Chapter 27 Essential - Focus

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Chapter 27: World War Two

Essential Questions & Focus

Essential Questions
Ch27 World War Two
1. How did dictators come to power before World War Two? (sec.1)
2. How did the United States get pulled into the war? (sec.2)
. What sacrifices did !mericans ma"e to win the war? (sec.)
#. How did the !llies turn earl$ defeats into %ictories against &erman$? (sec.#)
'. How did the US defeat the (apanese in the )acific? (sec.')
*. How were atrocities ? (sec.')
Section 1+ The &athering Storm
Focus+ What were causes of WW,,?
What is Stalin doing in the So%iet Union?
How did -ussolini win support for his fascist state?
How did Hitler gain support in &erman$?
How was the US reacting to these world wide problems?
(osef Stalin
.enito -ussolini
concentration camps
/eutralit$ !cts
Section 2+ World War Two .egins
Focus+ ,n the mid1123s4 hat was (apan beginning to do in the )acific?
What did the -unich 5onference tr$ to do in 6urope?
How did WW,, in 6urope begin?
Who were the three ma7or !8is )owers? (Who are the !llies?)
Wh$ was the .attle of .ritain important?
How did the US aid 6ngland (and others fighting the !8is )owers without going to war)?
What happened on 9ecember :
4 12#1?
-unich 5onference
!8is )owers
.attle of ;rance
.attle of .ritain
<cash and carr$= plan
>end1>ease !ct
)earl Harbor
Section + !mericans in Wartime
Focus+ ,n what wa$s did the US ma"e sure there was enough resources for the war?
How did women aid in the war effort?
!frican !mericans fought two wars. What was the <9ouble ? 5ampaign=?
Wh$ is 9oris -iller and the Tus"egee !irmen heroes?
What happens to (apanese !mericans during the war? (home front @ in the war)
%ictor$ gardens
war bonds
Aosie the Ai%eter
9ouble ? 5ampaign
relocation camps
Section #+ The !llies Turn the Tide
Focus+ How was the war going for the So%iets?
What were the (apanese doing in the )acific and in !sia?
Wh$ was the .attle of -idwa$ important in the )acific?
?ictories were starting for the !llies in 12#2. What were the$?
Bperation B%erlord was the code name for the in%asion of 6urope. What happens on 919a$?
When ;9A dies after his #
election4 who becomes president?
How does the war in 6urope end?
-ac!rthur -idwa$
6isenhower Stalingrad
919a$ Truman
?6 9a$
Section '+ The 6nd of the War
Focus+ What strateg$ does the US use against the (apanese?
How did the /a%a7o help the US in the )acific?
What tactic does (apan use in desperation against the US?
What does the 6nola &a$ drop that ends the war against (apan?
What crimes are committed b$ (apan and &erman$ in WW,,?
What huge and tragic horror did the !llies disco%er at the end of the war?
island hopping
/a%a7o code tal"ers
?( 9a$
.ataan 9eath -arch
/uremberg Trials

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