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Living Tinnitus Free

By Ellen Currie

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All attempts have been made to verify information that is provided in
this guide, however, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes
responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretations of the
subject matter within this guide. Any perceived slights of specific
persons, people or organizations are unintentional. This guide makes
no attempts to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
This guide is an information-only product based on my own
experiences and that of people I have spoken to and worked with and
research. It has not been evaluated by the FDA or by a medical
professional and is not meant to replace advice you may receive from
your medical practitioner.
The Author is not a doctor and does not claim to be. The Author
assumes no responsibility or liability on behalf of the reader of these
materials. The materials are meant to be taken as advice only. Always
consult your physician or primary care provider before beginning any
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new program of nutrition, exercise or tinnitus remedy. If you are in
doubt, always consult your primary care provider before taking any
advice suggested in this guide.
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Do you suffer from Tinnitus? Is there a constant ringing, buzzing
or clicking noise in your head that no one else can hear? Has your
doctor told you that there is no cure and that you just need to learn to
deal with it?
Are you unable to sleep at night due to the ringing, buzzing and
tingling in your ears? Are you haunted day and night by noises that no
one else can hear? Do you feel like you may be going crazy? Are you
afraid you have some sort of mental disorder that is pushing you off
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into the deep end? Believe it or not, the symptoms you are suffering
may be tinnitus, and you can eliminate it from your life.
Its important to know that you are not alone and that many
people just like you suffer from tinnitus, but there are options available
for you.
Tinnitus is a serious condition that over time can make a person
feel that there is no escape from the distressing, frustrating noises in
their head. Tinnitus sufferers have been known to commit suicide just
to silence the noises.

Anyone male or female and of any age can suffer from tinnitus,
but it is more common in older persons and generally worsens as a
sufferer ages. Many people suffer for years with tinnitus without ever
realizing there is a solution. Some dont even know that there is an
actual term for their condition much less treatments and solutions.
People who get an official diagnosis of tinnitus are often told that
there is very little that medical science can offer in the way of relief.
The hopelessness of tinnitus can be detrimental to a persons sanity
and overall well-being, as well as being damaging to their relationships
with others.
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The first and most important thing you need to understand is
that you are not alone and you are not crazy. Tinnitus is a real
condition and people all over the world suffer from it on a daily basis.
You dont have to suffer alone. I consider myself to be a
recovering tinnitus sufferer and I know exactly what you are going
through. I also know what it feels like to finally begin to emerge from
the dark cloud that tinnitus creates over your life and eventually feel
free and alive again.
When you are searching for relief from tinnitus symptoms why
would you turn to someone who hasnt heard the noises, hasnt been
in your shoes? Can you trust the advice of someone who simply tells
you that you must learn to deal with it? Wouldnt you rather learn
about your condition from someone who has been there? Someone
who has been just as tired, just as frustrated and has felt just as
hopeless as you do? Someone who has walked a mile in your shoes
and is now no longer suffering?
I want to share my story with you just as I do each and every
day when I speak with and counsel other tinnitus sufferers to help
them learn how they can overcome their tinnitus. Wouldnt you like to
join the people who have overcome this condition and are living full
and relaxed- quiet- lives?
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Ellens Story

Ellen And John Currie
This is the story of my long journey with tinnitus, the ups and downs,
the sleepless nights, the anxious time, the bad effects of tinnitus on
my health and my family. But it is not just a story of suffering and
illness; it is also a story of triumph. I triumphed over tinnitus and you
can too!
I began this long struggle to overcome tinnitus back in 1998.
Back then I had a severe case of tinnitus that was affecting every
aspect of my daily life and well-being, as well as my relationship with
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my husband and children. My annoyance and frustration with the
constant noises in my head, the fear of wondering what was wrong
with me and the pain when outside noises such as my children playing
collided with the sounds that were constantly happening inside my
head made me pretty darn hard to live with.
I snapped at those I loved and was in a terrible mood most of
the time. If you havent suffered from tinnitus then there is really no
way to explain it to where you will understand. Just imagine having a
constant headache; you know the kind of headache where every sound
seems amplified and intense? That is how I lived every day and night
back then.
The tinnitus symptoms were taking over my life. I remember
saying, These noises are going to drive me absolutely crazy! Ive got
to find a cure for this condition. The unfortunate thing is that there is
no cure for tinnitus and time after time I was told to simply "live with
it" or to "learn to deal with it."
How Did I Get Tinnitus?
You may be surprised to hear that I developed tinnitus from a
few different sources. Many people assume that tinnitus is caused by
exposure to loud machinery or music, but in fact there are several
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contributing factors. One of which really surprised me. My work stress
helped cause my tinnitus.
I had a high level, stressful job. There were things happening at
my company that I had no control over. The company was losing
money as a result of fraudulent activities! You can bet that this wasn't
a pleasant place to be day in and day out. I was faced with large
amounts of stress and anxiety and this stress is what doctors later
identified as one of the main triggers of my tinnitus. Many people
think tinnitus is only caused by exposure to loud sounds, but in fact
there are several contributing factors.
After suffering for many years from the tinnitus symptoms that
were taking control of my life I began to research tinnitus. I found that
many times reducing stress and boosting the immune system was an
effective method to reduce the symptoms of tinnitus.
For some reason when I took my son to the doctor for a chest
infection I felt compelled to ask the doctor about my tinnitus. My
intentions were actually to find out whether there were any strategies
that I could use to boost my immune system in an effort to reduce my
tinnitus symptoms but what the doctor said to me next took me by
complete surprise.
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He told me, "I've had excellent success in treating tinnitus. If we
can establish the cause of your tinnitus, I believe we have a very good
chance of dramatically reducing the tinnitus levels."
While this was shocking, it was very pleasing to hear and I
began to have a bit of hope regarding my condition. Every other
expert I had spoken to was very negative about tinnitus and its
treatment. I had been told that surgery was the only solution, and not
always successful. I later found out that in the course of treating
tinnitus surgeries are unnecessary and often cause the tinnitus to
worsen or cause permanent hearing loss.
For the next half an hour, the doctor quizzed me about my life,
my job, my marriage, worries and stress and other factors of my life.
He also asked me if I had ever suffered from a blow to the head, sinus
problems or been exposed to loud noises, had many inner ear
infections etc.
I told the doctor about the slight hearing loss I had and then
about all the stress I was experiencing at work. Also that I loved
listening to music at high volume in my car and, coming from a very
sports orientated family, watching sports on TV also at loud volume.
These were the conclusions the doctor reached:
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That the ROOT CAUSE of my tinnitus was exposure to noise which had
led to cochlear damage and damaged nerve endings in my inner ear.
(These nerve endings transmit the electrical impulses from the cochlea
to the brain, which interprets those impulses as sound.)
That my tinnitus had been 'triggered' (and aggravated) by the stress
and traumatic life events I had been subjected to at work.
This is when I first learned that by discovering the root cause of
my tinnitus, I could begin a plan to treat it and the symptoms I was
experiencing. Finding the root of my tinnitus was like a light at the end
of a long and noisy tunnel. Finally I had hope and confidence that I
had not felt for three long years!
The Next Step
So where did I go after that? The next step was to begin
tinnitus treatments and to learn how to deal with my anxiety and
learn to manage my stress. Both the stress tinnitus treatments and
noise tinnitus treatments that were formulated for my specific needs
helped reduce my tinnitus symptoms. These treatments involved anti-
anxiety medications, anti-depressants, muscle relaxers and relaxation
techniques such as meditation and controlled breathing exercises.
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In addition to the specially formulated tinnitus treatments, I also
began learning how the changes I could make in my life would help
end my tinnitus for good! I started on a regimen to get healthier by
boosting my immune system, eating properly and managing the stress
levels in my life.
By learning to manage and reduce the stress in my life, my body
was able to fight its way back to a state where the remedies could
actually do what they were formulated to do, namely start the healing
process. I decided with the help of my doctor to stop taking the
prescription medications and work with the natural solutions I had
discovered to rid myself of tinnitus symptoms completely.
I read everything I could find about holistic health and diet
options that would help my tinnitus. Book after book about ear
infections, noise damage, sound therapy and dieting and nutrition
were read quickly as I sought to eliminate the tinnitus symptoms from
my life. Between the books I read and the research I performed
interviewing doctors, herbalists, homeopaths and naturopaths I should
have had the answer I was searching for. But alas, I had fragments of
facts and knowledge that while helpful were not the answer I was so
desperate to find.
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I wanted a CURE, but I soon came to understand that relieving
the symptoms was almost as good.
As I implemented the many things I learned about treating
tinnitus I slowly began to get my life back. As my tinnitus symptoms
began to subside, I had a newfound joy and confidence.
In the weeks after beginning the tinnitus treatments, my tinnitus
levels began to subside. I no longer had to take pills to sleep at night.
I was no longer suffering from the side effects that the conventional
medications had caused and I finally felt like myself again. In fact, I
felt better than I had in years.
The more time that went by after taking the tinnitus treatments
and making positive lifestyle changes, the better I felt. I knew that I
had discovered such an incredible, life-changing solution that I wanted
to share it with others.
Now I consider myself cured of tinnitus and I have counseled
and helped many other people find their own cure with the help of this
tinnitus solution.
I wouldn't wish the pain and discomfort of tinnitus on anyone
and I feel deeply for anyone out there suffering from it but especially
those that have started to lose hope; those that feel they simply have
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to "deal with it" and it is my desire to give tinnitus sufferers back that
hope and help them discover their own cure just like I did.
The tinnitus remedies, which were prescribed to me, are
homeopathic in origin. Basically this means that they are prepared
from only natural substances. The main way homeopathy works is that
it treats the cause or root of the problem instead of just trying to treat
the symptoms or effects of the problem. These remedies although a
critical element, are really only a part of the total tinnitus solution as
I have come to call it.
Unfortunately, there is no magic cure for tinnitus and there is no
cure-all drug that is going to instantly rid you of all of your symptoms.
Tinnitus is a serious condition and while the level of severity can vary
from case to case, even the mildest is no fun.
However, I can tell you from firsthand knowledge that tinnitus is
The tinnitus remedies work incredibly well when the right
circumstances exist within your system for them to be able do their
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These remedies started the healing process that eventually
reduced both the volume and frequency of tinnitus for me. My body
began to heal from within and I felt like a new person inside and out.

The Total Tinnitus Solution Helped Me And It Can Most
Certainly Help You To Get Rid Of:
A constant ringing in the ears
Feelings of tiredness, anxiousness
The frustration of not being able to freely join in everyday
Irritability and depression due to tinnitus
Panic attacks
Ill health
Important Notice

I am not completely cured of tinnitus.
I do however, regard myself as a former tinnitus sufferer
simply because those incessant tinnitus noises that I used
to experience, have been reduced to such an extent that
they are simply no longer a factor in my life.
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It was nothing short of a miracle that I came across this tinnitus
treatment that most regular doctors were oblivious to. Many
mainstream physicians do not consider homeopathic medicines simply
because they were not taught about them during their medical
But as I have said the homeopathic tinnitus treatments, while
effective and vital, are only a part of the solution.
Depression is common in tinnitus sufferers. Many people are so
troubled by their tinnitus that they actually become depressed and
even suicidal; however it is possible for you to rediscover the joy in
your life! I did and it is not a magic formula as you will discover
later in the book, it is common sense really!
When I was introduced to these various remedies, I was able to
formulate a treatment for tinnitus that was so effective and worked so
quickly without any adverse side effects whatsoever, that this was the
next best thing to a cure for me. Now, you can have the same thing!
My husband John and I were so impressed with the tinnitus
treatments that we decided to market these remedies and have been
supplying our T-Gone Tinnitus Remedies since 1999.
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However, I personally know that while the remedies work
wonders, they are not always enough on their own hence the need for
what I call my total tinnitus solution. While the remedies may
significantly reduce your tinnitus, a full body and soul rejuvenation can
work wonders and even help you cure tinnitus 100%.
In addition, it sometimes takes motivation from someone who
has been there to help you take those steps toward treatment.
Because tinnitus can be so debilitating, it is easy to get a defeatist
attitude and feel like nothing is going to work, especially when you
have tried many remedies and "special cures" already. This is why I
am here for you.
I have made it my personal mission to help teach, inform and
counsel people who suffer from tinnitus. In addition to providing a
treatment plan, we also try to help people discover the root cause of
their tinnitus, reduce stress and anxiety in their lives, build stronger
immune systems and much more. This is why I have written this book
- because to beat tinnitus you need to understand it. Make it your
mission to know everything there is to know about tinnitus in order to
rid yourself of it.
This book is carefully written to tell you all the important facts
you need to know to overcome your tinnitus once and for all. You are
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guaranteed to notice a reduction in the frequency and severity of your
tinnitus after you begin to follow the steps outlined in this book.
Read on and discover all the things I wish I had known before!
Remember, you are not alone!

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Section 1: Understanding Tinnitus

Understanding tinnitus is the first step to treating your condition. Many
people have never even heard the name before and others might have
heard of it, but do not think that they could have it.
Maybe you know someone with it but you really dont understand it or
what causes it so youre unsure of whether or not it could be the cause
of your ringing or buzzing in the ears.
Heres an explanation to help you understand the condition of tinnitus,
which is your first step to finding relief you need.
What is Tinnitus?
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Before you can fully understand how to treat your tinnitus, you
need to understand what causes it. When you know what the possible
causes of tinnitus are, it can help you get to the root cause of your
own tinnitus and eliminate the symptoms. This is the first step to

Many people find out about tinnitus only when a doctor diagnoses
them. They are typically shocked and even unaware that such a
condition exists. If this is you and you have recently been diagnosed
with tinnitus, one of the first things you are going to want to do is find
out all you can about the condition, including what causes it and how
you ended up with it.
Tinnitus is basically the perception of sound when there is no
actual sound present. Other definitions basically describe it as a
Tinnitus is defined by Wikipedia as:
Tinnitus: [TIN-it-tus] or [tin-EYE-tus], from the
Latin word for "ringing" is the perception of sound
in the human ear in the absence of corresponding
external sound(s).
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ringing, buzzing or similar sound that others around the person cannot
hear and when no actual sound is present. The sounds created by
tinnitus are "in your head".
Many people do not even realize that tinnitus is an actual condition
until they are diagnosed and told so by their doctors. Tinnitus can be
heard in one ear only or in both ears and for different patients it has
different volumes and different sounds. Most people describe it as a
ringing sound but other descriptions include:
"Ocean sounds"
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While it may sound differently to different people, it is still the
same condition. Tinnitus itself is not a condition. It is a symptom of
some other condition, injury or other factors such as stress and

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A Brief History of Tinnitus

What is tinnitus and how long has it been around? To really help
you understand your own tinnitus, it is helpful to take a look into the
past of tinnitus and its history.
It is unknown exactly when the first case of tinnitus was
discovered but it has likely been around as long as people have been
around- although we did not always have a name for it. Some of the
first cases of tinnitus were discovered in people that had hearing loss
and head injury. It was later discovered that there were also many
other causes of it.
Most people have had some form of tinnitus at some point in
their life. 17% of the general population suffers from tinnitus. About
12 million Americans are so severely affected by tinnitus that they are
unable to function normally (i.e. they are unable to live normal lives,
go to work, just can't sleep, and suffer severely from stress and
It is estimated that up to 66 million Americans suffer from
tinnitus of some sort. Many of these people are told they must simply
"live with it" since there is no standard cure to treat tinnitus. Many
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people are told that their tinnitus will decrease, especially when it is
discovered after an injury or illness. The problem is that for many
people, it does not subside. For some, it even grows more severe.
So if tinnitus is considered a symptom, rather than a disease
itself, what causes it? There are many different factors that can cause
tinnitus which we will discuss in more detail in Section Three but
some conditions that may cause tinnitus are:
Otologic problems and hearing loss:
o conductive hearing loss
external ear infection
cerumen (earwax) impaction
middle ear effusion
o sensorineural hearing loss
excessive or loud noise
presbycusis (age-associated hearing loss)
Meniere's disease
acoustic neuroma
ototoxic medications
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
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aminoglycosides (e.g. gentamicin)
chemotherapy drugs:
loop diuretics:
ethacrynic acid
neurological disorders:
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o multiple sclerosis
o head injury
skull fracture
closed head injury
whiplash injury
temporomandibular joint disorder
metabolic disorders:
o thyroid disorder
o hyperlipidemia
o vitamin B12 deficiency
psychogenic disorders:
o depression
o anxiety
other disorders:
o fibromyalgia
o hypertonia (Muscle Tension)
o thoracic outlet syndrome
o lyme disease
If you have had any of these conditions/situations and you have
tinnitus symptoms or signs, you probably have tinnitus. As you can
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see the causes of tinnitus and the symptoms are not rare occurrences
and are often related to other things, triggers and medications.
There is also a mental and emotional association with tinnitus.
When you suffer from it, it can create many other emotional problems
to go along with it. Tinnitus causes stress and anxiety, insomnia and
other conditions that all feed off of one another and lead to more
stress and anxiety, panic, sleeplessness and much more.
Once it goes on for a period of time, it can make a huge impact
on your life and your overall health. While tinnitus makes you hear
things, it is not directly a hearing disorder. This is one thing that
makes it confusing to those who have it and also more difficult for
medical professionals to treat.

How Does Tinnitus Make Me Hear

If no one else can hear these noises, then why do you hear
them? Is it your imagination? Is there something wrong in your brain?
Are you imagining things or making it up? Is it a hearing problem? I
understand all of these questions you have because I had them, too. I
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remember asking my husband, John, "Do you hear that?" because the
noise was so incredibly loud I simply could not imagine that he
couldn't hear it, too.
To really understand this, you need to understand how tinnitus
works. Understanding tinnitus involves understanding how your ears
work and how you hear. The human body is a fascinating creation and
the way our ears work is nothing short of miraculous. The way sounds
are captured and processed into our ears differs from the chemical
processes that occur with other senses.
Hearing is a mechanical process. Sound is carried in the ear like
a moving wave and it causes our eardrums to vibrate. These vibrations
are sent through the middle ear space and by the tiny ear bones. The
movement of the stapes bone produces waves in the liquid-filled inner
ear. This is what creates the sound that we hear.
When tinnitus is present, this means something is interfering
with the way the ear transmits sound to the brain. Your brain is
receiving messages that there is sound present when there is not any.
There are different things that can cause this malfunction in your head
that makes your brain receive messages that there is sound present.

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When you have tinnitus, what is actually happening inside your
head? Below is a description of two common causes of tinnitus and an
explanation of what is happening in your head while tinnitus occurs.

Tinnitus from Cochlea Damage
Cochlea damage, or noise damage, is the most common cause of
tinnitus and hearing loss. There are thousands of minute hair cells in
the cochlea that are stimulated by the pressure of sound waves. The
stimulation causes movement of these tiny hairs, which is similar to a
wheat field moving in time to the wind blowing.
When a sound is detected in the inner ear, these tiny auditory
hairs move, electrical impulses are discharged through the auditory
nerve which the brain interprets as sound. This is how we hear the
sounds around us each day.
These tiny hair cells and the tiny auditory nerves are extremely
delicate and are easily damaged if you are exposed to a sudden loud
noise or you have been exposed to loud noises over an extended
period of time. These sensitive organs can also be damaged as a result
of a severe blow to the head.
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If the tiny hairs get bent or even broken, they may send
electrical impulses randomly to the brain which are interpreted as
sound, even though there might be a complete absence of sound. It is
almost like a faulty electrical connection sending out impulses (the ear
ringing noises) on a random basis or sometimes continuously when
you experience tinnitus.

Tinnitus which is Stress Induced

Stress induced tinnitus works very similar to noise induced. The
hypothalamus and related structures in the brain, such as the Pons,
the pituitary fossa, the basal cisterns, the corpus callosum, the brain
stem, and the ventricular system all play a part in causing tinnitus.
The hypothalamus is a primitive part of the brain situated below
the third ventricle. It controls many systems in the body, including the
pituitary gland, which in turn controls the endocrine organs, and the
autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus, and the organs in the
The two most common causes of tinnitus are noise
damage and stress. However, there are many other
factors and conditions that may lead to tinnitus.
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brain it controls, is responsible for producing essential chemicals
needed to make us function normally.
The hypothalamus is severely affected by shock, grief, and long
continued stress. When one is subjected to long periods of stress,
shock or grief, those essential chemicals are not produced by the
hypothalamus. This can lead to all types of unhealthy conditions
including tinnitus.
Types of Tinnitus

Aside from the different causes of Tinnitus, there are also many
different types of tinnitus and the success of your treatment as well as
the type of treatment you receive will depend on which type of tinnitus
you suffer from.
Objective Tinnitus

Every second of every day your body makes noise. Typically you
cant hear the inner workings of your body because your brain filters
out these noises, until such time as they change signaling trouble.
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There are people who can hear the sounds within their own bodies
constantly. This condition is called objective tinnitus.
You may not think of your bodily systems causing a lot of noise,
but in reality your brain is simply blocking these noises from your
attention. Your circulatory system creates noises as your heart pumps
blood to all parts of your body. T constant throbbing or rushing noise
occurs in patients who have objective tinnitus.
Believe it or not your bones make noise. Your jaw, neck and
spine when you have had an injury or simple deterioration can cause
popping and clicking noises. When these occur this close to the ear it
can cause severe distress.
Generally your muscles are considered to be silent when related
to tinnitus, but the soft palate which contracts has been determined to
be a source of objective tinnitus sounds.

Subjective Tinnitus

When a person hears sounds that no outer noise is creating, and
no one else can hear it they are suffering from subjective tinnitus. This
does not mean that the sounds are imagined or that the patient isnt
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really hearing them. The sounds are very real, but because no one else
can hear them or find a cause for the noises the sufferer may feel as if
they are going crazy.
Even if there is no source or reason for the malfunction that can
be determined or related to a specific event there is often a link to
some type of problem or malfunction within the body.
Stereo/Mono Tinnitus

One of the ways tinnitus is classified is based on how loud the
noises are, how often the sufferer hears the noises and how many
noises are heard. Also tinnitus sufferers are often asked whether they
hear the noises in just one ear (mono tinnitus) or in both ears at the
same time (stereo tinnitus).
Significant/Insignificant Tinnitus

In the matter of diagnosing tinnitus, insignificant tinnitus is
considered to be experienced on occasion and doesnt often cause
serious side effects. Significant tinnitus is a constant or debilitating
case which causes more significant changes in behavior and health.
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Basically no matter how loud no matter what type of sound the
sufferer hears, if the noise is sporadic and not a frequent event the
sufferer is able to better manage the occurrence and it is considered
insignificant tinnitus.
When the noise occurs frequently and with a great deal of
regularity the sufferer basically becomes worn down and less able to
deal with the symptoms and the effect the symptoms have on their
life. Patients have been noted to say that if only they could get a break
from the constant noise they would be better able to deal with it. This
is when you know it is significant tinnitus.
The Noises of Tinnitus

There are a few noises that are common to tinnitus sufferers
while the actual noise may vary slightly there are some specific noises
that are reported.
Ringing noises are the most common symptom of tinnitus
and may be similar to a constantly ringing telephone.
Babbling brook sounds are generally undefined but
annoying and random sounds.
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Hissing sounds like steam escaping from a tea pot are said
to be quite unnerving and high pitched, this type of tinnitus
symptom is often pain inducing.
Buzzing and Humming are common sounds which often
seem to be a backdrop for any conversation or other sounds the
tinnitus sufferer is hearing.
Clicking sounds often happen in a rhythm but can also be
random. Tinnitus sufferers report this noise to be similar to
computer keys being tapped.
Whistling is often found to be a constant sound, but is
different in its level and pitch in different patients.
Voices are a common sound and often are the most likely
to make a sufferer feel as if they are going off the deep end. Many
times it is the brain replaying part of old conversations.
Clanking noises can also be quite painful as they are
described as being the sound metal makes when it bangs against
another piece of metal. Some high pitched and some low.

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Tinnitus Facts

Researchers at Oregon Health Sciences University have compiled
the results of several studies to share the following facts about
42% of tinnitus sufferers can find no direct link to the
cause of their tinnitus symptoms.
51% of tinnitus sufferers experienced a gradual increase in
tinnitus symptoms while 39% experienced a sudden onset.
53% of people afflicted with tinnitus report only one noise
while the remainder report 3 or more noises at one time.
44% of tinnitus sufferers experience insomnia due to the
noises they hear.

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Chapter Review
Let's review what we've covered in this section:

1. Tinnitus is a condition where you hear ringing or other noise in your
ears when no actual sound is present.
2. Loud noise causes damage to the ear which can lead to hearing loss
and tinnitus.
3. Tinnitus is caused by many different factors and also aggravated by
stress and anxiety.
4. When tinnitus is present, the brain is sent messages that a sound is
present where there is none really there.
5. There is no definitive symptom that is the same for everyone who
suffers from tinnitus other than hearing sounds when there is no
6. There are different types of tinnitus as well as different causes.
7. Some of the different types of sounds that tinnitus can produce.

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Section Two: Testing for Tinnitus

You are not alone if you have questions about tinnitus. I talk with
hundreds of people every month that have many questions about
tinnitus. This is why we have devoted so much time to helping people
just like you who have tinnitus understand the condition. It all begins
with finding answers to your questions.
Are there tests you can take that will tell you if you have
Is there a way to determine exactly what caused your
tinnitus and when?
Does medical science have the capabilities of testing for
and treating tinnitus in sufferers?
These are common questions asked by a person who believes they
might have tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. These are all good
questions that I hope to clear up for you in this section. If you have
buzzing, ringing or other noises in your ears that no one else can hear,
no matter how loud or severe, don't hesitate to talk with your doctor
about it. Tinnitus is a real and serious condition.

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If you suspect you may have tinnitus but have yet to be diagnosed,
you may be anxious to find out once and for all the cause of the
ringing in your ears. Or perhaps you have been told by your doctor
that you may have tinnitus and you are not sure what this means or
you want to find out for sure.
In most cases, the exact cause of tinnitus is not known. This is why
diagnosis usually begins with a trip to an Ear, Nose and Throat
specialist or to an ear specialist (otologist), typically after complaining
of the ringing or buzzing noises. The otologist will perform a clinical
evaluation, patient history and medication regimen and more to
determine if tinnitus may be present.
There are also some specialized tests used to help your doctor
determine if tinnitus is present and what the underlying cause of it
might be.
These tests may include:
Evoked response audiometry
Tinnitus pitch match
Tinnitus loudness match
Maskability of tinnitus
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Residual inhibition
***More on each one in the section below.
Recognizing the Symptoms

Many people suffer from tinnitus and do not even know it. Some
know that something is not right but they do not realize there is an
actual name and condition for it. Some of the symptoms are shocking
to many people as they discover that tinnitus could be the reason why
they have many symptoms and discomforts.
Physical symptoms may include:
sleep disturbances
back, shoulder or neck pain
tension or migraine headaches
upset or acid stomach, cramps, heartburn, gas, irritable
bowel syndrome
constipation, diarrhea
weight gain or loss, eating disorders
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hair loss
muscle tension
high blood pressure
irregular heartbeat, palpitations
asthma or shortness of breath
chest pain
sweaty palms or hands
cold hands or feet
skin problems (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching)
periodontal disease, jaw pain
reproductive problems
immune system suppression: more colds, flu, infections
growth inhibition
Emotional symptoms include:
nervousness, anxiety
depression, moodiness
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irritability, frustration
memory problems
lack of concentration
trouble thinking clearly
feeling out of control
substance abuse
While these feelings can also be caused by conditions and
situations other than tinnitus, they are also often associated with
tinnitus. Having one or more of these symptoms is not a diagnosis in
and of itself, that you could have tinnitus. Instead, you want to be
sure you seek the help of a professional who might be able to help you
narrow down the specific cause of your symptoms. One way that this
can be done is with tests for tinnitus.

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Available Tests for Tinnitus
There are several available tests for tinnitus as we mentioned
briefly above. If your doctor suspects you have tinnitus, you will likely
be ordered to take one or more of these tests to help determine if you
have signs of tinnitus or a tinnitus-causing condition.
In some cases, it may be necessary to take several different
types of tests and compare the results of all of them to make a better
determination about your tinnitus, how severe it is and what may have
caused it.
If your doctor orders tests for tinnitus, be sure to follow the
instructions for taking and preparing for those tests properly. It can be
very helpful in your future treatment options.

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Types of Tests

Here is an overview of each of the types of tests that may be
given to determine whether or not you have tinnitus.
Sometimes x-rays of the head are used to determine if there are
structural problems that may be in the ear leading to the tinnitus.
Usually higher tests like an MRI or CT scan will also be ordered as an
x-ray alone may not always show everything.
Another test that may be used is an audiogram. This is
sometimes also called a "hearing acuity test" and it produces a chart
that measures your ability to hear sound and recognize certain speech
sounds. Hearing loss of some sort is often associated with tinnitus so
the audiogram helps determine if this is present as well.
Evoked Response Audiometry
Another test that may be performed is the evoked response
audiometry. Usually this is only used with people who have tinnitus in
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one ear only. This test works by creating painless, computerized, inner
ear recordings that can determine problems within the ear itself.
Tinnitus Pitch Match
This is another test that may be ordered for you. It works based
on the fact that ordinary physical tones have a pitch that corresponds
to the frequency of each tone. Frequency refers to the number of
cycles a sound wave completes in one second. Sound waves have
different frequencies- from the very high to the very low.
Tinnitus Loudness Match
Loudness of tinnitus varies from person to another person and
even from situation to situation. At times your tinnitus may be louder
than at other times. These tests try to determine how loud your
tinnitus sounds on a relative basis.
Tinnitus Masking
It has been our experience that tinnitus masking is extremely
effective if you first determine the frequency of your tinnitus.
Tip: See the section covering the Total Tinnitus Solution for
more information on determining your tinnitus frequency.
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Residual Inhibition
This test records the amount of time that the noise in your ear is
reduced or eliminated after a period of masking. The tinnitus will be
masked starting at a minimum level and working up to determine what
level it takes for the tinnitus to improve.
How is the Test Performed?
The way the test is performed will depend on what test you are
having done. Your doctor should explain the process to you. Be sure to
ask any questions you have before going in for the testing.
These tests are non-invasive and are not painful. Most people
find them mildly uncomfortable at worst so there is little to fear about
having them done. Again, your doctor will be able to answer specific
questions regarding this.
After taking your tests, you are probably going to be very
anxious to get the results. Please be aware that you may not always
know right away what the test results are. In some cases, the doctor
will call you on the phone and let you know.
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Many results can be obtained on the same day but typically your
doctor will want to review the combined results of multiple tests before
giving a full diagnosis and treatment plan so you can probably expect
to be called back for a second appointment at which point your test
results will be explained to you in full detail.
Remember that stress and anxiety in regards to your test results
will only worsen your tinnitus so try not to worry or fret over them.
Just relax and be patient until you hear back from your doctor.
Emotional Side of Tinnitus

One of the most important factors of tinnitus is the fact that it
creates trauma to the person suffering from it. There is an emotional
side of tinnitus which you have likely heard mention before in this
book. However, you may not completely understand this emotional
and mental side of the condition.
The longer it goes on and the more severe the
tinnitus, the worse the emotional side effects for the
The mental strain that this condition can cause is
exhausting to even the strongest person.
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It is even more frustrating for people who do not
know what is wrong with them or who have non-supportive
doctors that tell them to "get over it".
It is a vicious cycle because tinnitus causes stress and anxiety
and is also worsened by stress and anxiety. Worrying over the tinnitus
can cause it to become worse. Lack of sleep due to ringing in the ears
leads to fatigue which makes the ringing worse. These are just some
of the mental and emotional side effects of tinnitus.
Many people with tinnitus, like me, find that it completely
interferes with normal daily functions of their lives. People become
angry, depressed, withdrawn and afraid to be around people. You may
stop going out in public, visiting your friends or family and you may
even dread going to work. You may have a hard time concentrating,
remembering things, listening to others and focusing on tasks. This
makes it nearly impossible to function properly in a job or in society.
When combined with the frustration and depression that comes
with not being able to live how you want to, tinnitus takes a huge
emotional toll on even the strongest person.
Many are so haunted by the sounds of tinnitus that it affects
every aspect of their daily lives leading them to seclusion, paranoia,
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insomnia, depression and for many, even suicidal thoughts or
Many people with tinnitus go through the same stages as people
with other medical conditions and disorders.
At first you may feel denial
then anger
frustration (especially if you are being told there is no cure
and nothing will help)
Next you may feel hopelessness and depressed you may
wonder why this had to happen to you and dwell on the
fact that your life will never be the same.
Then along comes fear. You may feel fear that you will
never live a normal life again, fear that this condition will
interfere with your job and your family, fear that you will
never be able to enjoy the same things and fear that you
are going crazy or that there is something mentally
"wrong" with you.
At some point along the way if you hope to find relief, you
will need to find acceptance. With acceptance comes the
realization that while you do have this condition and there
is no cure for it, that doesn't mean you have to be a victim
for the rest of your life.
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Once you reach the point of acceptance, instead of dwelling on
what you don't have, you can begin searching for a cure or some relief
to your condition. This is when you are open and ready for help. At this
point, you are ready to begin the treatment options described in this
Remember also that tinnitus does not only take an emotional toll
on the sufferer but their family, coworkers and friends as well.
Phantom Tinnitus

Another emotional side of tinnitus is the phantom effect. This
can be described as similar to what happens when a person who loses
a limb still feels like they have sensation in that limb, although it is no
longer there. This is because the brain has become so accustomed to
feelings, that it still thinks they are there.
Phantom tinnitus happens when the ears become used to
hearing ringing and once the ringing has stopped, they continue to
think they hear it so the brain mimics the sound in your head. No one
else can hear this sound but it is very much real to you.
Dealing with phantom tinnitus can be difficult and frustrating.
Even when you solve your tinnitus problems by the techniques outlined
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in this book, phantom tinnitus can make you think that it is still
happening. But there are ways to combat this as well. Many people
have found hypnosis to be a good method of retraining the brain not
to hear the sounds that it thinks it is hearing.
The bottom line is that tinnitus can be stressful for everyone
involved. It can take a huge toll on the person affected by it, as well as
their friends and family. Anyone who comes into contact with a person
with tinnitus could be affected by it because it affects the persons
entire life. This is why a total body approach to healing is
recommended. This is something youre going to hear us talk about a
lot in this guide. We hope that you will continue along the journey to a
healthier, tinnitus-free you, starting now!

Effect on the Family

The family members of tinnitus sufferers also suffer. They have
to watch their loved one in discomfort and pain and distress and not
know what to do to help them. They may also be bothered by the
insomnia, depression and moodiness of the tinnitus sufferer. In
addition, many people with severe tinnitus reach a point where they
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emotionally close off from everyone even those closest to them. It's
clear to see that everyone suffers.
If you have tinnitus, you need to help inform your family about
your condition. They may feel helpless to your situation or they may
not understand what you are going through. Sitting and talking with
family members, your spouse or children and others who live with you
will help them understand what you are going through and also show
them ways in which they may be able to help you. Remember, you
dont have to go through this alone.

More about Testing
There is a lot of information available on the internet regarding
tinnitus testing, types of testing and how testing is performed. This is
a great way for you to learn more about your tinnitus tests before you
undergo them.

Many times you can also find someone else who has already
experienced them who can tell you firsthand what to expect. If you
have any questions or concerns about your testing process, be sure
you ask your doctor before undergoing the tests.
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Chapter Review
1. There are tests available to help determine whether
or not you have tinnitus.
2. Tests are not always accurate at proving the root
cause of your tinnitus.
3. Tests can help determine ways to try to treat your
4. Stress and anxiety caused by tinnitus only makes it
5. Family members of a tinnitus patient suffer, too.

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Section Three: Tinnitus Causes

As I have mentioned before, getting to the root cause of your tinnitus
is your number one key to finding control again and getting your life
back. As we have previously mentioned, there are many different
causes of tinnitus.
When I finally got to know the root causes of my tinnitus, it
made all the difference in my recovery. Finally I had newfound hope
and an urge to get better. I had more understanding of why I was
suffering this way and there was finally a ray of sunshine breaking
through the dark cloud that had hovered over my life for what seemed
like so very long now. Understanding the cause of my tinnitus showed
me there were ways to treat the condition and lessen the effects of it.
Finally I began to hope that maybe I could get my life back
You do not have to suffer with your tinnitus. It is important that
you understand that you do not have to "live with it" or learn to deal
with it.

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There are ways to treat your symptoms and to overcome your
tinnitus but the first step is to realize that it can be treated. The next
step is to try to identify your root cause.
Some conditions that may lead to tinnitus include:
Otologic problems and hearing loss:
o conductive hearing loss
external ear infection
cerumen (earwax) impaction
middle ear effusion
o sensorineural hearing loss
excessive or loud noise
presbycusis (age-associated hearing loss)
Meniere's disease
acoustic neuroma
ototoxic medications
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
The first step to treating your tinnitus is recognizing and
accepting that it can be treated. The next step is to try to
determine the root cause.
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aminoglycosides (e.g. gentamicin)
chemotherapy drugs:
loop diuretics:
ethacrynic acid
neurological disorders:
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o multiple sclerosis
o head injury
skull fracture
closed head injury
whiplash injury
temporomandibular joint disorder
metabolic disorders:
o thyroid disorder
o hyperlipidemia
o vitamin B12 deficiency
psychogenic disorders:
o depression
o anxiety
other disorders:
o fibromyalgia
o hypertonia (Muscle Tension)
o thoracic outlet syndrome
o lyme disease

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Here in this section we are going to cover each of the most
common tinnitus causes.
Tinnitus is most often caused by cochlea damage. Some procedures
that can cause this are:
ear wax removals
ear candling
swimming accidents
sports injuries
dental surgery
head surgery
ear or nasal passage surgery
middle ear infections and fevers
inner ear infections and problems

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Below are some more details for you regarding many of these
common tinnitus causes.
Exposure to Noise

This is the most common root cause of tinnitus. Loud noises
cause damage to the inner ear and the mechanics of how you hear.
This can lead to cochlea damage, hearing loss and tinnitus. Sometimes
the tinnitus is temporary and sometimes it is permanent.
Some types of noise exposure that can cause tinnitus include:
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stereos/ loud car stereos
bands, concerts pubs and clubs
MP3 players such as the Apple iPod
gunshots/ explosions
industrial noise such as factories, airports etc

Earwax Removals
Many people are not aware of the fact that earwax removals can
lead to tinnitus. The removal process can affect the structure of the
ear canal and affect your hearing.
You should not have an earwax removal or perform an at-home
earwax removal unless your doctor suggests it is completely
necessary. If you must have an earwax removal procedure because
the buildup of earwax is causing problems for you, be sure to have it
done only by a trained professional and be aware of signs of tinnitus

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A Blow to the Head
Experiencing a blow to the head can lead to tinnitus, especially if
that blow rendered you unconscious or caused a concussion. Being in a
car accident, even one where your airbags deploy, having dental
surgery, a sports accident or a fight can all lead to cochlear damage
which can cause tinnitus.
Ear Infections
Severe or repeated ear infections can lead to tinnitus. Often after
an infected ear, a person may begin to notice tinnitus. At first, they
think it is part of the recovery from the ear infection and usually it is.
However, for many people, it never goes away.
Stress is a large contributing factor of tinnitus. Sometimes the
stress causes the tinnitus and other times it increases the effects of a
type of tinnitus that already existed from some previous cause. Either
way, stress makes tinnitus worse. We have stress from many different
places in our life and it's pretty much impossible to completely remove
all the stress in your life but there are some things you can do to
reduce or to learn to manage it better.
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Many people are able to pinpoint their tinnitus root cause to a
specific traumatic event in their lives. Some causes of stress that may
lead to tinnitus include:
traumatic life events
loss of job/laid off
work stress
income/financial pressure
new baby/addition to the family
moves or change of job
everyday living
Different people have different types of stress and are affected by it
in different ways. It doesnt make you a bad or weak person if you
react to stress differently than someone else. You simply need to learn
ways of managing your stress.

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Traumatic Life Events
As we mentioned above, traumatic life events are often a cause
of tinnitus. It is after events like the death of
a loved one, a divorce, financial problems
and the like that many people first begin to
notice their tinnitus.
Some traumatic life events include:
sudden or severe illness
death in the family
other natural disasters
financial or work problems
There are often unforeseen traumatic life events that severely
impact our lives and how we live them.

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Sinus Infections or Problems

Sinus problems or infections can also lead to tinnitus for many
people. If you have frequent sinus problems or allergies and later
experience ringing in the ears, you can guess that this may be your
root cause. The tinnitus experienced by sinus and allergy sufferers
results because of a thickening of the mucous in the middle ear.
Mucous membranes surround the middle ear that performs a vital
function to normal hearing and ear function. These mucous
membranes produce mucous which cleanses the middle ear.
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Ideally, this mucous then drains out of the middle ear via the
Eustachian tubes and into the throat once its job is done.
However this mucous will and can accumulate in the middle ear
as a result of the mucous becoming too thick and viscous.
It is this accumulation of mucous in the middle ear that
results in a buildup of pressure which can lead to middle ear
infections and of course, tinnitus.
Tinnitus of this type is usually experienced by individuals who suffer
from sinus infections sinusitis, rhinitis and allergies.

What causes sinus induced tinnitus?
Sinus tinnitus is caused by adverse reactions to drugs such as
antibiotics or antihistamines. Sinuses are enough of a pain themselves.
You feel sick, achy, clogged up and miserable. But you may not know
is that common treatments for sinus problems can actually lead to
more severe and more annoying problems- such as tinnitus.
Tinnitus Type 3, as this tinnitus type is referred to, normally
occurs after prolonged spells of taking antibiotics or antihistamines in
an effort to control sinus infections and allergy conditions.
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It is the antibiotics and antihistamines that cause the mucous in
the middle ear to become too thick and viscous to easily drain away
through the very narrow Eustachian tubes.
Because the mucous in the inner ear is now too thick to easily
drain out via the very narrow Eustachian tubes, a buildup of mucous in
the middle ear occurs. This causes pressure in the middle ear and
often leads to ear infections and tinnitus.

What tinnitus noises are experienced
with sinus tinnitus?
The sounds normally associated with tinnitus from sinus can
clucking or cracking sounds
high pitched ringing sounds
gurgling whirring sounds
a ringing tone in the affected ear which comes and goes periodically,
lasting a few seconds at a time
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Menieres Disease
Another common cause of tinnitus is Meniere's disease.
Meniere's disease is an inner ear disorder that causes a person to
experience periods of vertigo, dizziness, nausea, ear pressure and
tinnitus. It is a chronic condition and often leaves you feeling
A typical attack of Meniere's disease may be preceded by ear
pressure, (a feeling of fullness in the ears) or aching in one or both
ears. Hearing fluctuation and loud tinnitus noises may also precede an
Aspirin leads to tinnitus in many people, especially those with a
higher sensitivity or allergy to aspirin. Effects of overdose of aspirin
can be felt for years, often in the form of tinnitus.

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Prescription Drugs

There are also some prescription drugs that can lead to tinnitus.
The following is a list of drugs that have demonstrated Tinnitus side
effects as indicated in the 1995 Physicians Desk Reference and
distributed by the American Tinnitus Association:
Accutane [less than 1%] Mazicon [less than 1%]
Acromycin V Meclomen [greater than 1%]
Actifed with Codeine Cough Syrup Methergine [rare]
Adalat CC [less than 1%] Methotrexate [less common]
Alferon N [one patient] Mexitil [1.9% to 2.4%]
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Altace [less than 1%] Midamor [less than 1%]
Ambien [infrequent] Minipress [less than 1%]
Amicar [occasional] Minizide [rare]
Anatranil [4-5%] Mintezol
Anaprox and Anaprox DS [3-9%] Moduretic
Anestacon [among most common] Mono-Cesac
Ansaid [1-3%] Monopril [0.2-1%]
Aralen Hydrochloride [one Patient] Monopril [0.2-1%]
Arthritis Strength BC Powder Motrin [less than 3%]
Asacol Mustargen [infrequent]
Ascriptin A/D Mykrox [less than 2%]
Ascriptin Nalfon [4.5%]
Asendin [less than 1%] Naprosyn [3-9%]
Asperin [among most frequent] Nebcin
Atretol Neptazane
Atrofen Nescaine
Atrohist Plus Netromycin
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Azactam [less than 1%] Neurontin [infrequent]
Azo Gantanol Nicorette
Azo Gantrisin Nipent [less than 3%]
Azulfidine [rare] Nipride
BC Powder Noroxin
Bactrim DS Norpramin
Bactrim I.V. Norvasc [0.1-1%]
Bactrim Omnipaque [less than 0.1%]
Blocadren [less than 1%] Omniscan [less than 1%]
Buprenex [less than 1%] Ornade
BuSpar [frequent] Orthoclone OKT3
Cama Orudis [greater than 1%]
Capastat Sulfate Oruvail [greater than 1%]
Carbocaine Hydrochloride P-A-C Analgesic
Cardene [rare] PBZ
Cardioquin Pamelor
Cardizem [less than 1%] Parnate
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'' CD [less than 1%] Paxil [infrequent]
'' SR [less than 1%] Pedia-Profen [between 1% - 3%]
Cardura [1%] Pediazole
Cartrol [less common] Penetrex [less than 1%]
Cataflam [1-3%] Pepcid [infrequent]
Childrens Advil [less than 3%] Pepto-Bismol
Cibalith-S Periactin
Cinobac [less than 1 in 100] permax [infrequent]
Cipro [less than 1%] Phenergan
Claritin [2% or less] Phrenilin [infrequent]
Clinoril [greater than 1%] Piroxicam [1-3%]
Cognex Plaquenil
Corgard [1-5 of 1000 patients] Platinol
Corzide [ '' ] Plendil [0.5% or greater]
Cuprimine [greater than 1%] Pontocaine Hydrochloride
Cytotec [infrequent] Prilosec [less than 1%]
Dalgan [less than 1%] Primaxin [less than 2%]
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Dapsone USP Prinvil [0.3-1%]
Daypro [between 1% - 3%] Prinzide [0.3-1%]
Deconamine Procardia [1% or less]
Demadex ProSam [infrequent]
Depen Titratable Proventil [2%]
Desferal Vials Prozac [infrequent]
Desyrel & Desyrel Dividose [1.4%] Questran
Diamox Quinaglute
Dilacor XR Quinamm
Dipentum [rare] Quinidex
Diprivan [less than 1%] Q-vel Muscle Relaxant Pain
Disalcid Recombivax HB [less than 1%]
Dolobid [greater than 1% in 100] Relafen [3-9%]
Duranest Rheumatrex Methotrexate [less
Dyphenhydramine [Nytol, Benadryl, etc] Rifater
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Dyclone Romazicon [less than 1%]
Dasprin Ru-Tuss
Easprin Rythmol
Ecotrin Salflex
Edecrin Sandimmune [2% or less]
Effexor [2%] Sedapap [infrequent]
Elavil Sensorcaine
Eldepryl Septra
Emcyt Sinequan [occasional]
Emla cream Soma Compound
Empirin with Codiene Sporanox [less than 1%]
Endep Stadol [3-9%]
Engerix-B Streptomycin Sulfate
Equagesic Sulfadiazine
Esgic-plus [infrequent Surmontil
Eskalith Talacen [rare]
Ethmozine [less than 2%] Talwin [rare]
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Etrafon Tambocor [1% or less than 3%]
Fansidar Tavist and Tavist-D
Feidene [1-3%] Tegretol
Fioricat with Codeine [infrequent] Temaril
Flexeril [less than 1%] Tenex [3% or less]
Floxin [less than 1%] Thera-Besic
Foscavir [1-5%] Thiosulfil Forte
Fungijzone Ticlid [0.5-1%]
Ganite Timolide
Gantanol Timoptic
Gantrisin Tobramycin
Garamycin Tofranil
Glauctabs Tolectin [1-3%]
HIVID [less than 1%] Tonocard [0.4-1.5%]
Halcion [rare] Toprol XL
Hyperstat Toradol [1% or less]
Hytrin [at least 1%] Torecan
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Ibuprofen [less than 3%] [Advil, etc.} Trexan
Ilosone Triaminic
Imdur [less than or equal to 5%] Triavil
Indocin [greater than 1%] Trilisate [less than 20%]
Intron A [up to 4%] Trinalin Repetabs
Kerione [less than 2%] Tympagesic Ear Drops
Lariam [among most frequent] Ursinus
Lasix Vancocin HCI [rare]
Legatrin Vantin [less than 1%]
Lncocin [occasional] Vascor [up to 6.52%]
Lioresal Vaseretic [0.5-2%]
lithane Vasotec [0.5-1%]
Lithium Carbonate Vivactil
Lithobid Voltqaren [1-3%]
Lithonate Wellbutrin
Lodine [greater than 1% less than 3%] Xanax [6.6%]
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Lopressor Ampuis Xylocaine [among most
Lopressor DCT [1 in 100] Zestril '0.3-1%]
Lopressor Zestoretic [0.3-1%]
Loreico Ziac
Lotensin HCT [0.3-1%] Zoleft [1.4%]
Ludiomil [rare] Zosyn [less than 1%]
MZM [among most frequent] Zyloprim [less than 1%]
Magnevist [less than 1%]
Marinol (Dronabinol) [less than 1%] Risperdal [rare]
Marcaine Hydrochloride
Marcaine Spinal
Maxaquin [less than 1%]Now that you know a little more about the
causes of tinnitus, lets focus on how to recognize those causes. The
sounds that the tinnitus makes is one way to know what may have
been your cause. Sometimes there are multiple causes for a person to
have tinnitus but if you can pinpoint the cause or most likely causes, it
will help you greatly in your treatment process.
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Tinnitus Sounds and Their Causes
Sometimes the tinnitus sounds are actually helpful in
determining the root cause of your tinnitus. It always varies from
person to person but the chart below shows some common patterns
we have seen after talking with many tinnitus sufferers.
Tinnitus Noises Tinnitus Causes
Ringing bells, chirping sounds,
sounds like cicadas or crickets,
roaring, hissing and fluttering
Tinnitus from noise damage -
Exposure to noise, a blow to the
head, cochlear damage, ear wax
Ear ringing, whistling, high pitched
whistling, whizzing sounds,
rushing sounds like water in a
Tinnitus from trauma or stress
- Stress, depression, traumatic life
Clucking or cracking sounds,
gurgling whirring sounds, a ringing
tone in the affected ear which
comes and goes periodically,
lasting a few seconds at a time.
Tinnitus from Sinus - Sinus or
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Chapter Review
This is a very important section of the book as it deals with the
root causes of tinnitus. Remember that there are many different
causes of tinnitus and discovering the root cause of your tinnitus is a
vital step in the right direction of treatment.
1. Discovering the root cause can help you understand and treat your
2. Tinnitus is often caused by cochlear damage such as that from loud
noise or a blow to the head.
3. Certain medicines can cause tinnitus.
4. Stress and traumatic life events also cause tinnitus.
5. Sometimes the cause can be determined by the sounds of the tinnitus.

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Section Four: Tinnitus Prevention

Prevention is always the best treatment. Unfortunately, its not always
possible, especially if you find yourself already suffering from the
condition but learning about prevention is still helpful.
Are you reading this and wondering how you can prevent ever getting
tinnitus in the first place? When it comes to most conditions and
diseases, prevention is possible. With tinnitus, it is not always that
easy as most people do not even recognize it as a condition until they
already have it.
However, there are some ways to prevent it and they work hand
in hand with many of the treatment options which I will talk about in
the next section.
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One of the best ways to prevent tinnitus is to avoid damage to
the ears. This damage is most often caused by loud noises or direct
damage to the ear or the head. There are some ways that you can
prevent this. For example, you can do your part to protect yourself
from loud noises. You can do this by:

1. Not playing your MP3 player, stereo or radio too loud.
2. Avoid areas with loud noises whenever possible.
3. Wear earplugs or ear phones when you are exposed to
loud noises (construction zones, work areas, loud trucks, etc.)
4. Talk to your doctor about medications that could have
tinnitus as a side effect.
5. Avoid aspirin, particularly if you have a proven sensitivity
to it in the past.
Whenever possible, prevention is an important part of dealing
with tinnitus. Protect your ears at all costs when you have the
power to do so.
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6. Wear a helmet to protect you from head injury when bike
riding and other dangerous activities.
Rock concerts, movie theaters, nightclubs, construction sites,
guns, power tools, stereo headphones and musical instruments are
just some of many things that can cause damage to your ears.
Try to avoid these situations whenever possible and if you must
be around the noise, use ear protection. Remember that damage can
occur from just a single exposure or from repeated exposure and
trauma to the ears.
SPADE and Tinnitus

If you arent familiar with SPADE now is the time to learn.
S- Stress generally doesnt cause tinnitus but it does
inhibit your immune system and your nervous system making
you more susceptible to the symptoms.
P- Panic and panic attacks often bring on tinnitus
symptoms, and tinnitus is a common condition in people who
suffer from panic attacks. Research shows that panic disorders
and tinnitus are related and it has been found that when the
panic is relieved the tinnitus symptoms are also relieved.
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A- Anxiety may seem to some to be the same as stress,
but they are different. Anxiety sufferers experience internal fight
or flight responses that heighten their senses, one of which is
hearing. Many tinnitus sufferers are found to be more anxious
than those without tinnitus, so it isnt necessarily the tinnitus
triggering the anxiety, but the other way around.
D- Depression, and the lack of control over tinnitus
symptoms are closely related. There is a link between both of
these conditions showing that depression can exacerbate tinnitus
symptoms and vice versa. Tinnitus attacks can bring on a
depressed state.
E- Emotional illness is related to many different sorts of
emotional upset, upheaval and trauma and may be a precursor
to tinnitus and its symptoms. This doesnt mean that the people
who suffer from tinnitus are unhinged or crazy; it means that
their emotional problems can cause tinnitus and increase the
severity of tinnitus.

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Here are some hearing protection vendors that may be able to help you
get the hearing protection you need to avoid cochlear damage:
Dillon Precision Products
7442 E. Butherus Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85260-2415
+1 800 762 3845 for Catalog requests
+1 800 223 4570 for Sales
Praised on rec.guns have been the "Max" earplugs and Peltor Ultimate 10
muffs. Dillon's "stealth" catalog, The Blue Press is available at no charge.
Etymotic Research
61 Martin Lane
Elk Grove, IL 60007
+1 708 228 0006 voice
+1 708 228 6836 fax
Sells musician's earplugs offering about 15dB of flat attenuation
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
If I could go back in time, knowing what I know now, I would not
have listened to my car stereo so loudly. I would have enjoyed my
love of music in a safer way without causing cochlear damage.
I also would have been more careful when it came to the stress
my job was causing me. No job in the world is worth the pain and
suffering that tinnitus caused me!

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Chapter Review
In this section we learned of the importance of protecting your
ears from loud noises to help prevent tinnitus and other causes of
tinnitus. We learned:
1. To wear ear plugs.
2. To avoid loud noises whenever possible.
3. To wear a helmet to protect from head injury.
4. Avoid medicines that have side effects of tinnitus.
5. Don't listen to loud headphones or car stereo.
6. SPADE goes hand in hand with tinnitus.
7. Use safe MP3 speakers (Those in ear speakers push
sound at destructive levels right into the ear canal you can
read more details online about this at our site
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Section Five: Treatment Options

Here we are at the section that you have likely been waiting for
your treatment options. If you are like me, you were probably
thrilled to first hear that you even had options for treatment!
So many people are told by their doctors that they must learn to
live with it and that there is no cure that most do not even realize
there are other options for them out there.
Some people that suffer from tinnitus fall into deep depression
because they feel that there is no cure for their condition. Lack of
sleep due to insomnia caused by tinnitus makes this depression and
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dulled mood even more severe. Many people withdraw from the rest of
the world, living in their own private hell caused by tinnitus.
You Do Not Have to Live This Way!
There is hope for each and every tinnitus sufferer out there.
There are real treatments out there that can help you significantly
reduce the severity, loudness and frequency of your tinnitus. I want so
badly to be able to spread this good news to each and every person in
the world that is suffering from tinnitus.
Here are some types of tinnitus treatments you may have heard
of before. Perhaps you have even tried some of them yourself.

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Tinnitus Retraining
If you are looking into tinnitus treatments, you may have heard
of tinnitus retraining therapy or TRT. TRT was created by a
neuroscientist by the name of Pawel Jastreboff in the 1980s. Jastreboff
worked out the real mechanics behind tinnitus and what caused it. In
the past people had always believed it could not be fixed but Jastreboff
theorized that this wasn't true.
His theory said that tinnitus was not due to a defect in the ear
that could not be fixed but instead due to something else which could
be fixed. The tinnitus retraining works by combining precise sound
therapy and teaching to retrain the mechanisms regarding tinnitus.
Some people find relief from tinnitus retraining and notice a
decrease in their tinnitus where others do not experience any
significant change at all.

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Laser Treatments
Another option that you may have heard of is laser treatments.
This is not a very mainstream option when it comes to treating tinnitus
but so many tinnitus sufferers are desperate for relief that they would
likely try anything.
There is still some speculation and testing being done to prove
whether or not laser treatments are actually successful at treating
tinnitus. Many people claim that it provides only a placebo effect while
others believe that it is capable of treating some types of tinnitus.
In our surveys we have had no positive reports that laser
treatments have provided any relief at all.

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Hypnotherapy has also been used to treat tinnitus. One reason
why people see results is due to the anti-anxiety, relaxing abilities in
Studies have shown that between 50% and 76 % of patients
who try hypnotherapy to treat their tinnitus have found that they
experienced a major reduction in the noise and volume of the tinnitus.
If your tinnitus is stress or trauma related you are much more likely to
experience results from hypnotherapy.
When used along with other methods of treating tinnitus, it can
be highly effective for many people.
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With such a high rate of success you may be wondering why
hypnotherapy isnt a more popular form of treatment for tinnitus
caused by stress or trauma. One reason is that so many people
assume that hypnosis is what they have seen on television. Despite
the ideas promoted hypnosis does not put you to sleep. What is does
is cause a state of heightened awareness and focused concentration.
The purpose of attaining that state of awareness is to help
patients recall and retrain their brain to break the memory loop
which is creating the tinnitus sound. Essentially in cases of tinnitus
caused by stress or trauma, hypnotherapy serves to reduce the
emotions associated with certain sounds and direct the unconscious
mind away from those sounds and toward a different stimulus.
What Will Happen in my
Hypnotherapy Session?
If you decide to seek hypnotherapy to treat your tinnitus you
may be surprised at exactly how hypnotherapy sessions work. Real
hypnotherapy is nothing like you may see on television. You wont be
made to perform silly acts that you later wont remember. A
professional who is qualified to deal with tinnitus through
hypnotherapy will be able to set your fears of this sort of thing to rest.
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Hypnotherapy will teach you to truly and completely relax, and
then the hypnotherapist will probably use one form or another of the
following basic techniques to work through your tinnitus issue.
Regression therapy is used when a patient cant remember or
figure out what triggered the tinnitus sounds. This form of
hypnotherapy helps the patient determine and face the initial triggers
by regressing or returning the patient back to just before the onset of
the tinnitus symptoms. This leads to determining the stressful situation
or traumatic event that triggered the sounds.
Ego State
This form of hypnotherapy may seem a bit out of the ordinary
for most tinnitus sufferers, but professional hypnotherapists not only
understand the methods but also the possibilities of dealing with
tinnitus sounds by addressing the ego state. To begin with the body is
called the ego.
So, because it is believed that the unconscious mind will always
do what is best for the body (ego), the hypnotherapist can figure out
what part of the ego is causing the noise and negotiate with that part
to convince it that the noise is not necessary.
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Many patients who have had ego state therapy refer to the
treatment as miraculous and often no longer have any tinnitus
Suggestive hypnotherapy is exactly what it sounds like. The
hypnotherapist suggests to the unconscious brain that the patient no
longer hears the noises, or that they are muted and unobtrusive.
Hypnosis isnt a cure all for tinnitus, and may not help some
sufferers at all, it has been used effectively to reduce both the
frequency and level of the noises and to help sufferers better deal with
the problem by reducing their stress levels, anxiety and even
depression that stems from tinnitus caused by stress or trauma.

Herbal Treatments
Herbal treatments are commonly used in tinnitus therapy. Just
like other treatment options that we have mentioned, herbal
treatments do not permanently treat the tinnitus and they do not treat
the root cause of the tinnitus. Herbal treatments alone should not be
considered a permanent treatment option for tinnitus.
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However, they can create an improvement in your condition and
when used in conjunction with other therapies, can be very helpful
indeed. Tinnitus relief using this method is normally as a result of the
improving health and stronger immune system of the tinnitus sufferers
who follow this regimen.
Vitamin Based Therapies
Vitamin based therapies are very popular because there are so
many vitamins that can give you relief from your tinnitus systems.
Vitamins alone will not typically treat your tinnitus but they can create
an improvement in your symptoms. Many people who take vitamin
therapies notice a big improvement in their severity and frequency of
However, they can create an improvement in your condition and
when used in conjunction with other therapies, can be very helpful
indeed. Tinnitus relief using this method is normally as a result of the
improving health and stronger immune system of the tinnitus sufferers
who follow this regimen.

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Homeopathic Tinnitus Treatments

Homeopathic treatments are one of the best options you have
when it comes to your tinnitus. Natural tinnitus treatments have truly
excelled in the field of homeopathic treatments.
They work exceptionally well in treating your tinnitus symptoms
without unwanted side effects or making you feel different or like you
are taking medicines.
They are also a great remedy when used in combination with
diet, exercise and a stress-management plan. The homeopathic
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
tinnitus treatments are designed to work as part of an all-
encompassing regime to improve your quality of living.
When it comes to alternative medical treatments homeopathy is
probably the most accepted. This is because the two basic principles of
1. Like cures like, and
2. Less is more
Are proven to be effective in most cases.
True homeopaths believe that symptoms, whether related to
tinnitus or not are signs from the body to ward off illness. This leads
homeopaths to concentrate on finding the source of the problem rather
than treating the symptoms. For example in cases of tinnitus it is
always a major factor in treatment to determine the root cause
whether it is stress, trauma, sinus problems etc.
Homeopaths also believe that the human body, when it is in
good shape has everything it needs within to cure itself of most
conditions which present symptoms. This is also true when it comes to
homeopathic treatment of tinnitus.
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The general idea is that a homeopath will strengthen the
patients ability to heal by stimulating and boosting the bodys natural
healing mechanisms.
Homeopathic treatments usually involve extremely diluted doses
of certain medications to boost the healing process and continue to
include vitamin and herbal supplements that enhance the bodys
immune system and promote general well being.
Homeopathy is a form of medicine and should not be attempted
by the general population. But if youre interested in homeopathic
treatment for your tinnitus discuss some of the following common
homeopathic remedies for tinnitus with a professional.
The homeopathic remedies supplied by T-Gone are aimed at
relieving tinnitus symptoms which are caused by four main causes or
life events. These life events are responsible for over 95% of all
tinnitus cases.
These events are:
Tinnitus from noise
Tinnitus from stress
Tinnitus from sinus
Tinnitus from Meniere's disease
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The remedies are formulated to relieve the causes of the tinnitus
being experienced and it is for this reason that we have different
homeopathic formulations to treat the four different tinnitus types as

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Holistic Tinnitus Treatments
Holistic treatment for tinnitus usually involves 3 basic steps.
Step 1- Diet with Herbal and Vitamin Supplements
Research shows that the foods you eat can and do affect your
tinnitus symptoms. Because everyone reacts to foods differently it can
take a bit of experimentation to develop the ideal diet and supplement
plan to relieve you of your tinnitus symptoms.
Nutritionally well balanced meals and a detailed food and
symptom log will help you identify what works and doesnt work to
reduce your tinnitus. The same thing goes for vitamin and herbal
supplements, as a tinnitus sufferer it is up to you to try different
options to find what works best for your body and your symptoms.
Step 2- Enhance your Immunity
As Ive mentioned the immune system plays a huge part in your
tinnitus symptoms. By boosting your immunity and enabling your body
to fight off illnesses, stressors and other factors that contribute to
tinnitus symptoms you are creating a wall of defense for all of your
bodily systems.
Step 3- Hypnotherapy to Reduce Symptoms of Tinnitus
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Youll find a great deal more about hypnotherapy in this book,
but for now lets just say that hypnotherapy is a valuable component
for some tinnitus sufferers to help reduce symptoms.
Youll notice that the holistic approach to treating tinnitus puts a
lot of the responsibility for your condition and the symptoms you suffer
in your own hands. But no one knows your body better than you do
and even if you end up using different methods to treat your tinnitus;
diet, vitamins, immune system health and psychological management
of the symptoms will still play a valuable part in relieving your tinnitus.

You may have seen pictures of patients with needles planted all
over their bodies. While this frightening image may have turned you
off of the idea of acupuncture the traditional practice involves more
than simply sticking a patient with needles.
The ancient practice of acupuncture involves placing needles in
precise areas of the skin to create an electron exchange within the
meridians of the body which can have a long lasting effect on all parts
of the body including hearing.
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Todays western medicine has attributed the beneficial effect of
acupuncture to the release of chemicals which are stimulated via the
nervous system while the needles are being placed.
Whichever cause you believe what remains is that acupuncture is
a viable and often very beneficial treatment for the symptoms of

Yoga is a method of treating tinnitus that relies on the benefits
gained from improving your overall health and relaxation. Mental
controls, breathing exercises and the smooth flow from pose to pose
have been found to improve the symptoms of tinnitus.

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Conventional Medicines for
Tinnitus Treatments

No one really knows why there are no real effective conventional
medicines for tinnitus. It could be partially due to the fact that so
many conventional doctors are not willing to accept tinnitus has a
treatment. Most are still caught in the old ways of thinking that you
must learn to live with it.
There are many drugs that have been prescribed for the
treatment of tinnitus but apart from some hit and miss temporary
results, none to date has been specifically formulated for tinnitus
relief. One of the problems associated with using conventional
medications is that they can cause many side effects which are
sometimes even more debilitating than the tinnitus they were
prescribed to treat in the first place.
Conventional medications also most often focus on the
symptoms of the condition rather than treating the root cause of the
Perhaps another reason is because the herbal and homeopathic
methods of treatment work so well and doctors have yet to find or
create a better method of treating tinnitus. Homeopathic treatments
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work so well because they focus on the root cause of the tinnitus, not
simply masking the symptoms.
Other Tinnitus Treatments
From time to time you may hear of other tinnitus treatments. It
seems there is always some new "cure" that is coming out and for the
severe tinnitus sufferer, anything sounds good if it promises to ease
your pain and discomfort. Be wary of those that are making big
promises that sound too good to be true- usually they are.
However, be aware that there are some great tinnitus
treatments out there and anything that focuses on your root cause and
treating the cause of your tinnitus will likely be successful at reducing
or eliminating your tinnitus altogether.
Another important method of treatment is learning to reduce the
amount of stress in your life. You cannot always take away the things
that cause you stress but you can learn to manage the way you handle
it better. When you do this, your stress will be relieved and you will
have fewer stress-related tinnitus symptoms.

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Tinnitus is Not Cured Overnight

No matter what method of treatment you choose it is important
to know that it can take time for your most severe symptoms to go
away. Tinnitus symptoms wont go away overnight. But each and
every step you take toward treating the condition will provide a
measure of relief. While you are pursuing treatment there are a few
things you can do to help along the way.
Exercise strengthens your body and your immune system
as well as increasing circulation and blood flow. Exercise also
helps eliminate stress.
Sleep better by establishing a bedtime routine and
communicating to your body that it is time to rest. Tinnitus is
known to disrupt sleep cycles so if you need to nap or
supplement your sleep with quiet rest do so.
Cigarette smoke seems to make the symptoms of tinnitus
worse, so if youre working to eliminate tinnitus one of the first
steps is to quit smoking.
Eliminate environmental toxins from your home. Your body
and immune system expend a lot of energy fighting off airborne
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pollution and germs. Clean the air in your home and avoid using
toxic products. (Well discuss this in depth in Section Nine.)

Understanding Things That Can
Help Your Tinnitus

Sometimes people with tinnitus feel that they will be stuck this way
forever. Maybe you have even been told that there is no cure or no
help for your condition. But the truth is that there ARE things that can
help your tinnitus. The best way to understand what these things are
is to realize that it is a total body condition and it requires a total
body cure.
Understanding things that can help your tinnitus often involves
understanding your total body health as well as the things that can
cause your tinnitus.
Its also very important to understand that everyone reacts to
tinnitus differently which means the treatment options you use will
vary as well. What works for one person and their tinnitus may
actually make yours worse.
Sometimes the methods of treatment your tinnitus will revolve
around trial and error. You can read about what works for one person
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but until you try it for yourself, you wont know if it will help you or
not. But dont think that its not helpful to know what others are doing
and try it because without this essential information, you might miss
up on an opportunity to find the relief that you seek.
When you set out on this journey of trial and error, it helps to first
understand all you can about things that can help your tinnitus. When
you do, it will help you know how to make the best educated guess
into what you will do first for your case of tinnitus. Often, people find
that they are able to pinpoint the cause of their tinnitus right from the
start and that is the first area of their lives they will focus on in order
to find relief.
Lets look at some examples of things that can help your tinnitus.

Your Environment
As you may already know, your environment has a big impact on
your body and your health. When you have a stressful, loud or
unhealthy environment, it can affect your tinnitus. Ringing in the
ears is often a result of too much time in a loud environment.
Some people have this problem due to their jobs. If you work in
a loud environment, there might not be a lot you can do to
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change that but you can protect yourself by wearing the proper
ear protective equipment.
Staying clear of noise when it is preventable is a great way to
treat and prevent tinnitus that comes from environmental
Healthy Lifestyle
Then that brings us to your lifestyle. The choices we make, the
foods we eat and the exercise we do or do not- get will have a
big impact on health, including tinnitus.
Keeping in overall good health is the most important thing you
can do for yourself and your tinnitus. Do you eat a balanced
diet? Do you get regular exercise appropriate to your age and
health conditions?
If you have questions about what is an acceptable amount of
exercise or a healthy diet for your needs, be sure to get help
with this. We offer suggestions here in the book but since
everyone is different, you will need to speak to your health care
provider about specific questions.
Your immune system plays a big role in tinnitus so when your
immune system is weak, or busy fighting off other conditions, it
will not be able to do its job against tinnitus. Your ringing in your
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ears can be worsened by other conditions such as high blood
pressure and diabetes as well.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutritious diet and
managing other conditions will help you with your tinnitus.
Using a Hearing Aid
Finally another option that might be needed is the use of a
hearing aid. Not all tinnitus sufferers have hearing loss and not
all of those will a hearing aid have it due to hearing loss.
Sometimes different levels of hearing loss, even moderate, can
lead to tinnitus. This is why the use of a hearing aid can be
helpful in treating tinnitus and also in improving hearing loss you
might not have even known you had.

Only a specialist in hearing and ear health can tell you for sure if
this is the right option for you. Hearing aids are not the best
choice for everyone but it might be a choice you want to

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Chapter Review
Now is a great time to review what we've covered here in this
section. There are many different types of treatment options for
tinnitus but the most effective statistically are those that are
homeopathic in nature.
We learned that some types of treatment options include:
Homeopathic/holistic approaches
Vitamin/mineral therapies
Herbal therapies
Laser treatments
Tinnitus retraining
Things you can do to reduce noises

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Section Six: Beating Stress

You might already know that stress plays a big role in our health.
It also has a huge impact on tinnitus. People who suffer with ringing in
the ears are able to pinpoint a direct correlation between ringing in the
ears and stress levels.
But stress is everywhere, right? Everyone seems to have it at
some time or another and to some degree or another. In fact, the
more convenience our society has, the more stress it seems we have.
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We create ways to make things faster so that we can cram more into
each day and it just adds to the burden.
It seems humans are always on the go, always on the rush and
always have something to worry about. But what we dont always
realize is that all this stress and worry puts a strain on our bodies and
it can really take its toll, especially on someone who already has an
illness or a condition like tinnitus.
Why do we keep talking about stress in this book? Why do I
keep saying that stress can cause tinnitus or make tinnitus that you
already have worse? Because it's true! Normal stressors of life can
have a huge impact on your battle with tinnitus.
Stress, anxiety, panic and depression are all emotions that can
have a huge impact on tinnitus. Not to mention, they also have a
dramatic impact on other areas of your life. These emotions can cause
you to manifest physical symptoms of the stress you feel. Tinnitus is
just one of the many symptoms you might feel when you are dealing
with undiagnosed or unmanaged stress, anxiety and panic.
To understand why this happens, whether its happening to you
and what to do about it, we first need to take a closer look at stress.
Just what is it anyway?
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Learning the signs of stress will help you to be able to
understand more clearly what the condition is and if you or someone
you love is being affected by it. While we all face stress at times, it
should not be a regular, daily nuisance to our lives.
We cannot always get rid of the things that are causing us stress
but we can manage the way we react to it and we dont have to allow
stress to manifest itself in unhealthy ways within our bodies.
Signs of Stress

There are many common signs and symptoms of stress. Do you
know what they are? Many people have severe stress and do not even
realize it. They are so busy with their daily lives that they forget the
importance of reducing stress whenever possible.
Here are some signs of stress:
sleep disturbances
Back, shoulder or neck pain
Tension or migraine headaches
Upset or acid stomach, cramps, heartburn, gas, irritable bowel
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Constipation, diarrhea
Weight gain or loss, eating disorders
Hair loss
Muscle tension
High blood pressure
Irregular heartbeat, palpitations
Asthma or shortness of breath
Chest pain
Sweaty palms or hands
Cold hands or feet
Skin problems (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching)
Periodontal disease, jaw pain
Reproductive problems
Immune system suppression, colds, flu, infections
Growth inhibition
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Maybe you have some of these symptoms and you never knew why or
what they were attributed to. Maybe you thought you just had a bug
or didnt sleep well and that it would go away on its own. The problem
with stress is that it builds and builds, especially if you just try to
ignore it instead of getting to the root of it. This creates even more
physical and emotional symptoms of the condition and then stress
builds on itself getting stronger and stronger in your life- and in your
There are also emotional symptoms such as:
Nervousness, anxiety
Depression, moodiness
Irritability, frustration
Memory problems
Lack of concentration
Trouble thinking clearly
Feeling out of control
Substance abuse
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As you can see stress affects nearly all aspects of our lives and
health. It can literally become so intense that it creates panic, a feeling
of death or dying and more. When stress becomes this serious in your
life, then it can have a huge affect on you.
Stress can really be a pain if you have tinnitus. But do you
understand how- and why? What role does stress play in tinnitus and
the root cause of it? How does stress contribute to worsening of the
Stress affects your immune system, which affects tinnitus so all
are related. Stress also affects your overall health and well-being,
which again, can affect the ringing in your ears.
People Handle Stress
When we talk about stress, it is also important to remember that
different people have different types of stress levels and we react to
stress in different ways. People often ask why some people have more
stress than others and most often it has to do with lifestyle. One
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person may eat healthier, exercise more, have a stronger immune
system and manage stress better than another.
Some people may experience stress but not have the full list of
symptoms above. They may only have a couple of them. Then another
person may feel like nearly everything on the list is affecting them. It
all boils down to how your body reacts to stress and how you respond
to it as well.

You have a choice when it comes to stress. You do not have to
allow it to affect you and your health negatively.
Consider your tinnitus symptoms:
Are the sounds louder, more frequent or are they more of a
cacophony when you are stressed?
If so, simply working to reduce the stress in your life will help
reduce the symptoms of tinnitus.
It sounds easy but those who have tried it alone may already
know that its not so simple. First, you need to educate yourself on
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how stress affects tinnitus and then you will be ready to take on this
piece of the all-in-one tinnitus solution puzzle.
How Does Stress affect Tinnitus?

So just how exactly does stress affect your tinnitus? You might
be surprised to know that stress can actually lead to tinnitus. When
your body is stressed, your immune system is weakened. You are
more susceptible to disease and infection. It can be the cause of
tinnitus or it can worsen tinnitus that already exists due to other
If you are a highly stressed person, you may have a higher
chance of experiencing tinnitus than another person might. Getting
your stress under control can help you get your tinnitus under control
and live with fewer episodes and less intense symptoms when they do
One way to do this is to track your anxiety and stress levels for
awhile. Tracking and documenting allows you to see your personal and
specific response to stress. You will then have results right in front of
you to show you how your body and emotions respond to stress and to
help you know how to reduce and combat it.
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Before you can begin reducing your stress, you need to track it
in order to see how you respond to stress. While everyone responds to
stress differently, there are certain things that can happen in your life
which contribute to stress and anxiety. If any of these have occurred
for you within the past 18 months, it can greatly increase your stress
levels and could also be increasing your tinnitus symptoms. Consider
these possible stressors:
1. Divorce
2. Death in the family
3. Death of a friend
4. Illness or injury
5. Marital separation
6. Jail term
7. Death of a spouse
8. Death of a close family member
9. Marriage
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10. Loss of job/ layoff
11. Change in family members health
12. Retirement
13. New job/ new business
14. New baby/ pregnancy
15. Career/job change
16. Change in financial status
17. Large loan
18. Foreclosure of your home
19. Marital arguments/ disagreements
20. Child going to college
21. Change of work responsibilities
22. Trouble with in-laws/ family discourse
23. Starting or stopping school
24. Sexual difficulties
25. Moving/ relocating
26. Vacation
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27. Change in sleeping habits
28. Minor violation of the law
Make a list of the ones that apply to you within the last 18 months.
Out of the 28, how many can you check off? If you checked 10 or
more then there is a very high likelihood that you have unresolved
stress that is affecting your health. If you checked less than 10, you
may still be under minor stress that needs some management in order
to prevent it from stacking up should other things occur in your life.
While we cannot always prevent these things from happening to us,
we can reduce the stress that we have in our lives.
Here is a look at what we can do to reduce stress, curb anxiety
and beat anger that leads to tinnitus and other health conditions.
Proven Ways to Reduce Stress

If you reduce the stress in your life, you will also boost your
immune system and make your body more resistant to infection. You
will also feel better and healthier all over. Just like with diet and
nutrition, its all part of an overall better body plan. There are many
different ways to help reduce stress and you need to find ways that
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work best for you and your personality but here are some suggestions
to help you.
Beat anger
Put your stress in perspective
Talk with a friend
Get professional help/ counseling
Take a time out
Have some free time
Eat a healthy, balanced diet
Here is a closer look at just some of the ways that you can manage the
stress levels in your life.

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Beat Anger

One major cause of stress in people is anger. Anger is one of the
strongest human emotions and people who are higher-stress
individuals often tend to get angry much quicker in situations.
If you can learn to control your temper and your anger, then you will
have less stress and lower your chances of being hit with an episode of

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Here are some steps you can take when you feel yourself about
to get angry in a situation:
1. Recognize that you are angry.
2. Take a time out. Walk away from the person or situation.
3. Count to 10.
4. Find a safe release for your anger. Some people run,
punch a pillow or perform karate. Just find something that works
for you that is safe and let that be your outlet when you get
5. Talk calmly about the things that are angering you instead
of losing your temper.
6. Distract yourself with something like a walk or some other
physical activity.
7. Talk your feelings over with a friend or family member to
help you calm down.
8. Write about your feelings.
Typically in these situations, getting angry doesnt solve anything or
help the situation in any real way. All it does is make you feel bad and
in some cases (such as if you blow up at another person) it can just
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lead to even bigger problems anyway. Learning to control your anger
can play a big impact in how you feel and how you relate to your
Different people handle anger and other stress in different ways so
the key is finding a good solution to help you remain calm and stress-
free, especially over the things that simply dont matter anyway. Then,
it will become routine for you and you will become a less-stressed
Learning to control your anger is one step in reducing stress in your
life but there are also many other things that cause stress. Learning to
manage your stress will make you a happier, healthy person. Studies
have also shown that stress can weaken your bodys immune system
so if you want the best chance at fighting off your tinnitus, you want to
be in good shape and manage the stress in your life appropriately.

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Stress Relieving Steps

Below are some simple steps for reducing stress in your daily
1. Get up 15 minutes earlier. While less sleep sounds
stressful it will allow you to rush less towards getting ready and
be able to relax more as you start your day.
2. Eat breakfast. Youve surely heard that breakfast is the
most important meal of the day. It is also a great time to simply
focus on getting your day started and fuel up.
3. Make To Do lists. A daily, weekly or monthly to-do list is
a good way to manage stress. You are able to simply work
towards certain goals and tasks each day. This helps plan ahead
to avoid last minute stress, or worrying and procrastinating
about tasks until you are stressed out.
4. Remember to stop and relax. No matter how much work
there is to be done, take the time to spend a few minutes doing
something you enjoy every day.
5. If you are getting upset, remove yourself from the
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6. Avoid negative people. Negativity is contagious and can
lead to extremely stressful situations.
7. Take a breather when you feel stressed. 10 deep breaths
in through your nose and out through your mouth.
8. Brush your hair. The motion and the massage on your
scalp can be relaxing.
9. Get a massage. This definitely needs no explanation;
massage is the ultimate relaxing activity.
10. Read a book. Reading takes your mind off of your stressors
and allows you a few moments of uncluttered enjoyment.
11. Keep a clean and clutter-free workspace. We all know what
a stressful time it can be when you need something that should
be on your desk but isnt! Eliminate that worry by keeping your
work area organized.
12. Dont over-schedule. If you schedule in every moment of
the day you find yourself watching the clock and jumping from
task to task. This is stressful.
13. Allow time for fun. Take a break in the middle of a crazy
week to spend an hour playing with your pet or enjoying an
afternoon with a friend.
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14. Remember to laugh. Laughter as they often say is the best
medicine. When you feel the stress building up find something to
laugh about.
15. Always be prepared. Being unprepared is a quick way to
raise your stress level. Whether you are stuck in a meeting
without your briefcase or locked out of your car because you
dont have a spare key, stress will take over. Being prepared
will help you avoid these situations.
16. Get enough sleep at night. Go to bed early, have a
bedtime routine and dont give in to the urge to lie awake
17. Exercise regularly. Exercise reduces stress while
strengthening your body to deal with stress better.
18. Have hobbies. There is more to life than work and sleep.
Find something that you enjoy which relaxes you. Some people
knit others garden or work puzzles.
19. Eat a healthy diet. You are what you eat. If you feed your
body fat laden, sugar rush inducing foods you arent giving it
what it needs to handle stress. Well balanced diets are a
cornerstone for relieving stress.
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20. Remember your priorities. No matter what is going on with
work or family, your number one priority is yourself and your
Tip: Check out the page on stress relief at our site

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Getting Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important to reducing the stress in
your life. Not only does it allow your body and your brain time to rest
and relax, but it also puts you in a better mental state the next day to
face whatever challenges may lie ahead for you.
A well rested mind and body is much better capable of handling
stressful situations when they occur. Getting enough sleep at night is
incredibly hard when you have tinnitus and have trouble sleeping as a
result of it. One of the first things you might want to do to help you
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sleep better at night is to find an effective "white noise" and use it in
your bedroom when you need to get sleep.
If you are having trouble sleeping, try the following steps:
Take a warm bath about an hour before bedtime to help
you relax and wind down.
Keep a regular schedule of going to sleep and waking up at
the same time, including during the weekends.
Avoiding working in bed or doing other activities in the
bedroom that can make sleep a stressful time.
Try not to skimp on sleep. Allow yourself enough time to
get proper rest at night.
Establish a good sleeping condition such as a cool dark
room. Some people like to have a fan or background white
noise to help them sleep.
Plan the following days activities ahead of time so you
dont stress about it at bedtime.
Try not to allow yourself to become over-tired or it can
be even harder to sleep.
Cut out caffeine, nicotine, etc before bedtime. (Preferably
a couple hours before you plan to go to bed).

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Support Groups

There are support groups and counseling available if you need
help coping with your tinnitus diagnosis or even with anything else
that might happen in your life that causes you stress. If you
experience the death of a loved one, a big move or loss or change of
job or some other significant change in your life and lifestyle, it could
warrant some therapy or counseling to help you manage this stressful
event so that you can still keep your tinnitus under control as well.
Having good friends and family that you can talk to in times of
stress is a great way to keep your feelings in control and reduce
stress-related tinnitus. Remember that to suppress your tinnitus its all
about having a balanced life. The healthier you feel, the less intense
your tinnitus will seem.
We will also talk more about support groups in the next section.

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Panic and Anxiety

Along with stress, we also have to think about panic and anxiety.
Often when stress goes too far untreated or becomes very severe, or
in people who are sensitive to it or have pre-existing conditions, panic
can set in. This panic can literally make you feel like you are dying.
Many people who get panic attacks feel like they are having heart
attacks or like the world is ending.
Some studies have shown that more than 50% of the people
who suffer from tinnitus also have some type of panic disorder. Its no
surprise then that panic and anxiety are so closely related to tinnitus.
If you really want the best shot at treating your tinnitus and having a
healthier life, you need to be able to get a handle on your panic and
Anxiety heightens your senses, which includes your hearing. This
is why it can affect tinnitus. But the good news is that anxiety is a
learned response and with practice of the right techniques, you can
learn to curb your anxiety and get it under control so your body will
not overreact to situations.

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Unfortunately, depression often goes hand in hand with tinnitus
and anxiety. All of these emotional issues are related. Tinnitus can
lead to depression and can also be caused by depression so it is a
cycle. Untreated depression can completely debilitate a person.
Treating depression has been shown to lower the volume of
tinnitus ringing in the ears and in some cases, even removes the
symptoms of tinnitus completely.
True depression is much more than just feeling blue which we
all get from time to time and can only be diagnosed by a licensed
professional. However, if you are diagnosed with depression, seeking
help will also help your tinnitus in the process.

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Chapter Review

1. Stress affects tinnitus because it weakens your immune system and
your body.
2. Reducing stress can prevent tinnitus.
3. Recognize the signs of stress to help you cope.
4. You can reduce stress by getting more sleep, managing your anger
and having a good support group.
5. Take an active role in beating and combating stress in your life so you
can live tinnitus free.
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Section Seven: The Importance of
Diet & Nutrition with Exercise

You may not be aware of it but diet and exercise along with
proper nutrition play a big important role in your tinnitus treatment.
Not only does proper diet and exercise reduce your stress levels,
lowering your tinnitus, but it also helps boost your immune system and
keep you healthier all over.
Weve mentioned it before here in the book and if youre like, me
you may have read it and just thought Oh yes, I am always being told
a good diet is important. But it wasnt until I really saw the effects of
it for myself that I realized just how big of an impact it could make.
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Diet and nutrition with proper exercise can literally turn back the
hands of time on certain diseases and conditions and for many people,
it can erase tinnitus completely. Even if it does not completely cure
you, it will at least have an impact on your tinnitus symptoms as well
as the rest of your overall health.
You can begin to see the results of a change in diet and exercise
almost immediately and once you do, you will want to continue the
positive changes in your life because they make you feel so much
Healthy eating can become addictive, just like the poor eating
habits in the first place. You want to eat junk because your body has
grown accustomed to it and thinks its the right thing for you. But once
you retrain your body to want the good foods instead, eating junk will
actually make you sick. Its a change that many people are afraid of or
hesitant to take on but its one that is so important, you cannot afford
to overlook it.
Changing your diet is not always easy. For many people the
habits that you have for a lifetime are hard to change. Changing your
diet may require changing the habits of the entire family or household
or the way that you have traditionally eaten for most of your life.
However, making positive changes in your diet helps not only your
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tinnitus but other diseases and conditions as well and helps you
remain a healthier person.
So just how does nutrition and diet affect your tinnitus, anyway?

How Does Nutrition Affect Tinnitus?
How many times in your life have you heard that eating a
balanced nutritious diet is very important? Chances are, more than you
would like to remember. It is something that you are told by your
parents when you are a small child and no matter how old you get, it
never seems to end. However, receiving proper nutrition each day is
very important. It does make a difference in how you feel and your
overall health, just like you have always heard.
Nutrition affects your tinnitus because it is part of the total
body solution.
Your body responds according to what goes into it. When you
take in bad, your body will produce bad. When you take in good, your
body will feel good as a result.
Your nutrition also affects the strength and function of your
immune system, which in turn, affects your tinnitus. All of these are
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reasons why what you eat and how you eat will have a direct impact
on your tinnitus.
Some research has also shown that there are certain foods that
can help tinnitus symptoms and other foods that are known to make it
worse. When you learn the difference in these, you can plan a regular
diet accordingly.
But just like everything else we have discussed with tinnitus,
each individual is different. This means that some people with tinnitus
may be more affected by one food while it does not trigger at all for
another person.
A good way to plan your new tinnitus diet is to keep a food
diary. Write down everything you eat or drink every day and then at
the end of the day, write what symptoms you have or did not have.
This will help you over time to make a connection between which foods
are contributing to tinnitus and which ones do not.

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Affects how mild or severe
the symptoms are
One thing that you may not be as familiar with is the fact that if
you suffer from tinnitus, what you eat can greatly affect how severe or
mild the symptoms are. Some foods can make it much worse while
others can actually help to reduce the sounds that you hear. Learning
which foods are good for you and which ones are bad can make a big
difference in how much tinnitus interferes with your life.
When you track what you are eating in a food diary, it can
have a big impact on your tinnitus symptoms and being able to
pinpoint which foods might be triggering it. As we said, each person is
different but here is a general idea of a healthy diet for someone with
tinnitus. These are samples of what to eat and what not to eat but you
will need to tweak to your own personal needs and goals.

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What is a healthy diet for someone
with tinnitus?
Eating nutritious meals that provide you with the vitamins and
nutrients your body needs to stay healthy is always a great idea. It is
suggested that you stay away from sweets and junk foods that are
filled with empty calories. The healthier your body the better you will
feel all over, which in turn can help to improve tinnitus.
A healthy diet is a balanced diet and the more fresh foods you
can include, the better. We live in a society where everything is
rushed, including our meals and people eat too much frozen,
packaged, preserved and fast foods.
This can all take its toll on the body and your tinnitus.
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There is no specific diet that is guaranteed to help everyone that
suffers from tinnitus. The only way to know for sure what will help you
personally is by trial and error. In other words, you will have to
experiment with different foods to see how they affect you. However,
there are a few foods that do seem to have the same affect on most
everyone that has tinnitus and they are listed below. But first we need
to take a look at food allergies.

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Food Allergies and Tinnitus

There has been a good deal of discussion about tinnitus and the
role that food plays in your battle with this condition. Food allergies
can aggravate tinnitus. While there is a debate as to whether the
symptoms of tinnitus are caused by a food allergy, or whether the food
itself is causing the symptoms, it remains that food allergies can result
in tinnitus. The reason for this is evidenced in the chronic inflammation
that food allergies can cause in the ear.
The most common food allergies which seem to result in tinnitus
symptoms are:
Soybean Products
If you are a tinnitus sufferer and also have food allergies it is a
good idea to keep a log of symptoms and foods so that you can
determine if a food is having an effect on your symptoms whether you
are allergic to it or not.
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What foods are good for you?

Every day you hear how important it is for you to drink enough
water. It keeps your body hydrated and is needed to maintain a
healthy body. Youve probably heard a million times that water is good
for you and yet so many people do not get enough each day. While
some foods that we eat and other liquids that we consume do contain
some amounts of water, this does not make up for not drinking glasses
of water per day.
Can you believe that the ringing in your ears could be soothed
by something as simple as drinking more water each day?
Everyone knows that drinking enough water is necessary when it
comes to maintaining a healthy diet. What many people dont realize is
that water is also good for improving tinnitus symptoms. You can
never drink enough water- especially if you suffer from tinnitus.
Red meat is right up there at the top of the list along with green
vegetables such as broccoli when you are searching for foods that help
to improve tinnitus. There are also some foods that are believed to not
have any effect on tinnitus one way or the other. Different people have
different food sensitivities and different types of food that seem to
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make their tinnitus better. You have to begin keeping track of your
own eating habits and see what works best for you.
When you are searching for the best foods for your tinnitus you
need to look for foods that are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Iron, Zinc
and Manganese. Some sources of these nutrients are bananas, leafy
green vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains.
What foods are bad for you?

Certain foods seem to cause the symptoms of tinnitus to
increase for most every person that suffers from this condition. One of
the main foods that falls into this group includes anything containing
caffeine. Therefore, it is a good idea to stay away from sodas, coffee,
tea, chocolate and other foods that contain caffeine.
Any form of alcohol such as beer, wine and liquors may also
increase tinnitus symptoms. Even strawberries have been determined
to be very bad for people with tinnitus. Other foods that many people
have found to increase their tinnitus symptoms include the following.

Dairy products
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White vegetables like potatoes
Citrus fruits
Wheat products
In general, too much of these foods is not healthy anyway so
limiting them in your diet will help you all around, not just with your
nutrition. This is not to say that you cannot have these foods at some
time, but it should be done in healthy, reasonable portions and as part
of a balanced diet and not where you are eating them with every meal.
So now you have some good ideas of what foods to eat and what
foods to avoid but what else can you do to help your nutrition?

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What can you do at home,
nutrition-wise to help?
There are many things that you can do at home nutrition wise to
help with your tinnitus. One of the main things is to keep track of what
you eat. You can do this by keeping a daily journal. In this journal you
need to write down everything that you eat and how each food affects
your tinnitus symptoms.
For example, after you eat a specific food you will find that
shortly afterwards you will either notice an increase, decrease or no
change at all in the symptoms you have. Keeping track of this will help
you determine which foods you can eat without problems and which
ones you should stay away from.
This is where we return to the food diary mentioned in a
previous section. It will be invaluable to keeping track of what you eat
and how it affects you.
It is however, also important that you keep track of how you feel
emotionally. Since your symptoms can increase if you are under an
excessive amount of stress, you may not be getting a true reading
from the foods you eat if you do not keep track of your stress levels as
well. So keep a record on everything that affects you. If you are
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experiencing high levels of stress record this. If you feel relaxed and
happy record that as well.
Anything that you consume should be recorded to get a better
idea of how you are being affected. For example, if you take medicine
for a headache or if you are prescribed a medication then put these in
your journal as well because, some medications can increase the
problem you are having with tinnitus.
If you keep a good and precise journal then over a period of
time you will be able to have an accurate account of which foods
increase and which ones decrease your tinnitus.
What herbs help suppress tinnitus?
Food alone is not the only thing you can consume that may have a
positive impact on your tinnitus. There are a few herbs that can also
help suppress tinnitus.
Just be aware that you should never start any new herbal treatments
when you are currently on prescription medications without first
consulting your doctor. Side effects could apply.
Gingko Biloba which promotes circulation to the inner ear.
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Coffee Cruda follows the theory of treating like with like. While it
may stimulate you it will also calm your nerves and relieve
residual anxiety.
Goldenseal Hydrastus reduces the thickness of mucous in the
inner ear to provide almost instant relief.
Black Cohosh is a slower working herb that increases vascular
activity in and around the ear. Approximate time to see any
affect on tinnitus symptoms is between 3-4 weeks.
Herbal Ear Drops are available that are designed specifically to
reduce the noises of tinnitus. Includes aloe, ginseng, bitter
orange, myrrh, senna, camphor, dandelion and many other
natural herbs.
Remember to be careful when using herbs as most of them are
not meant to be taken on a regular basis. You also need to make sure
that you are careful to make sure that the herbs you take do not
interact with any medications you may be taking. Always consult your
primary care provider if you have any doubts about the herbs you ae
Now this brings us to another supplement that can help in the
nutrition department. Did you know that there are certain vitamins
that might be able to help with your tinnitus symptoms? Often this is a
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result of a deficiency in your body which could be due to improper diet.
Getting your diet under control and eating healthier could reduce the
need for supplements but vitamin supplements might give you
temporary relief while you work on changing your diet habits.
What vitamins can help reduce
Most people who suffer from tinnitus also lack in certain
vitamins. Vitamin B complex is almost certain to be one of them.
Vitamin B can help to reduce pressure in your ears, which can help to
reduce the noises that you hear. Vitamin B can help to increase
circulation, which helps as well. Vitamin E also helps to increase
circulation reducing the noises caused by tinnitus.
A deficiency in vitamin A can increase your vulnerability to noise
therefore, making sure your body has the sufficient amount of vitamin
A can help to reduce tinnitus. It is also vital when it comes to the
proper development of the ear structure.
Vitamin C helps to build the immune system and helps to reduce
damage done to cochlear hair cells when exposed to loud noises.
Vitamin C is also beneficial when it comes to fighting and preventing
infections which can cause conditions leading to tinnitus.
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All of this talk about nutrition and healthy diet brings us to
another topic that goes hand in hand with that. Exercise!
How does exercise help?
Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body as
well as for your tinnitus. In this section, were going to take a look at
how exercise really helps your tinnitus and at how you can make
positive changes to get more exercise that you need.
Since being under a lot of stress can increase the levels of noise
that you suffer with from tinnitus, it is important to take measures to
help reduce stress. One way to do this is by exercise. The more you
exercise the more relaxed you can become. It helps you to feel better
about yourself mentally, physically and even emotionally.
Exercise also helps you to get in shape by strengthening muscles
and reducing excessive body weight. It can increase your energy levels
and keep you looking great. When you feel better and look great you
can handle the situations you face each day easier. This in turn lowers
your stress levels and reduces the noises caused by tinnitus
Exercising helps to increase circulation throughout your body,
the better your circulation the healthier you are in all areas. It also
helps to eliminate many diseases such as diabetes and heart
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conditions that weaken your body. It helps to keep your whole body
stronger which can reduce the noises you suffer from caused by
As we grow older, many people have a problem getting the
exercise they once got daily in their youth. Unless you work a
profession that requires you to get physical exercise or if you have a
hobby that you pursue regularly, such as golf, its difficult to get that
exercise in.
Some people fail to exercise because they are just so busy that
they dont think they have time to work it into their schedules. It
seems we are always rushing this way or that, trying to get something
done and not taking enough time out to focus on our overall health.
Other times, we dont get enough exercise because we just dont know
how to. Some of us were never taught how to incorporate exercise into
our daily routines as adults. But you can do something about this. You
dont have to continue the same patterns that are leading to an
unhealthy lifestyle.

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How to Get Daily Exercise

Normally, when the word exercise is mentioned the first thing
people think of is going to a gym or participating in some long
exhausting exercise program. Although this is a wonderful option,
taking a trip to the gym everyday is not practical for many people due
to their lifestyles. The majority of people are already pressed for time
just to try and get everything they need to accomplish in a single day
done on time and there is just no way to fit going to a gym in the
Luckily, there are other options available for people that fall into
this category. First of all, you need to understand that it is important
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for you to make time for exercise. When you accept that it is
something that you need to do, it will be easier to find time and you
will have more motivation to stick with it.
Try to set a specific time aside three or four times a week to get
the exercise that you need. You can put together your own exercise
routine that can be done at home. However, if you find it difficult
staying motivated there are other things that you can do as well. For
example, you can go for a nice relaxing walk. Make it a habit to use
stairs instead of the elevator whenever you have the chance.

If you work at a desk, take a few minutes every couple hours to
stretch and get your blood circulating better. You can also find an
activity that you enjoy that requires exercise and participate in this
with friends and family.
Daily Exercise- Quick Tips
If you are not used to exercising regularly, this will be a
significant change in your life but one that is good for your tinnitus as
well as other aspects of your health. It is very important that you work
some regular exercise into your daily routine and make it a habit. You
dont have to spend hour after hour in the gym pumping iron or
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become obsessive over your workout regime. Just finding little ways of
getting regular exercise into your life is a great idea.
There are also some quick and easy ways to get a little more
physical activity into your day.
1. Dont park so close at the shopping center, grocery store,
work, etc.
2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
3. Walk your dog (or someone elses dog).
4. Ride a bike.
5. Do some stretches and aerobics while watching your favorite
television show.
6. Play with your pet, kids etc. Just get moving!
It can also be very helpful if you choose an exercise partner to
get moving with. When you have someone to do something with, it
makes it more fun and it also helps you be held accountable for your
actions so that you are certain to stick to your plans.
When choosing a fitness partner, be sure to pick someone who
you know will hold you accountable and that you will enjoy spending
time with as well. Exercise does not have to be a chore and should not
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be something you dread to look forward to. It should be a pleasant
activity that becomes a fun and fulfilling part of your day on a regular
basis, no matter what your age.

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Importance of the Immune System

With all of this talk about healthy diet and lifestyle choices, we
come back to the immune system once more. Youre going to hear it
mentioned so much throughout this book because its just that
Your immune system is very important when it comes to
reducing the symptoms of tinnitus. If your immune system is weak,
this leaves you susceptible to diseases that can increase the tinnitus
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For instance, if you catch a cold this can cause sinus problems
which can affect your ears and make the condition worse. The bottom
line is, by boosting your immune system you can greatly reduce the
level of noise produced by tinnitus. In the next section we will take an
in depth look at your immune system, how it works and how to boost
your immunity and relieve the symptoms of tinnitus.
Part of the total body plan for treating your tinnitus revolves
around building a stronger immune system. Were going to talk more
about this in the next section.

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Chapter Review
This chapter covers the importance of diet and exercise. While
you already know that diet and exercise is important to everyone, you
may not have previously known that it could affect your tinnitus.
In this chapter we learned:
How nutrition affects tinnitus
What is a healthy diet for someone with tinnitus
What foods are good for you
What foods are bad for you
What can you do at home nutrition-wise to help
What herbs help suppress tinnitus
What vitamins can help reduce tinnitus
How exercise helps tinnitus
How to get daily exercise
Importance of the Immune System
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Section Eight: Tinnitus and the
Immune System
One of the first things I
began to learn about
treating my tinnitus was
the importance of a strong
immune system. Thats
why you hear me talk
about it so much in this
It really is that important!
So lets take a look
at why:
The healthier your immune system, the better able you are to
fight your tinnitus and reduce your frequency and severity of your
My immune system at the time of my first visit to the doctor was
at a real low and I was experiencing what we call the classic tinnitus
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tinnitus > insomnia > exhaustion > irritability > anxiety >
increased stress levels > increased tinnitus levels
A seemingly endless downward spiral
It is vital to your recovery from tinnitus that you find a way to
break this cycle and allow your body time to heal. In fact I found this
to be the vital factor with regard to the efficacy of the homeopathic
remedies I was taking. The harder I worked at strengthening my
immune system, the faster and greater were the results obtained with
the remedies.
The only problem is that many people dont know how they are
supposed to boost their immune system to get it working at its full
When we talk to our clients about the state of their immune system
they are convinced that they are in great shape whereas in most cases
their immune system is really battling to cope!
I had known very little about the immune system before talking
with my son's doctor that day. But soon after beginning the tinnitus
treatments I began to learn so much more about how the immune
system works, how important its function was to my recovery and how
to help it do its job even better.
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Every tinnitus sufferer that is serious about beating this affliction
needs to learn all they can about the immune system and I'm hoping
to help you do that here in this section.

What is the Immune System?
You hear a lot of talk about how important it is to take care of
our bodies. We are told every day to watch what we eat, exercise and
get plenty of rest. Many of us hear this so much that we don't take it
seriously anymore or we don't know why we are being told this is so
All of this precaution is to avoid diseases and conditions such as
obesity, heart conditions, strokes and high blood pressure. This of
course, is necessary to be healthy but one thing you dont hear a lot
about is keeping your immune system healthy.
Your immune system is a vital part of your body and when it
becomes weak, your body suffers. This is something that tinnitus
sufferers must face every day. In fact, not only can a weakened
immune system lead to many other health conditions but it also makes
those you already have even worse.
So what exactly is your immune system?
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Your immune system is your body's defense against illness. The
immune system is made up of many complex organs that work
together to protect the body by fighting off infections and diseases.
When you get a cold or the flu your immune system is what your body
uses to fight it off and help your body rid itself of the virus causing
your condition.

When you have surgery or encounter some other type of trauma,
your immune system is there to help your body heal. A strong healthy
immune system is necessary to work properly and keep you healthy.
How Does the Immune System Work?

Each day our bodies are introduced to viruses, bacterium and
other organisms that can make us sick and cause our bodies to
become weak.
Any foreign substance that enters the body is referred to as an
antigen. When antigens invade the body this will automatically trigger
the immune system and set it into motion.
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It will then begin fighting to defend the body from this invasion. It will
seek out and destroy the invading substance and eliminate it from
your body.
Your immune system is made up of white blood cells, organs and
tissues that all work together to rid your body of anything harmful.
When you research your immune system common words youll see
include Thymus, Spleen, Lymph System and Bone Marrow. The white
blood cells and antibodies circulate through your blood and fight
anything foreign that has entered into your system.
When your immune system is healthy and strong it will react the
instant that you are injured whether it is a scrape or a broken bone the
immune system works to begin healing the injury, fighting infection
and shoring up the reserves. This is the number one reason why you
need a strong immune system.

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Blood Cells

Most people know that they have blood cells but may not know
exactly what they are for or how they work within the body. The blood
cells make up part of your immune system. Your blood cells play a
very big role in helping your immune system perform its job correctly.
There are three types of white blood cells found in the body. They are
called the lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils.
The lymphocytes are the main type of white blood cell and it is
made up of two classes. These are called the T and B cells. The T cells
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are the ones that are considered to be the cells that control the
immune systems response. The T-cell receptor is a molecule that is
found on top of the T-cell.
Histocompatibility complex molecules or MHC molecules for short
are located on the surface of many other cells found in the body. The
MHC molecules and the T-cell receptor work together to identify any
antigen fragments located in the body. Once these antigens are
located your immune system will begin to destroy and eliminate them
from your system.
The B cells are the ones that make the antibodies that attach to
the antigen and mark them to be destroyed by the other cells that
make up the immune system. Without antibodies your immune system
cannot perform properly.
Our culture is practically obsessed with obliterating and
eliminating all kinds of germs and bacteria from our lives. We use
antibacterial soaps, hand gels, and sprays around our homes to help
us avoid germs and bacteria. But what many of us dont understand is
that we have the ability to fight these things within our own bodies.
The strength of our immune system has much more to do with how
often or how rarely we are struck with an illness than the use of anti-
bacterial products do.
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The Thymus
Located in your chest and close to your heart the thymus is
responsible for the production of T-cells and is a key component to
developing a healthy immune system in babies. It is not considered so
much an important part of the immune system in adults but because
your immune system gets it start when you are born this is an
important piece of the puzzle.
The Spleen
Your spleen filters your blood and checks it for foreign microbes.
Located in the upper left side of the abdomen your spleen creates
lymphocytes to provide protection against antigens and replaces worn
out red blood cells with new strong effective cells.
The Lymph System
If youve ever had a sore throat or a cold and had your doctor
feel your neck, then you have had your lymph nodes checked. When
these glands at the end of the lymph vessel swell it is an indication
that your body is under attack and your immune system is working
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The lymph system carries blood plasma that is essential to
filtering inner cell fluid that is in danger of being contaminated when
you have bacteria such as a virus in your system.

Bone Marrow
Bone marrow produces stem cells, which grow into mature
immune system cells that are distributed through the body. Stem cells
have been at the top of medical science news for the past few years
due to their ability to behave as a blank slate until they are given a
purpose. So when a certain area of your body is in need of defense a
stem cell from your bone marrow can adapt and take up the task.

Building a Strong Immune System

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If you are like most people who have fallen into some bad habits
when it comes to taking care of your body, building a strong immune
system may take a little getting use. However, it is possible and may
not be as hard as you think. It mainly takes some discipline and a
desire to be as healthy and tinnitus free as possible. A strong immune
system will help your body fight tinnitus.
The best place to start is with your diet. We have already
discussed how important your diet is to relieving the symptoms of
tinnitus, but as with most things that have to do with the body the
reasons for having a healthy diet are much deeper and have a more
widespread effect than you think about.
To have a healthy immune system you need to provide your
body with the proper amount of vitamins and minerals that it needs to
stay healthy. Therefore, a well-balanced diet is very important and
does need to be a part of your everyday life. You can also take
vitamins and other supplements to help improve and strengthen your
immune system.
There are also several herbs that can be used to improve your
immune system. It is also very important that you receive the proper
amount of exercise needed to keep your body healthy. Finding ways to
eliminate stress will help to build your immune system as well.
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Ways to build a strong immune system also include avoiding
substances that weaken it. For example, you should avoid consuming
too much alcohol. An excessive amount of alcohol can prevent white
blood cells from multiplying which reduces their ability to kill antigens.
It also deprives the body of the nutrients that it needs to boost the
immune system.
Too much sugar in your diet and being overweight can also
reduce your white blood cells ability to multiply. Being overweight can
decrease the amount of antibodies in your body and slow down the
reaction time that your body takes to respond to foreign substances as
well. Limiting your consumption of harmful foods will strengthen your
immune system and make you feel much better in the process. Again
you can see how many ways your health and the different systems of
your body overlap. Exercise to lose weight is just as effective for your
immune system as it is for your overall health.

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How Does Tinnitus Affect the Immune

You know that your immune system and stress affects tinnitus
but did you know that your tinnitus could be affecting your immune
system? What actually happens is that the tinnitus can keep you from
sleeping properly and this alone will have a harmful affect on your
health eventually.
As your body starts struggling to deal with the symptoms of
exhaustion, your stress and anxiety levels will start going up with a
consequent increase in the tinnitus levels.
You can then find yourself caught up in a vicious and seemingly
endless downwards spiral where your tinnitus is getting ever worse
and your health starts failing. Any little germ that goes around can
knock you flat on your back.
That is all due to the tinnitus that started that vicious downward
tinnitus spiral.

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How Can Vitamins Help?

When you are trying to help build up your immune system
vitamins can help. Different vitamins affect different parts of your
system and each one helps in their own way. For example, vitamin C is
very beneficial when it comes to your immune system.

Vitamin C can help to increase the white blood cells that fight
infection and increase the amount of antibodies that are produced in
your body.

Vitamins that help boost your immune system include:
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin B-6
Side note: Our 2 Step Tinnitus and Immune Booster
Formula has all the supplemental vitamins and herbs
requirement to really kick start your immune system

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They also raise good cholesterol levels and help to lower your
blood pressure. Vitamin C is one of the most common vitamins used
for improving the immune system because it is inexpensive and you
dont need a lot of it to help. You can also receive vitamin C from
many fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin E is great for increasing the production of the B cells
that produce antibodies that protects your body from foreign invaders.
It also reduces risk of heart attacks and improves your overall health.
Vitamins are not the only things that can boost your immune
system. When used in combination with other immune boosters and
homeopathic methods, you can have the strongest immune system

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8 Great Immune Boosters!

Now you know how important your immune system is in
maintaining a healthy body and reducing the noises caused by tinnitus.
Next, it is time to find ways to help keep your immune system healthy.
The good news is that there are things you can do to help out that are
really not that difficult.
Here are 8 great immune boosters that are easy to do.

1. Watch what you eat, fruits and vegetables can make a
2. Take time to exercise
3. Get enough rest, the average is eight hours
4. Drink eight to ten 8oz. glasses of water a day
5. Find ways to relieve stress
6. If needed take multivitamins and supplements
7. Socialize to keep your emotional state healthy
8. Listen to your body
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Foods for a Healthy Immune System

The food you eat is like the fuel that keeps your immune system
going. It's very important that you feed your immune system properly
with foods and vitamins that help make it stronger. When you do this,
your body gets the boost it needs to give you power to fight off
disease and infection. These immune boosters work by increasing the
number of white blood cells your immune system carries, helping the
white blood cells to fight better and helping the overall "battle plan" of
the immune system.
Nutrients are found within the foods you eat and these nutrients are
what help boost your immune system. Here are some of the most
important nutrients you want to add to your regular diet to help you
build a stronger immune system.
1. Vitamin C As mentioned before, Vitamin C is great for
the immune system. You can get Vitamin C from supplements
but getting it naturally from the foods you eat is a great way to
avoid supplements. There are many fruits and vegetables that
have Vitamin C. Oranges and orange juice are some of the most
common sources.
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2. Yogurt- Yogurt is actually a great way to boost your
immune system. This is because it contains some live bacteria
and while it may not sound good, some bacteria are actually
essential to a healthy body. You need to eat yogurt with
Probiotics. Look for brands that contain live cultures, such as
Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium. Experts
recommend eating cup (175 ml) of yogurt per day.
3. Zinc and Beef- Zinc is one of the best immune boosters
you can get from food and one of the best sources of zinc is
beef. If you do not eat red meat, there are other sources you
can try as well such as poultry, pork, beans and certain cereals
as well as milk. The recommended intake for adults is 20 to 40
mg per day. Be careful not to take too much zinc as it is toxic
and will not give you "more immunity".

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Zinc is very helpful in boosting your immune system. There are several
great methods of getting zinc.
Food Source of Zinc Serving Size Zinc (in milligrams)
Oysters 6 medium 76
Zinc-fortified cereals 1 ounce 0-15
Crab 3 ounces 7
Beef 3 ounces 6
Turkey, dark meat 3 ounces 3.8
Beans 1/2 cup 1.2-1.8
4. Whey Protein - Whey contains a protein-rich compound
that builds up resistance by destroying the cell membranes of
infectious bacteria. You can buy it as a powder at a natural
health store.
5. Garlic- Garlic has allicin, ajoene and thiosulfinates which
are three very powerful compounds that help the system fight
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bacteria, virus and fungal infections. Garlic can be added to
many foods you eat. Keep in mind it has a strong flavor so if you
do not like the taste of it, you will not want to use a large
amount of it in foods.
6. Carrots- You have probably heard that carrots are good
for your eyes but did you know that they are also good for
boosting your immune system? This is because of the beta
carotene that is found in them and that helps your body produce
infection fighting cells. About half a cup of carrots a day will
make a big difference in your immune system.
7. Soy- Soy has many great antioxidants in it which help in
many ways. Soy also helps boost the production of B cells which
help your body produce antibodies.

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Herbs for a Healthy Immune System

Herbs are used for many different purposes. They help to heal
many medical conditions, relieve stress and a number of other things
as well. There are several herbs that are used to help you achieve a
healthy immune system. Some common ones are listed below.
However, always remember to use herbs with caution.

Ginkgo biloba
Poke root tincture
Ginseng root
Siberian ginseng
Echinacea root

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Get Moving!

One of the best ways to boost your immune system is to get
moving! That's right; just like we mentioned in the previous section,
exercise and regular movement helps keep your blood circulating and
your immune system working well.
We are not talking about hardcore exercise, crazy power-lifting
or similar fitness feats. Your exercise can be as simple as a daily
evening walk or a brisk morning jog. Maybe you enjoy to swim a
couple of laps in your pool or to take your bike for a stroll through the
park. There are many great ways to incorporate a little more exercise
into your daily routine.
I was very overweight at the time my tinnitus started and I managed
10 minutes a day
The more you do, the better you will feel. If you just sit around
watching TV or playing video games, your body gets weaker. The
longer your body goes without exercise the harder it becomes to force
yourself to get moving. Over a long period of time your whole body
gets weaker, including your immune system. Living a sedentary
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lifestyle makes it hard for your immune system to pump the white and
red blood cells through your body to keep you in tip-top shape.
So get up and get moving and you will slowly begin to build up
your immune system. The more exercise you provide it with the
healthier you will become. However, if you are not used to physical
activity remember to start out slow and build up. You dont want to
overexert yourself. After a while you will begin to notice a big
difference in the way you feel and the way you look. In fact, you may
start to feel so much better that you might even begin wondering what
took you so long to start.
You have to start somehow and anything is better than nothing
so to borrow from Nike JUST DO IT!

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Chapter Review
This chapter explains the importance of the immune system and
how tinnitus and the immune system affect each other. You learn ways
that you can boost your immune system which will in turn, help reduce
your tinnitus suffering.
In this chapter we learned:
What the immune system is
How does the immune system work
How blood cells work
Building a strong immune system
How does tinnitus affect the immune system
How can vitamins help
Foods to eat to boost your immunity
8 Great immune boosters
Herbs for a healthy immune system
How exercise helps you have a healthier immune system
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Section Nine: The Environment and

After going over all the things in your life that can cause and
affect your tinnitus its time to devote yourself to learning a bit more
about the ways you can change the environmental toxins in and
around your home. These simple changes can have a major impact on
the frequency and severity of your tinnitus symptoms.
Its important that you understand that you face dozens of
environmental toxins each and every day of your life. Pollution in the
air, cleaning products, building products and other toxins place our
bodies and our immune systems on a battle field at all times. While
you cannot always control all of the environmental factors, you can
learn about them and limit and control the ones that are in your power
to do so.
Some of these environmental toxins can be removed from in and
about your home, but there are some that you will have to deal with
by taking supplements. When it comes to learning and knowing about
environmental toxins youll find ways to determine and avoid these
toxins below.
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Environmental Toxins

Xenosestrogens are manmade chemicals that mimic estrogen.
These can be found in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers,
as well as in our food supplies. It can be pretty challenging to avoid
xenosestrogens but knowing where to find them is the first step to
avoiding them.
Some common sources of xenosestrogens are:
1. Plastics- Every time you hear a plastic container in the
microwave you are releasing the PCBs or xenosestrogens.
2. Growth Hormones- We eat these xenosestrogens in store
bought beef chicken turkey and pork. Sure they fatten up the
animals for food, but what sort of affect will it have on your
3. Pesticides- Again the food we eat is exposing us to
xenosestrogens. Grains, vegetables and even meat have been
found to contain pesticides.
4. Furniture- You wouldnt think that your coffee table was
causing or worsening your tinnitus symptoms but glues, paints
and varnishes contain xenosestrogens.
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5. Beauty Products- Soaps, shampoos and perfumes can also
contain xenosestrogens.
Now that you know what they are and where to find them how can you
go about eliminating them from your life.
Avoid all plastic packaging and dont eat foods that have
been heated in a plastic container.
Choose organic, vegetarian or free range options at a
natural food store to avoid hormones in meat, dairy and poultry.
Eat only organic fruits and veggies when possible. If you
cant get organic wash your fruits or veggies with vinegar and
water before you eat them.
Drink natural spring water instead of tap water.
Eat plenty of broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts to
help reduce the effect of toxins in your body.
Use protective clothing, ventilation and face masks when
you are working with house cleaning products and gardening
Natural organic personal care products. They may be a
little more expensive but its worth it to relieve the symptoms of

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When youve done all you can to avoid exposure to dangerous
environmental toxins you may be surprised at the lack of noise from
your tinnitus.

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Noise Pollution

Its nearly impossible to eliminate noise pollution, but you can
make an effort to avoid loud noises as much as possible. When you
accept that you have tinnitus youre willing to do just about anything
to make the symptoms go away.
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Ask your neighbors and your family to turn it down when at all
possible or to warn you when they are going to be making a great deal
of noise so that you can close your windows and doors and use
earplugs to keep from suffering.
Commercial and industrial areas are generally covered by regulations
of the Environmental Agency and noise ordinances. This may provide
you with a bit of relief, at least during certain times.
Earplugs and masking devices can protect you from noise outside your
Some tinnitus sufferers have found relief by moving out of the city or a
certain neighborhood.
Now you know what the possibilities are to identify, avoid and
remedy certain types of pollution and environmental toxins that can
cause your tinnitus symptoms to worsen or appear in the first place.
Its time for me to stop tossing impressive sounding topics at you and
introduce you to what you are really looking for in this book: The Total
Tinnitus Solution.
These are just some of the main environmental factors that
come into play when looking at your overall health and tinnitus. The
more you learn, the more in tune with your body you will become. This
is really the answer to all of your tinnitus woes as well as any other
health or medical conditions you might be facing. Its not always
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possible to completely cure yourself of a condition such as tinnitus but
getting informed can be a huge method of combating the symptoms
and finding relief.
I speak with people every day who say If only I had known this
sooner! I used to say the very same thing myself. Thats why Ive
made it my mission to try to help others overcome their tinnitus by
learning more about it and their own bodies.
This brings us to the Total Tinnitus Solution, which is what we
have been talking about throughout the entire book. A total-body
approach to your health and wellness, to include your tinnitus.

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Section Ten: The Total Tinnitus

You would have gathered by now that the path to a tinnitus free
life is not only possible, it is entirely attainable!
The power to treat your tinnitus lies within you and not in a
miracle cure. While there are treatments that can help, such as natural
remedies, the real power lies in your bodys own defenses and ability
to fight. This is what these remedies are designed to aid with.
You can give yourself the maximum chance of recovery and
treatment by taking part in The Total Tinnitus Solution.
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Beating tinnitus is not a simple one-step process like taking a
pill, reading a book, getting hypnotized or going for acupuncture. It
will take persistence and commitment on your part but the
rewards are most certainly worth it.
Think about what the following would mean to you if you could
no more sleeplessness nights
no more anxiety or panic attacks
improved levels of health and fitness
improved concentration and productivity
Those are just a few of benefits I can think of quickly. Put your
mind to it and Im sure you will find many, many more!
So let us take a moment to reflect on what you have learned so far
in order to succeed in your quest to conquer tinnitus.
1. You will need to determine the root cause of your tinnitus
with a fair degree of certainty.
2. Determine the frequency of your tinnitus so that the
3. Use the appropriate remedy to treat that particular tinnitus
4. Stimulate the immune system
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5. Learn to handle stressors in your life etc.
In a perfect world, that would be all you would need to
All you would need to do was to take the remedies for a couple
of months, make sure you didnt aggravate the tinnitus again and soon
you would be experiencing tinnitus at such reduced levels that it no
longer is bothersome!
Believe it or not, this is often sufficient for treating tinnitus and
many patients find relief from the symptoms of tinnitus by simply
taking a homeopathic remedy such as the T-Gone products.

Unfortunately for some, it doesnt always work out that way

Sometimes the simple solution is not effective and a tinnitus
sufferer actually needs to develop a total onslaught to get rid of this
affliction. When I suffered from tinnitus and needed the full battalion
Sometimes it takes a little longer, and we need to
work that much harder to rid ourselves of the tinnitus
and that vicious downward spiral of depression,
anxiety, insomnia and general ill health.
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of treatments to find relief that is when we began developing the Total
Tinnitus Solution.
Over the past 12 years we have dealt with over 150,000 people
suffering from tinnitus. Whilst we have had tremendous success with
many of these people using our homeopathic remedies, we have also
had many other clients who reported limited or no success using the
remedies. I dont want anyone to suffer needlessly and so it became a
challenge to me to not only help my own tinnitus situation but also
every client that I come across.
I have spent thousands of hours over the last three years talking
to my clients via email and the telephone in an effort to find the
solution when all along it has been staring me in the face.
I have polled and surveyed our subscribers to collect the
invaluable data only people with tinnitus could provide us with.
I eventually came to the realization that while most people told
me that they were eating properly and that their immune systems
were in great shape, this was not true in many of the people!
Most of them were indeed in quite a poor state of health and
eventually the penny dropped! Voila! We Have Success! Thats right I
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was able to deduce and compensate for the different effects of the
treatment on different tinnitus sufferers.
The remedies worked amazingly well when taken by clients who
I had consulted with extensively via email or by telephone. The
remedies also worked well for people that were in good shape health
wise and worked less well or even not at all in those who were not in
very good condition health-wise.
I found that those clients who went the whole hog and took
steps to improve their general health and fitness, manage and relieve
their stress levels and who learned to relax, had far greater successes
with the remedies they tried than those clients who were in a rundown
state, with high stress levels who were battling to sleep at night.
This was a major discovery and a huge breakthrough for me as I
now had the missing link if I can call it that I now knew why our
remedies were great for some and had little or no effect for others.
Winning the war against tinnitus is not a sprint it is a
marathon. But it is race you are almost certain to do very well in if
you prepare properly.
One needs to consult and interact with others who can
empathize with you, advise you and give you a lift when you are down.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
This was achieved by many people who wrote to me with their
questions, those who called me and those who took positive steps to
make lifestyle changes.
I also now knew that I had to develop some additional products
to make it simpler for our clients to relieve their stress, boost their
immune systems, get enough sleep and learn to relax using masking
techniques if I really wanted to provide relief to all of my clients.
I also needed to start a community where like-minded
individuals could communicate discreetly with each other. Also needed
was a way to communicate discreetly and directly with me by
means other than email or telephone.
It become clear that what I needed to do was establish a
community of members that may all benefit from the experiences,
thoughts and interaction with other people who also suffer with
The good news is that you have the whole secret to winning that war
outlined for you on the following pages, so pay attention now

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The Total Tinnitus Solution in a
1. You learn all about tinnitus and its causes so you
can easily determine the root cause of your tinnitus This
book, the videos on the website, our online forums and tinnitus
community and forum can and will answer all of your tinnitus
related questions.

2. Order the correct remedy to treat that tinnitus type
Whether you suffer from tinnitus due to trauma or ear damage,
stress or loud noises there is a treatment for your type of

3. Take steps to manage your stress and anger levels
the scientifically formulated, high potency Stress Relief Formula
as well as the tips and tricks in this book will help you to take
care of that.

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4. Boost your bodys immune system the Tinnitus Relief
and Immune Booster Formula can kick start this step for you and
when combined with diet and exercise as you learned earlier in
the book you will be at the top of your immunity level in no time.

5. Learn to relax and mask the tinnitus noises when
you need to concentrate or go to sleep Using our uniquely
personalized, high quality Tinnitus Masking CDs and
downloadable MP3 files dramatically increase the effectiveness
tinnitus masking because they are supplied at the same
frequency as your tinnitus.

A Uniquely Effective Tinnitus Solution
A unique, total tinnitus solution designed to get you what you
want in the shortest possible time, maximum relief from tinnitus.
The return to healthy sleeping patterns with far fewer incidents of ill
health, tiredness, and irritability and anxiety attacks is a bonus you
will really enjoy!
So let us discuss the steps you need to take to implement the
Total Tinnitus Solution.
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Implementing the Total Tinnitus
Solution (TTS)
Step 1 and 2 Establishing the cause of tinnitus and
ordering the correct remedy to relieve or treat that specific
This is easier than it seems and if you need help, please watch
the videos on the different causes of tinnitus at the website. You
must establish the root cause of your tinnitus in order to complete step
Cochlear damage is responsible for over 90% of all tinnitus
cases that we have treated since 1999 so it is fair to say that there is
at least a 90% chance that your tinnitus is cochlea damage
You can quite easily establish the root cause of your tinnitus by
watching the videos which discuss those issues at our website. I have
also listed them at the end of this chapter.
* * * For the purposes of this example we are going to assume
that your research has convinced you that you are suffering from
cochlear damage/noise induced tinnitus. * * *
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So now that you have determined the root cause of your
tinnitus, you now know which homeopathic remedy to order. The
cochlear damage/noise induced tinnitus remedy.
So far, you have satisfactorily completed steps 1 and 2 of the
Total Tinnitus Solution requirements
1. You have learned about tinnitus and its causes and have
determined the root cause of your tinnitus
2. You have ordered the correct remedy to treat that tinnitus
Step 3 - Managing Stress and Anger
The following step is to manage your anger and reduce your
stress levels as discussed earlier in Section Six. This is so important in
the overall scheme of things that I decided to have my own
formulation developed.
The T-Gone Stress Relief Formula has been scientifically
formulated to compliment our homeopathic tinnitus remedies.
It includes Ginseng, Lemon Bioflavonoids, Vitamin C, all the essential B
vitamins and many more. A complete ingredient listing is available in
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
the resources section of this book and also at the Stress Relief
Formula page at the website.
This high potency stress relief formula has had excellent success
in helping our clients to control and relieve stress and anger symptoms
and as a result the tinnitus remedies work that much faster and better.
The inclusion of Lemon Bioflavonoids and Choline in this formulation
also means that it is perfect for the treatment and relief of the
vertigo experienced by Menieres disease sufferers.
In addition to the stress relieving tips and advice you learned in
Section 6, this natural stress and anxiety is also a natural sleep aid
that will provide real and lasting benefits to you.
Getting enough sleep is simply not negotiable if you want to get
well you need that beauty sleep and now you wont need to take any
prescription drugs either.
You have now fulfilled 3 of the 5 of the Total Tinnitus Solutions
requirements - real progress
1. You need to learn as much about tinnitus and its causes
so you can easily determine the root cause of your tinnitus
2. Order the correct remedy to treat that tinnitus type
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3. Take steps to manage your stress and anger levels

Step 4 Boost Your I mmune System
This is a vitally important step, which you are well advised to
take. This will enable the homeopathic remedies to start the healing
process that much faster.
Along with relieving the stress symptoms that cause exhaustion
and all those other nasty symptoms, which dont allow the immune
system to work properly, this is a very important cog in stopping the
classic tinnitus cycle in its tracks!
In the previous chapter I dealt with the importance of diet for a
healthy and strong immune system and this is indeed of paramount

*Enter the Tinnitus Relief and Immune Booster Formula*
The fastest and most reliable way however to kick start
your immune system and to give it the boost it needs to start
functioning correctly again is by supplementing your diet with
herbs and vitamins.

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When we formulated the tinnitus and immune booster
formula, we had two things in mind. We obviously wanted to include
all the vitamin and mineral supplements needed to quickly and safely
boost the immune system but also wanted to include those vitamins
and herbal supplements that have been proven in clinical trials
to relieve tinnitus.
The complete ingredient listing for Tinnitus Relief & Immune
Booster Formula is covered in detail in this video at our website.
This high potency, yet safe and gentle formula has been received
with rave reviews.
Boosting your immune system with herbs and vitamins proven to
relieve tinnitus will also help you get those sleeping patterns back in
sync again.
You have now completed the TTS requirement No. 4 below more
1. You need to learn as much about tinnitus and its causes
so you can easily determine the root cause of your tinnitus
2. Order the correct remedy to treat that tinnitus type
3. Take steps to manage your stress and anger levels
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4. Boost your immune system
Your final step now is to implement step 5 of the total tinnitus

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Relaxation and Tinnitus Masking with
White Noise CDs and MP3s

Click Here To watch a video of how you can determine
your tinnitus frequency and download the correct tinnitus
masking audios, in minutes.
I n recent surveys, we found that many people did not have the
expected results when using tinnitus masking CDs or audios
The reason why masking doesnt always work is because
sometimes the frequency of your tinnitus overpowers the
calming masking sounds on the CD.
To overcome this phenomenon, you need to determine the
frequency of your tinnitus.
Then have that frequency added to your favorite masking
Having the frequency tone of your tinnitus added to the
calming masking sounds will mask out the sounds of your
tinnitus, allowing you to relax and hear only the calming,
soothing tinnitus masking sound of your choice.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
We have a large range of studio quality audios and CDs, which
are extremely popular and effective, to help you relax and wind down
at the end of the day.
These can all be personalized and ordered at discounted rates for
instant download or on CD in the new members section of the
And there you have it. You have now met all the requirements of
the Total Tinnitus Solution by practicing the relaxation techniques
outlined above and required in No. 5 below this is the final step in
the total tinnitus solution.
The solution that will help you to stop that classic tinnitus cycle
in its tracks and also give you the peace and quiet you seek, along
with the health and happiness you deserve.
1. You need to learn as much about tinnitus and its causes so you
can easily determine the root cause of your tinnitus
2. Order the correct remedy to treat that tinnitus type
3. Take steps to manage your stress and anger levels
4. Boost your immune system
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
5. Learn to relax and mask the tinnitus noises when you
need to concentrate or go to sleep
To recap, in this chapter we have learnt the rationale behind the
Total Tinnitus Solution and also seen exactly how it works.
In a nutshell the Total Tinnitus Solution:
1. Is a complete system to relieve and heal the causes of
your tinnitus
2. Will help you to control your stress, anxiety and anger
3. Will kick start and boost your immune system levels thus
providing the proper environment for the homeopathic remedies
to start the healing process needed to relieve your tinnitus
4. Provides you with personalized tinnitus masking
calming nature sounds and white noise CDs and MP3s
which provide a soothing and relaxing atmosphere for you to
shut out the world when in need of relaxation.
But Ive already been through this and I can tell you its a lot
easier to simply move ahead with a personalized treatment plan than
to suffer needlessly while you search for methods of relieving your
tinnitus symptoms.
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I hope that you have reached the end of this book with a
newfound understanding and knowledge about tinnitus. My goal is that
you feel more confident in your ability to beat your tinnitus and that
you understand what it is, how it affects you, what causes it and how
it can be treated. With knowledge comes power and you are ready to
take on your condition with confidence because you now know what
causes it and what to do about it.
No longer do you have to suffer or be told that its all in your
head and there is nothing you can do. You dont have to allow tinnitus
to rule your life and it is a very empowering feeling to be able to take
back that power you once felt was lost. I know because I have been
there myself!
This is why it is so important to me to be able to help others who
are going through the same thing. No one should have to suffer like
this and now you do not have to.
Many of our clients simply order the homeopathic remedies,
others again prefer the 2 Step Formula, some swear by the stress
relief formula and many use a combination of all of the above.
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When you take time to learn more about your condition, you feel
more in control of what is happening in your life. This gives you
empowerment, which you can then use to grow and become healthier.
Tinnitus can be a very debilitating condition but when you learn
that there are actual, real steps you can take to help reduce the
symptoms of your condition, you will feel thankful and happy that you
now have a choice. You do not have to sit back and be a victim
anymore. You do not have to just "learn to live with it".
You can begin a pro-active stance towards battling tinnitus that
will make a positive difference in your quality of life.
Another important thing that I hope you have learned from this
book is that it is an ongoing process full of many different steps and
factors that all fit together to create a bigger picture. There is no one
thing alone that will instantly cure your tinnitus but there are many
different things, when used in combination that can greatly reduce the
symptoms for many people. Some people, like me report no symptoms
at all after some time of following these steps.
It is also beneficial to know that following all the guidelines
described in this book not only helps you treat your tinnitus but it
makes you a healthier person all over- inside and out. This means that
you will also see an improvement and sometimes-even reversal of
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
many existing conditions. In addition, you will be healthier and
While there is no cure for tinnitus that does not mean there is no
hope for a recovery. Take it from someone who has been there and
make positive decisions for yourself that can help you get your life
back once and for all!
Be sure to visit our site for tinnitus
support, help and information.

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Resources: Tinnitus Associations

Here are some tinnitus associations that can provide you with support,
information and resources to help you with your tinnitus. Remember,
you are not alone!
American Tinnitus Association (ATA)
PO Box 5
Portland, OR 97207-0005
(800) 634-8978 Toll Free within the United States
(503) 248-9985
(503) 248-0024 Fax

British Tinnitus Association
0800 018 0527 free of charge - from within the UK only
0845 4500 321 local rate - from within the UK only
0114 250 9922 national rate within the UK
+44 (0)114 250 9922 outside the UK

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Tinnitus Association of Victoria (TAV)
Tinnitus Association of Victoria
c/- Better Hearing Advisory Center
5 High St
Vic. 3181
Tel.(03) 9510 1577

New South Wales
Australian Tinnitus Association (NSW) Ltd
PO Box 660
NSW 2025
Tel.(02) 8382 3331 Fax.(02) 8382 3333

South Australia
SA Tinnitus Association
51 Angas Street,
Adelaide 5000
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Tel.1300 789 988

Western Australia
Tinnitus Association (WA) Inc.
29 West Parade
WA. 6000
Tel.(09) 349 3436

Tinnitus Association of Canada
23 Ellis Park Road, Toronto, ON M6S 2V4
Co-ordinator: Elizabeth Fayrs 416-762-1490

New Zealand Tinnitus Association
PO Box 334 007
Sunnynook Post Shop
Auckland 1330

Support Groups

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Here are some links to tinnitus online support groups and
organizations that you may find helpful:
Birmingham and District Tinnitus Group:
Vestibular Disorders Support Groups:
You can search in your local telephone book, clinics and doctors'
offices to find more information about support groups in your area.
Sometimes simply knowing that there is someone else out there going
through the same thing can make all the difference in your recovery
Online Resources
Here are some more tinnitus online resources for you to consider:
Medline Plus: Tinnitus:
AAO-HNS: American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
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220 Tinnitus treatment and causes:
American Tinnitus Association:
NIDCD: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA):
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
This section talked about the importance of support groups and
resources to help you cope with your tinnitus. While most tinnitus
sufferers once believed they were alone in their pain, many are now
coming forward to talk about their tinnitus, possible treatments and
ways to help one another get it under control. More doctors and
medical personnel are also starting to take a more proactive approach
to helping people cope with their tinnitus.

Visiting resource links and reading books to learn as much as
you can about tinnitus is a great step toward recovering from your
tinnitus for good.
I trust this tinnitus publication has been of some help.
Ellen Currie
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Tinnitus Case Studies

Case Study 1: Accident Led to
Tracy began experiencing tinnitus symptoms after an automobile
accident. Initially she figured that the ringing sounds would fade on
their own then she became more concerned when the noises began
disrupting her sleep, and keeping her distracted and in pain all day.
When she spoke with her doctor he told her that the noise was
common after an accident and concussion. He advised her to simply
take a pain reliever and a sleep aid in order to learn to live with it.
After several weeks with no lessening of the symptoms, Tracy began
researching the symptoms she was experiencing online and was led to
try several natural remedies for tinnitus including changing her diet
and working to relieve stress in her life.
These days Tracy still occasionally experiences the ringing and noise
but the changes she has made have allowed her to understand more
about her condition, what triggers it and what will help relieve it.

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Case Study 2: Sound-induced Tinnitus
Tom has always loved rock n roll music; the louder the better.
Recently he began to hear a loud buzzing that no one else seemed to
be able to hear. He had experienced this sound before, usually for a
few hours after a particularly loud concert, but now it wasnt going
away. He could hear the buzz day and night. He became anxious and
exhausted from lack of sleep and the feeling that he may be going
Tom spoke with a musician friend of his who was appalled to find out
that Tom never wore earplugs when he went to concerts and stood
near the walls of speakers. He told Tom that what he was experiencing
was probably tinnitus and that as far as he knew there was no cure.
Toms doctor told him the same thing. Frustrated, he did his own
research and discovered that there were homeopathic remedies that
didnt make the sound go away overnight, but over time did decrease
the occurrences. Today Tom rarely hears the annoying sound as he
practices the natural remedies he discovered. He has also learned to
protect his ears from future damage by avoiding exposure to loud

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Case Study 3: Job-Induced Tinnitus
As a lifelong construction worker, Jeff was accustomed to feeling as if
he were half deaf most of the time. The loud machinery over the years
had given him what sounded like a filter that muffled the sounds that
he heard when people spoke to him. Those who knew him knew they
had to speak up.
Jeff was surprised to suddenly begin hearing a high pitched ringing
sound loud and clear. It wasnt the telephone or a bell and no one else
could hear it. Jeff went to his doctor who told him that he was
experiencing symptoms of tinnitus due to the many years of loud
According to the doctor, the damage was permanent and wouldnt get
any better. All Jeff could do was try prescription sleep aids and
antidepressants. Jeff was upset; he didnt think he was depressed and
couldnt see why he should take prescription drugs for a condition he
didnt have. He did some more checking and researching of the
condition and found that non-conventional medical practitioners such
as homeopathic healers may be able to help him.
Now Jeff still seems to have a filter and people have to speak up when
they talk to him, but through the natural treatments Jeff has virtually
eliminated that annoying high pitched ringing.
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Case Study 4: Aging and Menopause
As Susie approached menopause, she began to feel very anxious and
stressed over her age and even fell into depression. As if that werent
bad enough she also started hearing things. She chalked it up to crazy
hormones and did her best to ignore the sounds of rushing water and
clanging bells.
Because of the depression, she was already on hormone replacement
therapy and antidepressants, she didnt want to go to the doctor and
tell him she thought she was going crazy so she tried to ignore the
noises. Before long the noises became her constant companion she
was getting almost no sleep and feeling very stressed despite her
antidepressant prescription.
She read in a magazine that many people who have high stress lives
and depression can experience the same noises and that it is called
tinnitus. Susie called her doctor and discussed it with him, he directed
her to look for natural remedies because there was nothing that
conventional medicine could do to relieve the symptoms.
Susie found a homeopathic practitioner who helped her change her
diet and discover the triggers for the tinnitus symptoms so that she
can prevent the occurrences by monitoring her stress levels and diet.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Today Susie considers herself cured not only of the tinnitus, but of
depression and anxiety as well.
Case Study 5: Stress and Fatigue A
Vicious Cycle
James was a busy financial analyst with a very high pressure position.
He worked long hours and even took work home with him. The stress
and anxiety began to wear on James and he became irritable and
started experiencing insomnia. One night when he couldnt sleep he
heard a noise. It was a low buzzing sound that was driving him crazy,
he couldnt locate the source of the noise.
It wasnt coming from an insect flying around in the room; it wasnt
the clock radio or any other electronic buzzing. James couldnt put his
finger on it and he couldnt trace the source of the sound to any
specific area, it seemed to move with him. The buzzing continued
throughout the night and the next day.
James was so worried about hearing this noise when no one else could
that he went to the doctor. His doctor ran tests, talked to him about
stress and anxiety and then informed him that the sound was tinnitus.
Lucky for James his doctor was aware of the unconventional
treatments that many tinnitus sufferers have had success with.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
By changing his diet, increasing his intake of certain vitamins and
using herbal supplements James was able to cure his tinnitus to the
point that he rarely experiences that terrible buzzing, and when it does
happen he knows how to alleviate the source and make it stop.
Case Study 5: Stress and Fatigue A
Vicious Cycle
James was a busy financial analyst with a very high pressure position.
He worked long hours and even took work home with him. The stress
and anxiety began to wear on James and he became irritable and
started experiencing insomnia. One night when he couldnt sleep he
heard a noise. It was a low buzzing sound that was driving him crazy,
he couldnt locate the source of the noise.
It wasnt coming from an insect flying around in the room; it wasnt
the clock radio or any other electronic buzzing. James couldnt put his
finger on it and he couldnt trace the source of the sound to any
specific area, it seemed to move with him. The buzzing continued
throughout the night and the next day.
James was so worried about hearing this noise when no one else could
that he went to the doctor. His doctor ran tests, talked to him about
stress and anxiety and then informed him that the sound was tinnitus.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Lucky for James his doctor was aware of the unconventional
treatments that many tinnitus sufferers have had success with.
By changing his diet, increasing his intake of certain vitamins and
using herbal supplements James was able to cure his tinnitus to the
point that he rarely experiences that terrible buzzing, and when it does
happen he knows how to alleviate the source and make it stop.
Case Study 6: Rolling Stones

Martin experienced tinnitus symptoms first right after attending a
Rolling Stones concert more than 35 years ago. Martin had accepted
his tinnitus as incurable, as the specialists had previously told him. He
was then pleasantly shocked to find it eliminated as quickly as it was.
He says that he will always keep a bottle of Type 4 Tinnitus Remedy
for Noise Induced Cochlea Damage Tinnitus near him.
After 35 years with the condition, he has finally found relief.

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com

Case Study 7: Relief from Long Time
Lynn was told she would have to live with her tinnitus, or have
surgery. She started a T-Gone remedy for her sinus tinnitus and has
seen marked improvement and no longer has to consider surgery as
an option. She uses the product prior to flying and it helps with the
stuffed-up ear blockage she experience and the ringing that she would
feel afterwards.
Case Study 8: Tinnitus after Flu
Janet experienced tinnitus after a bad dose of the flu with added
complications of sinusitis. She had a continuous clicking/popping sound
in her right ear. She found the T-Gone Remedies online and while
skeptical at first, decided to try a homeopathic cure when conventional
medicine did not provide relief she needed. After a few weeks on the
homeopathic treatment, the noise in her ears was gone!

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Case Study 9: Tinnitus from Menieres
Alicia had tinnitus from Menieres Disease, and after being told by her
doctor that she was going deaf, she looked for another solution online
which is where she found T-Gone. Since then she began taking a T4
remedy and claims it has saved her life. She thought she was going
crazy and that it would never get better but now she has found relief
and a way to relax.

Case Study 10: Tinnitus Cause
Sometimes the cause of tinnitus is difficult to pin down, such as was
the case with Ian. He and his doctor were unable to determine the
cause of the tinnitus he had suffered from for more than a year. After
spending a lot of money seeking help from a variety of doctors, he
finally found a remedy from T-Gone. He found complete results from
the remedies and hardly notices ringing in his ears at all anymore.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Case Study 11:
My tinnitis started several days after I began taking elavil which was
prescribed by my gastro-interologist to reduce stomach spasming.
Even though I've been off that medication for five months, which is 5
times longer than I was taking it, the tinnitus persists. I've been taking
T-Gone Noise and Stress for three months and also an anti-depressent
because I wasn't sleeping more than two hours a night. The ringing in
my ears was causing extreme anxiety. I am now sleeping a good 8
hours each night and although I hear the noise, I'm not so bothered
these days and, in fact, often don't notice it like I once did. I wish
everyone who runs into this condition peace. Be positive. Don't give
tinnitus power, it can be annoying but it wont stop you from
living...not if you don't let it. All the best.
Lynne West

Case Study 12:
I started expeiencing tinnitus gradually over the past seversl years. It
would very briefly and go soon after. In November of 2009 I went to a
benefit concert in a small hall where the music was extrememly loud.
By the time I left there, my ears were continous ringing and didn't
stop. Shortly after, I went to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. He
gave me the sad news that there was "no cure" for it and I had to live
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
with the constant ringing in my ears. That news almost put me into a
depression. I thought I would go out of my mind if I had to live with
this high pitch noise forever. It already was interfering with my quality
of life. A short time later, I heard a radio commercial from another
tinnitus remedy company. I called and spoke to a pushy sales person
who couldn't really answer all my questions, but tried to put the hard
sell on me to buy the product. I kindly refused, but, that call
encouraged me to go online and start searching for another remedy.
Eventually, I came across the T-Gone website. The website provided a
wealth of information. I was so impressed and hopeful that I contacted
the company to ask questions and purchase the product. Ellen Currie
returned my call. She was like a breath of fresh air compared to my
first experience with the pushy salesperson from the other company.
She was warm, friendly, and very genuine. She shared a little of her
own experience, answered all my questions, and assured me that I
would experience significant relief with the T-Gone product. I had a
very good gut feeling about her and the product at this point so I
ordered what she recommended for me. I took the products for
approximately 9 months. During that time, the tinnitus went from
severe to moderate to barely noticeable. I haven't taken it now for a
couple months. I have only experienced an occasional and barely
noticeable brief ringing once or twice since then. I feel totally normal
once again. I "highly" recommend this product to anyone experiencing
tinnitus. It really does work!!! Thank you Ellen and blessings to you for
the angel that you are. With sincere gratitude and love!!!
Sandra Arditi

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Case Study 13:
Just wanted to say that the onset of my tinnitus was extremely
sudden. July 2010, I was just sitting quietly doing crossword puzzles in
a very quiet environment when all of a sudden it felt as if my right ear
was being stuffed with cotton, a plugged up sensation, while at the
same time there was a loud high pitched ringing in the ear. This
happened in probably 15 seconds. It sure got my immediate attention
as it was happening. Figured it would go away eventually but after 2
weeks, it was still there - like a high pitched electronic sound. Very
very annoying. Ended up going to a ear, nose, throat specialist. He
determined I do have some hearing loss within a narrow high
frequency range. Because of the extreme sudden onset, he suggested
an MRI just in case there might be a tumor. Came back negative,
thank goodness. Initially, early on, there were a couple of nights that I
could not sleep due to the noise in the ear - I had just always been
used to quiet - and I'd read until, say, 4 am or until I couldn't keep my
eyes open any longer. What almost bothered me more than the high
pitched sound was the plugged up sensation in the ear - kind of like
what you get when a plane has descends rapidly or water in the ear. I
kept expecting my ear to "pop" clear but it never happened. The
ringing (every once in a while I'll hear little "clicks or snaps" in my ear
too) also is less noticable, but still is constantly there, mainly because
I'm very busy and usually have my attention focused elsewhere, but if
I'm not focused, it's definitely still going strong. I'm am a flutist (and
sometime play piccolo - which has a very piercing decibal level -I do
wear ear filters when I practice the piccolo alone, but not always when
I rehearse with the group) and have played in bands, orchestras and
other musical ensembles most of my life and think all that sound over
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
decades finally did the damage, although one would think the onset
would be after a rehearsal or perfomance, not while sitting in a quiet
environment. I'm still exposed to loud music as I am still actively
performing. I have learned to pretty much ignore the ringing most of
the time so it doesn't bother me too much at this point and it's just
something I'll probably have to live with.
Victoria Deken

Case Study 14:
I can't say for certain when my tinnitus started. I believe about 10
years ago. After reading T-Gone's info, I came to understand the
causes behind my tinnitus. I have to say I was destine to develop
tinnitus. As a young child my mother would make noises in my ear as
a loving act. Then in my teen years my ears would plug up with excess
wax. My doctor would push water into my ears to clean them out - the
water was such pressure that it felt as if the water was coming out on
my eyes. I had this done about 6 times. I was in a bad car accident
and suffered head injury. A couple of years later, I contracted Lyme. I
was in late stage Lyme when treated. I believe all of these things built
up - resulting in tinnitus. About 3 years ago, my tinnitus became so
unbearable. That's when I found T-Gone. T-Gone's type #4 truly
helped me. I took them for two years. My tinnitus is now less then half
the noise and somedays I don't even notice the tinnitus noise. Thank
you Ellen for founding T-Gone and thank you for all that you do to help
people who suffer with tinnitus.
Linda Hatfield
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com

Case Study 15:
My Tinnitus condition started after Sinus Surgery. It got pretty bad.
Stopped drinking coffee and soft drinks. Stayed with T-Gone for 2
years, and I have experienced major improvement which I attribute to
the remedies. My rational for staying with T-Gone and not giving up
was that each individual is different and it will take some longer than
others - I will take T-Gone the rest of my life. Note: My ENT doctor
told me that Tinnitus was incurable, "so go and live with it". Being an
idiot, he didn't mention that it is treatable. Can those idiot doctors cure
cancer - NO!! But caught early cancer is treatable. Like everything in
life, persistence will still win the day.
Greg Hovaten
Case Study 16:
I had scarlet fever when I was 6 yrs. old; and I am 78 now.In all those
ears, it wasn't as prevenlant as it is now, but at times, I feel as if my
head would vertually explode! Such pressure in my whole head.Now, it
varies; there are times when it is low-key, and that is so wonderful.
My right ear drained and drained and drained doe several weeks; The
Dr. saidmy tonsils should be removed at that time, but the draining
stopped so the tonsils weren't removed until I was 14 yr. of age. From
then on, as I remember I probably got used to the noise, as the noise
was probably minimal as to what it is today.I do take medications my
Dr. prescribed; They are;Levothyroxin, 75mg for my thyroid;and I
take Liptor10 mg for chlorestrol; Also Lisinopril 20mg for blood
pressure. I am a person all my life who hates taking ANY kind of
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
medicine, and never did before 7 yrs. agoexcept for an occassional
aspirin! Oh yes, I also take aspirin, 81mg. Guess that is my story;
probably forgot a detail or two, but it kind of the gist of it. Thank you
Ellen, for inviting me to paeticipate in your book writing! You and John
are to be commended for all the work, research, and blood, swear and
tears helping people; I certainly thank you!!!!!
Ethel Freeman
Case Study 17:
I started out getting ringing in my ears when a migraine was about to
hit me usually within 12 to 24 hours. That was the only time I noticed
the ringing. As I aged, it became more intense. It started out only in
my left ear but now, I have it in both ears. I have had ringing in my
ears sound so loud to me that it has woken me up in the middle of the
night. I have gone to ENT's that have cleaned my ears and tested
them and I don't show any signs of real hearing loss however, the
ringing does make it difficult to hear people talking to me especially on
the phone. I've tried masking tapes and that doesn't work for me I can
still hear the ringing. The only thing that does mask it is heavy metal
music and hard rock. Not that that is a problem for me because I
happen to like those particular genres of music any way but the heavy
drums and guitars mask it well. Within the last few years, my right ear
has begun ringing as well but not with the intensity of the left ear. I've
learned to deal with it over the years I suppose. Its amazing how the
body copes with things like this on its own.
Sue Schmitt

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Case Study 18:
I think my tinnitus started when I was in my early twenties as I spent
a lot of time going to night clubs and standing right next to the very
loud speakers. I used to get home in the early hours and lie in bed
with a very loud ringing noise, as well as my head spinning. Little did I
know this was the start of my tinnitus. Recently I have been suffering
with stress and anxiety and this has resulted in my ringing in my ears
getting worse. I have been to the doctors and she prescribed
antidepressents which just made me worse. At the start of 2010 I
started attending mindful meditation classes to help me relax and cope
with my stress and anxiety. This has helped me considerably as I am
now meditating every day and I have never felt more happier and
contented with my self. Unfortunately, my tinnitus still seems to be
getting worse and no amount of relaxing meditation helps. When I sit
down to meditate or lie down to sleep in quiet room it sometimes feel
that my head is going to exlode due to the constant ringing and
buzzing. It has now reached the stage where I can even here the
buzzing over external, background noise. As I said, I have been to the
doctors to help me relax and sleep, and even mentioned my tinnitus,
but she just said that it would go if I take the tablets and relax. I think
she is wrong, the tablets have made me workse. I have stopped taking
these drugs as I want to sort this out a more natural way, hence my
meditation. I think the tinnitus does ease after about 10 minutes of
meditation, but it is still annoying and interfering with my day to day
life, also it is disrupting my sleep. I am going to crack this, control if
not cure my tinnitus, become a better person and I will start sleeping
better. Just got to think and be positive about it.
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Stephen Katchi
Case Study 19:
Ellen, Hello my name is Anthony Caiati Jr. I recently purchased the
Type 4 noise regular and the Type 7 Stress/Anxiety pills. Within the
last 3 years i've been experiencing louder ringing in my ears more
than ever. I'd like to share my history with you regarding my ears so
you have a better idea of my Tinnitus. I'll be 34 years old this August
4th since I can remember I've always had a certain level of ringing in
my ears, I remember going to bed at night when I was a young boy
hearing this ringing.... I never really knew what it was. At 17 months
old I was diagnosed with Otitis Media. At age 3 or 4 I had tubes put in
my ears at age 7 I had my adenoids and tonsils taken out I've had
tubs in my ears a total of 4 times before I turned 12 I have scare
tissue in my left ear I was on Ritalin when I was younger somewhere
around 7-12 years of age, but for only a year or two I can only hear
lower sounds in my left ear I cannot hear high pitched sounds my
most recent hearing test was 4 months ago i've definitely lost some
hearing in my left ear Growing up I had a passion for music, I started
playing the drums when I was 14 years old, I played on and off until I
was 19. I joined the U.S. Marines when I was 19, during my physical I
couldn't pass the hearing test and had to join with a hearing waver.
While growing up and in the Marines I've shot a lot of rifles and pistols
with and without hearing protection, after shooting without hearing
protection I would hear a ringing in my ear like I hear now. After
getting out of the Marines at age 23 I continued to play the drums on
and off, 5 years ago(at age 29) I joined a band and am still currently
in the band. I noticed that my ears started to ring on and off from time
to time. I guessing it was from all the loud noise of the drums,
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
symbols and guitar amps. I've also have noticed that when I am
stressed out that my ears ring as well... I'm pretty sure that I've
always had a certain level of anxiety, my mother has it as well. Lately
I can't figure out if the ringing in my ears is making anxious/depressed
or my anxiety/depression is making my ears ring... For the last year
i've been wearing ear protection when I play the drums with or without
the band, about 10 months ago I used to listen to my MP3 player
pretty much all day during working hours at low and medium levels,
sometimes high levels. Currently I am wearing ear plugs pretty much
24-7 especially in my left ear, for some reason I feel that it helps me.
Granted I can hear the ringing a little more when I have my ear plug
in but for some reason it isn't that annoying as with I don't have an
ear plug in.. weird.. I think it might have something to do with the
pressure or the air or maybe back round noise?? not really sure just a
guess. My Job sometimes consist of loud noises so I wear an ear plug
in my left ear constantly, most of the time I wear the same type in my
right ear. Last November I purchased Quietus... I heard the
advertisement on the radio and seen it on TV so I tried it. I got the
dissolvable pills along with ear drops and another pill. I can honestly
say that the absolute first night I tried Quietus that in the first 20
minutes my ringing definitely got a lot quieter. However it wasn't gone
and it's pretty expensive to keep buying so I thought i'd try something
else. Also I think my body may have gotten used to the pills? not sure?
my food intake changed during that time and I went from eating fruits
and veggies to junk.. I think I may have ADD or ADHD sometimes I
think that has something to do with my ringing?? not sure. Last
October, November, December and this January I've had a panic
attack. Seemed like once a month I'd get a panic attack... Early this
January my Fiance and I found out that we are going to have a baby,
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
she's due this August. Knowing that stress get's the best of me I
decided to go to my doctor and tell him what I've been going through.
He said there's no cure for Tinnitus. I know that I've been reading
about Tinnitus for a while now. So I told him about my panic attacks
and he suggested that I take 50 milligrams of Zoloft. He said take it
for 3 weeks and we'll see how it goes then we'll probably bump you up
to 100 milligrams.I started taking the Zoloft March 30th, I've been
taking it for almost 10 days now. After the 3rd day I noticed that the
ringing in my ear has gotten louder, I haven't played the drums with
or without the band for about 3 weeks now. I've read that
antidepressants can make your Tinnitus worse... So I decided to
purchase the T-Gone, I have here, but haven't started taking it yet. I
faxed my doctor the Active and Inactive Ingredients to make sure I
can take the T-Gone with the Zoloft. The antidepressant that I'm
taking is actually called SERTRALINE I take it at night before I go to
bed. I just wanted to share my experience with you thinking that
maybe I can get some knowledge from you to help me through my
struggles. *Update* I have been using the type 4 noise from T-Gone
for about 30 days now. I can honestly say that thing ringing in my left
ear has gotten quieter. I take the type 4 in the morning and in the
evening. I also take evening primrose oil 500 MG three times a day.
When I get up in the morning I take two big tablespoons of pure honey
and before I swallow it I drink a mix of 2 tablespoons of apple cider
vinegar with a sprinkle of red cayenne pepper in a half a cup of bottled
water. I swallow the water mixture and the honey at the same time to
lessen the vinegar taste. Thank you for your time Anthony
Anthony Caiati JR

T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
Special Bonus: Tinnitus Survey

We get a lot of people with
tinnitus and families of tinnitus
sufferers on our website and
because of it, we have a greater
insight into the types of people
with tinnitus, how long they
have suffered from it and more.

Our survey, The Most Significant Tinnitus Survey Ever, tells a great
deal about tinnitus. Here are some things we have learned from the

The most common age range of tinnitus sufferers was 50-
There were more males who answered than females
More people had known about their tinnitus for more than
5 years
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
The next highest percentage had known about their
tinnitus for roughly a year (were new sufferers)
More people discovered their tinnitus gradually over one
The most common cause was due to stress
Long duration noise was the next most common known
Drugs and medications were next for known causes
Fourth was ear inflammation/infection
74.2% reported that they now hear the tinnitus more often
than at first
Since it first started, few people noticed a change in
18.9% reported that tinnitus was first on one side and now
on both
44.7% reported that their tinnitus is louder now than when
it first started
66.7% reported constant tinnitus
T-Gone Personalized Tinnitus Solutions www.TGoneTinnitus.Com
31.6% experienced it in their left ear (more common than
any other spot)
52.7% experience one predominant sound in their tinnitus
The most commonly described sound was ringing
72.4% of the people who answered believe that the
loudness of their tinnitus goes up and down
69.2% of respondents claim tinnitus masking did not help
The results from this significant tinnitus survey give us a lot of
information about tinnitus as well as about the people who suffer from
it and the people who visit our site. This helps us understand the
condition better, how it affects different people in different ways and
what types of things we can do to treat it.

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