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Prior to the 1900s basketball was virtually an unknown sport in the Philippines. Due to the
massive influence Spain brought during their 300-year colonization of the islands, Filipinos are
more into cockfighting and other forms of social gambling. There are also indigenous Filipino
martial arts such as the Arnis de Mano. Cockfighting, gambling and Arnis de Mano dominated
the Philippine sports landscape.
However, all of that would change in the 1900s. The entry of the Americans into the Philippine
archipelago marked the birth of basketball in the Philippines. Filipinos easily embraced
basketball due to its competitive and action-packed nature. It was also during the time of
American colonization when the first-ever Philippine national basketball team was formed. The
team competed in the first ever Far Eastern Championship Games which was incidentally held
in Manila, the capital city of the Philippines.
The Philippines dominated basketball tournaments of the Far Eastern Championship Games,
finishing with a gold medal in all but one edition of the Games. Bowing only against China in
1921 and settling for a silver medal finish. The Philippines also participated in the first ever
Olympic basketball tournament, finishing fifth with a 4-1 win-loss record. The Philippine team
won against Italy, Estonia, Mexico and Uruguay but failed to upset the eventual champion Team
College and universities also started to embrace the sport of basketball, incorporating the sport
in their physical education curriculum. Similarly, the collegiate leagues the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) and the University Athletic Association of the Philippines were
established in 1924 and 1938 respectively. In 1948, the Philippines became the first basketball
team to score at least 100 points in Olympic competitions, outclassing Iraq, 102-30.
During the 1950s, the Philippines unleashed the legendary tandem of Lauro Mumar and Carlos
Loyzaga, resulting into neck-to-neck battle against basketball some of the top powerhouse
teams of the world including the US and the Soviet Union. The Philippines finished third in the
1954 FIBA World Champions courtesy of Mumar and Loyzaga. The dynamic duo also led the
Philippines to several Asian Games gold medals during the decade.
During the 1960s, Philippine basketball became more concentrated in the collegiate and Manila
Industrial and Commercial Athletic Association (MICAA) wars that feature the likes of Sonny
Jaworski and Ramon Fernandez. In 1975, the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) was
established. It was the first play-for-pay basketball league in Asia. The early years of the PBA
saw the rivalry of Jaworksis Toyota Super Corollas against the Atoy Co-fueled Crispa
The succeeding years of Philippine basketball saw the emergence of newer and fresher
basketball talents from the likes of Ricardo Brown, Ato Agustin, Allan Caidic, Benjie Paras and
Hector Calma to the later generations of Danny Seigle, Danny Ildefonso, Kenneth Duremdes, Asi
Taulava and Mark Caguioa. Today, basketball still remains as the number one sport in the
Philippines. Despite competition from emerging sports such as the rejuvenated badminton and
the football-powered Azkals, the sport of basketball will forever remain etched in the hearts
and minds of the sports-loving Filipino people.
In 2000, the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) celebrated its 25th anniversary and named
the "PBA's 25th Anniversary All-Time Team", the top 25 were Johnny Abarrientos, William
"Bogs" Adornado, Ato Agustin, Francis Arnaiz, Lim Eng Beng, Ricardo Brown, Allan
Caidic, Hector Calma, Philip Cezar, Atoy Co, Jerry Codiera, Kenneth Duremdes, Bernard
Fabiosa, Danny Florencio, Alberto Guidaben, Freddie Hubalde, Robert Jaworski, Jojo
Lastimosa, Samboy Lim, Ronnie Magsanoc, Vergel Meneses, Manny Paner, Benjie Paras,
and Alvin Patrimonio. Later, the PBA All-Star Selection beat the FIBA Asia All-Star Selection,
which was led by Filipino and MBA superstar Rommel Adducul.

Demography factors.
Philippines are one of the ASEAN members and also they are one of the developing countries in
ASEAN region like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Demographics of the Philippines are
records of human population in the country, including its population density, ethnicity,
education level, health, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the
population. The Philippines has a population growth rate of 2.04%, one of the highest in
Asia. According to the 2010 Census, the population of the Philippines was 92,337,852.
The majority of Filipinos are made up of various Ethnolinguistic Austronesian ethnic groups,
while the Agtas, an indigenous dark-skinned people form a minority. The indigenous population
is closely related to indigenous Malaysians and Indonesians. Ethnic groups that have been in
the Philippines for centuries before European and American colonial rule have assimilated, such
as various Japanese people, Han Chinese, Indian people, etc., and form a large part of the
The most commonly spoken language is Filipino, which is based on the Tagalog language.
Filipino and English are the official languages. Additionally, there are between 120 to 170
distinct indigenous Philippine languages (depending on their classification), a dozen of which
have over one million speakers and are recognized as official regional languages. Spanish and
Arabic are recognized as voluntary and optional languages in the Philippine
constitutions. Christianity is the main religion, with Roman Catholicism making up the majority
of the population. Other religions include Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and those with no
religion. The people of the Philippines are known as Filipinos.
Based on that factor Philippine has good market because our product (league) has the target
from the teenagers until the adult. In Philippine such one of the developing countries has high
number of birth. We also have lower price rather than the other competitor such as Nike,
Adidas, and Li-Ning. They have the high price and also high quality but difference with us, our
product has good quality also but about the price we have lower price than others competitor.
Looked in the market our target market is teenagers till adult it is mean we have the target
market from age 15 till 35 because we not served about the sport but also we served about
casual fashion but our primary target is in sports shoes and wear market.

Geography sectors.
The Philippines is an archipelago that consist 7,107 islands with a total land area of 300,000
square kilometers (115,831 sq mi). The 11 largest islands contain 94% of the total land area.
The largest of these islands is Luzon at about 105,000 square kilometers (40,541 sq mi). The
next largest island is Mindanao at about 95,000 square kilometers (36,680 sq mi). The
archipelago is around 800 kilometers (500 mi) from the Asian mainland and is located
between Taiwan and Borneo.
The Philippines is divided into a hierarchy of local government units (LGUs) with the
80 provinces as the primary unit. Provinces are further subdivided into cities andmunicipalities,
which are in turn composed of barangays. The barangay is the smallest local government unit.
The Philippines is divided into 17 regions with all provinces grouped into one of 16 regions for
administrative convenience. The National Capital Region however, is divided into four special
Most government offices establish regional offices to serve the constituent provinces. The
regions themselves do not possess a separate local government, with the exception of
the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

The islands are divided into three groups: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. The Luzon islands
include Luzon Island itself, Palawan,Mindoro, Marinduque, Masbate and Batanes Islands. The
Visayas is the group of islands in the central Philippines, the largest of which
are: Panay, Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Leyte and Samar. The Mindanao islands include Mindanao
itself, plus the Sulu Archipelago, composed primarily of Basilan, Sulu Island, and Tawi-Tawi.
Based on the research Philippines sports sector was developed like in Indonesian sports sector
also was developed. Philippines have a good in basketball because basketball is the famous
sports in Philippines rather than football and that are one of our targets to go abroad and open
store in Philippines. League in their first product it is to support Indonesian basketball athlete
because league has the excellence in basketball footwear.
The topography is extremely varied, with volcanic mountain masses forming the cores of most
of the larger islands. The range culminates in Mt. Pulog (elevation 2,928 m/9,606 ft) in
northern Luzon and in Mt. Apo, the highest point in the Philippines (elevation 2,954 m/9,692
ft), in Mindanao. A number of volcanoes are active, and the islands have been subject to
destructive earthquakes. Lowlands are generally narrow coastal strips except for larger plains in
Luzon (Cagayan Valley and Central Plains), Mindanao (Cotabato and Davao-Agusan valleys), and
others in Negros and Panay. Rivers are short and generally seasonal in flow. Important ones are
the Cagayan, Agno, Abra, Bicol, and Pampanga in Luzon and the Cotabato and Agusan in
Mindanao. Flooding is a frequent hazard. The shores of many of the islands are embayed
(Manila Bay is one of the finest harbors in East Asia); however, several islands lack adequate
harbors and require offshore lightering for sea transport. The only two inland water bodies of
significant size are Laguna de Bay in Luzon and Lake Sultan Alonto in Mindanao.

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Berca Group is a manufacturer of sports equipment clothing and a wide range of leading brands
including NIKE, AND1, Umbro, began trying to expand its business by trying to create a new
business concept, namely to create a local brand sports shoes. Sport shoes is native to
Indonesia, made under the name League, are expected to compete and compete with other
sports product that has already been in Indonesia in particular.
League concept is the blend between sport (60%) and lifestyle (40%) and is expected to reach
the market as well as sports and non-sports. In terms of price, on top of the price of local
brands but under international brands (Adidas, Nike, Fila, etc). Market segments targeted by
the League is wanted mid-market segment with a zero in the age between 15-35 years,
especially students and young executives. Because the raw material is 60% local raw materials
and 40% were imported raw materials the production cost can be reduced and the price is
conveniently tailored to target the mid-market, Rp 199,000 - Rp 449.000.
The main focus of the product League is an athletic shoe that is designed specifically to be used
for recreation or sport. League also began to expand its product by selling athletic apparel with
the same trademark. Among the new products on offer, covering a wide range of fields of
sports activities, including:
soccer / futsal,
indoor badminton and
collection of sport shoes children

After enough play in shoes, Berca Group finally decided to diversify its product. They started to
make products ranging shirts, sports accessories such as bags, drink, hat, and so on. The most
amazing is concentrated in a single parent can prodduk types namely sports and all products
still use the brand "League". Along with these developments, the League began to create new
branding, positioning as a "qualified local Shoes" and then have a brand that is better known as
"Lead the Way".
The work done Hartati Murdaya, owner Berca Group, the running shoe business continued to
be developed. Not only producing branded products overseas but his desire to promote local
products is underestimated by other entrepreneurs. But business and labor groups Berca in
putting yourself in the market in negripun was not in vain.
With the increase in sales of branded League, the addition of the store, and in cooperation with
distributors. We are optimistic that the turnover in 2008 to reach 250 billion.
In addition to 100 outlets that have been held by the Group Berca selling international brand
sports shoes, In the future, special outlets League will continue to be developed. Until the end
of December 2008 had opened three outlets, in Pondok Indah Mall I, Puri Indah Mall, and Mall
Citraland. Each outlet has reached an average turnover of Rp20-30 million per day. Although
the price of League only three quarter of the price of other brands, Budi optimistic turnover will
not change, even continue to rise. Therefore, with the same quality, quantity of sales is
expected to increase.
On the other hand, the decrease in the production of Nike shoes, Berca Group will continue to
enhance the production of shoes League. Currently the production of new shoes League 10% of
plant capacity. The current capacity of the plant itself reaches 100 thousand pairs of shoes per
year. In 2008, production increased by 20% League of the production capacity of the plant. Each
year will continue to increase, until production reaches 50% League of plant production
After becoming a sports shoe manufacturer company, Group Berca keep doing the other efforts
that support the League's success. Focus on the specification or image formed from first
appeared, as invent League has image of a middle-class sport shoes and underestimated
because domestic production. However seiringnya time, the League has not perceived by the
eyes of the consumers in Indonesia, because the quality and the price is within easy reach of
Indonesian consumers. And this forms the product positioning League itself.
Positioning is useful to differentiate the offer provided by the manufacturer to build a
competitive advantage that attracts attention in a particular segment. Positioning task consists
of three steps, namely to identify a number of competitive advantages that can be used as a
basis to build a position, choosing competitive advantage that can be used as a basis to build a
position, choosing the right competitive advantage, and chose a product positioning strategy
menyeluruh.Grup Berca later must effectively communicate and deliver the chosen position to
the market.
To keep production costs League has a strategy to perform the production in Indonesia because
the labor cost is relatively low and fusion strategies using local and imported raw materials are

League adheres to diversify monolithic, where all derivatives are concentrated against the
parent company, which still uses the name League for all derivatives. At first, the shoes
company, product branding positioning League "quality local Shoes" and "lead the way".
The branding activities supported with good marketing communication concepts and
structured. From the beginning, League marketing to in any games. Through marketing
communications that are not arbitrary.
As an official sponsor of the Indonesian contingent of athletes at the Olympic Games in Athens -
Greece and Jakarta basketball team and football team PON XVI Papua in Palembang.
League as the official uniform for SEA Games contingents in Philippines
League as apparel sponsor of the Indonesian Basketball League (IBL)
Sponsored League basketball team, CLS Knights - as the brand ambassador of the League for
the basketball community, especially in Surabaya
October to December 08, League also sponsored clothing and shoes for futsal tournament
between students that Student Futsal League (LIFUMA) se-JADEBOTABEK, followed by the 24
best universities.
League tried branding their products with high image. Reaching the right market and introduce
products in the market.

Marketing strategy that Berca did in the market are grass road underground road. That is, by
sponsoring sporting activities in high school and college particular, as well as sporting events
nationwide and has a lot of new ground by marketing their products in a large shopping center.
The strength of the Group's retail network Berca is the sports shoes and experience in making
shoes League. Group Berca conscious for overseas market due to build its own brand is not
easy. Sports shoes and fashion market is very competitive. Need a powerful breakthrough for
building communities, in order to encourage the target market to buy for the first time. League
Promotional products should be bold and persistent.
Marketing segment offers some benefits that companies can market their products and
services more efficiently in aiming products and services. The company can also market their
products more effectively by adjusting the price, product, and communication programs for
segments that have been. Some of the variables used to segment the market, are:
Geography, by dividing the market into geographic units that vary just as states, regions, and
For League, based Geographic segmentation is addressed to the cities in the province with the
level of need and greater purchasing power than other cities. However, there is a possibility
League will be expanded to the villages in order to socialize and expand the market.

Revenue from consumer / market should be considered, to have the goods League, it is not
necessary that income consumers, because the price is affordable, reached third the price
compared to international brands (Nike, Umbro, etc.).
Psychographics, consumer divide widened different groups based on social class, lifestyle, or
personality characteristics.
League targeted for market / consumer that emphasizes style and appearance. Because it is
designed to follow the needs and trends, the League put on a position on consumer
segmentation with sufficiently high lifestyle and social class to middle and upper middle. But in
fact the League is still in position under his brother, NIKE and AND1 and Umbro Psychographic
segmentation in terms of customers.
Behavior, divides consumers based on knowledge, attitudes, common use, or response to a
League put on a position that put the consumer segmentation proud of the product in the
country and love the product in the country. The consumer is supporting the progress and
development of the business of this League.
By serving the segment and not the overall market, League has more opportunities to be able
to deliver value to consumers and receive maximum return on attention to customer needs.

Product Segmentation Berca Group

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