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This chapter contains the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations of this study.


The researchers come up with the study safety and health

practices of the employees/workers of Mindanao Container Terminal of Philippine

Veterans Investment Development Cooperation. The researchers wanted to

know and inquire the safety and practices of the employees concerning the

biological and socio-cultural factors, environment factors and health and medical

history. The statistical treatment used for these problems are frequency and

percentage and the mean method. The researchers made use of Slovin’s formula

with a margin of 0.9 or 90% and obtain in number of respondents of 60.


The researchers come up with the following findings:

1. This simply indicates that majority or forty percent (40%) of the

respondents employed are in the stage of middle adulthood. Hence the

company’s predilections of employees are the more experienced

individuals but not that old enough not to perform certain task which are

formidable for elderly people. Moreover, within this age bracket (30-39)

according to a recent research ( “At age

39 our brain is at its peak speed wherefore age after that brain goes

downhill intellectually.” Thus, the Mindanao Container Terminal’s

preference for their employees was mostly individuals whose intellectual

and physical capacity is still at its peak of functioning.

2. This simply entail that majority of the respondents are males which

comprises sixty two percent (62%) of the total respondents. This indicates

that males are the preferable workers of Mindanao Container Terminal in

term of sex; wherefore the usual nature of work of the company demands

a lot of physical strength and ability that females cannot provide.

Moreover, females were also needed especially in offices and in the

administration department.

3. This means that to analyze it all; people from Camiguin, Cagayan de Oro,

Higa-onons, Bukidnon, and Tagoloan comprise of forty-three (43)

respondents or seventy one point sixty-six percent (71.66%) of the said

respondents, wherein it certainly shows that people from the locality of the

region 10 dominate the number of employees of Mindanao Container

Terminal. Therefore, the local people of region 10 are held to be globally

competitive in terms of port management and skills.

4. This means that majority or sixty eight point thirty three (68.33%) of the

respondents claimed that their religious affiliation is in Roman Catholicism

which obviously; most of the employees were living within the range or

region 10, which is apparently a predominant Christian area. Moreover,


according to Chapter 4, Table 3, the majority ethnicity background among

the MCT workers is kagayanons wherein it also corresponds to what the

chapter 2 had stated that, majority of the people living in Cagayan de Oro

City are Roman Catholics. Other religions include; Christians of various

sect, Muslims, Buddhist and others.

5. This means that majority of the employees or sixty one point sixty seven

percent (61.67%) said they do participate in the company’s activity. Thus,

there is an effective management of the company towards their workers

with proper dissemination of information and activity implementation was

reflected by the workers participation with regarding to these activities.

And moreover, the company was effective in upholding these activities

and was thriving enough to stimulate interest among employees of MCT.

6. This means that majority of the workers of Mindanao Container Terminal

were enjoying the privileges offered by the company for their welfare and

benefit. Therefore, the company assumed a token economy system;

wherein the reinforcement they gave towards the employees was by

tendering useful satisfactory privileges with the suitable services these

workers do provide.

7. This means that in this category; there are two majorities or two got a forty

eight point thirty three percentage result (48.33%) in terms of the

company’s working facilities. Another said that the company does have

excellent working facilities while the other forty eight point thirty three

percent (48.33%) answered that the working facilities are in good


condition. Thus, there is a very big possibility that the employees were

well provided with working facilities that offers a big help in the work place

that makes strenuous work more handy and feasible.

8. This means that majority or sixty three point thirty three percent (63.33%)

of the respondents said that the company does have good safety precautions

towards accident hazards. Hence, this ensures that the respondents are well

provided with the good chance of avoiding any accidental hazards in their

working fields even though in a company like MCT; accidental hazards are

inevitable. However the company is floundering hard to assure the worker’s

safety and welfare by scrupulously implementing safety precautions.

Moreover, because Mindanao Container Terminal is an industrial business

therefore “Because of the kinds of jobs they do, industrial plant workers often

put themselves and their health at risk.” according to and due

to that, Mindanao Container Terminal should pay much attention towards

safety of their workers/employees.

9. This means that majority or twenty eight point thirty three (28.33%) of the

respondents said that the company does have very good sources of food.

Thus, the respondents are able to nourish themselves with safe foods that

the food court of the company does provide. And with this finding; this

ensures the safety and health of the employees in terms of their nutrition.

10. This means that majority or fifty percent (50%) of the respondents said

that the company does have a good water supply. Thus the employees

are assured of their safety and health with the company’s supply of water.

Moreover, these employees do have a good chance not to be

contaminated by any waterborne disease that came from the company’s

water supply. And also according to a statement in chapter 2 about the

profile of Cagayan de Oro, the water services is provided by the Cagayan

de Oro Water District (COWD), wherein it was the first water district to be

established in the entire country ( which was

proven safe; wherefore as the first one to be established, they ought to be

experts in supplying water to consumers.

11. This means that majority or sixty eight point thirty three percent (68.33%)

of the respondents said that the company’s toilet facility is in a good and

sanitary condition. Obviously, everyone was satisfied with the company’s

toilet facilities, where the company really had sought after the welfare of

their workers even to the smallest details including the toilet facilities. This

also means that they do prevent proliferation of etiologic agents of any

disease by inhibiting common breading areas of microorganisms through

maintaining proper toilet sanitation. Moreover, according to the, “the bathroom and toilet are communal

areas of the home thus is the main culprit for the spread of infection from

one family member to another if basic hygiene standards are not


observed wherefore the toilet is a common habitat for pathogens and

microorganisms causing infection.

12. This means that Majority or forty three percent (43%) of the respondents

said that there are the company’s refuse and garbage disposal is thrown

in a good way. Hence, the company is knowledgeable enough that

promoting proper waste disposal and cleanliness of the environment

contributes to the safety and health of their employees which is concurrent

to what the OLOF determinants of health had stated; that a person’s

health is determined by his circumstances and his environment

13. .This means that Majority or forty three percent (43%) of the respondents

said that there are the company’s refuse and garbage disposal is thrown

in a good way. Hence, the company is knowledgeable enough that

promoting proper waste disposal and cleanliness of the environment

contributes to the safety and health of their employees.

14. This means that Majority or forty six point sixty seven percent (46.67%) of

the respondents said that they do have a good drainage system in the

company. Therefore, the company is environmental friendly which also

means that they prevent flood especially during rainy season. This also

means that the company was fulfilling there vision which is to a

progressive industrial community that is socially, economically &

environmentally sound contributing to the growth and development of the


15. This means that Majority or sixty eight point thirty three percent (68.33%)

of the respondents said that the social and health facilities were in good

condition. With this, we say that majority of them knows that there were

presence of social and health facilities (like presence of basketball court

for recreational activities) and a majority of them also joined the

intramurals for enjoyment and also to enhance their wellness and can be

considered as a flexibility exercise for proper blood circulation and muscle


16. This means that majority or sixty percent (60.00%) of the respondents said

that the company has a good implementation of social and health

programs in Mindanao Container Terminal. The table itself simply

indicates that the Mindanao container Terminal are implementing good

social and health programs and so perhaps a lot of workers do participate

and take part in social and health programs of the company wherefore

they were also informed enough of the rationales of these applied

programs for their health and safety.

17. This means that majority or fifty percent (50.00%) of the respondents said

that there is a good execution of rules and policies of the company

pertaining to the workers’ Health and Safety. “Because of the kind of jobs

they do, industrial plant workers often put themselves and their health at

risk” According to

Noxious chemicals and other hazardous materials, such as asbestos, are

often present in industrial plants; therefore company’s health and safety rules

and policies needs to focus on how the workers environment can be designed

to forestall further harm and injuries.

18. This means that majority or sixty percent (60%) of the respondents said

that the company does have good means of transportation facilities. Thus,

there is a feasible network and linkage between employees and necessary

locations in referring emergencies and accidents, therefore adding a

contribution to health and safety to transport and refer emergency cases

to the proper locations safely and without a waste of time.

19. This means that majority of the respondents of the Mindanao Container

Terminal are healthy and conscious about their health. And also we can

say that Mindanao Container Terminal mostly employs workers who were

physically, emotionally and mentally fit uncompromising the possibilities of

emergencies and the insufficiency of work these health problems will

cause to the unhealthy workers/employees.

20. This means that majority of the respondents which is thirty five (35) or

comprises fifty eight point thirty three percent (58.33) have a genetically

predisposing illness within their family and are prone to develop that

disease/illness in the future, which can be a factor that may hinder them to

work effectively and which may predispose them in increased risk for

accidents especially during times of work.


21. This means that majority of them or forty two point nine percent (42.9%) of

them have a hypertensive tendency from their family history. Therefore,

they must take primary precautions and lifestyle modifications in

forestalling this hypertensive propensity. Medical check-ups and

monitoring of blood pressure at least twice a weak must be implemented,

for them to know if they are already hypertensive because according to

the JNC 7 or Joint National Committee states that in order to be diagnose

as hypertensive one must have 3 consistent abnormal readings within two

weeks of monitoring.

22. This means that the majority of the respondents which comprises of fifty

five percent (55%) or ninety one point seven percent (91.7%) knows the

essential and vital role of their health in their work productivity. Thus, when

they value their health very much, there’s a great possibility that MCT is

having healthy individuals employed in their company; individuals who are

health conscious enough and are not oblivious to health hazards and

dangers. Moreover, we also find out that many of the said respondents

goes to the clinic to have a regular medical check-up and to monitor their

wellness/disease with regards to their health condition.

23. This means that majority of the respondents or forty five percent (45%) of

them have complaints in terms of their health condition wherein the

company should pay attention more wherefore; many employees suffered

or acquired illness or disease from their nature or field of work. Hence,

even though no matter how much the company forestall any discrepancies

of the workers health; still these health problems are inevitable with the

nature of work, itself.

24. This means that majority or seventy five percent (75%) of the respondents

who said that they have complaints regarding their health condition; most

of them experienced low back pain; especially that most of the

respondents are usually involved in strenuous activities which further

leads to a conclusion that most of them are at risk for osteoarthritis and

skeletomuscular impairment. Wherefore of these risks, the company

should take some necessary actions alleviating this common complaints

especially that; according to the (the Workers Health & Safety Centre of

2004), “Musculoskeletal disorders remain the most common classification

of injury suffered by workers accounting for more than 40 percent of

claims, it was noticed by the Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance



The researchers conclude that Mindanao Container Terminal of

Philippine Veterans Investments Development Corporation do provides safety for

their employees/workers for they give privileges like insurances and benefits for

their workers. They do have good working facilities. Therefore the workers are

well provided with working facilities that offers a big help in the work place that

makes strenuous work more handy and feasible. The company workers also do

participate in the company’s activities and they do avail of the company’s

privileges. They also have safe source of food, water supply, proper drainage

and garbage disposal system which therefore contributes to the health of these

workers. With this all the employees of Mindanao Container Terminal can assure

that they are safe and secure while they are working.

Mindanao Container Terminal also gave importance to health of every

worker in a sense that they have health care services to cater the needs of the

workers with regards to their health.

To sum up, Mindanao Container Terminal of Philippine Veterans

Investments Development Corporation can be the tool for a progressive industrial

community that is socially, economically and environmentally sound contributing

to the growth and development of the country. Moreover, developing a company

totally dependent of its work force they prove themselves responsible and worthy

of being called a “world class facility” capable of uplifting the social and economic

as well as health status of our Nation.



1. To safeguard the lives of the employees; the researchers would like to

assert and encourage to improve the company’s safety and health

precautions more, that they must evaluate and assess more the risks

and accident prone areas, to consequently eliminate injuries and

hazards. And furthermore, they must be able to scrutinize health

threats and peril.

2. When it comes to the food sources of the workers; even though most

of the respondents answered excellent, we still advise the company’s

canteen to maintain their excellent job in preparing satisfactory and

safe cooking that will profit the health of the workers. We advise them

to always uphold a well balanced food rather than fatty ones;

especially that most of the workers have a hypertensive propensity and

should also be particular on the proper hygiene of the cooking and

eating utensils and to ensure that their employees’ food sources are

well sought of and properly monitored.

3. We advocate the company to maintain the good condition of their water

supply; in order to ensure the consistent health and safety of their

workers. We recommend them to prefer certified distilled and purified

water sources for their workers; workers who needed protection

against water-borne diseases.


4. When it comes to the company’s toilet facilities; there’s only one thing

we really would like to uphold, it is to maintain its sanitation and hygiene

particularly that comfort rooms are preferred habitats of microorganisms

wherein they would like to proliferate and spread. We’d like to suggest to

always keeping this toilet facilities clean and dry, wherefore to decrease

the likelihood of nourishing these pathogens that are usually present in

damp dirty areas like the toilet.

5. For the maintenance of cleanliness in their environment, we

recommend rigorous implementation of a propitious rules and regulations

towards the segregation of wastes; and completely separate ordinary

wastes for hazardous ones and should be taken with proper precautions.

They should impose fines and punishments to anyone who tries to break

the policies and if possible inform anyone about the safety rules and

regulations they are implementing about the garbage and refused


6. The social and health facilities of the company were already confirmed

having a good condition. Like presence of clinics and even recreational

areas and social activities. However, we still would like to recommend

adding more recreational areas not just a basketball court for the

workers variety of their choices. We also would like to promote daily

exercises every morning for their employees; in order improve to have

a daily body work out and not only during intramurals. We also would

like to uphold clinical facilities to increase its supply and the company

should be accessible in certain first aid kits and interventions especially

in certain cases of emergency for the prolonged life of their employees

to really have an accessible and immediate facility to turn to in terms of

health crises.

7. Social and health programs of the company must enhance more the

complete well being of the employees of MCT. The programs should

include stretching, warm up exercises and fitness programs preferably

before any strenuous work to minimize and if possible eradicate

muscoskeletal and stress related illnesses. These exercise programs are

not only for warming up, but since the employees have a high tendency in

acquiring hypertension and diabetes; these exercises will modify a

sedentary lifestyle modification. Since, sedentary lifestyle is a common

factor contributing to obesity, hypertension and, as such, may contribute to

other diseases, such as type II diabetes and heart disease. We also

advocate monthly medical check-ups and physical assessments to

prevent any potential illnesses or diseases to progress and exacerbate.

8. For certain safety purposes, the company must adhere to the proper

standard of rules and policies, like wearing of helmets, hats, and any

protective gear when exposed to detrimental environmental factors.

9. They must develop more organized programs and drills for safety

purposes and a constant practice for the preparation of emergencies

and sudden occurrences.


10. For certain safety purposes, the company must adhere to the proper

standard of rules and policies, like wearing of helmets, hats, and any

protective gear when exposed to detrimental environmental factors.

11. When it comes to transportation and communication means they

should conform to the evolving modern communication and

transportation for the efficacy and productivity of the company.

12. For the company’s clinics, they should provide more medicines and

medical apparatus at their clinic in upholding their health and safety.

13. The company’s hired health professionals are the mediums of health,

hence they must render an effective service for the workers. They must

be able to assess the health of the workers every now and then. And to

formulate the most appropriate solutions and preventive measures for

the frequent causes of illness.

14. Since, most of the employees have a hypertensive tendency from their

family history. Therefore, they must take primary precautions and

lifestyle modifications in forestalling this hypertensive propensity like

daily exercises, diet modifications and compliance to any needed

medication. Medical check-ups and monitoring of blood pressure at

least twice a weak must be implemented, for them to know if they are

already hypertensive because according JNC 7 or Joint National

Committee states that in order to be diagnose as hypertensive one

must have 3 consistent abnormal readings within two weeks of


15. Since, majority has complaints in terms of their health condition,

wherein many alleged they are prone to suffer or acquired illness or

disease from their nature or field of work; the company should take

more precautions in preventing these health complaints to exacerbate.

A. Low back pain - the workers should be knowledgeable about proper

body mechanics in lifting heavy objects, the using of wide base of

support and about range of motion exercises whether passive or active

and warm up before any strenuous activities; with this, it will allow the

workers to alleviate such complaints and to further improve their safety

and health conditions.

B. Cough and colds – the workers should wear masks when exposed

to irritants, allergens and dust. To prevent occurrences of allergens

that could irritate the workers; the company should maintain sanitation

and proper environmental hygiene.

C. Eye problems – In working with hazardous chemicals and fumes;

workers should always be reminded to wear goggles or any thing that

can be use to protect their eyes from danger of damage.

D. Stress – In handling, stress; the company should provide the

workers a period of rest in a days work, even for just a couple of

minutes. Providing the workers a source of entertainment for

diversional activities such as music or social gatherings and a family

day once in a while; in order for them to cope up with stress and may

be able to relax for sometime thus preventing fatigue and stress-

related illnesses.

E. Sleep problems – we advised the company health providers to have

workers be knowledgeable about deep breathing and relaxation

techniques; with these, the workers may have a big possibility of

gaining enough hours for rest and sleep.

G. Fever – in terms of fever; we advised the company to have strict

hand washing and to increase consumption of nutritious diet to

decrease the occurrence of these health complaints and to further

increase the immune system of the workers. The company should also

implement infection control guidelines even if we’re not in a hospital

setting to decrease such health complaints which can affect the quality

of work of the workers which can eventually affect the company.

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