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Announcement to All Students on Examination Slip

11 April 2014
Dear Students,
Important Announcement on the Issuance of Examination Slip for the January 2014
Semester Examinations (25-2 April 2014!
Kindly be informed that starting from January 2014, students are "E#$I"E% to have an
Eamination Slip before they are allo!ed into the eamination hall in all the eamination
"entres throughout the "ountry#
1# $he purpose of the Eamination Slip is as follo!s%
&1' $o "onfirm that the personal parti"ulars of the student are "orre"t, in"luding the
programme enrolled and the sub(e"ts registered for that semester#
&2' $o ensure that A&& fees for the semester are fully paid before the student is allo!ed into
the Eamination )all to sit for the eamination#
2# *lease follo! these steps to do!nload the Eamination Slip from the Student *ortal of
&1' ,ogin to student portal at http%--portal#aeu#edu#my
&2' .li"/ on Eamination menu
&0' $hen "li"/ on the Do!nload Eam Slip menu and print on a 1)2$E A4 si3e paper#
2f you have any te"hni"al 4ueries, please "onta"t our 2.$S at te"h5support6aeu#edu#my or
"all 00527890124#
0# Students !ith outstanding fees !ill not 'e a'le to do!nload the Eamination Slip#
2f you are in this "ategory, you are advised to ma/e payment 'efore (hursday) 1
April 2014# Kindly refer to the atta"hed list on available payment option to se"ure
your Eamination Slip#
4# All students !ill be able to do!nload the Eamination Slip !ith effe"t from *riday) 11 April
A sample of the Eamination slip is appended belo! for information#
9# 2f you have any 4ueries, please "all ,S. &,earners: Servi"es .entre' at 00527890000
during offi"e hours#
$han/ you and good lu"/ in the Eaminations#
;est regards
Sample of Examination Slip
Name : xxxxxxx NRIC / : xxxxxxx
Student ID : xxxxxxx
Semester : January 2014
Learning Center : e!LC"Sanda#an
Programme : SRJN $!D P%NDIDI&N 'P%N(JRN )*S $%L+!
S%&,L* R%ND*-
Subject Code Subject Description Credit Hours
%$L411 %N*NCIN( .%C*%R PR,/%SSI,NLIS$ 0
%.C012 %1L!.I,N ND .%S.IN( IN .*%
%P%211 P*IL,S,P*+ ,/ %D!C.I,N 0
12 P3ease 4ring t5is s3ip 6it5 you to t5e examination 5a332
22 P3a7e t5is s3ip toget5er 6it5 your student ID and IC on t5e ta43e 8or inspe7tion 4y in9igi3ator's-2
02 .5e !ni9ersity reser9es t5e rig5t to 7an7e3 t5is exam s3ip i8 t5ere is in7orre7t in8ormation2
42 Do not write any notes on both sides of this slip. You may be penalied for examination
misconduct should you fail to comply2
:2 P3ease sign t5e a7#no63edgement 4e3o6 upon do6n3oading t5e exam s3ip2
I 5ere4y a7#no63edge t5at t5e a4o9e parti7u3ars are a77urate2
'Signature o8 Student-
;Issued 4y t5e ssessment !nit< Registry ,=7e< e!2 .e3: 00"2>?:014@

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