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Transparency Market

Cellulose Fibers Market is
growing at a CAGR of 9.8% from
2013 to 2019. ! "rans#aren$!
Market Resear$%.
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Cellulose Fibers Market is growing at a CAGR of 9.8% from
2013 to 2019. ! "rans#aren$! Market Resear$%.
Transparency Market Research
&tate "ower'
90' &tate &treet' &uite (00.
Alban!' )* 1220(
+nite, &tates
72 Page Report
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Re)uest Sa*ple
Press Release
Cellulose Fibers
Cellulose Fibers Market was valued at USD 12.63 billion in 2013 and is expected to reac USD
2!.1" billion b# 201$% &rowin& at a C'() o* $.+, *ro- 2013 to 201$. .n ter-s o* volu-es% te
&lobal de-and *or -an/-ade cellulose 0bers was !%"63.6 kilo tons in 2013 and is expected to
reac "%+1!.1 kilo tons b# 201$% &rowin& at a C'() o* ".1, *ro- 2013 to 201$.
2rowse te *ull report at
5e &rowin& de-and *or biode&radable% environ-ental *riendl# and skin *riendl# *abrics and
clotin& *ro- te textile industr# as been drivin& te &lobal -arket *or cellulose 0bers. Si*t
towards replacin& petroce-ical 0bers wit cellulose 0bers *ro- -a6or end/use industries as
also been one o* te -a6or *actors propellin& te -arket &rowt. 7owever% volatilit# in wood pulp
prices% wic is a -a6or raw -aterial *or cellulose 0ber production% coupled wit re&ulator#
issues due to &rowin& environ-ental concerns are -a6or *actors tat ave been inibitin& -arket
&rowt. Conse8uentl#% te world is si*tin& *ocus towards producin& cellulose 0bers trou&
renewable sources and providin& biode&radable solutions to various industries9 de-and.
Cellulose 0bers are -a6orl# consu-ed in te clotin& industr#% wic accounted *or -ore tan
60, o* te total consu-ption in 2011. Cellulose 0bers are used in various re&enerated *or-s
suc as corn 0bers% l#ocell% ra#on% -odal% tencel% viscose% and -an# oters *or-s in te clotin&
industr#. 'lon& wit bein& te bi&&est consu-er clotin& is also expected to be te *astest
&rowin& application se&-ent *or cellulose 0bers% &rowin& at a C'() o* ".6, *ro- 2012 to 201+.
(lobal de-and *or cellulose 0bers used in spun #arn is expected to reac $13.1 kilo tons b#
201+% &rowin& at a C'() o* ".3, *ro- 2012 to 201+.
'sia :aci0c e-er&ed as te leadin& -arket *or cellulose 0bers and accounted *or 6ust over !1,
o* te &lobal de-and in 2011. 'sia :aci0c is also expected to be te *astest &rowin& -arket% wit
an esti-ated C'() o* +.1, in ter-s o* volu-es *ro- 2012 to 201+. 5e &rowt o* te textile
industr#% particularl# in Cina and .ndia% is propellin& te &rowt o* te cellulose 0bers in te
re&ion. 5e ;uropean -arket *or cellulose 0bers was valued at USD !.6! billion in 2011 and is
expected to &row at a C'() o* $.!, *ro- 2012 to 201+.
"rans#aren$! Market Resear$%
R+P,R- D+SCR.P-.,'
Cellulose Fibers
5e &lobal -arket *or cellulose 0ber is considered to be -oderatel# concentrated wit top *our
co-panies accountin& *or 6ust over !0, o* te total -arket. So-e o* te -a6or co-panies
operatin& in te &lobal -arket include 'o#an&% Fulida% (rasi- .ndustries% 7elon% .ndo 2arat%
<en=in&% Sateri% 5an&san and 5ai )a#on.
5is report se&-ents te &lobal cellulose 0bers -arket as *ollows3
Cellulose Fibers Market3 :roduct Se&-ent 'nal#sis
Spun >arn
?ter @includin& 'desives% Sealants and 5apes% etc.A
Cellulose Fibers Market3 )e&ional 'nal#sis
Bort '-erica
'sia :aci0c
)est o* te Corld @)oCA
'bout Us
5ransparenc#Market )esearcis a &lobal -arket intelli&ence co-pan#% providin& &lobal business
in*or-ation reports and services. ?ur exclusive blend o* 8uantitative *orecastin& and trends
anal#sis provides *orward/lookin& insi&t *or tousands o* decision -akers. Ce are privile&ed
"rans#aren$! Market Resear$%
Cellulose Fibers
wit i&l# experienced tea- o* 'nal#sts% )esearcers% and Consultants% wo use proprietar#
data sources and various tools and tecni8ues to &ater% and anal#=e in*or-ation.
?ur data repositor# is continuousl# updated and revised b# a tea- o* researc experts% so tat it
alwa#s reDects te latest trends and in*or-ation. Cit a broad researc and anal#sis capabilit#%
5ransparenc# Market )esearc e-plo#s ri&orous pri-ar# and secondar# researc tecni8ues in
developin& distinctive data sets and researc -aterial *or business reports.
5ransparenc# Market )esearc
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