Semites. The Polish lan-
misrepresentation or lack thereof in the media as
However, this is a fraction of a history of guage class offered by Prof. Kalinowska-
if it were your own. After all, we are all heirs to
a country that has either been vastly ignored or Blackwood last semester was highly laudable, the same heritage and should treat each other
grossly misinterpreted. Countless books, periodi- but Stony Brook students could also benefit from accordingly so.

Page 6
rad Students Soot Sels i Fincial
By Greg Lubicich
The Graduate Student Organization was could be so fooled and so foolish. Being informed is a very low energy
allegedly subject to provocateurs who stirred up A functional and financed student gov- process, but can be very revealing. For example,
enough discord that their fee is now voluntary. ernment provides a public good to all students in the mandatory/voluntary vote for undergradu-
Evidence for this is the unsubstantiated allega- that it will serve not only as a check on abuses by ates didn't need to be held until this fall, so who
tions about candidates on anonymous fliers post- admin but also as a source of innovation in poli- decided to schedule it for the spring? Contacts at
ed at 2:00 am and 3:45am around campus on the cies and programs which state bureaucracies are other SUNY schools have stated that the only time
Sunday before the graduate student elections and incapable of matching in both speed and scope. A the mandatory/voluntary vote comes early is
referenda. Likewise, at similarly early hours peo- dysfunctional and financed student government when the administrators want it to fail. Gee why
ple were observed tearing down campaign and provides the opportunity for public minded stu- would they want that? Allegations have been
referenda fliers. Some of these people may not dents to rid themselves of sell outs, cronies, and made that certain "negative elements" in adminis-
have been students, and this raises the question of crooks thereby reestablishing the public good. tration want the Student Activity Fee to fail so that
who was paying them for their time. This is the Here the words "public good" refer to something they can step in with the supposed solution of
subject on an on going investigation. The down that once established is infinitely consumable and imposing a $150-$200+ Recreation Center fee
side of all of this is that now administration may those who benefit include multitudes of those who instead. A prior issue of The Press detailed how
be using the voluntary status of the Graduate expended no effort to create it. An unfinanced stu- an architect opined that the proposed Rec Center
Student Activity Fee to tell the grad students they dent government allows certain "negative ele- is $4 to $6 million dollars overpriced even by
have no one (government or otherwise) to repre- ments" to attempt to claim that undergraduates bloated state construction cost standards. The
sent them in matters of housing, tuition, Hlb, INS, have no one to represent them in matters of hous- same issue detailed mafia connections that may be
TOEFL scores, food, transportation, etc. Well isn't ing, tuition, etc. Hence, even if you don't have the related to that cost outrage. Think about these
that great! (N.B. this is sarcasm.) It is hard to time or the inclination to be involved in student issues when you decide how to vote for the
believe that people with stratospheric GRE scores government, at the very least stay informed. Undergraduate Student Activity Fee.

By Greg Lubicich
____The Saddamization of Stony4w Brook
One candidate for student government pointed out discrepancies that may have allowed standards of the Elections Board. Likewise, since the
office, who declined to be named, stated that an elec- them to qualify for a position on the ballot. After it print shop that candidates can use closes around
tions board member claims that every flier, every became apparent that these discrepancies might 5pm on Fridays there was little or no time for candi-
phone mail, every email, every speech, every word allow a wider choice of candidates, "The Elections dates who did have "approved" literature to get it
spoken or written to constituents has to be pre- Board" canceled by fiat elections for all positions duplicated. A news reporter seeking a list of candi-
approved in writing and stamped by the Elections other than president (in an undated, unsigned memo dates that would be on the ballot was told, "We can't
Board. Goodbye free speech! Hello censorship! too). Could it be that all the elections in which there give out personal information." Candidates had
According to an April 29, 2003 memo from was the danger of real competition to the status quo already revealed their names to several hundred
the alleged "Undergraduate Student Government", were cancelled? Aufwiedershen freedom of electoral petition signers, so the privacy claim may be a bit
an unspecified person or persons made a change to choice! Gutten Tag dictatorship! absurd. Likewise, written verification of who is
the purported constitution after it was supposedly Even if one were to accept everything that responsible for certain decisions was not forthcom-
approved (there were several irregularities in the has gone on so far with the student government (out ing. This constellation of behaviors may give the
election). If one section can be changed after alleged of laziness, complicity, or ignorance), the supposed appearance of trying to deny the voters information
voter approval, then any or all sections could be edicts of the alleged "Undergraduate Student they need to make informed choices about the candi-
changed. This means that effectively we do not have Government" and the so-called Elections Board dates and issues. Arrivederci open government!
a governing document, not even an alleged one. mean that the purported president elect was to be Ciao dictatorship!
Without a set of consistently applied, generally the entire government - no legislative branch, no After nearly a year of watching the student
agreed upon governing principlesthat are not sub- judicial branch, no other executives. The voters were government play to administration's tune, ask your-
ject to change, other than by the will of the people, to elect a student government dictator. But in yet self if you know of any clubs that find it any easier
one has rule by decree. Adios consent of the gov- another erratic and last minute policy change, as of to get their money. Ask yourself if the level of serv-
erned! Hola rule by decree! yet unverified parties allegedly reinstated the elec- ice you get is any better. Ask yourself if the alleged
Even if one believes that the secret meet- tions for the other executive positions sometime executive branch of student government is more
ings, i.e. not open to the public, to write a constitu- before Friday May 2nd at 4:00pm. This last minute open or adheres to the principles of democracy any
tion were desirable (or legal) and that less than one erratic shift did not allow for a grievance hearing for more than it did before. There are no longer "fac-
week is enough time to review a 20+ page constitu- those candidates who were denied a position on the tions" to be scapegoated for any of this. We may end
tion, one has to admit that under this alleged consti- ballot. This was originally scheduled as part of the up with an election and a student government that
tution no new legislators have been elected, so how election process. Alamsiki due process and rule of would make Saddam Hussein proud. It is this
are rules, i.e. legislation, being passed? The so-called law! Aisei arbitrariness and rule of anarchy! author's opinion that the fault for all of this lies
Elections Board is setting rules (and changing rules) For those candidates who suddenly found squarely on the shoulders of the status quo, "nega-
despite the fact that they are not legislators, elected themselves (back?) on the ballot, there was little or tive elements" in the university administration, and
or otherwise. Some candidates who were initially no time to make up campaign literature or speeches, anyone who never bothered to vote in an election
told that they were disqualified from the ballot, never mind get them approved to the censorship when they had the option.

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Page /
Yonr Tuition Hik, .5 Milioannat 0%ma
InterestAc mistrationand tatesman
By Greg LubiciCeh
What is the Stony Brook Foundation and bearing cash. In fiscal year 1997 they allegedly interest bearing account(s)? According to the
why did they allegedly have $6.5 million in cash started with $4,016,672 in non-interest bearing same scanned on-line versions of Stony Brook
that was earning zero percent interest? According cash. Clearly keeping large amounts of cash in Foundation's IRS Form 990 at (See
to non-interest financial instruments is not a one- reference #1), several high ranking university
tion.shtml, the Stony Brook Foundation, a time occurrence. Even at today's low interest rates accountants and financial managers have an offi-
501(c)(3) not-for-profit education corporation, was (2-3% according to cial relationship with Stony Brook Foundation.
established in 1965 to advance the mission of, $6.5 mil- Some of these people even sign off on the tax
Stony Brook University by receiving and manag- lion could earn $260,000 over the next two years if forms. A few questions are in order. Which banks,
ing all philanthropic contributions from individu- it were properly invested. How many professors, if any, is this money kept at? What is the relation-
als, corporations, foundations, and other private- TA's, and associated courses could be saved with ship between these banks and these administra-
sector donors. Governed by an independent the interest earned in this year of tuition hikes tors? Will a forensic accountant or a state or fed-
Board of Trustees, the Foundation successfully ($1200 proposed) and budget cuts (you don't want eral attorney general's office make an investiga-
manages an endowment to ensure the long-term to know)? tion into this and other practices? At the very
growth and vitality of the University, while gener- Which accounting firms are mentioned on least, will any disciplinary action result? Will this
ating funds to support current University priori- Stony Brook Foundation's 990 forms? Well, the money now be put into interest bearing accounts,
ties. Funds contributed to the Stony Brook IRS 990 form from year 2000 lists Arthur Anderson and where will the interest be spent or invested?
Foundation promote excellence throughout the as being paid $157,200 for "professional services". Lastly, why didn't you read about this in
University by supporting undergraduate and That's right, folks! Enron's accountant! "Arthur Statesman? Maybe they just never thought about
graduate students, faculty, research, capital proj- Andersen is convicted of obstruction of justice for it. Maybe Statesman also keeps large amounts of
ects, and many other mission-essential initiatives. impeding investigation by securities regulators cash in non-interest bearing accounts. As previ-
The Foundation accepts gifts in the form of cash, into financial debacle at Enron; soon afterward, ously reported, according to line 46 of the scanned
securities, real and personal property, bequests, Andersen informs government that it will cease on-line versions of Statesman's IRS Form 990
life insurance, and life income agreements. auditing public companies as soon as end of available at (See reference #1), in
According to line 46 of the scanned on-line ver- August, effectively ending life of 89-year-old firm" approximately the years 1998 to 2001 Statesman
sions of Stony Brook Foundation's IRS Form 990 states the New York Times (See Anderson Guilty allegedly accumulated a grand total of $108,670 in
available at (See reference #1), in fis- in Effort to Block Inquiry on Enron, by Kurt cash. This amount is listed on the IRS form for
cal year 2000 Stony Brook Foundation allegedly Eichenwald, Business/Financial Desk, June 16, 2001 as "Cash-non-interest bearing". How could
started with $7,118,838 in non-interest bearing 2002, Sunday, Late Edition - Final, Section 1, Page Statesman report on a questionable practice when
cash and finished with $6,501,857. In fiscal year 1, Column 5 they may be doing the exact same thing although
1999 they allegedly started with $6,874,105 in non- admittedly with much less money?
interest bearing cash. In fiscal year 1998 they =FAOC16FC3A580C758DDDAF0894DA404482)
allegedly started with $3,903,094 in non-interest Who would keep millions in cash in non-

'Primal':A Review
By Joel Hopkins
On view from April 10- April 24 in the much as it had to different cavities similar to those connotes a sense of separate patterns. The stanza
Melville Library Gallery was a sculptural exhibi- that carry in an carry out the fluids, gases, etc. that is usually, though not always, one of many sec-
tion by MFA student Kentaro Totsuka. The second organs process or facilitate. Like the pieces in tions that comprise a poetic work.
year student showed four different pieces in his 'Drilling Core', each of the bodies are coated in The fourth work Totsuka showed during
first solo show on the Stony Brook campus. graphite and the wood that makes up the the exhibition was a series of four hemispheres of
Primarily interested in the tensions between pedestals are painted black. The numerous levels plaster coated with polyurethane. Each work was
organic and synthetic constructions, he wanted to inhabited by each of the organ-like pieces mim- placed atop a wide wooden platform painted
explore the forces of gravity, and the paths natural icked, like the subterranean world of 'Drilling black, which strongly contrasted with the stark
growth take when these forces act upon them. Core', the seemingly endless tiers of life in the white of the four bulbous pieces. The work, titled
The show highlighted his wish to remain within oceans. While each of the separate spheres of life 'Uncertain Distance,' emphasized the contrast
traditional attitudes of sculpture, and the craft of are basically the same for each, i the organic and the syn-
sculpture, and also indicated to the viewer the like the identical organ-like >r,more specifically
ambitions of this young artist. make-up of bodily respiration i the rough and the fin-
In theworks 'Drilling Core #1-4' Totsuka and simply persist by maintain- From each hemisphere
represented the subterranean movement of roots. ing organic function, they radi- crept down from the per-
Each work is constructed with a thin wire-mesh cally differ in the extent to which pe almost like the growth
frame upon which are molded small fiberglass they can survive in the differing or mineral deposit. The
strips. The strips are secured in place by a ranges of crushing pressure. On one of the most perfect
polyurethane resin, and the entire piece is colored a much more basic, vulgar level, ric shapes, played host to
with graphite applied by brush. The individual the pieces, through a distribution ningly random tag-along
pieces resist any description that could easily con- on different heights, all maintain -e natural growth.
vey a concrete shape. I am at a loss of words to identities of separate potential er the numerous criticisms
describe the four "Drilling Core" sculptures using energies. That is, each of the dif- bout the show in our Art
static linguistic elements. Rather, they appear to be ferent objects in 'Seas' has their nent that Totsuka created
the charged record of a potent desire to find suste- own heights from which to rophobic atmosphere in
nance through the searching-out of subterranean plummet. ce through the display of
passages. One fact that interested Kentaro while The center of the gallery ly pieces by asking
constructing these pieces was the fact that roots was occupied by four different r or not the young artists
tend to grow outward and down. However, he* parts of the work entitled rogram should utilize the
was fascinated to learn that in plant research con- 'Armored Stanza.' Unlike i a complete aesthetic
ducted in space, roots do not follow this pattern; 'Drilling Core,' where each of the uch like the installation
rather, they grow in every accessible direction. different pieces push and twist their way through by Kate Diago in February, or whether they
Terrestrial roots, like sculpture, must carve or space to make themselves manifest, 'Armored should utilize it for what it is. The space is small,
push out a niche in space, but one constricted to Stanza,' through four different curved sculptures poorly lit, and has a wretched ceiling. I am as
much of the same natural constraints, as well as that rise in a curvilinear fashion from the floor, welcoming to a highly trained, and immensely tal-
the constraints of the gallery and studio. hints at a shell-like area from four different points ented artist such as Kentaro Totsuka manipulating
'Seas' is a sculptural piece that consists of of the inferred space. A play on words, 'Armored the space to show as much as possible, as I am to
about a dozen or so fiberglass and resinous bodies Stanza' points to both a sense of unity, for armor an arrangement of those pieces that create a dis-
that sit atop a number of different wooden usually covers a single distinct object whether it tinct, composite, flow. The type of program we
pedestals of differing heights. Each object was be a man, a piece of mechanized war-machine, or have should stress artistic production and intro-
sculpted in the shape similar to an organ in as something as simple as an armadillo, and stanza spection over hang ups in gallery display.

Page 8
Cricket Cates On
By Nicole Pesce
Ankur Dhawan smiled fondly remem- Polity office.
bering his earlier years at Stony Brook The procedure to obtain
University, when he and friends of his would budget is more involved, as Mar
play impromptu games of cricket in the open Terrana, the assistant director fo
area between the Staller Center and the Melville student activities, explained. Th
Library. organization must collect 150 siE
The assorted group of students of most- natures from students around
ly Indian and Pakistani descent would also campus in support of their obtai
often play games of "street cricket" in the corri- ing a budget. The paperwork ar
dors of their dorms with tennis balls. It was a signatures are approved by a
piece of home that they were able to bring with committee in Polity, and the
them in attending a new school in a foreign organization receives the mini-
country. mum budget of $750 a semester.
"In India, it's the first sport you play," said This amount is inade-
teammate Sukhdeep Singh. "The first gift you quate for the cricket team's neec
get [as a boy] is a bat and a ball." however, when they factor in th
Cricket is a ball-and-bat game played costs for transportation, drinks,
chiefly in Great Britain and the Commonwealth and food for each match. The
countries, sharing a lot of similarities to base- matt for the pitcher alone costs
ball. $500, which is two thirds of thei
Cricket is played by two teams of eleven people semester budget.
on a level, oval "pitch". Two wooden cross- For the most part, the
pieces resting on three wooden stumps, called members have bucked up to coy
wickets, are placed apart near the middle of the equipment and transportation
field. requirements. They plan to ask
A game usually consists of two innings; in one for more money next semester.
inning, all players on each team bat once in a They want to fundraise now to
fixed order. raise money for equipment and
Dhawan and Singh, realizing that they go to matches.
had enough members to form a team, moved to "The budget gets eaten up reall]
make a club. Although they received coopera- fast," Dhawan said.
tion from both Campus Recreation and Polity, Despite financial difficu
the dissolution of Polity as well as the numerous ties, however, the team has
steps needed to found an organization were enjoyed a boom in recruitment.
often frustrating. "We're having a lot of fun,"
"It's hard to do it all yourself," Dhawan Dhawan said. "It's really catch
In the tuture they want to have the sport much
said. "You go to Campus Rec, then Polity, and ing on."
bigger on campus, and accept anyone who
then Polity sends you elsewhere to different Alhough only 11 players are needed for
wants to play.
offices." a side, between 30 and 35 men meet each Friday
"We are all Indian or Pakistani,"
According to Marie Turchiano, assistant at 2:30 to practice on the softball field alongside
Dhawan said. "We're looking for Brits,
director of Campus Recreation, an interested the old stadium.
Australians, and West Indians to play, too. I
group fills out a registration form to become an Their strength in numbers will hopeful-
know they're somewhere."
official club. This form is submitted with a list ly be enough to propel them from their current
The Stony Brook cricket club, which
of the executive board members, contact infor- club status to a more ambitious level.
does not have a coach, has had a string of victo-
mation, and a club constitution to Campus "We want to get to be a recognized
ries in their matches this season, including a
Recreation to be signed off by one of the three sport on campus-join a league and play a
win against Suffolk Community College.
advisors: Susan Dimonda, Shawn Cargil, or proper cricket season like rugby or baseball,"
"People are getting more enthusiastic,"
Turchiano. The paperwork is then sent to the Dhawan said.
Dhawan said. "It's really catching on."

_What's A Chomsky?
By Adam Schwartz
Well, that's a fine question. A Chomsky, London and the University of Chicago and has war, established in large part by the U.S. follow-
particularly a Noam Chomsky, is an international- lectured the world over, from Berkley California ing WWII, were recently broken during
ly distinguish philosopher, linguist, and political to Oxford, on his theories of applied language in "Operation Iraqi Freedom." He asserts Bush's
dissident who has recently graced our humble, political context. (Kind of makes you feel inade- actions were a "dismantling of the post WWII
quaint little institute with a series of lectures on a quate, doesn't it?) matrix of international law." Under these agree-
variety of topics. Aside from these abstract concepts, which left me ments the use of force is inadmissible without
I was able to catch his April 22nd lecture scratching my head and feeling rather slow, he U.N. Security Council support. He went further
delivered to a packed SAC Ballroom A, during has been an active critic of U.S. foreign policy by declaring that the violation of these rules by
which he addressed Politically Applied since Vietnam. He attributes his views on social- the U.S. gives the tacit assumption that all the
Biolinguistics as an approach to generative gram- ism and anarchism to living in a, "radical Jewish U.S. does is good, and that we claim a sovereign
mar. (I know, it flew right over my head too.) community in NY." His political views, too mul- right over all other nations by virtue solely of our
Nonetheless, the crowd he drew had listeners sit- tifarious to discuss in this forum, are embodied in military might. I didn't even know this was a
ting anywhere they could find space. Once the a series of books and essays reflecting over 40 tacit assumption anymore. (For those of you run-
multitude of chairs filled, people could be found years of thoughtful reaction to international hap- ning to a dictionary, tacit means silent or unspo-
in layers against the walls, sitting in rows on the penings. ken.) We are now, by all appearances, a nation
floor, or simply peering into the crowded door- The lecture I sat in on focused mainly on the, that feels it can deal with totalitarian govern-
way before deciding to move on. I tried to steal "mind/body problem," and the difficulties posed ments however it sees fit, holding no regard for
Chomsky's chair but that didn't work out. by language as an inadequate means of summa- the nation as a sovereign entity.
Born in Philly back in 1928, Noam rization and symbolization for psychological Now that we know what a Chomsky is we can all
Chomsky attended the University of processes. He cited such influential Philosophers rest easier and feel very privileged that we were
Pennsylvania where he earned his PhD in 1955 as Locke, Hume, and Descartes as he discussed able to host a lecture series by him. If you have
after studying Linguistics, Mathematics and this, "Theory of Mind." further interest on his political views or his theo-
Philosophy. He also taught at the Massachusetts For the second part of the lecture he ries of Linguistics check out
Institute of technology for 19 years, has earned turned his attention to America's biggest jackass,
honorary doctorates from the University of President W., and that the fundamental rules of for a comprehensive collection of his writings.

Page 9
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Justthen, Darrian, Johns girfriend, showed up. John smiled nervously. Iglanced over, Waily. Krn
If, .. TL ris_

ojack got annoyed for some

reason...Meanwhile, there was something floating inthe back of my mind,something I'd fiigotten to prepare for that
r..- .

fateful day...
y, my Johnny-sa Oh? What's that about?
Phil • hi.
'"I ýrriann
'"' r· , L,=•: 1
: :·~··~··:~:~:~
,· ~t·.

r So, JohnY
tells me you
two have plans
i wm i r tonight? Goddammit,
Atashi wa mesuinu musei dearu Um...we're


I may 0 0
Right begin my


Hey guys!
Phil, you ready for
our cloning debate
inOral Comm.? 5econa perioa, Non-..Icne writing, rollea arouna,
and my rebuttal for the debate still was unwritten...
Luckily, Prof. Maz wasn't in, and I wasn't the only
see ya later, Phil! Thank God -
Frankie. ou're here! As usual,
you can solve my life
myriad problems!

r sorry, Melissa,
h I
but I've gotta write
ny rebuttal for our cloning
debate next period!

Well, you're on your help with'

your own.. anti-cloner! i6 mw
Good thing Maz isn't here...
rKommsar all summer I
www.bobanett.tK for an off-campus Fix, if you're on catch a
special in a summer issue of the press! Who will win the
debate? Cloners or Anti-Cloners? How about that Darrian -
Will I Kill off a major character in the '*th issue? I may be that
crazy. We really should find out about that... And finally
learn the secret oF Phil's "genetics project" - all coming in
Spring emester...unless everyone is forced to drop out
because of the tuition hike.
Zfka ate-gAautkaetV #ka wmdeiujbld a- aAtd c'wuwao
JFMAWJL Vwta A ut ludL. JM&Oft gL*vLft ULM~,fLJ4
I I II I , I

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Page 14
By Linda Colosi
Domestic Vioence
NIMBY!!! Yes--domestic violence is in The law was drafted after immigration attorneys, her husband or parent.
your backyard. Domestic violence statistics show women advocates and domestic violence attorneys Could you be a victim and not realize it?
a higher incident rate of violence against immi- joined forces to create laws to protect immigrant Do you change your behavior because you are
grant women. Domestic violence knows no barri- women from domestic violence. Under VAWA afraid of a fight? Do'some events make you feel
ers, be it ethnicity, race, age, religion or socioeco- 2000 two visas for non-citizen victims of crime afraid? Has someone hurt or threatened you or
nomic status and can include physical violence, have been established--the U and T visas. The U your pets? Does a parent or boyfriend destroy
coercion, intimidation, isolation, emotional, sexual visa is designed for non-citizen crime victims who objects out of frustration? Have you ever been
or economic abuse. have endured physical or mental abuse. Crimes stopped from leaving the home? Have you been
We all have visions of a globally diverse against them include: rape, torture, incest, domes- forced to have sex? Does your boyfriend have a
community rich with equal opportunity for all. tic violence, sexual assault, abusive sexual contact, drug problem? If you answered yes to some of
Unfortunately the transition phases of social prostitution, sexual exploitation, female genital these questions, you may be a victim.
migration are fraught with uncertainty and isola- mutilation, being held hostage, involuntary servi- The best defense against domestic vio-
tion. For victims of domestic abuse, the transition tude, slave trade, kidnapping, abduction black- lence is knowledge; knowledge about where to go
is much more difficult. Why? One of the reasons mail, murder, felonious assault. for help. You can make a difference - if you know
the incidence of domestic violence is more preva- Why should you care? Maybe you know someone who is a victim or knows a victim, share
lent among immigrant women is that they lack a someone who knows someone who is a victim. this valuable information with them. Help make
solid support network and they lack the resources Maybe your mother, your sister, your friend. the transition into a new life a better life. Help
describing how and where to seek assistance. Within the community of a culturally rich and make the globalization experience a positive, sup-
Because of their immigration status, they are diverse campus, chances are greater that you may portive one. The National Domestic Violence
socially alienated and have serious limitations be associated with a recent immigrant who is a Hotline provides information in up to 140 lan-
including language barriers, limited employment victim of domestic abuse. What are the warning guages (800) 799-SAFE (7233). The American Bar
skills and lower income levels. Battered immi- signs? Is your friend humiliated by her partner? Association can put you in touch with legal coun-
grants may experience negative experiences with Does she decline invitations for fear of retribution? selors. For questions about the National
an aloof law enforcement agency. 83% of battered Cultural restrictions and traditions may border on Immigration Project of the National Lawyer's
immigrants do not contact the police for help abuse. Some cultures employ strict rules for Guild call 617-227-9727 or visit the website at nip-
regarding issues of domestic violence. women. The concept of obedience for the sake of
The Violence Against Women Act 2000 culture or religion may leave a battered immigrant
(VAWA) was enacted by Congress to help victims. feeling that she does not have the right to disobey


,,, ,, Bloodline
"" Music
By Doug Williams
Field Day, a two-day music, arts and roster of over 800 clients including the Louvre Northwest.
camping festival, will take place Saturday, June Museum, the Bowery Ballroom and the San A portion of the proceeds from Field Day
7th and Sunday, June 8th at the Enterprise Park at Francisco Symphony Orchestra when it was will benefit various charities.
Calverton, 70 miles east of New York City, and 9 acquired by Ticketmaster in a deal valued at It is my hope that this will become a reg-
miles west of Riverhead, in Calverton, New York, approximately $35.2 million. ular annual event out here on Long Island.
on Long Island's North Fork. The idea behind Field Day was to create a Elsewhere here on the island, things are still look-
Radiohead and Beastie Boys will headline world-class music, arts and camping festival on ing alright. Mike Russo from Snake Sound Labs is
June 7th and 8th, respectively. Other acts playing the East Coast of the United States," states the proud owner of a 2003 Harley Davidson Fat
the fest include Spiritualized, Interpol, Royksopp, Dreskin. In addition, Dreskin goes on to say, Boy. He plans on using it in upcoming music
Dashboard Confessional, Beth Orton, Sigur Ros, "Field Day is the product of our desire to present a videos with his own band. Mr. Russo recently did
Blur, The Roots, The Streets, Elliott Smith, different kind of festival, one that melds music, a recording session with Jim Bosko from The
N.E.R.D., Bright Eyes, and Beck. contemporary art and freedom of expression. In Coffeemen. 'Pray For America' is a thought-
The first annual Field Day festival will some ways, Field Day is a sociological experiment. provocative tune that praises the work that our
feature over 30 performers on multiple stages, We hope ticket buyers use Field Day as a platform military does to protect our freedom here in The
concessions (including beer and wine), vending, for self-expression. They can register to create art United States of America. Jim and the rest of The
non-profits, and a strong focus on contemporary installations, and group camps with their friends. I Coffeemen will be playing at the Columbus
art and self-expression. Ticket buyers are encour- bet we'll see some pretty interesting costumes out Avenue Street Festival in New York City on
aged to register to create art installations, and there." Saturday, May 17th, from 2:30-6:00pm. A couple
group camps with their friends, at www.field- Much of the talent buying duties for Field of websites with some information on Jim and The Day are being handled by Bravo Entertainment, Coffeemen are and
Field Day was conceived by Andrew one of the United States' fastest growing concert
Dreskin, the co-founder, and former president and promoters. Bravo Entertainment and Dreskin are Okay....time to get studying for finals!
CEO, of TicketWeb, the first company to sell event the largest shareholders in the Big Easy Concert Rock on.
tickets over the Internet. TicketWeb had a diverse House, a chain of concert venues in the Pacific

The t*B

h ** * * * *
Define the truth with us.
-Is shaving your head and beard punnishment
enough for treason?
-Why did the Taliban buy up 30% of the world's
pretzel stocks on January 1st?
-How did Pat Buchanan's book Death ofthe West
end up amongst the flyers dropped on Afganistan?
-Which one of the girls in Hanson did I have sexwith?
-The Shirley Strun Kenny-Enron connection (c'mon,
you know there has to be one).
-Where do we go? where do we go now, Sweet Child, coiC ana we lasement room. ronlow tie strenc oT te
Sweet Child, Sweet Chieeleeild of mine? corpses to room 060, basement of the Union.
Paae 15
SA PC Campus Media & Oher Mines
By Sam Goldman
Behmd the Scenes of Rock And Awe
First, a disclaimer: I was the founder of way SAFIPC would be able to afford both shows. agreed to let their management book one opener.
Operation: Rock and Awe, the rock show held So we would have to wait until the NEXT SAFIPC But the opener they wanted fell through, and after
April 25th at the Union Ballroom. As such, I was meeting to find out if Rock and Awe was to become some convincing, we got permission to book 2
there for every SAFIPC meeting, and a great many a reality. openers. One of them, The Reformation, consisted
meetings with SAFIPC's Maria Terrana, and with Here is where the fun began. Can't you of Stony Brook students who we knew. Phil, whose
Godfrey Palaia. My viewpoint is undeniably smell the fun? I sure can. article you'll probably see in this issue, was mostly
skewed a little by my bias towards this event, but By the time of our next meeting, we were our contact. The other band, Casey Scores A Goal,
what I want to impart to you, the reader, is an hon- told that the Fat Joe concert was off: There were "3 we knew through Joe Flip.
est interpretation of the events around me as I saw strikes" against them; first off, they had no contract The ad campaign began. Ceci Norman
them. I mean no malice towards (almost) anyone, with the artist. Secondly, their artist failed the secu- made the original designs, and off we went,
including those who I claim made farming the campus like
decisions in the days leading up to I rash of herpes on Peter
And Awe. Okay? Okay then. Word. )rth's dick. We were
Let us begin with March 4t] TERYWHERE, baby. The
rock show in the SAC was taking p zz began to start, as we
that night. It was great, but no ere getting calls from
attended, save for The Stony Br ople to the Press office
Press. I mentioned my idea for a king about the show
show to my Press mates after seeing >m as far away as Boston.
poor attendance at the show, and t ople around campus
being the gung-ho sort that they are, gan to ask us about the
me to go for it. ow.
Eventually, I got in contact Then, just ten days until
Guy Crawford, a member of SAI ow time, and the day
who had put on the March 4th show. fore the Passover/Easter
too, expressed interest in putting < eak, SAFIPC drops the
end-of-year show, but stressed thai >mb on us again. It seems
were starting this very, very late, at, in order to run a show,
that we would have to really hurr e had to open the ticket
put this on. He suggested that I begi Fice, and adhere to the
talk to people and get ideas for b Ilowing policy: Each
and such. ony Brook student could
Eventually a group of sorts gn in only 2 off-campus
formed that I eventually dubbed udents. Maria suggested
Impromptu Concert Committee, cor at we charge a fee for off-
ing of Guy, myself, and fe] mpus students to offset
Pressmates Joe Filippazzo, Jackie HE e costs of keeping the
and Ceci Norman. :ket office open. We, how-
The original idea was to ha rer, had money to offset
outdoors, and after going over some ideas, an idea rity check (more on that later). But most impor- the costs. In a meeting between Joe Flip, Godfrey,
formed that we would do it at Roth Quad after the tantly, there was no money. Not just for Fat Joe, but and Maria, Joe Flip claims that he reached a verbal
Regatta on April 25th. The first band that we were for ANYONE. You see, due to an "accounting agreement with Maria to pay everyone's entry fee,
going after was Thursday, a well-known and well- error", the money allocated for Fat Joe was not assuring that the show would be absolutely free.
respected emo/hardcore rock band. As a backup, there to begin with, and the months the SAFIPC Unfortunately, either Maria disregarded this, or
we had The Get Up Kids, an equally worthy and member spent on securing a concert was all for she just did not know, because the night of the
well-respected band. We knew that there was a nothing. show, as those who know went, the Ticket Office
competing show on that date, supposedly to be The amount actually 'lost" was estimated charged 3 dollars a ticket. But the money is not so
held at the Sports Complex and featuring first Sean by Godfrey and Guy at approximately $27,000 - much a big deal as the timing, which was absolute-
Paul, and then later Fat Joe. Guy came to us after about 10% of SAFIPC's entire budget. Now, if this ly horrible. Ten days before the show? And this
about a week and told us that we would have to is actually true, then someone either at Polity or after we've begun advertising it as free! Not to
convince SAFIPC to give us the okay for the con- SAFIPC is guilty of gross incompetence, and mention that having each student sign in two peo-
cert, and that we should show up at the next should be, at the very least, seriously reprimanded. ple means that a maximum of 2/3 of the crowd
SAFIPC meeting to be held at their usual time, Let it be said that the only member of SAFIPC that could have been off campus.
Wednesdays at 8 pm, in SAC 219. In the meantime, registered any surprise at this announcement was Regardless of all these things, the show
we secured funding from the Press and SBU TV. Guy, who was working with us. But, at the very went off, despite some day-of bullshit, which
Present at our first meeting was Alexandra least, we got us the OK to put on a show. The only you'll read about in other articles in this issue.
Duggan, Director of Campus Activities, Maria money we were getting from SAFIPC was the Suffice to say it was a complete success. The show
Terrana, Assistant Director, and several members $8,000 Guy had secured before we had even spo- sold out easily, and somewhere between 50 and 100
of the SAFIPC board (Guy included), Press ken. people were left without tickets. The crowd was
Executive Editor Dan Hofer, SBU TV Production Immediately after the meeting, the great, though subdued due to the night's events,
Manager Leo Borovskiy, Godfrey Palaia, and the Concert Committee sat down and made an agenda. and all three of the acts were absolutely awesome.
Concert Committee. After seeing how serious we First off, per Maria's orders, we needed a full pro- As a finale, I'd like to put out a public
were about putting this show on, they agreed to at posal. Everything had to be worked out - finances, thank you to everyone at the Press, CSA, SBU TV,
the very least take a hard look at our proposal. In dates, times, openers, the whole kit & caboodle. SAFIPC, Godfrey, and a special shout out to the
the meantime, we would need to consult with Secondly, we needed to finalize our deals with Concert Committee. The show rocked. That does-
Maria at more and more meetings. either band. And third, we needed more cheddar. n't mean, though, that we would not like things to
By the time our next SAFIPC meeting We all went to work. Meetings were every change. First off, we'd like for there to be less red
came around, we had come to an agreement. The night in the Press office. We kept in touch with tape and paperwork for someone to put on a show.
show would either have the Get Up Kids or Godfrey. We talked to Norm Prusslin, Peter Secondly, due to the incident between Press mem-
Thursday. It would be either at Roth Quad or in the Baigent, Jerry Stein; anyone who we thought could bers and CSS security (which is not the first alter-
Union Ballroom, depending on the weather, and it help us. Eventually Godfrey secured some funding cation with CSS), we would like for the University
would be from 6 to 9, so as not to conflict with the from the Commuter Students Association, and we to at the very least re-examine their relationship
other show, and it would be absolutely free for convinced the Press to hook us up with the rest of with them. Lastly, we would like the university to
everyone without and sort of restrictions. Since'the the cash. Eventually, Thursday dropped out, and be more transparent with what is done with the
two shows would'have different audiences, Maria The Get Up Kids were booked, under the condition money allotted to them every year. What hap-
did not anticipate any problems, save one: money. that they would book an opener, and that a venue pened to the 27 grand? What is that 3 dollar fee
If the Fat Joe show were to go through, and the had to be guaranteed, which meant outside was really going to? We plan to ask, but the point is that
prices for the shows would stand, there was no out, and the Union Ballroom was in. At first, we we should not have to.

Page 16
__ __ __ L __ __C

-AL- lmý.doM6mdA*.
-ML Regatta

By Adam Schlagman
The outlook wasn't brilliant for Dreiser College that day, Defiance flashed in Dreiser's eyes, a sneer curled Dreiser's lips.
The pond was barely filled, with not much water I would say.
And now the booming cannon was heard through the air,
And then when The Batmobile slowed down and began to sink, And Dreiser jumped in and began rowing'right there.
A pall-like silence fell upon the patrons as the water began to stink.
Close by their sturdy ship, the other boats began to speed.
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. "Keep on rowing," said Dreiser.
The rest clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast.
They thought, "maybe with Dreiser's second boat they'd place." "You're going down!" the other boats said.
They'd even put up money, cause they predicted a decent race. From the edges of the pond, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm waves on a stem and distant shore.
Water started leaking in and the Batmobile seemed lost,
But Dreiser's boat would finish no matter what the cost. "Sink them! Sink the boat!" shouted someone on the side,
and it's likely they'd have sunk them, but Dreiser had more pride.
So upon the dirty waters, Dreiser was rowing proud and true,
Finishing they must, it was the only thing to do. With water beginning to flow in, great Dreiser's visage shone,
They stilled the rising water, they bade the rowing go on.
But a boat was quickly approaching with a determined crew,
And the Batmobile was dwindling into the murky dew. Adam signaled to Jon, and once more the oars flew,
But the pond still ignored it, and the water said, "Fuck you!"
And when the race was finished
And man saw what had occurred, "They're sinking!" cried the maddened hundreds, and echo answered,
There was the Batmobile in third and the challenger in fourth. "They're sinking!"
But one scornful look from Dreiser and the audience was thinking.
Then from one hundred throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the pond, it rattled in the dell. They saw their faces grow stern and cold, they saw their muscles strain,
And they knew that Dreiser wouldn't let a boat go by again.
It pounded through the quad and recoiled here and there.
For Dreiser, mighty Dreiser's second boat was near. The sneer has fled from Dreiser's lips, their teeth are clenched in hate.
They pound with cruel violence, their oars to determine their fate.
There was ease in Dreiser's manner as they lifted the boat in the air
There was pride in Dreiser's bearing as they held it with great care. And now the finish is approaching, and now they let it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Dreiser's row.
And when responding to the cheers, they waved to the crowd,
No stranger could doubt t'was Dreiser who had bowed. Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright.
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light.
Hundreds of eyes were on them as they stepped into the pond, And, somewhere men are laughing, and little children shout,
A hundred tongues applauded as the teams began to bond.
But there is in Tabler-
Then while the cannon was being loaded and gunpowder grounded uipon Mighty Dreiser College has sunk.
the hip,

What? There's A TV
Station On Campus?


Page 17
We are thee only for a a
1 while
By Tom Sobola
About amonth ago I was walking to the SAC dressed up ina Poland joined the Geneva Convention on Refugees in1991, foreigners
suit. Every friend that saw me asked, "What's the occasion?" and Ireplied,
seek pouucal asylum mere. itishard to believe that since June 2002, over
"Interview". The only thing they did not know was that Iwas the one doing 26,000 applications were received but only slightly more than

1,500 were
the interviewing. I was on my way to meet a representative of the Polish approved. The
most refugees come from various countries of Asia and
Humanitarian Organization inUnited States, Mrs. Ludmila Melhior-Yahil. It Africa. Among them are Armenia, Chechnya,Bosnia, Afghanistan,
S c edS L
would not have happened ifit were not for an FLC 302 class project. Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Cameroon and others
including US,
Meeting such an esteemed personmade me nervous and excited. Mrs. Yahil France and Germany! There are also voluntaries from Canada,
France and
showed up at 12.30 PM sharp. She offered me coffee and gave abook about USA. PHO helps themtogetthestatusof arefugee, finda job, learnpolish,
F r o2
the workings of the organization from which I also managed to write this findaplacetoliveandtoassimilatetothesociety.Theytrytoputtheempha-
article. She began to detail the history and philosophy of the first and the sisthe educationof refugeechildrenand localacceptance and localtolerance T
largest humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization inCentral and towards the refugees. Mrs. Ludmila says Refugee counseling center
Eastern Europe. most interestingplace tobe withpeople comingoverwith the most incredi-
Poland gained its independence inthe first free elections of, ble and dramatic life stoies. One can also learn unexpected
1989. Janina Ochojska, the current president of the Board, founded the countries that refugees come from, like that national food of Somalia c
things about the
EquiLibre foundation. Itwas a French based organization that has helped spaghetti, because itwas an Italian colony. The workers at the refugee center
O T e
Poland since 1984. Ms. Ochojska was one of the foundation's beneficiaries are satisfied when a refugee comes back after awhile and wants to help or
and wanted to support the effort by extending its action to Poland. Already givesomething fromhimself,or comes totalkandsays
in1992 the first convoy to Sarajevo left from Poland to aid war stricken or that he isexpecting achild. Sometimes they become friends. For example,
Yugoslavia. In1993 she was awarded the international title of Woman of one of the workers invited 3refugees to his wedding.
heisin arelationship

Europe to which also Mary Robinson (former president of Ireland and My next question was related to the major impact the PHO
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) was nominated. has on Sarajevo. Itturns out that during the war, customs officials at the bor-
Going to Bosnia was Ms. Ochojska's idea, she'd been there with EquiLibre ders were very resistant to allowing humanitarian convoys through, afraid
and the disturbing images of war would not let her return to her previous they may smuggle insomething or someone. Another cause is,that some W olveine creeps out M ystiq[ue
work as an astronomer. Even though Poland was apoor country itself, she organizations droppedtheirload elsewhere than Sarajevo after seeing signs10
when he asks her to m orphi nto
felt compelled to pay itforward and mobilized the citizenry to help others in spelling "Welcome to Hell" on canyons of ruinsof buildings there. Although Icerne whilst t my orpfu
need. "After 40 years of communism and closure behind the iron curtain we some went and nothing could stop them; one guy lied to his wife that he is
learn how to become an open society seeing needs of others alike us. There going on avacation to Spain.In generalit was hard to convince border patrol
isalong way ahead of us to learn democracy -participation and openness to let the convoy through and gain their trust at first. Once they would
for other's problems. Thanks to the PHO, Poland participates ininterna- accuse them of illegal border crossing and smuggling weapons and keep
tional humanitarian actions and through this changes its view inthe world them immobile for a week; sometimes they would ask for cigarettes or cold
from a country receiving aid to a country giving itto others, that need it medicine or completely imaginary proof that the cars are not stolen; some-
more. Participatingin those actions, whetherit isinthevoluntary formor as times they wanted bribes; "sometimes they just want to get to know you, so
a donor isa very important occurrence inacountry building democracy." 'technicians'hadtogototalktothemaboutthisandthatbyabottleof vodka
(Filozofia. PHO. Ed. Justyna Stepien, 2002-09-07, till they were convinced. Then they started letting us in.After all we are a post-communistic country too and know the language contrary to Western
Until 1994 all convoys to Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo were European convoys that even when they have a translator, they just don't get
financed by the Polish society and organized within the EquiLibre frame- the culture." (L.Yahil) That way 27 convoys altogether, counting 115 trucks
work In1994 its employees from several cities decided to create an inde- helped former Yugoslavia. Inthe biggest one there were 20 trucks with 380
pendent organization, which became known as the PHO. The philosophy of tons of goods and 178 people! Later on inthe conflict UN put embargo on
PHO isthat simple - "To make world better through diminishment of suf- Serbiaand all Western European organizations could not get inso the PHO I
fering and carrying humanitarian values. To help people incrises, to help was the only one that didnotneedvisas.
them gain prompt self-support and sufficiency and to make them account-
Additional 40 minutes of
Iknew that this war was atrocious, but Iactually did not real- 7
Wolverine being a badass
able and responsible for their own future. Itforms the basics of modem cul- ize thatdoctorsusedscrewdriversforsurgeries andthattheirsalarywas $10,
ture of humanitarian help with respect to human dignity." (Filozofia. PHO. nurses $5,thata gallon of gas was $40, two AAbatteries $10,AK-47$95 and
Ed. Justyna Stepien, 2002-09-07, "Wegrave digging $60 to name few prices. Snipers shot to everyone, even UN
help irrespective of sides of nationality or the sides of the conflict, races and peace troops. Wherever youwent, youhad to runnot togetshot; youhadtor
religions. Help should unite, not divide." (L.Yahil) 6 Profes r X uses his mind to get
urinate inthe middle of the street because shoulders were mined. War vic-
X u s h s m
"We work with two stages of help. Immediate- necessary to tims said they wish they could be animals, then at least Greenpeace would r i* *-b
a lo t of piggy-ba k i des
save lives. Itisgiven to victims of armed conflicts and natural catastrophes take care of them,but that they areonly people,nohelp iscoming. After all,
during or immediately after the event. Itisdispensed either at the place of they lived like animals inpigpens, chicken coops, abandoned factories, train
crisis or inplaces where the population was forced to migrate." (L.Yahil) rare rpmptPrv rhanlc Thfrl wtiann rlivili'n hir;li;nae l A Thair
LU·Uv*r -YLt UpUkayiiulc I.i1 TU vuUUu g1V ic. ylcLl
They reached former Yugoslavia during armed conflict inSerbia, Kosovo, were eating grass forvitamins and selling their own golden teeth for fod. In
Ingushetia and Bosnia, then Chechnya, floods inPoland, Mozambique, January 2000, a350 thousand people republic of Ingushetia wasflooded with
Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Siberia inRussia, Germany and Czech 280thousandofrefugeesfromChechnya. Only40wereadmittedto arefugee

Republic, earthquakes inAfghanistan and India. "The other kind - long term camp.
with permanent missions isfor victims of structural and oppressive socio-
--- ~
political systems. This help requires making and maintaining contacts with wnat isat its peek, Dutpeople quickly forget mat mose conflcts are stu
local partners and conducting societal education programs inthose loca- going on and that people are suffering even after they are over. PHOtries to
tions." (LYahil) Permanent missions include Chechnya, Kosovo, avoid the so called 'humanitarian overkill' when at its peek the most help
Afghanistan and now of course there isaplan drawn for amission to Iraq. comes and isthe most chaotic. They try not to forget about them though
There are also other recipients for various reasons like Kazakhstan, when others leave. No one isgoing to help those people forever" Mrs. Yahil
Lithuania, Turkey and the Ukraine that mostly deal with repatriates, feeding said. "We are there only for awhile to help the local people rebuild the old
the hungry, liquidating consequences of totalitarianism and fighting home- structures, with the help of native people and make them self sufficient."
lessness. (LYahil) Cydops becomes annoyed when Prof. X
Ibegan to wonder where the PHO gets the money to sponsor Walking back from the interview, Iwas given a lot to think
these endeavors. Itturns out most of the money comes from UNHCR about.Ajobof avoluntaryisanexcitingandadangerousone. Thatisnotthe
constantly refers to him as "Number One"
(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) budget. PHO isclose end of the story, there ismuch more than that to say about the monumental
partners with UNHCR and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Found), and effort that ordinary people put involuntary humanitarian help inother
one ofthebiggestemployersthroughSarajevo'swaterprogram. Theydeliv- countries. Ifanyone wants to read more about PHO or experience an adven-
Magneto dies in opening scene,
er around 600 thousand liters of water daily. (One filter 60,000 USD) Clean ture of ahumanitarian voluntary, PHO needs people constantly for convoys
water isthe most wanted product there. PHO also has generous sponsors and long-term missions in Chechnya Afghanistan and soon Iraq. The
returns later as "Magneto the White"
(Deloitte &Touche, IKEA, UPS, ING, Nestle toname few), but itisordinary requirement isknowledge of English and/or Russian, inaddition Dari for
people who represent the majority of contributors. As of recently Ford Afghanistan and Arabic for Iraq. There isan Internet site inEnglish at
Foundation donated onemillion dollars for restructuring of the organization. where the interested can contact PHO.
Inaddition to dealing withproblems abroad PHO established *All quotations were translated frompolishand may notbe the exact verba-
a Refugee Counseling Center, which cooperates with UNHCR, UNICEF, tim translation. New mutant, "Slow", determined to not actu-
Helsinki Human Rights Foundation, Amnesty Intemational, Caritas and the ally have powers, just Down's Syndrome
Red Cross. Itassisted around 3500 foreigners with 500 coming yearly. Since
Page 18
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