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How to crack the 'Out of context' type Jumbled Paragraphs in CAT 2014 exam

Common Admission Test (CAT) 2014 may bring with it
2 questions asking you to pick out the 'Out of context
sentence' from a Jumbled paragraph.

Common Admission Test (CAT) 2014 may bring with it
2 questions asking you to pick out the Out of context
sentence from a Jumbled paragraph. Choosing correct
answer options to these 2 questions can improve your
percentile by 12 to 14 and incorrect answer options
can reduce the same by 17 to 20 in accordance with the existing pattern of negative marking in CAT.
Prof S K Agarwal, expert on Verbal Ability for CAT 2014 preparation shares the concept behind such questions which
are not so difficult as they appear. In fact If we recall our childhood school days when we used to solve small puzzles,
answer the riddles in fun and play, we may find that we enjoyed answering such questions which added to our stock of
vocabulary as well as sharpened the question solving strategy. Had we continued with it, most probably we would
have not crammed our head to study so much on this part of Verbal Ability. Nevertheless, since we have to face it, we
must crack it with a good skill and understanding.
Know the structure of this question in CAT
This question appears in the same form as any random jumbled paragraph. It consists of four sentences labelled A, B,
C, D, and are in a jumbled form. These four sentences when placed in a sequential order will form a coherent
paragraph but one of the sentences will be out of context and will convey a different message than the other
sentences taken together. An aspirant has to pick out that out of context sentence from the jumbled group of
How to prepare and crack
Try to remember the childhood days. What were the rules you followed to pick the odd man out of the four five
related words the same rule applies but with much advanced thought process and understanding to click the right
Look at the following small examples on words and pick the odd man out of the following five words

A. Detach B. Remove C. Steady D. Unfasten E. Separate

Explanation Out of the above five words while 4 convey the same meaning 1 is different. All the words should convey
more or less same meaning and similarly all the sentences should convey same thought process. If any sentence, word
breaks the coherence it is out of context or an odd man to be picked out. While detach, remove, unfasten, separate
all are synonyms, steady doesnt match the flow and is an odd man out. Therefore the answer option C. Steady is
correct. Similarly in case you are given the description about the process of construction of a building and in between
you find a sentence that leads you to the cost and managing finance of construction, it is an out of context sentence.
The process how to find the word, place, sentence which is out of context is more or less same.
Let us share a few examples
Direction-question-1 & 2 Out of the five sentences as given below and labelled A,B,C,D.E in the question, four, when
arranged properly, will form a meaningful and coherent paragraph while one of the sentences is out of context.
Choose the most appropriate order of sentences out of the given options with out of context sentence

A. Just before leaving the court, the magistrate complained of giddiness
B. Media representatives had gathered in huge numbers at the main entrance with their cameras ready. But, police
used a man
C. But before proceeding with the remand process, judicial magistrate held discussions with judicial officers in the
Madras high court
D. and was taken to the Tirupur government hospital for treatment.

E. with his head covered as a decoy to divert the attention of the media and took the magistrate through a back

E 2. C 3. B 4. A

Answers with explanation
Ans. Q.1: 2. C; Explanation Tone of the para is narrative describing the facts without opinion. B- opens the para E
follows a man with his head covered; A description of what happened during the proceedings and thereafter; D
follows A while (C) is out of context and diverts the idea while everything is centered about the culprit- C indicates
the decision taken by the judicial magistrate looking after the case which is a distraction from the consistent flow of
similar idea.

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