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(Sanctioned by the Indian Golf Union (IGU))

TOUCH GOLF GANG WARS 2014 (TGW 14) is a team championship event that will see
Golf Gangs in India compete for the championship to be crowned as the Mightiest Golf
Gang in the country. The championship will have two rounds - The Infantry Battle
(Preliminary Rounds in each city) & the Cavalry Battle (National Championship round).
Gangs can register at the championship website: by submitting
their Gang Name together with the list of 10 PLAYERS who will form their Gang Roster
among whom one of them has to be designated as the Warlord, the Captain of the Gang.
The Infantry Battles of TGW 14 in India will be held at in Ahmedabad, Bangalore,
Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Noida, Jaipur
& Pune. A location where a maximum of 20 GANGS compete is called a CITADEL. Each
city will comprise of ONE CITADEL with a maximum of 20 Gangs, except for Bangalore,
which will have TWO CITADELS of 40 Gangs. The Cavalry Battle will be held in
Bangalore. 260 Gangs spread across the country will play TGW 14 represented by 2600
golfers as follows:
INFANTRY BATTLE First Round will be an 18 HOLES STROKE-PLAY competition
among the participating Gangs of the respective Citadel at the designated Golf Course
and all the Gangs participating in a CITADEL will play in one session. The TOP FOUR
GANGS OF EACH CITADEL, will play the following day at the same golf course in an 18
Holes 3-WAY MATCHPLAY FORMAT as per the seeding of the players decided by the
Championship Committee, to determine the WINNING GANG of the Citadel, who will
then qualify to play in the CAVALRY BATTLE, the National Championship.
The defending champion of the previous edition of TGW will be given an automatic
entry into the Match Play round of the Infantry Battle of the Citadel from where they
participated in the previous championship, subject to the following conditions:
1. The Gang registers for TGW 14 under the same name that won in the
championship in the previous edition.
2. Maximum of 4 player changes are made to the gangs registration in TGW 14
from among the players who won the championship in the previous edition.
3. Participation without disqualification in the Stroke-play round of the Infantry
Battle, irrespective of the score.
CAVALRY BATTLE: The Thirteen Champion Gangs from the Infantry Battle will vie for
the National Championship at Bangalore to compete at a designated golf course, as
follows: The First Round will be an 18 HOLES STROKEPLAY ROUND, post which a 8/13
cut will be applied. The remaining Eight Gangs will then compete the next day in an 18
HOLES 3-WAY MATCHPLAY ROUND in each Group. The Gang with the most number of
Cumulative Points by their individual players will be declared the Winners of TGW 14
in India as the National Champion Gang.
This Championship shall be governed by the Rules of Golf as approved by the Indian
Golf Union (IGU) and R&A Rules Limited and any Local Rules of the designated golf
course decided by the Championship Committee for this Championship.
The Championship Committee comprises:
Rathan Kumar
Harish Shetty
Dr. Rohith Shetty
Raghujit (Bamby) Randhawa
The Championship Committees decision shall be final on all matters governing this
golfers of any country as on July 1
2014 are also not eligible to participate.
Only Gangs whose entries are accepted by the Championship Committee are eligible to
participate in this Championship. The Championship Committee reserves the right to
accept or reject any Gangs and/or member/s of the Gangs entry to the Championship.
The Championship Committee also reserves the right to accept, reject or modify any
member/s of the Gangs submitted Handicap Index, based on its verification.
A Player can represent himself/herself as a member of ONLY ONE GANG in TGW 14.
Once a player accepts his/her registration as a member of one of the Gangs, he/she shall
not be eligible to represent any other Gang. However, if the Warlord were to release the
player, then the player is eligible to represent another Gang. Written communication to
this effect has to be sent to the Championship Committee by the War Lord of the Gang
where the player was originally registered, consenting the release, before the player
seeks to represent another Gang. If a player accepts his/her registration as a member
of a Gang and further registers themselves with another Gang, he/she will be
disqualified from participating in TGW 14. Once a player has participated in TGW 14
representing a Gang, then the player cannot represent any other Gang in TGW 14,
irrespective of whether or not the War Lord has released the player.
HANDICAP: Individual Gang members MUST have attained the age of 21 Years as on
July 1
2014. The participants must have a valid Verifiable USGA Handicap Index as on
July 1
2014 and shall be valid for the duration of the Championship. The Handicap
Index must be from a slope and course rated golf course, rated by the Indian Golf Union
(IGU) or by accredited national golf associations/unions E.g. USGA, R&A. Players with
Handicap Index from the National Handicapping System (NHS) maintained by the IGU
will also be accepted. IGU accredited course & slope rated golf courses in India are listed
on the championship website
The Championship Committee, under its right to accept, reject or modify the Handicap
Index of the players, has done so for TGW14, based on its verification of the players
past performance in TGW. The Championship Committee shall inform such golfers
whose handicap index has been modified and also to his/her War Lord of the handicap
index that will be considered if he/she were to participate in TGW 2014.
ENTRY FEES: There are NO ENTRY FEES for registering a Gangs entry to this
Championship. The applicable caddie fee and/or cart fee (in courses where the
Championship Committee has authorized its usage) shall be paid by the player, directly
to the Golf Club where the championship rounds are held.
ENTRIES: The entries will open in the web site on July 1
2014 and shall be limited to
20 GANGS per city in India (other than Bangalore where its restricted to 40 Gangs) on a
first-come-first-served basis. Each Gang shall submit its TEAM OF 10 PLAYERS in the
prescribed form on the Championship website: on or before
August 1
2014. After the closure of registration, a Gang will be permitted to change up
to three players until seven days prior to their Infantry Battle, subject to the
player/s adhering to all other conditions of championship. Once the gang plays the
Infantry Battle, no player changes will be allowed for the Cavalry Battle.
GANG PARTICIPATION: Before the play of every ROUND of this Championship, the War
Lord of the Gang shall submit the list of the PLAYING EIGHT PLAYERS from among the
REGISTERED TEN PLAYERS, who will be playing that round.
The COMBINED HANDICAP INDEX (on basis of numerical HANDICAP INDEX) of the
EIGHT PLAYING MEMBERS of the Gang SHOULD add up to a MINIMUM of 96 for the
Gang to be eligible to compete in this Championship, without penalty, during all
stipulated rounds. For the purpose of this computation, the maximum Handicap Index
considered for individual men and women will be 24. The total combined Handicap
Index of the playing eight players of the Gang will be rounded off to the nearest
whole number in determining the Gangs Handicap Index.
SEEDING: Seeding of the players of each Gang during the Match Play Round shall be
done by the Championship Committee, based on their individual Handicap Index
and review of their performance during the Stroke-Play Round/s. In any event, if the
Championship Committee is of the opinion that any participants seeding needs to be
reviewed / amended, the Committee will do so at its sole discretion.
TEES: Men and Women will play from the designated tees specified by the
Championship Committee at the respective venues, where the championship will be
held. There will be only one designated tee box from where all men will tee off,
irrespective of age group on every hole and similarly for women.
TIME OF STARTING: The Championship Committee shall decide the DRAW of the
players across all rounds of play. If any player arrives at the starting point, within five
minutes after his/her starting time, in the absence of circumstances that warrant
waiving the penalty or disqualification as provided in Rule 33-7, the penalty for failure
to start on time, is loss of the first hole to be played in Match Play or Two Strokes in
Stroke Play. Penalty for being late beyond five minutes of the starting time is
disqualification of the player.
TRANSPORTATION: Players must not ride on any form of on-course transportation
during any stipulated round unless authorized by the Championship Committee. On a
golf course where transportation is allowed, all players have to adhere to this condition.
PRACTICE: Under the Rules of Golf, during a Stroke-Play Round, once the
Championship commences at a designated Golf Course, PRACTICE is not permitted on
that Golf Course. TGW 14 Championship starts once the first group tees off in the golf
DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: Distance Measuring Devices will be permitted
during this Championship. Distance-measuring devices must be limited to measuring
distance only. The use of a distance-measuring device would constitute a breach of the
Rules if:
The device has the capability of gauging or measuring other conditions that
might affect play (e.g. wind speed, gradient, temperature, etc.), or;
The device has some other non-conforming feature, including, but not limited to,
recommendations that might assist the player in making a stroke or in his play,
such as club selection, type of shot to be played (e.g. punch shot, pitch and run,
etc.), or green reading (i.e. a recommended line of putt), or other advice-related
matters, or;
The device has the capability to assist in calculating the effective distance
between two points (i.e. distance after considering gradient, wind speed and/or
direction, temperature or other environmental factors).
There would be a breach of the Rules even if all of the above features can be switched
off or disengaged in the device, and in fact are switched off or disengaged.
Please note that the use of Distance Measuring Devices has not been
approved/endorsed by the IGU in their sanction accorded to the event and is being
permitted by Touche Golf in recognition of this fact.

SCORING DURING STROKE-PLAY ROUNDS: The Warlord has to submit a playing list
of Eight Players during any Strokeplay round. The total of BEST SEVEN GROSS SCORES
during each Stroke-play Round will count for the GANGS SCORE. If the combined
Handicap Index of the participating eight players of the Gang is less than 96, the
difference between 96 and the combined Handicap Index will be calculated and
MULTIPLIED BY TWO and this will be added to the Gangs Cumulative Gross Score and
then the teams actual handicap index will be deducted from the teams gross score to
arrive at the Net score.
In computing the Gangs Cumulative Net Handicap Index Score for a given round, the
combined minimum stipulated Handicap Index of 96 will be deducted from the Gangs
Cumulative Gross Score. However, if the combined Handicap Index of the players
representing the Gang playing in a stipulated round is less than 96, then after adding
the applicable Penalty, the actual combined Handicap Index will be deducted from the
Gangs Cumulative Gross Score, to determine the Cumulative Net Handicap Index Score
of the Gang.
SCORING DURING MATCH PLAY ROUNDS: Only one player from each Gang will be
represented in each group. Each player in the group representing their Gang will play a
singles match against the other players in the group. A win by the player gets ONE
POINT, a halve gets HALF POINT and a loss gets NO POINT for the Gang.
In the event, a Gang fields eight or less than eight players during any stipulated
round and their Combined Handicap Index is less than 96, then the difference between
the stipulated handicap of 96 and the gangs actual handicap index will be number of
strokes that ALL the playing members of a the gang will have to concede to the
opponents in their respective group, on the corresponding indexed holes on the golf
course the match is being contested on. E.g. Gang has a handicap index total of 94 ALL
the participating gang members will concede to each of their opponents 1 stroke each
on holes indexed 1 & 2 on the golf course.
If a Gang plays with less than eight players and still meet the stipulated minimum
Combined Handicap Index of 96, the absent player/s will be deemed to have
conceded their match. A G a n g will have to field a minimum of SIX PLAYERS, failing
which the Gang will be disqualified from the Championship
TIES: During the STROKE-PLAY Rounds of the Championship, the Gangs Gross
Score will be decided by totaling the SEVEN BEST CARDS of the Gang together with
Penalty if any, for breach of condition. In the event of a tie, the EIGHTH CARD will be
counted. In the event that the tie still remains unresolved, DRAW OF LOTS will decide
the winner. However, in the event of a tie, the Gang that has played with less than 8
players will not be considered.
During the MATCH PLAY Round of the Championship, if after the round, two or more
Gangs are tied, a SUDDEN DEATH PLAYOFF will decide the result. The Warlords of the
Gangs shall nominate a player from among the players participated in the Match Play
Round, to represent the Gang to play the sudden death playoff. The Championship
Committee will announce the Playoff Hole/s, before the start of the Round.
The DAY TWO of the Cavalry Battle will be contested by the Eight Gangs who have made
the cut and will be categorized alphabetically (A to H Gang with the least Cumulative
Net Handicap Index Score will be A, 2nd gang will be B etc.) The Eight Gangs will then
compete in an 18 HOLES 3-WAY MATCHPLAY ROUND in each Group. The Eight Gangs
will be randomly grouped based on the seeding of the players decided by the
Championship Committee. The grouping will be as per the draw shown below:
GROUP 1 A1 B1 E1 H1
GROUP 2 A2 E2 F2 G2
GROUP 3 A3 H3 G3 D3
GROUP 4 G4 D4 E4 F4
GROUP 5 E5 G5 F5 B5
GROUP 6 A6 C6 D6 E6
GROUP 7 A7 F7 C7 H7
GROUP 8 E8 G8 C8 H8
GROUP 9 C1 F1 G1 D1
GROUP 10 H2 B2 C2 D2
GROUP 11 E3 F3 B3 C3
GROUP 12 A4 B4 C4 H4
GROUP 13 A5 H5 C5 D5
GROUP 14 F6 B6 G6 H6
GROUP 15 B7 G7 D7 E7
GROUP 16 A8 F8 B8 D8

LOGO: Every Gang thats participating in this Championship is required to create their
own Gang Logo which does not infringe Copyright, Intellectual Property Rights or
violate the Branding/Logo Guidelines of any existing registered or trademarked Logo of
any entity or organization, patented or otherwise. The Logo will form part of the Gangs
entry/registration to participate in the Championship and shall be the property of
respective Gang. Touch Golf Sports Private Limited and or its affiliates, sponsor/s or
agent/s shall not be liable for any violation or infringement of Intellectual Property
Rights or Trademark or Copyright of the Logo submitted by the Gang as part of its
entry/registration in the Championship. By virtue of the Gangs entry/registration in
the Championship, the Gang authorizes Touch Golf Sports Private Limited and or its
affiliates, sponsor/s or agent/s the exclusive right of use of the Logo on any of its
communication, championship web site, merchandise, collaterals, branding, marketing,
advertisements as it may deem fit at its sole discretion, for all activities of the
Championship. The warlord of a gang should upload his/her gang logo by logging in to
their gang page with the User ID and password he/she has created while registering a
gang and uploading their logo from their system with the upload option on their gang
The Championship Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the Name and/or
Logo of a Gang as it deems fit.
The Championship Committee will appoint Rules Officials at each stipulated round
whose decision shall be final. There is no appeal mechanism on decisions unless the
Rules Official concerned consents to allow an appeal to the Championship Committee.
In the event that any round is cancelled or washed out, the Championship Committee
shall re-schedule the day/ days of play at their discretion. The Championship
Committees decision will be final.
In the event of any other unforeseen situation the decision of the Championship
Committee will be final and binding on all Participants.
The Championship Committee reserves the right to make any modifications to these
Terms and Conditions as it deems fit and the updated Terms and Conditions will be
posted on the Championship website: with a prior approval of
the IGU.
All rights of this Championship are reserved with Touch Golf Sports Private Limited
(Touch Golf) and are the sole owners of the title, Touch Golf League & Team Golf League

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