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Lesson 1.


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- Review the students’ knowledge of tenses, modal verbs, prepositions, adverbs,
direct and indirect speech … that they’ve learnt
- Check the stundents’ understanding level
- Introduce text book and workbook

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach

III. Teaching aids

- Text books and workbooks

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up 1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to tell about their last summer - Tell about the last summer holiday

2. Presentation 2. Presentation
- Revision of “language focusus” - Revision of “language focusus”:
+ The simple past
+ The simple past with “wish”
+ The present perfect
+ The passive voice
+ Modal verb “could” with “wish”
+ The past simple with “wish”
+ Prepositions of time
+ Adverb clauses of result
+ Modal verbs with “if”
+ Direct and reported speech: here and now
words in reported speech.
- Work in pairs. - Reported Qs
- T’s questions - Tag Qs
- Ss’ answers - Gerends after some verbs
- Adjectives and adverbs
- Adverbs clauses of reason: as, because, since
- Adjective + that clause
- Conditional sentences: type 1, type 2
- Connective: and, but, because, or, so, there
for, however
- Phrasal verbs
- Relative clauses / Pronouns
- Adverb clauses of concession
- Modal verbs: may, might

3. Introduce English book 3. Introduce English book

- Ask questions
+ What do you think of tenth English book?
+ What part of each unit do you like best?
+ Is it more interesting than nineth English

* Homework and remarks

- Ask SS to read the text “A day in the life
of …”.

Unit 1. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF ...

Lesson 2. READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able:

- To talk about their daily routines (after learning a typical day in the life of a
- To improve Ss’ scanning skill - reading for specific information; and pratice their
sub-skills – speaking and writing
- To enrich Ss’ lexical source by studying and using some new words - plough,
harrow, transplanting, get off, ready
- To revise grammaratical items - the simple present tense, the simple past tense

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach
III. Teaching aids
- Text books, pictures of farmers, field work; handouts

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Give Ss some handouts and ask them to Match the words in column A with
match the words in column A with the words the words in column B
in column B.
- Ask questions A B
+ Where does a teacher work? 1. Teacher a. Field
+ What time does he often go to school 2. Doctor b. Factory
every morning? 3. Worker c. School
+ What do you often do in the morning? 4. Farmer d. Hospital
- Correct mistakes
Work in pairs
He / She works at a school.
He often goes to school at 6.30’.
* Describing picture
- He is a farmer / peasant
- He ploughs, harrows a plot of land.
2. Before you read
1C ; 2C ; 3A ; 4A 1. Task 1: Choose the correct answers
+ the alarm goes off = rings
+ to get ready = to prepare
+ chat (about) our work = take in a friendly
+ be contented = satisfied with
- plough (v): furrow, turn off the soil: cày
- harrow (v): break the soil: bừa
- plot of land: miếng đất, mảng ruộng
- fellow peasants: farmer working in the same
- Present new words field (đồng nghiệp cùng là nông dân)
- Ask Ss to use the new words to make - transplant (v): grow rice: cấy
sentences - pump water: watering

2. Task 2: Answer the questions

3. While you read Work in pairs
- Introduce 2 passages about a day in the life
of 2 farmers 3. Task 3: Scan the passage and make a
brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s
- Note completion daily routines
Work in group of 6
- Tell Ss to compare their notes with each In the morning: 4.30’: gets up, goes down
other 5.15’: leaves the house
5.30’: arrives in the field
7.45’: takes a break
10.30’: goes home
- Give correct answers
11.30’: has lunch
In the afternoon:
2.30’p.m: they go to ther field
After dinner: - Watch TV, go to bed
- Sometime
4. After you read
- Ask Ss, in groups, to talk about Mr Vy and 4. Task 4: Practice
Mrs Tuyet’s daily routines - Talk about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s daily
- Ask Ss to talk about their daily routines routines
- Talk about their daily routines
5. Homework
- Ask Ss to pratice talking about their daily
routines again
- Write 80 words conposition about the life
of a Vietnamese farmer

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks.

Lesson 3: SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able:
- To talk about his or her or one’s daily routine by using the given information and
- To practice sub-skills: writing, listening

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text book, small cards of class time table, handouts

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Network of school subjects Maths
(Ss, in group of 3 or 4, make a list of the
subjects they learn at school)
- The group give the most words within a Subjects English
limited time will be the winner
- Correct

2. Pre-speaking - Write the subjects they have learnt

- Set a situation
- Ask Ss make up Qs and answers
- Correct * New words:
- get up - typical day = routine
- take a short nap
- take a shower - adverb of time

3. While speaking Pair work

- Work in pairs 1. Task 1: Quan is a tenth grade student. He
- Ask Ss to describe Quan’s activities during goes to school every morning. Now, look at
the day his weekly time table on page 15. Ask and
- Give instruction for task 2 answer Qs with a partner, using the
- Help Ss if necessary information from the time.
- Have some Ss report in front of the class
- Feed back and give suggested answer eg: S1: What time does Quan have a civic
education lesson on Monday?
S2: (He has a civic Education lesson) at 7.15
S3: What lesson does Quan have at 7.15 a.m
on Monday?
S4: (at 7.15 ib Monday he has) civic
education lesson.

* Note: Focus on the Qs

- What time ... ?
- What lesson ... ?
The present simple: ask the Qs

2. Task 2: Practice
Talk about Quan’s activities
At 2 p.m, Quan gets up after taking a short
nap. He studies his lesson at 14.15. He
watches TV at at 16.30. Then he rides to the
stadium to play football with his friends. He
comes back home at 18.30, takes a shower at
18.45. He has dinner with his family at
4. Post speaking 19.00. At 20.00 he reviwes his lesson.
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3 to 4 and talk
about their daily routine. 3. Task 3: Tell your classmates about your
* Note: Ss only talk about their main/ daily routine
improtant activities
- Call on some Ss to present in front of the
- Have other Ss comment on presenter’s
performance regarding content and pronunciation

5. Home work

- Summarize the main points

- Write 50 words composition about your
6. Comment daily routine.
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- Pratice Ss’ listening - skill for specific information about a day in the life a cyclo
driver - and improve their listening skill throuhg doing some exercises
- Practice their subskills - writing, speaking

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, cassette, handouts
IV. Procedure
* Warm up
- Give Ss handouts and ask them, in groups,
put the sentences into the correct column
1. He gets up very early. He’s a farmer A cyclist Teacher
2. He works in the street
3. He drives passengers every day
4. He has meals at a food stall
5. He works with children
6. He lives in the country
7. He corrects home work
8. He meets a lot of people
9. He works in school A cyclo driver = a cyclist
10. He has a cyclo
11. He works on a farm
- Give feedback and correct answers
- Say “To day we’re going to listen to the
cyclo driver’s daily activities”…
- Write the new words on the board
- Explain each word separately and ask Ss to
guess what the word is

1. Before you listen 1. Before you listen

- Tell Ss, in pairs, to ask and answer the Qs
provided in their books
- Explain vocabulary
+ district (n) place, smaller than a province
+ drop (v) leave, sb at a place: Chở ai đó đến
+ passenger (n) people who travel on a train.
+ pedal (n): bàn đạp
(v): đạp xe
+ purchances (n) things: đồ đạc
+ food stall (n): quầy bán thực phẩm

2. While you listen a. Task 1: Picture ordering

- Ss open the books and describe the pictures Mr Lam is a cyclo driver. He’s working in
- Encourage Ss to feel free to have guess HCM city. Let’s guess his routine. What
about Mr Lam’s … does he do in his job?
- Play the tape several times if necessary - Describe the pictures (work in group of 5)
- Ss listen to Mr Lam’s talking about his + Picture a: I can see a cyclo driver. He’s
daily routine and number the pictures in the riding his cyclo. There is a passage …
correct order + Picture b: Some people are eating st.
- Have Ss to compare their answers with - Keys: a3 , b5 , c4 , d6 , e1 , f2
each others
- Give feedbacks and correct answers

- Let Ss read the statements carefully before b. Task 2: True or false

listening to the tape again - Some Ss present in front of the class.
- Call on Ss to explain the answers 1F (not given / no information)
- Correct 2T
3F (He takes his passengers from …)
4F (His first passenger is an old man)
5F (He has lunch at a food stall)
6F (He takes a short rest)

3. After you listen c. Task 3: Practice (pair-work)

- Tell Ss, in pairs, to ask and answer Qs S1: What is the man’s name?
about Mr Lam’s activities by using the give What does Mr Lam do?
cues What time does he start his work?
- Ask Ss to retell the story to the class or ask Who are his passengers?
Ss to fill the missing words in the gaps Where does he have lunch?
- Give Ss handouts Does he take a rest?
S2: Answers
Retell the story to the class

4. Home work:
Write 50 words about Mr Lam’s activities

5. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 5: WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to write a narrative by using given
- To revise some grammatical items: the simple past, some connectors
- To practice Ss’ sub-skill: reading, speaking

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text books, extraboard

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
Ask some Qs Answers may be:
+ Have you ever heard a frightened or an - Yes, I have.
interesting story? No, I haven’t
+ When did it happen? - It happened when I was young.
+ Where did it happen? - It happened at my house/ in my school.
+ How did you feel about that? - It made me frightened.

- Work in pairs 1. Task 1: Read the following passage and

- Read individually find
- Write down - Verbs (simple past): started, got, took off,
began, thought, seemed.
- Connectors: on that day, when, at first,
then, a few minutes later, one hour later.
* New words:
- stare death in the face: đối mặt với tử thần.
- take off >< land
- to serve: phục vụ
- to fasten: thắt, buộc dây
- to dip: ngâm, lao
- to realise: nhận thức, hiểu rõ
- to scream: kêu thất thanh
- panic (adj): hoảng sợ, khiếp đảm
- overjoyed (adj): vui mừng khôn xiết

2. T’s explanation of how to write a 2. Task 2: Identify the events, the climax and
narrative the conclusion of the story.
- Verbs: simple past - Got on plane, took off, hostesses were just
- The events begininng to serve lunch when plane began
- The climax to shake, plane scemed to dip people
- The conclusion screamed in panic.
+ Call on some Ss to give the verbs and - We thought we had only minutes to live.
connectors in front of the class. - Pilot announced that everything was all
+ Tell Ss to work in groups and identify the right, we landed safely.
events …
3. Task 3: Use the prompts below to build
3. Ss report the result to class up a narrative about the hotel fire: spent,
+ give the answers and explain the my, at, was, and, the fire, It was – was
development of the story sitting, in , on the, were, dancing and
singing, began to, the started, to …
- Work in groups (have 3 groups)
- Give Ss handouts - Summarise the main points
Group 1: The events
2: The climax
3: The conclusion
Ss work in groups
- Call on some Ss to read their writing in
front of the class
- Comment and correct mistakes if

4. Home work
Writing a narrative about accident

5. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to be more confident in pronouncing the
sound / I / and / i: / and better at using the present and past simple tense and adverbs of

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, extraboard

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- T ask Ss to work in group of 6 - Give out 10 to 15 words and put them under
- Give out 10 to 15 words and tell Ss to put approprivate heading
them under approprivate heading Adv of Adv of Adv of
- adv: today, tomorrow, often, carefully, manner frequency time
usually, beutifully, wonderfully, hardly,
yesterday, sometimes
- Correct 1. Pronunciation
* Activity 1: Demonstrate the sound / I / and /
i: / by pronouncing them clearly and slowly.
- Help Ss to distinguish these 2 sounds. / i: / is a long sound open your mouth very
- Instruct the way to pronounce little to make the sound
/ i: / : a long sound
/ I / : a short sound * Activity 2: Listen and repeat
/ I / : hit, bit, little, kick, click, interest
- Play the tape and ask them to repeat / i: / : heat, breat, meat, repeat, read, eaten
- Call on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly * Activity 3: Practise these sentences
to class Look at 6 sentences in the text book. Read
- Ask Ss practice the sentences by pairs these sentences then show which / i: / or / I /
- Go around the class and provide help if
necessary 2. Grammar and vocabulary
1. Review the present simple tense
* Form: (+) S + V(es, s) + O
- Ask Ss to discuss the form and use of the (-) S + do/does + V + O
present simple tense, by pairs (?) Do/does + S + V + O? Yes or No
WH + do/does + S + V?
- Call on some Ss to answer Qs regarding the * Usage: -
use and form of the present simple tense -
- When do you use this tense? -
- What adverbs of frequency does it go with? Practice: Do exercise 1/19
+ Ask Sts to compare the answers with a 1. is 5. catch 9. give up
friend. 2. fish 6. am 10. say
- Call on Ss to read the completed passage 3. worry 7. catch 11. realise
4. are 8. go 12. am

2. Adverbs of frequency
- Always, usually, often, ...
* Position
* Advs of frequency - Before ordinary verbs (In front of normal
- Use: Advs of frequency show how often Verb)
something happens - After the verb “be”
- Always, usually, normally, often, sometime, * Practice Ex 2
never He always get up early
She is never late for school.
- as a rule: at the beginning of the sentence Lan sometimes pratices speaking English.
Thao is always a hard working student.
+ Call on some Ss to read aloud their
sentences 3. The past simple tense
+ Feed back and give suggested answers - Form: S + Ved + O
- Usage: We use the past simple tense to
describle: a complete action or situation in the
- Ask Ss to make more sentences with the past.
past simple tense I visited my grandfather last week
- Ask Ss, by pairs, to supply the correct past * Practice: Ex 3
simple form of the verbs in the brackets - Give correct answers
- Remind Ss to have correct past form of 1. was done 7. began 13. was
some irregular verbs 2. cooked 8. felt 14. leapt
- Call on some Sts to read the complete 3. were 9. put out 15. hurried
passage aloud in front of the class 4. smelt 10. crept 16. found
5. told 11.slept 17. wound
6. sang 12. woke 18. flowed

4. At home: Do exercise

- Give some more Ex. to Ss

* Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Lesson 7: READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective:
- To improve Ss’ scanning skill for specific information - by the end of the lesson,
Ss will be able to get specific information about schools and related problems
- Lexical items: health problems, hobbies

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, pictures show that Sts are playing in the play ground
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up Answer the teacher’s question
- Ask Ss to discuss the below question, by Subjects
pairs. Students
When you meet your friends, which of the
following topics do you often talk about? School Sport and
+ Note: Encourage Ss to talk about the topics Teachers
Kinds of
which are not mentioned in the book such as:
fashion, food, picnic, TV, extra classes
2. Before you read 1. Biology a. poem, novel, Ng.Du
* Vocabulary: Matching 2. Math b. Newton, Olm
- Ask Ss, in groups, to match the subject in A 3. Physics c. Chemicals, H2O
with the information in B 4. Chemistry d. Number, minus, Pascal
5. History e. geology, climate
6. Geography f. amimals, plants, DNA
7. VNamese g. Revolution. The first
literature world war …

- Key: 1f , 2d , 3b , 4c , 5g
6e , 7a

1. Task 1: Gap – filling

Write down
- Explain gerund and to infinitive Fill each blank with one of the words in the
Like box below.
Enjoy + V_ing
Love 1. Young children enjoy helping with house
hold tasks.
Want 2. We were stuck in heavy traffic for more
Hope + to infinitive
than an hour.
Decide 3. I think you don’t have to worry about your
4. It was 2 weeks before Christmas and the
mall was crowded with people.
5. If 2 people speak the same language, they
usually have the similar attitudes and
2. Task 2: Finding who …
3. While you read
- Ss work individually Activities Person
- Have Ss compare the answers with a friend Enjoy teaching Miss Phương
- Feed back and give correct answers Has to get up early Phong
Live far from school Phong
Loves writing with children Miss Phương
Loves learning E. Phong
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Read the small
talks again and find out who … 3. Task 3: Answer the questions
1. He studies at Chu Van An High School.
- Encourage Ss to discuss with their partners 2. He studies many subjects such as Maths,
to get the correct answers Physics, Chemistry.
3. Because it is an international language.
- Call on some pairs to explain their answers 4. She says that teaching is hard work, but she
to class enjoys it because she loves …
- Give the correct answers 5. Because his son has to ride his bike in
+ Ask Ss to keep on working in pairs. Read narrow and crowded street.
the talks more carefully and answer the Qs.
- Call one some Sts to read aloud the Qs in
front of the class.
- Feed back and give correct answers.

4. After you read

- Tell Ss, in groups, to choose one of the
following topics and talk about it for about 5’. 4. Practice
+ What subjects you like learning best and - What do you worry about at school? Why?
+ What you like or dislike doing at school?
- Go to different groups and offer help if

- I like English best because it is an important

means of international communication. In
class, we can exchange ideas and discuss
various topics in English. Besides, we play a
lot of exciting and useful games. At home, I
can watch many T.V programs such as films,
5. Home work game shows and talk shows in English.
- Do Ex 1, 2 / page 10 – 11 in work book.

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 8: SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to use common expressions to make small
talks and to make a start and a close of a conversation.
- Vocabulary: catch up with, what’s the matter with you? had better, should.

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Handouts, OHP

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up: Rearranging
- Give out 4 sentences where words are not in - To rearrange the words to make complete
good order and ask Ss work in pairs - sentences
rearrange the words to make complete 1. has, nice, to, you, talking, been, it, very
sentences 2. weekend, did, nice, have, a, you?
3. up, later, catch, you, with.
4. school, everything, how, at, is?

1. Task 1: Suppose that you meet a friend at

2. Before speaking the supermarket. You are very busy. What
- What will you say to open and end a will you say to open and end the
conversation? conversation?
-A… (1)
B: Hi A. How are you? 1. Hello B / Hi B
A: I’m fine. Thank you, and you? 2. I’m very busy now, I really go now.
B: I’m very well. Thanks. I haven’t seen you Perhaps another time
for a long time. Let’s go some where for a
drink. Starting a Closing a
A: Sorry … (2) conversation conversation
- Have Ss pratise these expressions with his, Good morning - good bye. See you
her partner later
- Feed back and give correct answers How’s everything at - Well, it’s been
- Check and give remarks school? nice.
- Sorry, I’ve got to go.
Hello. How are you? Talk to you later.
Hi, how is school? - Great. I’ll see you
Hello, what are you tomorrow
doing? - Catch up with you

3. While speaking 2. Task 2: Sentence rearrangement

- Ask Ss to do the task 2: Rearrange the 1D, 2F, 3B, 4H, 5E, 6C, 7G, 8A.
following sentences to make a conversation. * Practise with a partner

- Compare the answer with a partner 3. Task 3: Conversation completion

- Have some Ss present their answers A: Hello, Hoa. You don’t look very happy.
What’s the matter with you?
- Ask Ss to practise it with a partner B: Hi, Nam. I feel tired. I’ve got a headache.
A: Sorry to hear that. You’d better go home
- Go round and correct Ss’ pronunciation and and have a rest.
intonation (ngữ điệu) B: Yes, that’s a great idea. Good bye Nam.
A: See you later.
* Task 3: Ask Ss to complete the
conversation with suitable words, phrases or
sentences in the box.
- Have representatives of some groups
present their answer in front of the class

- Work in groups of 3

- Call on some pairs to practice the completed

conversation in front of the class

4. Post speaking
Divide class into 4 groups to make small talks* Give some suggestions
on these topics: the weather, last night’s TV * The weather
programmer football, lans for the next Hi / how / trip / Vung Tau?
weekend, using the starting and ending of a IT / wonderful
conversation. What / you / like / most?
- Ask Sts to use the starting and ending of a What / weather / like?
conversation. It / warm / I / prefer / weather
- Call on some pairs to act out the you / see / photo?
conversation in front of the class. Sure
- Ask other Sts to comment on their Go round and help if necessary. Have them
conversations. perform in front of the class.
- Feed back and give suggested answers * Last night’s TV programmes
- Hello / you / happy. What / matter / you?
- Hi, Nam / I / tired / because / I / stay / late /
watch / TV last night.
- What / on TV?
- There / international football / match / film.
you / watch TV?
- No / I / homework / I / hungry / now. What
about / go / canteen?
5. Home work: - Yes / that / idea.
Write about the conversation done in groups
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make mini conversation about daily
topics such as study at school, weather and travelling.
- Language focus: Would you like to V? How do you like? How long ...?

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, cassette, handouts, OHF

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to make Qs to the following Ss may answer
1. I’m talking English 1. What are you talking this semester?
2. I really like it. 2. Do you really like football / English?
3. For a week. 3. How long are you staying there?
4. No, I’m travelling alone. 4. Are you travelling with your parents?
5. That’s great. 5. Would you like to go some where for a

2. Before you listen - Match a question in A with a response in B

- Ask Ss to match a Qs in A with a respose individually.
in B. 1C , 2E , 3A , 4B , 5D
- Have some pairs perform in front of the
- Feed back and give correct answers.

* Picture description * Picture description

- What do you see in the pictures?
- Keep Ss in pairs and ask them to ask and - Who are they?
answer about the pictures. T may also - What are they doing?
directly ask Ss.
- Make sure Ss see all the details of the
pictures clearly before playing the tape
1. To do task 1: Matching
3. While you listen - Ss to listen to the conversations and match
* Activity 1: Ask Ss to look at the pictures, them with the pictures.
ask and answer in pairs
- Play the tape more than once if necessary Conversation 1: picture B
- Tell Ss to listen for main ideas and key 2: picture C
works, not for specific information in the 3: picture D
first time 4: picture A
- Call on some Ss to explain their answers to Picture A:
class A: What can you see in the picture?
B: I can see some people standing in front of
the hotel.

2. Task 2: Answer the questions

S1: Ask
* Activity 2: Answer the questions S2: She is talking English
Have ts listen to the tape again and answer S3: Ask
the Qs S4: She is in Miss Phuong’s class.
- Let Ss listen to the tape several times if S5: Ask
necessary and have a pause between S6: He is at a party.
conversations to make it easier for Sts while S7: Ask
they are doing the task S8: He stays there for a week
- Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers S9: Ask
in front of the class S10: No, she doesn’t. She travel alone.

3. Task 3: Conversation completions.

A: (1) it here
* Activity 3: B: (2) very nice (3) big (4) comfortable
- Ask Ss to listen to the last conversation A: (5) travelling
again and fill the missing words B: (6) no ... (7) alone
- Have some Ss perform in front of the class A: (8) for a drink?
- Correct
4. Task 4: During the discussion, Ss should
use these questions.
4. After you listen - What problems have you got at school?
- Give Ss some sugguested Qs - What is/are the reasons?
- What have you done to solve it/them?
- Who helps you to solve it?
5. Home work
- Practice the conversations they have
- Do part C in work book, page 14

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 10: WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn how to fill in a form such as:
enrolment form, simple application form, library admistion form and use useful words and
structures in some certain form.
- Lexical items: block capitals, male, female, capital letters, ...

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books and work books

IV. Procedure
- Give Ss some kinds of form and ask … Filling in a form
1. What are they? 1. Task 1: Answer the question
2. Have you ever filled a form? - They’re forms
3. On what occassions do you have to fill a - No, I haven’t / Yes, I have
form? - Applying for job, opening accounts
4. What sort of information do you often have
to provide when you fill in a form? - Firstname, surname, address, age,
occupation, marital status, ...
1. Activity 1
- Ask Ss to do task 2: Matching 2. Task 2: Matching in CA with CB
- Have Ss compare their answers with a 1D, 2F, 3E, 4G, 5B, 6C, 7A
- Have Ss report the answers.- Listen and
check. 3. Task 3: Doing what form ask
- Block capital = capital letters
2. Activity 2: - Delete
- Ask Ss to do task 3 - Put a cross
- Explain some new words - Put a tick
- Have a Ss do it on the board 1. Write your name in block capitals
- Work individually 2. Sign your name?
- Copy down 3. Delete where not applicable
- Correct 4. Put a cross if you are male
5. Put a tick if you are female
3. Activity 3: 4. Task 4: Filling in the form
- Ask Ss to do the task 4 Surname:
- Have a student write it on board Firstname:
- Go round and help if necessary Date of birth:
- Tell Ss to look at the board and comment on Nationality:
their performance Language:
Address in your country:
Reason for learning English:
How many hours a day do you want to stay at
What date do you want to start?
4. Home work: Do the writing part
U2 – workbook

5. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objective
- Ss will be able to distinguish /A/ and /a:/ and revise Wh-Qs
- Language: know how to use “Gerund and infinitive”
- Skills: Reading and writing

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach

III. Teaching aids

- Extra board, work sheet

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up: - Write 2 examples on the board
- Say “we will practise pronunciation the 2 Eg: My cousin is my uncle’s son
sounds /Λ/ and /a:/” and ask Ss to read aloud The doctor wants to examine her
the examples

2. Activity 1: Listen and repeat 1. Pronunciation

- Ask Ss to repeat the tape in order to /Λ/ can be either at the beginning or in the
practise pronunciation the 2 sound /Λ/ and middle of a word. A word containing “ou”,
/a:/ “oo”, “oe” can be pronounced /Λ/ - short
- Have some Ss repeat them sound.
- Ask the whole class listen and remark. /a:/ can be either at the beginning or in the
middle of a word – long sound

* Listen and repeat

3. Practise sentences Repeat after the tape
- Ask Ss to repeat after the tape 2 or 3 times Practice sentences in chorus
- Have some Sts repeat them - Find the words
- Listen and remark
- Ask Ss to find the words containing /Λ/ /Λ/ /a:/
and /a:/ 1. love, much 3. last
2. cousin, lovely 4. dancing
3. sunny, lunch, are 5. martha, charles,
4. under dancing
5. dark 6. garden
- Check and correct 6. lunch

2. Grammar
4. Grammar Ss’ answers may be
- Ask Ss some questions
- Ss Wwork in pairs - No, I am not.
1. Are you tired? - I like listening to folk music.
2. What kind of music do you like listening? - Because it is an international language.
3. Why do you want to learn English?
* Presentation
* Presentation a- Wh – questions: Who, What, When, Why,
- Keep Ss in pairs and ask them to make Where, How, ...
questions for the responses Do Ex 1/29
1. When did you come back from HCM city?
2. How long did you stay there?
3. Who did you come with?
4. Where did you live?
5. Why do you learn English?
6. What time is it?
7. How many children have they got?

- Call on some pairs to read the questions

and responses aloud in front of the class.
- Give suggested answers
- Ask Ss to remark the order of Wh-Qs.
- Remark: Wh + aux + S + V? 2- Gerund and infinitive
- Copy down * Gerund
- Make up sentences + as a subject: Swimming is my hobby.
+ as an object: He likes drinking beer
- like, enjoy, finish, keep, mind, avoid,
consisder, practise, miss, postpone, live, ...

3- Preposition + gerund
- Interested in, issiston, apologize for.
We are interested in learning English

4- Common expressions
- go shopping, camping, dancing, fishing...
- It’s no use + V-ing ...
* To infinitive: decide, hope, want, wish,
try, refuse, agree, manage, fail, plan, expect,
seem, tend ...
- Some verbs + object + to infinitive
Ask, tell, advise, warn, beg, ...

Ex 2: Fill each blank with an-ing or to

- Ask Ss to look through the letter and find infinitive
the new words. Scan the letter.
- Then give the correct form of the verb in 1. to hear 6. to play
the brackets 2. going 7. to go
- Ask Ss to compare the answers with a 3. remembering 8. visiting
partner 4. doing 9. seeing
- Work individually. 5. worrying 10. hearing
- compare the answers with a partner
Do Ex 3
1. to go 6. making
* Ex 3: Complete the following ... 2. waiting 7. to call
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the 3. having 8. to lend
sentences using an-ing or to infinitive form 4. to find 9. talking
of the verbs in the box. 5. living 10. to post
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud
in front of the class.
- Have Ss to write the answer on the board
- Correct the answers.

5. Home work:
- Do Ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in language focus in
work book – page 5 -> 8

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Lesson 12: READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- Ss will be able to get information about Marie Curie and more information about
some other famous scientists.
- Skill: scanning for specific information

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, pictures of some famous scientists ... Marie Curie

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss, in group of 3, to match the people - Match the people with their jobs
with their jobs. - Ss’ answers may be
1D , 2C , 3B , 4A
1. Charles dickens a. singer
2. That Tung b. scientist
3. Marie Curie c. doctor
4. My Tam d. writer

Marie Curie is a scientist

2. Before you read 1. Answer the questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the - Have you ever heard of Marie Curie?
following Qs. + Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
- Have you ...? - What do you know about her?
- T introduces: Marie Curie is the world + She is not only a physicist but also a
famous scientist. She made great contributions Chemist.
to the world’s science. Today, we will learn
about her life and her research. Firstly, let’s * Vocabulary
have a quick look at some new words and - General aducation (n): GD phổ thông
phrase that you will come across in the passage. Comprehensive study of all subjects and
- Explain the meaning of these new words. skills.
+ Strong-willed (a): có ý chí mạnh mẽ - Brilliant (a): clever, quick at learning.
+ ambitious (a): nhiều tham vọng - Mature (a): fully – grown / developed in
+ hard working (a): work extremely hard character and power
+ intelligent (a) As a brilliant student - Harbour the dream of: foster / keep in mind
+ humane (a): nhân đạo, nhân ái the of doing some thing: nuôi ước mơ trở
- Fly colours (leave university) with excellent
grade: TNĐH loại ưu
- PhD: Doctor of phylosophy: Tiến sĩ
- Trafic death: die painfully, tragically: cái
chết đau khổ.
- To be a warded: to be presented with: được
trao cái gì
- atomic weight of radium: trọng lượng
nguyên tử
- Humanitarian wish: mong muốn nhân tạo
- ease / iz / (v): làm dịu đi, bớt đi

3. While you read 2. Task 1: Match the words or phrase in A with

- Ask Ss to read the texr individually and their meaning in B
match the words or phrases in CA with their
meaning in CB 1C , 2E , 3A , 4D , 5B

- Tell Ss to refer to vocabulary for help and - Answer the Qs

encourage them to try to guess the meanings 1. Who passed the exam with flying colors?
of the words in the context of the reading - Marie Curie
2. Who in the text determined the atomic
weight of radium? - Marie Curie
- Call on Ss to read and explain their answers 3. What was Marie like? – She was mature.
aloud in front of the class 4. What did she want to ease? – She wanted
- Feed back and give correct answers. to ease human suffering.
- Work in groups to answer the questions 5. What did she harbour? – She harboured the
with: with flying colours, determine, mature, dream of a scientific career.
ease harbour ... (give handout)
- Ask Ss to read the text again and do the task 3. Task 2: True or false
2 - Do the task 2 individually, then exchange the
- Have some Ss perform in front of the class. answer with a partner.
- Check answers 1T
2F (Her dream was to be come a scientist)
4F (She married Pierre Curie in 1895)
- Work in pairs 5T

4. Task 3: Answer the questions

1. She was born in Warsaw on No7.1867
2. She was a brilliant and mature student
3. She worked as a private tutor to save
4. She was a warded a Nobel Prize in
Chemistry ...
5. No, it wasn’t. Her real joy was “easing
human suffering”

4. After you read - Talk about Marie Curie

- Ask Ss to work in groups talking about - Perform in front of the class
Marie Curie - Write a short composition about her.
- Have a prepresentative of each group
porform in front of the class

5. Home work

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 13: SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their own back ground and
know how to ask for other people’s background.
- Use the simple present, present progressive and simple past
- Sub skill: writing

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Study cards, a picture about Marie Curie.

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Jumbled sentence Jumbled sentence
- Born ... Born, Marie Curie, November 7th, warsaw, in,
- Ask Ss to rearrange the order of these words was on, 1867.
to make a sentence meaningful. - Rearrange the order of these words
- Ask a question Sts’answer may be.
Where can we get information of one famous Marie Curie was born in WarSaw on
person? November 7th 1867.
- In books, magazines, newspapers, from an

2. Pre-speaking 1. Task 1: To discuss the items and choose

Today we will study how to conduct the appropriate ones
an interview. * Family
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and decide which + How many people are there in your family?
items can tell Sb’s background. + What does your father do? Where / live?
* Education
- Encourage Ss to discuss the items and + Where did you study at high school?
choose the appropriate ones + What subject do you like best?
- Ask Ss to discuss the questions that can be + What degree do you have? Which ...
used to get information for each item * Experience
+ How long have you worked as a doctor /
- Call on some Ss to give questions for each teacher?
item + What experience do you have?
- Have some pairs present in front of the class * Hobby
- Give remarks and correct + What is your hobby? ...

3. While speaking 2. Task 2: Imagine you are a journalist use

- Ask Ss to do task 2 the cues below to interview a classmate about
- Give Ss the interview form his/her background that of a person he/she
* Note: Before carrying out the interview Sts knows well. Change the role when you have
should study the items of information finished.
carefully and find the questions for each S1: Ask
items. S2: answer
- Give Ss handouts: interview form S1:
- Ask Ss to carry out the interview in pairs. S2:
Rearrange Ss’seats to make them sit face to ...
- Go around the class and offer help if
necessary; make sure that all Ss have the
form filled before moving to the next activity

4. Post-speaking 3. Task 3: Work in groups

- Do the task 3 - Talk about the person you have learnt about
- Ask Ss to work in groups talking about the from the interview.
person they have learnt from the interview - The person I interview is Lan. She was born
in 1992 in HN. There are 5 members ...
5. Home work: - Do Exs at home
- Do part C on page 21 in work book

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 14: LISTENING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about one of the Olympic
champions by using the information regarding her background and career
- Main skill: Listening for specific information about Olympic champions; sub
skills: writing, speaking
- Lexcical items: general education, romantic, diploma, congratulation

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text book, pictures, cassette
IV. Procedure

1. Warm up Make up questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about - What do you know about olympic?
Olympic and olympic champions. (When did the olympic start?
- Gather ideas that Ss discuss and give some How often is it held?)
background information about Olympic and - Do you know any olympic champions?
olympic champions. - What do you want to know about an
- Explain: olympic champion? Do you want to know
+ The Olympic games or olympics are an about his/her family background / career
international multi sport event tallking place success / medals?
every 4 years Answer 2 questions
+ The summer Olympics have been held 1. Carl Lewis – American athlete won 9
every 4 years starting in 1896. olympic gold medals.
+ The winter Olympics (games) was first held - Ivan Thorpe – Australian swimmer won 5
in 1924. olympic gold medals.

2. Before you listen * Vocabulary

- Diploma (n): High school diploma: chứng
chỉ, bằng cấp.
- Certificate (n): the general testimonial of st
such as a birth / marriage / death: giấy chứng
nhận: chứng sinh, chứng tử.
- Ask Ss to make sentences with the above - Degree (n) the award given by university for
words. completing such as Bachelor’s Degree,
- Make sure they understand the meaning of Master’s Degree (Văn bằng do trường ĐH cấp
the words clearly. sau khi TN như bằng cử nhân, thạc sĩ)
- Sports teacher (n): a teacher who teaches

1. Task 1: True or False

3. While you listen Listen to the tape and do the task
* Set the scene: Sally has been the Olympic indicvidually
champion. You’re going to listen to a 1T
conversation between her and Bob and do the 2T
tasks followed 3F (I don’t have much free time)
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and decide 4T
whether the statements are true (T) or false 5F (I want to be a sports teacher)
(F) task 1
- Play the tape several times if necessary 2. Task 2: Listen to the conversation again
and fill the blanks
- Have ts compare their answers with a friend
- Call on some Sts to explain their answers in - Listen to the tape
front of the class
(Individual work) - Give the answer
- Feed back and give the correct answers
+ Ask Ss to do the task 2 1. General education
- Tell Ss to read the sentences carefully and 2. lives / family
try to guess the missing words in the blanks 3. different / swimming
4. loves stories
- Play the tape more than once if necessary 5. teacher’s diploma.

- Ask each Ss to give the answer

- Check and remark
4. After you listen - Sally was born in 1980. She got a general
- Give Ss the outline of Sally’s background: education at local schools and when she was
1980 ... local school 15 ... family ... basketball 15, she joined the Star sport club near her
and swimming ... sports teacher ... teacher’s house. She lives with her family, her parents
diploma and 2 brothers. She likes basketball and
- Ask Ss to work in groups and base on these swimming but she doesn’t have much free
guide lines to make a short talk about Sally time. She wants to be sports teacher and get
- Call on some Ss to give the talk to class her teacher’s diploma.
- Comment on Ss’s performance regarding
pronunciation and body language

5. Home work:
- Write 50 words about Sally

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 15: WRITING

(Writing about people’s background)

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective:
- Students will be able to write a simple C.V and get to know the format, layout and
essential information of a C.V
- Vocabulary: sex, reference, permanent address, to quit (bỏ việc), unemployed
(thất nghiệp), travel agency (n): VP du lịch
- Skill development: writing; sub skill: speaking, reading

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach
III. Teaching aids
- Extraboard, some C.V samples

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Show Ss a C.V and ask some Qs: Ss’ answers may be
+ What is it? - It’s a C.V
+ When do you write a C.V? - When I happy for a job, take a course.
+ What kind of information do you have to - Personal information, date (số liệu)
provide when writing a C.V? education, previous jobs, interests ...

2. Activity 1: Introduce Mr Brown’s C.V and 1. Task 1: Read Mr Brown’s C.V

explain what information is included in a C.V
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about Mr - Write the elements of a C.V
Brown 1. Personal information / data
- Go round and help if necessary 2. Education
- Have some groups answers pinned on the 3. Previous jobs
board and ask a representative of each group 4. Interest
- To check the other’s - Recive the handout and fill Ss information
- Ss read in silene and work in group of 4 in C.V format.
- Write a paragraph about Mr Brown using
the cues below
+ Mr Brown was born on 12th November
1969 on Boston. He went to Kensington High
School and passed exams in English, French
and Mathematics. He worked in a travel
agency from June 1991 to December 1998.
And from 1999 to 2002, he worked as a hotel
telephonist. He likes music and dancing.

3. Activity 2 2. Task 2: Ask some questions and complete

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask the partner the form
for information about his/her parents and S1: What’s your father’s name?
complete the form. S2: His name is Nam
- Go round the class and help if necessary. S1: When was he born?
S2: He was born in 1960
- Have some pairs perform in front of the

4. Activity 3
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about their
partner’s parents.
- Have a student write his or her answer on
board and class gives the remarks.
- Work individually
- Compare the answer with a partner
- Remark
- Write a paragraph about your best friend
5. Home work
- Write a paragraph about your best friend

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective:
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronounce the sounds /e/ and /æ/ and
learning how to use the past perfect tense and they can distinguish it with the past simple
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books and extraboard

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
Table completion
- Ask Ss to work in groups and give each Verb infi Past form PII
group a table containing 10 verbs Take
- Group work left
- Tell Ss to complete the table following the broke
instruction come
- The group which completes the first and gone
has more correct verbs will be the winner. got
is/am/are was/were been
- Give Ss handout do
- Feed back and correct. saw

2. Activity 1: 1. Pronunciation
- Demostrate the sounds /æ/ - /e/ by a- Instruct the way to pronounce
pronouncing them (slowly) clearly /e/ : is a short sound
- Instruct the way to pronounce /æ/ : is a long sound. First pronounce the
- Whole class same /e/ then open your mouth a little more.
- Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sounds
several times.
- Make sure Ss are a ware of the difference
between the 2 sounds.

3. Activity 2 - Look at the book. Listen and repeat

- Play the tape and ask them repeat.
- Call on some Ss to repeat the sounds /e/ /æ/
clearly to class. pen man cat mat
- Give some more Exs to practise any said fat sand
- Read these sentences in the text book then best met bad pan
distinguish /e/ or /æ/. friend send happy applicant
1. ready man pleit
2. bed sad (cuộn lại)
* Practice these sentences
/e/ : 1. Can I borrow your pen?
2. I haven’t got any money.
- Correct
3. You are the best.
- Give remarks (go around and help)
4. Ted is my best friend
5. Are you ready?
/æ/ : - She has a big cat
- He is a big fat man
- It is a bad day
- The girl often plaits her hair
- Happy birthday to you.

2. Grammar
4. Activity 3: Grammar - Review the past perfect tense
- Review the past perfect tense. * Form
- Write an example on board and ask Sts to (+) S + had + PII + O
retell the form of this tense. (-) S + had not (hadn’t) + PII + O
Eg: I thanked him for what he had done for (?) Had + S + PII + O? - Yes, S + had
me. - No, S + hadn’t
* Use: The past perfect tense can be used to
describe: an action before a point of time in
the past.
Eg: I had done all my homework before 7
p.m last night.
- An action that had happened before
another past action.
Eg: I had done all my homework before I
watched TV.
- Write down carefully

* Practice Ex1:
5. Activity 4: 1. Had broken 6. hadn’t learned
- Ask Ss to do the Ex1 individually 2. had done 7. had left
- Call a student to go to the board and do it 3. had met 8. had moved
- The others speak out their answers keys 4. hadn’t turned off 9. hadn’t seen
5. had ever seen 10. had broken in

6. Activity 5: * Ex2:
- Ask Ss to do the Ex2 in individually 1. Had just finishes – came
- Call a student to do Ex2 write on the board 2. had seldom travelled – went
3. went – had already taken
- Other Ss speak out their answer keys 4. did you manage – had – gone – got
5. had just got – phoned – was

7. Activity 6: * Ex3: Ask Ss to do the task

- Ask Ss to do the task / Ex3 in in dividually Sentence Mistake Correction
- Tell Ss to read the story carefully and ask 1 had climbed climbed
them some questions about the story to make 3 had turned turned
sure Ss have general understanding. 5 had called called
7 had heard heard
- What is the story about? had already
- Who are in the story? 9 went
- Give student handout

8. Home work:
- Do Exs in 1 -> 4 work book at page 19, 20

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate and test
- Skills: + Listening - Ss can listen and complete the table
+ Reading - Ss can read the passage and choose one appropriate phrase in
the box for each blanks
+ Writing - write a friendly letter
- Knowledge Ss can use the correct form of verbs in brackets to complete the letter

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Sub board, worksheet, tape, ...

IV. Procedure

- Have Ss prepare the test at home before Listening: 10 minutes

correcting it in the class. Reading: 10 minutes
- Limit the time for each part Grammar: 10 minutes
- Listening section is carried out in the class Writing: 15 minutes

- Encourage Ss not to use dictionary or

reference book when doing the Exs
- Ss can check the answers and evaluate their
- Ask Ss to read the table first to have 1. Listening: Listen and complete the table
general understanding below
- Play the tape 2 – 3 times
- Go round the class to give help 1. 15, January 1929
- Ask Ss to check the answer after 3rd times 2. In 1951
3. for 4 years
- Have Ss read aloud their fillings 4. he met
- Read the information in the table to find out 5. they got married
the new words if have 6. a minister at a
- Listen to the tape then fill in the blanks 7. the black freedom movement
8. heard his speech at the
- Exchange the results with their partners 9. in 1964
10. 4, April 1968
- Play the tape once for them to check up
- Listen again to check the answer
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 to discuss the
- Go round to help
- Have some pairs to perform in front of the
- Give comments
- Read the passage and find news words. 2. Reading: Read the passage and choose
Some Ss report the result one appropriate phrase in the box for each
- Check the answers themselves blank. There are more phrase then needed.
+ Ask Ss to work in pairs to do Ex
- Require Ss to present the answer 1F , 2C , 3A , 4D , 5B
- Give correction and explanation. 3. Grammar
Read aloud the correct form of verbs
1. to happy 6. can
2. am 7. reading
3. attended 8. know
4. passed 9. am able
5. got 10. hearing

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the 4. Writing; Write the letter in a worksheet
content, the organization ... of the letter - Hang the worksheet on the board after 15
- Correct the common mistakes and give minutes.
- Give suggested letter on sub - board
5. Home work:
- Write a reply letter

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 18: WRITEN TEST - No1: 45’

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Phonetics
II. Vocabulary and grammar
III. Reading
IV. Writing

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective:
- To show Ss their weakness as well as strength and resolution and correct the
mistakes they usually make
- Give general remarks and marks to sts

IV. Keys
Lesson 20: READING
Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- Educate Ss the humanity and rise their care for disabled people
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn about special education.
- Skills: read and guess the meaning of the words in context; read and answer the
specific information about the contentof the reading text; summarize the main ideas of the
- Ss understand and use the new words through speaking, asking and answering
activities; learn words related to special education.
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text books, cassette, pictures abour special classes and Braille Alphabet and
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Introduce “TQ Huong Sen centre” - When did it build?
+ Built: 1997 - Where is it located?
+ It’s located in Phan Thiet TQ town - How many teachers and student are there?
+ 26 teachers / 76 children - Who was a founder?
+ Founder: Ha Thi Khiet - What type of students attend?
+ They’re disable student
=> Introducing the topic: special education
2. Before you read 1. Vocabulary
* Activity 1 - disable (a): be unable / incapable of doing
- Introduce Braille cell. st: tàn tật
- Rub out the words in English column and - dumb (a): not being able to speak
ask Sts to look at the VNamese column to - Proper schooling (n): enough and good
write down the rubbed ones. study: học hành đầy đủ
- Give netword - opposition 9n): opposing ideas, disgreeing
dumb/mute view points: ý kiến phản đối
- Make effort (v): try, attempt: nỗ lực, cố
deaf Disabled blind - to be pround of (a) take pride on: tự hào
- add: cộng - subtract: trừ
2. Activity 1: Hang the Braille cell. Look at
mentally retarded the Braille Alphabet then work out the
3. While you read message that follows
- Ask Ss to read the passage individually and
do task 1.
- Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of the We are the world
words in the context
- Tell Ss to compare their answers with a 3. Activity 2: Read the passage and then do
friend the tasks that follow (Matching)
- Match a word in CA with a definition in CB
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud 1. disabled – C: unable to use a part of ...
in front of the class. 2. mentally retarded – E: less mentally...
3. time-consuming – A: talking or needing ...
- Give correct answers and explain all the 4. demonstration – B: an act of showing...
words carefully to make sure sts understand 5. gradually – D: slowly, over along ...
the meaning of the words.
4. Activity 3: Multiple choice
- Ask Ss to do task 2 Read the passage again and complete the
- Give explaination for their choice. Feed following sentences by circling the corres
back and give correct answers. ponding letter A, B, C or D

1D , 2B , 3A , 4C , 5D

4. After you read 5. Activity 4: (task 3) Gapfilling

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the - Fill in each of the blanks of the summary
summary of the passage carefully. below with a suitable word from the reading
- Encourage Ss to guess the missing words passage.
- Have Ss complete the summary in pairs 1. disable 6. time consuming
- Call on some Ss to read the completed 2. read 7. maths
summary aloud in front of the class. 3. write 8. arm
4. efforts 9. fingers
5. opposition 10. pround

5. Home work: Write a short * Homework: write a short passage about

- Summarise the main points Miss Thuys’s class.
- Assign homework - Do Ex in reading section in W.B
- Prepare speaking section.
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
Lesson 21: SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
+ Talk about school life of a student; ask and answer about learning at school and
also talk about their study as well as other’s
+ Activity engage in an interview
- Skill: Speaking; sub skill: writing

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books and work books

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to work in groups making a list of teachers
words relating to school
- The group with the longest list will be the subjects
winner School students
* Note: The words must be correctly spelled
and related to the topic maths)
tests (oral, written, final ...)
- Introduce the topic of speaking lesson - Go to the black board to do it.

2. Pre-speaking 1. Task 1
- Have Ss study the questions in the interview - Ask Ss to review the questions, answers
carefully about study, likes, dislikes at the secondary
- Ask Ss to work individually and fill in the school by using the simple past tense.
blanks with the right Qs T: What were your favourite subjects?
- Give Ss tips by asking them to read the S: ........................................................
answers before deciding the best question in T: Which one didn’t you like? Why?
the blanks S: ........................................................
- Call on some Ss to explain their answers T: What subjects were you good at or bad at?
S: ........................................................

* Practice
* Activity 1: Present questions Write correct answers
* Activity 2: Pratice A-4: Which lower – secondary school did you
go to?
B-1: What were your subjects then?
C-2: What were your time table?
D-6: Can you tell me about the tests and
examinations at your school then?
E-3: What about homework?
F-5: What part of the school life didn’t you
like then?
G-7: What did you like best about your
school then?

3. While speaking 2. Task 2: Interview your partners using the

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and carry out thequestions in task 1
interview, using the questions in task 1 - Make up the same dialogue (task 1)
* Note: Ss are suggested to use his/her own+ Interviewer: asks
information to answer the questions. + Interviewce: answers
However, they may use the answers in the Write some suggested words
book as samples - Lower – secondary school
- Subject
- Go round the class and provide help when - Time table
necessary. - Homework
- Exam
- likes and dislikes

4. Post speaking 3. Task 3:

- Call on some Ss to use the information in - Tell the whole class what you know about
the interview to make a mini – presentation your partner
about his/her partner - Read the example
- Tell the whole class to comment on
presenters’ performance
- Make necessary corrections
- Individual work and whole class

5. Home work: 4. Homework:

- Summarise the main points. - Do it
- Assign homework

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
Lesson 22: LISTENING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- To educate humanity to Ss; encourage them to be helpful to disableb people
- Ss will be able to learn about various activities of the disableb people in a special
club “Vang Trang Khuyet”.
- Skills: listen to a monologue for general and specific information, then to
summarize the information in the listening section by doing speaking and writing
- Sub – skills: practice speaking and writing skills based on listening tasks
- New words: words relate to the paragraphs given.

II. Teaching method

- Communicative language.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, cassette player, tape, projector, handout.

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Look at the pictures and answer the a. What can you see in the picture?
teacher’s questions - some people with a camera on his hands
- Hangs a picture showing a photographics b. What is he doing?
activity on the board and ask questions - Maybe, he is taking a photograph of
something or some one else.

2. Before you listen

- Write on the board the netword

- Explain the derived words from the root by

Photogenic Photograph Photography
using simple questions or sentences so as to
make the students’work fill the gaps easily
* New words: Match a word in CA with a
definition in CB.
- Listen to the teacher’s instruction then
answer the questions or predict the meanings A B
of the derived words through the given cues 1. Photograph a. the study/the art of
forming and fixing inmages
Eg: A person who normally takes a 2. Photogenic (a) b. belonging to photography
photograph is called photographer… 3. Photographic (a) c. having interesting features
- Next, what the teacher should ask Ss to do 4. Photography d. a picture or inmage taken
its to complete individually the paragraph by photographers
with the explained words above in the 1D , 2C , 3B , 4A
missing blanks * Use the words above to complete the
passage below
- Check the results of Ss 1. Photographic 4. Photograph
2. Photography 5. Photogenic
3. Photographer
- Listen and repeat
+ surrounding (n): môi trường xung quanh
+ surrow (n): nỗi buồn
+ passive (n): niềm đam mê, khát vọng
+ exhibition (n): triển lãm
+ labourer (n): người lao động
+ stimlate (v): khuyến khích, động viên

3. While you listen a- Task 1: True or false statements

- Ask Ss to skim the 5 statements and decide 1T
subjectively whether they true or false before 2F (no information – information not given)
listening 3T
- Play the tape more than once if necessary 4F (The subjects of their photos about people
- Tell Ss to compare their answers with a and scenery)
friend. 5T
- Check the answers as the whole class.
b- Task 2: Gap – filling
- Ask Ss to read a part of the talk carefully - Listen again and fill each blank with a
and have a guess of the missing words. suitable word
- Have Ss listen to the tape and write in each 1. photographic 6. simple
blank with a suitable word. 2. 19 7. peaceful
3. exhibition 8. chickens
- Call on some sts to read the answers aloud 4. 50 9. stimulated
in front of the class. 5. beauty 10. escape

- Work in pairs c- Task 3: ask and answer about the VTK

photographic club
4. Post – listening 1. What is the name of the club?
- Ask and answer questions 2. Who are the members of the club?
Where do they come from? How many …
3. How many photographs are on display?
4. What are their photographs about?
5. What does their passion of taking photos
help them?

- Summaries the main points

- Retell the story
5. Home work:
- Write 2 Exs
- Retell the story

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 23: WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a simple letter of complaint
(about the poor quality of the service at an English centre)

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, worksheet (draft)

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
Teacher write 10 adjectives and ask Ss to put Compliments complaints
them under 2 headings compliments and helpful bad
complaints: bad, helpful, expensive, lazy, hard – working expensive
hard working, good, careful, poor, unhappy, good lazy
beautiful. careful poor
- Give definition and format of a letter of beautiful unhappy
- Complaint is a kind of formal letter used
when you are not happy with a service, a
contract, a course, …
- A letter of complaint usually includes three
main parts
+ Opening
+ Explaining the problem
+ Suggesting a resolution (solving the

2. Before writing 1. Newwords

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the - native teacher (n): GV người bản xứ
advertisement. - air – condition (a) = air conditioner: tobe
- Explain some difficult words equiped / furnished with: được trang bị điều
- Read the letter and get the information to fill - Read the letter and get these…
in the blanks + Address of the sender
- Explain Ss how to do the task + Date
- Go round the class to help Ss: the tense, + Address of receiver
structure… - Salution (salutation)
+ The complain letter (giving suggested - Reason for writing
information) - Complaints
- Solution for the problem
- Closing
- Signature

- What were advertised? 2. Task 1: Read the Ads on page 50. Basing
+ Native teacher only on the ads then give their discussion
+ No more than 20 sts per class - What happened to you?
+ Free books + cassets tapes + Only one native teacher
+ All air – conditioned rooms + About 40 students in class
+ 5.30 p.m – 8.30 p.m + Paid 60.000 dong for books + casset
+ The classroom was very hot
+ Waited for a hour because the room wasn’t
ready or the teacher arrived late.

3. While writing 3. Task 2

- Do task 2 on page 51 – work in group of 5 First of all, you say that there are only native
to complete the letter of complaint teachers, but my class has one VNamese
- Ask sts to remember the contents are teacher and native teachers. You also say that
already in Ex each class has no more than 20 students but
- Tell sts to use appropriate connector to there are over 30 students in my class. Further
make the writing. more in the advertisement, you say we can
- Tell sts to exchange their writing with a have books and cassette tapes free of charge
friend. but infact we had to pay for them. To make
the matter worse the classroom. Do Ex in
4. Post – writing park.
- Look at the letters, give comments.
- Correct the letter then selves

5. Home work:

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to distinguish and pronounce the sounds
// and /:/ correctly.
- Use the + adj as a noun, combine 2 sentences with which and review used to +
infinitive and which.

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Sub - board, tape

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up Write on the black board
Find some one who Did you use to cry at night?
- Prepare a two column table with yes/no go to bed late?
questions and Name be afraid of ghost?
- Let sts go around the class and ask other sts eat a lot of ice-cream?
what they used to do when they were small. If
A- Pronunciation
the answer is Yes, write his/her name is the- Instruct the way to pronounce the 2 sounds
table // : Short sound
/:/ : long sound
- The winner is the first one who completes - Read it again and repeat
the Name column. - Practice these sentences

2. Grammar B- Grammar
Practice: Ex1 1. The + Adj = n
2. The injured The disabled child
3. The unemployed The poor, the rich
4. The sick The old ...
5. The sick
6. The rich, the poor 2. Used to + V (infinitive)
Pratice Ex2 - To express a past action and state. It has no
2. Used to have present equivalent.
3. Used to live Eg: When I was child, I used to fish with my
4. Used to eat father.
5. Used to be - Where dii you use to go?
6. Used to take - We didn’t use to do anything interesting
7. Used to be
8. Did you use to go to the Theatre?
C- Which as a connector
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do Ex3: join a Eg: He arrived on time, which amazed
sentence from A with one from B to make a everybody.
new sentence using which - Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which
- Divide class into 2 big teams A and B was a pity
Exercise 3
- Call on some couples to read their answer. 2. ...... which makes ......
3. ...... which is ......
- Feed back and give correct A 4. ...... which meant ......
- Give remarks 5. ...... which was ......
6. ...... which makes ......
7. ...... which means ......
* Introduce: Non-restrictive clause which is
used to combine the simple sentences to the
complex one. It modifies the whole sentence,
it’s seperated the main clause by comma (,)
5. Home work:
- Do Ex in WB

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Lesson 25: READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- To educate Ss desire of science and technology and encourage them to use
computer effectively for their study purpose.
- Skill: Reading comprehension – Identifying, summarizing main ideas of the text
- Vocabulary: New words relate to technology
II. Teaching method
- Communicative.
III. Teaching aids
- Pictures or worksheet

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask questions:. Answer
+ Can you used computer?
+ Does it look like a TV set?
+ What machine is used to type / watch film / ¸
listen to music / do the calculations / play 1. Before you read: Answer the questions
games? 1. What do people use computer for?
2. What can be other purposes of using
- Ask Ss to close their books and answers the computer in the future?
questions - To get information
- Work in pairs. Look at the illustrotions of - To send or receive mail
different parts of computer system. Match - To type documents
each number item with one of the words or - To teach and study
phrase in the box. - To give advice / to cure disease / to do
- Ss exchange the results with each other shopping
1D, 2E, 3G, 4C, 5A, 6F, 7B

- Read the text aloud

- Explain the new words if sts ask
- Have Ss read aloud their matching 2 While you read

a- Task 1: Match the word or phrase in CA

with its definition in CB
- Ask Ss to work in pairs 1C , 2E , 3A , 4B , 5D
- Read pratise their matching
- Ask Ss to give on opinions
* Note: computers play a very inportant role b- Task 2:
in our modern life. They bring so many C: What can the computer do?
benefits to make our life easier
c- Task 3: give the opinion on ...
- Computers can help us send and receive 1. Computers are used in many fields in our
mails in a very short time. We learn not only daily lives.
languages but also other subject like biology, 2. People can use computers to solve personal
geography and history. problems with sympathy.
3. Computer can be used to replace humans in
- It’s capable of doing anything you ask. It the future.
can speed up calculations. It can manage 4. People haven’t got any troubles or
large / collection of data. It allows you to type problems when using computer.
and print. 5. Computers are used for working, stying
entertainment and other daily activities.
3.: After you read
- Ask Ss to talk about advantages and Work in group to dicuss the advantages and
disadvantages of using a computer. disadvantages of using computer. Find out
some problems that people encounter when
using a computer. Do Exs in reading section
2. Comment in WB.
- Give remarks and marks

4. Homework: Do Exs

Lesson 26. SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the uses of some modern
electrical appliances in daily life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner
- Practice sub-skills - asking for and giving information about the uses of modern
electrical appliances such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner in life

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, real activities

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up 1. Before you speak
- Devide class into 2 big teams A - Team A has to explain the words and team
and B, give A a list of 10 words B has to guess what the word is
about modern electrical appliances
and a question “What is it?” 1. 6.
1. TV 6. fridge 2. 7.
2. fax machine 7. cell phone 3. 8.
3. air conditioner 8. washing 4. 9.
machine 5. 10.
4. radio 9. car
5. electric cooker 10. fax
machine 2. While you speak
- Have Ss read out their guessing a- Task 1: Asking and answering
A: Can/could you tell me what cell phone is
2 used for?
- Guide Ss to do task 1 B: Well, it’s used to talk to people when you
are away from home.
It is used for + V_ing
- Give correction It is used to + V

* Suggested answers
- Radio is used for? It’s used to listen to the
News and learn foreign languages.
- TV is used for? It’s used to watch football
- Ss, in pairs, using the suggested matches and TV game shows.
words, to ask and answer questions - Fax machine? It’s used to send and receive
about the uses of those modern letters quickly
electrical appliances after studying - Electric cooker? It’s used to cook rice and
carefully the example keep rice warm.
- Air conditioner? It’s used to keep the air
- Have some pairs perform cool when it’s hot and ... warm ...

b- Task 2: Sentence completion

- Information technology is very useful to our
lives. It’s allows us to …
1. Store very large amounts of information
+ Activity 2: Guide Ss to do task 2; 2. Transmit information quickly
explain the meaning of the words if 3. Process information as soon as we receive
Ss ask it.
4. Send messages from one computer to another
- Have Ss read their completion 5. Hold long distance meetings in which the
participants acan see each other on a screen
- Read the words in chorus 6. make use of central store of information
7. send TV programmes to other countries
8. receive TV ...... other ......
9. design house, bridges, gardens and

- Work in pairs to complete the

sentences. c- Task 3: Ordering
S1: in what way is information technology the
Activity 3: most useful to our lives?
- Guide Ss to look at the ideas in S2: I think ...
task 2, then ask them to rank them S3: Why do you think so?
in order of importance. S4: Because it help us store ... transmit ...
process ...
3. After you speak
- Ask Ss to talk about the uses of - Do Exs in WB (1, 2 on page 32 + 33)
information technology. - Prepare the listening section
- Have some representative perform
in front of the class.

5. Home work:
- Do in WB

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 27: LISTENING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will improve their listening skill – listening for details
- Ss will enrich their vocabulary relate to the technology (modern electrical

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach and intergrated

III. Teaching aids

- Pictures, tapes and worksheet.
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to name some modern electrical - Name some electrical appliances Ss know
- Ask “How often do you use each of the - Tell what an electric cooker/a television…
items below?” is used for?
- Ask Ss look at the table
1. Before you listen
* Listen and repeat * New words
- worried - refused - worried (a): to be anxious, at ease: lo lắng.
- memory - headache - shy (a): self conscious, uneasy in front of
- VDU - excuse other people: ngượng ngùng, xấu hổ
- memory (n): kept in mind: bộ nhớ
- refuse (v) = reject = diny: từ chối
- make an excuse = say sorry
- headache (n) continuous pain in head: đau
2. While you listen
- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully 2. Task 1: Listen to an old company director
before listening to the tape talking about his experience of learning how
- Play the tape more than once if necessary to use a computer
1F: wasn’t worried
- Ask Ss to compare their answers 2T
4F: understood
5F: didn’t understand
6F: the man was having a headache and …

3. Task 2: Gap-filling
3. After you listen 1. invited 3. refused 5. anything
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer 2. still 4. excuse
about the man’s story
- What did the man’s son buy? - Further Exs: read and fill in the blank with
- Why did the man become worried? the most suitable word.
- What didn’t the man know?
- What happend to the man’s memory?
- What did the man suggest? 4. Task 3: Retell the story begin with …
The story is about an old man who does
not know anything about computer…

5. Home work
- Summaries the main points

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
Lesson 28: WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- To improve Ss’ writing skill - controlled, guided and free writing

II. Teaching method

- Intergrated.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books, handouts

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up - Matching exercise
- Ask Ss to work in group and match the - Matching
words in A with the words in B.
* Note: All the verbs are commonly used in A B
the language of instruction. 1. insert a. long bip
2. make b. button
3. press c. card
4. hear d. a call

* New words
- lift (v) raise to higher level: nhấc lên
- receiver (n): ống nghe
- insert (v) put things into another: đưa vào
- slot (n): a slit in machine: khe, kẽ
- press (v) put a steady force to st: ấn nút
- emergency (n): cấp cứu
- ambulance (n): xe cấp cứu
- remote control (n): điều khiển từ xa
- cord (n): dây dẫn
2. While writing
- Write new words
- Checking technique: rubout and remember
- Write all new words on the black board.
- Rubout all the words in English and keep
their VNamese meanings
- When all the words are rubbed, ask sts to
look at the VNamese meanings and recall all
the English words.

* Activity 1: Ask Ss to work in pairs to do 1. Task 1:

task 1. - Read the instructions carefully, guessing the
- Using the picture or real objects to explain meaning of the words in the instructions.
the words. - Answer the questions
Eg: Holding the telephone card. Ask : +
+ What is this? +
+ What is it used for? +
+ What are the steps in using a public +
+ What should you do if you want to call fire
service / the police or an ambulance?

* Activity 2:
- Guide sts how to do task 2.
- Work in pairs to find out the connector and
inperative form of the verbs from the
- Have Ss read aloud the connectors

* Activity 3:
- Guide Ss to do task 3
- Ask Ss to look at the remote control very
carefully then answer the Qs
2. Task 2:
- Listen to them then correct mistakes if there Find out the connector and imperative form
are. of the verbs from the instructions
- Connectors: first, then, next, until, …
- Verbs: lift, insert, press, dial, wait, …
3. Post writing
- Work in pairs to write the instruction.
- Ask Ss to do the task 4
- Have some pairs to represent the
instructions on the board
- Ask Ss to write the instructions in the

5. Home work:

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
3. Task 3: Look at the TV and the remote
control and answer the questions
- Work in groups to discuss then answer the
- Look at the remote control then describle
1. stop button – muting
2. start button – power
1. We have to make sure that the cord is
plugged in and the main is turned on .
2. Press the power button
3. Press the programme button
4. Press number 1, 2, 3, 4
5. Press the volume up and down
6. Press the mute button

4. Task 4
Write it on the worksheet
- Look at their work then give comments
- Do the writing section in the WB
- Prepare the language section


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write simple instructions on how to use
some house hold appliances and to pronounce the sound /u / and /u:/ clearly and correctly.
- Grammatical points: The present perfect, the present perfect in passive voice,
relative clause with Who, Which, that

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach, intergrated.

III. Teaching aids:

- Cassette, tape
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to close the books and write what - Listen to the teacher then write dictation.
they hear: He cooks some food for his friends. - Exchange the results with partners
Emphasic the pronunciation /u/ and /u:/ in
the words. Introduce the lesson. 1. Pronunciation
- Listen to the teacher or tape /u / : short sound: put, pull, full, …
- Reading pratice in chorus /u:/ : long sound: food, fruit, tooth, …
- Work in pairs to read the words - Listen and repeat
Read in chorus
2. Pronunciation Read in dividually
- Read the words loudly or play the tape - Practise sentences
- Ask them to distinguish the differences 1.
between 2 sounds 2.
- Work in pairs to practise reading. Find out 3. …
more words with /u / and /u:/

3. Grammar 2. Grammar and vocabulary

a- Give example to remind the present a- The present perfect
perfect tense Eg: You are a sutdent at this school now
- Presentation - You were a sutdent at this school 2 years
- Ask sts to rebuilt the form of this tense with
the usage of it => You have been a student at this school for
2 years.
- Guide them how to do Ex1/60 (+) S + have/has + PII
(-) S + have/has + not + PII
- Go round to give help if they need (?) Have/has + S + PII? (Yes/No)
- Ask sts to do Ex1 WH + Have/has + S + PII?
- Do Ex1
b- Ask sts to study the example carefully b- The present perfect passive
first Eg: We have just done homework
- Ask sts to speak about the formula of how -> Homework has just been done
to change the active into passive voice Do Ex2
- Ask sts to give comments on other’s work - Basing on the example to rebuild the form
- Give sts more Ex in WB then write the sentences on the work sheet.
- Hang their work on the board then check up
and give comments.

c- Relative clause with Which, Who, that

c- Relative clauses with: Which, Who, that * Defining relative clause
- Ss listen to the teacher and take note
Subject Object Possessi
- Give example for each kind if possible ve
- Explain the use, the function of the difining People Who/that om Whose
clauses. that
- Give example to illustrate things which/th which/th of which
- Guide them to do Exs at at
- Have Ss read aloud their work
- Call on some Ss to read their sentences Do Ex3/31
aloud in front of the class. 1. A clock is an instrument which tells you
- Comment and make necessary correction the time
2. A fridge is a machine which is used for
keeping food fresh.
3. April 1st is the day which is called April
Fool’s Day in the west …
- Correct mistakes 4. A nurse is the person who looks after patient.
- Give them more Ex on relative clauses with 7. The man who(m) you visited last month is
Who, Which, that a famous scientist …
- Go round the class to give help

- Do Ex at home
5. Home work:
- Ask sts to do Ex in the language focus - Prepare lesson reading of Unit 6

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 30: READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get more information about a beauty
spot near Ha Noi and some other famous places in VN
- To improve reading comprehension skill by doing multiple choice and answering
questions exercises.

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text book, picture.

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
Net work
- Ask Ss to work in groups in three to four Famous places
and make a list of famous places in VN.

- Groups work - What do you often do when you have a

- Where do you spend your holiday? in the
mountain or at the sea? Why?

2. Pre – reading 1. Before you read

- Look at these pictures to say: - Look at these pictures and match the photos
+ Number 1: is Thien Mu Pagoda. It’s o the with the information below and then tell each
left bank of the Huong river, 6 kilometres other which of the places you would like to
from Hue city. visit and give reasons.
+ Number 2: is Ha Long Bay. It’s a pictures 1D. Thien Mu Pagoda (Chùa Thiên Mụ)
que site, a wonder of the world, 165 2B. Ha Long Bay
kilometres from Ha Noi. 3A. The One – Pilla Pagoda
+ Number 3: is One – Pilla Pagoda. It was 4C. Da Lat (Lâm Đồng)
built in 1049 in shape of a lotus
+ Number 4 is Da Lat city. It’s a mountain
resort (altitude 1.500m) with various ideal
excursion places: Xuan Huong lake, Pine
forests, water falls, …

3. While reading
- Ask Ss to read the text in silence.
- Guide them to do task 1 on page 64.
- Read the letter individually
- Read the request of the task after reading the
2. Task 1: Choose the best answers A, B, C
* Task 1: Multiple choice or D to complete each of the sentences
- Tell Ss to compare their answers with a 1C
friend. 2D
- Call on some Ss to read and explain their 3A
answers in front of the class.

* Task 2: Answer questions 3. Task 2: Answer the questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the 1. They’re going on a trip when they have
questions. some days - off after the 1st term.
- Call on some pairs to act out the activity in 2. They are visiting some caves because they
front of the class want to understand their geography lesson
- Call on some Ss to read the letter aloud in better and many of them have never been
front of class. inside a cave.
3. It’s only over 20km
4. They are going to make a two day trip and
have a night campfire. They are bringing their
own food and sharing buses with some other
classes to make the trip cheap.
5. Lan is anxious about her parents’
permission. They may not want to let her stay
the night away from home.

4. Post reading 4. Task 3: Fill in the blank with the suitable

- Guide Ss how to do the task 3 group of words. Work individually first, then
- Have some Ss read aloud the words compare the results with your partners.
- Ask some excellent Ss summary the letter 1. is going to 5. their trip
basing on the work they’ve done. 2. some caves 6. only problem
3. want to see7. to prepare them
4. have learnt 8. her classmates
5. Home work:
- Do Ex in reading section in WB
- Prepare the speaking in WB

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 31. REVIEW

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the seat plan on a boat trip
on lake Michigan in Chicago.
- To express agreements and disagreements; give opinions on the trip plan

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach, intergrated.

III. Teaching aids

- Handouts, pictures, teacher’s book.

IV. Procedure

1. Warm up: Cross word C A V E

- Give out a cross word which has S U NS H I N E
horizontal lines and one vertical line. R I V E R
The word in the vertical line is made E X C U R S I O N
up of 7 letters from the 7 horizontal P A G O D A
lines. G E O G R A P H Y
- Give information/definition of the M O U N T A I N
words in the horizontal lines.
- Ask sts to work in groups and find the 1. A natural cavity below the earth surface or in the
words. mountain
- Each correct word in the horizontal 2. light of the sun
line gets 10 points and the one in the 3. A large natural stream of water
vertical line gets 40 points. 4. A short journey usually for pleasure
5. A temple or sacred tower in Asian country
6. The science that studies the surface of the earth
and its associated physical, biological economic,
political features.
7. A hill of impressive hight

2. Presentation
- Ask Ss to read skimming to
understand the content of Exs.
- Explain some newwords 1. Task 1
- Do task 1, 2 / 66-67 * Newwords
- Michigan (MI): 1 bang ở Bắc Trung Mĩ, nổi tiếng
sản xuất xe hơi.
- Lake Michigan: Trải dọc bang Michigan, là 1
trong những hồ tạo nên ngũ hồ.
- Chicago: Thành phố lớn thứ 3 ở Mĩ, trung tâm
thương mại và C.Nghiệp quan trọng, nằm trên bờ
phía Tây nam hồ MI.
- sundesk (n): platform: boong tàu
- get sun burnt (v) the skin hurt or destroyed by the
sunlight: rám, cháy nắng
- travel sickness (n): say tàu xe
- refreshments (n): phòng ăn uống, giải khát trên tàu
- occupied (a): being kept, in use: đang có người sd
+ He likes to sit in the sun and he wants tobe by

* Some useful structures

I don’t think so / had better + do
Tobe suitable for …
Why ? Why not?
What do you think?
What’s your idea?

3. While – speaking 2. Task 2: Work in group

+ What do you know about Tim? A: I think seat 1 is most suitable for Mary.
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Read the B: Why?
seat plan carefully and decide the best C: Because she suffers from travel sickness so she
seat for each person, using the can get losts of fresh air from that seat.
information in task 1. D: Yes, put her in seat 1. What about John?
B: Put him in seat 15.
A: I don’t think so. John doesn’t like air-
- Tell Ss to conduct the conversation like conditioning so put him in seat 37. He can take as
the example in the book. many photographs as he likes.
- Go around the class and provide help C: OK, I think Susan had better take the seat 10.
when necessary. What do you think?
- Call on some groups to conduct the B: I think, it’s a good idea because she wants tobe
conversation in front of the class. near Mary.
- Comment and give suggested

* Post- speaking 3. Task 3: Giving reason

- Tell Ss to work in pairs and discuss: It’s a good idea because …
Which seat do you think the most - Perform the dialogue in groups
suitable for you? Why? Use - Check up
information in Task 1 as suggestions - Write the class plan for your class in which there
- Call on some sts to talk about their are some shortsighted, imprepaired students
seat preference in front of the class
- Comment and make necessary
4. Home work: 4. Homework
- Write the class plan for your class in - Do Exs
which. There are shortsighted …,
imprepaired students.

5. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
Lesson 32: LISTENING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to inprove their listening skills through
ordering, gap-filling and answering questions Ex
- Ss understand more about the experience of a visit the botanical Garden and they
can use the vocabulary related to out door activities

II. Teaching method

- Mainly communicative, intergrated

III. Teaching aids

- Picture, worksheet

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask some questions Answer the questions
- Do you like going for a picnic? - Yes, I do. I often do.
- What do you often do when you go for a
picnic? What benefit can you get from a

2. Before listening Handouts

- Guide Ss to complete the handouts by Where When activities
answering the question below 1. park Sunday Play games
+ Where do you often go for a picnic? 2.
+ Where do you often have a picnic? 3.
+ What do you often do at a picnic? 4.
- Go round to check
- Provide them with some newwords - glorious (adj): rực rỡ, lộng lẫy
- destination (n): nơi đến, đích
- tour (n): chuyến đi tham quan, du lịch
- delivious (a): ngon miệng
- left-overs (n): thức ăn còn thừa
- botanic Garden (n): Vườn sinh thái

3. While listening 1. Task 1

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask questions. - Listen to the tape then number the pictures
- Who describle the pictures? in the order you hear.
- What, where, when, why to answer 1A , 2E , 3B , 4C , 5F , 6D
- Play the tape 2 times
- Have Ss read aloud the order 2. Task 2
- Play the tape third time - Listen to the tape then do task 2
- Ask Ss to read aloud the words they hear 1. was just a few 3. at the school gate
after checking they have already finished 2. to pay a visit 4. a short tour
their sentences. 5. Playing some more games
- Work in pairs to do as teacher asks
Work in pairs to anwer the questions
1. It was a glorious day
2. Yes, it was
3. It was a beautiful place
4. It was so peaceful and quite there
5. made short tour round the garden took
pictures, played games, sang song, talked,
danced, ate, slept.
4. Post listening
- Work in group to ask questions, make plan - The plan include
for a picnic at the next weekend. Write the + Destination
summary of the listening section + Means of transport
+ How many
+ How long
+ Who with
+ What activities
+ Bring any food
5. Home work: Group work project
- Ask sts to work in groups of 3 to 4 and map
out the plan for the picnic this weekend

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
Lesson 33. WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a confirmation letter responding
to a request and invitation.
- Skill: controlled writing, guide writing, free writing.

II. Teaching method

- Intergrated

III. Teaching aids

- Student book and worksheets

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss some questions Answer the teacher’s questions
- Listen to teacher - How many kinds of letter do you know.
- Work in groups to discuss They are business, friendly, invitation, love
- Introduce the lesson: The letter of confirmation apology, thank you, complaint, confirmation,
get-well …(can you name them)
- Have you ever written confirmation letter?
2. Pre-writing: Do task 1
- Ask Ss to open the books then read the 2 1. Task 1: Finding requests and confirmation
letters carefully. - Explain the definition of request and
- Work in pairs to read the letters. Find out confirmation letter.
the new wrords first. Find the requests in + Request is the letter that asks for
Nga’s letter and the confirmation in Hoa’s information or help
- Tell Ss to underline the structure showing + Confirmation is the letter that responds to
requests and confirmation. the request. It confirms whether the help is
- Call on some Ss to explain their answers in provided or the information is available or not
front of the class.
- Feed back and give suggested answers… * Request: Can you go shoping with me to
buy the things we need for the trip?
* Confirmation: Certainly, I will help you to
prepare everything you need for the trip.

2. Task 2: Writing confirmation

3. While writing - Lan asks you to buy some fruits and bring
- Ask Ss to read the situations carefully and them to her house.
find the requests in both of them - Minh wants to borrow you a book about
- Make sure Ss get the requests clearly wild life.
- Tell Ss to choose one of these situations to Dear Lan,
write a confirmation letter responding to each Firstly, let me congratulate you on your 15th
of them. birthday. Certainly, I will help you to prepare
- Ask Ss to exchange their writing with a everything you need for the party. I will go to
friend the nearly market and get them on Saturday
- Introduce peer correction morning. Luckily, Saturday is weekend so I
- Pick up some writings to check in front of have the whole day free.
the class as a whole. I will be at your house at 6.30 p.m on
4. Post writing 3. Pratice
- Write the letter in the notebooks
- Further pratice: Handout
Mistakes correction
5. Home work: - Do Exs in the writing section
- Prepare the language focus in advance.
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to pronounce the sounds / / , / : /
- Distinguish the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to and
use them appropriately

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach, intergrated

III. Teaching aids

- Tape, cassetle, sub-board
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Find some one who prepare a two column Are you going to … Name
table with yes / no questions and name. - take an English class in the
- Let Ss go around the class and ask other sts evening?
what they used to do when they were small. - spend summer holiday on
If the answer is yes, write his/her name in the beach?
the table. - watch the game show who
- The winner is the first on who complete the wants tobe millionaire on
name column. VTV3?
- go to the cinema

2. Pronunciation 1. Pronunciation
- Demonstrate the sounds - Introduce the pronunciation
/ / is a short sound - Play the tape and ask them to repeat
/ : / is a long sound by pronouncing them / :/ is a long sound
clearly and slowly / / first pronounce the sound / :/ but make it
- Help Ss to distinguish these 2 sounds. short (is a short sound)
- Instruct the way to pronounce.
- Correct mistakes if there are
* Listen and repeat
* Play the tape - Introducing the minimal pairs
- Find out the words with the sound / /, / :/
- Read aloud /ә/ /з:/
- Listen to the tape and practice reading. was were
some sir
* Play the tape does dirt
from fir

- Read after the teacher, try to distinguish the

differences between 2 sounds
3. Grammar
- Ask Ss to choose the correct sentence for 2. Grammar
each a- The present progressive (with a future)
- Work in pairs Eg 1: Tom: I hear Mary is in hospital, ???
- Study the sentences then choose the best Jim: Really? I’m going to see her tomorrow
correct sentence => I’ll see her / I am seeing her
- Listen and take notes Eg 2: Mary: Let’s go to the cinema tonight
- Work in group to Jack: Sorry, I’m helping my sister to do her
- Build up the form, the usage of each homework tonight.
=> I’m going to help her
Eg 3: Look! It’s windy and cloud. Run and
look for a shelter. It is going to rain hard / It
will rain hard.
=> It’s going to rain hard
* Be going to + verb without to: denotes st
planned before the moment of speaking or st
which is surely to happen soon.
* will - verb without to: expresses st
coming out of the moment of speaking
* Be + V_ing: denoting the future talking
about plans as in agenda (chương trình)

b- Pratice
Ex1: Choose the correct option in brackets.
- Ask Ss to do Ex1 Let themselves
- Correct their mistakes and give remarks. Ex2: Put the verbs in brackets in the present
progressive or be going to
Ex3: Complete the exchanges, using the
present progressive or be going to.
* Note: be going to is not usually used with
verb like: go, come, arrive, leave, …

4. Home work - Do Exs and prepare test yourself

- Do Ex in the WB

5. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate and do a test.
- Knowledge:
+ Listening and completing the table
+ Reading comprehension: True/ False exercise
+ Grammar: Finding missing words
+ Writing: Write a letter of confirmation

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach, intergrated.
III. Teaching aids
- Sub-board, worksheet, tape, …

IV. Procedure
- Have Ss prepare the test at home before I. Listening
correcting it in the class. - Ask Ss to read the table first
- Limit the time for each part - Play the tape 2 – 3 times
- Do the test in advance - Read the information in the table
- Listening section is carried out in the class - Listen to the tape then fill in the blanks
- Listening: 10’ Grammar: 10’ 1. 50 miles to the west of London
- Reading: 10’ writing: 10’ 2. 120.000 inhabitantss / people
3. market town
I. Listening 4. biscuit factory
- Ask Ss to read the table first 5. computer industry
- Go round the class to give help 6. in central England
- Have Ss read aloud their fillings 7. 90.000 people
- Exchange the results with your partners 8. University
9. Car factory
- Play the tape once for them to check-up 10. Cowley Road

II. Reading II. Reading

- Work in pairs - Read the text
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 to read the - One says the statement another decide if it is
text. true or false.
- Have some pairs to perform in front of the 1F (Teachers give too much homework)
class. 2F (They say that it is unnecessary for child)
- Calculating the points 3T (to do work at home in their free time)
- Comments 4F (Ss have to repeat tasks which they have)
5T (already done at school)

III. Grammar III. Grammar

- Ss work in pairs - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do Ex
- Read aloud the missing words - Work in pairs
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do Ex. - Read aloud the missing words
- Give correction. 1. out by scientists 6. organizing
2. opportunities for 7. inventiona/per
3. There is 8. Eve
4. Which attempts 9. It is
5. All the 10. It is wanted

IV. Writing IV. Writing

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the - Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the
content content the organization … of the letter
- Work in groups of 4, write the letter in a - Practice
- Hang the worksheet on the board after 15
minutes and give comments on other groups’
- Correct the common mistakes and give
- Give suggested letter in sub-board
V. Consolidation V. Consolidation
- Pronunciation
- Vocabulary and structure
- Writing
- Reading
VI. Comments - Listening
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 36. TEST 45’ – No:2

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Questions:
- Listening
- Phonetics
- Vocabulary and structure (grammar)
- Reading
- Writing


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives:
- To show Ss their weakness as well as strength and resolution.
- Teacher corrects the mistakes sts usually make

II. Give marks and remarks


Lesson 38. READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- To practice Ss’ reading skill – scanning for specific information - reading TV
programme schedules to know more about different popular TV programmes such as Quiz
Show, portrait of life, who wants tobe a millionaire …
- Ss will be able to talk about their favourite programmes.

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text books and work books

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up: Jumbled words
1. ENSLIEISON + Television
2. RWENPEAPNS + Newspaper
3. DIORA + Radio
- Explain the word “Mass Media” refer to
public institutions that report news. It also
keep people updated
- Give examples for each type of mass media:
+ Newspaper: Lao động, nhân dân, …

2. Before you read 1. Before you read

- Ask and answer the following Qs - When do you often watch TV?
- How many channels are there in our
national TV?
- How many hours per week do you watch TV?

Newwords about TV programmes

- population and development: d.số và PT
- TV series: phim truyền hình dài tập
- Folk songs: dân ca nhạc cổ
- Newsheadlines: điểm tin chính
- Weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết
- quiz show: trò chơi truyền hình
- portrait of life: chân dung cuộc sống
- documentary: phim tài liệu
- wild life world: thế giới thiên nhiên hoang
- around the world: vòng quanh thế giới

3. While you read 2. While you read

- Ask Ss to look at TV programmes and give - Ask and answer
questions. + How many channels can you see?
- Work in pairs + Which channels do you like most?
- Have Ss compare and discuss their answers + Why do you like it?
with a friend

a- Task 1 a- Task 1: Matching exercise

Keys:1C , 2A , 3D , 4B
- Practice: Make conversations
b- Task 2
- Tell Ss to read the programmes carefully b- Task 2: True or false
and decide whether the statement are True or 1T 2T
False 3F The Nature of language is the documentary
- Ask Ss to explain their answers by giving Programme at 15.15 on VTV3
evidence in the reading passage 4T
5F- VTV1 starts at 5.35’ and the last
- Check the answers in front of the class as a programme starts at 23.30’

c- Task 3 c- Task 3: Answering questions

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer 1. There are 5 films on
the questions in the book basing on the 2. At 9:00 a.m, 12:00 at noon, 7:00 p.m, 11
information in the reading passage p.m on VTV1 and 7:00 p.m on VTV3
3. VTV2
- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in 4. The Quiz show
front of the class 5. you should watch VTV1
6. The football
4. After you read
3. After you read
- Keep Ss in pairs and ask them to tell their - I like Game show “The price is right” most
partner about one of the TV programmes they because it is very interesting, easy to play.
like watching best and explain why. Besides the reward for the winner is valuable.
Another reason I like this game show is the
- Call on some sts to give short talks on the MC Mr Luu Minh vu is humorous and very
given topic intelligent

5. Home work: 4. Home work

* List names of some popular programmes - Summarise the main points
on VTV - Assign homework
- Learning E through songs (sings to learn) - Do Ex in WB (page 41 – 42)
- Rush hour: giờ cao điểm + The price is right
- Game show: wheel of fortune: chiếc nón kì + one is one hundred: Đấu trường 100
diệu + Who is who: ai là ai
- Who wants to be a millionaire?

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks to Ss

Lesson 39. SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- To improve Ss’ speaking skill - by the end of the lesson, Ss can speak about
differences and similarities of some popular types of the mass media

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Real objects, handout, reference books.

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Give a network - Look at the network and answer.
1 3 1. TV
What is
2 4
2. Radio
3. Newspapers
4. Internet
1. It was invented in 1925
2. We can listen to the news but we can’t see it. * Explain
3. It contains information and pictures - orally (adv): spoken by mouth
4. We use it to find information quickly, chat - visually (adv): seen by eyes
with friends and send Email. - aurally (adv): heard by ears

1. Task 1: Choose the words which are mass

1. TV, 2. Radio, 3. Newspaper, 4. internet

- Ask Ss to do task 2 2. Task 2:

The mass media Feature Provide/deliver information and intertainment

- Provide information and
entertainment orally (through mouth)
The radio - Receive information
(through ears)
- Present information and
entertainment visually (through eyes)
Newspaper - Receive information
(through eyes)
- Present information and
entertainment orally (through mouth) and
- Get information aurally
Television visually (though eyes)
(through ears) and
(through eyes)

- Call on some pairs to explain their answers

in front of the class.
- Correct their mistakes

- Give more Qs. 3. Task 3: Answer the questions

- Give 2 questions for discussion (The information from the above table)
1. Which types of the mass media do you 1. The mass media includes: TV, the radio,
usually get information from? newspaper and the internet.
2. Which one do you like most? Why? 2. The feature they have in common is that they
provide information and entertainment orally
(through our mouth) and we receive them
aurally (through ears).

5. Home work: - Do Exs in WB

- Do Exs in WB on page 45 – 46

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks to Ss
Lesson 40. LISTENING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to improve their ability to listen to new
editions through gap-filling exercise

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text book and worksheet

IV. Procedure
1. Ask some Qs with a real object for warm
up - Answer the questions
+ What’s it? 1. It’s a radio
+ What is it used for? 2. It’s used for listening to news, music,...
+ How often do you listen to the radio? 3. I listen to the radio 2 times a day
+ How many hours per week do you listen to? 4. One hour
+ What topics do you like listening to and 5.

2. Before you listen 1. Before you listen

- Emphasize the importance of news.
- News broadcast is a popular programme on - Observe
the radio
- Check and give correct answers

2. While you listen 2. While you listen

a- Task 1: Ticking the words a- Task 1: Ticking the words
- Ask for comments from others sts - Play the tape one or twice
- Pause the tape (when necessary) Newstory1 Newstory2
- Feed back and give correct. Healthy 
Strong 
Young 
Cloudy 
Highest 
Fine 
b- Task 2: b- Task 2: Gap-filling
- Let Ss read the two news stories carefully S1 S2
and have the guess of the missing words. 1. Has caused floods 1. Twenty third
- Play the tape and ask Ss to fill in the 2. Have left their home 2. 4,418
missing words 3. Have risen 3. California
- Notice Ss to catch the exact word for each 4. Two metres 4. Wonderful
blanks. 5. Has stopped 5. young and
- Call on some Ss to read the completed 6. Cloudy healthy
stories 7. Strong wind

c- Task 3: Answer questions

c- Task 3: Answering Qs 1. Heavy rain has caused floods all over the
- Ask Ss o work in pairs - asking and country during the night.
answering the questions given 2. Because rivers have risen
- Go round to offer help 3. The old man (woman) has climbed M.
- Feed back and give correct answers Whitney twenty-three times.
4. Because it has kept her young and healthy.

3. After ou listen
3. After ou listen - Some Ss present the story in front of the
- Ask Ss to work in groups and use their own class.
words to tell other member about one of the 2
news stories
- Ask for comments from other Ss

5. Home work:
- Retell the 2 news stories

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 41. WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objective
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a paragraph about advantages
and disadvantages of TV and other types of mass media
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach

III. Teaching aids

- Text book, dictionary, reference books

IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask some questions Ss answer the questions
1. What are some kinds of the mass media?
2. Which one is the most popular?
3. What are the advantages of TV?
4. What are the disadvantages of TV?

2. Presentation
- Implicit the meaning of advantages and 1. Task 1: Read about the advantages and
disadvantages by analysing the examples disadvantages of TV.
- Underline the key words of each idea.
- TV help us to learn more about the world
TV makes us passive. Which sentence says + Help / encourage some one to do st
good about TV? Which is bad? help us to learn / encourage us to buy
+ Make someone / something + adj: make
- Make sure Ss understand all the advantages things memorable, make us aware of, make
and disadvantages mentioned in the book us passive, make people violent

3. Practice 2. Task 2: Practice

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the - Give suggested answers
advantages and disadvantages of the mass - Radio
media and write them down in the column Advantages disadvantages
- Let Ss choose one of the three types of mass
media to discuss - It provides you hourly update news and
- Encourage Ss to find the ideas related to the information.
topics - It’s convenient because you can listen to it
- Ask Ss to share the ideas with other pairs almost everywhere.
- It makes our life easier and enjoyable.
* Suggested answers - It also releases stress.
- It makes people happy / lazy. - It can be boring because we can’t watch
- It makes life easier / enjoyable. films or sports programmes.
- It provides quick access to information and
- It enlarges / broadens people’s knowledge
and understanding.
- It costs people’s time and money. 3. Task 3: Choose one of 3 types to write
- It interrupts people’s conversations careffully
- People gets negative models. - Correction
- It has great influence on the way people - Present in front of the class.
think / affects people’s life.
- It harms people’s eyes.

5. Home work
- Complete these advantages and disadvantages - WB / 41
of them

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objective
- Ss can distinguish the dipthongs /ei/, /ai/ and / /, review the present perfect and
use of “because of” and “in spite of” appropriately

II. Teaching method

- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Extra board, reference books

IV. Procedure

1. Presentation 1 I. Pronunciation
- Demonstrate the sounds /ei/ : play, today, radio, they
/ei/ : afraid, made, mistake /ai/ : time, wild life, hight, buy
/ai/ : type, by, while / / : voice, noise, toy, enjoy, destroy
/ / : roy, oil, boy * Practice these sentences
- Play the tape and ask them to repeat
- Call on some Ss to repeat the sound clearly II. Grammar
in front of the class. - Review the form and the use of the present
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice the perfect tense
sentences introduce peer correction. S + have/has + PII
- Go around the class and provide help if - already, just, yet, … not, before, since, for,
necessary. …
Pracice task 1: Do Ex1
1. have been 4. have done
2. have lived 5. have had
3. have met 6. have taken
7. have watched
Task 2: Do Ex2
1. since 4. for 7. ago
2. ago 5. since 8. ago
3. for 6. for 9. since
10. since

Task 3:
Because of + N/NP
In spite of
- Have Ss do Ex3: Complete the sentences Do Ex3: Complete the sentences using the
using the information in the box. information in the box
- Ask Ss to compare the answers and discuss - Practice
them with a friend
- Call on some Ss to read their answer aloud
in front of the class
- Make necessary corrections

5. Home work:
- Call some Ss to do all these Exs

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks


Lesson 43: READING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- To improve Ss’ reading skill – reading about the changes in the country life
- To enlarge Ss’ vocabulary relate to country life such as bumper crops, cash crops,
brick houses, straw, mud, …
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text book, picturea about country life
IV. Procedure

1. Warm up: Work group Networks

- Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four village
and make a list of words related to the field
- Have Ss work in pairs and discuss the The country
questions in the book.
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud
in front of the class animals villager

2. Pre – reading
- Ask some more question to make full use of 1. Before you read: Picture description
the picture. Some simpler questions may be - Give suggested answers
used 1. They are pharvesting the crop collecting rice
2. They are working very hard
3. It’s a good / bumper crop
4. Good farming methods, people work hard
3. While you read
- Ask Ss to read the passage and match the 2. While you read
words which all appear in the passage in A * Newwords
with their definition in B - straw (n): rơm, rạ
- mud (n): bùn
- Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of the - technical high school (n): Trường THKT
words in the context dạy nghề
- Have Ss compare their answers with a - farming methods (n): P2 canh tác
friend - brick houses (n): Nhà ngói, gạch
- Call on some Ss to explain their answers in - Thanks to = because of: nhờ có
front of the class.
a- Task 1: Matching
1B , 2D , 3A , 4E , 5C
- Explain these words in column A.
- Give VNamese equivalents
1. Kiếm tằn tiện đủ sống
2. Thiếu thốn nhiều thứ
3. Cải thiện cuộc sống
4. Vụ mùa bội thu
5. Cây trồng để bán và thu lợi nhuận

b- Task 2: Table complition

Areas of
Before Now
* Task 3: made of straw
houses made of brick
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Read the passage and mud
again and answer the Qs in task 3 Radio and few family many
- Tell Ss to underline the information that TV had families
support the answers. farming
old new
- Have Ss compare their answers with another methods
pair. …… …… ……
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud
in front of the class. c- Task 3: Answer the questions
- Give feed back and correct answers. 1. Poor and simple
2. because they hope … their lives.
3. They introduced new … for export
4. He said their lives … had brough home
5. He told his grandchildren “study harder so
that you can do more for the village than your
parents did”.

4. Post reading 3. After you read

- Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the - Discuss questions: How can people with an
question. education help make the life of their
- Clarify some terms like: people with an community better?
education refers to people with a university + Introduce new farming methods
study. + Grow cash crops for export
- Tell Ss to look back to the passage to get the + Help local people apply modern technology in
ideas for the questions. farming
- Go to groups and provide help when + Help community especially young people.
necessary. Give suggested answer. - Access to ways of entertainment
- Raise people awareness about food safety
and environmental hygience.
+ Summarise the main points
5. Home work:
+ Assign homework
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 44. SPEAKING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- To pratice Ss’ reading skill - by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about
plans to improve life of a village and their possible results
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text book, handouts
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to work in small groups and make a
list of the ideas that can be carried out to Village life:
improve the village life.
- Encourage Ss to have ideas of their own, Ss
may share ideas in VNamese and ask teacher
later for English equivalences; gather ideas
and lead in the presentation.
2. Presentation 1. Task 1: Match each of the plans with its
- Ask Ss to open the book and look at the possible result.
situation in task 1. - resurface (n): renew, put new surface on
- Explain some possible newwords - canal (n) man – made water way for
- Have Ss do the task in pairs; tell them to irrigation.
give explanation for their answers - muddy (a): full of mud
- Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud
in front of the class 1B , 2G , 3D , 4E , 5F , 6C , 7A
- Check the answers in front of the class as a
- Give correct answers
3. Task 2 2. Task 2: Read and pratise the conversation
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3: Read and in groups of 3.
pratise the conversation.
- Call on some groups to pratise the if S + do (present tense), + S + will / can /
conversation in front of the class. may / might + do
- Brieffly explain conditional sentence type 1. if clause , main clause
4. Further practice: Controlled discussion. Eg: If the roads are widened, cars and lorries
Keeps in groups and continue the can get to our village.
conversation using the ideas in the table in - If time allowed, ask sts to make more
task 1 sentences with conditional sentence type 1.
- Go around the class and provide help when A: I think we should build a football ground,
necessary. too.
- Call on some groups to act out the B: I completely agree with you if a football
conversation in front of the class. ground is built, young people can play sports
- Comment and have necessary corrections. to improve their health
- Give suggested answers. C: A football ground is also a place where
people can meet and exchange ideas
A: What about a medical centre? I think it’s
necessary to build a medical centre.
B: That’s a good idea. If a medical centre is
build, people’s health will be looked after
C: Yes. And if we get sick, we won’t have to
go to district and provincial hospital for
5. Home work
Do Exs: Fill the blank with the most suitable word to complete the following sentences.
1. If the roads are …… cars and lorries can get to our village easily.
2. A new football …… will be built here in the near future.
3. Nowadays, more and more farmers learn how to grow …… crop because it provides
huge financial benefits.
4. If you are sick, you can go to the nearest …… centre.
Answer: 1. widened 2. ground 3. cash 4. medical
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Lesson 45. LISTENING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- To improve listening Ss’ listening skill – listening for information to compare the past
and the present of a town.and do true/ false, gap-filling exercises
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text book, cassettes.
IV. Procedure


1. Warm up have a nickname?
- Find some one who … Did you used to … have a pet?
cry at night when you were a child?
hate school?
2. Before you listen 1. Warm up
- Ask Ss to work in pairs: look at the picture - Look at 2 pictures and say something about
of the same town in the book and discuss the the changes in a town.
differences between them
- Tell Ss to study the pictures carefully and - In the past, there used tobe no cars in the
find as many differences as possible town, but now there is a big car park with a
- Call on some Ss to share their findings in lot of cars inside.
front of the class
Things In the past now/present
roads used tobe dirty very clean

3. While you listen 2. Task 1: True or false

Task 1: True or false 1F (It’s on the South coast of England)
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and decide if the 2F (It used tobe a small quiet town)
statements are true or false according to the 3T
task. 4F (A lot of trees have been cut down for
- Play the tape several times if necessary wider street)
- Have Ss compare their answers with a 5F (Some people don’t like the changes, they
friend and correct the false ones like the quiet and peaceful life of the old
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud town.
in front of the class
3. Task 2: Gap – filling
Task 2 1. houses 5. car
- Tell Ss to read a part of the talk carefully 2. hotel 6. shop
and have a guess of the missing words. 3. widened 7. department
- Aks Ss to listen to the tape again and fill the 4. cut 8. expensive
gaps with the words they hear.
- Play the tape more than once if necessary.
4. Task 3: Listen again and report
4. After you listen * Note: use the present perfect and used to.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs: discuss the changes - Comments on S’s performance and have
in his/her own home town or home village final thoughts on the topic
5. Home work - Summarise the homework
- Summarise the main points. - Assign homework
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks
Lesson 46: WRITING

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter
I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter giving directions to a
certain place.
II. Teaching method
- Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids
- Text book, drafts
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up: Follow directions 1. Warm up
- Call on some Ss to go to the board and - List the words which use directions
follow teacher’s directions. Ss who do not + turn left, right
follow the directions correctly will be the + go ahead
loser. + go past the door …
- This activity can be interesting when Ss are
required to follow direction like turn right,
turn left, go ahead, go past the door …
- Have Ss work in pairs and do the task 1.
2. Task 1 2. Task 1: Ann writes Jim a letter giving
- Hang the map on the board and ask Ss to directions to her house. Now let’s work in
draw the directions on the big map. pairs, read the letter and study the map
carefully to find Ann’s house on the map.
- Explain and check in front of the class as a - Write on the board
whole. + come out of
- Keep Ss in pairs. + turn right
+ keep walking
+ go over
- Ask Ss to write the letter independently and + walk past
go around. + take the first / second turning on the left /
- It’s the one with
3. Task 2: Read the letter again. Underline
the words and phrases you can use to give
4. Task 3: Your house is A on the map. Write
a letter to Jim, telling him the way to your
house from Roston Railway.
5. Home work:
- Write a letter in their notebooks
- Prepare “Language focus” section
6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

Date of preparing:
Date of teaching Period Class Absenter

I. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: pronounce the sounds / / and / /
clearly and correctly; transform direct speech into reported speech by the rules; distinguish
the differences between “when” and “if” in conditional sentences type 1
II. Teaching method:
- Communicative approach.

III. Teaching aids

- Text book, extraboard, handouts

IV. Procedure
- Work in group 1. Warm up: Sentence transformation
S1: “I study at Chuyen High school”.
S2: She said she studied at Chuyen high
“I like English most”.
S3: He said he liked English most.
“I have 5 classses a week”
S4: She said she had 5 classes a week.
“I don’t go to school by bus”
S1: He said he didn’t go to school by bus.

I introduces the sounds / / and / / by 2. Pronounciation

pronouncing them clearly and slowly. - / / has two sounds / / and / /
- Help Ss to distinguish these two sounds. - First practice the sound / / and / / then add
- Instruct the way to pronounce u. This is very short sound.
/ / has 2 sounds / / and / /
- First pronounce the sound / /. And now
make it longer: … Then add u. This is very
short …

* Practice * Practice
- Teacher plays the tape and ask them to - Listen and repeat
repeat - Read in chorus
- Call on some Ss to repeat the sounds clearly
to class
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice the
sentences introduce peer correction
- Go around the class and provide help if
- Hang the extraboard
- Ask Ss to fill in the gaps
Eg: 3. Grammar
a- Report speech
Direct speech Reported speech - Review: statement
do …… - said, told, thought, explain
will do …… - verb
has/have done …… - pro
did …… - adv

- Work individually
- Ask Ss to do Ex1 Exercise 1: Report the statements using the
- Have them compare the answers with a verbs suggeted.
friend. 1. 5.
- Check the answers in front of the class as a 2. 6.
whole 3. 7.
- Give correct answers 4. 8.

* Take note * Make clear the difference between say,

tell and talk
+ Say (without object) + clause
+ Tell (with object) + Clause
+ Talk (to sb) about st

- Give examples and explain the use of verbs

- Make sure Ss understand the use of these verbs

- Ask Ss to do Ex2: Complete the sentences Exercise 2

with say, tell or talk 1. told
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud 2. said
in front of the class 3. said
- Feed back and give correct answers 4. told
5. talked

- Review the form and the use of conditional b- Conditional sentence type 1
sentence type 1
- Make certain that Ss understand the main If I have enough money,
clause and if clause in the sentence If clause
- Demonstrate by analysing the following I will go to HN for holiday
example main clause
- The sentences have a logical connection so Exercise 3
ask sts to put the sentences in good order 1.
- Call on some pairs to read their answers 2.
aloud in front of the class 3.
- Feed back and give correct answers 4.

c- When – clause
- When - clause refers to “all time”, not just
the present or future. It expresses a situation
that is always true. It means whenever.
Eg: When winter comes, it’ll be very cold
- Tell Ss to work in pairs and do this exercise
Exercise 4: Put when or if into each gap
- Call on some Ss to explain their answers in
front of the class
- Make necessary comments and give correct
5. Home work:
- Do Exs in work book.
- Test your self C/91

6. Comment
- Give remarks and marks

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