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Internship Report on ZONG

Submitted by: Zaka Ul Hassan

Registration # FA08-BBA-040

Supervised by: Mr. Khan Burhan Khan

June 2012

Department of Management Sciences
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Internship Report on ZONG

Submitted by: Zaka Ul Hassan

Registration # FA08-BBA-040

Supervised by: Mr. Khan Burhan Khan

This internship report is submit in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration awarded by the
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad.

Department of Management Sciences
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

June 2012

Department of Management Sciences
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Approval Sheet

Approval Committee

1. External Examiner


2. Supervisor

Miss. __________________________________Signature_________________

3. Head of Department

Mr.____________________________________Signature ________________


Certificate from Organization

Table of Contents

Abbreviations ix
Acknowledgements x
Abstract xi
Executive Summary xii

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER OF ABBOTTABAD ............................................... 1
1.2 TELECOM SECTOR OF PAKISTAN ...................................................................... 1
1.3 HISTORY ......................................................................................................... 1
1.4 CHINA MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION (CMCC) ............................ 2
1.5 CHINA MOBILE PAKISTAN (CMPAK) ............................................................... 3
1.6 ZONG PAKISTAN ........................................................................................... 4
1.7 COMPANY VISION ........................................................................................... 5
1.8 COMPANY MISSION ......................................................................................... 5
1.9 CODE OF COMMERCIAL PRACTICE ................................................................... 5
1.10 STANDARD & QUALITY OF SERVICE ................................................................ 5
1.11 CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION & ADVERTISING ................................................ 5
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................ 6
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ............................................................................... 6
2.1 POST PAID ....................................................................................................... 6
2.2 PREPAID ......................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 ZONG 65 Package .............................................................................. 7
2.2.2 ZONG Free Package .......................................................................... 7
2.2.3 ZONG 12 Anny Package ..................................................................... 7
2.2.4 ZONG Z20 Package ........................................................................... 7
2.2.5 ZONG Aik Second Package ................................................................ 7
2.3 OTHER SERVICES AND OFFERS ........................................................................ 8
2.3.1 Break Time Offer (BTO) ..................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Late Night Offer (LNO) ...................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Location Base Charging (LBC) .......................................................... 9
2.3.4 Friends and Family (FNF).................................................................. 9
2.3.5 Happy Hour........................................................................................ 9
2.3.6 Super Free Number ............................................................................ 9
2.3.7 Conference Call................................................................................ 10
2.3.8 SMS Packages .................................................................................. 10
2.3.9 GPRS Packages ................................................................................ 10
2.3.10 Ramzan Value Time Offer ................................................................. 10
2.3.11 E-Care.............................................................................................. 11
2.3.12 Missed Call Alert .............................................................................. 11

2.3.13 Dial Tune ......................................................................................... 12
2.3.14 ZONG Mobile Offer .......................................................................... 12
2.3.15 BlackBerry Special Discount Offer ................................................... 15
2.3.16 Call Forwarding ............................................................................... 15
2.3.17 Book Your Number (BYN)................................................................. 15
2.3.18 Call Waiting ..................................................................................... 16
2.3.19 ZONG Bijli Offer .............................................................................. 16
2.3.20 ZONG Fone on Hai Offer ................................................................. 16
2.3.21 ZONG Family Pack .......................................................................... 16
2.3.22 Voice Bundle .................................................................................... 16
2.3.23 Bara Recharge ................................................................................. 16
2.3.24 Block Unwanted Calls and SMS ....................................................... 16
2.3.25 Mobile Number Portability (MNP) ................................................... 17
2.3.26 Mobile Music Channel ...................................................................... 17
2.3.27 Unlimited Free Number .................................................................... 17
2.3.28 ZONG Weekly Infotainment .............................................................. 17
2.3.29 Student Entrepreneur Program (SEP) ............................................... 17
2.3.30 ZONG USB ....................................................................................... 17
2.3.31 Other Special Features ..................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 3 .......................................................................................................... 19
BUSINESS OPERATIONS ................................................................................... 19
3.1 CUSTOMER SERVICES CENTERS ..................................................................... 20
3.2 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER OF ABBOTTABAD ............................................. 20
CHAPTER 4 .......................................................................................................... 21
SALES & MARKETING STRATEGY ................................................................ 21
4.1 MARKETING DEPARTMENT ............................................................................ 21
4.2 SALES AND DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT ....................................................... 21
4.3 MARKETING MIX .......................................................................................... 21
4.3.1 Product ............................................................................................ 21
4.3.2 Price................................................................................................. 22
4.3.3 Promotion ........................................................................................ 22
4.3.4 Place ................................................................................................ 23
4.4 COMPETITIVE STRATEGY: DIFFERENTIATION ................................................. 23
4.5 BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 23
4.5.1 Prepaid Sale ..................................................................................... 24
4.5.2 Book Your Number ........................................................................... 24
4.5.3 Handset Sale Process ....................................................................... 25
4.5.4 SIM Replacement .............................................................................. 25
4.6 ZONG INTRANET ......................................................................................... 26
4.7 KNOWLEDGE BASE SYSTEM (KBS) ............................................................... 26
4.8 COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ............................................................. 26
4.9 CRM SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 27
4.10 BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT ................................................................ 27
4.11 LEARNING AS A STUDENT INTERNEE .............................................................. 27
4.12 MY DUTIES DURING INTERNSHIP ................................................................... 27
4.13 DETAILS OF MY DUTIES ................................................................................ 27
4.13.1 For Top up (Selling Mini Load) ........................................................ 27

4.13.2 To Pair A Number, Active A Number ................................................ 28
4.13.3 Binding The Number ......................................................................... 28
4.13.4 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ...................................................................................... 30
4.14 MY SALES DATA .......................................................................................... 30
4.14.1 New SIM Sale ................................................................................... 30
4.14.2 Load Record ..................................................................................... 31
4.14.3 MNP ................................................................................................. 32
4.16 MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS ............................................................................. 32
4.17 NEW KNOWLEDGE GAINED ........................................................................... 33
4.18 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED ............................................................................ 33
4.19 HOW THIS EXPERIENCE IMPACT MY CAREER? ............................................... 34
CHAPTER 5 .......................................................................................................... 35
SWOT AND PEST ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 35
5.1 SWOT ANALYSIS OF ZONG CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER ............................ 35
5.1.1 Strengths of ZONG Customer Service Center.................................... 35
5.1.2 Weaknesses of ZONG Customer Service Center ................................ 35
5.1.3 Opportunities of ZONG Customer Service Center ............................. 36
5.1.4 Threats of ZONG Customer Service Center ...................................... 36
5.2 PEST ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 37
5.2.1 Political Factors ............................................................................... 37
5.2.2 Economic Factors............................................................................. 37
5.2.3 Social factors .................................................................................... 38
5.2.4 Technological Factors ...................................................................... 38
SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 40
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 41


List of Figures:
Fig 3.1: Departmental Structure.......20
Fig 3.2: Structure of CSC Abbottabad.21

ATM: Automated Tele Machine
BTO: Break Time Offer
BYN: Book Your Number
CNIC: Computerized National Identity Card
CSAF: Cellular Service Agreement Form
CSC: Customer Service Center
CSF: Cellular Service Form
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
CSR: Customer Service Representative
FNF: Friends and Family
GB: Giga Byte
GPRS: General Pocket Radio Service
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity
LNO: Late Night Offer
LBC: Location Base Charging
MB: Mega Byte
MNP: Mobile Number Portability
MMS: Multi-Media Messaging Service
MSISDN: Dial able Number that Caller Use to reach a mobile subscriber
NADRA: National Database Registration Authority
NP: Non-Personal
SEP: Student Entrepreneur Program
SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
SMS: Short Message Service
UAE: United Arab Emirate
VAS: Value Added Service

All the praise is for Allah, the most merciful and beneficent, who blessed me with
the knowledge, gave me the courage and allowed me to accomplish this task.

I am thankful to my parents & my family, who are my first teacher in this world.

I am bound to thank all the staff of ZONG Telecom, especially Maam Mehnaz Sultan
(Branch Manager) and Liaqat Ali (Finance Manager). In particular their inspiring
guidance, remarkable suggestions, constant encouragement, keen interest,
constructive criticism and friendly discussion help me to learn and enabled me to
complete this report efficiently.

I am so thankful, to all of my friends those help me in sales and told me new selling
strategies especially Abdul Majid Iqbal who helped me in this scenario.


The purpose of work is to analyze the organization and the performance of ZONG
from its startup to till 2011. This internship Report is prepared on ZONGs
performance in competitive telecom sector and its products and services. The
Internship Report contains Executive Summary, Introduction, History of ZONG and
Products & Services of ZONG.
During the Internship, I worked in various operations as general sales of SIMs,
customer acquisition, customer retention, easy load, MNPs. The company will have to
perform with more realistic approach by focusing on customer need it need to be
working hard to meet the challenges of competition and to satisfy the customer to
accelerate the business.
In this report, the company analysis with suggestions and recommendations for
improvement to stand with success with in competitive market, the statistics shows
that company have a robust future in Pakistan telecom market.

As a student of BBA, I got the chance to be a part of a reputed business company in
telecom sector of Pakistan during my studies. It is a compulsory part of our studies
and as per rules of the Department of Business Administration, every student of
MBA/BBA program have to do internship in some reputable organization. This is
comprehensive report on CMPak, it has been discuss about every major aspect of the
ZONG, which were being observed and perceived during internship program. In this
report, the details about the current position along with the processes, policies,
procedures, products, and services offered by the ZONG have conferred.

Furthermore, this report consists of five chapters. First chapter consists about China
Mobile Communication Corporation (CMCC) and China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak)
then after telecom companies in Pakistan operating. The mission, vision, and core
values of ZONG are also part of this chapter. In chapter two, it have been discussed
about the products, services and other services offer by ZONG to its customers and
explain the packages and special exciting offers of ZONG. In chapter three, it have
been discuss about mission of Customer Service Centers and the departmental
hierarchy with a brief introduction of Customer Service Center of Abbottabad. In
chapter four, it have been discussed Marketing Strategies and written all working,
which have done during internship also written down about the tasks which was
assigned, accomplishments, new knowledge which had acquired during internship. In
chapter five, SWOT and PEST analysis of company notified, which reflect the
problematic area for the businesses in Pakistan market and what political, economical,
social and technological factors the company has to follow to retain in the market.

It was a great experience and it helped in realizing where potential lies. What learnt at
ZONG over the weeks was how to get along with the people that have to work with
everyday, building relationships with people, building confidence and improving
communication skills.

This chapter is all about introduction of ZONG and CSC Abbottabad. First, the
introduction of telecom sector of Pakistan after that China Mobile Communication
Corporation (CMCC) and after that China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak). Afterward,
ZONGs vision and mission and core values.

1.1 Customer Service Center of Abbottabad
Customer Service Center where I started my internship on 18 October 2011 until 31
Dec, which is located at Business Complex, Supply Bazar, Manshera Road,
Abbottabad. There was one CSC manager, three CSRs which were assigned different
duties and one finance officer was working and I was working there as SE (student

1.2 Telecom Sector of Pakistan
Pakistan's service sector accounts for about 53.3% of GDP. Transport, storage,
communications, finance, and insurance account for 24% of this sector, and wholesale
and retail trade about 30%. Pakistan is trying to promote the information industry and
other modern service industries through incentives such as long-term tax holidays.

In Pakistan, following are the top mobile phone operators:
1. Mobilink (Parent: Orascom Telecom, Egypt)
2. Ufone (Parent: PTCL / Etisalat, Pakistan/UAE)
3. Telenor (Parent: Telenor, Norway)
4. Warid (Parent: Abu Dhabi Group / SingTel, UAE/Singapore)
5. ZONG (Parent: China Mobile, China)

1.3 History
Pakistan is on the verge of a telecom revolution and it is by far the most attractive
sector in Pakistan in terms of Foreign Direct Investment coming into the country.

Since liberalization, over the past four years, the Pakistani telecom sector has attracted
more than $9 billion in foreign investments. During 2007-08, Pakistani
communication sector alone received $1.62 billion in Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) about 30% of the countrys total foreign direct investment.

Pakistan mobile industry now is experiencing growth explosion. Though the existing
players are trying hard to meet the growing demand, still there is a huge amount of
unmet demand in the country as against the supply of connection by the operating
mobile companies.

By March 2009, Pakistan had 91 million mobile subscribers 25 million more
subscribers than reported in the same period 2008. In addition to 3.1 million fixed
lines, while as many as 2.4 million are using Wireless Local Loop connections.
1.4 China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC)
China Mobile is the world's largest telecom operator. Having a customer base of over
300 million customers, its network routes 700 million text messages every day and
handles 250 million calls every hour.

China Mobile is perhaps the only cellular network that provides uninterrupted,
reliable coverage through tunnels, on highways, inside sky scrapper elevators as well
on top of Mount Everest.

One of the unique features of China Mobile servicing excellence is to customize its
products, services and tariffs to suit the individual needs of its huge subscriber base.
There are hundreds of payment/tariff options to choose from according to one's usage
pattern, budgetary limitations and nature of use.
China Mobile's first overseas subsidiary, China Mobile Pakistan has the license to
offer and operate voice, data and all value added services in the entire country. One of
the fastest growing cellular markets in the world, Pakistan is a key region that is likely
to offer expansion opportunities as well the chance to make a difference in the lives of
a growing clientele those demands, understands, and appreciates better quality and
service standards.


ZONG is committed on attracting and retaining the best human resource from all over
Pakistan. It also provides a working environment, which satisfies the professional and
personal needs of its employees.
1.5 China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak)
Paktel started its commercial operations in Pakistan in November 1990 as the pioneer
of cellular telephony with an AMPS network, which converted to TDMA (Digital) in
2003 after that GSM quickly gained popularity all over the world and became the
technology of choice leaving AMPS/TDMA far behind. Paktels principal shareholder
was Millicom Pakistan, which held 98.86% equity of Paktel but on Feb 13th 2007
Millicom announced that it sold 88.86 per cent if its shareholding in Paktel Limited to
China Mobile Communications Corporation which finalized Millicoms existence
from Pakistan. Soon after, china mobile company bought all the assets of Paktel, the
new management seems busy, to tie up promotional strategies, with the intention to
win the telecom market slowly & slightly. Well that is just a prediction because in
Pakistan Chinese products mostly are famous due to their cheap prices & more the
90% population in Pakistan is price conscious due to their lower or medium income
level, ZONG is facilitating mobile users specially youngsters by providing lowest
calling, SMS, MMS as well as GPRS rates with the comparison of their competitors.

So far, CMPak has invested more than US$ 700 million in the telecom sector in
Pakistan and an additional US$ 800 million will be invest until the end of year 2008.

With ambitious plans to cater the fastest growing Pakistani market and to win over the
ever-demanding Pakistani customers, it will be offering unprecedented coverage,
voice and data services, as well as a wide range of tariff options to choose.

CMPak's edge comes from the experience and expertise of running the world's largest
telecom service and the commitment they make to setting quality and customer
relations standards. CMPak is gear to offer neatly packaged VAS products that will
benefit the individuals, corporate as well as small businesses. Led by a team of
professionals from the field of cellular communication, CMPak is determined to make
its mark in the Pakistani market and to change the way people communicate.

1.6 ZONG Pakistan
A first international step for China Mobile, ZONG aims at touching the lives of all
We serve to inspire and empower the people of Pakistan with innovative technology
that keeps pace with today's fast evolving culture. Expanding our wings of coverage
to all corners, making no distinctions along the way and most of all, maintaining
excellence in connectivity everywhere we go. Affordability & Innovation are what
define us, aided with a diverse set of entertaining and informative Value Added
Services. With a state of the art system, along with other services ZONG allows and
enables its users to avail the best possible Mobile Internet bundles that are not offer
anywhere else in the country making the experience, truly a unique one!

ZONG is support by groundbreaking communications, trend setting Customer
Services and an unmatched Product Offering that has redefined the rules of the game.

China Mobile Telecom in Pakistan after replacing the code 0304 with 0314 and
introducing new codes 0312, 0313, 0315 and 0332 is consider with the great sales and
penetration in telecom. With introductory slogan Say everything or Sub Kah Do
started its advertising campaign at popular print and electronic media. ZONG is the
first international brand of China Mobile being launch in Pakistan. The company
often cited as China Mobile Pakistan. It meant to empower the people of Pakistan in
every corner of country with the easy accessibility of network coverage. It will
become a part of their hearts, their minds and bring about a change in their lives that
every one desired but few thought would be possible. The core essence of ZONG is to
allow people to communicate at will. Without worrying about tariffs, network
coverage, capacity issues, overloaded network e.t.c. ZONG will be support by
groundbreaking communications, trend setting customer service and unmatched
product offering which will refine rules of game and establish ZONG as a serious
challenger for number one spot. ZONG would offer its customers with entertaining
and innovative VAS and will empower them by giving a wide variety of products and
services. We are privileged to be the pioneering country introducing this brand with
others to follow.

1.7 Company Vision
Make communication exciting.
1.8 Company Mission
To be the leading mobile Operator of Pakistan by continuously innovating and
offering exceptional quality services; to be a good corporate citizen and envoy of
friendship between China and Pakistan.
1.9 Code of Commercial Practice
We are resolute to provide our customers with an excellent service. This is only
possible if customers converse with us. We value input from every customer and are
open to suggestions, feedbacks, criticism that helps us in our efforts to provide the
best services.
1.10 Standard & Quality of Service
We will ensure possible service quality as per our license and the applicable legal
regime administered by the PTA
Customer services is at the core of our business and we will try to ensure our
customers stay in touch with loved ones at all time
We will ensure clear and focused advertising and customer communication regarding
our products and services
Customer services help line will abide by industry global standards
We will not use any unfair Commercial Practices while selling services to customers,
as prescribed under the provisions of Telecom Consumers Protection Regulations
1.11 Customer Communication & Advertising
We will ensure clear and focused advertising and customer communication regarding
our products and services, providing clear information regarding the pricing and
taxation, so that our valued customers can take well inform decisions about availing
our services.


ZONG offers a wide range of new services to serve customers even better. Below is a
brief introduction of all these services.
Other services and offers
2.1 Post paid
Exciting news for ZONGs postpaid customers, ZONG has introduced some new
postpaid packages and may be the most feature rich in market. Now, ZONGs
postpaid packages comes with the free mins on-net and off-net, and also unlimited
SMS, 15 MB of free GPRS quota and many more. Packages are given below:
100 Line rent package
300 Line rent package
600 Line rent package
1200 Line rent package
2000 Line rent package

If customer comes to purchase postpaid SIM than he can avail packages which are
given above. On post paid SIM there is no default package customer will select any of
the above packages according to his need and deposit line rent according to the
package and package will be changed.
2.2 Prepaid
When a customer purchase a prepaid SIM its default package is 80 paisa per 30
second but customer can avail any of the following packages:
ZONG 65 package
ZONG free package
ZONG 12 anny package
ZONG Z20 package
ZONG aik second package

2.2.1 ZONG 65 Package
ZONG 65 package offers its customer:
ZONG 65 offers call rate of 65 paisa per 30 second any time any network
2.2.2 ZONG Free Package
ZONG free package offers its customer:
For the first time in Pakistan customer can make free calls for life
Choose one favorite ZONG number and call from mid night to 7am-absolutly
During break time, hours call all ZONG numbers at Rs.3.99 per hour from
noon to 2 pm
Now customer can call up to 10 FNF numbers
The free number can be modified once in a month
2.2.3 ZONG 12 Anny Package
ZONG 12 anny package offers its customer:
Call or SMS for only 75 paisa to any network and any time
30 second billing
Talk for an entire hour of customer liking-any hour, for only Rs. 4.99 and for
first time in Pakistan customer can change the hour every day
Happy hour needs to be activated by customer; every action/modification will
be charged at Rs. 5
FNF rate apply for 24 hours, for those customers who have subscribed for
happy hour, FNF rates will not be applicable during that hour
2.2.4 ZONG Z20 Package
The concept of behind this package is to promote the value of time and the
importance of choti but zaroori baat.
2.2.5 ZONG Aik Second Package
ZONG aik second package its customer:
Per second billing
Make call for just 4 paisa per second any network any time
Call five FNF numbers for just 2 paisa per second

2.3 Other Services and Offers
ZONG has always provided its customer with the best offers and services some of
them are given below:




Happy hour
Super free number
Conference call
Ramzan value time offer
Missed call alert
Dial tune
ZONG Mobile offer
Black Berry special discount offer
Call forwarding

Call waiting
ZONG bijli offer
ZONG fone on hai offer
ZONG family pack
Voice bundle

Break time offer
Late night offer
Location base charging
Friends and family
Short message service
General packet radio service
Book your number

Bara recharge
Block unwanted call and SMS

Mobile Music channel
Unlimited free number
ZONG weekly infotainment

2.3.1 Break Time Offer (BTO)
ZONG offers Break time offer now call on any ZONG number at Rs.3.99 from noon
to 2 pm, and on Friday from noon to 4 pm. This offer is on ZONG free package.
2.3.2 Late Night Offer (LNO)
ZONG offers late night offer now add call from mid night to 7 am @ Rs. 3.99 per
hour. This offer is on ZONG free package.
2.3.3 Location Base Charging (LBC)
ZONG has always provided its customer with the best offers and services and in
continuation of efforts ZONG now brings LBC. LBC is in more than 40 cities through
which the customer can enjoy free ZONG to ZONG calls @ only Rs. 7+tax per day.
2.3.4 Friends and Family (FNF)
ZONG brings special rates for customer friends and family members add FNF
numbers in almost all prepaid and postpaid packages.
2.3.5 Happy Hour
ZONG brigs happy hour talk for an entire hour of customer liking-any hour, for only
Rs. 4.99 and for first time in Pakistan customer can change the hour every day.
2.3.6 Super Free Number
ZONGS gives customer an opportunity to talk to one number free whole month @
499 Rs. +tax.

Mobile number portability
Student entrepreneur program

2.3.7 Conference Call
Now five members can talk to each other at one time ZONG brings to customer
conference call service. Now activated on all prepaid and postpaid numbers.
2.3.8 SMS Packages
ZONG now introduces its newest and most competitive SMS bundle @ Rs. 2.5 plus
tax daily. New unlimited SMS bundle Offers:

Table 1.1:
Packages SMS Limit Price
Daily SMS bundle 500 SMS 100 MMS 1 day 3.99+tax
Weekly SMS bundle 1000 SMS 7 days 10+tax
Fortnightly SMS bundle 500 SMS per day 15 days 50+tax
Monthly SMS bundle 500 SMS per day 30 days 80+tax
2.3.9 GPRS Packages
Please be updated that now ZONG have a new and exciting GPRS packages for
ZONG customers.
Packages are as follows:
Hourly package(Time Based Package)
Monthly packages- for prepaid user
2 GB
4 GB bundle
Truly unlimited
2.3.10 Ramzan Value Time Offer
By subscribing to ZONGs ramzan value time offer, all ZONG customers can avail
lowest call rates from 1
By subscribing to ZONGs ramzan value time offer, all ZONG customers can avail on
net call rates of 2.99/hour.

Giga byte

2.3.11 E-Care
No need to walk into a Customer Support Center or make a call to get such
modifications done. Our customers now have this facility in the comfort of their
homes and offices. Through Prepaid e-Care, customers can enjoy the following
features online:

Web Portal Activation / Subscription:
SMS bundle

Call/SMS Block


Queries like:
Customer information query
Recharge history
Call record

Change requests like:
Package change
Change FnF
Change call forwarding
2.3.12 Missed Call Alert
No is miss call now, ZONG brings miss cal alerts for its customers. A message will be
sent to customer that this number called to customer if customer phone is:
Not answered
Out of reached

General packet radio service
Friends and family
Book your number

Not responding
2.3.13 Dial Tune
Customers friends and family or anyone who call customer will listen to the song of
customers choice. ZONG brings dial tune facility for its valuable customers. Just dial
230 to activate this service.
2.3.14 ZONG Mobile Offer
ZONG has launched five handsets in the market with its bundle offers in the handsets
to robust the sales and give flexible offers for its valued subscribers ZONG is proud to
launch the fifth handset due immense sales company launched the touch screen phone
with variety of features.

N 281
ZONG is all set to shake the telecom industry with its startling new Touch Screen
phone being offered at an unbelievable price. Along with this splendid Touch Screen
handset and high-quality camera, customer will also get an incredible bundle deal of
free GPRS and balance to make calls and SMS to any network in Pakistan.

Handset Features
Touch Screen
2 MP Camera
EDGE Support
FM Radio
20MB Internal Memory
Micro SD card Supported
8 Pre-Loaded Bookmarks (which include Facebook, Gmail, Google, CricInfo,
ZONG, Wikipedia, Yahoo)
ZONG Music Hot Key for one touch access to ZONG Music IVR

Product Pricing

Interactive Voice Response

Handset with new ZONG SIM: Rs. 4,199/-
Rs. 300 worth of airtime divided over 3 months (Rs. 100/month); the balance
is valid for on-net calls, off-net calls and SMS
6MB of free GPRS each month for 3 months.

G 2201
Following the immense success of ZONG previous affordable handset offers,
company is back with another handset deal with the latest affordable handset offer
that is bound to catch customer interest and attention. The stylish and affordable G
2201 handset coupled with an amazing bundle offer from ZONG.

Handset Features
FM Radio

Product Pricing
Handset with new ZONG SIM: Rs. 1,299/-
Handset Free Resources:
1000 minutes (on-net)
1000 SMS (any network)
2MB worth of GPRS free
Validity of free resources: 15 days

R 231
The R 231 sleek and stylish design along with its music related functionalities is a
truly appealing blend. The trendy handset is pack with numerous features and a
remarkable bundle offer of free calls and SMS to any network in Pakistan.

Handset Features
2 MP Camera
EDGE Support
FM Radio

34MB Internal Memory
Micro SD card Supported

Product Pricing
Handset with new ZONG SIM: Rs. 2,599/-
Rs 225/- FOC balance divided over 3 months (Rs 75/month); the balance is
valid for on-net calls, off-net calls and SMS
6MB free GPRS each month for 3 months

R 221
The stylish R-221 is an amazing handset packed with a camera, FM Radio, Torch and
GPRS. Its classy look and features will definitely appeal to customer. Along with this
GPRS, enabled handset customer will also get a remarkable bundle offer of free
GPRS, Calls and SMS to any network in Pakistan.

Handset Features
0.3 MP Camera
FM Radio

Product Pricing
Handset with new ZONG SIM: Rs. 1,599/-
Rs 150/- free balance divided over 3 months (Rs 50/- per month); valid for on-
net calls, off-net calls and SMS
6MB of free GPRS each month for 3 months

Z 100
Considering the immense success of previous handset offers, ZONG is back with
another handset deal with the latest handset on the offer that is bound to catch
customers' interest. The new stylish handset comes with 1000 free minutes and 1000
free sms but that is not all, among a number of features ZONG is now offering the

handset in two different colors to provide the valued customers with the choice as per
their preference.

Handset Features
Slim Candy Bar shape
FM Radio with loudspeaker
Color Display
300 Phonebook entries
100 SMS storage

Product Pricing
Handset Offer with new ZONG SIM: Rs. 1,599/-
Handset Free Resources:
1000 minutes (on-net)
1000 SMS (any network)
Validity of free resources: 15 days
2.3.15 BlackBerry Special Discount Offer
ZONG continues to bring innovative and exciting products and promos to the market.
The introduction of BlackBerry Discount Offer is another feather in the cap of ZONG
that puts the amazing world of BlackBerry services within reach for all.
2.3.16 Call Forwarding
Another exciting and new service from ZONG now customer can forward incoming
call to other number if customer phone is:
Not answered
Out of reached
Not responding
2.3.17 Book Your Number (BYN)
Book Your Number gives the service to customers by self-visiting website there
customer can check the favorite number which the preferably like. After booking of
number the will come to customer doorstep.

2.3.18 Call Waiting
Never miss any call; ZONG brings customer call waiting service. With this service
customer will miss no important call.
2.3.19 ZONG Bijli Offer
Right when the energy crises are on the peak and electricity load shedding is on its
height, ZONG has come up with Bijli Offer. I will call this a just in time offer,
because it is giving what common customers may want in these time.
The innovative Bijli campaign gives all new ZONG prepaid customers a chance for
automatic daily lucky draw entries to win hundreds of UPS, generators, rechargeable
fans and rechargeable lights every day.
2.3.20 ZONG Fone on Hai Offer
Now just keep customer phone on and win many prizes like free SMS, Free minutes
(on-net), car and many more.
2.3.21 ZONG Family Pack
Now with ZONG Family Pack, subscribers can call to their three family numbers
without being worrying about the time limit or additional charges. However, free calls
are not for all ZONG numbers but to a group of three, that could be customer family
or friends.
2.3.22 Voice Bundle
ZONG has introduced Voice bundles. Now customer can avail more minutes in less
2.3.23 Bara Recharge
ZONG has launched Bara Recharge a special campaign to reward subscribers each
time they recharge their balance. ZONGs Bara Recharge is the perfect solution for
prepaid subscribers who will receive instant and guaranteed free airtime in proportion
to the loaded amount, every time they recharge their balance.
2.3.24 Block Unwanted Calls and SMS
ZONG offers another exciting service, now customer can block not only calls but also
SMS as well. Therefore, there is complete liberty from an ambitious numbers.

2.3.25 Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
With this new offer from ZONG, customer and all of customers, family members and
friends on other mobile networks can port into ZONG. They will all be able to keep
their existing numbers and code and switch to ZONG network and can enjoy ZONGs
exciting services.
2.3.26 Mobile Music Channel
For the first time in Pakistan ZONG introduce SMS search of song. Now customer
can search song of customer choice.
2.3.27 Unlimited Free Number
ZONG offer unlimited ZONG free numbers to the subscribers of ZONG FREE
package. Now call on a specific number unlimitedly.
2.3.28 ZONG Weekly Infotainment
ZONG has launched a Weekly Infotainment bundle. Customer can now obtain three
different infotainment services at the same time on a weekly basis.
2.3.29 Student Entrepreneur Program (SEP)
For the first time in Pakistan ZONG has established a concrete learning facility for
students to go in the market and take a survey by their own self and make sales by
their own PR this activity also gives earning opportunity for students. Just get
customer self registered as SE in any CSC of ZONG anywhere in Pakistan and avail
the chance to get sales experience and enjoy profits as well.
Moreover, I think it is best for marketing students to get a chance of working with a
best renowned company and it is a great job to work with Telecom companies that has
an enormous future in country.
2.3.30 ZONG USB
ZONG has finally launched its high-speed wireless Broadband services in major cities
of Pakistan. This service will be available with a USB Stick, which is supported by a
built in SIM with EDGE/GPRS activated. After you have bought the SIM simply you
have to plug-in in the USB in USB port and you will be asked to set up some basic
instructions and voila, you can access the internet on the go. Price Rs.
8,000/Unlimited GPRS package Rs. 400/month + tax.

2.3.31 Other Special Features
Yaari call
Video on demand
Islamic portal
Buddy chat rooms
Breaking news

This chapter was all about introduction of ZONG and its products and services. In
next chapter, Business Operations of ZONG will be explained.

Third chapter of this report is devoted to the business operations of ZONG. In this
chapter, first departmental structure of ZONG CSC department is discussed and
structure of CSC Abbottabad describe in this chapter.

Fig 3.1: Departmental Structure

Fig 3.2: Structure of CSC Abbottabad


DRICTOR Customer

Regional Manager
Central 1

Regional Manager
Central 2

Regional Manager North

Regional Manager South

CSC Manager

Customer Service

Finance Officer


Abbottabad one CSC manager which have all the responsibility of CSC and
under CSC manager three CSR are working all CSR
are assigned different works
like value added services, prepaid, postpaid and other works and one finance manager
is also working there.
3.1 Customer Services Centers
Mission of Customer Service Center
To realize the perceived value of the customers and build higher expectations
through excellence in service

Customer Services department exists to serve customer. Any queries customer may
have about getting a connection, account information, coverage details, information
about their franchises, value added services, SMS information, anything at all
customer that customer want to know about them and their services.
3.2 Customer Service Center of Abbottabad
I did my internship in Customer Service Center Abbottabad from October 2011 to
December 2011, which is situated at Business Complex, Supply Bazaar, Manshera
Road, Abbottabad. There is one CSC manager, Three CSR officers and one finance
officer working. I was working there as SE (student entrepreneur).

Customer service center
Customer service Representative
(Value Added
Finance Officer

4.1 Marketing Department
Mission Statement
ZONG marketing department will become the best marketing department of the
industry in terms of adding values to their brand name, improving the image of the
organization, increase in sales, with quality of people and team spirit to lead toward
the goals.
4.2 Sales and Distribution Department
Mission Statement
To maximize the number of revenue generating subscribers by efficiently planning
and executing policies and operations related to product visibility and availability.

Distribution ZONG purchases equipment from four companies ZTE, Ericsson, Alcatel
and Hawaii, these are the venders, and operator of ZONG distributors and franchises,
and different outlets, ZONG has CCSC and 100,000 different outlets in
4.3 Marketing Mix
"Marketing Mix" is set of correlated tools that work together to achieve companys
objectives, they are:
4.3.1 Product
Product means offerings of a company, and ZONG is offering its customers Services
as well as products. In services, ZONG is offering followings:

customer care service centers

Postpaid packages
Prepaid packages
Other Services and Offers
Postpaid packages are generally for business class and in postpaid ZONG are offering
many other packages like 100 line rent, 300 line rent, 600 line rent, 1200 line rent and
2000 line rent. Prepaid packages are for low and middle class in prepaid ZONG also
offer many packages like 12 anny, 65 paisa, free package and aik second package and
also many exciting Other Services and Offers like missed call alert, ramzan value time
offer, dial tune, E-care, happy hour and many more exciting offers and products like
handsets and for postpaid ZONG offers blackberry.
4.3.2 Price
ZONG is offering its products and services at a low price so ZONG is using price
penetration because all the packages (postpaid and prepaid) are very low priced and
other value added services are also very low in cost. Some of them are free of cost
Missed call alert

Conference call
Subscription of SMS packages

As Ufone is giving its customers, uth package and it charge its customers hourly rate
but ZONG gives its customers a package called Location Base Charging it charge
customer only one-time charges and then whole day free.
ZONG also using bundle pricing like SMS packages, voice bundle and handset offers.

4.3.3 Promotion
ZONG is promoting its products and services in many ways like:
Print media

Mobile number portability

TV ads
Mobile promotions
Through Local cable
In print media print ads and newspapers are include if ZONG is offering something in
a specific place than ZONG use print media like print ads and newspapers. Billboards
are use in all over the country. On many TV channels, Ads are promoting ZONG.
Mobile promotions like in Multan and Lahore when trucks and buses decorated with
ZONG logos and advertising about LBC
. On many websites, ZONG is promoting its
packages and offers and ZONG has its own commercial web site
4.3.4 Place
Place means that how a company reach to its customers or how a customer can get
product of a company. ZONG is reaching to its customers in the following manners:
Customer service centers
Through Student Entrepreneurs
Franchises and customer service centers are there for customers and customers can get
ZONG products and services from retailers and student entrepreneurs.
4.4 Competitive Strategy: Differentiation
Differentiation is how customer product is different from customer competitors it can
be done in many ways like products differentiation, features differentiation, low price
and many others, for this differentiation a company should have to create a critical
success factor and ZONG is having a critical success factor of low rates and quality
services. ZONG offers quality products and services in low prices.
4.5 Business Process Analysis
Customer Service Center Process

Location base charging

greets customer and ask what he/she can do for them:
4.5.1 Prepaid Sale
For the sale of prepaid connection, following are the required steps:
CSR receive the customer request, required documents for prepaid connection,
and verify customer as per the verification parameter.
CSR asks the customer to provide CNIC
CSR checks through BOSS system
if customer has already 10 subscriptions.
CSR fills CSAF
and takes signature from customer on CSAF.
CSR hand over Customer & finance copy to customer and guide him/her to
cash counter.
Cashier marks the cash paid stamp and sign the customer copy and hand over
SIM card and customer copy to customer.
Customer than call to 789 for SIM activation and verification of ownership
from PTA
4.5.2 Book Your Number
Customer walks in for booking of his/her number. Following are the required steps to
CSR inform customer regarding the price of BYN.
CSR confirm MSIDN
to be booked.
CSR ask the customer to provide CNIC.
CSR check through BOSS system.
CSR check number availability in BYN portal.
CSR log the request in BYN portal with:
o Customer name

Customer service representative
Computerized national identity card
Activity base system
Cellular service agreement form
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
The dial able number

o Contact number
o Address of customer
A unique ticket number will be generating.
CSR will ask customer to fill in CSAF.
CSR route the customer towards finance counter and finance officer will
follow the payment process and give SIM to customer.
4.5.3 Handset Sale Process
Customer walks in for the purchase of handset following are the required steps to
CSR guides customer about bundle deal of handset.
If customer agrees, CSR will ask customer to select the MSIDN form stock.
CSR verify customer as per verification process.
CSR ask customer to fill CSAF.
CSR route the customer to finance counter for payment and handset collection.
Finance officer performs the functions of BOSS system.
Finance officer associates MSIDN with IMEI
of hand set in BOSS system.
Finance officer records transaction in BOSS system.
Finance officer asks the customer to open the packing of handset to check if
accessories (handset + charger + warranty card) are complete.
Finance officer take warranty card from customer and after signing and stamp,
he will hand over the warranty card, handset and customer copy to customer.
4.5.4 SIM Replacement
Customer walks in for replace his/her SIM; following are the required steps to follow:
CSR verify the customer as per verification parameters.
CSR inform the customer about SIM replacement charges (if any).
CSR fill CSF
and get it signed by the customer and attaches a copy of CNIC.
CSR process the SIM replacement in BOSS.
CSR hand over the customer copy and finance copy to customer and guide
customer to cash counter.

International mobile equipment identity
Customer service form

Cashier gets CSF copies and payment from customer.
Cashier record transition in BOSS.
Cashier hand over SIM
and payment receipt to customer.
CSR send CSF to data warehouse for filling.
4.6 ZONG Intranet
ZONG intranet is software program which have each and everything in it about
ZONG and this can be opened only in the arena of CSS. Loaded with everything this
is very useful thing for CSR and other employee.
4.7 Knowledge Base System (KBS)
This is also software program, which is loaded with all the activities and other
information like:
Products and services
Basic VAS

Retailer information
789 activation and deactivation SIM
668 campaign
Office timings
And many more.
4.8 Complaint Management System
In this section, CSR can record or resolve the complaints of customer and their own
issues regarding their work like:
IT issues
Process issues
Query and log
Managing configurations

Subscriber identity module
Value added services

4.9 CRM System
CRM system
where from CSR can login the system and do his work or duties.
4.10 Business Process Management
A web-based program through which employees of CSC can generate or initiate
requests like:
ID card request
IT equipments
IT requests
Leave application
Visiting card request
And more other requests.
4.11 Learning as a student internee
I discussed all about my duties during internship. Accomplishments, new knowledge
gained during exercise of practical life, problems encountered in the way of
completion targets. In the end of chapter, I discussed about experience, how this
experience affect my career.
4.12 My Duties During Internship
In internship, I was assigned outdoor duties that include:
Selling SIMs of ZONG (telesales activities)
Selling miniload (Top Up)

Giving information to customers about packages and offers of company
4.13 Details of My Duties
4.13.1 For Top up (Selling Mini Load)
From ZONG telesales SIM Go to ZONG menu select E-TOP from menu:

Customer relationship management system
Mobile number portability

To recharge a number
o Retail charging
o New charging now
o Enter service password
o Phone number without zero e.g.(31xxxxxxxx)
o Enter amount which customer want to transfer
o Number recharged.

To check customer top up balance
o Choose balance query

4.13.2 To Pair A Number, Active A Number
Go to ZONG menu from telesales SIM and select Telesales from menu and:
Select special number choice (to check that number is available or not)
o Exact number
o Number start with
o Number ends with
o Number contain
If customer desired number is available, customer will receive a message as
4.13.3 Binding The Number
First book that number again go to telesales and choose NUMBER BOOKING menu
Enter the number that checked before. Message will come Number <31xxxxxxxx>
Booking OK. Please use HLR<x> e.g. [HLR O6] SIM for activation.
Once the desired numbers is booked then go back to telesales menu and choose
MSISDN (that number which was booked earlier)
ICCID (serial number of the SIM)
CNIC (customers ID card number)
Name (customers name)
Address (customer address)

On successful bind, a message will come:

Bind successful. Welcome to ZONG
Now inform the customer that SIM is active but to enjoy ZONGs exciting services
call 789 and give customer information that is being require for the verification by
helpline than customer can enjoy ZONGs exciting services.

The prepaid sales of number have two forms those are given below:
Customer copy

Office copy


4.13.4 Accomplishments
As far as accomplishments concerned, I was given a target of sales; my target was to
sell SIMs and recharge anywhere in the country on any ZONG numbers. The time
duration of internship was three months and the target of minimum sales was 50
SIMs and 100 load each within 30 days. For completing this, I had to do a lot of hard
work, I went to university where I am studying and inform all of my fellows and
PRs. My activity was good enough all over, the interested customers contacted me
and I developed the interest by telling the flexible packages to other company
subscribers I also went to my city where I thought I could make more sales. I did one
to one marketing in many areas to increase my sales. After my internship I get result
in February and the total sales was 140 SIMs in which new SIM sales and MNPs
4.14 My Sales Data
4.14.1 New SIM Sale


4.14.2 Load Record


4.14.3 MNP

4.15 Application of Classroom Learning In Organization
As I am a student of Bachelor in Business Administration, so in this we learn all about
business, How business is run? How policies are made? How management make
decisions? Etc. regarding above questions we study many subjects like principals of
management, marketing, managerial finance, human resource management,
organizational behavioral, operations management and many more, so everything we
learn in our class has somehow practical implication in organization. But ZONG is
telecommunication company mostly work is based on marketing, management and
organizational behavior in customer service center, so I practically get exposure about
management and marketing and organizational behavior that how practically these are
implemented in organizations.
4.16 Management Concepts
The concepts of management that we studied in our subject, principles of
management are being implemented in organizations; how they follow the
management concepts are given below:
The four management functions that are planning, organizing, controlling, and leading
were followed in the ZONG.

Planning and organizing is done by top-level managers whereas leading and
controlling is done by middle level managers. There were cultural dimensions that are
actually prevailing in ZONG are: People oriented, Team oriented, Innovation. The
flow of command is not fully centralized not fully decentralized in ZONG. Top
management provides directions toward their goals and then fully authority is in hand
of lower management to achieve the goals but top management has strict check and
balance on the performance of lower management and employees.
4.17 New Knowledge Gained
Being a student of marketing it was a great experience to have a chance to get in the
market and do work with Telecom Company. I have learned how to deal with
customers, as I think if you want to make sales, you should go to the customer or
customers come to you. You should have a smiling face to greet the customer and if
customer do not buy your product than you should leave a good impression on that
customer because if in future that customer need your product than it will come to you
to buy that product.

As I told that I was given a target of sales, I learned a lot during my internship how to
deal, how to avoid difficult situations and how to create demand for customer. I
myself make many policies to make sales because selling a SIM
was not a difficult
task, to do customer is ready to take SIM from you but to sell him recharge of Rs.100
was a bit difficult as well, so keep in view the cost of SIM and load I make many
polices to sell. Even I sold free SIMs too.
4.18 Problems Encountered
During time in the field, I encountered many problems like:
Cross questions of customers
Customers having much knowledge about other networks offerings
Pricing problem

Subscriber identity module

I face those problems very well, and I was able to neglect those problems but as a
sales representative, we have to be cool and calm because nobody wants to loss his
customers. I came with one to one marketing go to the customer to sell my product
and was very much successful doing this.

Another problem was that customer was ready to take SIM but without recharging, it
was a very difficult thing to convince that customer to recharge at the spot.
4.19 How This Experience Impact My Career?
It was a great experience in the field, before the completing my studies I got a chance
to get in the market and do some work. When I will get in my practical life soon after
completing my degree this experience will go whit me and will be very beneficial for
me in the field because personnel of sales & marketing department have interaction
with the customers and try to fulfill the needs and wants of the customers.

Being a student of marketing it was a great experience to have a chance to get in the
market and do the sale activity I learned a lot from the market survey and Telecom
customers personal interest with their preferences of their particular subscription.


5.1 SWOT Analysis of ZONG Customer Service Center
analysis covers strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Strengths
and weakness are generally internal attributes. Opportunities and threats are generally
external attributes. Therefore, SWOT analysis of CSC Abbottabad is given below:
5.1.1 Strengths of ZONG Customer Service Center
Strengths are defined as any activity the organization does well or any unique
resources the organization has. Some strengths of ZONG Customer Service Center are
given below:
All the products and services, which ZONG is offering, are available here in
this CSC of Abbottabad. In addition, all the services of ZONG are activated
and deactivated here.
Motivated, educated and qualified staff makes services more reliable and
satisfy customers.
ZONG is at more competitive on experience curve.
5.1.2 Weaknesses of ZONG Customer Service Center
Weaknesses are defined as any activity the organization does not do well or the
resources the organization needs but it does not possess. According to my point of
view, following are the some weaknesses of ZONG Customer Service Center:
Number of CSR is not sufficient here in CSC Abbottabad, customer some time
should have to wait for their turn a bit.
The staff of CSC is not involved in more outdoor activities.
Coverage Issues in some cities and this can decrease the customers interest in
purchasing the connection.

Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

5.1.3 Opportunities of ZONG Customer Service Center
Opportunities are define as positive trend of organization in external environment.
According to my point of view, following are the some opportunities of ZONG
Customer Service Center.
Sales of this CSC can be increased if more and more outdoor activities
(establish kiosk outside) those can be done by the management of this CSC.
is very good for this CSC because customer get information on the go.
China mobile have large experience of network so ZONG can introduce new
products such as dish TV because ZONG have good wireless technology e.g.
ZTE, Alcatel and Hawaii etc.
5.1.4 Threats of ZONG Customer Service Center
Threats are defined as the negative trends of organization in environment.
According to my
Point of view, following are the some threats of ZONG Customer Service Center:
Competitors are the biggest threat for any company. Here also exist Warid,
Mobilink, Ufone and Telenors CSCs so they are biggest threat for ZONG
Policies of TMA
are also some time threatening when they are on outdoor
activity. When staff of CSC Abbottabad wants to do, outdoor activity it must
have to get NOC from TMA Abbottabad and TMA Abbottabad has its own
Another threat is that according to PTA
rules any one can switch to other
mobile network that they think are reliable and due to signal problem and call
drop complains in some hilly areas of Abbottabad customers are leaving
Attractive Packages by Competitors best example is Ufone there are so many
packages offered by Ufone.

Student Entrepreneur
Tehsil munsipal authority
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

5.2 PEST Analysis
In order to survive and remain profitable in todays competitive marketplace, ZONG
need to be able to react and adapt to changes in the external environment and ideally
be proactive in impacting these forces. External environment factors can be classified
into five general categories: competitive, social/cultural, legal, economic, political,
and technological.
5.2.1 Political Factors
Political Instability
Pakistan is facing political instability causing danger for the telecom industry but the
political factor does not effect on ZONG so high because ZONG related from china
and relationship of china and Pakistan is very strong.
The telecom sector of Pakistan has successfully liberalized in an efficient, transparent,
and fastest deregulation of telecom in the region. The Government of Pakistan gave
the status of Industry to Pakistan Telecommunication Sector.
Changes in Tax Laws Tax rates have been increased day-by-day government tax rate
of call is 19.5%.
5.2.2 Economic Factors
Gross Domestic Product Telecom sector of Pakistan has a share of almost 2 percent in
National GDP.
Average Revenue per User (ARPU)
The average revenue per user is falling. It does not affect value able on ZONG
because ZONG started in same condition.
Decline in Money Value
The decline in Rupee value against the US Dollar, the decrease in the interconnect
charges and lower priced tariffs have resulted in an overall decrease of ARPU in US
Dollar terms. Outflow of Capital: The ongoing economic turmoil along with the
worsening of security conditions in Pakistan has caused an increased outflow of
capital from the country.

5.2.3 Social factors
Strategies according to the need of people while making the marketing strategies
companies consider many factors like cultural and social. The study of culture helps
to understand the consumer behavior and in turn assists firms to improve their
marketing strategies. ZONG has done wonderful job in this perspective. Before
entering into market, it has done extensive research on the behaviors of the
5.2.4 Technological Factors
Technological Development
Companies are investing in their infrastructure to not only expand but also to upgrade
their existing structure. As the competition is strong, ZONG is focusing on its value
added services.
Technological Advancement
Currently all companies are providing Multi-media Messaging Services (MMS),
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Pocket
Stocks, Conference Calling, Wallpapers Animated pictures Polyphonic ring tones
(WAP), and Voice Mail at low price.
Technological Trends
The well-recognized technology trends that are influencing the evolution of the
network indicate that the cost of a call is becoming even more insensitive to the
distance. The modularity of the network is increasing; switching off from one network
to another is very easy; geographic boundaries are irrelevant for emerging technology;
intelligence and function are moving away from the central office.
In these conditions, competition is very strong among competitors. ZONG is
improving itself in technology.


ZONG have a strong financial position and growing very fast in the current position
of the market of Pakistan in which other companies growing very slowly or
decreasing their market shares. As we can check in the market growth analysis ZONG
increased its market share by 3% from December 2010 to December 2011. It is very
big achievement for the ZONG because it is new brand in the market. As ZONG has
become the favorite brand of the youngsters just because of its best prepaid packages
and the best SMS packages, we can say that ZONG can be a market leader after few
years as early it is growing. As all of we know that the other communication
companies especially UFONE providing more and more packages for its customers
ZONG also have to focus on it and provide more offerings to its customers. The best
suggestion for ZONG to become more favorite brand of telecom customers it should
provide cheaper GPRS packages like ZONG GPRS daily free package with some
daily charges etc. ZONG have kept in mind that these points are for the better
progress in ZONG and ZONG have to use more promotion campaigns to increase the


Suggestions and Recommendations
After doing internship in the ZONG I have find out some deficiencies in the ZONG so
I suggest some following points to the ZONG:

Voice clarity and call disconnection is the major issue of ZONG; this issue can be
resolve by installing new boosters in the different areas. ZONG emphasis on hiring
young, fresh, and energetic personnel and they should train their old experienced
workers because human resource are the assets of the company, after training those
old workers will perform well as compare to the fresh workers.

ZONG mobile should use strategy to provide the spare parts for the ZONG mobile in
market, so customers can repair the mobile after the warranty, due to this step
customer will get more faith on China Mobiles.

China Mobiles have huge experience of network operation in similar high
mountainous areas in china itself. Therefore, it is opportunity for ZONG (CM Pak) to
cover the northern areas of Pakistan and get good image in the eyes of current users
and potential users and ZONG can cover the border of China, with the Karakoram
highway and can play a vital role during the journey from this border.

To increase the market share of the company and to get more loyal customers ZONG
have to launch the wireless broadband package because there is signal problem of the
cellular companies as compare to existing wireless broadband companies (as wateen,
evo are major players), so company can get competitive advantage to provide this

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