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There are two kin! o" #roo"! o""ere in the Vei$ traition to !how that
Vea! are a#a%r%!he&a. One i! a #hi'o!o#hi$a' #roo" (a!e on
)i*a*!a. Thi! #roo"
ha! (een #re!ente in P%r+a )i*a*!a an the !a*e ha! (een ao#te
(& Uttara
)i*a*!a ,Veanta-. One wo%' nee to (e a$.%ainte with )i*a*!a
in orer to
/ra!# the nat%re o" thi! #roo". 0%t "or the +a!t *a1orit& o" Hin%! who
are not
e2#e$te to %ner!tan the !%(t'etie! an intri$a$ie! o" thi! #roo"3 the
traition o""er! an a'ternate #roo" that oe! not e#en on know'e/e o"
)i*a*!a. The !tren/th o" the #roo" 'ie! in thi! +er& "a$t4 that it oe! not
on e+ien$e that $o*e! "ro* the Vea! an hen$e it a+oi! the kin o"
$ir$%'arit& o" rea!onin/ that wo%' ari!e i" a *an who ha! no know'e/e
)i*a*!a were to !a& that the e+ien$e o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea!
$o*e! "ro*
the Vea!. For then the .%e!tion wo%' ari!e4 On what (a!i! *a& we
(e'ie+e that
the Vei$ !tate*ent i! tr%e5 The re#'& wo%' (e4 The Vei$ !tate*ent i!
(e$a%!e the& $o*e "ro* the Vea! whi$h are a#a%r%!he&a an "a%'t'e!!.
An on
what (a!i! *a& we !a& that the Vea! are a#a%r%!he&a an "a%'t'e!!5
One wo%' (e
"or$e to re#'&4 (e$a%!e the Vea! !a& !o. There wo%' (e *%t%a'
inter6e#enen$e (etween the thin/ to (e #ro+e an the /ro%n on
whi$h the
#roo" i! o""ere. 0%t the a'ternate3 an *ore *%nane3 #roo" o""ere (&
Vei$ traition a+oi! thi! kin o" $ir$%'arit& o" rea!onin/ "ro* ari!in/
*akin/ the #roo" tota''& ine#enent o" the know'e/e $ontaine in the
Vea!. At
"ir!t !i/ht the #roo" *a& not a##ear to (e a #roo" at a''4 "or the #roo" o"
a#a%r%!ha&at+a o" the Vea! i! !i*#'& the "a$t that no a%thor ha! (een
e+en tho%/h there e2i!t! an %n(roken an (e/innin/'e!! traition o"
hanin/ own
the Vea! "ro* tea$her to !t%ent. 0%t e!#ite it! !ee*in/ nai+et&3 it i!
in$ontro+erti('e #roo" an we wi'' tr& to !how in thi! #o!t wh& it i!
At the o%t!et3 I wo%' 'ike to #oint o%t that the #roo" i! not *eant to
the A#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! to an athei!t. The .%e!tion o" whether
!$ri#t%re i! #a%r%!he&a or a#a%r%!he&a wo%' *ake no !en!e to a
#er!on who oe!
not (e'ie+e in !$ri#t%re!3 i.e. who i! not wi''in/ to $on!ier that there
*a& (e
an in$or#orea' rea'* (e&on the #er$ei+e wor'. A !$ri#t%re wo%' (e
*eanin/'e!! to !%$h a #er!on. There"ore3 it wo%' (e e.%a''&
*eanin/'e!! to
atte*#t to !how hi* that a #arti$%'ar !$ri#t%re i! a#a%r%!he&a.
In orer to a##re$iate the !tren/th o" the traitiona' #roo"3 we wo%'
nee to
%ner!tan the terrain o" hi!tor& in whi$h the Vea! wa! on$e the heart
o" a
'i+in/ traition3 /o+ernin/ e+er& a!#e$t o" h%*an 'i"e an in"%!in/ it
with a
!en!e o" in!#iration an !%('i*it&. The Vea! !too at the heart o" a
that #ro%$e the "ine!t e2a*#'e! in a'*o!t e+er& "ie' o" h%*an
a$ti+it&3 (e it
in the !$ien$e!3 the art!3 'iterat%re3 #oetr&3 *%!i$3 an$e3 eroti$!3
ar$hite$t%re3 #o'iti$!3 war"are3 ethi$!3 or #hi'o!o#h&. Nowhere e'!e in the
wor' o we "in a $%'t%re that3 on the one han3 #%'!e with !%$h
e2%(eran$e o"
'i"e3 an on the other3 "o%n it! hi/he!t iea' in a !%#re*e ren%n$iation
!ta//er! the i*a/ination toa&. An nowhere e'!e in the wor' o we
"in +irt%e3
1%!ti$e3 $ha!tit&3 tr%th3 har*a an the #%r!%it o" know'e/e $arrie to
'i*it! a! the& ha+e (een one here. 9e nee to (e a('e to 'ook at that
#a!t not in ter*! o" *ere hi!tori$a' $hrono'o/ie!3 (%t with e&e! that $an
the wor' a! #eo#'e !aw it in tho!e a&!. Unti' we $an o !o3 the wor
:traition: i! 1%!t a wor3 (ere"t o" the 'i/ht that *ake! it! *eanin/ !how
"orth in it! "%''e!t i*#ort. 0%t !%$h a thin/ i! i""i$%'t "or %! toa& when
ha+e a'' (%t 'o!t o%r $onne$tion with the 'i+in/ water! o" that traition.
'ea!t we $an o here3 when we are i!$%!!in/ the to#i$ o"
A#a%r%!he&at+a o" the
Vea!3 i! to tr& an re$on!tr%$t the $onte2t in whi$h the ter* wa! !een
in a
$ertain 'i/ht in!tea o" $on!ierin/ it in a ('an *anner3 i!o'ate "ro*
+ario%! !tran! o" the traitiona' the*e o" %na%thorene!!. In thi!
!e$tion3 I
!ha'' tr& to #re!ent !o*e o" the!e !tran! 6 !tran! that are inter'ea+e
the the*e 6 !o that we *a& (e a('e to /et a /'i*#!e o" the terrain in
whi$h the
$on$e#t he' !wa&. It *a& (e a "ee('e atte*#t on *& #art $on!ierin/
the (reath
an !$o#e o" the to#i$3 (%t a "ee('e atte*#t i! (etter than not *akin/
atte*#t at a''.
The traitiona' #roo" "or the a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! *a& (e
#re!ente in
1%!t a "ew !enten$e!. 0%t a! *entione in the intro%$tion to thi! #o!t3 it
ne$e!!ar& to $on!ier the i+er!e !tran! that "or*e the r%(ri$ o" the
traition in whi$h the #roo" wa! o""ere. 9e !ha'' #re!ent here !o*e o"
!tran! %ner the "o''owin/ !%(6heain/!4
Centra' Core o" the Traition
D%a'6Cate/ori<ation o" Lan/%a/e
E2ten!i+ene!! o" the Traition
The Fie' o" A$tion4 Pre!er+ation o" So%n
0e"ore #re!entin/ the traitiona' #roo"3 I !ha'' *ake an atte*#t to !how
how the
i""eren$e! (etween )i*a*!a an N&a&a with re!#e$t to
A#a%r%!he&at+a o" the
Vea! are !&nthe!i<e in the Vei$ !tr%$t%re. It *a& (e note that the
:a#a%r%!he&at+a: ha! two $onnotation!4 ,i- that o" ha+in/ no h%*an
a%thor3 an
,ii- that o" (ein/ eterna'. A'' the traitiona' !$hoo'!3 in$'%in/
N&a&a6Vai!e!ika3 ho' the Vea! to (e a#a%r%!he&a in the "ir!t !en!e3 i.e.
ha+in/ no h%*an a%thor. The i""eren$e (etween N&a&a an )i*a*!a
i! on'& with
re!#e$t to the eterna'it& o" the Vea! an we wi'' tr& to !how how thi! i!
a$t%a''& !&nthe!i<e in the (o& o" Vei$ =now'e/e. ,Thi! i! an
i!!%e an hen$e the #art o" *& #o!t ea'in/ with thi! i!!%e3 %n'ike the
wi'' $ontain !o*e #hi'o!o#hi$a' ar/%*ent!.-
There are three a!#e$t! to the $entra' $ore o" the ti*e'e!! traition that
the Vea! to (e %na%thore. One i! the %n(rokenne!! o" the traition.
The !e$on
i! the a!#e$t o" the Vea! (ein/ #re6e2i!tent (e"ore their *ani"e!tation.
thir i! the i**%ne !&!te* that /%ar! the traition o" %na%thorene!!
$'ai*! o" a%thor!hi#.
There i! an %n(roken traition "ro* the #a!t that ho'! the Vea! to (e
%na%thore (& h%*an!. There ha! (een no #oint in hi!tor& when an&one
ha! $'ai*e
a%thor!hi# o" the Vea!. On the $ontrar&3 e+er& !eer3 e+er& /reat #er!on3
on'& $on"ir*e it! %na%thorene!!. The Vea! ha+e a'wa&! $arrie with
the*3 era
a"ter era3 eon a"ter eon3 the i!tin$tion o" (ein/ %na%thore (& h%*an
A! *entione a(o+e3 the $ontention (etween the )i*a*!ika! an
re/arin/ the Vea! i! not a(o%t it (ein/ %na%thore (& h%*an!3 it i!
it a! (ein/ %na%thore e+en (& ?o. 0%t a! re/ar! the .%a'i"i$ation
to the Vea! that it ha! no h%*an a%thor3 there i! no i""eren$e (etween
traitiona' !$hoo'!. It i! a the*e that !tan! (ero$k a! the "o%nation
whi$h the traition ha! $ontin%e %n(roken !in$e (e/innin/'e!! ti*e!.
The A#a%r%!he&a Vea! are !ai to ha+e irr%#te into the *%nane
wor' at two
!ta/e!4 ,i- at the !ta/e o" $reation when it wa! re+ea'e (& I!h+ara to
an ,ii- %rin/ the ear'& !ta/e! a"ter $reation3 in =rita &%/a an Treta
when it wa! !een (& the Ri!hi! %rin/ their ta#a!.
The "ir!t #oint o" *ani"e!tation3 i.e.3 "ro* I!h+ara to 0rah*a3 oe! not
ini$ate h%*an a%thor!hi# (e$a%!e I!h+ara i! not h%*an. Now3 a!
re/ar! the
!e$on #oint o" *ani"e!tation o" the Vea! into the *%nane wor'3 i.e.3
*ani"e!tation thro%/h the ri!hi!3 the root o" the wor :ri!hi: ini$ate!
*anner o" it! *ani"e!tation. 0& :root: i! *eant the !o%r$e "ro* whi$h
the wor
ha it! ori/in. The !$ien$e3 or +i&a3 "ro* whi$h the !o%r$e! o" *eanin/!
wor! *a& (e o(taine3 i! Et&*o'o/&. The Vean/a re'ate to
Et&*o'o/& i!
Nir%kta. Nir%kta wa! re+ea'e to the wor' (& the ri!hi3 Ya!ka$har&a.
A$$orin/ to Nir%kta3 the et&*o'o/& o" the wor :ri!hi: $o*e! "ro*
:(ein/ a
!eer:4 :ri!hih ar!hanath:. Here i! the .%ote "ro* ,a tran!'ation- o" the
@A Ri!hi i! !o $a''e "ro* hi! ha+in/ +i!ion. :He !aw the *antra!3: !a&!
A%#a*an&a+a. It i! known4 (e$a%!e the !e'"6(orn 0rah*a *ani"e!te
hi*!e'" to
the* whi'e ,the& were- #ra$ti$in/ ta#ah ,a%!teritie!-3 the& (e$a*e ri!hi!
,!eer!-A that i! the $hara$teri!ti$ o" !eer!.@ ,Nir%kta.7.11-
So3 the +er& wor :ri!hi: ha! it! ori/in in the e+ent o" :!eein/:3 o" (ein/ a
r!hta ,!eer-. Thi! i! the !e$on !tran o" the traition. The "ir!t !tran
:%n(rokenne!!:3 or %n(roken $ontin%it&3 o" the traition. The !e$on
e2#'ain! the %n(rokenne!! at the two #oint! o" the irr%#tion o" the
Vea! into
the *%nane wor'. An at (oth #oint! o" irr%#tion3 i.e.3 %rin/ $reation
we'' a! #o!t $reation3 the& ha no h%*an a%thor (e$a%!e "ir!t'&3 I!h+ara
re+ea'e the* i! not h%*an an3 !e$on'&3 the ri!hi! who /a+e the* to
the wor'
!aw the* an not $reate the*.
E+er& Vei$ *antra i! a!!o$iate with three thin/!4 a ri!hi ,the !eer o"
*antra-3 a e+ata ,the /o who #re!ie! o+er the *antra- an a $hana
,the *eter
in whi$h it i! $hante-.
The Vea! $ontain *an& *antra!3 or e+en entire !%kta!3 that were
re+ea'e to
*%'ti#'e ri!hi!. The !%kta known a! B)an&%6!%kta: ha! two ri!hi!3
0hri/h% an
)an&%3 who !aw the* at i""erent ti*e!. There are !%kta! that were
re+ea'e to
!e+en ri!hi!3 an there are *antra! that were re+ea'e to a! *an& a! a
ri!hi! an !o*e to e+en a tho%!an ri!hi!. I ha+e (een to' that R/ Vea
an E.;> #ro+ie !o*e /oo e2a*#'e! o" !%$h $a!e!.
The *%'ti#'i$it& o" ri!hi! "or the !a*e *antra! "or*! the $ore i**%ne
that /%ar! the traition o" %na%thorene!! a/ain!t $o%nter6$'ai*!. It i!
a Co#&ri/ht "or %na%thorene!! that #re+ent! an&one "ro* $'ai*in/
a%thor!hi# o"
the *antra!. In a re$ent S%#re*e Co%rt $a!e3 there wa! a $o*#an& that
ha "i'e
a $a!e a/ain!t another $o*#an& !a&in/ that their %!e the na*e :=ri!hna:
in their
#ro%$t6(ranin/ wa! an in"rin/e*ent o" #ro#ert& !in$e the na*e wa!
a'rea& in
%!e (& the "ir!t $o*#an&. The S%#re*e Co%rt re1e$te the $'ai* !tatin/
that the
na*e :=ri!hna: i! the $o**on #ro#ert& o" e+er&one in o%r $%'t%re an
that no(o&
$an $'ai* %ni.%e #ro#rietor!hi# to the na*e. The $a!e i! !i*i'ar here.
The Vei$
*antra! are the $o**on #ro#ert& o" the %ni+er!e an none3 neither a
*orta' nor a
/o3 $an $'ai* it! a%thor!hi#.
The!e three e'e*ent! to/ether "or* the $entra' $ore o" the ti*e'e!!
traition o"
a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea!. Now we !ha'' $on!ier the #er+a!i+ene!!
o" the
traition (& $on!ierin/ other a!#e$t! o" the traitiona' $%'t%re that wa!
#re+a'ent in the 'an !%$h a! the e%$ation !&!te* an the *ain
tenet! that wa! the in!#iration o" the Vei$ $i+i'i<ation.
O" a'' the i""erent kin! o" 'earnin/ we a$.%ire in o%r 'i+e!3 the one that
*o!t in"'%en$e! %! i! 'an/%a/e. It i! not i""i$%'t to %ner!tan wh&.
!ha#e! the wa& we think an the wa& we 'ook at the wor'. Lan/%a/e
!tr%$t%re to an otherwi!e a*or#ho%! rea'it& an "%rni!he! it with
"eat%re! an i!tin$ti+e o(1e$t! that ha+e +a'%e to %!. Re$ent !t%ie! in
'an/%a/e too a$know'e/e thi! "a$t a! *%$h a! the Vei$ #hi'o!o#hie!
o. The
entire te2t%re an "'a+or o" o%r wor'+iew i! eter*ine (& the 'an/%a/e
we %!e.
Inee3 it wo%' har'& (e an e2a//eration to !a& that it i! the 'an/%a/e
o" a
$i+i'i<ation that eter*ine! it! i!tin$ti+e $hara$ter.
Lan/%a/e i! the "ir!t thin/ that a $hi' 'earn! when it (e/in! to re!#on
intera$t with the wor'. Lan/%a/e i! a'!o the "ir!t (ran$h o" 'earnin/
to a !t%ent %rin/ the $o%r!e o" hi! e%$ation. 9hat a !t%ent 'earn! in
*o!t (a!i$ an #ri*ar& !eat o" 'earnin/ #er*eate! the !t%ent:!
"or the re!t o" hi! 'i"e. I !ha'' now !how that the traition o"
o" the Vea! i! #re!ent in thi! *o!t (a!i$ an #ri*ar& !eat o" 'earnin/
whi$h the $hara$ter o" a #er!on:! $o/niti+e (a$k/ro%n i! !ha#e3 an
that the
traition i! not !o*ethin/ re!tri$te to a "ew #eo#'e who (e'ie+e in
a#a%r%!he&at+a (%t wa! an e'e*ent o" $%'t%re that #er*eate the
$on!$io%!ne!! o"
the entire #o#%'a$e that (e'on/e to the traition.
The o$trine o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! wa! the #ri*e "a$tor %e to
'an/%a/e it!e'" wa! $ate/ori<e into two t&#e!4 the 'an/%a/e o" the Vea!
the 'an/%a/e o" *orta'!. The& are known re!#e$ti+e'& a! Vaiika an
,Vei$ an wor''&-. 9hen a &o%n/ !t%ent went to !t%& the +i&a!
,(ran$he! o"
'earnin/- in a ?%r%k%'a3 the two #ri*ar& +i&a! re'ate to 'an/%a/e that
!t%ie were V&akarana ,?ra**ar- an Nir%kta ,Et&*o'o/&-. 9e !ha''
e+ien$e to !how that in (oth the!e +i&a!3 the a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the
Vea! i! a
"%na*enta' /ro%n on whi$h the +i&a i! (a!e.
The re"ine*ent o" a 'an/%a/e i! eter*ine (& the #er"e$tion o" it!
/ra**ar. In
the entire wor'3 there i! no other 'an/%a/e that ha! a /ra**ar a!
#er"e$t or a!
re"ine a! that o" San!krit. E+en $onte*#orar& !$ho'ar! ha+e
a$know'e/e thi!
"a$t. Inee3 the +er& wor :Sa*!krita*: *ean! :re"ine: or :#er"e$te:.
)onier 9i''ia*! !a&!3 @The Panini /ra**ar re"'e$t! the wonro%!
$a#a$it& o" the
h%*an (rain3 whi$h ti'' toa& no other $o%ntr& ha! (een a('e to #ro%$e
Inia@. E+en tho!e who were not e!#e$ia''& "rien'& to the Vei$
traition3 !%$h
a! Sir 9i''ia* Hone!3 were "or$e to a$know'e/e thi! "a$t3 "or he !ai4
'an/%a/e o" Sa*!krita* i! o" a woner"%' !tr%$t%re3 *ore #er"e$t than
*ore $o#io%! than Latin an *ore e2.%i!ite'& re"ine than either.@
Panini:! A!htah&a&i i! the (a!e work o" ?ra**ar an it i! nor*a''&
a'on/ with the )aha(ha!h&a o" Patan1a'i. The (ha!h&a to the +er& "ir!t
!%tra o"
Panini $ontain! the notion o" %a' $ate/ori<ation o" wor!4
Panini:! Fir!t S%tra4 @atha !a(an%!a!ana*@
Patan1a'i 0ha!h&a4 @The o(1e$t o" /ra**ar i! ire$t'& !#e$i"ie here
et$. Now ,"o''ow!- the in!tr%$tion! o" wor!. The wor :atha: i! %!e to
ini$ate the $o**en$e*ent o" the to#i$. Tho%/h the to#i$ o" in!tr%$tion
o" wor!
i! a 'on/ #ro$e!!3 the wor :atha: ini$ate! the $o**en$e*ent o" !%$h a
The a$tion o" in!tr%$tion ha! "or it! o(1e$t3 :the wor!:..... O" what
wor!5 O"
the 'a%kika an the Vaiika. There3 the 'a%kika are4 $ow3 hor!e3 *an3
(ea!t3 0rah*in an !o "orth. There3 the Vaiika are !anno e+ir
a(hi!ta&e ,*a&
the !hinin/ /oo (e "or the !a$ri"i$e! ,A.V.1.1.D--A i!e t+ora1e t+a ,I $%t
thee "or 'i(ation an !tren/th ,Y.V.1.1.1--A a/ni* i'e #%rohita* ,I aore
the 'eaer ,R.V.1.1.1-A A/na a&ahi +ita&e ,,Oh A/ni*3 *at tho% $o*e "or
the $'ari"ie (%tter ,S.V.1.1.1-.@
The Vartika to the (ha!h&a "%rther e2#'ain! the "%na*enta' i""eren$e
the!e two kin! o" wor!4 @In /i+in/ the e2a*#'e o" 'a%kika wor!3
wor! are
!e#arate'& *entione at rano*. 0%t in /i+in/ the e2a*#'e o" Vaiika
wor!3 the
e"inite orer in whi$h the& o$$%r $annot (e o+errienA an it i! "or
rea!on that the i''%!tration! o" Vaiika wor! are /i+en in the "or* o"
!enten$e! in whi$h the& o$$%r.@
Et&*o'o/& wa! an i*#ortant #art o" e%$ation in Inia. In the 9e!t3 the
re"eren$e to Et&*o'o/& *a& (e "o%n in a ia'o/%e o" P'ato $a''e
:Crat&'%!:. In
that ia'o/%e3 So$rate! ar/%e! that ?reek wa! not the ori/ina' 'an/%a/e
o" the
wor'. So$rate! !how! that the et&*o'o/i$a' ori/in! o" !o*e ?reek
wor! 'ie
o%t!ie the ?reek 'an/%a/e an he e*on!trate! that the re'ation!hi#
!o%n6"or*! o" the ?reek 'an/%a/e an the o(1e$t! o" the wor' #oint!
to an
o'er 'an/%a/e "ro* whi$h ?reek *%!t ha+e ori/inate. In Inia3 that
'an/%a/e wa! he' to (e Vei$ San!krit. In Nir%kta3 the !t%& o"
Et&*o'o/&3 the
ori/in o" e+er& wor i! %'ti*ate'& tra$e to Vei$ San!krit. Inee3 the
(e/in! with a 'i!t o" Vei$ wor! $a''e the Ni/hant%. Here i! a .%ote
"ro* the
@A traitiona' 'i!t ,o" wor!- ha! (een hane o+er ,to %!-. It i! to (e
e2#'aine. Thi! !a*e 'i!t i! $a''e Ni6/hanta+a!. Fro* what ,root- i! ,the
Ni/hanta+a! eri+e5 The& are wor! .%ote "ro* the Vea! ,ni6
/a*ah-. Ha+in/
(een re#eate'& /athere to/ether "ro* Vei$ h&*n!3 the& ha+e (een
hane own
(& traition.@ ,Nir%kta.1.1-
The Nir%kta a'!o $ontain! a ire$t re"eren$e to the a#a%r%!he&at+a o"
the Vea!.
It *ention! the Vea! a! ha+in/ (ein/ !een ,thro%/h ire$t in!i/ht- an
not a!
!o*ethin/ that wa! $reate or a%thore4
@The *eanin/ o" !#ee$h i! $a''e it! "r%it or "'ower. I Seer! ha ire$t
into %t&. The& (& ora' traition hane own the Vei$ h&*n! to 'ater
/eneration! who were e!tit%te o" ire$t in!i/ht. The 'ater /eneration!3
e$'inin/ in #ower o" !#ee$h3 $o*#i'e thi! work3 the Vea3 an the
Vei$ treati!e!3 in orer to $o*#rehen their *eanin/.@ ,Nir%kta.1.7J-
Th%!3 the iea o" the Vea! (ein/ a#a%r%!he&a i! !o*ethin/ that i!
$ontaine in
the *o!t (a!i$ an #ri*ar& !eat! o" traitiona' 'earnin/.
In thi! !e$tion3 we !ha'' $on!ier the e2tent to whi$h the iea o"
a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! ha #er+ae into the $%'t%re in whi$h the
wa! e2i!tent an in whi$h it !ti'' e2i!t! toa& e+en tho%/h it! 'i/ht *a&
ha+e i**e in the /atherin/ /'oo* o" the ark a/e o" =a'i. 9e !ha''
!ee that
the #er+a!i+ene!! o" the iea o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! e2ten! to
a'' the
!i2 traitiona' !$hoo'! !tartin/ "ro* their ori/ina' te2t! the*!e'+e!. It i!
i*#ortant to !how thi! (e$a%!e o" the *i!(e/otten iea i*#'ante (&
e%$ation into the *in! o" #eo#'e that the $on$e#t o" a#a%r%!he&at+a i!
arti"a$t o" !o*e 'ater a%thor:! $ontri+an$e. 9e !ha'' a'!o !how that the
#er+a!i+ene!! o" the iea o" a#a%r%!he&at+a wa! not re!tri$te to on'&
traitiona' #hi'o!o#hie! (%t that it e2tene to other (ran$he! o"
'earnin/ too.
9ith re/ar! to the traitiona' #hi'o!o#hie!3 we !ha'' $on!ier the* in
!in$e the !i2 !$hoo'! ha+e traitiona''& (een /ro%#e to/ether into three
a! "o''ow!4
P%r+a K Uttara )i*a*!a
Sa*kh&a K Yo/a
N&a&a K Vai!e!ika
I o not (e'ie+e it i! ne$e!!ar& to #ro%$e e+ien$e that P%r+a )i*a*!a
Uttara )i*a*!a ho' the Vea! to (e a#a%r%!he&a (e$a%!e thi! entire
!erie! i!
(a!e on the o$trine! o" the!e !$hoo'!3 (%t "or the !ake o"
$o*#'etene!!3 we
wi'' #ro%$e the re'e+ant .%ote! "ro* the two !$ri#t%re!. It nee! to (e
*entione that )i*a*!aka! ho'! a'' wor! to (e eterna' an that
Vei$ wor!
eri+e their !#e$ia' !i/ni"i$an$e o" (ein/ a#a%r%!he&a %e to a $ertain
$hara$ter o" the Vea!. In P%r+a )i*a*!a3 thi! !#e$ia' $hara$ter i! the
!i/ni"i$ation o" the *eanin/! o" it! !enten$e! whi$h it $a''! the :"or$e o"
te2t:. It i! (a!e on an onto'o/& that i! +er& !%(t'e an whi$h3 a$$orin/
*e3 i! to (e "o%n in A+aita a! we''. In the 9e!t3 ,tra$e! o"- thi! kin o"
onto'o/& *a& (e "o%n in the #hi'o!o#hie! o" Par*enie! an So$rate!.
In an&
$a!e3 *& #%r#o!e here i! not to e(ate on #hi'o!o#hi$a' o$trine! (%t to
e+ien$e that (oth !$hoo'! o" )i*a*!a $ontain the #rin$i#'e o"
a#a%r%!he&at+a o"
the Vea!. So3 here are the re'e+ant .%ote!4
Fro* Hai*ini P%r+a )i*a*!a S%tra!4
S%tra 1.F4 @Certain'& there i! eterna' $onne$tion (etween the wor an
*eanin/A it! know'e/e i! ne+er erroneo%! in *atter! in+i!i('eA it i!
a%thoritati+e in the o#inion o" 0aara&ana (& rea!on o" it not e#enin/
S%tra 1.7M4 @An the one #art& ho'! that the Vea! are *oern3 (ein/
a"ter h%*an na*e!.@
0ha!h&a to 1.7M4 @The o(1e$tor !a&! that I a$$e#t that a wor i! eterna''&
re'ate to it! !en!e an "%rther a*it! that when #%t into a !enten$e it
a !en!eA (%t where i! the a%thorit& o" the Vea!5 The& are o" h%*an
ori/in (ein/
$a''e a"ter h%*an na*e! !%$h a!I@
S%tra 1.7C4 @On the other han the #riorit& o" the wor i! a'rea& !#oken
o". @
0ha!h&a to 1.7C4 @The #%r+a6#ak!ha:! o(1e$tion that !in$e $ertain na*e!
o" h%*an
(ein/! are *entione in the Vea!3 !o the Vea! are h%*an #ro%$t!3 i!
now (ein/
re(%tte. The eterna'it& o" wor ha! a'rea& (een e!ta('i!heI..
There"ore the
o(1e$tion that the Vea! ha+e a h%*an ori/in i! /ro%n'e!!.@
%tra 1.;J4 @The na*e i! on a$$o%nt o" the #er!on! e2#'ainin/ the*.@
0ha!h&a to 1.;J4 @The& are $a''e a"ter h%*an na*e! (e$a%!e tho!e
#er!on! are
the "ir!t to e2#o%n the* ,in the *ani"e!t wor'- an !o the i""erent
#art! o"
the Vea! are $a''e a"ter tho!e !a/e! in their hono%r.@
S%tra 1.;14 @0%t the Vei$ wor! are %!e in a /enera' !en!e on'&.@
0ha!h&a to 1.;14 @The na*e! o" #er!on! %!e in the Vea! are $o**on
no%n! an
not #ro#er no%n!. The #er!on! (ore the na*e! !%(!e.%ent'& ,in the
$&$'e! o"
$reation-. So thi! ar/%*ent o" the o(1e$tor oe! not etra$t "ro* the
o" the Vea!.@
Now3 the .%ote! "ro* the Veanta S%tra!4
S%tra 1.7E4 @I" it (e o(1e$te that thi! $ontrai$t! the +a'iit& o" Vei$
wor!3 then not !o3 "or the %ni+er!e ari!e! "ro* thi! ,i.e. "ro* Vei$
whi$h "a$t i! #ro+e (& ire$t re+e'ation an in"eren$e.@
S%tra 1.7C4 @An "ro* thi! +er& "a$t "o''ow! the eterna'it& o" the Vea!.@
S%tra 1.;J4 @An there i! no $ontrai$tion3 !in$e !i*i'ar na*e! an
"or*! are
re#eate e+en in the re+o'%tion o" the wor' $&$'e!3 a! i! known "ro* the
an S*riti.@
Sa*kh&a ar!hana too $on!ier! the Vea! to (e a#a%r%!he&a. A ire$t
to it *a& (e "o%n in the "i"th S%tra o" the Sa*kh&a =arika a! e'%$iate
(& the
(ha!h&a o" Va$ha!#ati )i!ra.
Sankh&a =arika ,S%tra! > K F-4 @Per$e#tion3 In"eren$e an Ver(a'
Te!ti*on& are
the *ean! o" know'e/e.... Per$e#tion i! the a!$ertain*ent o" ea$h
o(1e$t (& the !en!e!. In"eren$e i! e$'are to (e o" three kin! an it i!
#re$ee (& know'e/e o" the *i'e ter* ,'in/a- an *a1or ter*
,'in/i- whi'e
Ver(a' Te!ti*on& i! the !tate*ent o" tr%!tworth& #er!on! an the
E2tra$t "ro* Va$ha!#ati:! 0ha!h&a4 @Ver(a' te!ti*on& i! !e'"6
i.e.3 it i! a'wa&! ri/ht ina!*%$h a! it i! (ro%/ht a(o%t (& the wor! o" the
Vea! whi$h are not a%thore (& an& h%*an (ein/ an (e$a%!e it i!
there"ore "ree
"ro* a'' e"e$t! ,!%$h a! "a'!ehoo whi$h rener! wor! %nre'ia('e-. It i!
thi! !a*e rea!on that the know'e/e eri+e "ro* !*rti3 itiha!a an
#%rana i!
a'!o re/are a! ri/ht (e$a%!e the& ha+e the Vea! a! their !o%r$e.@
It i! rea!ona('e to a!!%*e that the #o!ition o" Yo/a ar!hana i! the !a*e
that o" Sa*kh&a (e$a%!e it "o''ow! a'' the (a!i$ tenet! o" Sa*kh&a. The
i""eren$e (etween the* i! that whi'e Sa*kh&a i! !i'ent with re/ar to
Yo/a $on!ier! I!hwara to (e a !#e$ia' P%r%!ha e.%i##e with the
#ower! o"
$reation3 !%!tenan$e an e!tr%$tion o" the %ni+er!e.
The e2#re!!ion :a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea!: ha! a !'i/ht'& i""erent
$onnotation in N&a&a6Vai!e!ika than in the other traitiona' ar!hana!.
N&a&a3 the ter* :a#a%r%!he&at+a: *ean! :ha+in/ no h%*an a%thor:. It
oe! not
ini$ate the !e$on .%a'i"i$ation3 :eterna'it&:3 a! it oe! in )i*a*!a. 9e
are!! the i""eren$e! (etween N&a&a an )i*a*!a 'ater in thi!
arti$'e3 (%t "or
now it i! i*#ortant to rea'i<e that N&a&a too ho'! the Vea! to (e
e+en tho%/h it *a& (e in a !'i/ht'& i""erent !en!e than in )i*a*!a.
The rea!on
I a* e*#ha!i<in/ thi! #oint i! (e$a%!e there are !o*e #eo#'e who
i!#%te the
a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! (a!e on the "a$t that N&a&a i!#%te! it!
an the!e #eo#'e ha+e a tenen$& to o+er6e2ten the /ro%n #ro+ie (&
N&a&a an
*ake it a##ear that N&a&a $on!ier! the Vea! to (e a%thore in the
!a*e wa& a!
it $on!ier! other orinar& te2t! to ha+e (een a%thore. S%$h a
$on$'%!ion i!
not $orre$t an it nee! to (e re"%te. 9e wi'' there"ore #ro%$e a .%ote
"ro* a
hi/h'& re/are N&a&a te2t3 the N&a&a =%!%*an1a'i o" Ua&ana$har&a3
to !how the
$orre$t #o!ition o" N&a&a with re/ar to the Vea!. The $onte2t o" the
i!$%!!ion in the .%ote te2t i! :E2i!ten$e o" ?o:3 (%t it (rin/! o%t the
#o!ition on the !tat%! it /i+e! to the Vea!.
N&a&a =%!%*an1a'i o" Ua&ana$har&a
Cha#ter II3 Prat&a&atah4
O(1e$tion4 @The !e$on o(1e$tion wa! that there i! no #roo" o" ?o3 !in$e
*ean! o" attainin/ #arai!e $an (e #ra$ti$e ine#enent'& o" an& !%$h
That i! to !a&3 !a$ri"i$e! whi$h are the in!tr%*ent! o" o(tainin/ #arai!e
(e #er"or*e e+en witho%t a ?o3 !in$e it i! #ro+e (& the Vea that
are a *ean! o" o(tainin/ hea+en3 an the Vea #o!!e!!e! a%thorit& "ro*
eterna'it& an "reeo* "ro* e"e$t!3 an we $an a'!o /ather it! a%thorit&
it! ha+in/ (een a$$e#te (& /reat !aint! ,a! )an% an other!-3 an
there"ore &o%
$annot e!ta('i!h the e2i!ten$e o" ?o3 on the /ro%n that he i! the
a%thor o"
the VeaA or we *a& !%##o!e that the Vea wa! *ae (& !o*e Sa/e! 'ike
=a#i'a an
other!3 who /aine o*ni!$ien$e (& their #ree*inen$e in $on$entrate
Ua&ana4 @Sin$e ri/ht know'e/e re.%ire! an e2terna' !o%r$e3 !in$e
$reation an
e!tr%$tion take #'a$e3 an !in$e none other than He $an (e re'ie on3 6
i! no other wa& o#en.@
0ha!h&a4 @The ri/ht know'e/e $a%!e (& te!ti*on& i! one whi$h i!
#ro%$e (& a
.%a'it& in the !#eaker3 +i<. hi! know'e/e o" the e2a$t *eanin/ o" the
%!eA hen$e the e2i!ten$e o" ?o i! #ro+e3 a! He *%!t (e the !%(1e$t o"
!%$h a
.%a'it& in the $a!e o" the Vea.@
O(1e$tion4 @9e'' then3 'et %! !a& that at the (e/innin/ o" a $reation
=a#i'a an
other! were it! a%thor!3 who ha a$.%ire o*ni!$ien$e (& the #ower o"
/aine (& the #ra$ti$e o" $on$entrate e+otion in the "or*er eon.@
Re#'&4 @It ha! (een re#'ie BNone other than He $an (e re'ie %#on:. I"
&o% *ean
(& o*ni!$ient (ein/!3 tho!e enowe with the +ario%! !%#erh%*an
"a$%'tie! o"
a!!%*in/ in"inite!i*a' !i<e3 et$ in$'%in/ the $a#a(i'it& o" $reatin/
e+er&thin/3 then we re#'& that the 'aw o" #ar!i*on& (i! %! a!!%*e on'&
!%$h3 na*e'& Hi* the aora('e ?o.@
Th%!3 there i! no h%*an a%thor!hi# a!$ri(e to the Vea! in N&a&a6
Vai!e!ika too.
The Vea i! a#a%r%!he&a (e$a%!e it ha! no h%*an a%thor.
In the traitiona' +i&a!thana! ,!eat! o" 'earnin/-3 there are !i2
Vean/a! an
"o%r U#an/a!. The ter* :an/a: *ean! :ar*: or :'i*(:. There"ore3 the ter*
:Vean/a: tran!'ate! to :ar* o" the Vea:3 an the ter* :U#an/a:
tran!'ate! to
:!%(!iiar& ar* ,o" the Vea-:. A*on/ the i""erent +i&a! that we ha+e
$on!iere !o "ar3 V&akarana ,/ra**ar- an Nir%kta ,et&*o'o/&-
(e'on/ to the
$ate/or& o" Vean/a an the !i2 !$hoo'! o" #hi'o!o#h& (e'on/ to the
$ate/or& o"
The "o%r U#an/a! are Dhar*a Sha!tra3 N&a&a3 )i*a*!a an P%rana.
In the
traitiona' !$he*e o" the +i&a!thana!3 P%r+a )i*a*!a an Veanta
are in$'%e
in the $ate/or& o" :)i*a*!a: an the other "o%r ar!hana! 6 Sa*kh&a3
Yo/a3 N&a&a
an Vai!e!ika are in$'%e in the $ate/or& o" N&a&a. Now we !ha''
!how that
the iea o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! e2i!t! in the other two U#an/a!
an Dhar*a Sha!tra- too.
Now3 a! re/ar! the P%rana!3 there are ei/hteen *a1or #%rana! an a!
!%(!iiar& #%rana!. An&one who ha! rea the #%rana! wo%' know that
the a$$o%nt!
o" $reation /i+en therein *ention that 0rah*a $reate! the %ni+er!e
thro%/h ta#ah
on the Vei$ wor! !howin/ that the Vea ,or Vei$ wor!- #reate!
$reation. It
wi'' not (e "ea!i('e "or *e to .%ote "ro* a'' the!e i+er!e #%rana! here3
!o i
!ha'' re!tri$t *&!e'" to one .%ote "ro* the 0ha/a+ata P%rana wherein
Lor Vi!hn%
re"er! to 0rah*a3 the $reator3 a! the one who ho'! the Vea! 'atent in
@The Lor !ai4 O 0rah*a who ho'! the Vea! 'atent in &o%N I a*
hi/h'& #'ea!e
(& &o%r 'on/ an $on$entrate *eitation "or en'i/hten*ent on the
work o"
$reation. ,0h.Ch.C.1C-@
A'!o3 Sri Shankara$har&a in 0S0.I.iii.;J .%ote! Vea V&a!a "ro* one o"
!*riti!4 @In a&! o" &ore3 the /reat ri!hi! re$ei+e thro%/h a%!teritie!3
the #er*i!!ion o" the !e'"6(orn One3 the Vea3 to/ether with the
ane$ote!3 that
ha re*aine withrawn %rin/ i!!o'%tion.@
9e ha+e !hown that the iea o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! e2i!t! in
three o"
the U#an/a!3 i.e.3 )i*a*!a3 N&a&a an P%rana. Now3 we wi'' !how that
it e2i!t!
in the "o%rth3 the har*a !ha!tra3 too. The $'a!! o" te2t! known a! the
Sha!tra i! S*riti. Tho%/h the wor :S*riti: i! o"ten %!e to re"er to a
$'a!! o" 'iterat%re in$'%in/ the P%rana! an Itiha!a!3 it !tri$t'& re"er! to
the Dhar*a Sha!tra a'one. In (oth the )an% S*riti an the Ya1na+a'k&a
S*riti3 it
ha! (een !ai4
@0& the Sr%ti i! *eant the Vea3 an (& S*riti the Dhar*a Sha!tra!4
the!e two
*%!t not (e $a''e into .%e!tion in an& *atter3 !in$e "ro* the!e two the
'aw !hone "orth.@ ,)S.II.1J-
The Ya1na+a'k&a S*riti *ention! the #ri*ar& 'i!t o" a%thoritati+e
Sha!tra! a! "o''ow!4
@)an%3 Atri3 Vi!n%3 Harita3 Ya1na+a'k&a3 U!ana!3 An/ira!3 Ya*a3
Sa*+arta3 =at&a&ana3 0riha!#ati. Para!ara3 V&a!a3 Sankha3 Likhita3
?a%ta*a3 Sata#ata3 an Va!hi!hta are the #ro*%'/ator! o" Dhar*a
,YS.I.i.> K 1.i.F-
O" a'' the Dhar*a Sha!tra!3 the one /i+en (& )an% i! the "ir!t an *o!t
a%thoritati+e3 /i+en to *ankin in the awn o" $reation3 an it i! the one
a'' the other! har*a !ha!tra! "o''ow. The )an% S*riti re"er! to the
Vea a! the
:eterna' Vea: an a'!o *ention! that the na*e! o" $reate (ein/! were
a$$orin/ to the wor! o" the ,eterna'- Vea.
@He3 the Lor3 a'!o $reate the $'a!! o" the /o!3 who are enowe with
an who!e nat%re i! a$tionA an the !%(ti'e $'a!! o" the Sah&a!3 an the
eterna' !a$ri"i$e. 0%t "ro* "ire3 win3 an the !%n he rew "orth the
ETERNAL VEDA3 $a''e Rik3 Ya1%!3 an Sa*an3 "or the %e
#er"or*an$e o" the
!a$ri"i$e.@ ,)S.I.77 K 1.7;-
@0%t in the (e/innin/ he a!!i/ne their !e+era' na*e!3 a$tion!3 an
to a'' ,$reate (ein/!-3 e+en a$$orin/ to the wor! o" the Vea!.@
9hi'e it $an (e !hown that the iea o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! ha!
#er$o'ate to other kin! o" 'iterat%re an #oetr& too3 I think the
#ro%$e here "ro* i+er!e traitiona' (ran$he! o" 'earnin/ i! !%""i$ient
!how that the iea ha #er*eate into the entire "a(ri$ o" Vei$ $%'t%re.
#heno*enon !ho%' ha+e (een $o**on know'e/e %! to at 'ea!t
tho!e o" %! who
are (orn in thi! $%'t%re 6 (%t %n"ort%nate'& *oern e%$ation an the
+a'%e! it
ha! (e.%eathe to %! !ee*! to ha+e !e+ere %! "ro* o%r root!. The
#ro('e* ha!
(e$o*e *ore a$%te toa& (e$a%!e3 *ore o"ten than not3 we 'et o%r
1%/*ent! /et
in the wa& o" "or*in/ a $o*#'ete #i$t%re o" o%r an$ient traition. In
orer to
know what thi! traition i!3 we nee to %n$o+er the +ario%! e'e*ent! o"
traition an "it the* to/ether !o that the& $oa'e!$e into a *eanin/"%'
!tr%$t%re3 or $%'t%ra' !$he*a3 a! it ha e2i!te when it wa! "'o%ri!hin/
+i/or an e'an. 0%t i" we are #rone to *ake 1%/*ent! at ea$h !te#
re/arin/ the
+era$it& an +a'%e o" ea$h e'e*ent o" the $%'t%re3 how wo%' we e+er (e
a('e to
"or* a #i$t%re o" the $%'t%re or the traition5 In orer to re$o+er the
o" a $%'t%re3 or traition3 we nee to ho' o%r 1%/*ent! in !%!#en!ion
the ai* o" the e2er$i!e i! to "or* a #i$t%re o" the $%'t%re an not to
whether the $%'t%re i! /oo or (a or (a!e on *&th! or (a!e on tr%th!
whether it! #ra$ti$e! were a(horrent or $'a!!6i!$ri*inati+e or
/ener6i!$ri*inati+e an !%$h other thin/!. The 1%/*ent nee! to
$o*e in a
rationa' *anner 6 on'& a"ter the 1i/!aw #%<<'e ha! (een !o'+e3 (%t toa&
!ee* to ha+e e+e'o#e a tenen$& to !to# o%r!e'+e! "ro* e+en
atte*#tin/ to
!o'+e the 1i/!aw #%<<'e %e to the +a'%e 1%/*ent! that we *ake a! !oon
a! we
are #re!ente with an& e'e*ent o" the $%'t%re. It i! a +i$io%! $ir$'e an
nee to (reak "ree "ro* it i" we are to e+er i!$o+er the root! o" o%r own
$%'t%re an $i+i'i<ation. It i! in +iew o" !%$h a #re+ai'in/ !it%ation that
atte*#t ha! (een *ae here to re$on!tr%$t an #re!ent at 'ea!t a !*a''
the #art that i! re'e+ant to the to#i$ o" a#a%r%!he&at+a 6 o" the +a!t
o" the traition.
9e ha+e !o "ar !een how the iea o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! ha!
into a'' the traitiona' (ran$he! o" 'earnin/ ,or what *a& (e $a''e the
(oie! o" know'e/e-. 9e !ha'' now !how that it ha! a'!o #er*eate to
the "ie'
o" h%*an a$ti+it& in Vei$ $%'t%re. 9e on:t ha+e to /o "ar to
e*on!trate thi!.
The #re!er+ation o" So%n ,the Vei$ h&*n!- in it! #honeti$ an
*etri$a' #%rit&
i! ire$t'& (a!e on the !#e$ia' !i/ni"i$an$e o" the Vea! a! Sr%ti the
Eterna' So%n that i! hear. The +er& iea o" !a"e/%arin/ it a! a Vehi$'e
$arrie! the S%#re*e =now'e/e i! /ro%ne in the Vea! (ein/
%na%thore3 #er"e$t an "a%'t'e!!. 9hat other rea!on $an *ake an entire
$i+i'i<ation e+i!e it! e%$ation !&!te* to #ro+ie e2ten!i+e trainin/ to
the #%rit& o" the Vei$ So%n "ro* (ein/ $orr%#te5 9hat other rea!on
$an *ake
!o *an& #eo#'e in a !o$iet& or a $i+i'i<ation %nertake !%$h onero%!
ta!k! a!
'earnin/ to #rono%n$e the Vea! "or 1J &ear! or 1F &ear! to #rote$t it!
An we are not !#eakin/ here o" a !*a'' !e/*ent o" !o$iet&3 (%t o" a
!e$tion o" the #o#%'ation !tret$hin/ "ro* ?anhara in the 9e!t to
0rah*ae!ha in
the Ea!t3 "ro* the Hi*a'a&a! in the North to =an&ak%*ari in the So%th.
9e are
not !#eakin/ o" one #arti$%'ar era in the 'i"e o" a $i+i'i<ation3 (%t o" the
entire 'i"e6!#an o" the $i+i'i<ation a! re$ore (& the anna'! an hi!torie!
#re!er+e (& the $i+i'i<ation.
H%*an a$tion nee! a *oti+e to !%!tain it!e'". 9hat i! the !%!tainin/
"or$e o"
the e2ten!i+e an i""i$%'t ta!k o" #re!er+in/ the #%rit& o" the Vea! that
e+er& *an (orn in three o" the +arna! ha to o5 Thi! i! o" $o%r!e a
.%e!tion (e$a%!e the an!wer i! a'rea& /i+en it i! (e$a%!e the Vea!
a#a%r%!he&a. The two Vean/a! Sik!ha an Chana are !#e$ia''&
*eant "or thi!
There i! one i!!%e that we nee to are!! (e"ore we *o+e on to the
#roo" o"
A#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea!. Thi! i! the i!!%e ari!in/ "ro* the
(etween )i*a*!a an N&a&a with re/ar to the $onnotation o" the
:a#a%r%!he&at+a:. A! we *entione ear'ier on in thi! #o!t3 (oth !$hoo'!
that the Vea! ha+e no h%*an a%thor. 0%t whi'e )i*a*!a (e'ie+e! the
Vea! to (e
eterna'3 N&a&a ho'! it to (e non6eterna'. Thi! i""eren$e ari!e!
"ro* the i""eren$e in the *eanin/ o" the ter* :e2i!ten$e: a! !een (& the
!$hoo'!. )i*a*!a i! (a!e on !atkar&a+aa ,on the #re6e2i!ten$e o" the
e""e$t in
the $a%!e- whi'e N&a&a i! (a!e on a!atkar&a+aa ,on the #rior non6
e2i!ten$e o"
the e""e$t-. In orer to a##re$iate the nat%re o" thi! i""eren$e3 we wo%'
to $on!ier three "a$tor!4
a- The "a$t that (oth are Vei$ #hi'o!o#hie! he' in hi/h e!tee* (& the
(- The ro'e! o" ea$h o" the!e #hi'o!o#h& in the Vei$ traition
$- The nat%re o" Onto'o/& in ea$h #hi'o!o#h& in a$$oran$e with their
I $an i*a/ine how i" a !t%ent o" #hi'o!o#h& "ro* one o" o%r
a$ae*ie! were to rea the!e #oint!3 he wo%' #erha#! rai!e an e&e(row
an a!k4
@9hat ro'e5 Do &o% *ean to !a& that the!e two #hi'o!o#hie! ha ro'e!5
An who
a!!i/ne the* their ro'e!3 #ra&5 I!n:t thi! !tret$hin/ thin/! a (it too
It i!n:t. The!e two #hi'o!o#hie! ha+e !#e$i"i$ ro'e! in the !$he*e o" the
%ni+er!e e!#ite what o%r "rien! "ro* $onte*#orar& a$ae*ie! *a&
!a&. I" we are
to %ner!tan Vei$ $%'t%re3 we wo%' o we'' to a+oi (ein/ a#o'o/i!t!
or to
'ook "or a##ro+a'! "ro* the a$ae*ie!. O%r ta!k i! to (e tr%e to the
traition e!#ite what the a$ae*& *a& ha+e to !a& on the *atter. The
#hi'o!o#hie!3 N&a&a an )i*a*!a3 ha+e ro'e! to #'a& an their ro'e!
$o*e "ro*
the Di+ine 0'%e#rint o" the Uni+er!e $ontaine in the Vea!. Inee3 a''
traitiona' +i&a! in$'%in/ the "o%rteen +i&a! re'ate to har*a
known a!
Chat%ra!a a! we'' a! other traitiona' +i&a! !%$h a! a&%r+ea ,hea'th
!$ien$e-3 han%r+i&a ,!$ien$e o" war"are-3 artha !ha!tra ,!$ien$e o"
ka*a !ha!tra ,!$ien$e o" eroti$!-3 /anhar+a !ha!tra ,the art!-3 et$ are
Vei$ +i&a! with !#e$i"i$ ro'e! to $ater to !#e$i"i$ /oa'! in the !$he*e o"
N&a&a an )i*a*!a are not !i*#'& two #hi'o!o#hie! tho%/ht %# (& two
$a''e ?a%ta*a an 0aara&ana. 9e $annot %ner!tan the nat%re! o"
#hi'o!o#hie! (& 'ookin/ at the* thro%/h the kin o" hi!tor&6writin/ that
with Heroot%!3 an whi$h ha "or it! ai* the e!$ri(in/ o" h%*an
hi!tor& in
#%re'& h%*an ter*! ,whi$h i! a e%#he*i!* "or :*ateria'i!ti$ ter*!:-.
e2i!ten$e o" the h%*an i! not entire'& h%*anA there i! a Di+init& !hinin/
in the
h%*an an thi! Di+init& #arti$i#ate! in h%*an a$ti+it&. So3 a hi!tor&
to' in
#%re'& h%*an ter*! i! a !he'' *ere'& whi$h re*ain! ('in to the kerne'
#%'!ate! with the thro( o" Di+ine6h%*an #arti$i#ation. N&a&a an
)i*a*!a are not
!i*#'& two #hi'o!o#hie! tho%/ht %# (& two #hi'o!o#her! in the $o%r!e o"
hi!tor&. The& are (oth eterna' #hi'o!o#hie! an the !a/e! ?a%ta*a an
/a+e the* to the wor' in a$$oran$e with their ro'e! a! the $o*#'ier! o"
two ti*e'e!! ar!hana!.
In thi! re/ar3 Sri S%re!hwara$har&a3 the i!$i#'e o" Sri Shankara$har&a3
a(o%t N&a&a6Vai!e!ika3 Sa*kh&a3 Veanta an Sai+a Sihanta in the
@A'' the!e a'ternate +iew! e2i!te3 (e"ore $reation3 in the At*an3 a! the
in the !ee. The& were i!#'a&e (& the #ower o" )a&a $o*#ri!in/ i$hha
1nana ,know'e/e- an kri&a ,a$tion- o" I!h+ara.@ ,)ana!o''o!a3II.>;-
I !ha'' .%ote "ro* a N&a&a te2t it!e'" to !how that the N&a&a&ika! too
ho' !%$h
a +iew4
@9e''3 ,(e"ore ?a%ta*a- (& whi$h !&!te* wa! the a%thorit& o" the Vea!
e!ta('i!he5 9ho e2#'aine the *eanin/! o" the Vea (e"ore Hai*ini5
9ho eri+e
the wor (e"ore Panini5 9ho $o*#o!e the *eter! (e"ore Pin/a'a5
Sin$e the +er&
$reation o" thi! wor' the!e +i&a! are a'!o there 'ike the Vea!A on'&
when we
want to re"er to the $o''e$tion or a(ri/*ent an e'a(oration3 tho!e
an e'a(orator! are $a''e a! $o*#o!er!.@ ,N&a&a*an1ari o" Ha&anta
An what are the ro'e! o" )i*a*!a an N&a&a in the !$he*a o" Vei$
know'e/e5 I
!ha'' .%ote a/ain "ro* the N&a&a*an1ari3 (%t (e"ore I o !o3 a "ew wor!
intro%$tion to the N&a&a*an1ari o" Ha&anta 0hatta *a& (e a##ro#riate.
0hatta o$$%#ie! a %ni.%e #o!ition in the hi!tor& o" Inian Phi'o!o#h& in
an Pra$ina N&a&a in #arti$%'ar. The N&a&a*an1ari i! an en$&$'o#aei$
work o"
Pra$ina N&a&a. 9hi'e writin/ the (ook3 Ha&anta ha! taken into a$$o%nt
a'' the
re'e+ant +iew! o" a'*o!t a'' the !&!te*! o" Inian Phi'o!o#h& #re+a'ent
at thi!
ti*e. He ha! #re!ente the +iew! o" hi! o##onent! !o e'a(orate'& an
that !o*eti*e! it i! ea!ier to %ner!tan the o##o!ition "ro* Ha&anta:!
N&a&a*an1ari than "ro* the ori/ina' te2t! the*!e'+e!.@ I ha+e .%ote
+er(ati* "ro* the intro%$tion to the tran!'ation o" N&a&a*an1ari.
Now3 thi! i!
how N&a&a*an1ari e2#'ain! the ro'e! o" )i*a*!a an N&a&a4
@A! witho%t en.%ir& it i! i*#o!!i('e to eter*ine the *eanin/ o" the
,a##arent'&- %n$o/ent Vei$ !enten$e!3 the )i*a*!a6!ha!tra whi$h
i!$%!!e! the
*eanin/ o" the Vei$ !enten$e! "%n$tion! a! the #art ,a%2i'iar&- o" the
*ine o"
the Vea! an there"ore it ha! the !tat%! o" a +i&a!thana. So !a&!
@9hen har*a i! (ein/ known (& *ean! o" Vea3 the itikarta+&ata
#ortion wi'' (e
$o+ere (& )i*a*!a6!ha!tra. There"ore3 )i*a*!a i! not taken a! the
Vean/a (e$a%!e it i! #art o" the Vea a! it i! +er& $'o!e to the Vea!.
wor! when a$$o*#anie (& $riti$a' i!$%!!ion are $a#a('e o"
e2#re!!in/ their
own ine#enent *eanin/. The N&a&a6!ha!tra on the other han3 i! the
*ain #i''ar
o" a'' the !&!te*! (e$a%!e it i! the *ean! to e!ta('i!h the a%thorit& o" the
@Now3 i" the #%r#o!e o" N&a&a6!ha!tra i! the e!ta('i!h*ent o" the
a%thorit& o"
the Vea!3 then !in$e )i*a*!a a'rea& !er+e! that #%r#o!e there wo%'
(e no nee
"or !%$h a !&!te* a! N&a&a6!ha!tra. In )i*a*!a3 a! the *eanin/! o" the
!enten$e! are i!$%!!e3 !o a'!o the a%thorit& o" the Vea! i! i!$%!!e.@
@Tr%eA (%t that i!$%!!ion o" the a%thorit& o" the Vea! i! a !%(orinate
The i!$%!!ion o" the *eanin/ o" the Vei$ !enten$e! i! the *ain o(1e$t
)i*a*!a. The!e two +i&a!3 i.e.3 )i*a*!a an N&a&a3 ha+e i""erent
)i*a*!a i! known a! Vakh&artha+i&a ,i.e.3 it ea'! with the *eanin/!
o" Vei$
!enten$e!- (%t not a! Pra*ana+i&a ,whi$h ea'! with the *ean! o"
So3 N&a&a an )i*a*!a are two eterna' Vei$ #hi'o!o#hie! with two
!#e$i"i$ ro'e!
or "%n$tion!. It i! on'& (& %ner!tanin/ thi! nat%re o" i""eren$e that we
/ra!# the i""eren$e (etween N&a&a an )i*a*!a with re!#e$t to the
eterna'it& o"
the Vea!. )i*a*!a i! Vei$ Vakh&artha+i&a an it! o(1e$t i!
0rah*an an the
Eterna' Law that e2i!t! in the Nat%re o" 0rah*an. It! !#e$i"i$ ai* i! the
re+e'ation o" Vei$ !enten$e!. N&a&a i! #ra*ana6+i&a (a!e on nor*a'
an it! ai* i! to re+ea' the nat%re o" the #ra*ana! an the nat%re o"
wor6*eanin/! in a$$oran$e with the!e #ra*ana!.
In orinar& 'an/%a/e3 the ter* :e2i!ten$e: i! a #rei$ate o" an o(1e$t a! it
eri+e! "ro* it! *ani"e!tation. The *ani"e!tation o" an o(1e$t i! a'wa&!
o" it
,the o(1e$t- a! a !%(!tan$e. I" the o(1e$t oe! not ha+e !%(!tantia'it&3 we
that the *ani"e!t thin/ i! that #arti$%'ar o(1e$t $a''e (& !%$h an !%$h
For e2a*#'e3 we !a& that the :water: in a *ira/e i! not rea''& water
(e$a%!e it
'a$k! !%(!tantia'it&. There"ore we !a& that no water e2i!t! there.
9herea! when
!ee water in a 'ake3 we !a& that it i! water an that it ha! !%(!tantia'it&.
!#e$ia' *ark o" !%(!tan$e ,ra+&a- i! :e2i!ten$e: an in !#ee$h thi!
(e$o*e! a #rei$ate o" the o(1e$t3 a! in the !enten$e :The 'ot%! e2i!t!:.
an o(1e$t i! not *ani"e!t a! a !%(!tan$e3 it ha! no e2i!ten$e. So3 #rior to
thin/:! *ani"e!tation a! a !%(!tan$e3 the thin/ i! not !ai to ha+e an&
e2i!ten$e. Thi! i! the nat%ra' wa& in whi$h 'an/%a/e e+o$ate!
#heno*ena a! #er
the nat%re o" 'an/%a/e it!e'". In 9e!tern Phi'o!o#h&3 it i! $a''e the
o" Pre!en$e:3 (%t it wo%' (e (e!t to a+oi a $o*#ari!on with 9e!tern
(e$a%!e in re$ent ti*e! *an& re'ate $on$e#t! ,!%$h a! %ni+er!a'! an
#arti$%'ar!- ha+e /ot !o *%'e %# that a $o*#ari!on wo%'n:t !er+e
an& %!e"%'
)i*a*!a oe! not "o''ow the onto'o/& o" #re!en$e. 9hi'e not en&in/
#rei$ation o" e2i!ten$e to o(1e$t!3 it $on!ier! !%$h #rei$ation a! on'&
*oe o" e2i!ten$e an not a! e2i!ten$e it!e'". The a%thorit& "or !%$h a
o" e2i!ten$e $o*e! "ro* the Vei$ !enten$e! o" whi$h )i*a*!a i! the
"ra*ework. It i! (a!e on 0rah*an an the re'ation that !tan! (etween
the wor'
an 0rah*an a! re+ea'e (& the Vea!. In thi! +i!ion o" 0rah*an3 the
notion o"
e2i!ten$e tran!$en! the orinar& notion /i+en (& orinar& 'an/%a/e.
That i!3
!in$e 0rah*an i! the *ateria' $a%!e o" the wor'3 a'' o(1e$t! in the wor'
#re6e2i!t in 0rah*an. Hen$e3 on the a%thorit& o" Vei$ !enten$e!3
e2i!ten$e i!
not a *ere #rei$ate o" *ani"e!tation o" o(1e$t!3 (%t i! one *oe o" it!
e2i!ten$e a! it eterna''& #re6e2i!t! in 0rah*an.
Th%!3 (& the +er& nat%re! o" the two $ate/orie! o" 'an/%a/e3 Vei$
'an/%a/e an
orinar& ,'a%kika- 'an/%a/e3 the ter*! :e2i!ten$e: take i""erent
There"ore3 )i*a*!a an N&a&a3 (ein/ (a!e on Vei$ an orinar&
re!#e$ti+e'&3 !tan in !%$h re'ation to ea$h other that there i! a nat%ra'
o##o!ition (etween the* a! /i+en (& Vei$ 'an/%a/e an orinar&
'an/%a/e. So3
when two #hi'o!o#her! (e'on/in/ to )i*a*!a an N&a&a "i/ht with
ea$h other3 the
o##o!ition i! not ne$e!!ari'& a "i/ht (etween the*A their +aa i! an
o" the o##o!ition that !tan! (etween the two eterna' #hi'o!o#hie!. The
?a%ta*a wa! a 0rah*a61naniA he i not write the N&a&a S%tra!
(e$a%!e he tho%/ht
it wa! the %'ti*ate tr%thA he $o*#i'e N&a&a S%tra! (e$a%!e it wa! hi!
ro'e in
the !$he*e o" $reation to $o*#i'e the*. S%$h i! the Vei$ +iew.
Now3 in $on!ieration o" thi! i""eren$e in the *eanin/ o" the ter*
we wo%' (e a('e to %ner!tan the i""eren$e (etween )i*a*!a an
N&a&a with
re!#e$t to the eterna'it& or non6eterna'it& o" wor!. In N&a&a3 a wor i!
non6eterna' (e$a%!e it i! !een to ha+e a (e/innin/ an en3 i.e. it i!
hear now
an it wa! not !o hear (e"ore it wa! !#okenA an 'ikewi!e3 the !#ee$h
an i! hear no *ore. So3 it ha! no #rior e2i!ten$e3 nor #o!terior
e2i!ten$e3 to
it! *ani"e!tation. In )i*a*!a3 the wor i! eterna' (e$a%!e it e2i!t! an
i! on'&
*ae *ani"e!t %rin/ !#ee$h. I !ha'' not /o into the ar/%*ent! here
(e$a%!e it
i! not neee "or o%r #%r#o!e. The re'e+ant #oint here i! to !eek o%t the
that !&nthe!i<e! the two. Thi! "a$tor3 a$$orin/ to %!3 i! the $o**on
#ro+ie (& the treat*ent o" non6e2i!ten$e ,a(ha+a- in the two
0oth in N&a&a an )i*a*!a there i! no a(!o'%te non6e2i!ten$e
,at&anta6a(ha+a- o"
a na*e *eanin/"%' o(1e$t. Thi! i! the ke& #oint. In )i*a*!a3 the non6
o" a na*e o(1e$t i! the o(1e$t (ein/ $on$ea'e. In N&a&a3 !in$e the
o(1e$t i!
not !ai to ha+e #re6e2i!ten$e in the $a%!e (e"ore it! *ani"e!tation3 the
non6e2i!ten$e o" a na*e o(1e$t i! !ai to (e :e'!ewherene!!:. That i!3 it
#o!!i('e to na*e or $on$ei+e an o(1e$t in a 'o$%! in whi$h it i! non6
(e$a%!e o" the o(1e$t ha+in/ (een e'!ewhere in #'a$e or ti*e. In the $a!e
o" an
erroneo%! $o/nition wherein a !nake i! !een on a ro#e3 the !nake $an (e
!een in
that 'o$%! on'& (e$a%!e there i! a !nake e'!ewhere in ti*e or #'a$e whi$h
i! now
tran!#o!e on the 'o$%!. 9hi'e thi! e2a*#'e #ertain! to an error3 the
#o!!i(i'it& o" "or*in/ a $on$e#tion o" an o(1e$t in a 'o$%! where it i! not
#re!ent eri+e! "ro* N&a&a:! notion o" :e'!ewherene!!:. So3 what oe!
thi! *ean
when a##'ie to the Vea! (e"ore $reation5 The an!wer i! o(+io%!A the
Vea! were
e'!ewhere in #'a$e or ti*e. An !in$e we are !#eakin/ here o" #rior
non6e2i!ten$e an not #o!terior non6e2i!ten$e3 it i! o(+io%! that the
Vea! were
#re!ent in the #re+io%! $&$'e! o" $reation. Th%!3 irre!#e$ti+e o" whether
'o$%tion o" N&a&a a''ow! it to !a& that the Vea! are eterna' or not3 we3
who /o
(& )i*a*!a3 wo%' not on'& !a& that the Vea! are eterna' (%t wo%'
a'!o !a&
that we are !&*#atheti$ to N&a&a an we %ner!tan wh& N&a&a3 (& the
+er& nat%re
o" it! ar!hana3 (o%n a! it i! (& orinar& 'an/%a/e3 ha! to !a& that the
are non6eterna'A an !o3 (& the "a$t that N&a&a ha! to !a& !o e+en "or the
eterna' Vea (& +irt%e o" it! *ani"e!tation an non6*ani"e!tation3 it
oe! not
in an& wa& etra$t "ro* o%r !ihanta that the Vea! are eterna'. Th%!3
what wa!
to ha+e (een !hown ha! (een !hown. Now we !ha'' *o+e on to the
,*%nane- #roo"
o" A#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea!.
9hen we !tarte thi! e'%$iation o" the traitiona' #roo" o"
a#a%r%!he&at+a o"
the Vea!3 we !ai that the !tren/th o" the traitiona' #roo" $an (e !een
when we %ner!tan the terrain o" hi!tor& in whi$h the Vea! wa! on$e
the heart
o" a 'i+in/ traition. A traition i! not a ea thin/A it i! a 'i+in/
#heno*enon that $arrie! with it a hi!tori$a' $on!$io%!ne!!. Ea$h !tran
that we
ha+e !#oken a(o%t !o "ar "in! it! #'a$e in thi! hi!tori$a' $on!$io%!ne!!
an it
/i+e! to the traition a (o& in whi$h the +ario%! !tran! are 'ike the
o" the (o& that *ake it "%n$tion in a $oorinate wa&. It i! i*#ortant
the (o& a'on/ with it! +ario%! or/an! !ho%' (e $on!iere "or the
#roo" to *ake !en!e to %! toa&. That i! wh& thi! rather 'on/ e2$%r!ion
into o%r
#a!t an a !%r+e& o" it! 'iterat%re wa! %nertaken here.
The traitiona' #roo" e#en! on the in$ontro+erti(i'it& o" the
traition (e$a%!e the (e/innin/'e!! traition i! the !%(!trat%* "or the
,a%thor!hi#- ha+in/ the $a#a$it& to (e a##rehene in the !%(!trat%*
(e/innin/'e!! traition- i" it !ho%' e2i!t. )ore o"ten than not3 the
o" the traitiona' #roo" "ai'! to (e !een (e$a%!e we are wont to en& the
(e/innin/'e!! traition it!e'" %e to the #re!en$e o" !o*e *i!/%ie
iea! in
o%r *in!. There"ore3 we !ha'' "ir!t e!ta('i!h the in$ontro+erti(i'it& o"
(e/innin/'e!! traition (a!e on the "a$t! that we ha+e #re!ente a(o+e
an then
!how how it "it! into the (o& o" the "or*a' #roo" o""ere (& the
traition to
e*on!trate the a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea!.
It ha! (een !hown that there e2i!t! an %n(roken traition $on!i!tin/ o" a
'ine o" tea$her! an !t%ent! who ha+e hane own the Vea! "ro* a
(e/innin/'e!! #a!t. It ha! (een !hown "%rther*ore that thi!
traition i! $oherent with the $on$e#tion o" the Vea! a! ha+in/ (een
!een an
not a%thore3 whi$h a/ain i! $oherent with the "a$t that there e2i!t! a
na*e "or the !eer! o" the Vei$ *antra! to i!tin/%i!h it "ro* the na*e
enote! an a%thor. An the "a$t that there are *%'ti#'e ri!hi! "or the
*antra!3 an "or the !a*e !%kta!3 "or*! a ti/ht'&6$o%#'e !&!te*
the (e/innin/'e!!ne!! o" the traition. It ha! (een !hown *oreo+er that
the iea
o" a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! e2i!t! in a'' the (ran$he! o" traitiona'
'earnin/ !tartin/ "ro* the #ri*ar& !eat! o" 'earnin/ an e2tenin/ o+er
a'' the
#hi'o!o#hi$a' !$hoo'! an other i+er!e (ran$he! o" 'earnin/3 that thi!
iea wa!
in!tit%te a'!o in the traitiona' "ie' o" h%*an a$tion3 an that a'' the!e
e'e*ent! o" the traition !tret$he a$ro!! a +a!t /eo/ra#hi$a' !tret$h o"
an #o!!e!!e a $ontin%it& o" e2i!ten$e "or whi$h no (e/innin/ i!
The entire traition "or*! a ti/ht'&6$o%#'e3 +a!t an $o*#'e23 $oherent
There"ore3 on the /ro%n o" thi! $oheren$e3 the (e/innin/'e!! traition
O(1e$tion4 The $oheren$& o" a !&!te* $an (e r%#t%re (& a !in/'e
e'e*ent that i!
i!!onant with the $oheren$&. So3 how o &o% !a& that $oheren$&
e!ta('i!he! the
(e/innin/'e!!ne!! o" the traition5
Re#'&4 Not !o3 "or when the e'e*ent i! o" the nat%re o" a $'ai*3 it i! the
+era$it& o" the $'ai* that nee! to (e "ir!t a!$ertaine. 9hat i! the
nat%re o"
thi! !in/'e e'e*ent that &o% !#eak o"5 I! it a $'ai* o" there (ein/ a
e+ent o" a #er!on $'ai*in/ to (e the a%thor o" the Vea!5 I" !o3 it i! the
+era$it& o" the $'ai* o" a !in/'e $'ai*ant an not the +era$it& o" the
*an& that
nee! to (e .%e!tione. )oreo+er3 thi! i! not a *atter o" $on1e$t%re
!in$e there
ha! (een no !%$h $'ai*ant that we know o". I" &o% !a& that the
e'e*ent i! !o*ethin/ other than an hi!tori$a' e+ent3 then we !a& that
o(1e$tion i! /ro%n'e!!. 9hen a thin/3 i.e.3 (e/innin/'e!!3 ha! (een
e!ta('i!he (& the e2i!ten$e o" the traition an (& the $oheren$& o" the
+ario%! e'e*ent! o" the traition3 i" &o% !ho%' $'ai* on an& other
/ro%n than
a hi!tori$a' "a$t that an e'e*ent o" the traition i! "a'!e3 then the on%! i!
&o% to #ro+e how a'' the re*ainin/ e'e*ent! "a'' into #'a$e a! a $oherent
!&!te*. For the!e e'e*ent! are $o/ni<e. The e2i!ten$e o" the wor
:ri!hi:3 the
e2i!ten$e o" *ention o" *%'ti#'e ri!hi! "or the !a*e *antra! an !%kta!3
e2i!ten$e o" *ention o" the a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! in /ra**er3 in
et&*o'o/&3 in a'' the traitiona' #hi'o!o#hie!3 in the har*a !ha!tra!3 in
#%rnana! are $o/ni<e "a$t!. So the on%! i! $'ear'& on &o% to #ro+e how
$o/ni<e e'e*ent! ha+e *ani"e!te. It i! "or thi! !a*e rea!on that
0hatta !a&! in the S'oka+artika4
@Nothin/ *ore than what i! ire$t'& +i!i('e i! !ai (& hi* ,Hai*ini-3
re/ar to the a%thenti$it& ,o" the Vea-. 9herea!3 the other theori!t!
ha+e to
*ake +ario%! a!!%*#tion! with re/ar to the i*#er$e#ti('e3 e+en in
#ro+in/ the
ina%thenti$it& o" the Vea ,to !a& nothin/ o" tho!e that the& ha+e
re$o%r!e to
in !eekin/ to e!ta('i!h the a%thorit& o" their own !$ri#t%re!-. The athei!t3
en&in/ the a%thorit& o" the Vea3 'an! hi*!e'" on the ,a(!%rit& o"-
a!ie the a%thenti$it& o" a ire$t'& #er$e#ti('e "a$t. 0e$a%!e when a
ha! on$e ari!en ,an the !e'"6e+ient a%thorit& o" !%$h $on$e#tion! ha!
(een #ro+e-3 an& a!!%*#tion towar! it! enia' $o%' on'& (e nee'e!!
"ar6"et$he.@ ,S'oka+artika3 116>;.1F;3 1F>-
O(1e$tion4 There ha+e (een *an& #eo#'e e+en in the #a!t3 !%$h a! the
the 0a%ha! an Haina! who ha+e i!a/ree with the traition3 !o the
i! (roken.
Re#'&4 )ere i!a/ree*ent i! not a $onition that (reak! the $oheren$&A
*%!t (e #er$e#ti('e "a$t! that $ontrai$t the $oheren$&. Di!a/ree*ent!
e2i!t in the wor' an it $annot (e the /ro%n on whi$h a the!i! (a!e
#er$e#ti('e "a$t! i! !ai to !tan i!#ro+e. For i" *ere i!a/ree*ent
!ho%' (e
he' to (e the /ro%n o" "a'!i"i$ation o" a the!i!3 e+er& the!i! in the wor'
wi'' !tan i!#ro+e (& the "a$t that there wo%' a'wa&! (e "o%n #eo#'e
in thi!
wor' who i!a/ree with the the!i!. In thi! $a!e3 tho!e who i!a/ree wi''
to #ro+ie #er$e#ti('e "a$t! to $o%nter the $oheren$& that e2i!t! in the
traition (& !howin/ the (e/innin/ o" the traition3 or !howin/ that the
:ri!hi: ha! a i""erent ori/in3 or !howin/ that there i! no e2i!ten$e o"
!tate*ent! ho'in/ the Vea! to (e a#a%r%!he&a in the +ario%! te2t! that
we ha+e
.%ote "ro*. )oreo+er3 the traition ha! a'wa&! !too on *%'ti#'e
e#enent on an ine#enent !$ri#t%re ,Vea- %n'ike in the $a!e o"
!$ri#t%re! that ha+e ha h%*an ori/in! an were e#enent on the
9herea! in the $a!e o" the Vea!3 there ha! (een no #oint in ti*e when
!$ri#t%re ha! (een e#enent on a !in/'e #er!on. Thi! i! what Sri
0hatta #oint! o%t in the S'oka+artika4
@,9herea! a$$orin/ to %!- e+en in a !in/'e 'i"e the Vea i! "o%n to
re!ie in
,to (e known (&- *an& #er!on!A an a! !%$h3 either it! re*e*(ran$e or
$o*#rehen!ion oe! not /o a/ain!t it! ine#enen$e. For3 i" an& one
#er!on were
to *ake an& $han/e! in the Vea3 o" hi! own a$$or3 he wo%' (e
o##o!e (& *an&
#er!on!. An a/ain3 i" the Vea were the o%t$o*e o" the *in o" a !in/'e
then it wo%' in no wa& i""er "ro* *oern $o*#o!ition!. For the !a*e
rea!on we
o not a$know'e/e the a/en$& o" a !in/'e #er!on e+en in the $a!e o" the
traitiona' $o%r!e o" in!tr%$tion! ,in the Vea-. ,In +iew o" there (ein/
*%'ti#'e ri!hi! "or the *antra!-3 the +er& "ir!t #er!on! ,who $o**en$e
traitiona' $o%r!e- *%!t ha+e (een3 *an&3 e#enent %#on one another3
1%!t a! we
"in to (e the $a!e at the #re!ent a&.@ ,S'oka+artika3 116>;3 1>C61F1-
So3 "or tho!e who *a& ha+e i!a/ree with the traition in the #a!t3 the
$onition that i! now a##'i$a('e to &o% ha! (een a##'i$a('e to the* a!
we''4 the
on%! o" #roo" o" a $ontrar& the!i! to e2#'ain the #er$e#ti('e an $oherent
ha! a'wa&! (een with the one who i!a/ree with the traition. An no
one !o
"ar ha! #ro+ie !%$h a $ontrar& #roo". So3 the (e/innin/'e!! o" the
!tan! e!ta('i!he a! it ha! !too "or a'' ti*e.
Now3 it ha+in/ (een !hown that the on%! o" #roo" i! on the one who
o##o!e! the
traition3 the #%r+a6#ak!ha $o*e! with a new o(1e$tion4
O(1e$tion4 The entire #heno*enon o" the e2i!ten$e o" the (e/innin/'e!!
*i/ht ha+e ha a hi!tori$a' ori/in %rin/ the e+e'o#*ent o" h%*an
Re#'&4 Then the 'aw o" #ar!i*on& ,whi$h wa! "ir!t *entione (& the
!a/e ?a%ta*a
an not (& Okha*- wo%' e*an that we /o (& the traition than (&
an& !%$h
hi!tori$a' e2#'anation. For an& !%$h hi!tori$a' e2#'anation wo%'
ha+e to "a'!i"& the +ario%! e'e*ent! that we ha+e #re!ente here an an&
to "a'!i"& the!e e'e*ent! on !%$h a 'ar/e !$a'e wo%' a*o%nt to !tatin/
that the
traition i! a /ran $on!#ira$& $on$o$te (& !o*e #eo#'e who ha
!o*ehow *ana/e
to /et the!e e'e*ent! into the +ario%! te2t!3 that we ha+e *entione3 in a
$on!#iratoria' *anner3 an *oreo+er *ana/e it on !%$h a 'ar/e !$a'e
a! to
i*#'ant the!e e'e*ent! a$ro!! a 'ar/e /eo/ra#hi$a' !tret$h o" 'an o+er a
o" ti*e !#annin/ into *an& era! or eon!. An it wo%' a'!o a*o%nt to
that the $on!#irator! !o*ehow in!tit%te3 a! #art o" the $on!#ira$&3 the
%ni+er!a' #ra$ti$e o" 'earnin/ the $hantin/ o" the Vea! %ner the (e'ie"
it i! %na%thore an "a%'t'e!!. So3 the on%! i! a/ain on &o% to e2#'ain3 in
$rei('e *anner3 how !%$h a 'ar/e $on!#ira$& on !%$h a !$a'e wa!
$on$ei+e3 on
who $on$ei+e it an what were their *oti+ation! in $on$ei+in/ it3 an
!trate/ie! in a$$o*#'i!hin/ !o inh%*an a ta!k a! in$or#oratin/ the
notion in !o
*an& i+er!e te2t! an in in!tit%tin/ #ra$ti$e! that no one %ner
$ir$%*!tan$e! wo%' (e wi''in/ to ahere to. The entire #ro#o!ition i!
enor*o%!'& $%*(er!o*e an "ar6"et$he an ha! no /ro%n to !tan
on. Hen$e3 on
the /ro%n o" #ar!i*on&3 it i! $on$'%e that the traition !tan!
O(1e$tion4 I o not !a& that it i! a $on!#ira$&A it *a& ha+e (een a kin o"
ha''%$ination ari!in/ in the *in! o" the!e #eo#'e %e to !o*e #e$%'iar
$onition o" the h%*an *in.
Re#'&4 9hether a thin/ i! a ha''%$ination or not i! eter*ine (& *ean!
o" the
#ra*ana! an not (& *ere a!!ertion!. The tr%th o" a !tate*ent a!!ertin/
nat%re o" a thin/ i! (o%n (& the nat%re o" the thin/ it!e'" (e$a%!e the
o" a thin/ i! !i*#'& one that3 whi$h it i!. 9herea!3 the "ree "'i/ht o"
i*a/ination3 whi$h i! not !o (o%n to the tr%th3 or to the nat%re o" the
i! in"inite an *an&. So3 i" &o% !ho%' !a& that a'' the!e $oherent
e'e*ent! o"
the traition are the #ro%$t! o" i*a/ination3 or ha''%$ination3 then3 the
i! a/ain on &o% to !how how the $oheren$& ha! $o*e a(o%t (e$a%!e
i! not (o%n (& tr%th or (& an& #ra*ana an i! 'ike'& to (e +ario%! an
0%t i" &o% !ho%' a$$e#t that $oheren$& i! a *ark o" tr%th3 then &o%
wo%' (e
$orro(oratin/ what we ha+e (een !a&in/ a'' a'on/4 that the a$t%a'
e2i!ten$e o" a
(e/innin/'e!! traition $o*(ine with the $oheren$& o" the +ario%!
e'e*ent! in
the traition #oint! to the (e/innin/'e!!ne!! o" the traition o" hanin/
the Vea! "ro* tea$her to !t%ent in a'' era! an in a'' $&$'e! o" $reation.
O(1e$tion4 0%t the #ra*ana! the*!e'+e! *a& (e (a!e on *ere
$onition! o" the
*in. So3 it i! !ti'' #o!!i('e that the #heno*enon $a''e :the traition: i!
(a!e on ha''%$ination! o" the *in.
Re#'&4 Then (& that !a*e $riterion3 &o%r a!!ertion that the traition i!
on a ha''%$ination i! a'!o 'ia('e to (e (a!e on a ha''%$ination. One who
not a$$e#t the #ra*ana! an !a&! that the& are (a!e on ha''%$ination
ha! no
/ro%n to *ake an& kin o" a!!ertion what!oe+er in !o "ar a! the /ro%n
a!!ertion! o" tr%th ha! (een enie. There"ore3 &o%r !tate*ent a*o%nt!
nothin/ *ore than $hi'i!h #ratt'e or to the !tate*ent o" a *an who
witho%t ha+in/ an& $%r( to hi! *o%th.
O(1e$tion4 0%t !o o &o% when &o% !a& that !o*ethin/ i! (e/innin/'e!!
%n$reate "or no !%$h thin/ a! a (e/innin/'e!! or %n$reate thin/ i!
known to
e2i!t in thi! wor'.
Re#'&4 Yo%r $ontention that no !%$h thin/ i! known to e2i!t in thi! wor'
wron/. S#a$e i! known to (e (e/innin/'e!! an %n$reate an one oe!
not ha+e to
/o !eekin/ "or it! en to know that it ha! no en or that it i!
an %n$reate.
O(1e$tion4 S#a$e i! not a thin/. S#a$e i! *ere'& the re'ation!hi#!
Re#'&4 I" that (e &o%r $ontention3 i.e.3 that !#a$e i! not a thin/3 then we
re#'& to &o% in wor! !i*i'ar to tho!e %!e (& Sri Shankara$har&a when
to the 0a%ha!. I" !#a$e i! !ai to (e :no thin/:3 then when an o(1e$t
there wo%' (e a(!en$e o" :no thin/: an hen$e a (ir that trie! to "'& in
wo%'n:t (e a('e to "'& (e$a%!e there wo%' (e a(!en$e o" !#a$e3 i.e.3 o"
thin/:. An when &o% !a& that !#a$e i! *ere'& the re'ation!hi# (etween
&o% wo%' nee to "ir!t te'' %! how there *a& (e o(1e$t! witho%t the*
e2ten!ion3 "or in the a(!en$e o" the "a*i'iar !#a$e that we a'' know
wo%' $ea!e to ha+e e2ten!ion an wo%' $o''a#!e into a #ointA an !o
a'!o wo%'
the !e#aration (etween o(1e$t! !in$e the a(!en$e o" !#a$e (etween the*
entai' that there wo%' (e $on1%n$tion (etween one o(1e$t an another.
Hen$e it
i! #ro+e that the notion o" (e/innin/'e!!'e!! an %n$reatene!! i!
"a*i'iar to %! in the wor' !in$e !#a$e i! known to (e (e/innin/'e!! an
Th%!3 "ro* the "a$t that4
,i- there e2i!t! a traition o" the Vea! (ein/ hane own "ro*
,ii- the traition "or*! a ti/ht'& $o%#'e $oherent !&!te* in whi$h no
e'e*ent $an (e enie witho%t throwin/ the on%! o" #roo" on to the
enier3 an
,iii- an& a'ternate h&#othe!i! wo%' ha+e to (e re1e$te on the (a!i! o"
the 'aw
o" #ar!i*on&
it !tan! #ro+en an e!ta('i!he that there e2i!t! a $ontin%o%! an
(e/innin/'e!! traition o" the Vea! (ein/ hane own "ro* tea$her to
an that no a%thor ha! e+er (een #er$ei+e in the 'ine o" thi! traition.
Ha+in/ e!ta('i!he the e2i!ten$e o" a (e/innin/'e!! traition o" hanin/
the Vea! "ro* tea$her to !t%ent in an in$ontro+erti('e *anner3 the
#roo" "or
a#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! i! now (ein/ #re!ente. The #ra*ana "or
the %na%thorene!! o" the Vea! i! an%#a'a(hi3 non6a##rehen!ion3 o" a
$a#a('e o" (ein/ a##rehene i" it !ho%' ha+e e2i!te. The $a#a$it& o"
an%#a'a(hi to 'ea to know'e/e o" the non6e2i!ten$e o" a thin/ ha!
e"ine a! "o''ow!4
@The $a#a$it& o" an%#a'a(hi ,non6a##rehen!ion- i! the "a$t o" (ein/
that who!e
$o%nter6#o!iti+e i! a!!%*e "ro* the h&#otheti$a' e2i!ten$e o" ,the
o(1e$t o"-
that $o%nter6#o!iti+e. That i! to !a&3 the $a#a$it& o" non6a##rehen!ion i!
"a$t o" it! (ein/ a non6a##rehen!ion who!e $o%nter6#o!iti+e3 +i<3
*a& (e a!!%*e "ro* the e2i!ten$e a!!%*e in the !%(!trat%*3 o" the
$o%nter6#o!iti+e o" that non6e2i!ten$e o" the thin/ whi$h i!
So the #ra*ana here i! an%#a'a(hi3 or non6a##rehen!ion o" an a%thor.
#rati&o/i i! a%thor!hi# whi$h i! a knowa('e thin/. The !%(!trat%* i! the
(e/innin/'e!! traition. The &o/&ata i! the $a#a$it& o" the a%thor to ha+e
known3 i" an a%thor ha e2i!te3 in the "or* o" *e*or& o" the a%thor
%e to the
e2i!ten$e o" the (e/innin/'e!! traition. The #ra*a i! the re!%'tant
that ari!e! that the Vea! ha+e no a%thor "ro* the "a$t that no a%thor i!
in !#ite o" there (ein/ a (e/innin/'e!! traition in whi$h the *e*or& o"
a%thor wo%' ha+e (een known i" there ha (een an a%thor.
9e !ha'' en thi! #o!t with #ra&er! to De+i D%r/a Para*e!hwari3 who
ha on$e3 in
a re*ote an i!tant #a!t3 re$o+ere the Vea "ro* the a!%ra D%r/a*a
"or the
(ene"it o" the wor'.
Na*a!the !aran&e3 !hi+e !an%ka*#e3
Na*a!the 1a/a +&a#ike +i!waroo#e3
Na*a!the 1a/a +anh&a #aara+inhe3
Na*a!the 1a/atharini thrahi %r/e.
Sa'%tation! to Her who i! the re"%/e3
9ho i! #ea$e"%' an *er$i"%'3
Sa'%tation! to Her who #er+ae! e+er&where3
An who i! the "or* o" the %ni+er!e3
Sa'%tation! to Her who!e 'ot%! "eet3
I! wor!hi##e (& the %ni+er!e3
An Sa'%tation! to Her who !a+e! the %ni+er!e3
P'ea!e #rote$t *e oh3 D%r/a.
Na*o e+i %r/e !hi+e 0hee*a nahe3
Sara!wath&ar%nathith&a*o/ha !waroo#e3
Vi(hoothi !a$hi ka'a rathri !athi thwa*3
Na*a!the 1a/atharini thrahi %r/e.
Sa'%tation! to that ?oe!! D%r/a3
9ho i! the $on!ort o" Shi+a3
9ho ha! the "ear!o*e !o%n3
9ho i! Sara!wathi an Ar%nathi3
9ho ha! a *ea!%re'e!! "or*3
9ho i! the innate #ower3
9ho i! Sa$hi e+i3
9ho i! the ee# Dark Ni/ht3
An who i! Sathi De+i3
An !o !a'%tation! to &o% who !a+e! the %ni+er!e3
P'ea!e #rote$t *e oh3 D%r/a.
,"ro* D%r/a Stotra*-
En o" Thir Se$tion tit'e :A#a%r%!he&at+a o" the Vea! The
Source :

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