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PSLV-C20 (25/2/2013)

PSLV-C20 successfully launched Indo-French satellte S!"!L (Satellte #th !"$os and
!Lt%a) and & other nto ther or'ts(
)he other satelltes are* S!PP+I",- .,/SS!)- 0.I1"I),- 1"I),- !!0S!) and
SARAL (Satellte #th !"$os and !Lt%a):
It s a 3ont Indo-French satellte 4sson for oceano$ra5hc studes(
It #ll 5erfor4 alt4etrc 4easure4ents des$ned to study ocean crculaton and sea
surface ele6aton(
It #ll also study the ocean currents and sea surface he$hts(
!"$os #ll collect the data #hle !Lt%a #ll 4easure the he$ht of the sea surface(
Lfe s5an* 5 years(
1( 7arne 4eteorolo$y and sea state forecastn$
2( /ceano$ra5hy
3( Seasonal forecastn$
8( Cl4ate and en6ron4ental 4ontorn$
5( Protecton of 'od6ersty
&( 7ana$e4ent and 5rotecton of 4arne ecosyste4
9( I45ro6e4ent of 4art4e securty
Fro4 Canada
)o o'tan t4e-ta$$ed 4a$es fro4 s5ace of the resdent s5ace o'3ect (e to loo% at s5ace
de'rs and other satelltes n or't
Fro4 Canada
For detecton and trac%n$ of asterods- satelltes and s5ace de'rs
Fro4 !ustra
)o 4easure lo#-le6el oscllatons and te45erature 6aratons n stars
Fro4 !ustra
)o 4a%e 5hoto4etrc o'ser6atons of so4e of the 'r$htest stars n the s%y
Fro4 2en4ar%
)o 4a%e a study of rece6n$ auto4atc dentfcaton syste4 s$nals fro4 sh5s n arctc
Fro4 0:
)o e6aluate the 5erfor4ance of electroncs n a s5ace en6ron4ent(
PSLV-C22 (1/9/2013)
PSLV-C22 successfully launched Inda;s frst dedcated nd$enous na6$aton satellte
I".!SS-1! (Indan "e$onal .a6$aton Satellte Syste4-1!)( )he <L conf$uraton of PSLV
#as used for the 4sson( Pre6ously- the sa4e conf$uraton of the 6ehcle #as used thrce to
launch Chandrayaan-1- =S!)-12 and "IS!)-1 satelltes(
It s the frst of the se6en satelltes consttutn$ the s5ace se$4ent of the I".!SS( )he
entre constellaton s 5lanned to 'e co45leted 'y 2015-1&( ()otal satellte choosen to
co45lete the conf$uraton s 9( )he 3 satelltes #ll 'e 5laced o6er the e>uator (e $eo-
statonary or't( )he re4ann$ 8 #ll 'e n 5ars n 2 nclned $eo-synchronous or'ts)
2es$ned to 5ro6de accurate 5oston nfor4aton ser6ce to users n the country as #ell
as the re$on e?tendn$ u5to 1500%4 fro4 ts 'oundary- #hch s ts 5r4ary ser6ce area
Lfe s5an of the satellte *10 years
It #ll trans4t ser6ce s$nals of na6$aton to users #th ts o5eraton n L5 and S 'and(
)he "u'du4 ato4c cloc% and the ran$n$ 5ayload of the C-'and trans5onder #ould
facltate accurate deter4naton of the ran$e of the I".!SS
It 5ro6des t#o ty5es of ser6ce to Inda*
1( Standard Postonn$ Ser6ce*
It #ll 'e a6ala'le to all users
2( "estrcted Ser6ce*
It s an encry5ted ser6ce(
It #ll 'e 4ade a6ala'le only to author@ed users only
It #ll 5ro6de ser6ce to country n the felds l%e*
2saster 4ana$e4ent
Fleet 4ana$e4ent
Vehcle trac%n$
!eral and 7arne na6$aton
7a55n$ and $eodetc data ca5ture
Vsual and 6oce na6$aton for dr6ers
Inte$raton #th 4o'le 5hones and terrestral
)errestral na6$aton ad for h%ers and tra6elers
Na#es !$ "a%i&ati!" satellite !$ !t'er !u"tr(:
Sl .o( Country .a6$aton satellte
Inda I".!SS-1!
2( 0S! =PS (=lo'al Postonn$ Satellte)
3( "ussa =L/.!SS (=lo'al /r'tn$ .a6$aton Satellte Syste4)
8( ,uro5ean 0non =.SS (=alleo .a6$aton Satellte Syste4)
5( Chna 1e2ou Satellte .a6$aton Syste4
INSAT-)D (2&/9/2013)
IndaAs ad6anced 4eteorolo$cal satellte I.S!)-32 #as successfully launched 'y an ,uro5ean
roc%et- !ranes5ace;s fro4 !rane-5 (V!218) roc%et fro4 the s5ace5ort of :ourou n French
!ranes5ace;s !rane-5 roc%et of ,uro5ean s5ace consortu4 launched the !l5hasat
satellte as #ell as I.S!)-32(
Lfe s5an* 9 years (e o5eratonal u5to 2020
It s 5lace n an ell5tcal $eo-synchronous )ransfer /r't (=)/)
It s des$ned to 5ro6de 4eteorolo$cal o'ser6aton and 4ontorn$ of land/ocean
)he satellte s e>u55ed #th a s?-channel 4a$er and 1B-channel sounder- as #ell as a
data relay trans5onder and a 5ayload for satellte-aded search and rescue o5eratons(
)he data relay trans5onder #ll 'e used for rece6n$ 4eteorolo$cal- hydrolo$cal and
oceano$ra5hc data fro4 re4ote- unnha'ted locatons o6er the co6era$e area fro4 2ata
Collecton Platfor4s l%e !uto4atc Ceather Staton- !uto4atc "an =au$e and !$ro
7et Statons(
I.S!)-32 s also e>u55ed #th a Search and "escue 5ayload that 5c%s u5 and relays
the alert s$nals or$natn$ fro4 the dstress 'eacons of 4art4e- a6aton and land
'ased users to the Indan 7sson Control Centre located at IS"/ )ele4etry- )rac%n$
and Co44and .et#or% n 1an$alore(
Search and "escue ser6ce
the Indan Coast =uard
!r5orts !uthorty of Inda
2rectorate =eneral of Sh55n$
2efence Ser6ces
)he Indan ser6ce re$on ncludes a lar$e 5art of the Indan /cean re$on co6ern$ Inda-
1an$ladesh- 1hutan- 7ald6es- .e5al- Seychelles- Sr Lan%a and )an@ana for rendern$ dstress
alert ser6ces(
!t 5resent :!LP!.!-1 and I.S!)-3! are the t#o Indan =eostatonary Satelltes #hch
are 5ro6dn$ #eather ser6ce to us for4 5ast 10 years(
*SAT-+ (2B/0D/2013)
=S!)-9- the frst Indan ,?clus6e defence satellte #as successfully launched 'y the ,uro5ean
s5ace consortu4 !ranes5ace;s !rane-5 roc%et fro4 the :ourou S5ace5ort of French =uana(
It s and ad6anced co44uncaton satellte that #ll hel5 'y 5ro6dn$ lo# 't rate 6oce
to h$h 't rate data co44uncaton
It #ll 5ro6de co44uncaton ca5a'ltes to users n dstnct oceanc re$ons
7ult5le 'and s5acecraft- #ll 'e used 'y the .a6y to shore u5 secure- real-t4e
co44uncaton a4on$ ts- #arsh5s- su'4arnes- arcraft and land syste4
It #ll also 45ro6e the country;s 4art4e securty and ntell$ence $athern$
0+F 'and s 'en$ used for the frst t4e n an I.S!) and #ll 'oost co44uncaton and
ntell$ence net#or% across a #de re$on
Pre4u4 S 'and #ll ena'le co44uncaton fro4 4o'le 5latfor4s l%e sh5s
:u 'and allo#s h$h-densty data trans4sson- ncludn$ 6oce and 6deo
IS"/ uses the s5acecraft of the French =uana- South !4erca for the launch of hea6y
satelltes 'ecause ts =SLV roc%et #th the nd$enous cryo$enc sta$e s under ts
de6elo54ent 5hase and 'efore 'en$ used for the lft of hea6y satellte- atleast t should
4a%e t#o successful fl$hts(
*SAT-,- (1B/0D/2013)
Fl$ht* 25
Payload* =S!)-18
=S!)-18 s the second fl$ht #th nd$enous cryo$enc u55er sta$e( 0nfortunately lft s called
off due to lea%a$e of fuel(
PSLV-C2. (05/11/2013)
PSLV-C25 successfully launched Inda;s frst nd$enous nter-5lanetary 4ars 4sson 7/7
(7ars /r'ter 7sson)- also called as 7an$alyaan 4sson( )he <L conf$uraton of PSLV #as
used for the 4sson( Pre6ously- the sa4e conf$uraton of the 6ehcle #as used four t4es to
launch Chandrayaan-1- =S!)-12- "IS!)-1 and I".!SS-1! satelltes( Inda #ll 'e the s?th
naton to launch a 4sson to 7ars after the 0S- "ussa- ,uro5e- Ea5an and Chna(
7ars or't nserton date* Se5te4'er 28- 2018
.e?t 4a3or date* .o6e4'er 30- 2013- #hen the arcraft #ll 'e$n ts 3ourney to 7ars( 1efore
ths date t #ll contnue to re6ol6e around earth(
)o loo% for 4ethane- for the detecton of lfe on the 5lanet
2urn$ the launch- t s trac%ed 'y*
)hese t#o Indan sh5s- 5ostoned n the South Pacfc /cean
2urn$ ts 3ourney fro4 ,arth to 7ars or'ter- t #ll 'e trac%ed usn$ the Indan 2ee5
S5ace .et#or% at 1aylalu n the outs%rts of 1an$alore and sea-'orne S-'and ter4nals
Fi%e sie"ti$i i"stru#e"ts t! stu1( sur$ae a"1 'e#ials:
1( 7ethane sensor for 4ars
loo% for 4ethane n the 7artan at4os5here
)he 5resence of ths $as 4$ht 'e an ndcator of lfe on 5lanet
2( Ly4an !l5ha 5hoto4eter
7easures relat6e a'undance of t#o soto5es of +ydro$en n order to
understand 5rocesses 'y #hch 7ars has 'een losn$ ts at4os5here- there'y
turnn$ fro4 a #et 5lanet to a dry one(
3( 7ars e?os5herc .eutral Co45oston !naly@er
!nalyse neutral $as ato4s found n the outer4ost 5art of the 7artan
8( )her4al Infrared I4a$n$ S5ectro4eter
7a5 the surface te45erature and nfer the co45oston and 4neralo$y of
5( 7ars Colour Ca4era
Pro6de 4a$es of 7artan surface features and #eather e6ents- such as dust
It could also su55ly 4a$es of 7ars; t#o 4oons- na4ely*
a( Pho'os
'( 2e4os
List !$ re$ere"es:
Na#e : Sus4tha Sudharshan

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