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atal Hyk

What is archaeology?
Archaeology is the study of past human societies, primary through the recovery
and analysis of the material culture. Material culture includes: artifacts,
arhitecture, biofacts etc. It can be considered to be both a science and a
humanity. Archeology depends on science and scientifcal methods especially on
chemistry and biology. Archeology can give us details about economical, social or
cultural life in prehistoric or historic times. Archeology is based on soil
stratigraphy. The soil is made of a lot of layers cultural layers!, "hich "ere made
by human activity through the past. The uppermost layer is at the same time the
youngest, then the layer under is older, the layer under that one is older and so
atal # y $
atal #y$ is the archaeological site located near %onya &lain, in Tur$ey. It "as
frst discovered in '()*., and e+cavated bet"een '(,'. and '(,). -y .ames
Mellart. #e detected atal #y$ as a centre of advanced culture in /eolitic
period. /eolitic or a /e" 0tone Age is a period in the development of human
technology, and it began about ()11 -2 in theMiddle 3ast. The most important
inovation of /eolitic period is the rise of farming. In this period, people began to
build the frst permanent settlements and live a sedentary lifestyle. atal #y$ is
one of these settlements and the site became famous du to the large si4e, dense
occupation of the settlement and spectacular art. atal #y$ e+isted from
appro+imately 5)11 -2 and )511 -2. This is the period of frst pottery
2atal #oyu$ is a site of great importance for Tur$ish and global heritage. It needs
careful conservation process that ma$es artefacts preserved from destruction
after the e+cavation! and presentation to the public.
2atal #oyu$ is one of the frst urban centres in the "orld and it has frst "all
paintings. It is important for understanding the origins of agriculture and
The population of atal #y$ has been estimated at bet"een )111 to *111
people. The inhabitants lived in mud 6 bric$ houses "hic "ere all crammed
together. #ouses had no entries 6 people probably entered the houses through
holes in the ceiling, "hich "ere reached by interior and e+terior ladders. The
rooftops "ere also used as streets. All rooms "ere $ept abnormally clean.
Archaeologists indentifed very little trash or rubish "ithin the buildings. In good
"eather, many daily activities may also have ta$en place on the rooftops.
The people of atal #y$ buried their dead "ithin the village. #uman remains
have been found under the house 7oors, especially under the hearhts, plarforms
in main rooms and under the beds. The bodies "ere tightly 7e+ed before burial
and "ere often placed in bas$ets. -odies may also have been e+posed in the
open air before they "ere gathered and buried. In some cases , graves "ere
disturbed and the head "as removed from the s$eleton. These heads may have
been used in some $ind ritual. 0ome s$ulls "ere, for e+ample, painted "ith ochre
to recreate human8li$e faces.
Archaeologists concluded that the people of atal #y$ "ere gaining s$ills in
agriculture and the domestication of animals. They have found the remains of
cereals such as "heat and barley. &eas and almonds "ere also cultivated, and
fruits "ere harvested from trees. The ma$ing of pottery and the construction of
obsidian tools "ere ma9or industries.

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