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Submission ReadMe

Version 2.0
Use the WHQL Submission Readme form to document testing exceptions included in any First-time or INF only
Update Microsoft Windows logo for hardware submission !ll exceptions must be triaged by "SS using the
web form at the following URL#
0ailure type and 1. number should be obtained from "SS
1f you ha%e a submission which has failures that "SS has identified as something that will be o%erturned on
submission2 please use the following process
) 0ill out Section ) and Section 3 of this form 4e sure to enter the DTM Errata bu number pro%ided by
"SS in the ID Number column of Section 3
3 "reate your submission pac5age cab using the Win6ual Submission /ool 7WS/8
* 9pen the cab and place the R:!.M:doc in the root of the cab 7alongside the submissionxml file8
; Sign the cab with your <eriSign cert as usual
= Upload the submission pac5age as usual
We will be automatically loo5ing at any ./M>based submissions which fail and specifically loo5ing for the
R:!.M:doc We will manually re%iew the log for the specific problem and o%erturn the failure if the problem is a
5nown issue which cannot be filtered and is documented in the ./M errata bug database as identified in the
Se!tion "# Submission In$ormation
?lease pro%ide the following information for your submission pac5age
Submission type
71nitial or 1@0 only
Re$eren!e ID %&s'
7?ro%ide parent 1. for
1@0 only Update
Se!tion 2# Testin E(!eptions
Aou must identify all issues found during Microsoft Windows logo testing Use this section to list all test failures2
tests not run2 missing test logs2 or inconclusi%e test results that apply to this uni6ue submission only
)S*+r!,ite!ture Failin Test Name Failure Type
7"ontingency2 :rrata8
+ll )S INF Test DTM Errata bu 22 34 dda5en
Tip 1f necessary2 you can use the copy and paste features in Microsoft Word to add additional tables to this
Microsoft2 Windows2 and Windows @/ are either registered trademar5s or trademar5s of Microsoft "orporation in the United States and$or other countries
Re%ised @o%ember 3B2 3BBC

Submission ReadMe
Version 2.0
Se!tion 6# +dditional In$ormation
Use this section to include any additional information that is re6uired for your submission type or re6uested by
0or example2 list delta information between this submission and the parent submission
7ro5ider 8 Mi!roso$t $ails 9,en $ound in INF $ile2 e5en i$ t,e submitter is Mi!roso$t 1orporation.
Microsoft2 Windows2 and Windows @/ are either registered trademar5s or trademar5s of Microsoft "orporation in the United States and$or other countries
Re%ised @o%ember 3B2 3BBC

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