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NALSAR Proximate Education

NALSAR University of Law

The Registrar Date:
NALSAR University of Law
Justice City, Shameerpet,
y!era"a!# $%% %&'(
) am su"mitting my Convocation App*ication +orm with the fo**owing particu*ars:
,( +u** Name, )(D( Num"er an! -ermanent
A!!ress .write in "*oc/ *etters0(
Contact -hone Num"er 1 emai* i!
2( Dip*oma app*ie! for
3( Ta/ing the Degree 4 Dip*oma
5( -ai! the prescri"e! amount of Convocation
+ee .Rs( ,,%%%4#0
-(6( Dip*oma in -atents Law 4
-(6( Dip*oma in Cy"er Laws 4
-(6( Dip*oma in 7e!ia Laws 4
-(6( Dip*oma in )nternationa* umanitarian Law
.Tic/ C*ear*y0
In person / In absentia (encircle clearly)
8es 4 No
Note : ,0 Can!i!ates are re9uire! to submit te !onvocation "orm on or before #u$y %&' ()%* by emai$
+csc,na$sar-ro.yaoo/com 0 fai$in1 wic te Di-$oma wi$$ be awarded in absentia on$y/
20 Sign the Dec*aration attache! to this +orm an! su"mit with this +orm in case of stu!ent ta/ing the Dip*oma in

Si1nature of te !andidate
=I hereby solemnly declare and promise that if admitted to the Diploma of____ ____________ for which I have been
recommended, I shall in my professional as well as personal life and conversation conduct myself as befits members of this
University; that I shall, to the utmost of my capacity and opportunity, support the cause of justice, fairness and peace; and that
as far as in me lies, I shall uphold and advance the social order constitutionally established and well bein of all human beins
everywhere and rule of law within the country and outside!"
Date: Signature of the Can!i!ate
+u** name
4ind$y Note5
%/ 2e candidates ta6in1 te Di-$oma in Person as to send te !onvocation "orm by e7mai$
+csc,na$sar-ro.yaoo/com 0 $atest by %&
#u$y' ()%* fai$in1 wic te Di-$oma wi$$ be awarded in absentia
(/ The Convocation wi** "e he*! at *5%) -/m/ on Saturday' Au1ust (' ()%* an! can!i!ates ta/ing the Degree 4 Dip*oma
in person are re9uire! to "e present on that !ay "y 2:3% p(m( 2e 1owns are to be co$$ected from te NALSAR
PR3 office at 8PR Bui$din1 by -ayin1 a refundab$e de-osit of Rs/%)))97 /
:/ The can!i!ate ta/ing the Degree 4 Dip*oma in person sha** present himse*f4 herse*f in the aca!emic ro"es prescri"e!
as un!er: .a0 -h(D(: "*ac/ gown with re! hoo!> ."0 LL(7(4 7(T(<(L(: "*ac/ gown with ye**ow hoo!> .c0 <(A(, LL(<(
.ons(0 : "*ac/ gown with maroon hoo! an! .!0 -(6( Dip*oma in -atents Law, Cy"er Laws, 7e!ia Laws, )nternationa*
umanitarian Law an! Aviation Law 1 Air Transport 7anagement : "*ac/ gown(
*/ A can!i!ate who having su"mitte! his4 her app*ication for ta/ing a Degree 4 Dip*oma in person fai*s to appear at the
Convocation sha** "e charge! a pena* fee of Rs(,%%%4# for issuance of the Degree 4 Dip*oma su"se9uent to the
;/ +or those can!i!ates who are ta/ing the Di-$oma in Absentia' te !ertificate wi$$ be dis-atced to
tem by B$uedart courier 9S-eed 9 Re1ister Post after &
Au1ust' ()%*( Any can1e of address as
to be u-dated in te !onvocation "orm or sent by e7mai$ to csc,na$sar-ro.yaoo/com
</ +or any further 9ueries, you can mai* us(

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