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1 Copyright 2008 by Patni

2 Copyright 2008 by Patni

3 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Day-wise Schedule
Day 1
Introduction to Java
Language Fundamentals
OOP Concepts Applied to Java
Day 2
Important Classes and Keywords in Java
Packages and Interfaces
Eclipse, an IDE
4 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Day-wise Schedule
Day 3
Exception Handling
Documenting in Java javadoc
Java Coding Conventions
Code Reviews and Review Checklist
Day 4
Collections Framework in Java
Java Property files
Day 5
Files and Streams
Introduction to Multithreading in Java
5 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Day 6
Multithreading in Java (Contd.)
Day 7
Java Applets
Day 8,9
Day 10
Networking Concepts
Day 11
Security in Java 2
Day-wise Schedule
6 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Introduction to Java
7 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Javas Lineage
C language was result of the need for structured,
efficient, high-level language replacing assembly
C++, that followed C, became the common (but not the
first) language to offer OOP features, winning over
procedural languages such as C
Java, another object oriented language offering OOP
features, followed the syntax of C++ at most places, but
offered many more features
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
8 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Features of Java
Completely Object-Oriented
Distributed : full support for TCP/IP protocol,
developing distributed applications is easy
Robust : Strongly typed language
J ava is completely object oriented. In C++, being more compatible to C, allows
code to exist outside classes too, but in J ava, every line of code has to belong to
some or other class. Thus it is closer to true object oriented language.
J ava is simpler than C++, since concepts of pointers or multipleinheritance is not
9 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Features of Java
Architecture Neutral : Platform independent
Interpreted and Compiled
Multithreaded : Concurrent running tasks
10 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Features added in Java 1.1
Java-Beans : Component Technology
Remote Method Invocation
Java Native Interface
Inner classes
11 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Features added in Java 2 (Java 1.2)
Java Swing
CORBA : Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Digital Certificates : ensures security policies
Collection API : e.g. linked list, dynamic array
12 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Features added in Java 1.3
XML Processing
Swing Drag and drop
Performance Improvement in Reflection APIs
Java Print service API
13 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Features added in 1.4
New Security certificates added
New Swing Features
Secure Sockets
It should be mentioned to the participant that current version of J ava is 1.5, although
not covered as part of this training.
14 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Platform Independence
Unix on Pentium System
Class file
Macintosh PowerPC system
Class Loader
JIT compiler
machine level
Windows Pentium PC system
Class Loader
JIT compiler
machine level
.java file
Class Loader
JIT compiler
15 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Platform Independence (Contd.)
Platform independence primarily helps Java Applets
to be executed on any platform
Allows execution of Applet class files compiled on
remote system, downloaded over the internet
Typically, however, on Java based Web-applications
(i.e. J2EE applications), Java classes are compiled
and executed on the same platform
16 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Difference between JRE and JDK
JRE is the Java Runtime Environment'. It is
responsible for creating a Java Virtual Machine to
execute Java class files (i.e run Java programs)
JDK is the Java Development Kit'. It contains tools
for Development of Java code (e.g. Java Compiler)
and execution of Java code (e.g. JRE)
JDK is a superset of JRE. It allows you to both write
and run programs
It should be noted that J RE is re-distributable but J DK is not re-distributable. J RE
can be bundled along with your own software that you intend to sell commercially
too. However, one cant bundle J DK along with ones own software. J DK is freely
downloadable, but not freely redistributable.
17 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Relation between Java and Sun
Sun Microsystems defined and published Java
Language Specification
Sun also offers freely downloadable reference
implementation of Java Language in the form of Sun
JDK and Sun JRE
Other companies can also provide implementation of
Java Specification
Few examples of companies who provide their own
JRE are: IBM, Microsoft, BEA
18 Copyright 2008 by Patni
First Simple Program
//this is my first program
class Example {
/* the execution starts here */
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(Welcome to Java );
19 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Compile and Run Program
To compile the program:
To run it:
c:\java Example
20 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Language Fundamentals
21 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Data types
Type Size/Format Description
byte 8-bit Byte-length integer
short 16-bit Short Integer
int 32-bit Integer
long 64-bit Long Integer
float 32-bit IEEE 754 Single precision floating point
double 64-bit IEE 754 Double precision floating point
char 16-bit A single character
boolean 1-bit True or False
22 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Default Values
Integer : 0
Character : \u0000
Decimal : 0.0
Boolean : false
Object Reference : null
23 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Basic unit of storage in a Java program
Three types of variables:
Instance variables
Static variables
Local variables
Each variable type has different scope
Formal parameters (i.e. arguments to function) are
similar to local variables
24 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Arithmetic operators:
+, - , * , / ,%
++, --
+-, -=, *= , /= , %=
Relational operators:
== , != , >=,>,<=,<
assignment(=), ternary(?)
Please find additional inputs about in Appendix-H
25 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Introduction to Classes
The general form of a class
class < class_name>{
type var1;..
Type method_name(arguments ){
} //class ends.
26 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Introduction to Classes
A Simple Class
class Box{
double width;
double height;
double depth;
double volume(){
return width*height*depth;
} //method volume ends.
}//class box ends.
27 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Declaring Objects
class impl{
public static void main(String a[]){
//declare a reference to object
Box b;
//allocate a memory for box object.
b = new Box();
// call a method on that object.
b.volume(); }
28 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Types of class members
default access members (No access specifier)
private members
public members
protected members
29 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Memory Management
Dynamic and Automatic
No delete operator
Implemented by Garbage Collector
Garbage Collector is the Lowest Priority Daemon Thread
It runs in the background when JVM starts
Collects all the unreferenced objects
Frees the space occupied by these objects
System.gc() method can be called to hint the JVM that it
should invoke garbage collector, however, there is no
guarantee that it would be invoked. It is implementation
There is a common misconception that system.gc() invokes the garbage collector,
however that is not true. It just gives a request or hint to J VM to start garbage
collector, but J VM may not start it immediately or even till end of the program
execution. It is J VM implementation dependent issue, as to when it would start. It
can even do some optimization by starting garbage collection, only when certain
amount of memory is consumed etc.
30 Copyright 2008 by Patni
A group of like-typed variables referred by common
Declaring an array
int arr [];
arr = new int[10]
int arr[] = {2,3,4,5};
int two_d[][] = new int[4][5];
Java arrays are asymmetrical arrays
31 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Arrays of objects too can be created
Example 1 :
Box Barr[] = new Box[3];
Barr[0] = new Box();
Barr[1] = new Box();
Barr[2] = new Box();
Example 2:
String[] Words = new String[2];
Words[0]=new String(Bombay);
Words[1]=new String(Pune);
32 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Casting of Variables
To convert one variable value to other, wherein two
variables correspond to two different data types
Double d = 10.5;
float f = (float) b;
Widening does not require casting
Casting of References can be done, if two classes are
related to each other by inheritance relationship
If the casting is not proper, it throws
33 Copyright 2008 by Patni
UpCasting & DownCasting
Object o = new String(HELLO);
Serializable s = new String(New);
String s1 = (String) o;
String s2 = (Serializable) s
34 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Parameter Passing
Parameters or arguments passed to a function are
passed by value for primitive data-types (e.g. int, char)
Parameters or arguments passed to a function are
passed by reference for non-primitive data-types (e.g.
All Java objects)
Java does not have concept of passing parameters by
address or pointers, similar to what we have in C or C++
(using * to denote a pointer to object)
Trainer can demonstrate this by showing a code such as this:
void myFunction(int a) {
int x =45;
Output will be, 45 46 45
This is an example of pass-by-value.
In above example, use Integer class, instead of int, and it becomes example of
The output should be 45 46 46.
35 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java is Object Oriented
36 Copyright 2008 by Patni
One of the major pillars of OO approach
Allows creation of hierarchical classification
Advantage is reusability of the code
Once a class is defined & debugged , same class can be used
to create further derived classes
Already written code can be extended as and when
required to adopt different situations
37 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Inheritance (Contd.)
Inherited members can be used with the super
super() ;// calls parent class constructor
super.overriden() ;// calls an overriden method of the base
38 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Inheritance (Contd.)
Class Base {
public void meth1() {
System.out.println(Method1 of Base);
Class Derived {
public void meth1() {
System.out.println(Method1 of Derived);
39 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Inheritance (Contd.)
class Test
public static void main(String args[]){
Derived d1=new Derived();
40 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Inheritance (Contd.)
Method1 of Base
Method1 of Derived
41 Copyright 2008 by Patni
An objects ability to decide what method to apply to
itself depending on where it is in the inheritance
Can be applied to any method that is inherited from a
super class
Allows to design & implement systems that are more
easily extensible
Need to give example of Polymorphism referring to sample J ava class.
42 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Abstract class
A class that provides common behavior across a set of
subclasses, but is not itself designed to have
instances that work
One or more methods are declared but may or may
not be defined
Reusability of code
Help at places where implementation is not available
Example of Abstract class Shape Hierarchy
You have two hierarchies : Point-Circle-Cylinder and Line-Square-Cube
Here common method is area() if I create an array that contains the objects of all
these classes. How can I do it generically ? Can Point p =new Line() be valid ? of
course not, no inheritance !!!!
So I force a super class Shape which would contain the method area(). Now what
implementation I am going to write in that method. I dont know, at runtime whose
area() is going to be called. So the information that I dont know I put it as
Important points about abstract class :
1. You cannot create object of abstract class : why ?
e.g. if a surgeon know how to perform an operation but he doesnt know how to
stitch back the cut stomach will I allow him to touch me?
2.An abstract class can contain concrete methods.
3.An abstract class may not contain any abstract methods.
4. In J ava a pure virtual method is called as abstract method.
abstract class Shape{
public abstract float area();
43 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Abstract class (Contd.)
Any class that has even one method as abstract
should be declared abstract
Abstract classes cant be instantiated
Abstract modifier cant be used for constructors &
static methods
Any sub class of an abstract class should implement
all methods or declare itself to be abstract
An abstract class need not have only abstract
methods; can have concrete methods too
In C++, an abstract class is called a pure virtual function & istagged with a trailing
Eg :
Class MyClass
public:: virtual void area() =0;
44 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Encapsulation describes the ability of an object to
hide its data and methods from the rest of the world
- one of the fundamental principles of OOP (Object
Oriented Programming)
Encapsulation is implemented using different access
specifiers such as private, protected, public etc
Need to mention to participants that access specifiers are discussed in detail in later.
45 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Important Keywords and Classes in Java
46 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Use the final keyword before the variable
declaration and include an initial value for that
final float pi = 3.141592;
final boolean debug = false;
final int maxsize = 30000;
47 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Final Classes and Methods
Final Classes
Final classes cannot be inherited
All methods in a final class are implicitly final
Final Methods
final methods cannot be overridden
Methods declared as static are implicitly final
Also methods declared private are implicitly final
48 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Static Members
You can declare both methods and variables to be
Static methods has got following restrictions
They can call only static methods
They can access static data only
Cannot refer to this or super
Static methods can access non-static variables and non-
static methods, provided explicit instance variable is made
available to the method
49 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Nested classes
Class within another class
The scope of a nested class is bounded by the scope
of its enclosing class
Nested classes are of two types:
Nested classes should be used to reflect and enforce
the relationship between two classes
50 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Anonymous Inner classes
These classes do not have a name
Are defined at the location they are instantiated
using additional syntax with the new operator
Typically used to create objects on the fly in
contexts such as return value of a method, an
argument in a method call or in initialization of
51 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Object Superclass
Cosmic super class
Ultimate ancestor every class in Java implicitly
extends Object
A variable of type Object can be used to refer to objects
of any type
Eg. Object obj = new Emp();
Methods in Object class are :
void finalize()
Class getClass()
String toString()
52 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The System Class
The System class is the class used to interact with
any of the system resources
It can not be instantiated
Contains a lot of methods and variables to handle
system I/O
Among the facilities provided by the System class are
standard input, standard output, and error output
53 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The System Class
Some of the methods in System class:
System.gc(): is a suggestion and not a command
It is not guaranteed to cause the garbage collector to collect
54 Copyright 2008 by Patni
String Handling
String is handled as an object of class String and not
as an array of characters
String class is a better and a convenient way to
handle any operation
But one main restriction with this class is that once
an object of this class is created, the contents
cannot be changed
55 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Some methods of String class
length() : length of String
indexOf() : searches for the occurrence of a char, or
String within other String
substring() : retrieves substring from the object
trim() : to remove spaces
valueOf() : converts data to String
56 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The String Class
String str =new String(Pooja);
String str1 =new String(Sam);
String str =new String(Pooja);
String str1 =str;
Heap Stack
57 Copyright 2008 by Patni
StringBuffer Class
Peer class of String class that represents fixed length,
immutable char sequence
StringBuffer represents growable and writeable
character sequence
Insertions at particular positions are possible through
this class
58 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Wrapper Classes
Primitives are not a part of object hierarchy
Primitives are passed by value
Object representation of primitives is required
Wrapper classes provide a way to encapsulate simple
values as objects
Integer, Double, Float, Character are all wrapper
59 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Packages and Interfaces
60 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Interfaces Their need
Interface defines a data-type without implementation
The interface approach is sometimes known as
programming by contract
Its essentially a collection of constants & abstract
An interface is used via the keyword "implements"
Thus a class can be declared as
class MyClass implements Sun, Fun{
... }
But a var of type Object is useful only as a generic place holder for arbitrary values.
To do anything specific, you have to have an idea of the original type & apply a
Eg. Emp e =(Emp)obj;
61 Copyright 2008 by Patni
A Java interface definition looks like a class
definition that has only abstract methods, although
the abstract keyword need not appear in the
public interface Testable {
void method1();
void method2(int i, String s);
62 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Declaring and Using Interfaces
public interface simple_cal {
int add(int a, int b);
int i=10;
//Interfaces are to be implemented.
class calci implements simple_cal {
int add(int a, int b){
return a+b;
63 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Interfaces - rules
Methods in an interface are always public & abstract
Data members in a interface are always public, static
& final
A sub class can only have a single super class in Java
But a class can implement any number of interfaces
Thus flexibility is introduced in usage of
C++has multiple inheritance & all the complications that come with it, such as
virtual base classes, dominance rules & transverse pointer casts.
Few C++programmers use multiple inheritance, & some say it should never be
64 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Interfaces & Abstract classes
Abstract classes are used only when there is a is-a
type of relationship between the classes
You cannot extend more than one abstract class
Abstract class can contain abstract as well as
implemented methods
65 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Are a named collection of classes
Are a way of grouping related classes & interfaces
A package can contain any number of classes that are
related in purpose, in scope or by inheritance
Convenient for organizing your work & separating
your work from code libraries provided by others
Consider a lib wwith a large no of unordered collection of books. Imagine the time
you spend in searching for a book on java!!!
But suppose books are categorised & arranged in sections? Accessing would be a lot
66 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Packages : Their need
Allow to organize classes into units
Reduce problems with naming conflicts
Allow to protect classes, variables & methods in a
larger way than on a class-to-class basis
1. Like folders , subfolders, sub-sub-folders etc on your local directory system!!!
Packages create groupings for related interfaces & classes. Eg. A set of lib
classes for performing statistical analysis could be grouped together in a stats
package.the package could be placed in a archive file together with a manifest
describing the package & shipped to customers for use in their applications.
2. Packages create namespaces that help avoid naming conflicts between types.
Interfaces & classes in a package can use popular public names like list &
constants that make sense in one context but might conflict withthe same name
in another package.
3. Packages provide a protection domain for developing application frameworks.
Code within a package can cooperate using access to identifiers that are
unavailable to external code.
Package nesting
Packages can contain other packages.
The java class lib itself is distributed over a number of packages like
java.lang, java.awt, etc.
Nesting packages guarantees the uniqueness of package names
67 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using packages
To use a public class of a package, simple use the full
package name
E.g. Java.util.Date = new java.util.Date();
import statement: allows to import all the public
classes in a package
E.g. import java.awt.*;
If the required class is in java.lang package, it can be
used directly
Diff between import & #include.:
Import is a statement; include is a directive.
Include bloats the size of the executable, import merely indicates where class can be
found.thus, size of executable doesnt increase.
68 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Defining A Package
package com.patni.trg.demo;
// import statements here.
public class Balance {
String name;
double bal;
public Balance(String n, double b) {
name = n;
bal = b;
69 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Defining A Package
public void show() {
System.out.print("-->> ");
System.out.println(name + ": $" +
70 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Compiling A Package
Specify the path of the directory, where com directory
is to be created
javac d .
javac d E:\JavaAss\MyAss
71 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Package scope access
Default: features of a class having default scope can
be accessed by all classes in the same package
Protected: enables a feature to be accessed by classes
or interfaces of the same package or by subclasses of
the class in which it is declared
72 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Private No Modifier Protected Public
Sameclass Y Y Y Y
SamePackageSubclass N Y Y Y
SamePackagenon-subclass N Y Y Y
Different PackageSubclass N N Y Y
Diffrent Packagenon-subclass N N N Y

Access Specifiers
73 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Access Specifiers
Package P2
Package P1
Class A
Class C Class B Class F Class G
74 Copyright 2008 by Patni
For java to be able to use a class, it has to be able to
find that class on the file system
Otherwise, the runtime flags an exception that the class
does not exist
Java uses 2 elements to find classes
The package name
The directories listed in classpath variable
75 Copyright 2008 by Patni
classpath : points to various places where java
classes live
The specific location that Java compiler considers as
root of an package hierarchy is controlled by
classpath = c:\jdk1.2.2\bin; c:\jdk1.4.2_03; d:\java;
76 Copyright 2008 by Patni
How compiler locates a file
Compiler searches through all directories specified in
the classpath variable
If . is specified in classpath, then it also checks current
If compiler still does not locate the file, it flags a
ClassNotFound Exception
77 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Eclipse, an IDE
78 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What is an IDE?
An application or set of tools that allows a programmer
to write, compile, edit, and in some cases test and
debug within an integrated, interactive environment
IDE combines the editor, compiler, runtime environment
and debugger all in the single integrated application.
(e.g. When one attempts to compile code with syntax
errors, IDE shows the error messages, and lets one jump
to that line by clicking on error message)
79 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Some examples of an IDE
WSAD (WebSphere Studio Application Developer)
80 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using Eclipse as an IDE
The Eclipse Project is an open source software
development project dedicated to providing a robust,
full-featured, commercial-quality, industry platform for
the development of highly integrated tools and rich
client applications
81 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using Eclipse as an IDE
Our objective is to code Java programs faster with
Eclipse 3.0 as an IDE
Eclipse3.0 features include:
Creation and maintenance of the Java project
Developing Packages
Debugging a java program with variety of tools
Running a Java program
82 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using Eclipse as an IDE
Developing the Java program will be easier as Eclipse
editor will provide:
Syntax highlighting
Content/code assist
Code formatting
Import assistance
Quick fix
Trainer should explain each of these features to participants.
83 Copyright 2008 by Patni
84 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Exception Handling
85 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Exception Handling
Exception is an object that describes an exceptional
Java Exception handling is managed by 5 keywords
try, catch
86 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Exception Handling
RunTime Exception
Compile Time Exception
Exception Error
Unchecked Exception Checked Exception
Common misconception found in new programmers in Java is Compile-
time exceptions are those that occur at compile time and runtime
exception are those that occur at runtime. This is misleading. They need
to be explained clearly that -- Checked exceptions are sometime called
Compile time exception, but they do not really occur at compile time.
Rather, they are checked by complier at compile time, to ensure that
programmer has caught them or specified them in throws clause of the
signature. For unchecked exceptions, also called Runtime exceptions,
compiler does not insist to handle them in code.
87 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Some Examples
Checked Exceptions include:
Unchecked Exceptions include:
88 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using try and catch
class demo {
public static void main(String a[]) {
try {
int d = 0;
int a = 42 /d;
} catch(ArithmeticException ae) {
89 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Throw and Throws clause
It is a way to throw an exception explicitly
Must be an object of Throwable or its subclasses
public void passgrade(int a, int total) {
if (a > total)
throw new ArithmeticException();
90 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Throws clause
If method is capable of throwing an exception, then
caller needs to be informed, so that they can guard
themselves against the exception
public void passgrade(int a, int total) throws
ArithmeticException {
if (a > total)
throw new ArithmeticException();
Throws clause is not commonly used for Exceptions
of type Error, RuntimeException, or its subclasses
91 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Finally clause
Finally clause creates a block of code that will be
executed whether or not an exception is thrown
try {
int j = 0;
int I = d/j;
} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
} finally {
System.out.println(Always Executed);
92 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Application Specific Exceptions
class ApplicationException extends Exception
{ private int detail;
ApplicationException(int a) {
detail = a;}
ApplicationException(String args) {
super(args); }
public String toString(){ return
93 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Documenting in Java - javadoc
94 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What is javadoc?
Javadoc is a tool that parses the declarations and
documentation comments in a set of source files and
produces a set of HTML pages describing the classes,
inner classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and
To generate javadocs for the class some commenting
styles must be followed in the program
95 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Javadoc Comments
A general javadoc comment
* This is the typical format of a simple
documentation *comment that spans two lines
Documentation comments are recognized only when
enclosed between /** and */ and placed immediately
before class, interface, constructor, method, or
field declarations
At this stage, trainer may show how a typical J avadoc generated HTML page looks
like. Visiting a framed version of J avadoc, with left-frame listing all the classes of a
given package and right-frame showing documentation of a particular class would
be good enough.
96 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Javadoc Comments (Contd.)
Class and interface Documentation tags
@see,@deprecated,@author,@version and more
/** * A class representing a window on the screen.
* For example:
* @author patni
* @see java.awt.BaseWindow
class Window extends BaseWindow { ... }
97 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Field Documentation tags:
@see,@deprecated,@since,@serial and more
* The X-coordinate of the component.
* @see #getLocation() */ int x = 1263732;
Javadoc Comments (Contd.)
98 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Javadoc Comments (Contd.)
Constructor and Method Documentation Tags
@see,@param,@return,@since,@throws,@exception and more
* Returns the character at the specified index. An index
* @param index the index of the desired character
99 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Javadoc Comments (Contd.)
* @return the desired character.
* @exception StringIndexOutOfRangeException
* if the index is not in the range <code>0</code>
* to <code>length()-1</code>.
* @see java.lang.Character#charValue()
public char charAt(int index) { ... }
100 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Coding Conventions
101 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Coding Conventions
Every project in Patni MUST follow consistent Java
Coding Conventions, unless overridden by client for
that project
Coding conventions (also known as Coding
Guidelines) are set of suggestive guidelines defined
for a project, that helps to enforce consistent coding
style across developers within the project
For example, it ensures consistent and readable
names of variables, classes or methods across
102 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Coding Conventions (Contd.)
Examples of Coding Conventions Guidelines
Class level member variable should be m_x<varname> where
m indicates member variable,
x should be replaced with i for integer, s for String etc.
e.g. m_sUserName // String that stores User Name
Function Arguments variables (formal parameters) should be
a_x<varname> where
a indicates argument variable,
x should be replaced with i for integer, s for String etc.
e.g. a_iProjectCode // integer argument to hold proj-code
First letter of every class should always be in upper case.
Variable names such as String string1 = new String() should
be avoided. Instead, sensible variable name should used
New fresh programmers (in J ava or any other language) tend to name a variable
such as this
String string1 =new String();
int x =45;
Later, once coding is completed, they search and replace variable string1 with
sensible name such m_sUserName, to comply with coding convention set in the
project. This should be avoided. The culture should be developed to never ever
name a variable without following its convention. Once it becomes a habit, it would
never be forgotten and never need to be imposed
103 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Coding Conventions (Contd.)
How do Coding Conventions help the project?
Helps to define the consistent ways of naming a variable or
a class or a method within application
Improves readability of the code
Helps during defect fixing and maintenance phase, since
variable names are indicative of its scope, type etc
Makes debugging of code person-independent
Saves efforts on documentation, since variable/method or
class names becomes self-describing
104 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Coding Conventions (Contd.)
How to use Coding Conventions on the project?
Typically defined by client or senior team member or PL
before the start of the coding phase
If not defined for a project, refer to conventions defined by
Sun (
Should be read and understood by every developer before
starting the code (to avoid rework later on)
Should be adopted as part of the coding-culture itself, and
not as add-on activity applied after functional coding is done
Should come naturally to every developer
Should get caught during code-reviews, if not followed
New fresh programmers (in J ava or any other language) tend to name a variable
such as this
String string1 =new String();
int x =45;
Later, once coding is completed, they search and replace variable string1 with
sensible name such m_sUserName, to comply with coding convention set in the
project. This should be avoided. The culture should be developed to never ever
name a variable without following its convention. Once it becomes a habit, it would
never be forgotten and never need to be imposed
105 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Coding Conventions (Contd.)
Coding Conventions can be found on Patni KC
Patni KC Home -> Quality Processes -> Coding
Standards -> Java Coding Standards
Coding Conventions defined by Sun
that can be used for rest of the assignments within
this course
Coding Conventions
Trainer should open the attached PDF, and do a quick walk-through of Section 9
which defines the naming conventions to be used. Rest of the sections should be left
as reading exercise for participants. Trainer should insist on following these
conventions for rest of the lab assignments within the course.
106 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Code Reviews and Review Checklist
107 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Being SEI-CMMi Level 5 company, reviews are part
of the life in Patni
Reviews do take place for every work product
created in SDLC of a project (e.g. Design review,
test case review, code review etc.)
Various types of reviews in Patni
Peer-to-peer review
Peer review
SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle
Trainer can give high level understanding of what reviews mean to participant.
Explain 3 different types of reviews at high level only.
108 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Peer to Peer Code Reviews
Code is reviewed by Peer (colleague)
Why Peer to Peer Reviews are required?
Everyone has a blind spot. Cant catch ones own mistake
Helps to catch the defect early in the life-cycle
Defects found in reviews may be difficult or impossible to find
in testing (e.g. coding convention defects)
It takes more efforts to find the same defect during testing
(Cost of finding defect in testing is higher than cost of finding
defect in reviews)
Enforces consistency amongst developers and clarifies
misunderstood points during review discussions
109 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Code Review Checklist
Code reviews should be done using a checklist, and should
cover functional reviews too
Typically code-review checklists are created senior team
member (GL) or PL or sometimes provided by client too
If not defined for a project, refer to checklists available on
Patni KC
Should be read and understood by every developer before
starting the code creation and code reviews
Checklist must be used by code-creator for self-review. This
will reduce the efforts during peer-to-peer review
Should be adopted as part of the coding-culture itself
110 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Code Review Checklist (Contd.)
Typically Java Code Review checklist looks like this
Sample Java Code review checklist
One of the important points that code-review checklist
ensures is enforcing coding conventions (or coding guidelines)
discussed in earlier slides
Review Findings of code-review should be captured as code-
review defects. Defects should be fixed by code-creator, and
re-verified by the person reporting the defect
There could be a walk-through of few bullets in this code review checklist,
primarily for Section 2 Core J ava. Other sections can be skipped for now. This
checklist may be used for code-reviews of rest or few of the code-assignments on
this course.
111 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Collections Framework in Java
112 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What is Collections Framework?
A Collection is a group of objects
Collections framework provide a a set of standard
utility classes to manage collections
Collections Framework consists of three parts:
Core Interfaces
Concrete Implementation
Algorithms such as searching and sorting
113 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Collections Hierarchy
114 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Collection Basic Operations
int size();
boolean isEmpty();
boolean contains(Object element);
boolean add(Object element);
boolean remove(Object element);
Iterator iterator();
115 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Collection Bulk Operations
boolean containsAll(Collection c);
boolean addAll(Collection c);
boolean removeAll(Collection c);
boolean retainAll(Collection c);
void clear();
116 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Collection Array Operations
Object[] toArray();
Object[] toArray(Object a[]);
117 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Map is in the sorted key order. SortedMap
For classes implementing key-value pair kind pf
mappings. Can not contain duplicate keys.
An ordered collection (i.e. sequence). Duplicates
and multiple null values allowed.
Maintains the elements in sorted order. SortedSet
Maintains a set of unique elements. Set
Defines the operations that all classes that maintain
collections typically implement
Description Interfaces
Collection Interfaces
118 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Linked List
TreeMap TreeSet Balanced
SortedMap Map List SortedSet Set Data
Concrete Implementations
119 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The Classes
Legacy classes
120 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Property files
121 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Property files
java.util.Properties is a platform-independent
generalization of the DOS SET environment, or the
Windows *.INI files. In Java, even each object could
have its own list of properties. A program can
determine if an entry is missing in the property file and
provide a default to using it its place
122 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Properties
Java.util.Properties class:
The Properties class represents a persistent set of
properties. The Properties can be saved to path from
where the properties file would be picked up. Each key
and its corresponding value in the property list is a
123 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Types of properties
Property files provide a means of storing key-value
pair,which could be used by the programs in execution
Properties can be categorized as:
User specific properties
System properties
124 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Types of properties
User specific properties:
These properties are part of the
containing a key value pair, which can be mentioned by
the program in run file contents password=tiger
125 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Types of properties
System properties:
System properties give information about the
environment of the program ,in which it is running such
as JVM it is running in, Operating System name and
version, java home and many more properties
126 Copyright 2008 by Patni
System Properties
System properties are read from System class, which
give information about the environment of the Java
program in which it is running, such as:
User.region etc
127 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Files and Streams
128 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Files are necessary for persisting data
Java views each file as a sequential stream of bytes
Stream is generic term for flow of data
Different streams are used to represent different kinds
of data flow
When a file is opened, an object is created and a
stream is associated with the object
129 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Thus, an object from which we can read a sequence of
bytes is input stream
Thus, an object to which we can write a sequence of
bytes is output stream
The source or destination of data can be files, network
connections or even blocks of memory
The Java I/O class libraries allows user to handle any
data in the same way
130 Copyright 2008 by Patni package
Provides an extensive set of classes for handling I/O
to & from various devices
Contains many classes each with a variety of member
variables & methods
It is layered ie. It does not attempt to put too much
capability into 1 class
Instead a programmer can get the features he wants
by layering one class over another
131 Copyright 2008 by Patni
I/O Handling
All Java programs automatically import java.lang
This package defines a class called System, which
encapsulates several aspects of run-time environment
It contains three predefined stream variables called
in,out, and err (public static)
132 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Input streams
133 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Output streams
134 Copyright 2008 by Patni
InputStream class
An abstract class that defines methods for performing
Serves as base class for all other InputStream classes
Defines a basic interface for reading streamed bytes
of information
Data in InputStream is transmitted one byte at a time
The typical scenario when using an input stream is to create an InputStream-derived
object and then tell it you want to input information by calling an appropriate
method. If no input information is currently available, the InputStream uses a
technique known as blocking to wait until input data becomes available. An
example of when blocking takes place is the case of using an input stream to read
information from the keyboard. Until the user types information and presses Return
or Enter, there is no input available to the InputStream object. The InputStream
object then waits (blocks) until the user presses Return or Enter, at which time the
input data becomes available and the InputStream object can process it as input.
135 Copyright 2008 by Patni
InputStream class : some methods
int read() : Returns an integer representation of the
next available byte of input
int read(byte buffer[]):
int read(byte buffer[], int offset, int numbytes)
int available()
void close()
void mark(int numbytes)
int read(byte buffer[]): Attempts to read up to buffer.length bytes into
buffer and returns the actual number of bytes that were successfully read
int read(byte buffer[], int offset, int numbytes) :Skips over numbytes of input,
returning the number of bytes actually skipped
Void mark(int numbytes) :Places a mark at the current point in the input
stream that will remain valid until numbytes are read
int available() :returns the number of bytes of input currently available for
136 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using the Stream variables
class ReadKeys {
public static void main (String args[]) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
char c;
try {
while((ch =(char) != '\n')) {
} catch (Exception e) { ... }
String s = new String(sb);
System.out.println(s); } }
137 Copyright 2008 by Patni
void write (int b): Writes a single byte to an output
void write(byte buffer[])
void write(byte buffer[], int offset, int noBytes)
void flush()
void close()
138 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The FileInputStream class creates an InputStream that
you can use to read the contents of a file. It has two
FileInputStream(String filepath) throws FileNotFoundException
FileInputStream(File fileobj) throws FileNotFoundException
139 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The FileOutputStream class creates an OutputStream
that you can use to read the contents of a file. It has
two constructors:
FileOutputStream(String filepath)
FileOutputStream(File fileobj)
140 Copyright 2008 by Patni
ByteArrayInputStream is an implementation of an input
stream that uses a byte array as the source. This class
has two constructors , each of which requires a byte
array to provide the data source
ByteArrayInputStream(byte array[])
ByteArrayInputStream(byte array[],int start,int numbytes)
141 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Chaining of streams
Each class accesses the output of the previous class
through the in variable
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(c:\a.txt);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
142 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Character Streams: Readers/Writers
Reader and Writer classes are designed for character
Reader is an input character stream that reads a
sequence of Unicode characters
Writer is an output character stream that writes a
sequence of Unicode characters
143 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Reader hierarchy
144 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Writer hierarchy
145 Copyright 2008 by Patni
File class
File class doesnt operate on streams
Represents the pathname of a file or directory in the
host file system
Used to obtain or manipulate the information
associated with a disk file, such as permissions, time,
date, directory path etc
An object of File class provides a handle to a file or
directory and can be used to create, rename or delete
the entry
146 Copyright 2008 by Patni
File class
Some methods
147 Copyright 2008 by Patni
File class methods (Contd.)
Length() : returns length of file in bytes as long
List() : obtain listings of directory contents
148 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Serializability of a class is enabled by the class
implementing the interface.
Classes that do not implement this interface will not
have any of their state serialized or deserialized. All
subtypes of a serializable class are themselves
serializable. The serialization interface has no methods
or fields and serves only to identify the semantics of
being serializable
149 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Object Serialization
Allows an object to be transformed into a sequence of
bytes that can be later re-created into an original
After deserialization, the object has the same state as
it had when it was serialized(barring any data members
that are not serialized)
For a object to be serialized, the class must implement
the Serializable interface
150 Copyright 2008 by Patni
RandomAccessFile encapsulates a random-access file
RandomAccessFile(String FileObj, String access);
RandomAccessFile(String filename, String access)
access can be r or rw
void seek( long newPos);
151 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Multithreading in Java
152 Copyright 2008 by Patni
A multithreaded program contains two or more parts
that can run concurrently. Each part of that program is
called thread, and each thread defines a separate path
of execution
There are two distinct types of multitasking: process
based & thread based
Thread is also known as lightweight process
153 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The Main thread
When a Java program starts up, there is already one thread
It is the thread from which other child threads will be
It must be the last thread to finish execution. When the main
thread stops, your program terminates
If the main thread finishes before a child thread has
completed, then the Java run-time system may hang
154 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Main Thread
Although the main thread is called automatically when
program starts, it can be controlled by a thread object
How? Obtain a reference to it by calling the method
currentThread() (a public static member of Thread
static Thread currentThread(){ }
This returns a reference to the thread in which it is
called. Once a reference to the main thread is
obtained, it can be controlled just like any other
155 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Creating new Threads
Creating a thread involves two steps: writing the code that
is executed in the thread and writing the code that starts
the thread
There are two ways to create a thread
Implementing Runnable interface
Extending Thread class
156 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Runnable interface
Need to implement run()
public abstract void run()
Instantiate an object of type Thread within that class
Thread defines several constructors
Thread ( Runnable threadOb, String threadName );
The new thread will not start running until its start()
method isnt invoked
In turn, start() executes a call to run().
synchronized void start ( )
157 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Extending Thread class
The extending class must override the run() method,
which is the entry point for the new thread
It must also call start() to begin execution of the new
158 Copyright 2008 by Patni
LifeCycle of Thread
Ready to run
Sleeping Blocked Waiting
Non-runnable state
Leaving non-runnable
159 Copyright 2008 by Patni
States of Java Thread
Not Runnable
Still alive, but it is not eligible for execution
It can move to not runnable stage because of following reasons:
1. The thread is waiting for an I/O operation to complete
2. The thread has been put to sleep for a certain period of time
(using the sleep() method)
3. The wait() method has been called
4. The thread has been suspended (using suspend() method)
160 Copyright 2008 by Patni
States of Java Thread
When a thread terminates, it is DEAD. Threads can be DEAD in a
variety of ways which include
1. When its run() method returns
2. When stop() or destroy() method is called
161 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Methods invoked on Threads
interrupt() : interrupts a thread
interrupted() : true if current thread has been
interrupted and false otherwise
isInterrupted() : determines if a particular thread is
stop() : stops a thread by throwing a ThreadDeath
object which is a subclass of error
162 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The Thread Class Methods
getPriority(): Obtains thread priority
start(): To start the operation of a thread
sleep(): suspends the thread for some time
run(): body of the thread
suspend()/resume(): suspends a thread & resumes
163 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Methods invoked on Threads
getName(): returns the name of the thread
toString(): returns a string consisting of the name of
the thread, priority of the thread and the threads
currentThread(): returns a reference to the current
join(): waits for the thread to which the message is
sent to die before the current thread can proceed
164 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Methods invoked on Threads
isAlive(): returns true if start has been called but stop
has not
setName(): sets the name of the thread
Yield(): Causes the currently executing thread object
to temporarily pause and allow other threads to
165 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Pre-emptive VS Nonpre-emptive
Pre-emptive : The OS interrupts programs without
consulting them
Non pre-emptive: The programs are interrupted only
when they are ready to yield control
With non preemptive scheduling, the scheduler runs the current thread forever,
requiring that the thread explicitly to tell it when it is safe to start a different thread.
With preemptive time - slicing, the scheduler runs the current thread until it has
used up a certain tiny fraction of a second, & then preempts it, suspends it, and
resumes another thread for the next tiny fraction of a second
166 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Scheduling & Priority
Thread-scheduling: A mechanism used to determine
how runnable threads are allocated CPU time
A Thread-scheduling mechanism is either preemptive
or non preemptive
Scheduling can be controlled through priorities
setPriority() getPriority()
Three types of priorities can be set viz MIN_PRIORITY,
167 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Scheduling & Priority
The job of Java scheduler is to keep a highest priority
thread running at all times
If timeslicing is available, it ensures that several
equally high - priority threads execute for a quantum in
a round - robin fashion
168 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Multithreading JVM
implementation dependent
The early Solaris Java platform runs a thread of a
given priority to completion or until a higher priority
thread becomes ready
At that point preemption occurs, I.e the processor is
given to the higher - priority thread while the
previously running thread must wait
169 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Multithreading policies
In 32-bit Java implementations for Win 95 & Win NT,
threads are time sliced
Each thread is given a limited amount of time to
execute on a processor
When that time expires the thread is made to wait
while other threads of equal priority get their chance
to use their quantum in round - robin fashion
170 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Multithreading policies
Thus, on Win 95 and Win NT, a running thread can be
pre - empted by a thread of equal priority
Whereas on the early solaris implementation, a running
thread can only be pre-empted by a higher priority
171 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Thread Synchronization
Implemented using synchronized keywords
A method can be synchronized so that only one thread
at a time can access the method
This is possible using a technique called as object
Even an object can be synchronized
172 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Inter thread Communication
final void wait(): tells the calling thread to give up
the monitor and go to sleep until some other thread
enters the same monitor and calls notify()
final void notify(): wakes up the first thread that
called wait() on the same object
final void notifyall(): wakes up all the threads that
called wait() on the same object. The highest
priority thread will run first
173 Copyright 2008 by Patni
174 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What is an applet ?
Applets are small programs stored over web server
Transported over the net
Installed automatically
Run as a part of web page
Need an environment of web browser
175 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applet basics
Any applet has to inherit from an Applet class
The methods in the Applet class are
paint(Graphics g)
176 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applet basics(Contd.)
Adding an applet to html document
<applet code=myapplet.class width=400 height=400>
Running an Applet
c:\appletviewer ex.html
177 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applet basics(Contd.)
Applets do not have a main method
Applets must run under the environment of web
Applets do not have the right/permission to access the
file system on client machine
They can not perform any I/O operation
178 Copyright 2008 by Patni
A Simple Applet
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class simpleapp extends Applet {
public void init(){ //any initialization
} public void paint(Graphics g){
g.drawString(Hello World,100,100);
179 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Other Applet methods
repaint(): to request painting again
getDocumentBase(): URL of HTML file
getCodeBase(): URL of applet file
getParameter(String): to retrieve the parameter value
from HTML document
180 Copyright 2008 by Patni
JAR files
< applet archive=appletbundle.jar
code=appletname.class width=w
JAR files can be made by using the jar tool
Jar cf appletbundle.jar *. class image.*
To display the content of the jar file
Jar tf appletbundle.jar
To extract the content of the jar file
Jar xvf appletbundle.jar
181 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applet Life Cycle
You add components to a Swing applet's content pane, not
directly to the applet
The default layout manager for a Swing applet's content pane
is BorderLayout
You should not put painting code directly in a JApplet object
182 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applets (Contd.)
Threads in Applet
It's generally considered safe to create and manipulate Swing
components directly in the init method
183 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applets (Contd.)
Embedding an Applet in an HTML Page
<applet code="TumbleItem.class" codebase="example-
1dot4/" archive="tumbleClasses.jar tumbleImages.jar"
width="600" height="95">
<param name="maxwidth" value="120">
<param name="nimgs" value="17">
<param name="offset" value="-57">
<param name="img" value="images/tumble">
184 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applets (Contd.)
Your browser is completely ignoring the
<applet> tag! </applet>
185 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Demo : Applet Demo
186 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Database Connectivity
187 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Database Connectivity
JavaSoft worked with D/B tool vendors to provide
DBMS independent mechanism to write client side
The result is JDBC API
JDBC API is designed to allow developers to create
database front ends without having to continually
rewrite the code
An API that is D/B independent and uniform across
188 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Database Connectivity
A standard to write which takes all app. designs into
This is possible through a set of interface that are
implemented by the driver
Driver is responsible for converting a standard JDBC
call to a native call
189 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What is JDBC
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a standard SQL
database access interface, providing uniform access to
a wide range of relational databases
JDBC provides a common base on which higher level
tools and interfaces can be built
190 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What does JDBC Do ?
JDBC makes it possible to do three things:
1) Establish a connection with a database
2) Send SQL statements
3) Process the results
191 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Why JDBC ?
Java is a write once, run anywhere language
Java based clients are thin client
Suited for network centric models
It provide a clean , simple, uniform vendor
independent interface
JDBC support all the advance features of latest
version ANSI SQL
JDBC API provides a rich set of methods
192 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Database Connectivity
193 Copyright 2008 by Patni
ODBC Architecture
ODBC Driver Manager
SQL Server
DB 2
DB 2
194 Copyright 2008 by Patni
JDBC Architecture
JDBC Driver Manager
SQL Server
SQL * Net Net Lib
Database Sybase
ODBC Driver
SQL Server
195 Copyright 2008 by Patni
So why not just use ODBC from Java?
ODBC relies on the multiple use of void * pointers and
other C features that are not natural in java
ODBC driver manager and drivers must be manually
installed on every client machine. JDBC code is
automatically installable, portable, and secure
ODBC is procedure oriented, while JDBC is object
196 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Two-tier and Three-tier Models
JDBC API supports both two-tier and three-tier models for database
Java Applet or
HTML browser
server (JAVA)
Propriety protocal
JAVA Application
Three-tier JDBC Two-tier JDBC
197 Copyright 2008 by Patni
JDBC API - java.sql
in java.sql
198 Copyright 2008 by Patni
JDBC components
Driver Manager
Driver Manager
ResultSet ResultSet
199 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Database access from Java
Steps Involved
Loading the Driver
Establishing the connection
Passing Sql Query
200 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Loading Drivers
Class.forName()throws ClassNotFoundException
- sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
try {
}catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println(Exception : + e);}
201 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Types of Driver
Type I : Jdbc-Odbc Bridge Driver
Type II : Partly Java, partly native code
implementing Vendor specific API
Type III : Pure Java driver requesting either to
type I or II as another layer
Type IV : Pure Java requesting directly to the
202 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Establishing Connection
A JDBC URL has the following syntax
String url= jdbc:<subprotocol>:<subname>
// for odbc
String url= jdbc:odbc:employee ;
// for jdbc
String url= jdbc:oracle:thin:@tech:1521:ORCL ;
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
(url,"myLogin", "myPassword")
203 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Retrieving Data from Table
ResultSet executeQuery( String sql) throws
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT name, age FROM
Retrieving data from Resultset
boolean next( ) throws SQLException
void Close ( ) throws SQLException
XXX getXXX( int index ) throws SQLException
204 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Retrieving data from ResultSet
String query = " SELECT name, age FROM student ";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
while ( {
String s = rs.getString("name");
BigDecimal n = rs.getBigDecimal("age");
System.out.println(s + " " + n);
The output will look something like this:
Smith 20
Rahul 19
205 Copyright 2008 by Patni
A RowSet object contains a set of rows from a result
set or some other source of tabular data, like a file or
spreadsheet. Because a RowSet object follows the
JavaBeans model for properties and event notification,
it is a JavaBeans component that can be combined
with other components in an application
206 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Types of RowSets
JdbcRowSet: A connected scrollable ,updatable
CachedRowset:A disconnected RowSet
WebRowSet:A connected RowSet that uses the HTTP
protocol internally to talk to a Java Servlet that
provides data access
207 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Inserting Data into Tables
executeUpdate( ) throws SQLException
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO student " + "VALUES (1, 'Smith',
' Bombay' , 20, 7646234 ) )";
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO st_ course " +
"VALUES (1, 1, 01-01-1999, 'Very Good' )");
208 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Updating Tables
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE course+ SET fees =
fees+2000.00" );
209 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using PreparedStatement
PreparedStatement prep = con.prepareStatement(
" course values set fees = ? WHERE c-id = ?");
prep.setInt(1, 2);
prep.setBigDecimal(2, 8000.00);
prep.executeUpdate ( );
prep.setInt(1, 4);
prep.setBigDecimal(2, 9000.00);prep.executeUpdate ( );
210 Copyright 2008 by Patni
DataSource and Connection Pooling
DataSource:The JDBC 2.0 extension API introduced the
concept of data sources, which are standard, general-
use objects for specifying databases or other resources
to use
211 Copyright 2008 by Patni
What is a DataSource?
A DataSourceobject is the representation of a data
source in the Java programming language. In basic
terms, a data source is a facility for storing data. It
can be as sophisticated as a complex database for a
large corporation or as simple as a file with rows and
columns. A data source can reside on a remote server,
or it can be on a local desktop machine
212 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applications access a data source using a connection, and
a DataSourceobject can be thought of as a factory for
connections to the particular data source that the
DataSourceinstance represents
What is a DataSource?
213 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Comparison between DriverManager
and DataSource
While directly creating a connection by calling
DriverManager.getConnection(..) , you are creating a
connection by yourself and when closing close() on it,
the link to database is lost. On the other hand we get
a connection from a datasource, when you call the
close() on it, it will not close the link to database,
but will return to a connection pool where it can be
reused by some other classes
214 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Comparison between DriverManager
and DataSource(Contd.)
It is always better to use a connection pool because
creating connections are expensive. DataSource has
its usability in the distributed computing
environment,as it can be used with JNDI lookups
Another major advantage is that the Dat aSour ce
facility allows developers to implement a
Dat aSour ce class to take advantage of features like
connection pooling and distributed transactions
215 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using Callable Statement
String sql=execute getEmployes ? ;
CallableStatement call=con.prepareCall(sql);
int val=call.getInt(1);
System.out.println(There are +val + employees);
216 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Using Transactions
con.setAutoCommit(boolean commit)
try {
// perform transactions
} catch (SQLException e) {
con .rollback() ;}
217 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Networking
218 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Course Objectives
Understand basic networking concepts and Java
Networking API
Develop simple Java Applications using some commanly
used classes from package in Java SDK
Objective of the session is to understand the new features as brought in
by J ava 5 as listed below.
J 2SE 5.0 Design Themes
Language Changes
Generics & Metadata
Library API Changes
Concurrency utilities
Conclusions and Resources
219 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Networking Basics
220 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Networking Basics
Computers communicate over internet using protocols
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
221 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A connection-based protocol that provides a reliable
flow of data between two computers
Guarantees data delivery from one end of the
connection to the other , an error is reported otherwise
Provides a point-to-point channel for applications that
require reliable communications
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), and Telnet are examples of applications
that require a reliable communication channel
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
222 Copyright 2008 by Patni
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Provides for communication that is not guaranteed
between two applications on the network
Is not connection-based like TCP
Order of delivery of message is not important , and each
message is independent of any other
An example of a service that doesn't need the guarantee
of a reliable channel is the ping command
A reliable channel would invalidate this service
altogether since it is to test the communication
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
223 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Understanding Ports
A complete destination network address for connection
is made up of <ipaddress>:<port no.>
Port number defines a virtual cannel for connecting to
an application on the sever, where as the IP address
merely defines which server to connect
The computer is identified by its IP address, which IP
uses to deliver data to the right computer on the
Ports are identified by a number, which TCP and UDP
use to deliver the data to the right application
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
224 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Understanding Ports
In connection-based communication such as TCP, a server
application binds a socket to a specific port number
This has the effect of registering the server with the system to
receive all data destined for that port
In datagram-based communication such as UDP, the datagram
packet contains the port number of its destination and UDP routes
the packet to the appropriate application
The TCP and UDP protocols use ports to map incoming data to a
particular process running on a computer
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
225 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Understanding Ports
Port numbers range from 0 to 65,535 because ports are represented
by 16-bit numbers
The port numbers ranging from 0 - 1023 are restricted; they are
reserved for use by well-known services such as HTTP and FTP and
other system services
These ports are called well-known ports
Your applications should not attempt to bind to them
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
226 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Networking in Java
227 Copyright 2008 by Patni package for networking
The Package defines the java classes for
Through these classes in, Java programs can
use TCP or UDP to communicate over the Internet
The URL, URLConnection, Socket, and ServerSocket
classes all use TCP to communicate over the network
The DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket, and
MulticastSocket classes are for use with UDP
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
228 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The class represents Uniform Resource
URL j avasoft =new URL ("http://www.j");
the above line , creates an java object for the url
URL j avasoft =new URL ("http://www.j");
URL j avasoftGames =new URL (j avasoft, "J");
create URL object for the page
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
229 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Each of the four URL constructors throws a
MalformedURLException if the arguments refer to a null
or unknown protocol
try { URL myURL =new URL(. . .)}
catch (MalformedURLException e) { . . . // exception
URLs are "write-once" objects, once you've created a
URL object, you cannot change any of its attributes
(protocol, host name, filename, or port number)
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
230 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The URL class provides several methods that let you query URL
String getProtocol() Returns the protocol identifier of the URL
String getHost() Returns the host name of the URL
int getPort() Returns the port number of the URL, 1 if not set
String getRef() Returns the reference of the URL
String getFile() Returns the filename of the URL
These getXXX methods are used to get information about the URL
regardless of the constructor that you used to create the URL
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
231 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The InetAddress class encapsulates Internet addresses
It supports both numeric IP addresses and host names
The InetAddress class has no public variables or
Its methods support for common operations on Internet
static InetAddress getLocalHost()
static InetAddress getByName(String host)
byte[] getAddress()
String getHostName()
String getHostAddress()
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
232 Copyright 2008 by Patni
A socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between
two programs running on the network
A socket is bound to a port number on the server so that the TCP
layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent
The server just waits, listening to the socket for a client to make a
connection request
The client knows the hostname of the machine on which the server
is running and the port number to which the server is connected
and makes the connection request accordingly
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
233 Copyright 2008 by Patni
If connection is accepted, a new socket is created on the client
The client can use this socket to communicate with the server
The client and server can now communicate read/write from
their sockets
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
234 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Socket and ServerSocket class class implements client side of the
connection class implements server side of
URLs are a relatively high-level connection to the Web
and use sockets as part of the underlying
Reading from and writing to a socket --- code example
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
235 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Socket and ServerSocket class class methods for read/write
InputStream getInputStream()
Returns an input stream for this socket
OutputStream getOutputStream()
Returns an output stream for this socket class method to listen to client
Socket accept()
Listens for a connection to be made to this socket and accepts it
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
236 Copyright 2008 by Patni
The DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket classes in the package implement system-independent
datagram communication using UDP
These classes help write Java programs that use
datagrams to send and receive packets over the network
DatagramPackets can be broadcast to multiple
recipients all listening to a MulticastSocket
Programs developed in Procedural languages such as C become too difficult reuse
and maintain as the size of the application grows. So, a new approach called OOP
was introduced, which amongst other things offered the concept of Objects. C++
became one of the most common languages (but not the first language) to offer
OOP features, and got popularity. Later, need was felt by Sun Microsystem for a
language, that follows the paths of C and C++, but with many more features
(discussed on other slides). That gave birth to a language called J ava
237 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Security in Java 2
238 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Course Objectives
Introduce basic security concepts on Java platform
Objective of the session is to understand the new features as brought in
by J ava 5 as listed below.
J 2SE 5.0 Design Themes
Language Changes
Generics & Metadata
Library API Changes
Concurrency utilities
Conclusions and Resources
239 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Java Security
The original security model provided by the Java platform,
known as the "sandbox" model.
JDK 1.1 introduced the concept of a "signed applet.
JDK 1.2 introduces a number of improvements over JDK 1.1
All code, regardless of whether it is local or remote, can be
subject to a security policy.
The security policy defines the set of permissions available for
code from various signers or locations and can be configured by
a user or a system administrator .
The runtime system organizes code into individual domains.
240 Copyright 2008 by Patni
JDK 1.2 Security Model
241 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Cryptography Architecture
The first release of the JDK Security API in JDK 1.1 introduced the
Java cryptography architecture (JCA)
JDK 1.1 Cryptography services
an implementation of one or more digital signature algorithms
message digest algorithms
key-generation algorithms
242 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Cryptography Architecture
Java cryptography architecture (JCA)
JDK 1.2 adds five more types of services
Keystore creation and management
Algorithm parameter management
Algorithm parameter generation
Key factory support to convert between different key
Certificate factory support to generate certificates and certificate
revocation lists (CRLs) from their encodings
243 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Cryptography Architecture
JDK 1.2 introduces certificate interfaces and classes
for parsing and managing certificates
Certificate Interfaces and Classes
Certificate - is an abstraction for certificates that have
various formats but important common uses
CertificateFactory - is used to generate certificate and
certificate revocation list (CRL) objects from their
X509Certificate - This abstract class for X.509 certificates
provides a standard way to access all the attributes of an
X.509 certificate.
244 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Cryptography Architecture
Key Management Classes and Interfaces
KeyStore class - supplies well-defined interfaces to access and
modify the information in a keystore, which is a repository of
keys and certificates
Key specification interfaces - which are used for "transparent"
representations of the key material that constitutes a key
245 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Cryptography- Security Related Tools
JDK 1.2 introduces three new tools:
The keytool is used to create pairs of public and private
keys, to import and display certificate chains, to export
certificates, and to generate X.509 v1 self-signed
certificates and certificate requests that can be sent to a
certification authority.
The jarsigner tool signs JAR (Java ARchive format) files and
verifies the authenticity of the signature(s) of signed JAR
The Policy Tool creates and modifies the policy
configuration files that define your installation's security
246 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Applet Restrictions
Most of the browsers installs a security manager,
applets typically run under the scrutiny of a security
Applets are not allowed to access resources unless it
is explicitly granted permission to do so by the
security policy in effect.
To access system resources from an Applet, set up a
Policy File to Grant the Required Permission using
policytool command.
247 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Code and Document Security
If you electronically send someone an important
document (or documents), or an applet or application
to run, the recipient needs a way of verifying that the
document or code came from you and was not
modified in transit.
Digital signatures, certificates, and keystores all help
ensure the security of the files you send.
248 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Code and Document Security (Contd ..)
Digital Signatures - The basic idea in the use of digital
signatures is as follows
You "sign" the document or code using one of your private
keys, which you can generate by using keytool or security API
methods. That is, you generate a digital signature for the
document or code, using the jarsigner tool or API methods.
You send to the other person, the "receiver,"
You also supply the receiver with the public key corresponding
to the private key used to generate the signature
The receiver uses the public key to verify the authenticity of
the signature and the integrity of the document/code.
249 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Code and Document Security (Contd..)
A receiver needs to ensure that the public key itself is
authentic before reliably using it to check the
signature's authenticity
It is more typical to supply a certificate containing the
public key rather than just the public key itself
250 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Code and Document Security (Contd..)
Certificates -A certificate contains
A public key
The "distinguished-name" information of the entity (person,
company, or so on) whose certificate it is
A digital signature. A certificate is signed by one entity, the
issuer, to vouch for the fact that the enclosed public key is the
actual public key of another entity, the owner.
The distinguished-name information for the signer (issuer).
Keystores - Private keys and their associated public key
certificates are stored in password-protected databases called
251 Copyright 2008 by Patni
Thank you

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