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-Roald Dahl
Each Saturday I shout Hurrah
For thats my poc!t mo"!y day
So a#t!r $r!a#ast %&p
'y (!"!rous #ath!r (a)! to m!
*+! l+(ht"+"( do," th! road I ra"
U"t+l I r!ach!d th! s,!!t-shop ma"
-"d $ou(ht th! chocolat!s o# my dr!ams
- (r!at $+( $a( o# rasp$!rry cr!ams
Th!r! +s a s!cr!t plac! I "o,
.h!r! I /u+t! o#t!" l+! to (o
0!yo"d th! ,oods $!h+"d som! rocs
- sup!r plac! #or (u11l+"( chocs
.h!" I arr+)!d I /u+cly #ou"d
- com#y loo+"( l+ttl! mou"d
2u+t! cl!a" a"d rou"d ad !arthy $ro,"
3ust r+(ht 4 I thou(ht4 For s+tt+"( do,"
H!r! I ,+ll s+t all mor"+"( lo"(
-"d !at u"t+l my chocs ar! (o"!
I sat4 I scr!am!d4 I 5ump!d a #oot
.ould you $!l+!)! that I had put
That t!"d!r l+ttl! rump o# m+"!
Upo" a 6I-NT porcup+"!
'y $acs+d! s!!m!d to catch o" 7r!
- hu"dr!d r!d-hot $+ts o# ,+r!
- hu"dr!d pr+cl!s st+c+"( +"
-"d pu"ctur+"( my pr!c+ous s+"
I ra" #or hom!4 I shout!d4 'um4
0!hold th! pr+cl!s +" my $um8
'y mum ,ho al,ays !!ps h!r h!ad
0!"t do," to loo a"d th!" sh! sa+d
I p!rso"ally am "ot a$out
To try to pull thos! pr+cl!s out
I th+" a 5o$ l+! th+s r!/u+r!s
Th! s!r)+c!s o# 'r9 '!y!rs
I shout!d4 Not th! d!"t+st4 "o
Oh mum8 .o"t you ha)! a (o:
I $!((!d h!r t,+c!4 I $!((!d h!r thr+c!
0ut (ro,"-ups "!)!r ta! ad)+c!
Sh! sa+d th! d!"t+sts )!ry stro"(
H! pulls th+"(s out th! ,hol! day lo"(
Sh! rush!d m! /u+cly +"to to,"
-"d th!r! th!y tur"!d m! ups+d! do,"
Upo" th! a,#ul d!"t+sts cha+r
;.h+l! t,o stro"( "urs!s h!ld m! th!r!<
E"t!r th! dr!ad!d 'r9 '!y!rs
.a)+"( a mass+)! pa+r o# pl+!rs
Th+s +s 4 h! cr+!d ,+th o$)+ous (l!!4
- "!, !=p!r+!"c! #or m!
2u+t! ho"!stly I ca"t pr!t!"d4
I)! !)!r pull!d th+"(s #rom th+s !"d
H! start!d pull+"( o"! $y o"!
>!ll+"(4 'y8 Oh my4 ,hat #u"8
I shout!d4 H!lp8 I shout!d4 O,,
H! sa+d4 Its "!arly o)!r "o,
For h!a)!"s sa! do"t s/u+rm a$out
H!r! (o!s4 th! last o"!s com+"( out
Th! d!"t+st pull!d a"d out +t cam!
-"d th!" I h!ard th! ma" !=cla+m
*!t us "o, tal a$out th! #!!s
That ,+ll $! %& (u+"!as pl!as!8
'y moth!r +s a (utsy $+rd
-"d "!)!r o"c! to m+"c! a ,ord
Sh! cr+!d4 $y (osh thats 5olly st!!p
H! sa+d4 No4 +ts )!ry ch!ap
'y d!ar lady do"t you s!!
That +# +t had"t $!!" #or m!
Th+s ch+ld ,ould ha)! (o"! a"oth!r y!ar
.+th pr+cl!s st+c+"( +" h+s r!ar
So that ,as that4 Oh ,hat a day8
-"d ,hat a #uss8 0ut $y th! ,ay4
I th+" I "o, ,hy porcup+"!s
Surrou"d th!ms!l)!s ,+th pr+cly sp+"!s
It +s to stop som! s+lly clo,"
From s/uash+"( th!m $y s+tt+"( do,"
Do"t copy m!4 do"t $! a t,+t4
0! sur! to loo $!#or! you s+t8
-m!r+ca" P+!
Earth to -"+ta

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