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The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses

Follow-up Questions
In your groups, answer the following. Please write in complete sentences
an cite speci!c e"amples from the te"t. #ou only nee to su$mit one paper
per group%
&. 'ow oes (rille gain control o)er Waer 'annet*ie+ 'ow oes (rille,s
memory of his family gi)e him insight into Warer 'annet*ie,s
character+ -"plain.
.. What incients early in the story pro)ie clues a$out (rille,s
personality+ /ite speci!c e"amples.
0. What heroic 1ualities, if any, oes (rille possess+ -"plain.
2. 3iterary characters can $e classi!e as roun or 4at characters,
epening on how they are e)elope in a story. 5 round character
isplays a )ariety of personality traits, as oppose to a fat character,
whose personality is ominate $y a single trait. /haracters can also
$e istinguishe as either static or dynamic. 5 dynamic character
changes signi!cantly in the story. 5 static character unergoes little if
any change.
Is (rille a roun or 4at character+ What traits oes he
Woul you classify 'annet*ie as a static or ynamic character+
6. Irony is a contrast $etween what is e"pecte an what actually e"ists
or occurs. What is ironic a$out (rille,s eyesight+
7. Is the story $elie)a$le+ Why or why not+ 8o you thin9 the story
e"presses optimism or pessimism a$out the future of :outh 5frica+
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses
The Role of Setting Paragraph
(7 points)
;n your own, respon to the following prompt<
Setting is the time an place in which the e)ents of a literary wor9 occur. The
elements of setting may inclue geographical location, historical perio, season
of the year, time of ay, an the $eliefs an customs of a society. :etting can
help esta$lish the moo of a story. It can also in4uence the way characters thin9
an $eha)e. In some instances, the setting is not important= the story remains
the same e)en if the setting changes. ;ther stories are closely tie to a
particular setting.
Write a etaile paragraph e"plaining the signi!cance of the setting in (essie
'ea,s story The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses. Is the setting important to the
story+ Why or why not+ In what ways oes the setting contri$ute to the moo
an message of the story+ Begin with the line: Setting is/is not an
integral part of Bessie Heads stor! The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses"
Then e"plain why you $elie)e that to $e true. >efer to the e!nition a$o)e an
cite speci!c e"amples from the te"t to support your points.
The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses
The Role of Setting Paragraph
(7 points)
;n your own, respon to the following prompt<
Setting is the time an place in which the e)ents of a literary wor9 occur. The
elements of setting may inclue geographical location, historical perio, season
of the year, time of ay, an the $eliefs an customs of a society. :etting can
help esta$lish the moo of a story. It can also in4uence the way characters thin9
an $eha)e. In some instances, the setting is not important= the story remains
the same e)en if the setting changes. ;ther stories are closely tie to a
particular setting.
Write a etaile paragraph e"plaining the signi!cance of the setting in (essie
'ea,s story The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses. Is the setting important to the
story+ Why or why not+ In what ways oes the setting contri$ute to the moo
an message of the story+ Begin with the line: Setting is/is not an
integral part of Bessie Heads stor! The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses"
Then e"plain why you $elie)e that to $e true. >efer to the e!nition a$o)e an
cite speci!c e"amples from the te"t to support your points. s

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