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... through Bertha Dudde

Jesus act of Salvation
as the !eginning of a ne "hase
in the or# of return ....
When the hu$an !eing Jesus died on the cross a ne "hase in
the or# of %& living creations return !egan' for until then all
"eo"le ere still living in the s"iritual dar#ness that %& adversar&
had s"read across all fallen s"irits .... (ll hu$an !eings ere still
afflicted !& the original sin and no one as a!le to a""roach %e
since %& )ustice did not allo it until the original sin had !een
*oever' countless "eo"le had alread& al#ed across earth and
a$ongst the$ ere also a fe of good ill !ut ithout enough
strength of their on to release the$selves fro$ %& adversar&'
since the& all had !een una!le to esta!lish the right #ind of
contact ith %e due to their lac# of love ....
+he& ere controlled !& selfish love as a sign of their affiliation
ith %& adversar& .... (nd neither did the& #no the cause for
their earthl& e,istence' their a"ostas& fro$ %e .... the& ere
s"irituall& utterl& ignorant &et in a orldl& sense e,tre$el& !us&'
and therefore the& forever endeavoured to gain advantages at
other "eo"les e,"ense ....
+he& lac#ed selfless love through hich the& could have attained
a higher state of $aturit&. (lthough the fe e,ce"tions in fact
sensed their s"iritual hardshi" and also ac#noledged a God and
-reator a!ove the$selves the& did not recognise %e as a God of
love' !ut onl& as a God of vengeance and rath.
.eo"le ould never have !een a!le to "rogress in their s"iritual
develo"$ent/ the& ould ala&s and forever have sta&ed the
sa$e selfish generation hich as una!le to attain higher
aareness as long as the !urden of the original sin "ushed it
don .... %& adversar& ould ala&s have #e"t "eo"le on the
ground if a Saviour had not arrived for the sa#e of the fe ho
felt retched and in their distress had called for a Saviour.
(nd a "ossi!ilit& to esta!lish a connection ith %e as indeed
$eant to !e created again one da& hich' hoever' should no
a""l& to the Father .... .eo"le should !e a!le to call li#e children
to the Father' hereas !efore the& had onl& recognised in their
God and -reator a Power the& refused to !o don to' !ecause
the& still har!oured this o""osition against %e as result of their
"ast original sin ....
( relationshi" of love should !eco$e "ossi!le again !eteen the
living creations and %&self hich' hoever' had to !e esta!lished
!& "eo"le the$selves through their illingness to love. But prior
to Jesus crucifi,ion a hu$an !eing as onl& ver& rarel& illing to
love and then he as e,cessivel& tortured !& %& adversar& .... so
that he al$ost des"aired of %& e,istence. But #noing his ill 0
hel"ed hi$ and too# hi$ fro$ earth ....
Jesus -hrists act of Salvation !rought an era of "eo"les greatest
distance fro$ %e to an end .... *is crucifi,ion atoned the original
sin of all fallen !eings' and no' in the stage of hu$an !eings'
the& are a!le to esta!lish the right #ind of relationshi" ith %e
again if' ith the hel" of Jesus -hrist' the& live a life of love' if
the& release the$selves fro$ the adversar&s shac#les through
the !lood *e had shed on the cross and thus see in %e the
Father and are urged toards %e !& love .... toards the
relationshi" the& once voluntaril& severed and there!& !eca$e
Jesus death on the cross !rought hu$anit&s ho"eless state to
an end .... ( ne era !egan here the hu$an !eing onl& needed
to ta#e the "ath to Jesus in order to !e guided out of %&
adversar&s dar# do$ain .... here the gate into the #ingdo$ of
light as o"ened again too .... 0t as no for the hu$an !eing
"ossi!le again that he could change hi$self' that he could sha"e
his nature into love' that he could !eco$e again hat he had
!een before his a"ostas& fro$ %e ....
+he first redee$ed souls returned to %e' 0 as a!le to ad$it
the$ into %& #ingdo$ of light and !liss' hich ould never have
!een "ossi!le if Jesus had not redee$ed the original sin through
*is death on the cross .... For 0 ($ .... as su"re$el& "erfect ....
also righteous and therefore could not cancel an unredee$ed
%uch ti$e had "assed hen "eo"le al$ost !ro#e don under the
!urden of sin &et did not recognise their guilt and therefore
re"eatedl& revolted against %e' Who$ the& could not den& as a
1.oer !ut to Who$ the& did not surrender ith love. For the&
once had re)ected love' and all the& had left as $ere selfish
love .... the rongl& directed love transferred to the$ !& %&
o""onent. *ence' in their nature the& still !elonged to hi$
entirel& .... (nd this nature first had to change' hich as onl&
"ossi!le after Jesus crucifi,ion' Who ac2uired for the$ the ill
and the strength to rise and relin2uish their selfish love ....
(ll these ere "urel& s"iritual "rocesses' for in an earthl&3hu$an
sense the& certainl& had an en)o&a!le and good life' &et no one
had an& consideration for his fello hu$an !eing' instead
ever&one )ust thought of hi$self' and the strong "erson
o""ressed the ea# ho as una!le to defend hi$self' !ecause
%& adversar& delighted in seeing the retched state of the souls
he had "lunged into the a!&ss' for he hi$self as co$"letel&
ithout love !ut full of hatred and ani$osit& .... (nd his nature
also reflected itself in "eo"les nature .... (n&one ho as strong
li#eise o""ressed other "eo"le and #ne no $erc& for he had
no love' )ust li#e his lord .... the lord of dar#ness .... as ithout
Jesus' hoever' tried to guide "eo"le onto the right "ath through
love. Jesus lived and taught love and de$onstrated to the$ that
love as a strength hich even defeated the adversar&' and that
"eo"le can onl& release the$selves fro$ hi$ through love.
+hus the hu$an !eing Jesus had e,e$"lified a life of love for the
first ti$e for "eo"le' until *e then acco$"lished the greatest
or# of love and $erc& !& sacrificing *i$self on the cross on
!ehalf of hu$anit&s sins' so that the& ould !e set free and
through a right #ind of life attain strength and light again in order
to then travel the last "ath into their true ho$e' hich Jesus had
"receded through *is death on the cross .... Who$ the& no
onl& need to follo in order to enter %& #ingdo$ in a li!erated
state' returning to %e into the Fathers house' to the Father fro$
Whose love the& had e$erged and in Whose love the& ill no
sta& forever ....
.u!lished !& friends of ne revelations of God 40nfor$ation'
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